OF COURSE the Fireworks Festival was a DISASTER (until it wasn't).

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isabel what are you wearing what has gotten into her tonight we're holding a special festival in the sky how we gonna get there [Music] you guessed it i didn't guess it it's a fireworks show okay oh damn it i thought it was gonna be in the sky like on a party plane is that a thing i can't that shouldn't be a thing we shouldn't be partying on planes we'll be able to chat with friends at park oh my god today is the day this is actually going to be so lit we're going to be able to chat with friends participate in a raffle and we're going to do it all beneath a vibrant night sky a glow with color you know what fun fact about me i actually hate fireworks that's a fun fact about me i really honestly i am the biggest karen when it comes to fireworks i hate them i'm not gonna lie i hate them i hate them i'm ready to ruin everybody's fun i'm sorry if you love them um they've been ruined for me by people who are irresponsible basically because oh my god she's going to be stepping out isabelle i have to i have to pause my rant about fireworks because ladies and gentlemen everybody of all ages isabel is stepping out on the scene she's gonna be out and about i can't wait to see what she's wearing i hope it's not that shirt she can do better i'm sure she's gonna be wearing that because that's not what she usually wears great awesome cool fireworks they are actually not it they're not it you guys i'm sorry maybe if we could be responsible about them and do them one night every few months instead of a whole week in a row everywhere all over the place but we're not responsible about it because guess what fireworks cause first and foremost irreparable horrible damage to wildlife and the environment unlike these weeds every single time we put fireworks off there are birds that are so scared that they abandon their nest there's different creatures that die of pure fright because they have no idea what's going on plus the fireworks that you're setting off they're going out into nature and they're polluting nature they kill wildlife these big huge flaming sticks that shoot off into the sky they set fires in the forest they hit animals it's terrible it's actually really really horrible for the wildlife there are tons of studies and papers that show that every time there's a big firework associated holiday tons of wildlife dies and suffers and abandons their babies and uh you know there's just so much so much panic in wildlife it's so sad and for me you know with just that knowing that i can't enjoy it but furthermore every single time there's a big firework holiday tons of pets get so scared first of all they get so scared that it's just a nightmare i actually have a dog that has severe noise anxiety and we need to basically drug him every time there's fireworks there's also tons of oh my god i'm such a karen but it's fine i mean i'm just giving you guys the facts i i can't just you know i get to give you guys the facts anyway basically there's tons of dogs and cats that actually run away they get out you know if you open the door for a split second they're so scared that they just run away they're so scared they don't understand there's no way we can ever explain to them plus there are lots of people who have intense noise sensitivities whether they are on the autism spectrum or you know they have another sensitivity to loud noises there are tons of people especially military veterans who have ptsd and and fireworks going off i'm not ready to go here yet because i'm going i'm going on my rant i'm just gonna say my rant and then i'll let you guys have your fun but i i'm pulling up for the people out there who when we put off fireworks it's a living hell i'm here for you i see you it's a living hell for me just knowing that it's a living hell for you and for others and for my dog that i love i get why people like them i get why little kids like them and stuff i certainly used to enjoy going to firework festivals with my parents when i was little so i totally get it i get it however what i don't get is why people are so inconsiderate and they you know continue to set fireworks off all week long through all hours of the night without thinking about anybody else and so maybe and you know what it could just be not even that they're not thinking about anybody else but that they don't know they're not aware they've never thought about it which is okay it's totally okay to be like oh my gosh i've never thought of it that way and so you know it's it's just a matter of perspective and how while some people it could be the the most fun you have all year for other people it could be the day that they dread all year and it's sad to me to think that you know on days like memorial day and veterans day we go out and we put off fireworks celebrating people who have extreme ptsd and who are probably cowering in fear while we're celebrating them just think about that that's all i ask anyway i've started this video off with a friggin bang um i'm gonna try to let people enjoy things i'm gonna try to let everybody in town enjoy the fireworks especially because this is a game nobody's going to get hurt this woman is out and about i i really wish she had brought out like a banger outfit look at goose he is playing his cards y'all know that he's out there working out right there because he wants isabelle to see him because she's a girl as you can see i'm busy making preparations for the fireworks show tonight it starts at 7pm sharp have you heard that we're planning to display custom fireworks during tonight's presentation as well we're still collecting ideas for tonight's show so let me know if you come up with anything good what is that supposed to mean what i don't know anything about fireworks oh okay oh so you can have like i could do like a firework of kyle's face i got a firework idea oh [ __ ] i gotta make it wait i gotta make it [ __ ] wait no no no no of course not so so shout out to whoever made this kyle face i'll put the code obviously in the description i think that this person has a face of every single villager so honestly this is the real mvp of the video let's see what else we want to do do we want to do a tarantula obviously it's going to be weird no wait i don't know if it's going to be weird that there's the block it might be weird that there's a block i don't know um i don't have a lot of good custom designs because they're all four things i guess we'll do pikachu's shocked face i want to see what that looks like code's obviously for everything i don't really have anything good have you seen me mothman duh and it can be projected in the sky so that if anybody has seen that moth they can let us know okay um i mean that's really all i got i think that i can actually use for because you know what sucks we need more space animal crust like i'm using all of these i can't get any more designs i'm using them all it's over for me i guess let's do the bats no i don't know i don't know we'll see we'll see we'll see we'll start with these i'm not going to go crazy oh wow my high expectations have certainly been met really ah she's like such an angel we don't even deserve her is she wearing shoes why can't all my other villagers wear shoes excuse me she's wearing pants too what the hell not fair she's such an angel you're an angel um okay and goose still he's gonna be out here all day i love how he's actually he he coordinated his outfit today he is really trying to get her attention and you know what goose i'm glad she ain't looking okay what is red up to today sorry i'm not open yet then why are you out here oh why it's none other than my favorite cousin how are you amanda actually we'll skip the chit chat i'm sure you're much more interested in the