Kepler's Dream | Full Inspirational Movie | Holland Taylor | Sean Patrick Flanery | Kelly Lynch

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] The Witch's child is given a sleeping draft [Music] she then makes the trip to the moon though demons live there hello you've reached Mackenzie Fishing Excursion please leave your name and number at the beat Walt this is Irene Lee Amy's neighbor calling again I don't know if you're getting these messages I'm here at the hospital picking up Amy the transplant is going to happen she's allowed home for a couple of days before going to Candle Hill in Los Angeles for the treatment I've offered to go with her the thing is there's no one here to take care of Ella and there's no money for anything like summer camp Amy's finances are Beyond stretched with the medical bills and she's put the house on the market this stem cell transplant it's Amy's Last Chance Walt your daughter needs you [Music] when she awakes she can see the Earth her [Music] home she seeks the materials to brew a potion that will protect her mother from the fire hello you've reached Mackenzie Fishing excursions please leave your name and number at the beat hi my name is Abigail luns I'd like to schedule a fishing trip for my 12th birthday you can reach me at 65555 7225 at any time I wish you could come with me to Family Camp my mom wants me on this Coast nearby just in case but I got to go to Broken Family Camp got to go good luck hello hi is this Abigail Dad it's me Ella have you gotten our messages hey uh yeah I I I was going to get back to y'all how are you honey yeah I'm great dad heard they found a compatible donor is that right yeah it's supposed to make the stem cell thing look better that's great honey that's that's so that's why I'm coming to stay with you right you know honey that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually I'm uh I would be out on the river pretty much every day Snake River Henry's Fork but my mother lives in New Mexico but I've never met her well in situations like these family sticks together that's just what a family does Dad called turns out I'm going to my grandmother's in New Mexico your grandmother's yep family sticks together you're going to Violet Von Sterns dad says she likes dogs and I can take Lou at least we don't have to board him I can't believe he's doing this it's in the middle of nowhere she'd have to take a prop plane to get there that that house is crammed with stuff Birds everywhere she doesn't like people and forget kids 867 5 n the three human star voyagers the Apollo Astronauts fulfill an ancient human dream since we first looked upward two astronauts descend while the third continues ever further out of sight behind the moon as his companions thrill to the dreamlike landscape on this expedition to the Moon decades ago a good boy it's okay they old Dragon you I got it [Music] I have something for you I've been stuck in that hospital they don't have a great selection there at the gift shop I love it hands oh and and I I want you to write me some letters okay who you meet what you see there very treasure dead bodies dead bodies you never know Violet V Stern kidding L listen this may sound a little crazy but I'm imagining going to Candle Hill hospital for my treatment is like going on a space mission like the astronauts in Apollo 11 as Aldren and Neil Armstrong they were they were the famous ones but we know Michael Collins was a reason why they could do their mission Michael Collins went to the dark side of the moon why they did their moonwalk all alone he went all alone right so that's who I am I'm Michael Collins I have to get in that airtight shuttle and complete my mission okay and when I come back the leukemia will be all gone so who does that make me me alarm strong you get to do the moonwalk hey bring me back a moon rock will you we're all [Music] set [Music] I love you I love you more hey El she has her own Library ask her to show you the Kepler the the what it's a book okay [Music] [Music] [Music] e hi Ella hi yeah I'm Miguel I work with your grandmother nice to meet you nice to meet you this is my girl Rosie hi and who's this this is Lou Lou come on L come on you didn't come with me come on L there you go good boy The First Time Mrs Von Sterns ordered up a k good Rosie's admiring your haircut I cut my hair for my mom out of solidarity okay let's go get in the truck [Music] sorry your mom's been sick Ella you get to spend the summer with me I live on a trailer on your grandmother's property and uh and Rosie's going to spend most of the summer with me so uh she lives with her mom on our Ranch it's nearby what are all those Hills those ain't Hills those are the orti mountains do you ride sure do you have a horse in rwood City yeah really what kind what do you mean what kind of horse get like a pinto Palamino uh Pinto Palamino well you're just going to have to come over to our Ranch and go riding your dad and I used to ride together wait you know my dad sure [Music] do what was that oh that's just a peacock you'll get used to him it sounds like someone crying [Music] oh H well hello H I say you're dressed for ranch work you know not everyone in New Mexico is a cowboy all my other clothes are all packed oh my goodness your father said you had masses of hair down to your waist she cut it for her mom Rosie you know I can't understand you when you're chewing that awful gum we're going to take the boxes around back and I'll be back to help with dinner Miss V come on Rosie thank you m mhm this is my wor thing