Camping Gear everything you need & Advice

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g'day if you are a beginner and you've never been camping before this is a video for you or even if you are camping at a moment but you're not sure what to bring for a next trip everything you need and it's still comfortable is all in this box and right here that is everything that you need hey young Ronnie Dahl for willing Australia this is all about camping out of a vehicle if you're here for hiking camping take a hike because this isn't for you so this whole thing started with having a conversation with my sister I received a text message asking to pick my brain over lunch about how to camp camping gear you needed tips all that stuff I figured want to make a video so all this gear we're looking at this is what I've got for her to start as a beginner camping because I'm not sure if she's going to keep camping and this is what I started with pretty much most of this gear you see here is what most people start with so I contacted some brand outlets the first one that came back to me happened to be these guys [Music] [Music] so here we are everything is set up we're going to run through absolutely everything on the exterior and we're going to end up inside the tent at the end here we have a four person tent now keep him on four people tent only two people camping in it you'll see when we get inside a tent how much room there really is in a four person tent it's kind of false advertising if you want to fit four people in here you got to be pretty damn close we're pretty good friends like you have to sleep head to toe head to toe so you're going to want your neighbor to have some good smelling feet wash their feet regardless of that two people in a four-man tent write that down it's a forty dollar tent when I started camping it was out of the back of a Ford Falcon with a thirty dollar Kmart tent look our smallest impacts up that's why we didn't go for a swag also the price which I just mentioned underneath the tent we have a $15.00 top this is I believe it's three and a half by two and a half meters something like that you want something that's wider than the tent itself because then you can put your your fonczek candles flip-flops or anyone call them at the front when you want to go to the long drop or whatever we're now going to talk about the four different pegs we have a Sam pick we have a big boy we have a slightly thinner small boy and then we have the absolute waste of time pegs that you get with the tents right now we're gonna talk about a Sam pick these are great for sand obviously and also grass areas up to this size if you're in really soft beach sand get those the big ones the really big ones they work like a star picker they are so good they're surprising how much they can hold and they're surprisingly easy to pull back out afterwards especially with soft sand in this situation here rocks and sand it's okay if it's near a tree because the soils usually softer you'll find that this one will work as well and this one will work as well in this scenario get four of these for those and for the small ones then you set up for every situation because this time takes four of each yes four corners what you also need is just your hammer from home don't bother with those plastic hammers you get the camping stores they are absolutely useless you can't beat metal on metal even with those good plastics sand pegs metal and plastic works pretty good too so don't waste your time or you'll be hammering a bastard in all day we're now into the big boys this is what you want to use in this situation where there's a lot of rock around the ground is hard big ones covered your smaller ones they are okay for most situations out here on this hard rocky stuff no good I actually bent it putting it in there's a better for lawn caravan park stuff like that that's where you use these ones and they're quite easy to get out and they're cheaper don't even waste your time of these these are pathetic to add to your peg bag this is why I recommend you get a bag I get cable ties zip ties chuck them in because that's how you repair things around the bush gaffer tape have you got a ripped hole in your tent or you have a tent pole that's that's broken gaffer tape or duct tape at all fits in your bag it's all in one place you're sweet to go now if you do break one of these poles here the click is fix cable tie one of your pegs on to there duct tape around it if you're strong enough you can put a little bend in it quite nicely most people have no idea how I worked I just tie bloody and granny knot at the bottom what you do is you pull the bottom bit out like so that is a bit that you're tightened onto your peg there you go it's tight that's all there is to it so you pull it through there and that's what makes it tight like so see it doesn't move now triple hole tab with the Rope going through as you can see it's some kind of doing a dance s been through it what there's actually for that not stops it from going through this way so you pull it tight here and you pull it through the two bottom holes that's where you get this bit of stretch here and that's how you actually tighten it and you just drag a type that's how it works see it's nice and tight now what camping is all about is having a fire we guess what this family kind of a fire however I will show you this is a pretty cool fire grill cost 20 30 bucks that's it and I've had this for a long time and even if they go rusty you can clean them up so if you only go camping once or twice a year mate just just get your granite disc or your drill with a bit of steel wool on it and off you go she's all good a compact shovel or a spade if you do have a vehicle-mounted spade or shovel well then you sorted already but I like these these go on the ground a lot easier than your long handle shovels then we move on to the bucket the steel bucket you can hit your water over a fire you can heat water for a shower you can go down to the river carry water back steel bucket is a lot stronger than your plastic bucket so this is stainless steel which is even better this has been used for seawater and you can see it's only rusting where it's been pop riveted so pretty pretty good stuff will cost you a bit more you go camping you really need a knife this is just a 30 40 dollar knife ah panel opinel however you say it a French knife foldable knife goes in your pocket and what I'm giving to my sister is a Leatherman because she doesn't have a tool kit in a in a vehicle okay she she's a lawyer so she's not a lot of hands-on with tools I've got others love them in because this is her entire tool kit now I wish I was keeping it myself because I like these and I still don't own one so there you go we have screwdrivers you have knives of souls and everything here so she can probably get away with