attraction i'm setting up here so he's a carney now that's great he gets to wear pants too what the hell it's a limited time and limited liability business i'll be hosting so you have to act fast exclusively during the firework show i'll be offering you the chance to win big i call it ransom raffle how did this man get a permit to be out here isabel literally came on the loudspeakers and said we have a suspicious character walking around the island and then she hired him excuse me you hired the suspicious man he ain't even wearing a shirt girl imagine him ew he's out here with his shirt wide open for all to see you think blanche wants to see this blanche lives on this island red blanche lives on this island i don't want her to see this put something on cover yourself up at least he's wearing pants ugh but it just honestly all it does is highlight the fact that goose isn't i'm out of here i guess i gotta time travel first i guess let's let's dress everybody let's dress everybody for the occasion let's do that i'm gonna address everybody like they're going to the fireworks show for me that's like a literal like funeral outfit because i hate it ew a cop hat not ever gonna buy that anyway i'm really being no i don't think i'm being a karen i think karen's are the ones that actually are like karen's are the ones that are like i have the right to put on put off fireworks until 4 am i have the right to put on fireworks until 4am i'm just kidding kind of not really i'm gonna pass i'm gonna pass nothing caught my eye no not today you know what did something did catch my eye i'd take it back ugh now she's going to tell me that the tragic backstory listen i'm already really amped oh god oh god every time i look at it i get this warm feeling inside like when she would hug me that's my stable voice i'm going to do my sable voice again label tells me you've been helping her out modeling outfits and such it means a lot to all of us that you do so much for our little family thanks so much amanda that's her voice it's very subdued and then this is mabel if you see anything you like just let me know please take a look around that's them that's the able sisters and you know what i would [ __ ] die for them all right no i don't even have anything for these people what am i doing i'm all off of the place i'm all over the place because i'm still thinking about fireworks i'm kind of i'm kind of upset about it i hope it's okay i hope that none of my wildlife gets affected we have we have jellyfish out there you know we got butterflies out here i hope that none of my wildlife is affected we have an owl that comes all the time over here we get the little yellow bird what about them nobody thought about them i'm i'm really i'm high anxiety today i'm over here rushing around trying to get everybody looking good but i'm also having to carry everything on my back i'm having to carry all of these anxieties on my back about my wildlife ugh what a disaster i never asked for this it's fine why can't i just enjoy things why can't i just enjoy things and let other people enjoy things why because i know the truth that's why anybody who knows the truth can't enjoy things okay let's get okay so what we're gonna do please excuse the gifts remember i'm trying my best remember i am human okay please be kind i'm human i'm only human you guys even though i have magic powers even though i literally have magic powers did you see that did you see the manifestation did you see the powers how about them powers how about them powers how about them psychic powers i'm thinking about brewster you guys i promise i promise you every day let's actually talk about the life and times of brewster because we need brewsters now more than ever actually you guys can give us fireworks but you can't give us brewsters really interesting interesting animal crossing listen brewster was born in 1978 he is a pigeon actually you know what i just i got a manifesto because you did you guys see that i manifested the the king tut mask i mean i'm sorry but i did i'm there's no other explanation for it there's no way that i ever could have known that that was coming out you guys saw this you saw it in real time in fact the first time i had ever caught wind of it somebody commented about it shout out to you shout out to you i'm actually you know what you deserve to have your name shouted because you are the first person who alerted me to the fact that my powers are real they're real and they're strong they're real and not only are they real they're all so strong okay so it was lucy cronin thank you so much lucy cronin she commented you can now craft a king tut mask and you you get bad luck when you wear it and it makes you trip as you fall and my legit response this is the first time i had ever heard of it wait really this sounds real oh my god if it's not nintendo needs to hire you immediately listen that was the first i had heard of it i had no idea there was no way i could have ever known this i don't work for nintendo i don't have any hookups believe me if i had hookups you guys would have all your quality of life updates i promise you that and you'd have brewster you would have had brewster the first damn day okay if i knew anybody over there y'all would have had your brewster i promise and so anyway there's no way i could have known why did king tut enter my mind i guess it was because of anka obviously but either way too long didn't read i'm actually i have powers magic powers in fact and we are going to be trying to manifest brewster i can't i honestly a little bit shocked that we got luna back before brewster and the llamas the alpacas interesting i also hate this dress what happened here oh my god i'm such a mess okay leaving everything here so that i can actually pick out specific outfits for everybody if i have them i hope i have them oh geez all right so first thing is absolutely first i need to change i need to change into something fireworky into something summery into something fun flirty summertime and the living's easy we need to do that all right yikes yikes yikes starting from square one i gave all my clothes away i'm an idiot i'm not prepared i'm ill prepared it's fine honestly i might give away stuff that i like it's not my skin tone nice it's like when i go and i buy a concealer and i'm sure that it's the one that's cute that's cute we're getting there i don't think that's it i want to look snatched i want to look good i actually want to look decent for once in my life you know what i love this dress i might honestly i might just wear this i love these i love this one a lot this one's really cute i love this one which one should i wear this one oh i don't even have the white one interesting yikes i gave it away already no this one's really cute it reminds me of whitney you know if i could invoke whitney i could only hope um too much far too much maybe for a blanche though honestly i think she needs to wear her kimono and then just one of those hats probably gonna be giving away a lot of hats today what should i wear uh yeah wait very fourth of july but honestly uh no it's summery though you know fine fine let's go let's just play along amanda why can't you just play along for one friggin day you can't it'll it'll kill ya it'll kill you to play along ooh that's cute though we're not talking to me we're not talking to amanda no i think that's gonna have to i think that's gonna have to be it we're gonna obviously have to wear some sunglasses we're gonna be cosplaying as someone who enjoys things and doesn't think too far into it today i'm cosplaying as somebody who lets myself just enjoy things lets myself and others enjoy things for once um any excuse to wear these but they don't match they don't match they're so cute though right i can't believe they actually went that far they went there with the