Wait are they from Little Misfortune? - Fran Bow

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hello my scrubs welcome back to another episode of brand bow now this is episode 3 so I mean where are you at alright I'll link the playlist right here or at least last episode this is pretty much the beginning of chapter 2 so I thought it was a great place to end it last episode so we could start out I'm gonna try to do a chapter at an episode and we'll just see you know how things go I would like to point out too that this was the character that one of the characters at least that was in Little Miss fortune and I thought that was super interesting favorite and Belle pointed it out right here like yeah at the end of the game there right there but that's crazy I loved about what games do that I'm also really glad of playing this because apparently they're working on a friend boat too so yeah okay we got to get this key but we have to like do what they want first oh well he's an old aunt why this keeps so weird oh wow you really are very big aunt who's there oh excuse me are you real you'll be asked the same thing always always what do you mean by always of course I'm real where did you come from I escaped oh I escaped the mental hospital but please don't tell anyone I won't tell don't worry but what are you doing here my cat is out here somewhere and I have to find him a cat you say I ate a cat a black cat yes sir a black cat with very big yellow eyes mr. midnight oh I see I'm sorry girl oh so you haven't seen it it happens to be the cat is eaten chewed in small I was just joking when I said that but I didn't expect him to say that ah so sorry friend boo well games over doll go home now eaten what do you mean the black cats came towards me in a hurry I was hungry I catch it I give it to my beetle Pig my beetle pig is hungry oh my poor beetle pig has it had any food in days the blueberry time passed by we all ate them what does that mean stop it get you see mr. Mendez the only one I have please tell me that you are joking a little girl don't don't cry I can sing for you if you like that might help that might help in this situation what will I do now you don't know how it feels to be alone I do know yes I'm the last one alive let me help you yes how can you help the digestion is not so fast you know maybe he's still alive inside a Beatle peg is he being fertile like did that really happen make it pom it should I do something like make a beetle pick bhami kill the beetle Pig he is my only friend I have left but I need the meat dude this old savage he's not a man killed my only friend and animal I need the meat I mean I'm pretty sure some but some birds are out there you know maybe worms instead just saying many options I can do it I built do it III will do it it's for my cats do it you can kill the beetle Pig and I Antonio the greatest he is that just great the greatest shall eat the meat where are you gonna feast tonight on your animal oh you Pig did you eat my cat oh wait if I just have to take pills Oh mr. min I just wait don't die they're gone like magic I guess we could stab them with a crayon what do we do all right it didn't tell us what to do so we're gonna keep going with an L I know oh my god is that a hedgehog sonic oh ok well yeah I don't have to really guess of what we're gonna use now use it whoa a terror the charitable acts I won't be the warrior and the Savior theme just need to take it back to those freaking people run in that missile it's institution that's what you need to do alright use you know I don't believe it I don't really don't blame him from running he'd really should if I was him I've run - I'm sorry I had to do this it's for my cat well you probably ate the machine version of it so I don't even know if it's my real kappa you gonna die today heck he's got me on a wild beetle chase well we can't go anywhere else so old man how do you stop him does he need pills it seems the shouting you're pushing it won't help baby I have to try something more subtle oh we gotta go all stealth emissions what we haven't checked this way Oh what the heck that wasn't here before hey well I could try to open it and see what's inside make an entry oh maybe the axe you know maybe we hit maybe we both killed the beetle Pig after all I mean it was innocent it was a feather Oh a feather chick with the goal I keep it I like it we're gonna tickle the beetle pick the butt or something weird like that I don't know okay so what I do with the hole must be a meaning maybe I put the feather in the hole I don't know nope all right you know I'm at a loss I don't know what it's gonna do but you know we're just gonna try it things don't have to make sense in this game you got the peels negative you didn't like that you don't like what I took them maybe I got a tickle him well the third is great great wake up sir wake up now the beetle pig doesn't like the idea of being killed I wonder why oh I see but that's completely normal is it is he at least he has some sense that he was old too but what should I do - then then you have to give him the special berries the blueberries but there are no berries in the woods I shouldn't say this to you but I have the right connections you want some berries I get some berries for you where he starts berries they live inside my house so you own them my house is in that direction be careful oh thank you sir okay so