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a wise man once said packing your vehicle for a road trip is very difficult packing for off-road the packing for off-road is like having your personal baggage handler throwing your stuff around you know what it's like the airport baggage [Music] hey ronnie dale four wheeling australia a video that's been requested for years yes years off-road packing tips how to pack your vehicle for off-road i've got some really good tips in this video which we've learned for over the course of however long we've been four-wheeling for all the tag-along tools have been on but not only that all the modified episodes that i've featured is almost 85 plus vehicles unmodified and i've seen all their different setups let's get straight into this so you guys can get some really good packing tips [Music] one of my best tips that i can give you this is probably my number one tip for packing it is the simplest one too first out last in your tables it needs to be the first thing that can come out without moving anything else and the last thing to go in without it having to be packed underneath now table is a big large flat sort of object you tend to pack your vehicle with putting all the flat stuff at the bottom because that's this easier way to stack it now some people who design draw systems go to the length of making a certain slot just for the table or they have a certain spot to put the table so that i can get it out first and put it in last because as you just noted when there's a table around people gravitate to it and put their stuff on it and you do that yourself as well so when you go to pack up camp all that stuff just goes on the table and if you need that table to go in first where's all the stuff going to go so make sure the table is first out and last in and you'll be sweet as when you're doing a road trip and you're not going off-road you can get away with putting glass on glass you can wrap a towel around one glass and leave the other glass okay nothing's gonna happen but when you're off-roading it'll be a bit more clever than that so let's do that okay so that's probably what will simulate some pretty bad corrugations and because we were smart about it it was kind of okay let's do it again damn don't put breakables with breakables [Music] if you already have your vehicle and it's completely loaded and you're not happy with how it is or it's been loaded for a long time this is what i suggest you do and i've done this myself empty absolutely everything out of your vehicle all the content [Music] and you'll see right now how much stuff i've been carrying and look out of a lot of that stuff there was a lot of stuff that i stuff stuff stuff there's a lot of that stuff that i actually took out of my setup and put in a storage box away for another time when i actually need it for a particular trip for example i had these vessel things which are really cool for hiking i'm not planning on hiking anytime soon so i've stored them away i found multiple rolls of garbage bags i found heaps of rubbish which i cleaned up look my vehicle was a bit of a mess but i guarantee you'll find something you might even find that knife that you were missing for years that you couldn't see anymore so you'll be surprised what you'll find batteries what the uh moldy pizza there's a couple of questions you need to ask yourself here and these are questions that my misses normally ask so they're actually really good ones the first one which i'm sure you've heard before when you bought something do you really need that do you actually need it do you need to bring it we have a lot of stuff we don't need but those are the questions you need to ask yourself and have i doubled up on this why am i carrying three axes who needs three axes well two saws and a machete for that matter i'll be honest i'll put all the free access back in again there are some items you're not going to want to take out of your setup but you should look at them all and have a hard think about it and have a good look at what you have [Music] categorization one of my favorite ones now we're going to go from a to b to c to d alphabetical order surprise surprise it's not going to make much sense until we get to the end of this but a to me is stuff that you need within arms reach a torch a head torch your phone bug spray water everyday things you need at any time during the day b is stuff you need for example clothing brush your teeth camping gear stuff like that stuff that you need to be able to access that's easy access so you open your canopy door there it is you open your door on your vehicle there it is your clothing bag whatever it is also like your cookers and stuff you want to pull up for a quick lunch stop cooking you don't want to have to dig for it to get it out you want it to be in a nice easy location that is b then we come to see c categorization is everything that's underneath perhaps buried underneath b because it's not stuff you need all the time tools you don't need all the time if you need tools if you need to change your tyre obviously you're going to be there for a while anyway so let's dig for those things then we move on to d we have a circuit breaker how often do you need a circuit breaker hopefully never hopefully you never ever need it but if you're on a remote trip it's probably good to have stowed away in some in the dark depths of your vehicle for example on a tub on a back of a u the tub bit if you have a drawer system you've got these little wings that are kind of useless now a lot of people will see modified they have stuffed like radiator hoses and all those things and spare wheel bearings those kind of things you can tuck away in those areas it doesn't take up your space and they're there in case you need it hopefully you will never need it but that's what i'm talking about here so categorization d is like extra bolts and wheel nuts and wheel