gladiator sandals they went there one of the boldest moves they ever made this looks like the shoes of someone who just enjoys things and lets others enjoy things and doesn't try to steal everybody's joy um and then last but not least a fun bag ew girl ah perfect look i look like a normal person who just enjoys things and lets others enjoy things as well look at her she looks like she's about to go enjoy some fireworks like a normal human being okay now we gotta go and pick out some gifts and have other people cosplay as people who are enjoying their life here on the island let's see what we got here so so we've got hmm i think honestly i think goose is all set i think he already has his outfit that is perfect for today however i guess we got to see what kyle's wearing but obviously okay this is really cute too though oh maybe i should wear this you know what i'm wearing that because i've i've wanted an excuse to wear that i think i like this i should give that to somebody and not somebody is me i think i like that i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm going big i'm going big i'm making a statement the kiwi dress might need to make an appearance it's very summery i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm not making any promises okay something just summery like something that just says summer is in full swing summer is here i love these dresses i think i'm gonna give a couple of these dresses away today you know what i have this but i'm just gonna order it again i'm gonna give it away same with this let's see the flower crowns they honestly look so much better on the animals than they do with us what the hell oh these little flowers are gonna look so good on some of my girls i wish anka was here for this i still have a powder yet or it's not that i haven't found her it's like that they won't move out these last few won't friggin move out come on all right ooh the summer hats come on i gotta give some of these ladies some summer hats what should i give kyle should i give him sunglasses today you know what maybe he should wear like a like a just a tang tunnel no no what should he wear what should kyle wear you guys oh you know what if i had that skull shirt that would look really cute on him if it was the black one you know he just wears like a ratty metal t that would be so cute that would be perfect but i don't have it and i don't have time to order it because i'm ill prepared ill ill-prepared that's her she's ill-prepared for everything a vest could look cute today too this could look kind of cute today too honestly oh i'm really overthinking all of this every single thing let's see what we got here [Music] let's see if lily's home is lily home no of course not lily oh thank god yeah so bianca definitely needs the mom crown i wish she wasn't wearing that dress but you know what one thing at a time her outfit is a complete disaster today ah you did not make good choices today i'm gonna at least help you out with one thing that's better i will say that's much better much better a zap suit bianca come on yeah it shows bianca you need a fashion consultant i heard pom-poms looking to to do that to get into that work here you go palm i think that the blue dress is gonna look really cute on her actually i don't think i've given this to her yet i usually just give her like pink [ __ ] because i think that she's i don't know because i underestimate her i think she's gonna look really cute in this pom-pom oh my god she looks so cute in that palm you look gorgeous right now i think pierce is gonna honestly propose to you tonight under the fireworks ooh tea pierce my propose in that dress pierce might propose and you know what i i don't have my wrapping paper for sherb but i was gonna give him this straw boater so let's just go ahead and go in there and give that to him he's gonna look really cute in it sherby yikes but no he's got that shirt on and i don't want him to wear that to the firework festival he can do better where did he even get that shirt i know i didn't give him that shirt he can do better i think that the boater's not gonna look as good now no no no i gotta give him a shirt now he's probably mad at me for going in at his house and then out and he's probably gonna move zigzag print dress uh i can give it to i give it to marina depending on what she's wearing i just you know i need to know where everybody's at i rushed into that i need to take some time to know she's already wearing the cutest dress that looks so good on her you know what i think i have a crown for her or something oh you know what i can give her one of these wide brim straw hats this is exactly what i'm giving her today you're stopping by so early makes me feel like you might have good news to share blurp listen i do have good news i have great news marina the news is that this hat she's the president of the united states you guys oh my god marina just won the election look at her ah she's killing it marina's killing it this is the fireworks show this is actually the fireworks show right here this is it this is all the show i'm ever gonna need we are ready for this look at us we're ready to have a summer moment a hot girl summer miss marina said it's a hot girl summer so good to see you quite so i hope you have something exciting planned for today it can be quite invigorating to change your routine girl did you not say that there's a whole thing everybody's already got plans our plans were made for us today girl whether we like it or not yeah i guess i'll just give daisy this like dress thing yeah i'll just give that to daisy she'll look cute in it i think she's gonna look really cute in this it's like a long flowy dress look at her little hermit crab how cute daisy that was made for you that was a great decision that was made for you daisy this is the right move i can't believe that i doubted myself this was the right move oh my god she's gonna look so gorgeous ah oh my god look at her i might cry i'm like tearing up a little just because i feel so good like i'm so happy for her and she's giving me a shorts outfit yes ah i'm so happy for her look at the little halter i'm so i couldn't be more happy for her you know how when you just feel so good for your friends i couldn't be more happy for lily i think she's gonna find love tonight actually scratch that there's no one here for her ah actually it just came to me oh my god oh my god it would be great i know he's not going to be there but imagine lily and kix oh my god lillian kicks our otp lillian kicks are otp come on come on lily and kix they're perfect for each other they're both like so cute they're on the same height cakes a little bit taller cakes need someone who is sensitive and who is just kind nurturing loving quiet lily needs a adorable little victorian street boy and that's exactly what she's going to get because lily and cakes are otp and there's no convincing me otherwise come on can kicks come tonight if kix is there tonight lily and kix are going to find each other they're going to lock eyes from across the room and it's going to be over and he's going to make her pretty shoes and pretty bags for the rest of her life oh god my heart my heart is so full the video can end right here and it'll be the best video i ever make because of that i think it's obvious what i must do i must write fan fiction about lily and kix for the rest of my days and i also want to let you know that it's okay you don't have to thank me for this beautiful gift of lillian kix of licks oh my god no it can't be licks they're too wholesome it has to be it has to be killy no it's either killing or licks is that what you're telling me we got to think of something better that's up to you i'm not very good at the ship names that's you guys is lane and mylane is the fan fictions and the bearings wait what's