Camping Trip Preparation Tips

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hey Ronnie Dahl four-wheeling Australia welcome to another video this one is all about how to prepare for camping get all your gear together what to look out for and there are a lot of things you need to look out for but you can do everything in your backyard or right here in the garage we're going to look at everything from tents to s keys or cooler boxes fridges torches batteries everything so that you don't get caught out when you're preparing to go camping stay tuned for econ campers frequent travellers a lot of this stuff is going to seem obvious to you however you may find one or two things in this video this is mainly designed for the 90% of the population who only go camping every now and then so this it's for you guys to help you guys not get caught out before you go with this short game and I've got this idea from the wife normally when we head out somewhere the question is always do you really need that and most of the time no I just want it for example McDonald's or Burger King Hungry Jack's has been out here anyway I'm going to take this down to the camping level so you get what I'm trying to say let's start with cups do you need that yes you're doing it cups but do you really want to wring plastic cups if you have a metal cup aluminium or steel stainless steel whatever you have this can hold coffee this can hold your whiskey this can hold your coke this can hold your water hold your juice you can hold anything you want this can't hold coffee of course if you have kids then there's a curveball they're better off bringing your kids cups because otherwise they might crack it right so in that case bring the plastic cups otherwise just bring a steel cup per person that's it the next one sealable containers and snap-off bags I think you already get the point here I've got multiple bags this can hold 120 bags look at the size of it and I can divide a lot of food up this takes up space empty awful so ditch that one the pegs we have a massive Sam peg mainly just for the beach and then we have yeah the good old 10 peg push peg whatever you want to call it if you were going to the bush you'd only really need these if you have 10 of each of these if you're going bush take two of these ten of these and the opposite way around if you go to the beach so you get what I'm saying here do you really need that one last one everyone needs a hammer right you don't need a mallet and a hammer and a hatchet mallets are quite useless despite what some people might say or I can ditch them then you have a hammer go right metal-on-metal four pegs I'll cover this in the top 10 missing stuff that people usually leave behind but if you have a hatchet there's no point in bringing a hammer you can use a hatchet as a hammer so you get where I'm going here employ that through your entire packing and you're preparing for your camping trip right folks are the whole part of this exercise is to get your tent get it out set it up a couple of benefits here for setting this up you're just going to give it to a point where you know that everything is not moldy everything is still there especially your pegs your guy ropes and your poles most tents have polls even swags these days so that's the whole purpose of this exercise not only that you are also going to set your tent up again in your back yard in a controlled environment so when you head out to the bush or beach or wherever you're camping you know how to set it up again it's like a reminder of how to set up your tent again so that is my recommendation set it up at home make sure everything's there even if it's your swag just set your swag up at home the main thing with swags when we roll up swags when they're wet they can get a lot of mold on them when they get mold on them the best way to get that off is to boil some water get some really super hot water let it just cool down to the point where you can just barely touch it with your fingers it's that hot and use a rag and wife all the mold off your swag inside and outside especially on the canvass ones you got to get all that stuff off because that stuff is not good to breathe in if you're camping you're gonna be smelling a moldy swag over another factor to think about we're setting up your tent maybe do it a week beforehand because if you do it the day before and you see you're missing some stuff you may have to screw it off and you know buy some more pegs or guy ropes and you're doing those things rather than packing so do it well before and then you are prepared and you know everything's there it's just good peace of mind check out tents we should the swags if your sleeping bag having to be in your swag that was wet you might want to check your sleeping bag to you and if you haven't used it for a while what what we all tend to do when we come back on a camping trip is real tired real stuffed we just want to get home and then just put everything away so often sleeping bags get neglected did I get washed so definitely check it out do the sniff test if it smells a bit funky chuck it in your washing machine just get it done but do this two days before at least two days before then we have the air mattress for those people using the big tents with the air mattresses if you only you know if you only go out camping wants to be six months every 12 months your mattress has been stored away for quite some time and it may have got a leak from last time it may not have but it's just peace of mind to