I Found GUNS 🏆 GOLD 🎸GUITARS in the Best Storage Unit Find EVER!

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so here's the scope of what I've got so far pretty crazy hey guys it's Brian from retired at 40 I'm at it again I'm buying another storage unit today oh my god and I actually just won the storage unit this one was actually quite a bit cheaper than the previous two I paid eight hundred and sixty dollars for this one and it's got some interesting stuff let's go take a look all right well if you've never joined us on the channel my name is Brian I'm retiring at 40 I'm currently 40 I just turned 40 and I'm gonna retire in about six months with my wife and my family we like to live life simple on this channel so before we check out the storage unit take a minute to subscribe click the bell to get notifications of future videos give me a thumbs up if you liked the video it really helps without the YouTube algorithm and let's go alright we're here and we're all paid up and we're gonna follow this friendly storage lady here all right so the lady just opened it let's take a look and see what's inside so the first thing I like to do is just try and find the obvious stuff that's gonna make me my money back so let's see if we can find eight hundred and seventy dollars worth of stuff peeking in the side it's really awkward it's really strange making this thing almost looks like it's handmade and hand-painted we'll have to take it somewhere maybe and get it checked out to see what this thing's worth but it's definitely unique so the elephant in the room is this big elliptical machine right here and it's an octane fitness and I think it's probably pretty expensive it looks like it's pretty well built I'm thinking it's probably about 400 bucks all right so next we've got ryobi chainsaw that's pretty sweet then right below it we've got a hedge trimmer some bolt cutters and then we've got this completely empty and then we've got this another guitar hopefully there's a guitar in here it feels like there is it's a Yamaha classical guitar probably a hundred bucks maybe maybe a little more I cut this out of the corner of my eye this looks like a Calvary sword it says US Navy on it that's pretty sweet so believe it or not I think I've broken even already and I spotted this these are always empty but this one's not it's a rifle case it's on the back here that says Remington Arms that's a good sign what could it be it's like a 22 model 62 a it's in really nice shape before I dig any farther I'm going to clear out some of this big box item we'll save those mystery boxes for later really a lot of music related stuff now there's a whole bunch of CDs and music and records there's some nice infinity speakers right here and then I noticed that there's a couple of receivers that one's kind of buried there's one down here too this thing super cool and you can see it's really good size but it's a piece of petrified wood and that's got to be worth some money just being the size that it is really really cool lots and lots of boxes and we suspect that most of them are probably junk but there's a couple real good things that I found that I'm gonna save for you for later and this is notice there's an air pistol sitting here also and then I looked in this box this just goes to show you that you just never know what you're gonna find in a storage unit so this thing has another little I think it's a pellet gun this is a sharpshooter made in 1937 so that could be worth some dough check this thing out that looks really really old and really cool I can't remember what they call those with the blade like this so that could be worth some money also so my pile of tools is growing real quickly and I like tools because it's a quick way to make money they always sell really fast they also noticed while I was over here there is another rifle up there whoa - gamo silent cat so that's quite a few gun related stuff that we found so far and guitar related stuff and music related stuff so I'll almost bet you that there's a lot more let's keep digging so this is an interesting one it's either a bong or something for liquor maybe I don't know if you know what it is let me know in the comment section there's also some interesting stuff it looks like under here Nolan just found a pocket watch and this looks like it's real gold because it's multicolored and it looks like it's very old really ornate super cool yep it says right there 14 karat so that's a jackpot right there nice find buddy was that in here wow that is cool check that out those are opera glasses looks like he found another pocket watch really special wow this is awesome alright so we've got this box which is ooh it's like it's full of silver these are all silver spoons I'm guessing yeah man it looks like luck is on our side today for sure oh my god get all that that's the money shot right there this box is going in the car locked up safe because that's a whole bunch of money sitting in there alright I'm gonna move this shelf out of the way because it looks like there is more of that type of stuff we were just looking at like really old tools like Indian type tools and this box is full of arrowheads the whole thing is all arrowheads how cool is that oh my god this unit is pretty damn amazing this is right up my alley too it's in here ooh more arrowheads there's some really old really old bullet Wow supercool old muskets and who knows what this stuff is let's check this out some super cool glasses looks like sixties it looks like look at all this stuff there's an old bayonet it's busted off it almost looks like treasure hunt finds so it's in this box even more all right it looks like I'm