what is your shirt what is your shirt what is your shirt what's that shirt so great to see you again sunshine two sunshines in one paragraph you guys i'm blushing um let's just talk for a second because i don't know what you're wearing oh he's wearing like a parka oh my god he's telling me what he's wearing you guys he he's listening kyle's real and he has a social security number and a blood type and there's no telling me otherwise he is real and he's listening i literally was like what is he wearing is he wearing a mountain parka what is he wearing he was like hey i just want to let you know because you're wondering i'm wearing a mountain parka i love you i'm in love with you i'm madly and deeply in love with you do i have the vest thing didn't i want to give him that vest i think this is going to be best for him he looks good in that but for like a summer fun thing and it'll and you know what it'll uh looking for a rap session kyle of course i am yes look at him seriously for me as if i don't give him a gift every single [ __ ] day you're used to it sweetie yeah i think cause we're gonna match adorable you know what adorable i love him in that i really love him in that i've given him like six of the same denim vest it's fine look at us see brittany and justin he's blocking the door so i can't leave and i love it he's the one i think he's really the one but you know i didn't want to rush into the wedding thing like everybody's like it's wedding season you guys oh hold on let's just take a minute to see lily lily and marina are gonna steal the show tonight i'm sorry to everyone else you can all pack up and go home lily and marina gonna steal the show i don't think anybody's even gonna notice the fireworks tonight because of lily and marina ah pierce yeah let's give him like a hat let's give him a hat depending on what he's wearing actually you know what i'm not gonna make the same mistake i made last time we're gonna have two options if he needs outfit intervention we'll bring one thing but if he actually managed to put himself together then we will give him a hat and she changed out of her gorgeous dress [Music] after i gave her a second chance are you kidding me pom pom you didn't like that dress that wasn't good enough for you this ruins everything she everybody's just oh god why can't these people just do what i tell them to do why do they have to have minds of their own when i tell you guys to do something you need to do it and this shirt sucks everybody everything sucks everything is awful i can't give him the boater he did he didn't he doesn't deserve the boater i have to i have to give him the shirt damn it and he's probably going to change out of it anyway you know everything's ruined everything is ruined pom-pom ruined the entire fireworks festival i had everything everything was going to be perfect and palm had to go and change into a friggin hoodie a hoodie a huge thick ass hoodie on the sunniest day of the year nice good going pom-pom i hope it was worth it hope you're not wearing any makeup today pom pom i can't even imagine how much you must be sweating for what all for what pom pom oh and by the way if anybody's wondering sometimes i just dump stuff in here honestly i don't need the bells at this point i really don't i just dump stuff in here like when i don't want it anymore i really do so i'm just dumping definitely this this nope not that the zap suit the softer hat get it out of my sight forever i never want to see it again like this kind of stuff i'm not gonna go in there and talk to timmy and tommy so i could sell two tree branches but i wanted out of my life let's just go ahead and time travel i love how there's like there's a dumpster i love it let's just go ahead and time travel at least bianca i don't know i wish bianca would change the shirt i don't know everything's a damn disaster today i'm the only one who has their [ __ ] together me and lily and marina and you know what that's why tonight belongs to me lily and marina it's really gonna be a hot girl summer what is a summertime song i can sing or fireworks song i'm not singing firework by katy perry you kidding me i'm not doing it i'm not doing it not me couldn't be me couldn't be me is there any okay fireworks and summer song summer and firework songs i don't know i don't know top top best songs to play through fireworks ew and the first one is firework by katy perry the second one the star-spangled banner this is not my list i hate everything about this i just gotta i guess i just gotta go go my own way i gotta go my own way all right is it already is it seven did the time change did this time change let's get down to business to defeat the huns did they send me daughters when i asked for sons you're the saddest bunch i've ever met but you can bet before we're through mr uh wait the time didn't change [ __ ] come on what how how did this happen oh my god and then i just kicked out my own freaking steps my life's a mess my life's a disaster mr i'll make a man i'm really the saddest bunch i've ever met tranquil as a forest but on fire within once you find your center you will sure to win your spineless pale pathetic god i really felt that and you haven't got a clue somehow i'll make a mess i'm like that girl who's trying to he's trying to sing oh [ __ ] i love you yeah that's how i feel right now i'm feeling her now i know now i understand i finally understand what she was going through time is racing toward us till the huns arrive it sounds like toward us like time is racing toward us till the hunt arrive oh my god the fireworks heed my every order and you might survive i'm no donny osmond i am no donny osmond don't even try i don't know why i would try to take on a song that donny osmond saying oh my god oh my god look at marina you're unsuited for the rage of war so pack up go home you're through how could i make a ma i can't even look up and see them i don't even know what's going on out of you that was like totally the wrong key be a man you must be swift as the coursing river oh my god he's calling me queen what okay let me try to do my goose voice you know what it takes a firework i don't know i don't know what it is i don't know what his voice would be you know what takes a fireworks show to the extreme edge a tiny firework that you can hold what is he doing he's gonna blow my hand off he would be the one guy that blows his hand off at the fireworks show oh my god i don't want oh a sparkler and he's gonna share one with me uh oh where's kyle where's kyle quick quick i'm talking about sparklers bro and i'm gonna share one with you here okay thank you i guess oh bianca thank god bianca looks so good oh my god okay so i'm really happy right now because that is perfect for bianca bianca looks amazing right now perfect perfect outfit some of these people took the liberties to change okay i forgot to give sherb something [ __ ] it's fine oh my god palm she listened she she wait did is that the dress i gave her the hat the hat is you know you cut it down without the hat she did she did i should have trusted her okay palm put the palm put the dress back on also fireworks yeah sure cute they're cute no they're cute it's cute it's really cute honestly i will give my full honest thoughts without being a little sarcastic piece of [ __ ] this is beautiful this is really ambient and beautiful i'm out here with my friends look at pom pom she's like what no this is beautiful honestly animal crossing 10 out of 10. this is the only fireworks that i've ever enjoyed i've never enjoyed fireworks so much because i feel like nobody's going to get hurt wildlife isn't going to be affected and i love this i wish if all fireworks could be like this that one was pretty look at that one down over there animal crossing really nintendo they look really good i'm very i am