check it out before you go because if your air mattress is leaking and you don't have a patching kit with it you're going to be in for a bad time so I would suggest blowing it up in your garage or your backyard just to check it out and not only will you find out if it's leaking or not leaking you'll also make sure that your air pump still works and you have the right attachment for it next on the list is checking all your torches the battery life and everything pretty much and I'll give you a few tips years old including your you had chefs charge them up before you head out last thing you want to do is charge stuff on the go so you eliminating less stuff you got to do so especially with torches one cool thing about this particular torch I've had this for a long time there's a column and torch you can lock it in to use your battery and you can deactivate a like that that disengages the batteries from the whole torch your normal torches like your conventional torches they will be in contact the whole time and will use I guess the best way to explain it is Stan standby power so just one here you can see is flat this one here still has power I would highly recommend you bring your spare batteries for a torch that is constantly connected like this one here I will not trust this for power wise if I head out into the bush now I will run out and there's all different causes of torch she's also got head torches now a best torch to get is a rechargeable head torch and then you're always going to be prepared if it's not charged you can charge it in the vehicle don't take on the charge either make sure all less charge and your fans as well so did a lot of things to think about here that you need to remember other rechargeable stuff hot camping Robie fan Roby lights do yourself a favor charge everything beforehand because then you won't need an inverter when you're out in the bush you can get one of these that run off DC but that's another nearly 100 bucks to buy that so just be smart think about beforehand get everything charged and don't forget about all the different sizes of batteries we have the DS we have these double a's we have the triple a's we that's just more double a's and we have the C's do yourself a favor when you go and purchase stuff if you haven't purchased it already try and get stuff that all has the same type of batteries now it's hard to get a lot of things with double a's but when you go to your c's and d's you'll have a find that it's over a D or a C cell try and get everything over DS or C's so you don't have to have all these different batteries because these take up room they're quite heavy when you add them all up just be prepared try and get as much rechargeable gear as you can it's it's so much easier and everyone has USB chargers these days next thing the target is the DC fridge two 12-volt fridges and of course the cooler boxes or the s keys as we know I'm here in Australia so this is a perfect example this is my old ARB fridge nothing wrong with it I have two other features at the moment so this one here has been neglected for a good year now I've just cleaned it and got the bad smell out of it and that's the problem you're going to have when you store a fridge make sure you you crack the lid open but by doing that you're going to get a lot of dust in there you know get creepy-crawlies Redbacks I'll just pull heap the Redbacks out of this fridge actually make sure you clean these first rinse them out if you have a decent fridge like this one there is a bung in the bottom so you can fill it up with water drain it out give it a good wash then grab another rag dried with and then what I do this helps get the smell out of it this is a surface cleaner this is methylated spirits with the newer essence so it leaves it's smelling nice you can also use vinegar and bicarb soda I'll just use this stuff here it kind of it kills the bacteria as well at the same time now with your s keys do the same thing but don't forget the lid but it's something you need to be aware of here when you do the lid if you're using methylated spirits do not hit your seal your rubber seal with the methylated spirits that is going to damage your seal vinegar and bicarb soda I don't know what it will do to you seals so maybe keep that off the rubber seals off just make sure you get to this a couple of days beforehand so you're not left in the last day doing this because it's not fun I made a mine borrowed a fridge with his dad and he left the steak in it and that was shut and that's been shut for like over a year so you can imagine how rancid that was that fridge is just it it's it's yeah it's in the trash now you can't fix it all your cooking gear now we're going to have a look to make sure we have everything and you get a bit of an idea of what I have most of my stuff that I need is in this bag in regards to utensils and things like that this has a lot of stuff that can be useful for cooking and of course gas stove cooking as well so I'll quickly run you through now summer stuff in here is going to help you prepare for your rusty pans so we'll get to that so here carry long tongs wire brush just a stick off carve the lifter camp up and up with welding gloves scraper and just other various utensils skewers egg cups and whatnot cast iron this has been neglected by me for a couple of years because it's just been sitting here as you can see the rust is pretty horrendous on this side this is still cleanable a lot of people I kid you not will throw the cast iron out when it