Her Family Left Her Behind | 2024 New Movies 2024 Based On A True Story 2024

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[Music] no come back come [Music] back please [Music] [Music] [Music] oh really well here we are do I look okay yeah you look great yeah are you sure yeah oh excuse me I can't believe I'm doing this I mean I barely know him just take it one step at a time thanks for coming jel there's no way I could have done this by myself how would I get to meet the man who swept you off your feet there he is by the window that's Kevin whoa tell me about it oh God here he comes do I look okay seriously you look fabulous just breathe it's easy for you to say there you are I was afraid to change your mind oh no I mean the fairy was late so we couldn't brought a friend hi yeah this is Jill hi Jill Roberson Kevin Watson nice to meet you your first time on the island too it's beautiful you're really lucky don't I know so have you lived here long all my life oh Kevin's family was actually one of the first to settle here really do you still have a lot of family living here no it's just me now oh hey Penny there's someone that wants to meet you oh okay it'll just take a second go I'll I'll soak up some [Music] culture so what do you think it reminds me of another time a simpler time really yeah her face is so full of joy it's like there's nowhere else in the world she'd rather be so you do this often do what go up to strangers at your own art show find out what they're really thinking what gave me away well you've got pain on your hands so either you teach kindergarten or these are yours or maybe I just paint houses not with the way everyone keeps looking over here and pointing at you well you don't miss much de yeah it comes with the territory I teach high school they can smell fear Chris Hammond yeah I got [Music] that so are all your paintings of the island I grew up here that's what I know oh another local boy you know somewhere from the island yeah I came here with a friend she met him back in spok came where we're from Patty's a lifeguard he was swimming laps they HIIT it off he invited her here for a visit and you came along to make sure he's not an Axe Murderer something like that maybe you know him Kevin Watson yeah I know Kevin hardly ever see him with an axe oh good so let me guess you teach uh drama uh creative writing nope not even close science oh no way afraid so and it gets worse I like it yeah I actually can't wait to go back to work next week Chris there you are I'm looking everywhere the Shrivers want to talk to you oh come on F we're just and they have their checkbook out I'm sorry to interrupt no problem Jill this is fay fay Jill hi nice to meet you I'm just going to steal away for a couple of minutes don't go anywhere okay I saw you talking to that painter before Chris it seems nice yeah you know kind of cute I'm just saying you just worry about your own love life does it seem kind of weird to you about Kevin and me weird how well I mean look at him and look at me I what's wrong with this picture what are you talking about I just I really like him Jill I don't want to mess this up look you are the most beautiful person I've ever known okay if Kevin can't see that then he does not deserve to be with you he really is a nice guy well he better be you're he love to deal with me it's kind of early to be closing isn't it I guess not we better get to the restaurant before they close [Music] too you sure cutting through the park will get us to The Cabins Well the lady at the restaurant said this is the shortcut that was such a great meal yeah there really is something special about this place we should hurry cuz Kevin's going to be waiting who's that where never [Music] mind he's following us okay we should just go yeah Joe hey hey leave her alone are you all right yeah no I'm okay I'm bleeding oh you know what I think you cut it on the bench I can't be good let's get out of here Patty Kevin what happened someone tried to steal a purse what I Liv in the city my whole life and never have a problem we can't have this on our island did you get a look God they were wearing a hood and it happened so fast I think she's going to need stitches no I'm fine really let's just take our walk I think she's right Patty I should take you to see Dr Croft I'll take her my truck's right here I appreciate appreciate it but I prefer Jill Kevin can take me okay but you call me you understand yes mother don't worry she'll be fine than you come on come on come on come on great we're all closed up hi I'm in Cabin 6 I can't seem to get a signal on my cell yeah those things don't work in some parts of the island well I I just wanted to call the sheriff could I use your phone oh what is it honey what's wrong my friend almost had her purse stolen I just want to file a report good Lord is she all right yeah she's a little shaken up she may need some stitches do you have the number I'm sorry honey honey the these phones they can be so temperamental hasn't been in service all day it's not working of all the silly times but the sheriff I believe is off Island for the night he should be back in the morning we can see you then thank you thanks for coming in like this it's a little late for office hours oh don't be silly this kind of thing is supposed to happen here I don't want you to get the wrong idea of our Island don't worry I love it here already yeah we think it's