just this for the whole camping kit sorry cheers an esky you don't need a fridge to go camping but you do need an esky this is a common one you can use an angle one you can use whatever the hell you want just make sure that you don't buy a cheap one this is about a sixty to eighty dollar one and that's what you need to spend a bit of money the same with your camping knife and your Leatherman you need to spend the money to get something decent otherwise those things will fail on your pretty quick this size s key is about a 30 or here we go there's a tag on it still so 36 later retro-cool s key there you go sounds like an advertisement the chair I'm sitting in is the cheapest chair I could find that was comfortable it only has a 100 kilo weight capacity so keep in mind you need to get a chair that that fits you know your weight and that is why this one so cheap you can only hold a hundred kilos so I'm on the limit of this chair but my sister's about half my weight so this is perfect for her and her backpack a friend she's about the same weight for me I will go for a ground about a $50 chair the comfort does matter welcome to the kitchen and the table here's one of the reasons why I chose this table tables are not cheap okay it doesn't matter what you look for tables are not cheap even your local hardware this is a compact one about the same price as all the other tables but look how small that packs up to most people like camp if they got a wagon or even a sedan flat tables they're a real pain to pack in so this is one of those compact options the same table that my dad uses bit of setting up but it's not too bad really light of all we have two water containers and the reason why I've chosen to water containers is if one splits then you have a backup go for a big one and a small one so you top the small one up and this is the one you carry around useful whatever you want to use it for because this one here's a bit annoying to walk around with so that's your main this is what you use out of down here we have a bucket this bucket fits all these utensils inside here so that has that cupboard this is where you can do all your dishes or you can even use a bucket over there that we had at the fire you can heat that bucket up and do your dishes in there you'll do a lot of things in that bucket over here we have your simple enamel plates pots and Cup when we talk about cups definitely get an enameled cup because you can have a hot coffee you can have an ass called rum pina colada a beer Bloody Mary you get all kinds of things in these cups however if you do drink wine bring your glass from home but get one without the stem because they will break a camp don't get a plastic cups wine tastes better at a glass the lowest I can find is 40 bucks for a cooker these cookers use for our gas canisters on a two-week trip if you have five of these you will come home with spare about five for two weeks here's the frightening thing I look for a wind deflector the wind deflector I can't find any that are lower than $40 so it's the same price as a cooker so we are going to do what I used to do when I used to use these cookers you get the lid and you keep it like this where the wind is just beware the heat from that will possibly melt this box a little bit you may not be able to shut it again that's what's happened to me a couple of times and some people watching this he's probably open to us all but this is the cheapest wind deflector you can get because you already have it moving on when you go pots and pans I recommend getting cast iron or spun steel don't get nonstick nonstick out in the bush does not last very long that way you can use any type of spatula this one I like because there's a folder handle and I've got one exactly like this at home but that's what I recommend it fits good on here's old don't get a pot that's too big for these small lunch box cool cassava if you have a big pot then get a bigger burner what you also need is a Billy this Billy acts as your pots that's all you need these are about 20 bucks 15 bucks maybe you can boil water in it for coffee you can boil water for soup you can you can do noodles in it you can boil potatoes in it you do a lot of things with it and you can use it on your fire this you can use on the fire as well a nonstick pan does not last long on the fire the toaster everybody loves toast what most people do this is a four piece toaster believe it or not it fits in a skinny little packet you can get the single serving toasters but they're just useless because going to do one toast at a time and usually when you're camping most people want two pieces of toast and usually there's two people around four pieces of toast it doesn't cost much over packs flatters all always get long tongs because these can be used for the fire as all you want to move logs in the fire one thing I forgot to bring were welding gloves always bring welding gloves camping lot mittens gloves then he can move stuff around the fire resolved first aid one thing I will say about camping stores is they do not do a decent first aid kit first aid kits you're better off going to your local ambulance sort of stuff that they use like for instance in Australia go Sant John's you know that that's going to be good stuff and then you also do have other brands like this one here forgot what it's called this one is called wear as a name survival dotnet that I use this is one of my favourite ones it has everything labeled so even a stranger who doesn't know your first aid kit and something happened to you they can open it up and go alright well there's the gloves there's the skin cleaning wipes here's the wound dressings you get the picture I do have another one which I couldn't find before I left this morning before the shoot so that's you'll see on your screen right now that is my second-favorite very easy to look at everything is color coordinated it also has my snack bar kidding insect spray and bug repellent I'm not opening these up because these are for my sister and her backpacker friend so I'm going to keep them sealed because once you you bust that seal and you start using them the only last what is it 14 days 15 days yeah 2 times 15 day protection of child days out these actually do work I would I prefer these and spraying yourself with Bushman's or you haven't called raid and AeroGarden on a saint like spraying that crap on me I've had this for 2 years in fact this is one I used in the Kimberly sand flies in the Kimberly and you just change your refills here don't do it last of all they definitely work outdoor fogger probably my favorite choice if you got flies and stuffing a tent just give it a whack with this open up all events obviously and they all parish pretty quick even outdoors when you're cooking you kind of attract all the flies in for a period of time you hit him with this it takes