I named him after the German composer and yours he's Lou I think the peacock's you know scared him a little Pi it wouldn't harm a [Music] fly there we are there's the best one in the world yes you are WR well I I'll show you the house who no no sorry no don't touch it it's very delicate early 20th century [Music] Navajo that's tiger little souvenir I picked up from Bengal did you shoot him yourself is a who's that that is Edmund your grandfather I had this drawing commission from from this Photograph right here you see that's Edmond and of course your father I've never seen a picture of my dad as a kid how come he's not in don't Dole Ella you sure have a lot of stuff yes I have a lot of things but I implore you don't call it stuff I hate it when people come to my house and say oh my good Miss Von Stern you have so much stuff I'm a collector I collect I also travel so in a lifetime things accumulate my teacher Mr Holloway he would have caught that an understatement pardon nothing coming you aren't the only guest staying with us for the moment we have Mr Christopher Abie staying in the Hasan room he's an eminent book seller and very dear friend of mine I hope you won't be in Lance to him your room is dumb whole those are the um signatures of all the guests who have stayed in this room my dad's com to pick me up in two weeks so he says so uh grandma grandmother will be fine grandmother is there wi-fi you know internet Over My Dead Body there's plenty of things to do around here you can help Miguel with the peacocks or clear the table with the dishes you'll do your own laundry of course dinner's about 5:30 you can come a little before and have some iced tea you might want to freshen up up after your journey okay it's so strange that we haven't met [Music] before [Music] are you looking for something I was making a map I got lost this is my room you'll have no need to come in here Ella [Music] do you take lemon in your iced tea Ella Yeah by that do you mean yes yes thank you thank you somebody's been waiting a long time for their treats Hello darling bety come on come on do you fish Ella what say pardon pardon do you like to fish no why do you oh Heavens know I just assumed that your father has taken you out only once he came by our house at like 4 in the morning and they was it like 4 in the morning or was it 4 in the morning it was 4 in the morning and basically I sh through the whole thing that shows remarkable judgment on your part he caught four bass and a couple of Snappers on my line after that as a joke he liked to say I was this great fisher woman I've been reading this marvelous book on the wars which Wars don't be a Philistine you sound exactly like your father the wars evand Eveland War Brides had Revisited deine and full bi Bodies Okay meat well you look ravishing how was your n well the sound of the peacocks makes for an unusual l oh you you you must be Ella well how do you do Ella meet our honored guest Mr Christopher Abron you must be excited to see the legendary Von Stern collection in sit you I haven't shown her the library I'm planning my next Expedition you have any ideas well it must be due for another Jaun across the pond oh London again well you could always visit Hells in CES Court though I must tell you that K celms cot he was so proud of was proved to be a forgery after all yes I've always thought there was something Shady about hell you have no idea oh well I'm hope and you'll tell me later I will indeed um since Mom got sick we've been taking vacations on the computer one time she picked Machu pitu and the ink has made the whole place like an observatory and at the Equinox the light from the sunrise was aligned and it filled the whole Temple she sounds a little bit like Edmund perhaps I should visit Peru remember my nephew is coming in a few days he's going to help us finish our cataloging project yes I just I just don't like the idea of someone new looking over my collection after all I know perfectly well what I have it must be done you've got such valuable volumes I suppose you're right excuse me can I ask you about the Kepler book my mom said I should ask you about it yes you may ask me Kepler's somnium lunar his dream of the moon it's extremely rare there are only two surviving copies in the world two why don't they just print more oh dear you don't know about first editions do you it was published in the 17th century Edmund gave it to me yes and he outbid me for it the lucky but that was how I came to meet your grandmother Kepler was one of the great early astronomers and mathematicians like like uh Galileo he was the one who discovered that planetary orbits weren't circular they were elliptical what your grandfather especially revered about him though was that he had a wild imagination he thought the Earth had a soul and his book was his dream of travel to the Moon he imagined a lunar Expedition over three centuries before the Apollo Astronauts ever got there the other original was auctioned off last month for over $200,000 Christopher I'm sorry I it was Indiscreet of me to mention the value of the somnium you mentioned it price it's not its value certainly not to me well at the very least you must keep it locked away what is the point of one's having a treasure if one can't enjoy it oh are you going to just play with your food or will you actually eat it I don't eat buffalo shot yourself this Wolf Gang adors it Wolfie wolfy yeah you arey here it gets cold at night oh oh my you have you have a good collection here yeah thank yes thank you uh do send