gonna have to go to some kind of an expert to get all this stuff checked out alright so I'm gonna kind of mow through some of this stuff back here and get some stuff cleared up again and if I come across something really cool I'll stop and let you know alright so I started to open up this bag and it looked like there are some good stuff in here because there's this pp7 that is sweet ooh Ruger mark 1, 1911 with a 22 conversion kit that yeah that looks like it's probably world war 1 not sure what this is oh my god yeah I do I know what this hiss this is that could be the most valuable thing that I've ever found right there alright I've been diggin and I think I understand that you would never know it's back here piano so when I moved that mattress out of the way actually found this too it's a super old Johnson an outboard motor this thing's really cool yeah it just keeps on giving I'm gonna guess that there's a boat in these bags right here and I don't know how it's gonna be a boat but I opened this one and it's kind of these cross support things well there you go there's an oar there's a motor right there that we just found yep it's a boat there you can kind of see it's like the raft style boat with the with wood pieces I'm gonna put this in the trailer we're gonna put it together when we get home well we put a pretty big dent in the storage unit I think we're gonna call it a day well a storage unit has been pretty dang amazing and just when you think that you found the best of it I just keep finding more and more really just reassures me that I'm doing the right thing sort of till I get home and I have a house full of junk again all right the next thing I'm gonna do is blow up this raft and I think this raft is a Zodiac which is actually a really cool brand you can Google zodiac it's a similar to like what a Navy SEAL would use but I'm gonna put it on time-lapse and then we're gonna check this thing out it is a Zodiac so I started bringing in some the boxes from the trailer and I came across four boxes that say China and I'm not sure I think it's the Limoges it's a brand of kind of finer china but this stuff is just really really fancy it's an it's in pretty spectacular shape actually a little bit more silver so I want to catch you up to speed since I'll add the two silver things that I just found but I found the spoons that you saw earlier the platter you saw earlier I found a couple of these these are actually plated a bunch more silver scrap here's a close-up of those pocket watches I tested this this is a real diamond in here I'm thinking this thing is just gonna Wow me I think it's probably over $2,000 it's in really nice shape it's it's very ornate and then I was digging through some boxes and I also found some 14-karat gold this is all marked this is not so this will have to be tested but quite a bit of quite a bit of marked stuff so there's probably another $700 worth of gold in here here's another shot of all those coins most of them are 17 and 1800's found some pearls and some something I've never heard of it's called pink coral and this could potentially be very valuable here's all that stone tool and just little like arrowheads and fine found this really neat geode and I'm gonna keep going through some boxes this is what our house looks like after I get a storage unit but I have had a chance to go through all the boxes in the trailer and I've got two pretty good ones this one is all full of camera equipment so I'll total this up and put the value right here so this last box I saw a little piece of the drab green military sticking out of the side so I was really excited to open this one up there's a whole bunch of different stuff in here and I found another handgun this is a World War one Smith & Wesson so super cool on that and I just want to let you know that if you if you buy a storage unit and you find firearms in there you do need to run them through either the ATF or an FFL or take them to your your local police station they'll run the serials for you and make sure that they're not stolen or haven't been used in a crime and so I've already done that everything has been checked out which is super cool which means this is just money in the bank at this point so here's the scope of what I've got so far pretty crazy well there you have it that's all the stuff that I went through I did go back for the second day to go through the rest of that stuff but it really wasn't anything to write home about and I don't want to bore you with the trash and stuff that comes out of storage units it is part of the reality of really what you get in the storage unit but it's not very fun to watch so I hope you had as much fun as I did watching this as I did going through all the stuff really an amazing storage unit it was it was almost unbelievable for me it's not my most profitable that I've ever had but it's it's definitely the most fun one that I've ever had anyway this is me retired at 40 signing off remember to live life simple I'll catch you next week
Channel: Retired at 40- Live.Life.Simple.
Views: 366,596
Rating: 4.8669143 out of 5
Keywords: finding gold in storage units, guns in storage unit, guitars found in storage, found guns in storage locker, gold in storage unit, rare gun found in storage, found guns in storage unit, gold found in storage unit, guns found in storage unit, abandoned storage unit guns, found gun in storage unit, foudn gun in storage unit, finding guns in storage lockers, finding real guns in storage lockers, storage unit finds guns, Guns in storage unit auction
Id: zTwvTxrrom8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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