pretty special wow Red Cross has got nothing on you oh we keep our own Supply he we cut off from the mainland okay let's take a look at this she didn't get a good look at them whoever it was too busy hanging on to my purse well it doesn't look too B dad I will have to put a couple of stitches in though oh you have a congenital neas Oh you mean my birthmark well it's not exactly a birthmark it's a I'm surprised no one's explained it to you before this particular class of nevi is indicative of an extremely strong immune system it's very rare really I don't suppose you hit any of the usual childhood illnesses did you Mel's mom's chicken Parks never even had a cold no that's what I thought okay why don't you lie down for me this isn't going to take long hey I H just wanted to apologize for disappearing like that back at the studio and to say that uh I really enjoyed talking to you tonight this actually seemed like a good idea on the way over here can you can you stay I don't know what to do I wouldn't worry about it I mean after she got her arm patched up they probably did go for that walking the beach I told her to call me I doubt her cell phone works either besides she's probably got other things on her mind aren't you subtle I mean these things happen up here it's a beautiful island you know people come here to relax and forget themselves maybe you should give it a try I wouldn't know where to begin maybe I can help why do I feel like you've used that line before that was not a come on I really did enjoy talking to you earlier and I really would like to get to know you better so since it looks like your traveling companion is otherwise engaged sure does what do you say let me show you around I'd like to see that Valley where you painted the young girl dancing good choice so I'll pick you up [Music] tomorrow Chris thank you sleep well e [Music] good morning Patty no no no no no I'm not leave me alone pleas I'm not supposed to know why she's here I'm not supposed to know but but I do know I know why she's here me no listen no I know help someone help please help don't don't please help don't don't no more no more no more I'm not supposed to say I'm not supposed to what about a cabin number five and you checked inside I don't know Rose honey she said it was a uh big fell had a limp well of course I will just soon as when is this okay thanks a rose keep everybody out till I get over there you too she didn't see anybody I told you she wasn't there checked your friend's cabin too there's no sign of a break in everything looked okay well I don't know how he got in all I know is the man is crazy and he scared the hell out of me I can see that this uh friend is she the same one almost had her purse taken last night Patty McMullan how did you know that Rose said you wanted to call me the lines were down the fellow with the limp could he have been the same one that tried to steal a purse no no that person was much smaller and they didn't limp but I saw him there in the park too he was following us fell with the limp and the pur snatcher were both in the park last night busy place look I don't understand it either but I'm sure if you just go down there I intend to we'll get this sorted out I'll be in touch in the meantime try to enjoy the rest of your visit thanks there [Music] [Music] no morning can I help you hi uh a friend of mine came in last night Patty McMullen oh we close at 6 on weekday she needed stitches and I think someone called the doctor oh she does that all the time you don't get that kind of attention on the mainland we're so lucky McMullen M McMullen no there's nothing here if this is about the bill no I just wanted to speak with Dr Croft I know she's busy it's not just that see if your friend was here the doctor's really not allowed to discuss a patient except of course with a family member oh well Patty's my cousin does that count well can her ask Patty mcmullan's cousin is here do you have time to see her Jill hi I believe we've already met at Chris's art show he called you Fay I didn't realize I'm still Fay come on back wow it's quite a collection oh just a little hobby of mine it's amazing when you think about it how far the medical profession has come in such a short time I mean some of these instruments were actually used on this island more than 150 years ago glad I wasn't around then well life was a lot harder then people had to make de with what they had anyway about Miss McMullen yeah it's going to sound silly but well she didn't come back last night and I haven't heard from her this morning it's just not like her and I'm starting to worry well I don't blame you well she only needed a couple of stitches and then they left must have been uh 9 9:30 they she left with Kevin Watson did they say where they were going well they didn't say exactly but I I got the feeling that they were going back to his place got it oh now just a minute I do remember him asking her if she still wanted to go sailing in the morning sailing yeah oh he is a lovely little boat and the weather's perfect I wouldn't be surprised if they were gone all day well that's probably why I haven't heard from her I'm sure she'll call you as soon as she gets back told you it was going to sound silly not at all family should look out for each other but I would never have taken you two for cousins everybody says that well I'm sorry to have bothered you we'll try and enjoy the rest