your mother my good good wishes dear Mom well here I am reporting in from the house of mud your name's on the wall in my room it makes me feel better that you once stayed here it's weird there are a lot of pictures of Edmond but only one or two of Dad it's like he hardly exists Annie Irene told me that the radiation is making you feel like a p stuck in a microwave too long I don't like thinking of you getting nuked I'm sending you lots of love oh and the GM sends her good wishes too GM the general major that's what I'm calling grandmother but not so she can hear me I miss you I love you Ella what happened happened did something happen happen certainly something has happened it's called morning you really mustn't waste the best part of the day I guess sleeping past 7 is an offense here at the good grandar Correctional Facility I guess someone hasn't heard of something called [Music] Summer for [Music] come [Music] on [Music] [Music] oh you're awake good morning good morning this afternoon I'm going into town for a hair appointment and to run a few errands and I thought perhaps you might like to join me um actually Miguel said I could feed the peacocks with him and Rosie might come over then um why do people say um instead of simply not speaking such an ugly syllable well I'm glad Miguel is keeping you busy you know there used to be a whole bunch of peacocks around here how many well I don't know I could never get them to line up so I could count them oh hey can I tell you something cool about those trees sure well you know how your grandpa was an astronomer I hardly know anything about him well he was an astronomer and a romantic for a wedding gift he planted all those trees there in the shape of the Big Dipper Cottonwood constellations he called it cool yeah well you can't see much of it anymore but the pattern's still there you know there used to be whole bunch of horses around here this old mayor here Miss V rescued her she's the last one left there used to be all kinds of animals around here we had road runners and skunks skunks mhm she named them like pets like Chanel number five and good old arpeg me and your father we grew up with animals all around us we would ride through the alala fields all the way to Circle sea our dads were best friends my dad never told me about this place yeah well it doesn't come up here much anymore hi howy uh looking for Mrs Stern Von Stern Ella I'll take him to see your grandma okay come on you don't understand while Christopher is staying here there's no need for that kind of language look it's just completely inconvenient I don't care what day it is you can't just arive here you have already imposed a great deal on me this summer not used to having a child around having a little listen in on me there is simply no room at the end oh Jackson is this your idea of work attire oh my goodness what are you all doing here and who are you Violet allow me to introduce my nephew Jackson Reeves here to do the cataloging hey what's up can he read let's all get to work shall we okay right wow Jason Jackson well this is new have you been cheating on me Eagle ey there are other book sellers in the world though that's Michael Collins well you're quite right that's who it is they couldn't have done the Apollo Mission without him you know your grandfather was very helpful to NASA colins said of him Edmund felt as though the stars were his friends and he always knew exactly when and where they were going to appear in the sky like a travel agent to the Stars I like that do you know what Stern means Ella no it means star in German when your grandfather and I married he wanted me to keep my maiden name which is Von Stern he loved the fact that it meant from the Stars she has an enormous collection by the way there may be some duplications a spreadsheet or something yes on disc [Music] stream don't touch that not wearing gloves I didn't know perhaps you're right Christopher perhaps one should keep these Treasures locked away especially from [Music] children [Music] is that the real grande jeez not that Grande is it it's big enough to drown people seriously our Grandpa's Jed in that River today is all about fun let the dead lie in peace [Music] hey let's go ride to the hills huh I saw someone I that guys guys wait up please come on now come on come on come on come on come on you stupid heart Ella oh my gosh dad help her Ella come on Rosie Ella Ella [Music] hey are you okay I I guess I think I just uh Miha go get Paloma it's okay it's okay it's going to be all right okay just just breathe there you go just breathe in and out you're having a tough summer aren't you I know it'll be all right you go back Miha we'll meet you at the stable look everything's going to be all right you ready to get back on you want me to get back on that thing sure be all right we'll take it nice and slow we'll walk okay that'll be all right you ready let's go good girl that's my braid [Music] I grab a hole I'll grab your foot there you go all right Paloma I'll pretend none of this ever happened if you will I'm sorry come on hey and uh when we get back I'll give you lessons H tell your grandma in a month we'll be Galloping past Rosie and meeting it Miguel what did Rosie mean about my grandpa in the Rio Grande your father never told you no your dad and I were kids fathers used to take us fishing we were Upstream it was early morning your grandpa had a passion sometimes stopped him from seeing what was right in front of him he was always looking up to the sky he was too busy to see what was on