Top 10 Must have 4 Wheeling

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hey Ronnie Val four-wheeling Australia welcome to ten must-have essential items for four-wheeling / landing full driving whatever you want to call it and here's the beauty about it none of them are actually attached to your vehicle so you don't need this to go four-wheeling and you don't even need that all you need is this this or that this video has come about because I kept getting flooded with emails and questions on YouTube and various other social medias what do I need to go four-wheeling and I always refer to what they need on a vehicle you don't need anything you don't need you don't need to upgrade your tyre suspension list or any of that you don't need to if you just want to go out for a day trip or a weekend even for like a bit of a travel you don't need anything so it's a bit of a misconception because you're watching people like me and others drive with all this gear and the vehicle my vehicle was overkill this vehicle here is even overkill - some of the most stuff you can do so a stock vehicle with these ten items is all you need number one the shovel why is this number one well a shovel has multi-purpose use if you get bogged the shovels the first port of call I'm thinking a bit of a ramp as anyone should anyway the shovels always the first port of call with any sand recovery or any recovery for that matter if you need to go to the bush and do business the shovel comes out if you've got a campfire the shovel comes out now we're not talking about camping really here we're talking about full driving track building shovel this will come in handy if he gets stuck out there so shovel is number one [Applause] number two - you had chef radios now I'm not talking about these ones these are overkill you don't need this as a beginner you do not need a 3 watt radio or even is 1 watt radio so let's put these away you can get away with these now a lot of people consider these kids radios and you know what they probably are I'll let my kids use them however these are 0.5 watts and these are fine and why do you need two one inside the vehicle one outside the vehicle if you in a bit of a sticky situation your passenger can jump outside the vehicle and guide you so 2 radios you don't need a mounted radio inside your car you [Music] recovery gear now this is the first item that's going to cost you a bit of coin most important of all is a recovery points now these will fit in every single vehicle that has a toe assembly so that is a number one thing to get the second thing we get will be a snatch strap with perhaps a shackle soft shackles are much safer to use however they're much more expensive so you have to price up the value of your safety in other words you can get away with metal ones to winch blankets now what if you don't have a winch it doesn't matter use these on a snare strap it actually dampens it so to dampeners and a tree trunk protector but you're not going to use as a tree trunk protector you're going to use it to equalize the front of your car because a lot of vehicles modern vehicles don't have recovery points on front they have tie-down points so you can have the stress and those tie-down points by using a strap on the front so that is my recommendation for a basic recovery kit that will cost you a little bit though you can shop around this is obviously a reputable expensive brand and then you've got some cheaper brands just don't buy anything off eBay this that doesn't have a name because it could be dodgy stuff [Music] next on the list is first aid kit and this is very very important and another spot we can't really skimp on price look you can pay up to 20 bucks for a packet of band-aids alright so first our kids are going to cost you a bit of coin not sponsored by any products in this entire video by the way just so you know but this is one I got with the vehicle when I bought it it's a pretty basic kit but it's actually got a fair bit of stuff in it so if you already got one you may only need to add a couple of things to it look you wanna know what to add to it that's not part of this video I'll have to do a video just some first aid kits I've tried a few fair few out as you can see I've got four here on the go this is a st. Johns Ambulance one quite expensive kit but it's got everything you need it's a rode rode trauma kit this one here is one of my favorites because everything's organized in here go all your little pockets bites and stings and you know all that kind of stuff I even have a snakebite kit in here so whatever first-aid kit you get you're going to need to add something to it this is the latest one I'm testing out thankfully I have not tested it out yet that's a waterproof case and this is a full comprehensive first-aid kit as well survival emergency solutions I guess that's the brand of it and it's pretty damn comprehensive and it looks cool too but some all that looks is it so first a kit must be on your list the compressor yes you do need a compressor if you're going off-roading you don't need a tighter floater but you need a compressor because learning your tires down I could do it up with a piece of bark pretty much we're gonna just push that little valve core in and the air comes out so yeah you will need a tire compressor because look if you're off-roading near the beach and it's a local Beach and you know it as a service station they can pump your tires up yeah you don't need one but look just get a cheap compressor this one here is pretty cheap actually just have a thirty dollar Australian dollars 30 dollar compressor on a previous vehicle and it worked fine they worked for years nothing wrong with it look if you got tires this size you're gonna need a decent compressor but we're not talking about big off-road good tires we're talking about just wrote