OFFICIAL FREE FULL LENGTH MOVIE | "Birches" - Christian Drama

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[Music] [Music] i'd like to get away from earth a while and then come back to it and begin over earth the right place for love i don't know where it's likely to go better i'd like to go by climbing a birch tree and climbing black branches of a snow white trunk towards heaven till the tree could bear no more but dip its top and set me down again that would be good both going and coming back one could do worse than to be a swinger of verges that's beautiful it is can i get you some tea [Music] [Music] i'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] david um david [Applause] david david [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so dear kenneth thank you for all the hard work you put in over the years as my literary agent [Applause] however i regret to inform you that i will no longer be needing your services i will be retiring thank you for your understanding warmness regards dave [Applause] [Music] is that it yep open it i still get nervous [Applause] oh the cover turned out nice yeah yeah now were you right oh you were right yeah it does make it look like i'm trying hard doesn't it i told you so why a bomber jacket it was your idea but hey we have a book [Applause] [Music] how we gonna fix that no you just put a sticker [Music] so kenneth what are you doing here what'd you think i would do when i got your email got the first plane out of nashville david you can't just quit this is what you do it's more than that it's who you are i'm not gonna i'm not gonna trail myself around like some bereavement sideshow i'm not going to that won't happen but listen if you need to take six months even a year just take some time and back away i think if you do that and pray about it something will come to you how often do you people recycle their tragedies just to offer them back up as ministries jessica's gone ask yourself this what are you going to do with the rest of your life listen we've got the convention next week we're already committed we're under contract honor that contract that point you can decide what you want to do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello david angela what are you what are you doing here making sure you're still eating it's a bit chilly out here just standing around you like to come in for tea i'd love that how's the old group uh peter mike jenny and um graham graham yeah you still stay in touch with them yeah yeah that's partly why i'm here jessica wrote to me she wanted me to do something for her for you she asked me to get the old church youth group back together again help you reconnect i've got a place in the country i've turned into a bed and breakfast i thought we could um all come together there have a bit of a retreat angela i don't i don't think i'm ready to be around people yet she also gave me something that she wanted to give to you what she asked me not to tell you or give it to you until after we've come together that doesn't sound like jessica at all that's what she requested well i think if you have something for me you should go ahead and give it to me i'm just following her instructions david angela doesn't belong to you it belongs to me you know i can imagine coming together with old friends is the very last thing you want to do right now but please think about it jessica [Music] wait slow down come on david keep up are you filming my bug no it's awfully cute though [Music] oh is it this way i i thought you knew i have no idea come on i think we're lost [Music] it is beautiful we should carve our initials in the tree what you used to do when we were kids oh wait it's not good for the tree you know oh where's your old man excited come on i'd like to go by climbing a birch tree and climb black branches and a snow white trunk toward heaven [Music] i love you would you climb into a birch tree for me i ruined a perfectly good uh pen knife covering our initials in a tree for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jessica [Music] yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello angela [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um oh let me help you with that angela oh it's okay jenny only one pack of angela i hope you're not rashing with the alcohol this weekend you haven't changed much have you mike oh peter it's fine peter's just making an attempt at humor that's all should we wait to open it until we get nonsense we shouldn't have to suffer because of the yanks tardiness should we stop it mike shall i do the honours i don't know what to say to him i mean what do you say to someone who's just just offer your condolences like any well-meaning human would follow my lead if you need to do you ever wonder what it's like but what's like well you know if your family everything you've known just all of a sudden gone i prefer not to think of such things right david i'm so glad you decided to come leave your stuff coming up [Applause] look who's here hey everyone give us a hug old chap hey mike listen i'm sorry i didn't make it at a funeral no i hadn't heard until angela called me it's fine no i feel terrible i should have been there it's quite all right