gets is this point here because I don't think they can restore it now the bottoms are too much of an issue that'll get pretty much burnt off when we use it over a fire however if you're going to use them a gas stove yeah we'll get burnt off too but it is good to run a wire brush on but the main bit we're worried about is this side here this is scrubbed with the wire brush gets most of it off straightaway that's all you need to do just keep in mind though when you're putting metal or metal especially a harsh wire brush like this you are scratching the layers off you're taking the seasoning out of the pot or your pan or you camp oven so what you will need to do is you're pretty clean this before you hit on any trip turn your oven on to 200 degrees oil this up flaxseed oil is the best oil but don't use olive oil use like a high-temperature oil like a rice oil vegetable oil get the oil ready puts your pan inside the oven at 200 degrees let it heat right up pull it out boil it rub it in with the cloth put it back in repeat as many times as you like but at least do it twice and you'll be fine the best preventative for this to happen is after you finish cooking is to just clean the pan or the pot and there's a wipe it over with a thin layer of oil store it away and it should entrust there is an easier way to this is a cover from a my Jimmy a Grammy here you can see a rust mark on top that's from one of these pants let me show you something the pan is fine it is so clean and it's kept away from the elements all I do I'll clean it with the metal scraper never use a wire brush to clean your pot or pan afterwards unless you have to get the rust off or to something you really can't get off that's an only time you will use a wire brush I have two food boxes down below here and I'll pull some stuff out of there this is a good thing that check it off because do you really need this you're going to do your shopping at the food store check what you have first because everyone has a food box after camping I'll do most people I know do maybe like everyone but most people do I have found that these noodles are expired by two months so that's one thing you're going to find as well by checking to see what's expired and what is still good to use this is expired as well this is good this has got two months left Campus pantry bags of dry freeze food these are awesome absolutely awesome they last ages and you can reseal them as well and they take up no space so that's an alternative to canned food so the whole point that this year is so you save your money and you don't eat something that's expired utensils this is an important thing here and for my experience I often go missing some knives and forks or I come home missing knives and forks you get home you're stuffed put everything away forget about it what I do days before I go on a trip I'll check my utensils and I have me a bag like this and it's something funny that just happened here this blue knife that's a scamp a knife this is not why not I've scored and I often what happens is I'm missing stuff so for once I've actually gained something what happens is people borrow your knives and forks and when they use them they get dirty and they don't clean them properly so two days before a trip I'll take all my utensils out I'll put them in the dishwasher or I'll wash them by hand whatever and I'll have all everything aside and I know everything is washed and if I'm missing anything I'll steal some from the kitchen the home kitchen and now I have a full set otherwise you're gonna go camping with a family of four and you're gonna end up with two knives three spoons and maybe one fork and make sure you can open our plastic spatula all the other stuff and I highly recommend some good knives really good knives they're a bit knife I've got a big knife and I got a small knife just we're cooking make sure everything's there and what I also suggest is have a set for your camping and have a set for home don't take your home stuff because that's when you leave stuff behind have a kit for your camper trailer or your camping box if you don't use the camera trailer so what are we doing in the kitchen the whole points of this you can prepare everything you need right here at home not remember everything but a lot of stuff you could premix pancake mixture in a bottle take it out with you you can produce a stir especially if you've got kids and you're just going for a couple days just pre do a lot of meals take him out there some people cry back a lot of meals and freeze them and they have a like these slabs in their fridge or freezer they pull them out the day before defrost them so if you want to prepare for your camping trip you can prepare a lot of stuff right here in the kitchen the next stage the gas I know it's pretty obvious you'll check the level of your gas bottles but that's not the only thing also check that you have your guest connectors in there because all of these different things use different hoses i've been situations before where I've borrowed a trailer so it's actually good as all if you borrow a trailer camper trailer you borrow a gas cooker and the gas line was missing I'll then went to a camping saw and bought a universal gas on I'll go back to where I was camping and guess what it didn't fit so make sure you have the right gas fittings for the right cookers and heaters I'll have a water heater and this one is also one hose is for that and the other hoses for something else and you can see they're all got different size