Kids are weird

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happy day and kids are freaking weird like kids are so weird and this is the second annual celebration of how weird kids are hey babe you still love me if I was fat yeah of course oh my goodness that is toxic that kid if I had said that to a parent growing up I would have been in trouble I'll tell you that much oh this kid woke up and wanted to paint and guess what that is a disaster the poor dog got caught in the crossfire this is why my parents banned markers for me and crayons because I did this and oh my goodness this poor dad oh my god oh you do I'm not coming over here oh my God what do you do that what where did you get the paint from [Music] oh my gosh Dylan look I'm speechless I have to say I have to apply I know this is about the kids we know what the kid did but I have to applaud this dad's restraint because apparently this is security camera footage he didn't like know that he was getting filmed in the way that he would if like someone was actually filming him he was showing some pretty good restraint here oh my pink faded out I asked my kid to put purple in my hair this is such a good idea because no matter how much the kid messes it up you would still love it because your kid did it this is such a great idea I'm actually excited to see how the end result looks oh I think she does need help that is thick to get it all away not today tomorrow how is she doing this so clean today girl she's like if you want it all today it's 200 otherwise we're doing it today and tomorrow tomorrow we will do less stop it that doesn't feel good the mom definitely helped like there's no way it's that Blended stop I like it I like it like purple is such a great idiot proof color I like it that's such a great idea ran pours her own drink oh I'm scared no oh please oh no why is she making eye contact like that she was pouring like wasting it was like looking at like directly to camera like what are you gonna do about it you don't even need to put the lid back on it's empty you might as well just throw it behind you oh gotta get those last few drops yeah girl get those last few drops and top oh getting water on the sleeves you're gonna be so uncomfortable for the rest of the day was it worth it don't put it back [Music] first time at the fair I've always found these rooms really overwhelming oh no this kid's never gonna find his way out [Music] oh no oh at least he's not walking too fast oh my goodness okay just just don't do it again okay thank God I was like that's three in a row like you can't let him do it four times you gotta stop filming at that point yes oh me girl me [Music] okay so I can't tell you how excited I was when I got my first training bra like of course I didn't need one at the time I think I was in like grade two or something I didn't need it but I was begging for one I just wanted to like wear one I just wanted to wear one I don't know why I was obsessed with it I like loved this big girls club I wanted to be part of the Big Girls Club even though nobody knew about it except for me I just felt so alive when I got mine and like I totally get what she's going through the happiness she feels right now I really feel that told her she had to take off my fancy dress if she wanted to play outside now that is a stunning robe is she gonna listen [Music] oh oh she's doing she's doing the classic white rich mom the I love that I love the drama I don't know what reality TV and movies she's been watching but she already knows what it's like to be a member of our society we love a dramatic window hold we do so this is a kid who's uh making sure her dad stays careful I don't know ah so instead of her sing because I said so she's saying you don't want to get a pukey puke at least she's giving you a reason how mature oh she sings it too that is just the cutest thing his family acted like they raised him to the ceiling and then told him to jump off this poor poor kid why would you do this he just jump up let's jump okay so I know that this is a trust test like he jumps if he trusts you but this would make me never trust any of them again because they're teasing me for their benefit I've always had problems that are like funny for everyone except like the person who is physically happening too like that kind of sucks he's right there and you're laughing at him the poor thing I would go to my room I'd be so mad now this is a wait for it I love a good weight for it he's taken some foam and putting it in his wife's hair how quirky and fun and original [Music] what oh my God I didn't expect he can't breathe oh my goodness that kid did what every respectable kid would do he just got right in in Singapore there's all these like little fountains in the mall that come out of the floor and to me it really looked like a water park so I just ran in and started playing in the water as if it was a water park and people were staring at me because they were like this poor girl is playing in a fountain but I really enjoyed myself my dad in order to save face for me started playing in the fountain with me and it would have been like a cute thing if everybody in the mall joined but instead everybody was like oh look at this man and his daughter like they are playing in a fountain at a mall it sucked but alas I respect the kids hustle okay kid giraffe not a good match yo let go let go oh my God my goodness this reminds me of when Homer got stuck in a vending machine he was there all night and it turned