really well then graham hey hello david nice to see you you as well hey peter david um i uh uh well i i i we're sorry for your loss david yes uh truly thank you thank you jenny look david we're all really glad you came it's good to see everyone chuck take care please thank you okay for a drink david i would cheers [Music] ah let's cost a fortune to run this place angela yeah if i had more cash i'd make the living areas more liveable and get the really old interesting bits into the sort of state where people can come and see them properly you know so the foundations are roman in origin and above us it sucks and hall was erected only to be replaced by a norman house in the late 11th century but what's your found history more interesting by the time the 17th century was underway the norman building had been largely demolished and replaced in most of the existing houses i don't like it down here oh what what is it is this an 82 bordeaux yes it is but i was saving it for a special occasion well i would say this is a special occasion i i didn't mean it like that sorry david i it's okay mike i know what you meant i was saving it for my 20th wedding anniversary which is yeah let's drink it william right let's finish up the history lesson and get to the fun and this is the man of the house now that my husband's left me up here we've got six bedrooms including two oak panel bed chambers [Music] and this is our priest hole which was a sort of secret cupboard where fugitive priests used to hide i hope none of the poor catholics were claustrophobic like me on a claustrophobic scale of one to ten where does this come gray eleven this will be your room david is that all right as long as the members of your pay in public aren't scheduled to come strolling through here tomorrow morning i think i would prefer the ghost instead well there's no visitors this weekend can't speak for the ghosts though well good luck david now this little bottle is not going to drink itself have you always been claustrophobic yeah don't you remember you locked me in a cupboard at that hostel in therapy ever since i can't help it i'm sorry if it expose your party but i can't help feeling the way i do and the way you feel is what exactly well there isn't anything exactly nothing exactly anything is it well not in my world anyway or perhaps you will live in a different world to the one i had to get up with and grapple with every morning you know i think i know your trouble mike your problem is you've never really recovered from the shock of finding that nobody objects to you wearing skinny jeans anymore all right all right you can always have a laugh at my expense but it doesn't change anything and for everyone's information i don't go to church anymore i haven't been in years i want to go back to what you were saying mike about the way you feel the way i feel the way i feel being here with all of you right now is very very disappointed i don't know what to say to that mike oh i don't mean i'm disappointed with you jenny or anyone else around this table for that matter well then we don't follow i'm disappointed with god of course oh wasting no time are we mike straight in with the heavy stuff you can't be disappointed with god current god is perfect scripture oh don't give me the scripture if everything came down to scripture the pharisees would win well he's not wrong there you're right david i'm fine this this should be the last one you want any help thank you yeah here actually like doing this so this something that you can see results in my line of work you don't really see much of that but you impact people yeah but how do you measure that [Music] well i've read all your books and they're as inspiring to me now as you were back in our youth group you've always had a way with words not really feeling very inspiring are you giving it all up [Music] i don't know what are you two doing leave that i'll do it later come on come and join us not only is this weekend what jessica wanted but it gives us a chance to all reconnect to go back i'm so thankful for that it means so much to me and to jessica that all of you came and i'd i'd like to ask for everyone to make a commitment to be as open and vulnerable as possible i thought we could begin by filling each other in on what's going on in our lives at the moment uh but i'd love to get to the point where we can be you know really authentic so um well i suppose i can start um i'm on my own here now obviously trying to keep the business going with a little bit of paid help after my husband and i separated your husband was an idiot oh thank you mike right okay uh i've been married and divorced twice i do a little bit of this and i do a little bit of that mostly connected with the automobile industry i came here because angela is single again and i wanted to see if she was still as attractive she was when we were back in secondary school apologies you want the truth i came here this weekend because there'll mike please what's your problem seriously all right i came here because i wanted to see you not again jenny uh well i'm still single i've been married never even had the serious boyfriend to speak of oh come on you can do it um i live in northampton i