connectors so make sure you have that the next thing gas bottles how much gas is left in them it is super hard to tell how much is left in there if you're not sure just fill them up if you go depending on how long you're going for you're just going for a couple of days and you have two gas bottles you should be fine providing you can feel there's something in there if you can feel this liquid in there and it's at least around half-full you should be okay if you're going on a long trip make sure you use one bottle before you use the next bottle a lot of people make the mistake by using a bit of this bottle and then a bit of that bottle and then eventually they don't know whether whether their bottles when they go for a next trip and they have to fill them both up and you're not paying for how much you're putting in the bottle you're paying for the entire bottle filled up regardless if you're putting 10% in or 90% in so I recommend getting two bottles mark one or say we're going to use the left side before the right side and then you have a fair idea how much gas you have let's think about it the next trip you go and do you know that you haven't touched your right hand side you've touched the left hand side let's just fill one side and we'll be right what's the tanks your camping water if your trailers been stored for quite some time there chances are there's still some residual water in the tank somewhere it might even be full modern be half full just depends on how you left it last time now to be sure that it's not going to contaminate you I'll suggest draining all that water out first and then filling it up again this is the stuff that I use is called aqua proof and what it does is it pure pure Fozzy of water just to make sure there are no contaminants or if your are contaminants it kills it and it's yeah it's pretty cool stuff you put a tablet in dissolve it in this bottle and it tells you how much you need per liters that you have in there and you'll find that a bottle like this will last you for a little while in my case this has an 80 liter tank I'll use it regularly enough so I'm pretty confident that it's clean however if I leave it over the summer which I'll probably will now then I'm going to purify the water again I'm gonna have to just to be safe if you using these kind of tanks here you don't need to use purification kits just drain it rinse it and drain it the reason why I don't recommend you do that with a big tangle that is is because you're wasting a litres of water every time it's only if you have a real algae problem and you need to dump some special chemicals in it to get it all out then you need to drain it but until you get to that stage don't bother here's an extra tip to keep your water nice and safe I use a caravan of water filter this is an inline filter in line are the filter and it shows you which I flows as well all you do is connect up the hose here and another hose connected here and then you can fill up your tank and then it's pre-filtered and the cool thing about it is this will taste better than your tap water even though you are using your tap water because it takes out a lot of the chlorine that's inside this so get yourselves one of these toilets and hygiene and all that fun stuff this is what I bring on a family holiday and what you need to make sure with these chemical toilets is that you have enough chemical with you and what I recommend you do is if you only go for two to three days this is good for two to three days this size toilet which is a 365 you can get a 345 that only lasts about day and a half for people anyway this is good for about two to three days you can put chemical in before you go and you're all done you're all set there's less stuff you got to do when you get the camp however if you're going for longer make sure you bring extra chemical with you in fact we just came back from a trip just down by a lake and my brother-in-law forgot to bring his chemical for his toilet and when he went to empty it because this green stuff and the bottom tank it breaks down everything he struggled to empty that tank and he was he was having fun chemical toilet aside if I'm only going with one or two of my daughters or I need more space then we bring this style toilet so that's another good option for family stuff and it's not much you got to prepare for this you just chuck it in the car and off you go moving on the showers if you don't have a shower yet and you want something cheap just get a pocket shower this is a sea2summit one really compact and uses water really sparingly you could two people have a shower floaters bag is 10 liters it's pretty cool or you can go a bit more fancy like I have here you can get the 12 volt electric shower but just make sure that everything's in there and especially the ones that have the normal pump on it this one here burns off my car but it used to be while the pump ones make sure that that actually works because you'll find the cheap ones that don't last forever and a year later just sitting in your shed in your garage the impaler that draws the water and pumps it up that can fail so check these before you head off especially the twenty dollar showers they don't last very long still on to hygiene and stuff now I have covered this a bit in the previous video however I'll show you some of the bits I didn't show you in the upper video this I would normally keep in my vehicle but you can just keep it in your camping box so body extra toothbrushes body extra deodorant hand sanitizer this