eyes here with the compressor I'm going to include a cheap tire gauge but just the cheapest one you can find even if it's not accurate you got a rough idea how much psi is in it when I say accuracy some differ very to psi therefore psi compared to the other other one so if you use the same one you're going to get the same reading number six on the list is maps look even during Explorer teaches kids they name apps you need maps and it's not just so you know where you're going you're in these maps you also find information phone numbers hospitals police stations fuel all that kind of stuff you need to know so Maps is essential over gps's don't just go over GPS you need maps and we're gonna talk about GPS as yeah you only need that to go for driving next on the list is water and why would you need water if you're going for wheeling or over landing when we're just talking about the car when I talk about camping remember if you get stuck you have water you can go without food for 30 days it's said you can go without food for three days until there's irreversible damage to your body however water you need that within two to three days otherwise you are dead so water essential part and don't put all your eggs in one basket go to containers and there's all different kinds of containers you can even go cheap ones or you can go to big 20 litre ones it's up to you tools in case something happens we've got to change your tire or whatever it is you have your basic tools and you know what you probably only have to buy any because you should have some in your garage or you shared at home if you don't does buy the cheapest simple kit because you're not out there to be a mechanic you're just out there to sort out a problem if there is a problem if you'd like to know more about I recommend a tool kit I have a video just on that it's in the description below with the tool kit I'm going to include a bottle jack the current one you have is good but if you don't have a bottle jack get yourself a cheap bottle jack they don't cost much and a jacking plate so like a wooden board or a metal plate like you see right on your screen now this will help you when you're on the sand or on any uneven terrain special delivery obviously it's not from MacGyver but just in case you thought it was next up is the miscellaneous kit this is also something you may not even have to buy anything out of we have duct tape as number one we have ratchet straps or these are tie-down straps but ratchet straps even better they're quite cheap cable ties wire this is 1.4 mil wire you can use fencing wire any Y you can get your hands on pretty much there we go back sure that noise mu this stuff here is easy to get easy to source and will get you out of most most troubles if you can't fix it with duct tape and cable ties you can't fix it now you probably can the last on the list is your spare tire now why would I mention spare Torrance got a spare tire right yeah everyone has a spare tire but what people forget to do sometimes or when they buy a second-hand vehicle the tire size may be different you need the same size tire as your spare and some spares are just really really crappy spares I will not trust them in under any circumstances even on the road I wouldn't trust some spares make sure that this spare is the exact same size as what you're running on the vehicle doesn't have to be the same brand just the same size [Music] so here we are for a quick recap and I'll give you my quick father bonus items the shovel the two handhelds the recovery gear now this you don't need all of it but that's that's a good kit their first aid kit just one check compressor maps to water containers one's not enough tool bag even half the amount of tools I have just bring some tools and the miscellaneous MacGyver box there we go that's pretty much all you need and you can pretty much hit out four-wheeling in your basic vehicle you have everything you need now bonus five items you can bring one of these you may already have and that is a simple GPS I'm not talking about one of those expensive off-road navigation systems I'm just talking about a general TomTom or something that drops breadcrumbs because you can follow those breadcrumbs back out if you drive into some way it just helps you find your boat way back out something else you may already have is a Jerry can extend your fuel range you don't need to put a extended fuel tank in shape items you can add toy a plug-in kit it's just a simple tire plugging kit it just makes your spare last longer because you can plug it if there's a hole in it of course if there's a slash you can't fix that but hey plugging kit might help you basic spares now if you're not sure what to carry with spare parts there's another video on that all the links are in the description below spare fluids I'll add to that as well and if you're going serious remotes really remote travel where does no one else around then I would strongly suggest hiring a satellite phone or purchasing and Ipoh and that is your emergency response should he get stuck and depending on where you are in the world it may be a spot unit or something like that that you need so those are the things that I am recommending that you should have for for driving as an extended list so any questions drop them down below anything you think should be added to this list of 10 dropping down below as oh and thanks for watching any more requests from down below to Cheers subscribe here slash running dial up this way and more videos on stuff with for driving you
Channel: Ronny Dahl
Views: 581,639
Rating: 4.9291797 out of 5
Keywords: Off-road, tracks, 4wheeling, adventure, 4x4-off-road, top 10 4 wheeling, top 10 off-road, must have 4x4 items, 4x4 gear
Id: ta0xWzwbEeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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