work for an international aid agency in milton keynes um and i came here because well i really wanted to catch up with old friends well these days i sell hats cases and umbrellas from a small shop in harrogate and i came here hoping that god would find the opportunity to do something important peter grange still solid as a block of concrete hasn't changed a bit and to think i always used to use you as a sort of i don't know reassurance boys mike what do you mean by reassurance well he was a reassurance i suppose well let's just say he was one of the ones who were always so sure about everything i agree i always envied that about you peter the way that you could see such deep matters in absolutes then move forward as if the thought the the idea the issue need never be addressed again half the time i can hardly pick out my morning wardrobe without being unsure whether it's the right look for the day that's probably why my wife insists she choose for me oh come on everyone you know what i'm talking about you go to the services on wednesday and sunday you sing the choruses you listen to what everyone else says about god speaking to them then you say a few things yourself in the right sort of language to show you're a fully fledged member of the club well the truth is i've never experienced or felt the right things up there now [Music] because other people like peter here have got the right confidence and faith to keep us all going i used to say to myself one day things are going to happen for me and when they do i'll be just like old peter here and everything will be all right [Music] [Applause] what was that it's nothing it's the window gets behind the old barn door and smashes it against the wall david you give me a hand uh yes of course [Music] david can you pull this door shut yeah i've replaced these hinted once already must be all kinds of stuff to fix it on a place like this you have no idea i can't be easy doing it alone oh thanks for reminding me david you know i didn't mean it that way i'm gonna see if i can secure this from the inside i could do that for you happy to do it on my own [Music] [Music] okay yeah fine can you pop down to the cellar and get us another bottle of bread yeah sure ken don't pull any wedding party miracle mike's had enough already so just get full of the cheap stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] i'm losing [Music] i just got filled up with the thought of what i always thought faith would be like someday we're beginning to think one of the ghosts had gotten you yeah what took you so long i broke one but i cleaned it up don't worry it wasn't a bordeaux no problem you said i haven't changed at all in fact you said something about me being a solid block of concrete uh oh looks like i'm in trouble folks well let's talk about you for a moment shall we mike if i haven't changed then neither have you not one tiny little scrap as far as i can see now hold on you seem to think you're the only person here who's ready and willing to grapple with their deep dark issues and in the process favor us all by doing the whole performance in cinemascope hey you spent a lot of time feeling sorry for yourself when i knew you then and you're doing exactly the same thing now i didn't realize this weekend was designed to be a forum for personal abuse you seem to think personal abuse is absolutely fine when you're dishing it out to other people i hardly think you can equate what i said yes yes you tried to take control of everybody with your juvenile designer moods even then and unbelievably you're still trying to do the same thing tonight how dare you tell me what i can i can't think that time was long gone you know i think we jumped into this way too fast sorry do you really think that you're sulking is going to pressure god into doing exactly what you want without any effort on your part isn't that right david no i think we should call it a night i mean no wonder you lurch so easily from tears to laughter just now as far as you're concerned the ones just as meaningless as the other i wonder how long it took you to put that little speech together did you work it out in the car on the way down or is it a set piece that you come out with every time that you start worrying that nobody's taking enough notice of you peter that's enough peter [Music] amazing how these things get stored up for years sorry i was being honest if god really cared about me he wouldn't be making me wait my whole life the clouds apart so i can see him and know that he's real mike sometimes the clouds never part and sometimes they pardon they close back up again and just i'm sorry just like you i'm waiting for the clouds to part again [Music] so [Music] angela i really appreciate what you're trying to do here but i think it's best for everyone if you just just give me what my wife left me so i can go sorry david i can't do that angela i didn't come here this weekend to reconnect with everyone i came here to get what is mine so please jessica is my friend i made her a promise and i'm gonna keep it she may have been your friend she was my wife you have no right david jessica wanted you here this weekend and if you want what she left for you you've got to stay [Music] [Music] you sure you don't want to come in the car no i could use the fresh air okay you shake the footpath down there and then the royal oak pub is just here on the edge of stark hill it's pretty straightforward angela i think i'd like to walk too you sure it's quite a way yeah yeah i can manage okay see you there thanks david can i join you sure jenny [Music] so are you going to tell me or any of us about jessica why did you come so direct well i guess i've grown more confident with age hey i guess you have do you remember years ago at church i'd be volunteering to help all the time yeah i think i remember that well whenever you volunteered to do anything i'd shoot up my hand and volunteer to do it with you when we were young i used to fancy you so much that it that it hurt had this terrible crush on you no what am i saying i was in love with you david i loved everything about you even your stupid little american accent no no no no no please don't don't say something corny i'm not asking for sympathy or reassurance [Music] why does it always get called a crush when someone who's plain falls for the good looking heavily in demand stars that they're obviously never going to get in a million years it's just not fair is it [Music] i guess not i'll never be your type who is your type angela jessica jessica's my type she'll always be my type i'm sorry you've lost something i've never had [Music] hello you named it lucky we found a table big enough to fit all of us in a place like this luck this forward-thinking lady booked in advance oh there's the easy thing oh what's the hard things rats yeah dealing with rats can be difficult i'm gonna go help mike how was the walk it was lovely beautiful landscape thought you got lost just took our time recovering from last night i comfort myself that when your jesus delivered his sermon on the mount he never said blessed are the annoying kids peter did a stupid thing but i thought the way you controlled yourself was uh very impressive well of course at the end of the day your problem david mile mate is you can't afford to put a foot wrong can you what i mean is purely on a commercial basis public sin would be a very bad career move for you wouldn't it i guess the invitations were drier pretty quick if you were smashed off your face and had to be peeled off the pavement by a couple of coppers in leicester square am i right did you say you're jesus a second ago so isn't faith important to you anymore i mean from what you were saying last night i would have said it's very important to you i guess what peter said last night wasn't far off the mark i was half cut and just looking for a spot of attention no real harm in that is there i'll get these order a mistake for me and don't forget the pepper sauce on the side on the stake now that is important [Music] [Applause] [Music] um i told you i was gonna swing from a burstery [Music] oh no you're never gonna make that oh do you need a hand maybe [Music] i got it wow well done the old man still has it [Applause] seriously held me down yeah no come on i'll catch you what are you reading robert frost two roads diverged in a wood and i took the one less traveled by [Music] that's the difference between you and me you managed to take two of the very best roads i can possibly imagine you turned into a famous writer and speaker and you married jessica think of that you were the most important person in her life for thousands and thousands of days [Music] i'm glad you were happy and [Music] so sorry about jessica went down both roads and you lost ever so much [Music] you were given ever so much to lose david graham your wife and kids cherish them [Music] get on with it come on david come join us you can go slip i'm sorry go white stand there when the ball comes off the edge of his back get ready to catch it okay back a bit back a bit david just there perfect right david you fancy getting in on this on white my mother angela can get peter out if you lose the bet you buy the chinese dinner tonight okay hang on a sec what did you just say i'm in who's your money on oh peter of course he's ruthless fancies himself as a semi-pro cricketer no hang on a second i am not at all comfortable with gambling what about you jen girl power i'm on angela too no no no stop the game i'm not happy with this [Applause] not out not out i stopped the game it's not out oh come on p be a sport about it what do you mean be a sport about it it's not out i will buy chinese it's okay someone's off to buy the dinner that's hardly gambling well i didn't expect you to respect my values that's typical of you oh come off it i can't believe you just did that that's not cricket i'm gonna knock your blocker i'd like to see you all right stop it i'm gonna hurt him come on i'm gonna help you come on both of you honestly right that's it i'm taking my bat and i'm not playing anymore like children hey don't forget to get the chinese can i have extra sweet and sour sauce graham [Music] [Applause] did you remember to pick up extra sweet and sour sauce i didn't realize you had a cheeky bowl in your bodygram dear lord bless this fool for which mike and pete has provided on account of peach lack of skill and my inferior wrestling