Markiplier and Lixian | Best Funny Moments Compilation

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hello everybody my name is mark blair and welcome back [Music] alexian play some uh oh this is a great opportunity i i had i asked for this uh before lixian play the epic journey music that i told you about in the episode that didn't get recorded you know the one when i told you to play the epic journeying music that was gonna take me across the mountaintops so that i could reach a new land and be safe you remember the one right play the exact one that we were talking about before when i was talking to you and i didn't get the episode to you you remember it right right good thank you play it now that's not the song play the song you remember the one so play it wrong one you get it wrong again and i'll cut your hair off permanently [Music] is that the right one oh you don't want to be wrong are you sure go with it if you're confident oh hey that's the right one oh thank you oh cool it can't hurt to open one of the mysterious gift from the netherworld oh gold artifact well it's definitely mysterious what is it i don't know but the music's too loud turn that music down a couple more notches that's good right there no wait raise it up just one 100th of a percent higher if you go above that i swear to god god these crickets are just so great yeah that chirping noise is like gonna destroy my ears alexian can you cut out that frequency from the audio that's not a hard ass can you can you apply several layers of d-hum to this and ruin the audio completely oh no listen that that buzzing is at a very specific frequency if you cut out that frequency that buzzing goes away but that's the same as my voice [Laughter] beautiful classic wade mannerisms i'm lixie and i'm turning up the game volume because i think it was a bit quiet he's a little late to be saying in episode 8 but you know i kind of want the volume generally be nice and audible i don't want it too quiet too quiet too bad it's a very fine line don't mess it up if you mess it up everyone's gonna be mad i'm gonna be mad everyone's gonna be up don't mess it up you can't mess it up don't you dare stop oh are you sure oh is that too quiet oh is it too loud wait no hang on it might be too quiet too loud wait no is that too loud i think i can hear it too much oh no now i can't hear it at all okay that's probably pretty good yeah i think you're fine maybe you sure didn't think so i'm just messing with you am i maybe not maybe maybe not probably not maybe so make sure you get it right as always linked in the description lixium show lixium i'm sorry i'm sorry i i didn't mean to say your name wrong i just i i've noticed it's late in the night i i've been recording a while i've been saying a lot of words i didn't mean no no please no go back no lyxium i mean links in all right fine they're down the description below i'm sorry if you want to see more scary games you know where to find them lixie and point them in the right direction so right down there in the description thank you thank you lixian thank you so much for helping out you're such a oh you're just so you're so nice ah man i don't want to make you do lots of work you're such you're so great everyone should subscribe to you that's what they should do how long has my door been open back there don't trust that at all [Music] right about that no no no i i don't go in there it just opens not a joke listen don't worry it's fine if you you can go you may go thank you am 7 30. fog very thick midnight p.m dense fog continues oh that's all okay i i thought i thought that was more i thought uh i thought there might have been more about the thick thick fog but it turns out that there was not any more about that okay well you know to each their own lixie and cut that out for the love of god do not show anybody that looks eaten please we'll see looks in looks in okay anyway i'm gonna pretend like you got rid of i i'm gonna i know you got rid of that i i definitely know you got rid of that okay dead body not that interesting lexian this is just for you and me i'm going to put money into this and i'm going to count on you not to let anybody know about this definitely don't put this at the end of the video after i've already said goodbye just don't tell anybody about this it's just between you and me good hey listen can you cut out this music and replace it with something a little more festive you know some to really lighten up the moods because i think i think i think that's what we're missing here it's it's just it's too glum this place really needs like an oompa sound to it yeah yeah that's the ah yeah that's good that makes me feel better ah i'm just i'm just moonwalking out of here just because i'm like i realize i actually don't have to participate in this weird game of ladies i'm flexible i could make [Music] didn't see you buddy writhing on the ground back there hey lexie and zoom oh yeah that's that's that's a good ride that's a good ride baby all right goodbye see you around i can't close doors or else i would slam that in your face and never talk to you ever again however i can just only ask you to never never come to my house ever again man my flashlight is bright there's a person listening zoom there's someone on the ground you're naked why are you naked lazy and zoom but also censor censor that butt hey how you doing good lixian zoom i found the dancing room ah good thank you all right cool see i'll leave you to yourself oh oh see