the ground right in front of it current was strong up there my dad he jumped in tried to pull him out but the current that strong just takes seconds to pull you under sometimes a rescue they don't work out sometimes just goes the other way come on pick y'all up after dinner dinner okay okay okay all right your mom she's pretty sick yeah yes she's got leukemia it's a kind of cancer they've tried other stuff and now they're trying this extreme thing called a stem cell transplant the what has got to do with stems I've never understood who would take care of you if would you go stay with your dad or your grandma definitely not her dad says her bark is worse than her bite I know her Bark's pretty bad if you ask me I think your mom's going to make it that's what my Alito is telling me your abolito my grandpa the one who drowned with yours he talks to you I wish mine would talk to me my grandmother's book that's how she talks to my [Music] grandfather [Music] hey I hear that book is worth loads of money can't let children get their hands on it I'm not a child all right that enlighten me oh wise one how do you get online here why don't you try this bridge sometimes works all right you know it it's those stupid trees they're blocking my signal they're not just trees they're cottonwoods and they make this kind of snow they were plant in the pattern of the Big Dipper seriously yeah if you start at the driveway and then you follow the perimeter and make the shape R Versa major cool dad Bella hold on a minute dad Bella it's Dad Dad I can hardly hear you yeah honey that's probably because I'm out of the river thanks better get back to Durer one hey how you and the old Dragon getting along huh okay I guess she fed you to the peacocks yet not yet she's got a hell of a lot of stuff doesn't she honey that's an expedite dad and you're not supposed to call it stuff well you know she's probably at the cemetery today it's July 1st you know my Dad wait what about the cemetery never mind honey it's it's so when are you coming to get me listen sweetie that's one of the reasons I was calling I had a brand new piece of business come up H but I I don't think okay d so you know thanks for calling Ella Ella Ella [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] don't touch them you forgot to be than once please you forgot to wear the [Music] CL where are [Music] you [Music] can you come out [Music] here I don't know where my dad is I woke up and wanted to talk to him and he's gone gone you mean he's just gone give me a break I was asleep what was that probably just a peacock so when did you last see him when I went to sleep but usually tell me was like a gun where where's it coming from what the hell are you doing up here my fine grandmother are you what on Earth is going on Violet are you all right there was just some kind of disturbance I heard gunshots so I set off the alarm that must be the police now girls go back inside please now hurry up Miss v y all all right Miguel is that you out there hunting in the middle of the night thought I heard something trying to scare him off and did you see who it was no where he or they were they took off well where was is I'm sure it was just a Pico we thought we saw something by the library the library I'm going to go with you you girl stay here all right yes stay right behind you it's gone do you know anyone who might want this book well that would be a handful of people in the world and very few people even know this book exists so and uh what about the code from the library youever giving that out well Miguel runs this Ranch of course he has it I so I can't think of anyone else who has the code we need to talk what is it your general major thinks my dad took the book not just her also her exp delated guest explo of deleted that's what Mom and I call words like that comes from President Nixon mom said that he had a found mouth like my dad listen I know it wasn't your dad I think ABI took it he was dressed that night under his bathrobe maybe Jackson helped your dad swears a lot when I see him which is never he lives in another state my parents had what you might call Extreme divorce I guess they just woke up one day and brother they hate each other's guts they forgot to notice that when they got married I'm worried that might happen to us my mom's mad at my dad for staying here at the trailer well at least your dad knows how to be a dad mine never got the manual did did you happen to get a good look at the guy you took the warning shot at at all or barkeley was dark yeah I mean sure but what about Direction barley what do you understand here it was dark yeah can we do this later please sure thank you Rosie we're late how can you work for someone like that get in the car let her take care of herself feel Wich why don't you just calm down please all right let's talk this out no no Miguel grew up with Walter they played like brothers together oh he was so marvelous with the horses with the dogs it's often that way people closest to home in whom one has entrusted so much were you Eve stopping it's a loathsome practice I just got here help yourself to cereal Miguel didn't take that book given the history it's no wonder he'd have it out for this family after Miguel's father drowned he drowned saving my grandpa but it was an accident Edmund didn't just fall in Walter was being his usual Daredevil's self when he fell Edmund jumped in to pull him to shore in seconds he was sucked below Francisco jumped in after him they never surfaced it was Walt's carelessness that took