techniques i think oh amen well i don't actually believe in ghosts of course and i think would be most unwise to have anything to do with them oh come on peter you can take a little 10-minute holiday from not believing in them i fancy some entertainment yeah i'd love some too yeah okay so the previous owners of this place the pattersons had a daughter called emily she was about seven years old at the time bright happy intelligent little girl one day she came home from school all excited because she got part in the school play and she asked her nanny doris to come into her room with her while she got changed so she could tell her all about it so the two of them climbed the back stairs that staircase that leads past your room david emily was in front scampering up like a little rabbit when all of a sudden she stopped dead something caught her eye on the landing above david's room what was it the attic door wide open so so the pattersons always kept the attic door locked shut nobody ever went in there except mr patterson and he was at work excellent evil doings at the haunted house on the hill doris was also quite surprised to see the attic door wide open but assuming there was some explanation for it she took emily into the bedroom and listen for a few minutes while emily chatted about her day and doris was just beginning to think they ought to be joining mrs patterson downstairs in the kitchen when she and emily heard mrs patterson's voice calling faintly but audibly from the landing at the top of the stairs do you want to come up and see what mommy found in the loft let me let me go up in the loft today doris would you please let emily know dinner will be ready in five minutes don't grabbed emily before that arm of someone or something pulled her up into the attic she bundled her downstairs passed her bewildered mother and sat her on the sofa so what did they find when they went back upstairs mr patterson arrived just after that and after hearing what happened he grabbed his golf club and went upstairs to take a look he found the attic door completely closed and locked shut so he took his key unlocked the door and carefully climbed in to see who or what was inside he did he find anything not a thing nothing unusual or out of place from then on emily slept in her parents bedroom whatever it was that was in the attic it had appeared once it could appear again so they put the house up for sale and on the day they finally moved they were driving down the lane into the village in their car when out of nowhere a land rover slammed right into them hitting the back door buckling it into within inches of emily's face oh my goodness you know i think ghosts are a little bit like dogs because because i have the distinct feeling that they're far less aggressive with people who aren't scared of them or maybe like dogs they're loyal and they choose someone to follow to the end of their days hey good night cheers i'd like to ask everyone a question sure go ahead i'd like to know what everyone fears the most that's quite a question well what i fear most is loneliness um i'm sure many of you will have noticed that i was head over heels in love with david when we were in the youth group together good lord so was i thank you michael [Music] well i decided to tell him about it while we were on our walk this morning in the hills um i just needed needed to see if those old feelings had completely disappeared or not i'm sorry no no no it's fine it's fine i just wanted to come clean you know [Music] sometimes god never gives us what we want and if i think about it too much i get frightened by the idea of ending up on my own and it's not just the physical relationship what i'd like is someone especially mine someone to share the washing up [Music] so when when you go home if you say your prayers say one for me god's grace is sufficient to help you you know i foolishly used to say a similar phrase when i was trying to comfort people myself peter but i don't i don't think that's what the scripture means when it talks about god's grace being sufficient for us also i mean when jesus was dying and agonizing death on the cross he still you know he still had the mental focus and energy to make sure that his mother had someone to look after her when he'd gone was his grace sufficient for her i mean at least not an abstract anyways she still needed someone in flesh and blood to go and live with i'm sorry i was i was just trying to be helpful i didn't mean to sound cold you know [Music] you are a beautiful person and you deserve someone wonderful thank you peter um i suppose i was fearful that this weekend would be a waste of time i was trying to measure its spiritual value but actually it's it's all about me you know my faith my walk my journey i know what i believe but i don't know how to fit in how to be me how to show did i care but you just did peter you know i think i'd like a drink you're not the only one who's frightened of being lonely running this house is my way of fighting back against some of the rubbish choices i've made in my life your breakup wasn't your fault no but i chose to marry him [Music] and i was truly happy you know right up to the moment that he left his boot packed with