delighted right now this is a really this is filling me with a nice feeling and i see why people like fireworks i can see the ambience of it i just think about the wildlife too anyway what are we doing okay so sherb you know what whatever um he's a child what is goose wearing what is he screaming at me fish what is that what does that even mean [ __ ] boy it's fuckboy language it kinda sounds like my workout on the heavy bag this morning pow okay goose bianca looks amazing i mean she took matters into her own hands because she was honestly her outfit this morning was completely it was it was something that i couldn't even handle oh my god i'm out here with all my friends pom pom put the dress back on she's watering flowers in the middle of a firework show oh no that's a it's a sparkler she's not even doing anything with it she's just over there looking you're gonna blow your hand off girl where's my boyfriend where is my boyfriend where the hell is my boyfriend is he lost i wanna have the sparklers with him where's my boyfriend where's blanche where are all of my other friends kyle's not what's going on here why is blanche watching the fireworks but i i can't do this okay i love you blanche but the fireworks show's over there girl a little too close for comfort uh where is ky are you coming to the fireworks show you're not coming you're gonna just is it hot in here yeah but you're drinking an orange soda and there's a fireworks show and i thought we were gonna go together oh my god i've literally never seen him say that never mind you can stay here you can drink your orange soda oh my god you guys oh my god what did i do to deserve him i don't even care if we're not i really wanted to be out there at the fireworks with him i really wanted to get our picture but this is fine too this works too has anyone told you that you look stunning in your front tie button-down shirt yet he called me stunning oh my god i didn't even know animal crossing characters could do that that's that is not something you say to a friend that is not something you say platonically you know what my dj cap would look amazing on you how cute how cute i mean i'm not gonna wear it but how cute is that [Music] how cute is that i mean i'm like it's gonna ruin my outfit but how cute i'm gonna put it on just to humor him i'm sure it's gonna be stupid so stupid are you kidding me it couldn't be more stupid this looks awful on me kyle but you know what the fact that he thought this would look good on me kyle i mean you guys i can't make this up when i say that kyle is my is is a dreamboat he's a heartthrob when i tell you that he's an actual good man he's that they exist that good man exists that good men still exist that chivalry is not dead i don't even care that he drinks his orange soda like that i can look past it i can look past that he is really in here with his cardboard-ass bed drinking orange soda when i really wanted to have a nice picture and a nice summer night with my boyfriend i can look past it you know what i really hope you decide to join us but if you don't i had a summer memory right here with you because we don't need to have we don't need fireworks to make memories there are fireworks already every time that we're together in the same place there are fireworks okay look at everybody look at sherb the wait is over the fireworks show is now in full swing it should not be missed bro i'm not i know i tell that to kyle can you go over there and talk to kyle please tell him that because i'm not trying to miss it bianca looks amazing i can't get over the fact that bianca took matters into her own hands this morning she was really really slipping i was concerned for her because usually she has good fashion sense i love how goose is just screaming at red and i love how like where is blanche blanche you just moved in don't you want to meet people blanche is she shy why is she standing over near my boyfriend's house it's making me weird it's making me weirded out blanche are you gonna come and enjoy the fireworks with everybody i love her i just wish that she would come and enjoy with everybody else and kyle is the only one who isn't here lily did you notice that there's fireworks oh my god she's so cute she is the only one who gets it it must take a lot of time and coordination to put together a big fireworks show like this one all the more reason to enjoy it to its fullest boo-boo i love her and you know what has anybody told you lately that you're that you're lovely that you look splendid in that shirt has anyone told you lately oh my god i gotta get a picture of this please don't move lily lily please oh [ __ ] wasn't that gorgeous i wish i had gotten a picture please get the [ __ ] out of that lily look okay at least i got her in the dress but i want to get her with the fireworks in the night sky okay go go go go go go go go go now go now go around okay this is gonna have to do for now it's not the best but it's not the worst i wish i could get more fireworks i gotta cut those trees down i guess he's so cute this is like my album cover you guys this is my album cover it's lily looking up at the night sky and enjoying the fireworks my album cover i love her i really love her where the hell is kyle i just wish he was here i just want a picture with him the hell is kyle let me get a picture with my girl because we are looking so good so damn good when i tell you it is a hot girl summer pom-poms out here setting [ __ ] on fire when i tell you it is a hot girl summer in this picture i mean that i mean that even sherb is here what'd i tell you [Music] oh my god me and me and even my girl for once in her damn life out here isabelle this is the only picture i'll ever get with this girl ready me and my girl my only picture with her daisy i'm glad that you decided to keep the dress on telling me all her normal [ __ ] pom-pom what do you think every time i hear the boom of fireworks i imagine the sky is giving me a standing ovation boo animal crossing you can't let them choose to to skip the firework show this is upsetting me it's upsetting then again i'm literally this is who i am when the fireworks are really happening in real life i skip it pierce are you not coming you're not coming to the fireworks so i guess it's a hot girl summer [Music] i guess it's a hot girl summer me and all my girls and goose of course because of course you know no other guy decided to show up except for goose goose is like oh it's a hot girl summer that's my cue that's my cue i gotta come and break some hearts and ruin [ __ ] all right red what do you got welcome welcome you're two steps away from red's raffle fabulous prizes every ticket's a winner okay i'm sure i'm sure step right up step right up to red's raffle it's only 500 bells a ticket and each ticket that's a prize that's right every ticket is a winner so what do you say i'm in you know it you already know i read you get me every damn time with that [ __ ] excellent wonderful now if you please reach your hand into the box and pull yourself a ticket i feel like there's gonna be like a scorpion in there or something what'll it be what do you win let's find out it's gonna be like trash here's a tweeter for the big winner congratulations okay you're a natural at this why don't you pull another only 500 bells of course i'm gonna spend my whole [ __ ] net worth on this now if you please reach your hand in a box and pull yourself a ticket is it the seven again [Music] a pink balloon how fun how fun way to pull that ticket how'd you like to pull another for 500 bells let's go is he swindling me i feel like i'm getting my money's worth 500 bills is not that much i don't feel swindled what'll it be what'll you win let's find out it's [Music] number nine enjoy your red balloon congratulations okay i'm fine with it i'm cool with this you're on a