both fathers away I suspect Miguel agalar has hated this family ever since Miguel moved away after viot got rid of most of the horses and peacocks Walter went away to school soon after your grandmother couldn't bear having anyone else around I'm going to find out who took it well we'll see what the police have to say about that watching your dad drowned getting sent away to boarding school I guess life wasn't a picnic for you you either Walter McKenzie extreme childhood dear Mom I finally got to see the Kepler book you told me about it's beautiful or it was beautiful the problem is it's gone someone stole it the way the GM is acting you think someone had died which I guess they did a long time ago I heard how Edmund drowned in the Rio Grande so now I know what you meant about ghosts it's like turning over a rock but instead of beetles coming out it's stories get better sooner so you think that I should fire Miguel well Mr agila has many fine qualities but the question is will you ever feel at ease with him here he's been awfully quiet all week not himself and Miss go with your instincts [Music] hello you've reached Mackenzie Fishing excursions please leave your name and number at the beat thank you I just wanted to say hi so you know [Music] hi what are you doing uh I am transferring the book titles from this dinosaur to my laptop oh gosh this is insane who collects books like this um the Sorrows of young worther the worst journey in the world the buildings of England and the englishness of English art what does lightly fox mean so age related spots like your grandmother's you like astronomy astronomy the Stars Polaris like your sweatshirt oh Polaris is a Sci-Fi convention in Ontario you know Toronto track it's awesome uh Doctor Who Star Trek I try to go every year last year I saw Tony amandola and will weaton I know it's you know pretty nerdy no it's cool are you on your uncle close he's been helping my mom out over the years you know with college tuition and all his money goes a long way what about your dad he's out of the picture mine too basically having a listenin are we Jackson could I have a word with you private place yeah I thought we were just doing a little sharp lifting and now now we're talking major ice yes but our accomplice is no Carrie Grant he was spooked by the gunshots and he hid it on the property Rosie where are you I'm here I'm leaving here few days when this bloody D I need you to bring it to me all right where did he hide it and who exactly is this guy are they having a fight are they making a plan okay this is not what I signed up for me let's not forget what you owe me I haven't but I don't want to get caught I'm going to get caught look I I can't go and get it she he's watching me like a hawk oh so now you're going to throw me under the bus I'm not throwing you under the bus but I will remind you that your tuition is due next month wow yes wow ah bloody peacocks wish I had a rifle [Music] [Music] I only wish I could stay longer to help you yet duty calls Jackson will be finished with the cataloging in a few days well I hate to see you go well you should take that trip to Peru my dear it will do the world of good may we help you actually I can't help you with your bags oh no no no no no well surely Miguel but I want to help well that's very generous of you Ella No I I'll take care of it I'll take that much too heavy for you hello that won't be necessary I'll just carry this out for you no I'm so sorry stop do you mind these are my personal effects what is going on in here he has your W no no no no no no Ella inadvertently found her way into my suitcase he has your W book oh that's a copy you little twer Christopher no need to be so rude excuse me really go thank you heyo oh buddy it's been too long yeah I hear our daughters are picking up right where we left off huh yep they are uh hey I got to take aloc to the airport and uh we'll get together later I'd like that all right it's good to see see you yeah you too excuse me little late to the party don't you think yeah well old girl how how you doing you look good Ella were you aware that your father was visiting today not exactly well figured you may have a vacancy with abber kby gone [Music] I can't believe you're really here yeah it's crazy right I've been here here 24 days has it been that long yeah it's been that long my my my trip to yaka took a week longer than actually thought and I just uh I've actually got a really funny story about that did you forget your dad manual what what do you mean by that I forgot you never had one it's just a joke I have my friends yeah yeah I will your father be joining us for lunch do you think I know great just so you know AB the crumb lied we've already had this discussion Ella that well book he had it was an old copy not a new one plenty of people in the world read evand wall even if your father didn't Decline and fall Theo cover light the FRX copy I'm not as much of a Philistine as you think I see you're still surviving on a pat diet mother better than fish grandmother Ella I believe I owe you an apology you're right about Christopher seems he's been pilfering all along who knows what else is gone I supp he finally set his sights on the Sunil I'm sorry grandmother I know he was your friend isn't that rather formal what I mean pardon grandmother isn't there something shorter that you could call me how about Jan oh I see for grandmother or in German grutter or maybe even you know General major yes occasionally General major after all someone has to keep things Ship