now that's spooky lick you and zoom up more zoom keep zooming zoom boom look at that mwah now that's a good look right there that that that's spooky that's downright spooktastic that's spookalicious ah spooky babe oh i shouldn't be looking at that elixir don't zoom on that oh hey how you doing listen don't zoom it's uh they're having a private moment i guess i need to go rip someone's ears out there's a hungry butthole on the loose leave a like subscribe do it or i will rip your ears off and i will feed them to your butthole time's up but whole time can we use those ears uh lixian put on like some hopeful music you know it's kind of like new beginnings i am recording right my mic is on correct yeah put on something like hopeful like new beginnings like mistakes something that evokes the feeling that mistakes have been made in the past but they they won't bog me down i won't be stopped just because of the inconveniences of the world around me or the the sins of my own past something something really really like heartwarming fulfilling soul bonding yeah something like that something like that lixian did you know did you know that would happen because i didn't how could you how could you if i'm not actually crying animate like some tears in or if that's too hard just slap me in the face i don't care i hope lexians keeping the music nice and high so that we can hear it all in all of its glory but not too high elixion you don't want to ruin people's listening experience now do you oh maybe that might be too quiet oh you never know with these things better get it right whoa do not blow up my farm you basketball legend replace that with something i did not say that thank you thank you always there for me when i need it lexie and keep the time lapse going but make it really cool make it like the coolest make it the sweetest time lapse anyone's ever seen make it so unbelievably cool that everyone's gonna watch this video and they're gonna be like whoa that time lapse that time lapse was sick that was like the best time lapse i've ever seen in my life that was just a nuts time lapse from start to finish so um like i don't know more than just like cool music and whatnot make it like uh something that people will really remember forever and i'm done okay that time lapse better have been good was it good thank you ding ding ding ding ding ding lexie and sound the alarm sound the music uh cue the acquiring angels all right lexi and just time lapse this because i'm about to go i'm about to go deep and i mean that both literally and figuratively i'm about i have like no wood oh god i'm such a tit oh god how do i don't you better have started that time lapse you i've seen you better start the time lapse i do not need people seeing this i do not need people seeing me fail to make a pickaxe i don't need it none of us need it so just get on his shears i'll need ladders maybe lexi in the timeline for the start right please to god please please all right i don't think i need the x but i'll take it anyway just all right okay time lapse go oh god oh that's a butt it's a butt it's a cat but it's also a butt i'm seeing a butt lick seeing are you seeing a butt on that overlay a butt on top of that the two cheeks you seeing that that's a butt that's a nice identification drawing right there lixie and zoom in on that oh man hey it's you you put some spiky hair on that it looks just like you no your art's better no that's not what i'm saying i'm i'm not saying your art no it's just you i mean you're you can see the resemblance take your hair off take it off see i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm playing that again for me lixian now play it backwards not played in slow motion but distorted now overlay it with siren heads siren call [Music] oh my god siren head is in minecraft elixion put on like some cliche dating sim music going on here real plunky real uh you know you know the type you love yourself a uh dating son came to you i know you i know you come on you you love them you you love them too much but i don't judge it's okay all right you go enjoy put in the music all right cool thank you lexian point out who the genius is in this endeavor thanks buddy it's right lexian you're here with me too right you and me and you and me and me and you and no one else and you and me ah what a fun day [Music] time sure flies when you're having fun right lynxian ah you uh with all your jokes god you're a silly silly silly silly portuguese man thanks for the raucous applause there lixian you're always on my side thick and thin that's what you that's what you are thick and thin right luffy yeah i agree i agree wholeheartedly with you with what you just said i am smart i am happy i am a good survivor i am so smart and handsome hand hands thank you i know right i really should have won most handsome man before i got trapped on an island that is an injustice that i did not win you're correct you want one lexie oh all for me oh you're so sweet all for me i do have to keep up my incredible muscle mass i want to thank lixian listen lixian i i'm gonna have to leave you behind now my career is taking off right now i am obviously the best and i listen i don't want to hold you back that's what it i want you to be able i'm finding success now now you need to find success so you roll on out of here yeah all right see oh that's cute okay bye also i gotta check some real quick i literally am stopping by because lixian is playing resident evil right now and uh i just wanted