oddly satisfying with a hint of YIKES

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happy day i'm glad and welcome to the dark weird world of oddly satisfying but something is slightly off and uncomfortable for example popping videos are quite popular and this is like a perfect popping toy and it's kind of satisfying but it makes me really uncomfortable you like that it's disgusting it's not disgusting i would play with this thing every day of my life especially if the little thing grows back i really want one of these but i want it to refill i want it to refill really really badly because this is just wonderful this isn't the kind of toy that you bring to class it isn't the kind of toy that you show your boyfriend's parents this is the kind of thing you keep it under wraps but everyone who knows they get it i love these oddly satisfying videos of this cat that makes drinks but why did he have to pour the sugar on the keyboard i feel like tiktok is taking this very unsettling turn where they do stuff that they know will have 26 000 comments of what did you just why would he put his own fur on the top okay i feel like that's like what the brand is it's like all these satisfying but like help me so many of these things are too far maybe the budget is too high because who's gonna drink that after there's a lump of cat fur on it and who's gonna use that computer again oh okay so this is a very interesting um runway show where the rain is melting the girl's jacket off now this is satisfying it's cool it's innovative but you can just tell that she is freezing the girl is shaking she's so cold like i'm uncomfortable watching like despite i'm not even noticing how satisfying this is or how cool of an idea it is because she looks like she's in pain the poor thing and like when it's finally over she's like oh i'm free again i'm happy again i'm a model i've been through a lot but like that water was cold they should have warmed up the water just a touch but i know that they didn't because that water came from the roof and i don't think that temperature was a factor i think that just getting it done was a factor melting a toothbrush now that's satisfying [Music] but it like gets really like creamy all i can do is think about how bad that burnt plastic is smelling and like just the way it turns brown it becomes it goes from satisfying to just kind of like dude you're burning a toothbrush you burned it that toothbrush what did it do to you this i don't even know i don't even know i couldn't tell you it looks like he's got like a lot of dandruff up there maybe it's like a psoriasis cure but like my man is cracking an egg and giving it a nice little stir um in the hair i guess it could be like a treatment you just want to make sure that you wash it with cold water otherwise the egg like egg cooks in hair very very easily this guy's really happy about it too why is he smiling like that wait why does he seem kind of sad he's like this is the face of what has become of my life this is just absolutely absurd oh god i can't like the perspective is really satisfying but that's why it makes me want to die our man here got the satisfying soap dispenser the one that's from japan the disney one he's so excited he got it it works i think this one's a pass i think this is our first pass of the day it's slightly off because he's covered but i'm still i'm still sufficiently satisfied it works how cute this is very satisfying in that the water sounds are so like they're just so perfect in combination with ow these are satisfying to look at but they keep pinching my arm hairs anyways this is satisfying and that the water sounds ah i love it i just don't like how it was done in post but i also do like it i don't know oh girl if that skin is not smooth you have the best skin i have ever seen and just like listening to the sounds oh it's so nice it's so satisfying if i had a complaint if it would just be that these sounds aren't genuine but i think she made a lovely little collage here that is satisfying overall this one i found interesting because i is this okay so this is a human right that's a human with a hand but it looks like a doll and and these gloves they look so tight they make me uncomfortable but they fit on her so perfectly like it fits so perfect that i'm satisfied but i it's so so tight that it makes me nervous maybe this is something that only people who wear really really tight clothes can relate to but like my like chest compresses when i see somebody putting on something that tight when i'm like watching somebody get ready for like a met gallery or something they're like squeezing into like a leather cat suit i'm like i can't brushing the cat a very satisfying thing to do and this guy makes a perfect a perfect hat with it a flawless hat i respect this hat it's just gross that it's made out of hair but it's like the execution was flawless the way that this cat is like looking cute like this cat looks like mccree right now staring at me like this cat is putting out the vibe you know those tick tocks where like people prove that like girls are super strong like i'm all for that but this one this guy's like oh you think you're working out oh