Shape certainly won't be the junior officers there was a line of Carl sein that edwiin loved to quote one glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person perhaps someone dead speaking silently and clearly directly to you you know Ella some things in life get lost and one never does find them again I'm not giving up GM Noble sentiment Junior officers do have their uses what's up young man would you allow me to search your bag KN yourself out you don't have to let me of course if you have nothing to hide happy Jason Jackson whatever your services are no longer required fine just let me grab my stuff it took like eight adapters to make your stupid computer work so you uh you really want to find that book don't you my grandmother says it's the first science fiction book kep wrote it 400 years ago well take it easy life for the party I hope you find it by the way you're Polaris you know your dream keep searching so how many of these you think you've read so far not many I'm hoping to get through all of them you no I always found it too hard to breathe in this [Music] room my dad's moved back to the ranch but the jam didn't fire him he quit he doesn't want to work for somebody who could think he's a thief my mom's happy she thinks her bad spirits here why because of the unhappy history old lady will be by herself maybe that's how she likes it it's t- 16 days and count till I leave I hope it'll at least stay till then Dad what are you doing out here ah I was just going to go and have a talk with Miguel you know we haven't had a chance to catch up in a while honey dad's trailer is that way by the windmill I didn't even think to look in the trailer I will and uh this is embarrassing your dad's more coordinated than this hey Dad wait up we know ABAC took the book have a crumby huh I'll be damn exper your mom's still teaching you to be my FCC huh the book wasn't in Abi's suitcase or in Jackson's backpack maybe it's somewhere here so that he can come back for it it's just a book honey let it go come on Bella it's getting late sweetie let's get inside Walter there's a call for you yeah hello what's going on what is it Irene okay yeah all right thanks for calling so uh Amy's not doing very well she's running a pretty high fever and she's vomiting blood they think it's a q gvhd which is a graph versus host disease it's when the body rejects the new blood so it just uh I I have to find Kepler's dream hey honey Belle Belle might as well give up she's a stubborn as her father she's doing this for you mother she think that book is the only thing that you care about that book was a gift from my husband he wasn't just your husband you know that right he was my dad too of course I know that you know it turns out that I lost my home and my father the same summer you sent me away to thater that registered to you at all yeah by the time I got back You' already changed my bedroom into a guest room you signed the wall didn't you you were always welcome as long as the timing was convenient is that right well your daughter's been here for weeks while you've been out on the river with your precious fish maybe this time you could show up where the hell were you that summer mom where were you I'll tell you where you were you were in London with your nose bearing some rare book that's where you were you think Ella feels welcome here do you she don't even know you like whose fault is that it's everyone's fault it's everyone's do you think Amy's going to die I don't know I saw that little nose day of Fish Hooks you left on Edmund's grave I figure they last longer than flowers you know so you did visit on the 1 of course I didn't mother I marked the date as well before we said goodbye my mom told me that she might die in LA and if she did I should think of her as like going back to the Stars she said that's all we're ever made of anyway and that it's all the same stuff light and energy and matter she said if she died I wasn't supposed to feel too terrible I should look up at the stars and imagine her up there somehow with them floating around the Galaxy you can see the stars really well tonight there's Orion Orion's a hunter and the two stars at the end of The Big Dipper poin the way to Polaris he said I should find Polaris who Jackson if these cottonwoods are the Big Dipper and the big differ points to the North Star the North Star is the tool shed The Tool Shed come on [Music] up [Music] [Music] for [Music] wow it's beautiful like a book of M Magic grandmother grandmother I found it GM grandmother we found the book it was my dad he took heer's dream he was working with abami abami was going to sell it but my dad actually took it he was working with the aboc cromie I'm sure he has an explanation don't even bother mano I think you should leave you bet how could anyone do that you don't come back the whole time I'm here and then you suddenly sneak back to steal that book what kind of a dad does that maybe someone who never even wanted to be a dad in the first place stop it stop it I always wanted to be your dad I'm sorry about this all right it's my fault sorry I saw you the other night running away you know and I didn't tell anybody even when they suspected me give me the jacket please it's not in there your dad had 174,000 reasons to do it it's about the hospital bill for Amy I always had faith in you ad man give me that honey please you did this for my mom where where did you get this did you go see her yeah honey I went and saw your mom can we go see her now together soon honey thank you for letting