to stop by give him a super sticker and then uh i gotta get back to recording so i just took a little break to pre-slick seeing everyone preach lixian he streams games sometimes over on lixie tv if you haven't subscribed to lixian he's the amazing jesus that edits like the majority of my videos so uh if you haven't subscribed to him or given him some thanks lately just go ahead and do it there's a reason why the videos are edited so well and it's all him okay cool [Music] i heard a noise behind me oh [ __ ] okay this is the house i don't like that don't like this here don't like this here let's see to tell you chapter one oh scroll mouse forward to use lastly you can examine items by pressing q great press any key great this seems like it's going to be a pure classic haunted house experience haunted by the ghost that is lixian of course oh [ __ ] there we go hello hi how you doing hey what's up how are you doing lexie and hey what's going on hey whoa you're fast you're speedy i didn't know you were so quick there [Music] oh i can go through it fascinating listen put it in jump scare just keep everyone on their toes but don't tell them when it's going to happen keep it real secret-like yeah you never know when it's coming now that i've told lixian to do it you know it's on the way [Laughter] [Music] that would have been a good opportunity for it but he didn't do it yet maybe maybe he did maybe he didn't maybe you don't know maybe you never know when it's gonna come could be now could be then could be never maybe he's not gonna listen to me maybe he's gonna choose this moment to rebel hi i'm in a different place it's the same map but i was recording and i didn't have my mic turned on so there was nothing you could see lexie could you please play some very sad music very sad music right now i made a big spiel a little sadder actually if you could if you don't mind please thank you and i made this big dramatic speech that i was going to move because i didn't feel like i was at home and i didn't feel shut up and i didn't feel like i could really be myself by living in a hole in the ground i put all my stuff in a box and i did a big migration to this new land and i found something here let's get make it even sadder even sadder and i was so joyous because it's the first time i found one of these i found a village i found a village a beautiful hamlet full of beautiful people and yet all of my joy from finding that was not put into words because my microphone was not turned on looks good cut that out make it sound like a real cry no lexie i'm going to cut this out so no one sees it of course but i'm going to just like heave and you add crying in make it sound really realistic like like create like this sound synthesizer of my voice using all the voice that i've had in my videos shouldn't take too long here we go and all of that beautiful moments will be lost like teardrops in the rain it's a blade runner quote anyway so i'm in a new place cat be careful there's a ravine kitty cat you want a a steak steak kitty cat no don't run please i want to be your friend stay cat please eat the steak that doesn't want a steak stupid cat doesn't want my steak what was wrong with it i'm a friendly guy right i'm friendly again what the hell what the hell oh alexander sound the alarms oh baby oh baby oh baby oh fiverr yes thank you i am not holding that against you and all right kids are you ready to see your parents dance yeah listen make that family friendly somehow make this family friendly somehow oh i'm hitting the tiny ones how do i not hit the tiny it's because it's this i use the x yes this is better yes this is better yeah oh this is horrible lixie and somebody put on like happy uh kids game show music or something like that oh [Music] [Applause] no no this feels bad eight leather that's it oh god all right here we go oh boy i'll leave two adults ate leather i didn't get any more all right see you around guys you oh how do i get home how do i get home lexie and make this really dramatic how do i get home i'm lost i'm lost in the woods i don't know where my family is ah i don't know where anything is please don't kill me [Music] i'm so lost i'm like a baby in the woods please won't someone have mercy on me [Music] i can't find anything ow actually ow wait hang on no stop it was all a joke i didn't mean it could get me home is that my fire no no no no no no lixian jump scare him to where the description is it's just try to point down there but in a scary way you know what i mean no a very scary arrow pointing down make sense okay cool that'll be good thank you thank you for that and boy that was scary cool good it's down there more scary games are down there let's see did you do that scum that jump scare the scum scare the scum come scare the jump scare with the skunk scare him with a skunk good job thank you alright so that was three scary games hope you enjoyed that i know i did did you get spooked did you maybe you haven't yet maybe it's still coming you know and it's gonna show up leave a like if you got spooked subscribe for more and that's where i kind of like draw the lines like sure write a wikipedia article about whatever you want but if you're gonna write a book and sell it for money don't put emotions in my face don't stuff emotions down my throat that's that's a that's a that's a no no mr walney ah okay all right back into the world of scp containment bridge is going to be zoomed in but it's going to be i've relixion i'm sorry i've removed