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[Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] good okay just holler if you need something hey you got my napkins got it you doing good yeah are you guys ready okay it's not life [Applause] [Music] [Music] Carrie order up come in you singing tonight yep yeah just another broke waitress in Nashville but you know what I'm gonna have to come down and hear you soon fair warning I may not be on my A-game tonight because I am so tired you know you can take a risk Carrie I feel like I have to keep getting after it you know I'm gonna tell you what girl you might sound like a hot mess but you sure don't have to look like one come on over here let me get after that hair girl okay you're looking rough think you need a facial or something we do let this here just air out just air it out thank you Mom all right okay I hope the cousins in the trees [Music] [Music] 100 days [Music] things [Music] Nashville singing But Me [Music] please thank you thanks [Applause] you're home late I had a gig after work he didn't tell me nothing about it I'm sorry thought I had is that my guitar yeah where's yours one of my strings broke and I didn't have another one so I thought I'd just grab yours is that all right no it's not all right you know that was my daddy's guitar and I don't appreciate you using it especially without asking all right sorry just don't let it happen again okay [Applause] hey you remember where we were two years ago tonight yeah I was meeting you for the first time he was the prettiest waitress I'd ever seen Rodney please I'm exhausted and back when we first started you was always ready to go and now you're just always tired where's Emma in her room I guess hey before you go back to put this guitar away come on baby I'm just playing you know I love you [Music] [Music] hi Mommy I'm sorry honey I didn't mean to wake you up that's okay did you sing tonight yeah can I sing with you sometime I don't know if you want to sing in some of the sketchy bars I've been in how was your night fine what'd you all do I do my homework and then play with my dolls Rodney watch TV and talked on the phone did he make you anything for supper I ate some chips that's not enough oh my gosh okay how about I make you something good for breakfast okay sleep tight baby girl [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm right right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign hey honey hey what's you working on spelling homework only a few more weeks of homework and then it's summer are you excited yeah do you need help with any of it no I'm almost done okay all right I think I'm gonna make some tea mom yep what pubic excuse me well I have to diagram a sentence and it said something about cubic policy I think the word is public huh I think it's public policy oh yeah well what's pubic isn't that something oh how about you just finish your work and we'll talk about that later right hey honey where's Rodney he went somewhere with Joe he said he'd be back soon what [Music] okay honey why don't you go wash it for supper all right okay [Music] where have you been well me me and Joe we just ran to the gas station real quick we just hey I wanted him to drive me around in this new truck you see out there that's the old are you insane why did you leave my daughter home alone good luck on the couch tonight shut up hey man I'm out here why Rodney maybe it's because I care about you I want to do something a little nice for you you're unbelievable why did you leave her alone you can't leave a child Home Alone don't talk to me like that I'll take care of it more than you do and I ain't even her daddy but we get your little waitress job making 20 bucks and tips yeah because I'm the only one who works around here you know I can't work because I'm on disability disability you hurt your back more than a year ago you're fine you know what just get out no I know I should have been here sorry are you all right I know I'm right and I still want you to leave okay I get it you're mad [Music] but look at her she's been sitting there doing her schoolwork she's just fine it is not a big deal it is a big deal this is a dangerous neighborhood anything could have happened to her but it didn't mom hush don't talk to her like that leave no what you got something more to say huh you know what I get it Rodney your music career didn't work out you know why you don't want to leave because you're scared of getting a real job you're lazy you've been living off of me for so long you don't even remember how to work you're pathetic and I feel sorry for you [Music] either way get away [Music] Miss hex I'm Dr Braxton how you doing I'm fine your neck are you sure you're okay right how's my daughter as a result of hitting her head and the way that she seems to have fallen on her neck for the T4 compression fracture Carrie [Music] I'm sorry I made a mistake please just pick up the phone and call me back [Music] hey bud you're Rodney Johnson no no no [Music] come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] calling you back I feel so sorry for you too of course you can stay in my house come on down here as soon as you can and I have a room set up talk to yourself [Music] who's that that's your great uncle girl he was married to my Aunt Margaret before she passed well Lord have mercy look who it is I'm sorry about everything are you okay yeah we're okay how are you little girl I'm all right greater girl yeah you don't have to call me great Uncle Earl yeah you're getting so big you don't remember me do you well the last time I saw you you was about two years old thanks for making dinner tea is amazing sweet tea redundant you're in the country now around here folks just called it t okay Emma what do you say