is good for your toilet as well and when you're using the toilets toothpaste just put everything in this bag and leave it there earbuds I even have a comb in here that's got everything I need or I'll go camping so for me preparing it's just a matter of putting this back in the vehicle a cool hack which I'll show you I'm actually out of mouthwash I used to bring an antibacterial also antiseptic mouthwash so I've had a sore throat or whatever this is your next best option what I do at the end of the camping trip I don't do that often anymore because I go so often so my toothbrushes are fairly fresh if you are not going to go for a while for some mouthwash and sterilize your toothbrush like this and you'll thank yourself three to six months later when you pick your toiletries bag back up again and you check out your toothbrush and it smells nice and there's not all gunky from all bacteria I have left toothbrushes in bags before and it becomes all feste and nasty do yourself a favor mouthwash it sterilize a chuck it in there otherwise you'd be buying a new toothbrush every camping trip satellite phone communication in this box I have a satellite phone let's be honest 90% of people watching this video you're probably not even going to need the bottle bother with this for those who are heading remote however there is why I'm bringing this up here is if you are going somewhere you need to order this a month before you head off to the safe it takes about two weeks to connect one of these and if you adjust an to look the month before that would give you time to find the right plan as well make sure if you do get a satellite phone you do it at least 30 days before you depart another fact here this one here is constantly on it's on a plan others are on prepaid so when you're not using it say you go to trips a year one trip a year that's the only time you need this you need to deactivate it see not paying for nothing when you come up to the next trip activated 30 days before you're actually heading out because if you do it a couple of days beforehand you won't get it activated and you won't have a satellite phone even though your own one keep that in mind mainly camper trailer related this one so if you don't have a camera trailer go to skip point skip this part actually don't skip this part cause you can apply this to your cars all your tires on your trailer a lot of people like I've already started numerous times people only travel once or twice a year so the trailer can just sit there for a long time there can be slow leaks on your on your trailer tire so check the psi so you can see how much pressure is in there a lot of trailers are quite light it's hard to tell how much air is actually in them this particular temperature I'll here the x2 Patriot it's pretty light so if I have 50 PS honest eyes or 40 PS honest eyes I can't tell the difference even a 35 psi because the trailer is so light so you need to just double check that because you may have even lighter trailer or big tires and it might actually be down to 20 psi or something and then when you drive that on the highway at high speeds it's not going to be good for tires and you can have a blowout and they go to your holiday check your tires check the condition of them check your lights and everything in the trailer you already know that I don't need to tell you this so just check everything on your vehicle check your vehicle tires as well once you all load it up because yawn may not be used to loading up your car all the time check out your vehicle check out the tires are they bulging now because you've got so much weight on it you hooked up a trailer on the back perhaps you got a lot of weight on the roof the cars going to handle differently so just go to a service station before you leave get all the tires looking similar with the similar pressure and then off you go and then you're confident that you're not going to have an incident on the road on the way to your holiday destination with more vehicle related stuff or before your holiday or preparation for your Overland trip or whatever it is there is a dedicated video for that link up in the corner check that one out that covers everything about your vehicle ladies and gents thanks for watching I hope you picked up some good things here even just a couple of things to help you guys prepare for when you go on your annual trip or your by on your trip or have them any trips you do if you're doing more trips than that and good on you lucky for you there are other videos to watch down below in the link that are related to this how to prepare your vehicle for Overland trips remote trips down there in the description below also a food preparation one a lot more detail into food how to maybe store eggs without cracking them that kind of stuff down below storing pancakes and bowls down below check them all out thanks for watching our video over here you can subscribe and slash honey doll for more content like this and if you have any suggestions put them down below thanks guys enjoy your trips
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 267,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, Camping trip preparation tips, camping gadgets, cool camping gear, camping hacks, camping tips, Tents and Swags, Sleeping gea, Camping Gadgets & Batteries, Fridges & Iceboxes, Water Tanks & Contamination, Camper Traile, Sat Phone connections
Id: 5HyYW84rJQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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