roll care to keep it going for another 500 bells obviously i'm gonna get every single one yeah until we run out of course what'll it be while you win let's find out a nice round number five that's not very nice that'll win you a brand new uchowa van congratulations okay 500 bells i know the drill excellent wonderful now if you please read this is probably so annoying but this is red i mean come on i got a bubble blower with your name on it one of my favorites it's number three you want yourself a fountain firework is it an actual firework that i can put off interesting hmm yeah no we're gonna keep it going because my boyfriend's not here so i need male attention some other way your very own blue sparkler congratulations okay i'm a natural i know yeah i wish kyle was here to see me be a natural and to see me killing it number 11 a green balloon for the lucky winner green's my favorite i feel pretty lucky i wish kyle was here i keep saying it i'm trying to manifest it also brewster can we get a baroosta brusta brusta brusta i miss him i miss him and his friends okay i wish that she would come join us she's kind of making me nervous i trust them i trust them both i just don't know why she's over there it's kind of weird is she gonna kill kyle is gonna stab him i still don't know her well enough you know okay so we got we get the fireworks get some memories [Music] midnight not a sound from the pavement has the moon lost her memory she is smiling alone in the lamplight the withered leaves collected my feet and goose is ruining my sad picture memory in the moonlight i can smile at the old days i was beautiful then i remember the time i knew what happiness was at least goose is here i mean that's all i'm saying never mind i don't know i just i just really wish kyle was here i just want a picture with him under the under the fireworks you know is that too much to ask apparently goose is over here setting [ __ ] on fire that's actually really cute that's so cute like the animal crossing that's like so cute he's just like doing a sparkler because he's an idiot and it's gone and it disappears ah goose i can't believe that i'm at a fireworks festival with my ex come on this is ridiculous pom-pom why are we here alone ladies let's have a ladies meeting ladies why are these men so useless no i shouldn't say that about kyle he really he was so sweet to me i just really wish he was here i really do you know you know you guys know how it feels sometimes you just wish your man was here because i want to have a i want to have a picture with all my actual friends i don't actually like any of these people i'm just kidding no me and pom-pom are friends again look at us having a hot girls summer look at us i wish red wasn't in the picture didn't ask for that yeah but um let's see i'll try some of this [ __ ] out what is this what is this what is this look at her and kyle kyle is missing it i can't believe it he's gonna be sorry he's gonna be sorry oh my god how cute how cute is this i actually don't like balloons either just because you guys let them go and then they end up in the bellies of sea turtles quick story time it's gonna kill the vibe i used to all look at sherb i could sure be such a child he's such a child um i did hundreds and oh [ __ ] now i gotta go delete some damn screenshots god damn it while i do that yikes i know believe me that's why i'm here yes i need all 12 of these pictures of lily reading in the grass yes i do what am i supposed to do i'm supposed to you're expecting me to delete one of these pictures okay i guess i get the same picture and she doesn't look very happy there but you know i want her i wanted to capture her and like all of her her wide range of emotions look at her she's in the grass reading have you ever seen anything more delightful okay back to the story really quick just want to tell you just be careful with the balloons please because i would do sea turtle necropsies of all of the sea turtles that would wash up on shore dead during the cold stranding season because in in massachusetts and cape cod the sea turtles a lot of them get stuck in that little hook of cape cod and they no we're not posting anything no and they unfortunately don't know how to get out and it's every year they they go up there they eat all the jellies and everything and then they a lot of them get stranded not all of them but a lot of them do so we go and we actually save them i saved a lot of sea turtles out there high tide middle of winter i don't need these pictures they're not mine i don't know why they got saved under my phone i'm taking them over here for y'all i don't want y'all's business this ain't my business why why do i get other people's wedding pictures i'll keep flicking flicking cjs that's for damn sure i'll keep every damn picture but i don't want these this straight propaganda on my phone anyway um [Music] oh my girls me and my girls you're telling me i have to delete pictures of me and my girls even though this is literally the same picture are you kidding me i guess all right um so anyway yeah you know i saved a bunch of turtles high tide middle of winter negative seven degrees literally on the beach nothing colder in the world nothing more miserable but i would have my hands full two sea turtles under my under my under each arm can you believe it i felt like a million bucks i was dying of hypothermia but i felt like a million bucks and then oh my god it was so sweet and rewarding you would save them and then you would you're telling me i have to delete all these pictures of kyle how dare you how dare you i'm never deleting this i'm never deleting this not deleting it anyway yeah so i would be able to save these little sea turtles and see them through the hospital oh my goodness my baby and see them through the hospital and then see them get released into the ocean when it's summer it was beautiful it was a beautiful thing but there was a lot that passed away and we would do necropsies on them and necropsy is just the word for doing an autopsy that's not on a human because autopsy means you're doing like you know how like okay the the the prefix auto it's like yourself like autobiography so doing an autopsy is is doing a dissection on a human whereas doing a necropsy is doing a dissection on anything that's not human necro is the you know it means death and so basically you could be doing you know you can call any crops you can call that on a human because you're doing it on something that's died anyway ew i don't need that ew i do need that look at this is from my kyle search look at all these people that i encountered can you believe it look at this we had some times we had a lot of laughs anyway i think that should be enough um so yeah i did i've done hundreds i think i've probably done a thousand sea turtle necropsies in my day which is really sad um but i will tell you that there are too damn many i will tell you too damn many i got really upset and really mad too damn many that i would i would get into that stomach and i would be pulling out your god damn balloons in your plastic bags out of these little sea turtles bellies okay i've seen it with my own eyes you just got to be careful please please please i know it's not all just us most of the problem is these like big corporations and the way that we deal with our trash but as individuals we can all work hard to just make sure that we're not releasing balloons and listen i get i get the emotional connection to releasing balloons i was i was young i hadn't started my career as a conservationist yet but when my dog died i released balloons in his honor and i get it and it makes me really sad like i feel like such a dick when i tell people you know oh you you just released balloons for your lost loved one well guess what you just killed all these sea turtles like how do