of your visit thank you hi excuse [Music] me where are you Chris [Music] hi it's Chris I'm not at home please leave a message hi Chris this is Jill Roberson um I know you're supposed to pick me up this morning but uh something happened and uh I'll tell you all about it when I see you I'll be at the coffee shop downtown hey I want to talk to you hey wait a minute stop wait wao hang on there kiddo come what's the hurry Chris mat she's trying to kill me it's her she's she's the one that tried to steal Patty's purse see she's totally whack she's chasing me around town like some kind of psycho you know her yeah I do wait you said you didn't get a look how do you know it's Camille news Bolton kid if you want to lead a life of crime you should stay away from the flashy clothes turn around hey man you're not actually listening to this Camille whatever the sheriff's going to want to talk to you bite me you can't prove a thing and what do you think your mother's going to do when she finds out you don't have to tell her please Chris can we talk about this my friend had to get stitches because of you I'm sorry all right Camille go straight home right now I'll come by later Camille ran away last year turns out she uh is up in Portland with a boy her mother's not through punishing her yet now that explains why she's more afraid of her mother than she is at the sheriff well she's a lot scarier what do you mean when you met her at the studio Fay Dr Croft as her mother well Foster mother when Camille's parents died she's wait she never lets me introduce her as Dr Croft at events how did you know let's just say it's been a really intense morning yeah the only thing that really bothers me about it is I really don't think the sheriff believed me no he believed you he just doesn't want anybody else to what do you mean there have been stories for years about this crazy man who lives in the forest Eugene Fritz wait you know who he is yeah everybody does that's the problem you can't have a maniac running around the island during tourist season bad for business so the sheriff acts like he doesn't take it seriously but he does believe me they all do why don't they just catch the guy and lock him up they tried but Eugene always manages to my phone it's working it's a text from Patty sorry sorry time flies when you're having fun see you later at the cabin isn't life great love Patty feel better yeah yeah what well nothing it's just Patty spells her name with an eye she put a why here she was in a hurry but the point is she's having a good time and now it's your turn lead the way I had no idea it's it's amazing it's my favorite place in the world I understand now why when she came here she'd want to dance who is she where is she now her name was Emily whenever I used to see her here I knew I was going to paint her I just didn't expect to do it for memory I'm so sorry but you were right there was nowhere else in the world she'd rather be than right here I can feel that you know in your painting it's like she's alive [Music] Chris um I should get back I'm sorry I didn't mean to no no it's okay I just we should get back okay sure [Music] patty patty are you in there oh hi honey oh hi Rose I I thought maybe Patty was back no I'm just getting the cabin ready for the next people what you just missed her she checked out about a half an hour ago what do you check out oh something about a change of plans she seemed to be in an awful big hurry I assumed she was running for the ferry you probably just catch her will you be checking out now too [Music] [Applause] [Music] no please please wait I'm sorry ma'am if the boat's pulled out I'm just looking for my friend and she may be on board is there any way you can stop the ferry I have to find her okay well what's her name Patty McMullen is this an emergency well not exactly no well I can't stop the boat unless it's an emergency I have to find out if she's I tell you what I can sell you a ticket you can catch the next boat look at that's the best that I can do hey wait you can't go down there come on come on come on come on come on yes hi this is Patty leave a message and I'll get back to you thanks bye Patty where the hell are you you better not have gotten on that stupid boat without me I'm not even kidding just call me back right now come on told where she is [Music] [Music] Jill what's wrong there's no way she would have gotten on the ferry without me why not it's just not like her she's never been really sure of herself you know even when we were kids meeting Kevin meant a lot to her but she wasn't going to come here unless I came with her you know her disappearing like this something happened maybe she doesn't want to be found what do you mean well maybe just this one she doesn't want you taking care of her you don't know anything about her look uh I talked to Kevin apparently there was some sort of argument what some things were said Patty got upset and she left what do you mean she left where'd she go I don't know if you want my two cents I think she's on that boat well why didn't you tell me before I just found out and if you haven't figured it out Kevin's a womanizer and he lies to get what he wants well I guess you never really know people do you they say one thing one minute but then they just change right before your eyes Jill I well that was awkward the door was open you like her don't you it doesn't matter you can't be selfish Chris