his pills and Alber on the berry game okay all right you know maybe now we can go in here oh it's a path there I didn't see that was that there before Bob he's right though he's dead no he's fine like we don't have to kill him a new word hmm look Fran I'm in danger you love my sound effects I think I hope you do well she need to lay off these pills these pills are obviously no good okay they're use tech crown no okay it can't be done all right so this is what the pills look like oh well now the doors they're great well what about the mushrooms those might work little tiny house oh it you would have thought that it would let you but I guess not all right this must be the aunt's house go in I mean it's very stuck well we have violence here that's what I like to do oh no I broke the door well I can get in well that's what happened somebody use axes on doors all right oh well there's some meat did he just say oh he said he needed me but does the Beatles really have me it looks like that I don't know you know whatever I don't question I don't question everything you know if I wanted to take the meat I can't reach it what about a paintbrush someone forgot to clean the brush I wish I could sleep with my kitty on this bed but I think under the blanket there will be a lot of creatures I love her train of thought uh are these pine cones oh these are the special berries are you sure I'm not on these berries because like what is this whoa you are very rare oh wow but scary dude like if I were to see this as a kid I would I had nightmares all right it looks over got to murder some pine cones here we go even if it works I wouldn't know where for all that purpose she doesn't understand the purpose no what about you I still your child just I'll do it again oh we have to do it in a certain order we got to take him out boom you first while you're distracted boom I hit you for sure stop it but you bad buying corn ate the berries looking for some reason I can knock him over and then and then and then no it doesn't work oh stop see ya this have a brought a pine cone bra that's hilarious I think I had to check him by how maybe were missing something let's try some what's this there's water in the sink maybe sure aunt likes to drown tiny monsters in here or maybe it's just very clean ends I don't know I don't know what is this underpants they smell good grandpa's soap seriously this game is so weird this is odd I thought ants never cooked to their meals are you saying now she can get on top of desks what is the logic sorry my dog is watching me she's like what are you talking about sorry I got distracted alright I guess I'm not the simultaneous that you can't see my dog I don't think you can I have to pet her and play the game at the same time so I think I can do it much like Arby's we got the meats stinky and raw meat for the eaters well maybe the pinecones like it let's try it I'm just I'm just saying it's pretty dumb as she did it like she's able to get on chairs and desks now but uh horror didn't work just knocked over again ok I haven't examined this that obviously didn't work the Queen the meat is this what I think it is no the queen of a meat never seen such a needy dog in my life just wants me to pet her oh my god what is this hey come back it's the spirit of the forest oh maybe we give the pig Meads maybe no oh my god is it auntie oh I didn't even notice it is his house is an anthill that's cool Oh oh my god how did I miss this how did I miss that all right so what do we do with this let's examine a a handle from a big ant store it's mine now so whatever we need a handle for it they won't allow me to take them okay so what we're asking about the berries they will never allow anything if you trap one of them maybe it'll be easier that's what I want to do oh yeah so they want a comb I don't have a comb wait but not I don't think I've tried using the pills in here oh my god it's so simple sometimes the answer but you just don't okay all right I'm not taking that bag now with all these ants on it that's what we need the meat for my god it's so simple all right yeah where do I put the meat though oh there we go that's what I wanted to do and now what is this the back shows ants anti bug sign hmm the bag is open oh I pulled okay we got a trap it's so perfect okay sometimes sometimes the answer so close but yet so far exterminators who are we exterminating the bugs oh my goodness a pest exterminator he's dead is there anything else we can get in here that I don't not gonna miss doesn't look like I can examine anything so I'm gonna assume now we can use that because we need a trap he specifically said trap oh here we go my berries Oh he stops them okay it's not so I gotta do that yike come on I got the berries okay I did it all right so wait we have to use these on the beetle Pig so we can kill it it's so messed up you guys just deal with that you pinecones there you go I feel so bad is he do oh no I guess I have to kill it now she's gonna do it she's really gonna do it you know oh god there's a rat inside it's the same rat they look exactly the same from Little Miss fortune Oh what you were not my cat Oh miss you saved me from misery good for you good for you but I was hoping to find someone else I assumed that you were feeling disappointed who are you looking for my cat my lovely cat mr. Midnight's Oh miss lady I'm not very fond of cats you know a black