studs and all those things i think you get where i'm going here a you need to get to at any time b easy access see somewhere else that's not too hard to get to but it's not easy either and d pay any ass to get to but you pull over anyway [Music] okay picture this you are getting ready for one of the biggest trips you've ever done you're going away for say three to four weeks maybe maybe even longer you have to cram a lot of stuff in but do you need to bring all this stuff does part of your convoy have this stuff already if you're driving in a convoy of the same vehicle why should you all bring the same spare wheel bearings i think only one vehicle should bring two or something like that i think only one vehicle needs to bring a high lift jack i think only one vehicle needs to bring an air jack you're getting my drift here i think only one vehicle should really bring electrical tools how many soldering irons do you need probably just one so i could do an entire video on this subject and me and torben have been talking about this because we implement this on every single trip we do and there are a lot of things that you don't realize that you double up on this can go all the way to recovery gear everything in this drawer do i really need to bring all that and you will find that once you start relying on on each other and each other's gear you'll find that you have so much less gear in your vehicle and you have more room for us for the other things that you may need on this really long trip to make it comfortable so convoy split packing i'm going to call it implement that too [Music] we're now on to the important stuff the non-negotiables when it comes to packing your vehicle in storage far too often i see first aid kits too difficult to get to fire extinguishers put in the most ridiculous places underneath everything this is very important so we'll start with the first aid kit now if you don't have one go out and bloody we'll get one you need one of these and the reason why they're red and they have a big cross on some of them it's so people know what it is they can identify it and grab it straight away so this needs to be in a very accessible area that everyone knows where it is because when they see it they know what it is they can grab it and then use it if you're injured maybe your passengers don't know where it is because it's hidden that's what i'm getting at if you're traveling out in the australian bush especially a snake bike kit is a good thing to have and knowing how to use it all you need to do is do a first aid course they actually cover snake bite treatments in that nowadays if you don't have this like it's not something you have to have but i think if you don't have this you're kind of risking it out there it's you know if you get nailed by snake and you don't know what to do you're pretty much cactus and for those overseas wheels cactus means dead fire extinguisher just as important as the rest of them now i would actually recommend having two of these i've only got one at this this stage but i want to put another one on the back somewhere as you can see here this is very easy to get to very quick to get to and these are super important if you don't have one of these in your vehicle you should not be out there wheeling especially remote areas or anywhere really because a fire can happen anywhere especially in a hot climate communications if you do have a satellite phone have it somewhere where it's easy to find tell your passengers where it is because again if something goes wrong okay so it's all about where you store things here and last but not least medications even your basic stuff like your ib um well this nerophone which is ib protein i think it's called panadol which is paracetamol and just other various you know medications you may need and especially if you are allergic to stuff and you have an epipen have all that stuff with the first aid kit so people know where to find it it's probably the best place actually put your meds in the first aid kit that's about all i've got to say about the non-negotiables [Music] okay this one should be obvious but to many it is not obvious when possible and try and make this possible every single time put the lightest gear up high put the heaviest gear lowest to the ground lowest to the center of gravity we see a lot of people putting jerry cans on their roof because that's the only place i can put it now i understand you're limited for space a lot of people so it's either get a bigger fuel tank or maybe consider hanging them off the back of the vehicle rather than on top of the vehicle because if you're going serious off-roading you are more prone to tipping if you're going at fast speeds on gravel roads and you have to swerve for whatever reason you're more likely to tip over when you hit the brakes real hard because you have a whole heap of kangaroos or cattle or whatever out in front of you out in the middle of nowhere that roof rack may come off because you've got so much weight on that roof rack see what the roof rack is actually rated at as well on my roof rack i only have semi-permanent things up there one permanent solar panel and two semi-permanent max tracks and my antennas and my lights and a shower awning all those things added up it's probably going to be more weight than what i actually realized it's probably about 60 kilos up there just in that so most people would have the same on their roof plus fuel jerry's and not just two and not just four some have five plus this one is full it's 20 kilos 20 kilos is not light how long can you stand with 220 kilos in each hand it won't take long before you start fatiguing now just imagine that amount of weight sitting on that roof rack with all the other stuff it's not a good thing [Music] plenty of tips so far and i trust you like a lot of them this one we're going to keep very short gvm what is your gvm look most people are too scared