you've got to think of the others just did yes and we're very grateful now there's just a just one small one small wrinkle they're cousins oh well maybe you already know that Jill Jill wait Jill look I don't blame you for being upset I I knew about Kevin and I should have warned you that Patty was going to get hurt I'm sorry don't you get it it's not about you it's about Patty and I told you she went home and I think you should too I'm going to Kevin she's not there well I have to be sure all right I'll take you there but after that I've got to get you to the ferry fine [Music] it's just over there does that sometimes there's a shorten the wire right Kevin who would live here Hey Kevin this truck's not here be right back that's patties h [Music] [Music] patty patty [Music] come [Music] ch [Music] look at who let me go you just made a big mistake lady where's Patty what have you done with her I don't know what you're talking about still Chris I'm in here what the hell's going on ask her she near broke my arm he's got Patty's cell phone and Luggage down there that don't give you the right to come on my property hell I could have shot you where is she where is Patty how should I already told Chris she got herself on the Twist and then left what did you do what I did was try to show her a good time we got back from and she got her stuff and checked out of the cabin and then when she got back here I guess she had second thoughts if you know what I mean you son of a [ __ ] where did she go Kevin I don't know she just she just took off I offered to give her a ride to the ferry but she just kept walking and that's the last time I saw her she was fine with me so why'd you hide her cell phone down there I didn't hide it okay she forgot it I was just sick of listening to her ring you want it take it and get the rest of her junk out of my house too all right you don't believe him do you just got through telling me how insecure Patty is what if she found out Kevin was playing her what exactly would you expect her to do I'd expect her to come and tell me and what if she was too embarrassed he has stacks of luggage in his basement old luggage so and watch and jewelry and personal belongings women's belongings all stashed in a chest the same chest where he kept Patty's phone I've known Kevin my whole life just think about it if you didn't know him if it was your friend that was missing I'll go with you to see the sheriff then then you better go home and find your friend [Music] Chris Chris slow down I can't what's wrong the brakes are [Applause] going you're going to have to jump what before the next turn Chris no roll when you hit the ground now jump [Music] Chris Chris oh my God Chris Chris bleeding bad let's get him into the exam room no I'm sorry we have to stay here so the horn goes off then you get back to the car the brakes don't work yeah someone must have cut the line while we were in Kevin's house I've been telling Chris for years to get rid of that old beater there's always something going wrong with it Sheriff this wasn't an accident well we'll find that out soon enough what about Patty sounds like she went home without telling me without any of her stuff Mr Roberson what exactly would you like me to do go out there question Kevin find find her the law doesn't consider a person missing till after 48 hours but Sheriff if your friend hasn't shown up by then come see me [Music] Dev evil evil [Music] sickness disease go didn't your mother ever teach you it's impolite to stare get out of here Logan what's his story doesn't talk why not I don't know nothing to say I guess maybe well if everyone with nothing to say stop talking the world would be a much quieter Place Cil can I ask you something why'd you do it I wanted to use her phone what are you 16 you don't have a cell phone phone it must be like a record she won't let me have one not after I tried to run away she doesn't want you talking to the boy you met in Portland Chris told you well he's your friend he cares about you and he doesn't want your mother coming down and you like a ton of bricks yeah thanks for that sorry I only get reception in exactly two places on the island and this is not one of them you let me use it for real yeah if you promise not to run away again yeah broke our most important rule of all Camille know you're not supposed to be out this night I came to see about Chris Chris is going to be fine he's going to be okay yeah he's pretty banged up but we've got him stabilized we'll no more in a couple of days and you don't think he should be at a regular hospital I mean on the mainland just to be safe we like to take care of our own here on Pine Cove Island Miss Roberson well thank you good night yeah good night it was nice talking to you maybe we could do it again sometime I want you to stay away from her I didn't do anything what about the bag you tried to steal when are you going to learn Camille nothing happens on this island that I don't know about I'm not a prisoner no but you have to follow the same rules as all the rest of us and if I don't I love you like a daughter Camille and I would never never want any harm to come to you now you go home and stay away from that woman I know why no please leave me alone I'm I'm not I know I know why she's here I tried I tried I tried to tell her I tried to tell but there was watching there voes always no I'm not going to let him I'm not going