here you go ha ha try to hold that no you can't loser and this guy's like hey she is strong see i can stand on her and she loki almost loses it right there like it's okay because he was standing on her knee like i feel like i could lift a really heavy person on my knee but like when he put a little too much weight right here she she's focusing so hard the poor thing like she's let her work out let her mind her own business it's okay that you know what even if she couldn't lift this guy i think that's okay i can't lift that guy do i care no let's just watch her like when this guy stands on her again the struggle okay so this is supposed to be a satisfying magic trick in which this man cuts the girl's hair off so we have your hair here one half and the other half as you can see right hold it cut my hair yes i did hold that tight hold that tight even if he pulled this off i would lack satisfaction just based on how sad she was when she asked that question did you cut my hair that is so heartbreaking that i don't even want to see the rest i don't even want to see the rest okay so look that's how you put it back together also the quality of this video is like up and then it's down and then up and hold it just like that cool you want to go ahead and then he puts baking soda on it also what else i think is kind of weird is that like the color i feel like the color is like different on top and on the bottom so i feel like this is a trick i feel like she's involved and if she's involved then her acting is immaculate also um it like cuts off before we actually see it done so that's a satisfaction killer now this is cool this is one of the coolest things i've seen in the beekeeping world it's called queen balling there is a queen in the center of that ball and these honey bees are trying to kill her oh i thought they were trying to protect her i don't find this cool anymore this happens because she's an imposter from another hive or she's an old queen that doesn't produce eggs any longer so they kill her because she can't produce eggs anymore and the sound you're about to hear is called piping and that's the queen yelling to stop stop okay that's a mess on a lighter note this is your finger under a microscope did you realize your fingers sweat so much like that is a lot of oils that's a lot of oils i didn't know they were producing it constantly like that like is that sped up well i've never seen this before okay i knew that our hands produced oil but i didn't realize i didn't know how we could just like always constantly be leaving fingerprints everywhere even if we just washed our hands our bodies are like working overtime no wonder we burn calories at a resting position like how many processes do you think are happening that you don't even really think about probably a lot wonder what this does so this girl is just like gonna go ahead and do splits to the highest degree like how is that even possible how is this even possible i come from a family with um tight hips tight hips okay like when i was a kid and i taught myself how to do the splits it took it probably took a year whereas i feel like a lot of people if they practice really really hard and they like stretch every single day like they could probably get her done in like three to six months me it took forever and i don't think that i will ever be capable of doing the splits to this level and how is this guy just casually walking like oh she does this every day that's amazing what she's doing but it's so impressive that it makes me uncomfortable this is almost satisfying i do but i didn't realize that you still might this guy is just fidgeting this guy's just doing it in a couch he's just doing it in a couch although i mean the sand one doesn't make the popping noise but like that sand one looks real like i would i play with that all day long i kind of want to get one of these poppets and then take it to the beach now because that looks good the snow one looks really good too you could do this year round just not in your couch the couch is what messes it up for me oh it's an old man saving a turtle [Music] he's like 1 000 trying to do the right thing and i think that he is throwing the turtle this far one i don't think it's gonna hurt the turtle like the turtles in his shell and two because he doesn't want any chance of this turtle just like walking back on the street if he puts it down like right on this little patch of grass here then the turtle could just come in the street again he wanted to make sure it's so sweet it's almost satisfying but i just it throwing an animal i don't know about that okay so this girl is doing a coffee mask which i think is such a cool idea okay i can already feel how satisfying it's gonna be using coffee so i'm just adding this to the fill line now i opened up this k-cup and i'm gonna empty the coffee grounds into the blender oh that's gonna be strong i wonder if that can like absorb into your bloodstream like if using a coffee mask made with this much coffee would wake you up add a collagen peptide oh i wonder if this would make the mask like a jelly mask kind of like jello let's turn it on how it's like made of gelatin somebody is very interested in