to go over the weight scales just do it you don't have to tell anyone okay it's good to know how much overweight your vehicle is you might be surprised and you might be surprised you never know so just take it over and just weigh it don't tell anyone just keep that information to yourself it's better to know than not to know now we're going to talk about weight distribution distributing weight on your vehicle can be as simple as i put my fridge on this side i put my spare tyre on that side if i had my spare tire fridge on the same side that is kind of doesn't balance the vehicle out as much you want to balance it out as best as you can things to consider the stuff that's already in your vehicle the permanent stuff your battery house battery in the back perhaps it's on one side well then maybe think about if it's an agm it's going to weigh like 30 kilos so maybe if you're putting a fridge in put it on the opposite side your spare tire where's that going to go so think about these things try to put too much over the back of your vehicle either because it's going to have the effect of you you're lifting wheels when you're off-road so just just take it into consideration when you're packing your vehicle play that tetris game inside your head over and over and over and eventually you'll suss it out the ultimate thing is to cut out the heavy gear you do not need [Music] very obvious strap your stuff down if you don't strap your stuff down you may get the camp without a swag if you're the last vehicle i've seen swags come out of the back of yours before [Music] comfort over space this is a bad example of of comfort this is a cheap chair from bunnings i think it's probably the worst well it's the cheapest chair you can get for camping right but you can see how much space it takes up so imagine like a decent quality chair like your 30 50 chair maybe even more than that they're quite big especially in moon chairs they're huge so if you want to ditch your comfort you can and you can go more versatile stuff this is a table and a stool yeah i know most people want to sit in the chair but the point here you can implement this throughout your whole system your pillow do you bring your home pillow can you get away with using your towels that you're bringing already these are good things to consider if you're struggling for space i'm not saying go and be uncomfortable to gain more space but there may be some things that you can go without [Music] this one's a quick one it needs to do with your fridge the more stuff you keep inside your fridge the more efficient it's going to run and the cooler riffing is going to stay as well so obviously it all needs to cool it down first but when you're driving it's not really costing you power is it so the more you have in your fridge the better it's going to run another good tip with this particular fridge i've got two different baskets i've got one foot of freezer one for the fridge and i can easily pull them out and see what's in there and load them up especially when you're at home as well so that's just a quick fridge packing tip most fridges have baskets so you should be able to do it at the most label it beer beer beer and more beer jokes aside here is a perfect example of what i'm talking about this box is dedicated to all campfire cooking from prepping the food to a surface to cook it on to cleaning it everything in one box frying pan cleaning bag billy bowls barbecue cleaners paper towel all my utensils everything i need even fire lighters even my little grill in here is in this box here regardless if i'm using my ute or i'm bringing a trailer it's a matter of taking it from the shelf and putting it straight into the trailer or to use so simple so easy just keep it simple stupid stupid simple refine and label everything you have recognize it because if you don't how do you know what is what it works a treat for example my daughter has labeled hers sloth she loves sloths she knows us her bag tp and wipes we know what's in there this one here is not labelled i don't know what's in there anyone who's traveling with me they don't know what's in there the best tip of the whole video just check out the modified episodes there's a portion in the modified episodes you can check out which is called the rear setup that rear setup and the interior setup is going to teach you so many different ways of loading up your vehicle all the clever ideas that these people have come up with so just grab a bunch of them say you're a wagon owner grab all the wagon ones just indulge yourself in all that information that's there just on the rear setups you're probably going to get stuck watching all the other stuff but you are going to get some really great ideas especially utes and canopies and you name it it's on there so that was a whole heap of tips and this has been a long time coming so i apologize for those who have been very patient and thank you for your patience by the way what is your ultimate packing tip there's got to be one that i haven't covered there's got to be so many out there that everyone camps and drives different vehicles so i bet you've got one that i haven't brought up chuck it down in the comments below and thanks for watching see you guys happy packing for off-roading
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 240,320
Rating: 4.9229255 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, off-road packing tips, packing tips for travel, packing tips for vacation, packing tips for road trips, packing tips and hacks, 4x4 packing tips, how to pack for off-road, how to pack for camping trip, how to pack for a trip, how to pack for a road trip, how to pack for camping, how to pack for a week long trip, how to pack for a month long trip, ronny dahl youtube, ronny dahl camping, 4wd packing tips, touring packing, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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