you tell somebody that because i totally 100 get why people do it i mean we're trying to process grief grief is the most complicated emotion that humans feel and if we have any way that can make us feel a semblance of a sliver of peace how who am i to take that away from people i feel really bad and so i do if there's anybody out there who has ever released balloons for a lost loved one i don't want you to feel guilty i want you to promise me that you're not going to feel guilty because you didn't know and guess what i'm a wildlife conservationist and i'm admitting to you that i've done it so i get it i totally get it and i think a lot of conservationists a lot of people go about it the wrong way and they just attack attack attack and that's how vegans are too honestly i'm a vegan and i don't like attacking people i think that food and eating is a very emotional personal thing and while yeah it's it's it's bad the meat industry is awful i don't attack people for for their personal stuff i i just aim to tell people you know why i do it my my own experiences we'll talk about it someday but i'm not ever i want to be that one vegan that you know that's not going to be an [ __ ] about it so if you ever have any questions about it come to me and honestly the best thing everybody can do is just eat a little less meat i don't expect everybody to go vegan it's hard it's not feasible for everybody it's actually it's kind of classist too because not everybody can and it's also ableist too because there's a lot of people who have again sensitivities and they have different texture things and different stimulation things with food and they need the certain foods that they that they eat so i'm not about to judge anybody however just now that you know because again a lot of people just simply don't know i think a lot of conservationists and other people they attack before getting to know and realizing that these people don't even have any idea a lot of people oh [ __ ] i never did that damn it didn't save it's fine um i love how it saved me kicking it but it didn't save me putting it back down interesting um anyway i think a lot of people just don't know i really do i don't think that people are gonna do this stuff if they know how harmful it is so here i am telling you that yes releasing balloons is one of the most harmful things ecologically that you can do they are litter they're just litter plain and simple i'm sorry to tell you that they they don't go anywhere other than into the environment you know if they fall into a into a parking lot or into a you know into somebody's yard great best case scenario worst case scenario they fall into a nest and smother an entire family of birds or they go to the ocean where the winds carry them because even even if you live far away from the ocean all the winds are carrying these balloons to the ocean and plus landfills and most of our trash to just give you a like just a too long didn't read most of our trash ends up in the ocean so that's why a lot of your plastic bags end up in the ocean and balloons i mean i used to work on the ocean looking for sharks and whales and studying them you know i would spend 10 hours a day on the ocean and i would see balloons every like every 20 minutes i would look down and see i would get excited i would think it was a big huge like man of war jellyfish and then i'm like nope it's just a friggin balloon it's just a damn goddamn balloon and sea turtles they uh they unfortunately see these balloons because the balloons lose all their color and the sea turtles see them and think that they're jellyfish and eat them and it's really sad and unfortunate because just again people just don't know so this is just me telling you if you don't know now you know there's a lot of really great ways that you can honor lost loved ones that don't harm innocent creatures because at the end of the day again please don't feel bad do that for me do that for me know that when you did it your intentions were true and your heart was gold in that moment and you were in pain and you are allowed to do anything that you need to do to ease the pain in your heart so please don't beat yourself up for it and know that i did it too so you're in good company um but again you know i think the best way we can honor our lost loved ones now that we know this is to is to protect and and and to to honor life you know and so instead you could plant a tree and you could start a life or you could plant a garden or you could um you could you know you could go there's a lot of programs and stuff where you can go and you can uh can help release baby turtles i've actually been a part of a couple of different organizations where a lot of volunteers are needed to help release little baby turtles but both sea turtles and like little land turtles you could go and you could do that in their honor there are so many different little things you can do um and so i i know a lot of people will write a letter and put it under the balloon and just kind of symbolize like i want this to get to them i think that if you believe that your loved one can still hear you i think that you can you can write them a letter or talk to them from anywhere and they're always gonna be hearing you and listening to you if that's your belief then uh then then i think that they can hear you no matter what so that's my that's my balloon rant this video has really become a whole ask karen rant but i hope you guys see my true intentions behind it i can't i can't just skim over the stuff it's my heart it's my soul it means a lot to me so while i run around in circles with my friggin balloon telling you guys why i hate them i love them i think balloons are lots of fun as long as you hold on tight and of course again accidents happen like if you have a little kid and they accidentally let go of a balloon i'm not gonna sit here and be like your four-year-old is a piece of [ __ ] like no it's innocent can't even imagine how many balloons i left i let go when i was little but if anything i think in order for all of i think you know i think that us adults knowing it we can we can do our best to offset all of those four-year-old accidents that let go of balloons you know so that's my rant i hope that it shows through my rants that i love animals and i love nature but i also love people you know i think a lot of conservationists a lot of people who work in nature they get really cynical because you see exactly what humans have done to the planet and to nature and it can make you really sad and for a lot of years i was really sad because i was seeing i was seeing the stuff that people turned a blind eye to i was you know holding critically endangered creatures as they died i've seen species literally go extinct and it can make you really cynical and it can shut your heart off to people and for a long time i was like i hate people but honestly i don't hate people i actually love people i think that it's really hard to be a human and that we need as much as much compassion and as much grace as possible so you know i i don't want to force people to care because you know i want people to care and i think that people care i think the more people know the more people care i think i think that people are inherently good i want to believe that so i think that as much as people you know say oh i hate everybody i think a lot of people look at pom pom she's just staring at me i'm glad you're excited about me no i think that people are good most people and i think that the people who aren't good are probably just hurting most of the time unless they're like a literal sociopath which they do exist believe me and most of them are billionaires just gonna say that um but yeah i think that we can all do a lot with knowledge and so that's why i try to just teach people stuff and i'm glad