Just Pack This! All you need for a quick trip!

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(energetic rock music) (cheerful guitar music) - Hey, good morning. Just tell me what to bring, man (laughs). I got a fairly empty rig this morning. I'm just goin' on a quick trip. It's three days. You don't need to bring the kitchen sink. I'm gonna load up the rig and tell you exactly what you need to bring. (cheerful music) (thudding) Okay, other than the clothes on my back, which includes socks, boots, nice flexible pants, a very comfortable shirt and a warm jacket, this is all I'm packing in terms of a change of clothes. It's only three days, I don't need to bring my whole wardrobe. I have a change of socks, gloves because it's gonna be cold out there. If you have cold weather, don't mess with it. Make sure that you have enough to keep you warm. In the summer, it's a little bit more flexible, in the winter, you want to make sure that you're warm. So I have gloves. I have some thermals, high-tech stuff to keep me very warm. I've got my toiletries. Now, honestly, this bag is just about empty. I have my medication and I have my toothbrush and that's it. (shuffling) And then, a jacket to keep me warm. That is it, that is all I am bringing in terms of clothing, that's all I need. (cheerful guitar music) You need your basic sleepin' kit. I have a compact pillow, a relatively simple air mattress, and a sleepin' bag. Mine has a hole in it, but it still keeps me warm. This is a 32 degree bag. If you're in colder climate, get a better bag. Oh, pro tip. Are you tired of tryin' to fit your bag back in the stuff sack? I have a suggestion, don't (laughs). It annoys the heck outta me. I have a large bag that I put all of my sleeping gear in and I just put it away. I'm not backpackin', I don't need it to fit into a ball this big. I just throw it in this bag, I'm all good to go. (cheerful music) (soft thudding) (cheerful music) Bring a set of basic tools. You don't need everything I'm about to show you, but I put this together over the years. It's already packed, so I just stick it in the truck. (thudding) (clicking) A full set of screwdrivers, (clicking) Torch, mirror to help me see in case I drop a bolt. Bring fuses. I have a hacksaw, velcro. I bring another motivator with me, channel locks and pliers. I always bring zip ties, I've got larger industrial zip ties, as well. Razor, more motivator, electrical tape, a full set of (clanking) Sockets and wrenches. (energetic rock music) (thudding) Good set of gloves, tree straps, snatch block, (clanking) D shackle, chain. (energetic rock music) Kitchen kit. (thudding) It's in a clear box so we can see what's in it. Jetboil, boils water fast. Extra propane, cooking utensils. (zipping) Boom, it's a kit, just buy an all-in-one kit. (clanking) Cup, bowl, towels, napkin. More cooking utensils. Simple pan, multiple ways to start a fire. We call this a little bit of Humboldt County 'cause that's where I grew up. Aluminum foil always comes in handy. Garbage bags and I don't know what the hell that is. (scraping) (thudding) (scraping) (cheerful guitar music) Okay, for food, you know what you eat, pack what you want. For me, I don't like to spend a lot of time in base camp doin' dishes, so I keep it fairly simple, a lot of grab-and-go food. In the morning, it's a granola bar, maybe some yogurt if I'm takin' my time, definitely a cup of coffee, but it's really basic. If I go on a three-day trip, then on one night, I'll cook a hunk of meat. You know, I'll do cooking one night out of the three. Otherwise, it's boil-in-a-bag or something that is really easy to make and doesn't create a lot of dishes, 'cause that's not what I want to spend my time doing. If I go on a longer trip and I'm gonna be at a location for a number of days, I might change that a bit and spend a little bit more time settin' up the kitchen, but if I'm on the go, which I often am, I keep it very basic. (scraping) (cheerful guitar music) Before you buy light bars or a lift, buy a good first aid kit and make sure it's accessible in the truck. (ominous music) Okay, water's a you-never-know topic. Bring more than you think you need, two gallons per person per day is good. That's a nice, safe amount. If you have pets, et cetera, that takes care of all the other needs as well, not just for your drinking. And bring light and don't forget to bring your mountain money. (clacking) (cheerful music) (clacking) All right, that's pretty much it. This is not a minimalist trip. We're gonna go through a minimalist trip in a future video. It is possible to go out for a few days with just three things. Can you guess what they are? Let's get going. (cheerful guitar music)
Channel: Overland Bound
Views: 189,019
Rating: 4.8875241 out of 5
Keywords: overland, overlanding, toyota, camping, offroad, off-road, adventure, car camping, adventure lifestyle, explore, overland bound, fzj80, land cruiser, Overland bound
Id: 0iSJwG421ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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