our memories and my best friend rachel sitting in the front seat holding his hand [Music] when they drove through that gate i was still attached to him dragged away a chunk of me that i really needed to go living of course it was my stupid fault because i i gave it to him i joined myself to him and i now i don't know how i'm ever going to get that part of me back he's so horrible you know i'd like to take one of those logs and smash it in his stupid face [Music] i'm never gonna forgive him and that's that's what i'm frightened of that i'm never going to be able to move on perhaps this is the first step don't think i have any deep fears per se but i'm sad i can't change the person that i am i've tried i can't find faith it's not in me and it certainly hasn't been given to me either [Music] it's like i'm just slowing it out when i'm with people like you [Music] i'm i'm terrified that there might be nothing after we die i mean what if none of it really means anything i'd almost rather die now and stop all the pretending i tell my little girls that grandma's safe in heaven and they'll see her again one day but what if she isn't sometimes [Music] sometimes i wish my family would just go ahead and die [Music] i imagine that the telephone rings when i answer it they tell me that julian the girls have been killed in a bad traffic accident i don't mean they suffered just died instantly [Music] pain no being afraid just come on if it all ended today or tomorrow it all stopped now i wouldn't have done too badly would i [Music] julie still loves me my girls think i'm a great dad but it won't last come i sound like a monster don't to david no graham you don't i i think that you can't believe you had so much success in the things that you thought would fail the most you know perhaps the thing you fear the most isn't oblivion but change and i i understand that i would never have chosen what happened to my jessica [Music] see when you lose someone that you love so much like you love your family and like i love my wife it's horrible you can't go around it you gotta go straight through the middle of it every single day you wake up and realize it wasn't a nightmare after all you could leave tomorrow and go home to your family who's waiting for you or you could go home to him dead and gone [Music] well i suppose there's [Music] two things i fear the most one is living without jessica and the other is living with god without jessica i loved her so much i loved her voice i loved the way she walked her laugh i loved everything about her you're supposed to grow old together i still see her everywhere i there's a little echo [Music] it's all i have left and i don't want to let it go [Music] i look at my life without jessica beside me and it's [Music] lonely and silent it's terrifying when she got sick we were trying to have a child that's gone [Music] but she died it was from a complication of chickenpox a child's thing to see me it sounds so stupid and trivial i came home after she died and i walked into the kitchen i grabbed the plate and i threw it up against the wall and what reason did he have to take her from me why couldn't he heal her i really hate god for his perfection someone you can't judge for anything i wanted him to be sitting there with me at that table visible real someone you could touch he was that god may be all powerful but even he can't be jessica in my darkest hours i i did feel god's nearness [Music] but i also experienced deeply god's absence david [Music] david [Music] baby come to me david come to me david jessica jessica davis hey hey what's wrong you were screaming i was having a worse dream hey it's okay it's okay that's what it was it's just a dream it's okay do you want me to stay i mean um [Applause] no i uh i think you should should probably go [Music] so [Music] hey hey look david i'm uh really sorry about last night angela there's nothing to be sorry about [Music] thanks yeah this is a shame isn't it just really getting to know each other again and starting to relax it's time to go home do you think we'll keep in touch that's up to you isn't it no mike it's up to all of us well let me just say i think it's very brave of you to want me to speak this morning i particularly enjoy a risky sermon and with you being on the emotional edge you're my perfect choice thank you mike i was reading this morning in the new testament where jesus says we shouldn't cast our pearls before swine and i asked myself what pearls what swine graham would you mind reading something sure pearls are formed by oysters as a reaction against an irritant usually a piece of sand or grit getting into the soft tissues bluish gray layers form around the unwanted invader and the final product of all these repeated accretions as a hard translucent gem that's regarded as a thing of great beauty and high monetary value pearls are valuable things they're what you get when god transfigures things that could have become very ugly and i guess most of these irritants or whatever you want to call them go back to our childhood and as you know their effects can be timeless yeah i think something very similar has happened in my own life and yours there have been hardships and weaknesses that