at least 20 minutes for the Flies to get back up to the maximum capacity again if you want to look at it that way time to show you the lights that I've chosen all right I'll start by saying one of my head is my favorite I'll get to that but the most common head torches are these these came in in a 2-pack which is why I went from so it's pretty cheap so you get like to hand torches because I think everyone at camp should have a hand torch and a head torch so they've only got free functional on these which is yeah probably the same as most of them pretty cheap combo triple-a batteries that's the only thing you have to keep spare batteries on you and the batteries you generally get these things are generally quite not so great the one I got on my head is an eBay torch this is my favorite torch 16 dollar torch so slightly more expensive than this lot here when you consider how much you get but it's got red light and it's got three different levels of bright and dimness lantern of choice one of these that I got with all this stuff here I've got one myself which I've had for I think nearly 10 years these are pretty good so what they are you probably can't see me now zero torch under a lantern and an anti bug lantern another cool thing on them they have this little clip so most tents you'll have a loop inside at the top which you can actually attach this to and then you got your lantern above you what I like about these ones you have this light you can't see me I can just see what's in here your eyes need to adjust this will keep the bugs out and is enough light for you to see what you're doing and it's pretty good if you wake up in the middle of night and you need to find your shoes or whatever then you're not getting blinded like this I'm going right down to very basic knowledge here so for us that our frequent campers we all know that head torches are for when you're cooking so you stick it on your head and you're looking down like so that's what your head torches for it's mainly for cooking and eating your hand torches for when you're walking around you wouldn't to use this when you're cooking because it's just it's just a pain your lantern is good but you need it up higher and even better if you go like an old milk carton putting it over it'll it will diffuse a lot a bit more and spread it out but you want it to be higher and you kind of want it away from your food because this light will attract bugs and I'll bounce off the light straight into twenty frying pan where you're cooking your sausages or whatever that is a common mistake we see people do so we may get someone do you want some sausages they've got some leftover stuff they've got bugs all over them yeah I can get rid of bugs is by doing this and then only using a head torch when you're cooking the red light is not very good when you're cooking because everything looks the same you've got two tones really you can't see any colors so you can't really tell if something's cooked or not cooked so you're gonna need white light on your food so what you want to do is just get that white light on okay yeah and then turn it off so you don't attract bugs cuz they also fly to your face that's about all I can talk about lice really everything else is pretty straightforward top it of all interior so I slept in here last night on this side just to show you around four-man tent you can see it's pretty tight in here well for two peoples not too bad and my backpack over here forgot my pillow so I was using your tail this is the other sleeping bag and mattress so there's two of these in here these are about 100 bucks you can't go cheap on on these in self inflatable mattresses resolving for those or not the thick inflatable ones is you don't have to worry about an air pump because that's something that you can forget and this you just unscrew the valve which is here and it sucks in the air itself they're quite thin so if you do have big rocks underneath you will feel it like this one here's my QB Terrell is on right this sides alright this is a side of slept on and this sleeping bag here is a plus 10 there is a plus 10 degree sleeping bag which means that in ten degree weather down to ten degree weather this thing bag is comfortable anything below that you'll probably go down the five degree but you only council will you be a little bit cold this is a zero degree but Australian conditions especially in Wi you wouldn't need anything that's warmer than a zero degree that's not a price that's going up so these sleeping bags are left 40 bucks I think so you can't skimp on your mattress you can't really skimp on the sleeping bag but about 40 bucks you can get a good one and that's about it for a $40 tent I was pretty impressed didn't flag too much it's been a while since I've been in a tent even 50 bucks yeah had a good night's sleep it's probably a couple of things that I've left out and that is the toilet and the shower the reason why I've left those things out is because most people at camp will camp somewhere where there is a taller facility showers can get loaded shower bags but look if you want more information on that stuff I've got other videos on chemical toilets showers and whatnot everything here will fit in this box as you saw at the beginning apart from the water containers and the s key in that of course but all this can easily fit in the back of even a two-wheel drive sedan it can fit in the back of the unit easy and you still got more space to bring more stuff now left shelters out because I wanted to make this as basic as possible but if you want a shelter and you don't have an awning off your vehicle then you can grab one of those annexes if you can fit it on your car somewhere on the roof rack or something but the reason why I left the shelter part out is to keep the cost down and most people if they have shelter they have it an awning off the vehicle any questions put them down below and any suggestions of stuff that you think that I want to lift out that you prefer to bring that's not included here chuck it in the comments below now all the kitchen stuff I have left out a wooden spoon a spatula because I left it at home and of course the welding gloves as well which I spoke about so those kind of personal items and all your soaps and your clothes and all that that stuff you're going to bring anyway so I hope you learned something here subscribe over here unnie though and isn't a video down here cheers guys
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 247,790
Rating: 4.8927741 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, Camping Gear everything you need & Advice, camping gear, how to camp, camping tips, vehicle camping, long range camping, overland camping, bush camping, beginners camping
Id: KkJX8_5GfJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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