to let him no more not her not who not who Eugene stop itmore not anymore not him not anymore more they put him inside all of them I can hear their voices even her out of here you sure you're okay I don't think he was going to hurt me didn't look that way to me breaks my heart though Eugene was a bad sword he lost his wife a few months ago I guess he just couldn't handle it his wife I thought that happened years ago he was living in the woods where'd you hear that from Chris when I told him about the last time at the cabin no that's uh you see we have these uh stories around the island Chris is probably a he can be a kid her he was pulling your leg it's not funny no no you're right it's [Music] not can I give you a ride back to your cabin mm I have my car I'll speak with you in the morning then again I'm sorry about all this for Camille what the hell are you doing here I saw you walk in are you all right I guess did you know him Eugene nobody knew him I mean he was crazy right you don't sound so sure everybody's crazy around here what's the difference I heard he lived in the woods don't believe everything you hear so you know where he lived no your mother sometimes while I want us to be with her again this is as close as I could get there's no date on the gravestone when did she die a long time ago how old were you I remember people on the island started to get sick one by one they started to Die the boats stopped coming we were all alone they wouldn't let us leave there was an epidemic on the island nobody knew what to do F tried everything people just kept dying and my mom got sick F tried to save her but she died anyway just like the rest F sort of took me in after that I would have read about this every health agency in the country would have swarmed the island they found a cure what that vaccine people stopped getting sick what was wrong with everyone I told you they got sick some kind of flu real dangerous well this illness do you think that's what was wrong with Eugene I got to go things aren't the way they seem around here are they I mean it's not just your mother's gravestone none of these have dates on them that's just how we do it no one does it that way the dates are for remembering okay I don't want to remember anymore I'm sick of remembering I just want to get the hell out of here far away somewhere I can grow up and have my own life then why don't you because they won't let me who won't everybody well since when do you care what everyone else thinks I don't then what's the problem I have to go Camille Camille I'm a teacher I never make a promise to a student I can't keep and I promise you I'll help you get whatever it is you want if you want to leave this island I'll help you find a way I'll tell you where Eugene lived [Music] [Music] [Music] Eugene [Music] [Music] w this Robertson we've been looking all over for you what is it what what's wrong I'm afraid I got some bad news you found your cousin is she all right I'm sorry ma'am she's dead I'm so sorry Jill I know this has been hard for you already but I'm afraid we have no choice Joe we need a positive Ida I understand that's Robertson yes yes it's p what happened couple of fishermen found her in the water near the pier been there few hours apparently she drowned drown no py was a certified lifeguard she she swam every day she has a massive contusion on her right side it appears she hit her head on the dock and she was unconscious by the time she hit the water hit her head after we talked earlier I asked around a waitress in one of the pubs remembers your cousin coming in having quite a bit to drink that's crazy Patty didn't drink you said she and wson had a fight maybe she took it harder than you thought or maybe Kevin Watson hit her on the head and threw her in the water did you ever think of that I understand you're upset but you can't go around accusing people no I don't believe this have you even been down to question him forget it I'm I'm through with you people I'm taking my cousin and we're going home just can I have whatever papers I need to sign no not until I've done an autopsy I didn't authorize that we don't need your permission M Roberson the doctor here's the corner it's her call I know it's hard to believe Jill but we want to find out what happened to your cousin just as much as you do and autopsy is the only way to do that I'll take her blood levels I'll check for alcohol and drugs and if there is anything suspicious anything atile I promise you I will find it how long will it take a few days but we could save some time if you wouldn't mind answering a few questions yourself about her medical history pre-existing conditions of course thank you so you were first cousins our mothers were sisters maternal cousins right okay oh oh oh I am so sorry here let me get that oh it's all right no no no here here here [Music] here I'm so sorry about that there I'll just get a Band-Aid I think it might be best if you stay on the island until you can take Patty home with you I wish I'd never heard of this place do you you have any family you can call someone who can help you through this no it was just her and me well if there's anything I can do where's Chris oh I decided you had a point I let my ego cloud my judgment I've transported him to a hospital on the mainland just just to be safe and he's going to be all right no he's going to be fine but you need to to get some sleep I'll try