thanks who's that nobody um Emma let's get you ready for bed okay mom really you've had a long day and we need some rest I'll be right back to help with dishes I know nowhere man they're not I got the dishes well sleep tight don't let the critters bite that bugs good night what do you want I would appreciate if you answer the phone when I call I'm trying to reach you for a long time now still in County sorry about that you're not sorry you either want to call the cops on me that night took off with my money out of my disability checks too I didn't take your stupid you're stupid don't lie to me now get on back to the apartment I know you ran off somewhere I had Joe check up on you he said y'all ain't been there where are you what do you mean safe you cut my eye I had to get it sewn up and you take off with my money and run out like that no when I get out of here I'm gonna find you do you know what you did to Emma can't even walk she's she's paralyzed you know I didn't even touch that girl it doesn't matter we're far away from you that's all that matters Carrie you're back all right the bigger question is are you okay yeah girl don't lie to me that the person that called earlier yeah who is he Rodney this guy I was living with he didn't treating you anymore right did he is that why are you here well when you called earlier I knew you'd better on tough times you told me about Emma my heart just went out to that little girl I was just Rodney now he's in jail but he's getting out soon he doesn't know where we are but I know he's gonna come try to find us way to fight that night he thinks I stole his money [Music] well your family you two welcome to stay as long as you like I'm gonna go back and get the bed and made it up and how long see you in the morning thanks [Music] mommy [Music] um what's going on is there anything I can do I think it's a phantom thing I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm so far away [Music] she still [Music] standing [Music] let me see [Music] good morning hey good morning are you up early I know I couldn't sleep last night after everything has that ever happened before but I can't imagine it's gonna be the last time either yeah it's a nice guitar the first time I played it since the accident I see you got a string missing you know Marcus got one around here somewhere and I'll find it and you can use hers so what you working on oh you know just the next latest hit that's going to make me a million dollars and make me a star oh so that's the dream huh yeah so why are you smiling because it sounds stupid coming out of my mouth but you want it right yeah okay well keep working at it don't work too hard because you need to get some rest right I gotta run a few errands but I'll be back sounds good thanks [Music] sorry I'm late I'm just trying to finish fixing that door in the back classroom hmm thank y'all for coming I hope everybody's doing okay we're good Earl everybody's good just a little curious and what's the occasion well uh my niece Carrie and her daughter Emma have come to live with me she's not married no she ain't Shirley it was in a wheelchair she's paralyzed from the waist down the reason they're here is because they're heading out from Kerry's old boyfriend he sounds like a mean little Punk well what do you mean he sounds like a mean little punk I mean is he gonna come around here and cause trouble I mean should we be concerned well come on Jeff are you scared or something I ain't scared I just I need to know if he's gonna be trouble that's all I got a family to protect I got people to take care of now it's just a question right now he's in jail so probably not gonna Mount any trophy anybody girl are y'all close you and your niece I honestly no I haven't seen her since she was real young and she was pretty wild back then what do you mean Wild well you know she was just because I don't mean to be rude or anything but is she even a Christian bless her should we be even getting mixed up in people's business like this I mean especially at the concern of everyone's safeties y'all if we can help the girl out let's help her out thank you thank you Mary Lee I don't think Earl called us here to ask our permission I think he called us here to make us aware of what was going on so here's my thoughts on it it doesn't matter who she is doesn't matter where she's from doesn't matter what she's done or who she's been with you know she and her daughter need help so we're here to help them thank you Pastor Gene so Jesse how about you and Mary Lee and uh how about you Shirley you go over there tonight take them some fruit maybe a fruit basket some food you know welcome them to nolansville let them know they're loved all right sound good all right great hey what's all this well a few friends of mine came by I wanted to be helpful so a little better go there dropped off some food oh that's so sweet friends from where friends from church we'll be heading there tomorrow you can uh think of yourself Church huh yeah don't mean give me no lying about you not going I'm not I just we haven't been in a while and I don't have any church clothes with me so oh that's all right you don't need any you just come as y'all we are all Eternal beings so the question simply is where will we spend eternity that's why the gospel is so important the fact that he sent his son to die for us in our place should leave us humbled and grateful yeah and that takes faith and our faith in him is what guarantees us hope and the future you know that also reminds me of the beauty of the Gospel each of us are sinners and so undeserving of God's love and his grace but the amazing thing is we don't have to work for it or earn it we simply accept it as a gift and then rest rest in Jesus [Music] my niece and our daughter