that you guys are listening to me and i hope that you guys are humoring me as i literally run in circles with my stupid ass balloon and talk to you about like deep ass [ __ ] that's my style kyle are you just not coming i guess kyle's just not coming this is breaking my heart what should i do should i time travel again should i go maybe i should go put it an hour or so because i don't know if he's still working on that soda i guess it hasn't been that long i mean like are you coming are you coming do you even know that there's something going on kyle did the happy home people love your bed did they really best in show huh okay all right if you say so i absolutely hate the idea of the happy home academy i think that is the worst that is literally my nightmare people looking in your windows and judging you and your [ __ ] my nightmare my absolute nightmare let's see what else we got here i promise not to go on a rant if any of this [ __ ] is freaking it started it finally started i wonder how many fireworks we'll get to see today hopefully thousands oh man this is the most exciting thing to happen to me since the time i ate breakfast this morning oh sure please don't leave oh how cute what a day if only my boyfriend was here fountain firework oh [ __ ] that's a big ass firework that you actually put off let's go do it let's go do a freaking firework right here am i gonna blow up pierce's house i hope so wait what how do i put it off how do i put off the damn firework i can't uh hello how do i do it do i have to put this into my house into my house what the hell how do i use it nice cool i can't even use a firework on firework night interesting can i run around with it i can't even run around with it what fun what fun is that what a joke what a joke what a rip-off a rip-off this is a rip-off that was a cash grab what a rip-off green's my actual favorite color so i don't know why i didn't get the green balloon for my whole rant i just want to see what this looks like i haven't even seen it yet um what what's what is that what is on it lips interesting not my style not for me where's my kyle firework at least i could see kyle somewhere remember i told isabelle i wanted to see kyle's face in lights what happened to that do i have to ask her i probably have to ask her specifically look at this that's a cute little face i gotta capture it oh my god what a cute face no the first initial face they make so cute this is my moment for life actually it's not because kyle's not here isabel where's my kyle firework at least i'll have something at least i'll have one memory with my boyfriend what what is it is it the same headband yeah a flower bopper a fl it can make me easy to spot as if i'm not already a flower bopper what could this possibly be are you kidding me isabelle this is the best day of my life i actually love this i love this i feel like such a part of something oh my god how cute how do i put my firework off i guess there's never gonna be a firework interesting okay what else do i have at least i have this green balloon might not have my boyfriend but at least i have a green balloon ugh what a nightmare goose is up my ass he's trying to get back together goose it ain't gonna happen it ain't gonna happen you're gonna have it's just you and your sparkler tonight sorry it ain't gonna happen just cause kyle ain't here don't mean i'm available i promise this is my best day ever i know you know what honestly it would be if kyle was here because i feel really good today i feel good i feel great i feel awesome never mind cause goose is coming wait hey isabel where's my kyle firework where's my kyle do i have to just keep watching for it i might have to keep just watching for it right you're gonna sit here and make me watch for it isabel i got [ __ ] to do it's it's a farce i think that she is think that she gaslighted me i think she baited me come on where's my pikachu where's my kyle one i at least want to see him somewhere i want to have a picture of us together in some form come on what a rip-off putting off these fireworks where's nook where's old man nook nook really what a [ __ ] buzz kill i expect no damn less though honestly he's a bag of bones timmy and tommy can't close up shop for one night to to have fun with everybody oh there was kyle what the [ __ ] that was actually like a perfect rendition holy [ __ ] here it goes here it goes that was my pikachu where's my kyle there's the mothman come on where's the kyle do it again am i gonna have to wait again no i'm just gonna have to sit here and wait let's see how long it takes for real how long is this [ __ ] gonna last gonna last the whole damn song yankee doodle what the hell that what whatever that is kyle i didn't even know it was coming it happened so fast oh my god it actually kind of came out and kyle's not here kyle would love that kyle would love to see his name or his face in the sky he would love that he's missing it i hope he's happy i hope it was worth it hope it was worth it kyle i hope you i hope your orange soda was worth it because that's the that's kyle's dream come true is to see his face in the sky and i get to see it and he's missing it interesting that's his that's his dream come true you all know it is he's usually a wolf about town that's what he calls himself not today today he would rather be in his house drinking orange soda for an hour it takes me 20 minutes to drink a soda 20 minutes tops i want bru yes there he is my boy and there's pikachu and there's what a night what a night what a night with my friends a night with my best friends with all my friends what more could you ask for actually there's a couple more things i could ask for brewster for one i'm all the way out here by myself i'm sad you know the night's been kind of ruined honestly you're not gonna lie at least i have the fireworks though i guess at least i have the fireworks well you know what okay what i'm gonna do i'll try to time travel or something i'll go into my house i'll time travel for like like an hour or two and then i'll see if that brings kyle out hey marina decided to join us and lily okay okay this is a good sign things are shaping up things are shaping up all right okay i'll take it i'll take it oh my god please kyle you gotta be done with your orange soda by now it does not take that long i'm going to start to get suspicious no more excuses oh please please please kyle see look bianca's out there going a different way going her own way come on and at last i see the light and it's like the fog has lifted and at last i see the light and it's like the sky is new and it's warm and real and bright and the world is somehow shifting all that once everything is different now that i see you now that i [Music] this is really the best night of my life i think honestly kyle if you were gonna propose to someone this would be a good night to be a good night to do it look blanche is here all my favorite people i mean you could honestly ask me to marry you in front of red do it do it if you're bad do it if you're bad ask me to marry you in front of red come on just do it just for like a meme honestly you don't even have to have a ring just do it for like for fun for a joke but i just i think that this is going to be one of our best memories yet [Music] oh my god this is honestly so perfect i'm in love with everything tonight's the night tonight's the night [Music] you
Channel: theamandafiles
Views: 50,046
Rating: 4.8746243 out of 5
Keywords: animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, fireworks, animal crossing fireworks, animal crossing kyle, theamandafiles, amanda sargent, gaming, acnh, new horizons
Id: 7UWooQbLYXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 23sec (4103 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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