one with very big yellow eyes was trying to catch me really you seem to get in trouble often wait maybe he's my cat oh my lady if he is then he is the one in trouble now what happened I can show you follow me please it's not far from here tell me the way here we are somewhat took a mist they just disappeared be more specific I wish I could it looked more like an earth like the earth swallowed them if there's anything else I could do for you just let me know I'll be around well tell time oh he's dead now who did this year was it my kitty who all right what do we have now excuse me did you steal a hair comb oh the hair comb the shiny beautiful hair combed give it to Pete right away all right then but can you please comb my hair first that's all you would yes I could comb your hair she's adorable but like she's so she's so messed up you don't even know what's going on thank you my lady you were very kind oh well we solved that mystery gang let's go sorry about your beetle thing and all right there you go here's your beautiful coat misters are they she's coming their hair oh you friend the person you finally did it hook the key opens the door you wish to open now we fly south at last goodbye so I'm gonna assume that the ones that misfortunes probably they got to another tree and then got stuck there I don't know hello beautiful goodbye shiny misters have a nice trip I would have assumed there were ladies but I guess not and we got the key and we have a keyhole now so obviously we have to combine that okay well you can't but I know I'm onto something it's probably the well that's what I'm gonna guess what I know why you seen that glue you mean I didn't pick it up super glue for the attachment combine that with super glue hey it actually works use a put on this No so easier miss things in this game all right so doesn't work for the key all right I'm going back maybe now we can put it on the well it says make an entry so that's how we do it I know I'm onto it I know I did something oh I never talked to him the beetle pig is dead sir thank you now we eat there was a rat I can't so just so you know inside the beetle pig there was no cat but a rats I read oh I'm sorry you see my eyes are very old I also have heart problems and a very bad back I also suffer from narcolepsy and sometimes I don't that was that my Z's impression I guess did you know that I'm a bug exterminators show him that come on just what do you think you're getting somewhere in this game you can't get nowhere else oh he's okay he's talking about a portal all right I thought he's just saying the same things I see you thank you where's this portal I wonder is it in the well oh I used the ticket on him the text is almost gone oh they don't really do anything though maybe we combined this no I gotta get something going on I'm not gonna lie guys I am very confused right now I know what we have we have all these things none of them could be combined we need a portal of some sorts we do know that we have a well none of the items work on the whale make an entry but how that's the precise question that I have you would think Oh put it on there turn it into it yeah it doesn't work maybe we can draw our door no we can't draw a door so I'm missing something and it's obvious and it's just sitting somewhere that always happens to me man okay so yeah maybe we can use the exterminator thing on the big ants to wake em up cuz that'll give him nightmares it's just I am so used to everything on everything I know I have oh my god I have been defeated I've been defeated by the stupid part of the game I can't figure it out I've interacted I combined it everything in my power there's nothing over here I started to think of that I've glitched the game at this point and just nothing's working I can see that a lot of people also have the same problem I did I hate I hate looking for advice online unless you got you scrubs sometimes but I just can't someone said never forget to combine this stuff it's not working yeah they even said oh I thought you could maybe just draw the the door on the well see everyone has the same thoughts I'm missing I'm missing an item I don't know what I'm missing or where it's at but I'm gonna be so mad when I find it okay I remember a door fell off where is it there's no doors is that a door is that a door oh my gahh so angry oh my god I hate this game right now I was like why Makayla watch I want you to pull the clip up it'd be just sitting here just like clicking everything I didn't see that there's just little tiny things if you don't click it you won't progress in the game you're dead meat holy crap sorry I'm angry I got a combine this first combine BAM there's the bat there that's a dumb-looking door okay where no one's this is stupid oh my god what a curious little door I wonder where it will lead me mr. midnight are you here Oh someone's here oh my god it's data are from Naruto tell me I was wrong chapter 2 part 2 double personnality wow that was one chapter holy crap what oh my goodness where am i huh what is this a hat mr. midnight oh no your head giddy we're just a second this is not my kitty what a weird hat they left the notes welcome home beautiful kitten we hope you like your new bed be nice and eat your food I love Klara and Mia oh there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of good stuff here baking soda flour honey all right yeah I'll click an everything