this is uh hey are you and Jesse good to see you um half hour long are you well I've got about six weeks left but uh today I hear you is that your first yeah yeah and it's a girl yeah well girls are the best this is my little girl Emma say hi hi well hey this is a Sheldon Bob and there's some of the folks about the dish is over for supper the other night yes thank you so much I brought the meatloaf but will you be back next week I don't know maybe we'll see hopefully well if you are maybe I could lend you one of my dresses no offense but those jeans look awful uncomfortable bless your heart well surely uh thanks but there's no need for this she's fine like she is and anyway I don't think any of your dresses would fit anyway no offense girl it's nice to meet you well now this must be Carrie yeah then this must be Emma so how old are you little lady 10 10 years old that is a great age isn't it yeah it is my old friend Earl is he taking care of you yeah he's a pretty good guy well I guess we better get going Emma's a little bit tired right y'all have a good one yeah you too okay good [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] stupid things stuck it's not coming off oh can you help me with this oh my back is giving me trouble I'm afraid if I get down there I won't be able to get up oh Aaron can you help us out for a minute and he can fix anything and he's good looking white boy too man this is my niece Carrie Goodman likewise hey he's a soldier well I was so uh what's what's wrong Earl and this thing's stuck huh [Music] okay wow thanks Aaron you you're a good man I appreciate it no problem well we uh we hope to see you next week okay see ya foreign [Applause] don't take this the wrong way but why do you go to a white church what this white people there hello I'm Mercy well you know to be honest when you're uh when I married you ain't Margaret she uh she drugged me to that church every Sunday and I didn't want anything to do with it but after a while they rubbed off on me and it's they became family now you know sometimes they can get a little stuffy but you know what I do I put a little soul into it Hallelujah hey speaking of family what do you think about uh my brother from another mother Aaron yeah he's different uh no hey he's he's a good guy you can count on that whatever you do Uncle Earl promise me you're not going to try to set me up with him mommy yeah baby Scott love us well yeah honey sure he does but I can't walk it seems like he could just fix me if he wanted to am I ever gonna be able to walk again I don't know Emma that's what we're hoping for and what we're working toward but right now I don't know real hello girl we're gonna still keep praying cause the Lord Jesus still works miracles anyway I think Emma would love to have some folk over and enjoy some some food and games like who just some friends it better not be any of these people you know I'm just gonna call some people up around town and just see who shows up look if this is gonna be an attempt to get all your church buddies to try and indoctrinate me it's not going to happen girl please it's not gonna be nothing like that [Music] Lord is my share [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] [Music] what not bad tonight yeah right and by not bad I mean terrible I mean that was just awful well thank you very much who's uh who's that I don't know is everything okay yeah you expecting anybody no because because I can go out there if you need me to it's fine Aaron hmm here's your water thanks [Applause] this is good Emma is this you and your mom playing and singing yeah we're at the girl Aubry Opry wow my wife Margaret took me there when we first got married it's a great place you think you'll sing there someday I don't know but I sure hope so well I love you little girl I hope you had fun tonight I did thanks unclear I'm really glad you are here you'd be lonely without you [Applause] he's a sweet guy isn't he yeah did you have fun tonight I did I had way more fun than I expected to Mr Bob's kind of funny too what do you mean did he talk to you no I was gonna say I haven't heard him say more than two words but he did look at you nice mom yep do you think maybe do I think what nothing never mind let's get you ready for bed come up come on night I love you [Music] carry it I'm headed to the grocery store oh wait hold on a sec oh hey there you go I don't need that you know you've been so kind to me already it's the least I can do I feel bad [Music] don't feel bad we're family [Music] I guess I can uh sure to buy me some extra prunes I'm not here that much more there you go all right oh I forgot uh this came in the mail for you I had the post office in my mail here you're ready to go hey could you uh just take Emma you think I think I might just drive around town today well that should take all the five minutes but suit yourself will you be good with Emma I might get a few stairs but yeah okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh you scared me I'm sorry I'm sorry just uh gave me a heart attack there I'm sorry please forgive me it's fine it's okay so what are you doing here uh I work here you work here yeah because of my injuries during my time in the military not so sure I could do another job right now here it's quiet peaceful what do you do here hmm it's about whatever needs to be done mowing gutters fixing doors and windows that kind of thing just got done taking care of the toilets hope you wash your hands not quite that was next on my list that's disgusting that's not so bad the worst part is cleaning up the gum that people stick up under the pews oh I'm sorry that's disgusting no no don't touch it I here I can I can take it no no it's it's no problem I'll just hang on to it since I'm already so