I want you to take these you may have a long night ahead of you you spelled her name wrong what sorry you spell Patty with a Y she spelled it with an eye oh did she my apology I'll I'll I'll change it on my copy good night Jill [Music] [Music] oh Patty [Music] you got the net excuse me were you here yesterday evening a young woman drowned over by that pier and I'm looking for the two fishermen who found her what for well she was my cousin and I just want to know what happened to her were you here yesterday find your business boy Oren us found your kin well do you know who did please this is very important she drowned you say yeah sometime last evening that's what happened then get on with me [Music] right good morning Miss Roberson how are you today I need to talk to Dr crof oh I don't think so not today she's going to be tied up pretty much right straight through what's going on well you know flu season's just around the corner better safe than sorry have a fine day Mr Deeks Mr dindr you're next [Music] [Music] [Applause] well you're really starting to creep me out kid why don't you go play with your friends friends where are all the children wait Logan Logan God [Music] Chris hi um you're Mr deak's right I've seen you everywhere oh I'm sorry I didn't realize can you read lips do you understand what I'm saying I just saw my friend leave from here Chris Hamet you understand me don't you Chris Hammet he was in a car accident he was badly injured I just want to know if it was him look at it why are you lying no I know it was him I saw him where is [Music] he yes Miss how can I help you you were in the doctor's office yes flu season just around the corner better safe than sorry that's what I hear what's your pleasure a thriller romance travel I just drove by the school it was all closed up oh well well sure uh August said kids don't go back for another month or so do you have the yearbooks from the high school matter of fact we do we did all the way back almost 100 years but uh but we had a bad flood last winter mhm destroyed them all really mhm that's terrible a lot of our history got washed away in that flood old newspapers birth and death records breaks my heart every time I think about it and no one put any of it on computer we're a bit behind the times did any of the old newspapers get archived on microfil most people don't even know what that thing is for tourist drowns and fall off pier rock climbing fall a tourist again Taurus drowns cotton RI tide doing some research on our little island something like that huh Pine Cove welcomes Eugene Fritz May 22nd 1862 closing time com [Music] [Music] stealing again how the hell did you get in here you forgot to lock the door where'd you get the key I have the keys to everything these people are so lame what are you looking for he keeps hiding his booze you shouldn't be drinking I don't I just like to smell like I'm drinking she goes ballistic good plan where's Chris Hospital on the mainland are you sure you heard Fay that a shot too I hate her she decides everything it's just a flu shot I'm sure she means well you don't know anything about it why are you still here just go get off the island I intend to but first I have to see my cousin alone this never going to happen not without your help oh God you're so stupid is the phone out again I don't no fa's been trying to call you the shipping company left a package at the fairy Landing by mistake she needs you to pick it up right now no an hour ago but you haven't answered the phone I've been right here look she's already in one of her moods hurry up I have to lock up it's okay I'll take care of it she wants you to drop it off at our house on your way home okay get going okay okay you are going to get in so much trouble why should now be any different what did they do to you [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] there's no blood oh my God Patty [Music] [Music] why a picture of your birth [Music] mark the dates match he has a birth mark too I'm next come [Music] [Music] no come back come back [Music] please 911 what's your emergency hi my name is Miss Roberson I'm on Pine Cove Island I need to talk to the nearest police department on the mainland I'll connect you with the sheriff's department in Pine Cove no no no no I need to talk to someone in the mainland please hurry what is your emergency I I think they killed my cousin and I'm pretty sure they killed a bunch of other people too hello where are you you m Roberson I told you I'm on Pine Cove Island where on the island do you know the address is there a street sign or a landmark no why do you need to know that it's going to be all right Jill I didn't tell you my first name Chris is it really you are you okay Jill wait Chris what the hell is going on you were hurt bleeding I saw you guess my hard head finally came in handy don't lie to me what are you people I I saw Patty I saw her body she didn't drown they killed her how do you know that because when people drown the capillaries in their eyes burst from oxygen loss Patty's hadn't and she's not the first one is she and I have the same Mark as Patty so I'm next [Music] right I got to get you off the island now tonight as soon as I'm sure you're safe I'll explain everything no the last Fair we already left okay there's a Cove on the other side of the island we have to cut through the forest but I have a boat there it's not much but it'll get us