mr. Manette those girls they took my kitty it looks like the girls from the shining or whatever like the twins my head from a human I guess it's fun to see what people have in their homes let's see what's behind dimension number 2 well that's quite different isn't it so well oh because that's what oh because it actually is the well what the heck you're you you seem fresh are you still alive I don't think so like use common sense come on did your mommy drop you I can climb hey why why am I able to do this a secret bottle with a secret inside Oh another person oh oh you just jump off I need a bridge okay so we need a bridge or at least I know that what happens if I do this oh you just fall down alright way to keep the chimney warm no maybe we can make a bridge out of it it's correct I want to get a little further let's do that what's in this oh it's always the well okay alright well at least I know alright pepper oh he's good to dress up the soup yes indeed yeah but uh looks like a seed like a rotten potato one time we loved his sack of potatoes like we couldn't see it and it just looked literally liquefied it was so disgusting it was the most awful smell I've ever smelled in my life don't lesson learn kids don't leave your potatoes anywhere where you can't see them or else they will turn into water first the water oh we dance eat it eat doesn't have shoes okay what's this oh god where somebody thinks that matches light darkness I just respond just for fun [Music] this is a lot of items all right they don't smell they must be plastic flowers then know how she smells anything in this dimension more stuff mmm caramel sauce all over it's okay click everything each and everything what a tiny house in the middle of nowhere I walk on the beach wouldn't take so long that was a mysterious woman I like the blue rose I never saw a rose in the ocean maybe it's an old story their faces look familiar look like you but I'm not sure could it be maybe that maybe those were some of the children that were in there what is this looks like a picture of me now I understand what the deer wanted back in the hospital oh oh I put some flowers in this okay firewood in line to be burns cozy and warm a monster who likes goats a broom okay maybe we can use that for our bridge or something somehow the door opened let me see what's inside candles okay okay the sisters they look like it's so scary rose in a rose painting what is this letter oh my god well let's go up it okay darkness needs to be lit up I got this we just need to light light them right or maybe we can just turn on the light no the light won't work Oh foxy oh no I wish I could take you out of here mr. midnight are you here kitty meow Oh grandpa is it true I found you it's you oh my goodness my beloved friend I found you brenton is that really you oh dear finally let me see you it's me come closer please let me see you it actually is Oh friend I'm I was so happy to see you I missed you very much I had dreams about you and here you are thank you for not giving up I love you my friend I love you too mr. midnight and I really missed you Oh Jay a friend how did you find this place after those people took you away in the woods I tried to follow them but after a while I got lost my senses were too weak to track you I tried to catch some food to recover but something happened someone took me and put me in this cage I will open the cage we need to get you to Aunt Grace friend I'm very tired I wish everything was just a bad dream it's gonna be fine we just have to get out of here friend can I ask you something sure sure mr. midnight what is it did you feel my presence in your dreams yes in fact I did you told me to take the medicine to find you what medicine friend it wasn't really me talking to you I think so what was helping us get together sure every time I had dreams about you I felt the presence of something else what kind of presents for what I felt it was a human but it really was peaceful and kind that's magic so maybe was that like white light thing that was like we saw great to have someone else taking care of us friend did you hear that did you oh I'll see what it is I'll try to find key the key to unlock you alright I love you I love you kitty this is the sisters they have the same jacket that I had in the hospital so they were obviously from the same place it's extremely obvious a rat odo he's dead now hey bunny doll are you waiting for Easter do you laze do we do you steal the from a chicken the heck is that Oh little babies who sewed you two together it looks like it hurts no fry all right oh god this is not even the pills or no it is on pills I like this game oh my god why does everything have to be so great be in this game can't there be anything nice today scrub of the day goes to hey sprite I promise my strokes I will be smarter next time all right this game is just I really hope there's a good ending guys god it's scary like it's just gives me the heebie-jeebies next time guys smash like be enjoyed [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 171,039
Rating: 4.9802666 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, fran bow, bijuumike fran bow, bijuu mike plays fran bow, cute horror game, fran bow lets play, bijuu mike little misfortune, little misfortune
Id: _hxIgUROmFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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