disgusting I'm really sorry it's okay so you work here now you think you'll ever go back into the military I'd love to some of the best years of my life but uh but I'm nervous my head's so messed up you know I just don't know if I could ever do that again but anyway um so what are you doing here I'm looking for a job okay is it Pastor around no is it the hospital making some visits hmm look I know you all aren't like a job agency or anything but I could really use someone putting in a good word for me somewhere well yeah I'll uh I'll do what I can to help you out what are some of your job skills um you know I haven't really done much waitress sing you sing yeah you any good I'm all right well I'm sure plenty of places around here could use a singing waitress very funny so okay so you are a singer or you just like to sing I'm not really sure that's why I moved to Nashville a long time ago but that hasn't really panned out for me yet are you wanting to be a music star or something yeah but um the industry is really hard yeah you're not giving up on an area no I was a foster kid so I'm used to all these kids running around fighting for attention I like to think maybe I started singing Because I just wanted someone to listen to me that actually makes a lot of sense anyways sorry to get sidetracked but um Emma's medication is going to run out soon and she's gonna need proper care and More Physical Therapy and what little money I have left is going to run out soon and that doesn't even account for what she's going to need in the future for a kid that's never going to walk again around no um no he left many years ago and my last boyfriend is the reason that she can't walk was that him the other night in the pickup truck I don't know for sure Aaron my life some every relationship I've ever been in has been to wholly screwed up and I'm running out of money just living off of Earl's charity and I keep getting all these medical bills anyway Emma doesn't complain much but it just breaks my heart to see her in that stupid instead of running around with the other kids and it just makes me so angry I understand uh I'm sorry this is so stupid I came here just looking for help for a job and now I'm unloading all of my problems on you I'm glad to hear him thanks I'll tell you what put in a good word for you with the folks at the diner and we'll just see if they have any job openings really I promise I'll vouch for you now I hopefully it'll all work out but I'm not going to just guarantee anything okay I understand um thank you but this is just temporary I mean this is a sweet town and everything but I'm not going to be here forever and I have bigger things to do sure yeah so I'll um I'll talk to him and I'll let you know something soon see you later then all right well bye Aaron [Music] Uncle Earl everybody's staring at us is it because of my wheelchair wheelchair oh honey no they steering because you a gorgeous little girl and because I'm tall dark and handsome you see people around here ain't used to your kind of beauty hey Uncle Earl that's Joe who's Joe a friend from home Hey Joe small world huh foreign [Music] that's so great yes oh thank you so much okay bye well that was Aaron and I officially have a job great where a waitressing at the diner downtown I've been praying you will get something really yes apparently it worked um yeah baby am I ever gonna go back to school yes you are in fact your teacher just sent me some of your assignments so as soon as you're feeling better we'll just knock them out but I think with everything we've had going on lately it'll be good to have some down time but I'm sorry baby I know you miss your friends are we gonna see Rodney ever again Emma what do you remember about the last night we saw Rodney I don't know not much I mean I remember you guys were arguing do you remember falling or anything else honey Ronnie's not a really nice guy so if we're lucky we're never gonna see him again oh I almost forgot today I saw Joe in the parking lot Joe yeah Ronnie's friend he was just sitting in his truck so I waved but then he drove off what did his truck look like well it was Rusty and oh you know I think that uh everybody's had a long day and okay if you don't mind helping with the dishes Emma you've been my big helper so I think you should maybe go in the living room and watch some TV and get some rest okay and I think the thicker these dishes oh Uncle Earl Joe is one of Rodney's friends I think he has not here trying to look for us to help them look for him no no I think it'll be okay I just maybe her eyes play tricks on her yeah you know I got that shotgun I ain't afraid to use it Boy show his face around here uh shoot him sword look at him I believe you would but now I think it'll be okay just just please help me keep an eye out on Emma I won't take my eyes off that little girl well let me get these dishes no no no please let me do them you've done so much already well I well you know what I think I'm a take up on it and doing these bunions no favors keep standing go sit down relax [Music] dragging me down before [Music] there's a fire in my nose [Music] [Music] for the Stars [Music] help me [Music] seriously on our wedding night even I kid you not we were in the hotel room first night of our honeymoon and he gets this really serious look on his face and he goes merrily I think I want five kids what did you say to that I think I said something like sure baby whatever you want let's do this thing oh my gosh yeah let's do this thing I mean seriously who says that it's like it's like something out of an action movie let's do this thing oh shoot thank you so much for this Mary Lee I needed this no thank you thank you for the shower last week and forget me out of my house you have been such a help and