to the mainland I promised Camille I'd take her with me I'll explain it to her she'll understand no I won't go without [Music] her hurry come on evening Chris Sheriff Roberson I need you to come along with me now what's this about you're under arrest for the murder of Patty McMullen what you broke into Dr croft's office tampered with the body to destroy efforts Sheriff we also recovered the murder weapon from your cabin that's insane don't make this any harder than it needs to be this is wrong sheriff and you know it it's the way it has to be let me go you can't do this Chris we ran her blood panels Chris she's a match it's just too bad there wasn't more of her family out there I think after all these years you really enjoy this I think after all these years you forgotten how we've survived but I haven't neither have they just let her go you really care for [Music] her I don't think we can trust you anymore [Music] [Music] so what have you got planned for me am I going to drown or is this going to be another climbing accident just try and relax you'll be here [Music] long I know you're here I saw you Di you recognized it didn't you you recognized this just AE eug I'm not going to hurt you Eugene I just need to S no no more no no what is this what does it do Eugene tell me Camille I told you I have keys to [Music] everything they've got Chris but I know where he keeps his boat Eugene was shot dead and tonight he's alive again is it because of the injections I didn't want it in me anymore they used Pat his blood for the vaccine didn't they but why her we have to get out of here the epidemic there was someone from off the island wasn't there that didn't get sick someone with the mark Fai said the Markman that the blood was stronger without the vaccine people get sick we start dying and with it we heal really fast like Chris and Eugene you stop getting older I mean that newspaper picture of Eugene was taken in 1862 I here everyone got sick so you've been 16 for 145 [Music] [Music] years door hurry up let him get away oh my God they're everywhere leave us alone all of you you can't do this you can't just kill people Chris someone will come looking for me and they'll be as devastated as we were to find out you drowned trying to save your cousin no they'll ask questions they'll find out about you about this place as you said there's only you and your cousin no one's going to ask questions because you're like be missed let her go f you need this as much as we do or else she'll end up writhing in pain just like your mother you shut up about her I hate you and what happens to the rest of us you can't kill us you think you can keep us prisoners here forever prisoners they not prisoners then why can't I leave because we have to stay together that is how we have survived you're going to betray your own people your family for a mainlander they can't be trusted you know that s stop all of you this has to stop now you know what happens when we don't get the shots I don't want to die like that Chris no this is wrong it was wrong when the whole world abandoned us and left us here to die that was wrong and that makes it okay kill anyone as long as you survive don't you be so quick to judge you've never had to decide what you would do in order to save the ones that you loved but you can't save them anymore can you doctor I mean look at yourselves it's not working anymore and she knows it tell them Fay bring her to my office There Are No Children there was no Emily she was just another story right Emily was my daughter she was one of the first to die but you can't have anymore can you none of you can because of the vaccine that's why there are no children on this isent that was a choice we had to make in order to survive now let's go so you traded eternal life for Eternal loneliness what are you waiting for let's go oh God look at that rash see the vaccine doesn't work anymore not the way it's supposed to that's not true you weren't meant to live this long none of us were your bodies are giving out on you that's why you need the injections more often you don't know what you're talking about what about Logan why can't he talk and irods has he always been da and Chris's cough has gotten worse since I've been here what about you Fay what about the Tremors in your hands don't listen her she has no idea what she's talking about it made Eugene crazy he can't die and you can't make him right again I've have always taken care of you always and it's only going to get worse killing me isn't going to change change that my blood can't save you not anymore FY she's not one of us she doesn't know what we've been through you all remember what it was like before the vaccine remember I fixed that I fixed that and I can fix it again and I can keep us all alive at what price your life for theirs what are you saying is that right I saved you I saved all of you no more faith save them it's over what about her she's going to tell everyone about us we have a lot of explaining to do all of us I'm not going to [Music] what's going to happen to us I don't know but what should we do live your lives do the best you can with the time you have left that's all anyone can [Music] do no [Music] okay [Music] e e
Channel: Relax NC
Views: 425,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oSQg0_F1vHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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