like 90 of your jokes you can't zoom in what are you gonna do zoom in on an eyeball that's not funny that's not funny at all what are you gonna zoom in on a tooth my blue tongue which is perfectly normal and natural i'm hoping that this build is going to be more stable yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay whatever we're moving on what the hell ah no it's probably nothing there was nothing there right i thought i saw something i have some goodies hmm i have some things i can you explain that what happened lexie did you see what happened because i did not see what happened please explain explain to me and i cranked up the volume a little bit hopefully i didn't throw everything off if he did i'm sorry lixie and him lexi please you don't need to be so sassy with me i was just i was just trying to make it better for you man please please look [ __ ] please you gotta understand i'm just trying i'm trying to be a good youtuber here please look stop where's the empty this time [Music] okay thank you thank you thank you lindsay oh my [ __ ] out here in my [ __ ] is this where i put my hammer it is it is where i put my hammer oh crap oh crap oh no come on jumping out there i am seeing something out there oh no oh no don't get me no don't get me [Music] please let's see why you gotta be so spooky who knew that these woods were haunted by the one and only lixian the most dangerous beast of them all the evilest creature to ever haunt time to hammer it lexi and i i'm doing i'm doing it aren't i i i'm appeasing you please oh perfect there there we are all better all better time to relax and watch tv like the good boy i am uh oh big [ __ ] please victory please i'm very good boy looks like that's a good if only i knew how to prevent this you know honestly i haven't got a clue moving on okay oh i'm not gonna read all this oh this is so much to read the lore let's see and summarize it for me and then somehow get it to me uh in reverse time so that i know it now and i don't have to know it later it's an infusion of knowledge in my face all the effects are so glowy okay anyway now i know i know it's all about it's a man with a face of cage i'm sorry ghost of my mom and dad who's clearly oh bessie bessie no bessie you want paper plane complain i can't throw a plane at you alexian the animated paper plane going in and hitting off of bessie's nose there ah yeah that was real good that was worth the effort to put into making that happen i'm glad i asked that how much lyxia in favor do i have in every video it's got to be a limited amount i can't just ask willy nilly and that definitely drained the resources yeah i'm sorry elixin seems to maybe be uh there might be a uh oh paper plane move paper plane let's do the paper plane throw a plane clear blade airplane [Applause] this different wait is this different am i crazy this feels uh well this is awfully okay well i don't have a plane plane would be nice plain jane plane can't plane how plane do plane do lexi and throw a plane across the screen oh i got a lava pit well i might as well just burn this diamond pickaxe it's pretty much dead right there's no way to repair something right someone speak before i do this there she goes i probably upset someone i sense a disturbance in the force i said some people give oh no what have i done what did i do did i do something bad ah whatever if i did i'll own the mistake or i'll blame someone else like lixian hey lixian why didn't you stop me from doing that stupid thing unless it wasn't a stupid thing and then it's fine but come on good job at failing glad we cleared that up okay all right he'll never do it again um [Music] alexia make this good can you make it good can is this video recoverable is this video good have you like which one did you start it on which which uh beginning did you start it on i'll just start over again [Music] all right i don't know anyway it's a big ass engineer i whoa oh i get so confused i was so confused i felt a box trapped down there i thought tiny box team came to save i'm dead was it hiding on the wall lixian was it hiding on the wall did i just miss it did i not see it i don't know yeah i'm guessing there's some kind of chemical leak in the air hey look seeing what was that can we get a playback of whatever that was please can i get a playback whatever that was okay were you where were you where were you what were you leaving if you guys want to see more of it stay tuned subscribe for more ring the bell oh like just this is so weird lexi and i'm not crazy right this is cool right okay cool high five all right cool we're on the same page he makes games he makes games he makes a game he made me a game did you see that he made me a game a little game for my birthday it's not special and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Tom 509
Views: 192,331
Rating: 4.9635897 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier and lixian, markiplier funny moments, markiplier, lixian, markiplier rage, markiplier raft, markiplier best reactions, markiplier compilation, markiplier and amy, markiplier and ethan, lixian and markiplier moments, markiplier and lixian messing with each other, markiplier and lixian funny moments, tik tok, markiplier try not to laugh, markiplier scary games, markiplier among us, markiplier phasmophobia, markiplier minecraft, markiplier best moments, markiplier funny
Id: lhOjbXl4mZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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