not just to me to so many people from this town this town's been so good to him and me so oh I'm all wet could you be your pants no no no I think my water just broke uh-huh okay okay yeah stay calm okay um I'll take you to the hospital I'm gonna call Jesse Yeah uh-huh yeah are you ready for this let's do this thing okay okay okay all right I'll be right back okay yep [Music] Hey Jessie this is that she's gonna have the baby today can you meet us at the hospital okay great it's nothing you're welcome bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] long [Music] everything okay um someone just rang a moment ago and when I answered a man asked if you were here and when I said yes I mean as soon as I said yes click he hung up did he say who he was are your doors locked yeah okay any mail today um got a few pieces over there laying right there [Applause] [Music] so I'm out of a job right now yeah I heard I guess business got slow for a while but as soon as it picks back up they'll give your job back right how should I know all I know is I got a bunch of bills I can't pay for so don't get me sorry you're the one who set me up with that crap job you said you'd vouch for me and they just go and fire me I tried to help and I'll do what I can to help you get another it helped a lot thank you so much whatever you know please just what listen to me when I got back from the Middle East I was miserable I lost friends over there I I was deep into depression my my head didn't feel right doctor said I had post-traumatic stress it's like my mind just can't just can't handle things now I started drinking a little too much and I had nothing to live for but the people of this town and this church they took me in they cared about me I even stayed in some of their homes till I got back on my feet your Uncle Earl came to check on me just about every day folks were writing me and and calling me just to say hey and ask how I was doing yeah so what so I'm telling you that we care these people they care about you we're going to look after you and Emma you don't have to worry okay yeah well you all have a real funny way of showing it now you're just acting like a child you know I open up to you and all these people forget it it doesn't even matter Carrie I'm sorry I shouldn't have said [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign don't worry about it what are you doing what does it look like I'm doing well slow down can I help you with this what is going on I appreciate all your help but I'm so sick of this town okay you need to sit down Carrie sweetheart you're not [Music] you're not real you need to rest just let you let me take care of him Carrie [Music] [Music] hey oh hi Carrie I saw Earl in Services earlier but I didn't see you and Emma yeah she's not feeling good today oh everything okay yeah she just left her Bible here when we come and get it oh right right somebody brought that box it's right here I'll get it for you awesome that you know she is she's just a little doll isn't she she's got the voice of an angel of course you know that already there you go say did you hear about our window [Music] well one of the windows in the sanctuary it got got smashed when Aaron was locking up Aaron there are you sure you don't know who did that I'm sure didn't get a very good look at whoever it was I just don't understand why anybody would do that [Music] it's crazy [Music] foreign [Music] you're getting big you're right you hardly said anything at dinner can we go home yet don't you like it here I hate it if no friends there's kids at church I don't like any of them they're mean I heard some of the girls after church say that I should be in Mr Bob's family because we both got something wrong with us Emma I'm sorry kids like that say stupid things sometimes just don't pay attention to them care who want to go home I told you we can't right now okay it's not safe why honey wasn't so bad honey you're a little bit too young I'm not too young Rodney's not a nice guy maybe it's because of you Emma listen the night that you fell he treated us both very very badly okay and it wasn't the first time either I know you're sad right now but I need you to hang in there for me I love you very much things are going to get better I promise [Music] well I finally got her down should I go in there oh no I tell you what she's madder than a mosquito and a mannequin Factory I'm such an idiot oh now don't be so hard on yourself it's true though it's all my fault I'm the reason she can't walk right now you know maybe I don't deserve someone better than Rodney but she does deserve better I got something for you Margaret and my mama what do you remember not to know she was a lousy mother by the time I was Emma's age she was gone you know yeah Marcus said when they were growing up she was just fine but as she got older she said she got real selfish and she was always on drugs she didn't take care of you when you were little and she definitely didn't take care of herself so when you were about four years old well I probably shouldn't tell you this but your mother got pregnant had a miscarriage you know your mother went around and told everybody that she fell and but Margaret and I knew that the reason she lost the babe was because she continued to put that junk in her body we called child services she never forgave us and then you ended up in foster care and we had a hard time trying to keep up with where you were but now since you all are here it feels like I got a second chance at family sometimes I'm afraid I'm just like her though I'm gonna screw up I have this beautiful little daughter and I'm I'm losing her yeah he's not losing her mothers and daughters fight sometimes I am now I am I am I've messed up everything in my life and I'm trying