my dad stay GM oh H life is complicated isn't it you think you know people and then they surprise you I wanted to tell you something right before I found the book I asked Edmund for help the Stars helped me find it his cottonwoods too he was talking to me [Music] for dear Mom I know you're staying a little longer in the hospital to get stronger I like the sound of that I'm okay here now this is turning out to be a better summer than I expected when she fell on her rum I'm sorry I wanted to laugh Rosie's mom and dad are back together again at the Circle CA they cooked a delicious meal to celebrate the Blue Moon thank you thank just in time Miss Don't Want to Miss a Blue Moon Festival Dinner that's for sure no ma'am hungry a toast family family the GM showed up and ate with us even though there was Salsa on the table and no Pate at all dad's been staying on at the house a few more stories have come come out but not so many ghosts I miss you I love you Ella get all loaded with gear in case the fish are biting on the way back Dad Lou come on Lou come on boy this time I promise I'll stay awake you bet [Music] [Music] sorry we're late oh my God LV look at you you've grown up so much horseback rider peacock lover detective oh well I've just been flat on my back doing nothing it's not nothing mom you've been on a mission we both have been it shouldn't have come to this for you to meet your grandmother she wants me to travel travel with her to Peru you should do that I have a joke okay knock knock who's there to to who to whom listen I'm sorry I I I thought I had a way to cover this but I think I'm going to need to speak to one of your advisers about a payment plan uh between the two of these cards I think I can do up to 18 and I've already been approved for a pretty high limit card which will our last name's the same where we McKenzie yeah Amy yeah okay there appears to be a zero balance on this account what do you mean looks like all the bills have been taken care of looks like a Mrs Stern sa Stern took care all Miss macken's bills in full yeah okay I think we're ready okay let's do this almost forgot fet had asked me to give that to you um dear Ella the contents of this package may surprise you your father and I stood up talking rather late one night before you left I told Walter that I had a gift for him as I thought it was important he have a meaningful Keepsake of his father he told me that it was better for this gift to go to you and your mother he moves around too much and he knows you'll take good care of it Jam let's go home breakes breaks there you go dear JM thank you I did find my mom again she was right there where she was supposed to be just like Polaris you want to give your mom a hand I'll I'll grab the [Music] bags hey it's done come here if we were in a movie this would be where the music would swell the mom and dad might exchange looks and you would realize the parents might get back together after all after making it through a tough time my life isn't a movie by but that's okay though because it does have a happy ending the happy ending is that Mom got better and dad got a lot easier to reach mom takes very good care of the somnium she agrees with something you once said that an object so treasured shouldn't be locked away where it can't be enjoyed she wants it on hand to remind her of everything that happened that summer to all of us I miss you I love you Ella [Music] [Music] how long it take me to fly to the Stars if nothing's impossible to far I will wake up one morning and open my eyes beside me you'll be strapped and ready to fly how bright is the moon when the sun's not around they both need each to light up the ground every question needs answered and that's why we're here so enjoy every day every month every year [Music] so shoot through the clear night sky past my [Music] window waving goodbye in this perfect and beautiful world we can fly anywhere like a bird and for it would seem they're the ones who can dream that the world is too small and the next stops the stars in a moment your life can be flipped upside down and everything's harder and colorless now but remember to laugh with the ones that you love it'll always be you that they first thinking of at a time when you feel you should be all alone the best thing to do is stay closer to home and don't be afraid of the future at all cuz someone will catch you whenever you [Music] fall so shoot through the clear night sky past my [Music] window waving [Music] goodbye in this perfect beautiful world we can fly anywhere like a bird and for it would seem they're the ones who can dream that the world is too small and the next stops the stars and for some it would s they're the ones who can dream [Music] that the world is too small and the next St is [Music] the [Music] star
Channel: THE STREAM - Movies and More
Views: 111,581
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Keywords: kepler's dream, free family movies, family adventure movies, latest family movies, watch free family movies on youtube, family safe movies, kepler's dream trailer, drama, family, trailer for kepler's dream, kepler's dream trailer 2017, faith movies for families, free kids movies, family drama, family movie, family movies, full g rated movies, full movies for free, full pg movies, youtube movies, movie, animated movies, free youtube movies, movies
Id: BF99_0_ke9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 46sec (5266 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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