have almost ruined parts of my life you know i've talked to people in the past about giving up on life until my jessica died i didn't really understand what they were talking about every day going through that pain is a terrible thing i'm dreading going home and up to bed tonight to a half empty room and have to make a decision whether i should turn her bedside light on or not you know it's going to be tough [Music] but i think i've come to the understanding that i can't sort it out by myself we wear god's pearls as a symbol of our vulnerability and perhaps as pictures of the way god can make something beautiful out of our weaknesses we all have our ghosts don't we but i think we should greatly value the way in which god can form a pearl of protection around each of these irritants [Music] yeah i think there's some prayers that can't be answered but i think there's one prayer that can't be answered and that is i should survive this hell on earth that i'm walking through and somehow become useful to others again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here you are [Music] this is it it's from jessica thank you don't be a stranger [Music] [Music] [Music] my dearest darling david i do hope you found a really nice place to sit and read my last letter to you i think if things had happened the other way around i would probably have chosen somewhere outdoors and it could rain if it wanted to i wouldn't mind i'd love to be in the rain one more time i wish with all my heart i could be with you properly david but it's only just sunk in over the last couple of hours that we won't be together for very much longer and so i wanted to find a way to be with you just once more after i've gone if it's allowed who knows what's allowed i'm gonna come as close to you as i can [Music] it isn't dying i mind so much i'm a little bit afraid of how much it might hurt but i'm pretty sure i actually do believe all the things we said we believed every sunday and all the other times by the time you take this letter out of its envelope i shall be with jesus wondering how we could all have been so dense and seeing some amazing beautiful things but we will be together later on it's a promise not mine i know you only too well you won't have a clue about what to do with all the hurt and loneliness that's washing around inside you [Music] i want to thank you very much for our marriage hasn't it been is there a word in fact that captures these wonderful past years we've had lots of fun in lots of different ways a few problems and a few end of the world fights but nothing that culminated in the rapture that's supposed to be a joke by the way in case you didn't get it david be sad about the immediate future if you like but not about the past we may not have made our 20th anniversary but the years we had were good rich ones i'd like you to know that it was a pleasure and a privilege to spend them with you [Music] the worst part of me the bad jessica wants you to love me and think about me and want me and grief for me and not even notice any other woman for the rest of your life until the day you die and join me in heaven and i can start nagging you all over again but the best jessica the good jessica doesn't want that i know you're going to be very unhappy just as i would have been if you died but you won't be sad forever sweetheart one morning you're going to wake up and feel a bit guilty and troubled because the pain isn't quite as bad as it was before and that'll be the first stage of being somewhere near all right again and after that well i have to grip my teeth and say that as you'd be absolutely useless at being on your own i want you to find someone else one day and i mean that as well you'll have my blessing and my love and let me tell you that she will be a very lucky lady indeed you will tell her what you do to the toothpaste in the very early stage of the relationship though won't you be angry be sad rage at god about losing me if you have to but keep inviting people into this mysterious and confounding message of love that has been put in your heart to tell i know you've always felt inadequate when you've been silly enough to measure yourself against your message but that's why people listen to you [Music] i'm running out of oomph my dear friend husband lots of things [Music] i'd like to write love love love love love love all over a blank page but it would just look silly [Music] i'm never so tired [Music] god bless sweetheart sleep well tonight always remember to be a swinger of birches david [Music] p.s you haven't forgotten to water my plants have you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CrownTV
Views: 750,209
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Keywords: birches movie, birches christian movie, free full movie, free full length movie, free full length christian movies, free movies youtube, free full movies youtube, christian movies youtube, birches, crowntv, crown entertainment, crown movies, youtube movies, best movies on youtube, best free movies, pure flix, pureflix
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 24sec (5304 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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