to make it right I really am but I'm so exhausted I'm just tired honey need to rest you're working too hard and rest isn't about not being busy you know wrist is knowing why you breathe it's knowing why you're here on this Earth it's annoying your purpose is peace come unto me all ye who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest you get that from a fortune cookie girl pleaser yeah man I hope you missing shoot Jesus said that I know it was a joke look I guess I've picked up a few things along the way mostly the hard way yeah me too hey by the way have you heard Emma Singh yes I have he sounds like an angel that's what everyone's telling me I feel like I haven't even heard my own daughter sing you know she's got a beautiful little voice and it's just like yours you know your mom was broken she had plenty bad in her but she also has some good and that beautiful voice of yours care from your mama for everything what can I do to repay you could you give me everything I've ever wanted family you expecting someone no foreign because I stole his money oh come on Carrie you told me you did I know I lied and I'm sorry can't you just give Amanda's money back get to Emma's room I'm gonna call 9-1-1 yes there's yes it's the old House at the End of Elm Road please hurry do it I want my money you get out of here [Music] I swear I'll break this door down Rodney you need to get out of here right now I say that to me you put me in jail I stole my money check it out and I'll get you your money but then you have to leave wow what happened I thought you would have had something you ruined it I'll get it but you need to promise to stay just stay right there no I don't trust you where's the old man he's not here of course he's here who is this you can ask Carrie about that you need to get out of my house look I respect the man's house but this woman owes me money I'll go get it just calm down [Music] [Music] here it is now you need to leave hold on I'm gonna count it first and I don't trust her [Applause] carry words no it's not all of it but I'll get the rest to you I promise that's not good enough man put that away sit down old man you're gonna get yourself hurt just stop it give me my money Carrie [Music] [Music] oh man [Music] baby get back to your room now maybe she knows where my money is okay leave her alone Ronnie leave her alone stay down if you don't want to get hurt I'm so sorry for what all I need you to do is tell me where your mom's hiding the rest of my money and it's all be over okay look things could end really badly for her now I'm not a bad man she brought all this on us now I just want my money I'm a baby it's gonna be okay shut your mouth Carrie I just need my money [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] were you able to sleep not much playing everything that I saw last night I'm just trying to wrap my brain around it feels like a dream almost like like a miracle I don't know I mean maybe the adrenaline was rushing and I don't know maybe you're right and if you are I don't really know what to do with that hmm what were you doing here last night anyway about what good job back really yeah turns out they were looking for a singing waitress and um also [Music] after a few recent episodes I've had I'm realizing that I need a little more help definitely got some lingering PTSD going on that uh well you you've seen what it does to me so anyway I I've been checking out a treatment and Rehab Center think they'll be able to help me cope a little bit better only thing is it's inpatient so I'll be gone for a little while wow yeah I don't love the idea of it but the more I think about it it's going to be good for me you okay yeah I just think I might miss you I won't be gone forever a few weeks I'm really sorry for the way that I treated you Erin [Music] I will be gone gonna be there no you all ready to eat yeah faster would you mind leaving us I think everyone should hold hands all right should we shall we bow our heads heavenly father thank you for this food thank you for these who are gathered here this evening thank you for your mercy in our lives and thank you for just giving us this opportunity to rest and relax this evening in Jesus name amen amen [Music] don't get too comfortable you're on right hey thanks everyone for coming out tonight are you are some live music well let's please welcome our very own Carrie Hicks and her daughter Emma thank you all for being here today um the last ring on my guitar had been broken for a while but my Uncle Earl fixed it for me got it sounded pretty good so from time to time it may go out of tune but I think we'll make it okay uh this is a song that em and I wrote together called Little Bird won't you fly away once you stay [Music] every single room he's in your song foreign [Music] [Music] just begin again so close your eyes through the dark let the light in your heart seek the truth where you've heard [Music] know [Music] looking down on the world below it's a beautiful [Music] beautiful if you're scared of heights and your wings are tired let the wind the wind will take you home [Music] are you happy mom I am did I sound okay tonight [Music] I used to always tell people that the reason I started singing was so that someone would finally listen to me that all that changed tonight I think I finally did some of the listening and Emma you are amazing we should get some rest yeah [Music] good to close your eyes through the dark let the light in your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: CrownTV
Views: 616,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eyz_IVEl3HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 42sec (5262 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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