what's going on here i am too it's so satisfying i'm gonna stop it and i'm gonna dump it into the mold yes oh look how much it's thicker it looks awesome so i'm gonna let it sit and then i'm gonna be back to try it all right oh i feel like if you use less liquid we'd be in business here if you use less liquid or more collagen i feel like we'd be in business almost but not quite okay so this one just kills me how is her arm not exploding off and this guy's like imitating her because like she's trying to make it like cool like this like you do outside of a car but it's like she's so high up and the resistance is probably like smacking her hand but how was this like what i didn't even know this was possible like if a plane window breaks when like you're in a plane in the sky it'll suck you out it'll like rip your face off so how is this like there's so much that i don't know just the fact that she couldn't get this right makes it close but not quite but also that i'm scared the whole time i'm watching it are you getting enough oxygen up there why do we even sit in pressurized cabins if this girl's just like first class up in the sky i'm getting ripped tonight only weird in that the surprise shakira is like huh but man she's good at that i need her man sometimes when people like sing the way shakira does it just like reminds you all over again how great shakira truly is that's a nice voice so this right here is a cute and very satisfying recreation in my opinion but she had to like this is a really cute i feel is a very cute wholesome recreation but she had to turn the comments off i think it's just because people don't like the idea of like family members like touching each other i don't either like personally if my brother tried to hug me i'd be like ew but maybe these guys are close like that like maybe it's chill for them if that's true then i think that's cute okay this one only freaked me out because i thought he wasn't gonna have an eye and i was like bracing myself but he has heterochromia it's pretty tame pretty tame nice eyes good for you i like that yeah um so this is like a really good imitation anyways but yeah the dust is flat like the dust is popping off in this house and i can't stop staring at it whoa okay oh um she believes it so much that i believe it when she wants me to cringe i'm cringing when she wants me to believe her acting i'm believing it i'm just like there's so much going on with that and then the dust and then her going like i just she's still going why do i feel like she's super weird but also too cool for me at the same time like i feel like i'm listening in to her conversation and she's trying to make me go away and i'm just like but there's there's dust that maybe we should go stand somewhere else and she's like i wasn't even talking about yale hey i don't know i don't know no okay so this guy made a mess in his cup holder oh no it's a it's a nice creme brulee cracky i let it sit for too long still usable though supposedly cereals have a lot of iron let's see if that's true oh this guy's doing like a collage of satisfying stuff that makes me uncomfortable not much but look can you see that do not tell me that there's magnets in my cereal i'm hoping that there was just like naturally some sand on his table so that you know my fruity pebbles don't have magnets in it oh captain crunch renegade renegade renegade yeah i don't know it just like there's something about it being close but not quite that is like drawing my attention in but also like kind of frustrating me you know when you get kind of frustrated by things being slightly off i'm kind of getting that from these okay so our girl here our cutie our cutie baby she's got a lot of candles a lot of ikea candles she's gonna do some arts and crafts some diy so she's taking them all out melting them down in a large pot which i feel would be a very satisfying thing to do like yes i love that that's super fun she's putting food coloring in there the food coloring isn't mixing very good she seems a little confused she's dipping a beauty blender in there that's a little confusing the coloring didn't mix at all she's trying again she's trying to put it in different places she's making a little what what wait first of all why wouldn't you just buy big candles second of all what were you even doing i just don't i don't know i feel like the melting was satisfying i feel like how malleable wax is and how you can do different things with it is like very satisfying but overall very confused that is all i have for you guys today i hope that you enjoyed this video please check out the creators that were featured in this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,613,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, oddly satisfying, oddly satisfying food, oddly satisfying video, satisfying, oddly, food, satisfying videos, satisfying food, tik tok, tiktok food compilation, tik tok food compilation, best tiktok compilation, tiktok, most satisfying video, food from tv, food from movies, creamy, gooey, rich, chewy, weird, strange, awkward
Id: RxiPzKuJ1qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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