out that he just didn't let go of the can he wasn't actually stuck like that's this kid just let go you let go immediately ah I think maybe it's because he got like high up to a point where he's like if I let go I might hurt myself so he like just didn't let go it's kind of crazy for me please sure what do you see there Big Joe all right she's asking mom for Big Joe okay that's Big Joe [Music] Big Joe seems big like can she lift him can you get him yeah you got him how cute would you like to go look for some more oh I miss looking for worms I don't know why that was so cute that was just real cute okay like that's like love her little outfit love her get up love Big Joe love that they're going to the grass that they're looking for worms on a rainy day like I just miss seeing the world like that you know what I mean like I miss it being rainy and for me being like okay I have a different set of Adventures I can go on today because now like I only like nice sunny days and if it's windy I'm like great this day is ruined okay if you want to go say it to the camera what do you want to do I want to go to see the movie which one it's really really honestly at this point I think it's called gorilla versus Kong like I actually don't know what she's referring to Godzilla what is it King Kong versus Godzilla yeah that's what I thought I don't know I like gorilla versus calling a lot better I like her language that she's speaking I'd like to subscribe to her newsletter babies instinctually avoid grass and it's hilarious oh really oh what that's crazy sting this might sound really stupid like this is something that I should say behind closed doors but like um do you think it's because of like the way that we evolved like maybe we didn't necessarily like come to the ground until we were ready because there's lots of threats on the ground and it's like safer up in the trees and these babies are just like no no I'm not ready to go to the ground yet I'm vulnerable but then why do you like the pavement maybe it's because they're not used to the pit like maybe it's because we weren't evolved to be like oh pavement dangerous but for them they're like there could be spiders in this grass I don't know I think I'm overthinking it I just think this is crazy [Music] yeah all right what's the problem um okay tell me what the math is um oh here's one this is weird because when you call 911 there's usually an operator straight up cop doesn't usually pick up and maybe this is a small town five take away five and how much do you think that is oh okay this is kind of cute is she not even mad that there's a policeman on the phone [Music] oh my goodness that is a mess I guess like maybe somebody told the kid like if you ever need help you call this number okay and the kid was like okay well I I need help this math kind of hard this kid is going for a cruise got your ID yeah stop got it stop that is like cupid I need your identification I'll be right back okay even as a joker don't talk to him slow down a little bit okay he was he was going so fast you see how fast he was going in the beginning like he was going so fast I could barely see him it was like a little flying saucer flying across my screen oh my God's Gonna Get You oh got him no you missed how did I miss I literally hit him no I dodged it how did you now I'm flying away oh I want to catch you no your guy can't fly yeah that's kids that's kids like it's always like let's play pretend and you're like okay like what do you want to play pretend about though like make up the scenario and you'll be like okay this is the counter to what you just said and they'll be like no my God dodged it somehow and now he's like like basically what this guy said he's killing it okay so this kid's the life of the party [Music] drinking some Pepsi look at that he wants to pound it with some people how cool [Music] oh that is so cute how they're including the little kid they're like here's a Pepsi go on start pounding it with people get em perfect yeah again might as well get two oh he's just walking around with his fist out this kid's a lawyer in the making he's got the drink in his hand and he's going around the room introducing himself I can't imagine a better combination I'd be so proud of my kid if they were at parties doing this when I was little I hid for my own birthday party one time because I just didn't like how there's so many people there showed little Amigo how to get money foreign [Music] Chuck E cheese oh this is the kid who found out an exploit and is gonna get so many tickets I was always so jealous of the kids who did that because I would always play like the games that were fun like the bowling games you'd only get like three tickets but they were always these kids who like went to like these random like gambling games or like these these like random games that I wouldn't know how to play and they would just get like snakes of tickets and could get anything they wanted even though all the prizes were worth like ten dollars Max okay so they gave this kid this button and they're like the button freezes time and they got everybody to play along wait how does how was the milk frozen though wait does this kid's toy actually work that is so cute what a fun thing to do for a kid except this is a really good kid because if it was me I'd definitely be pulling people's pants down I'd definitely be putting like her hat on her head and like switch shoes on them if I was a kid you know no I wouldn't do that these days that's adorable I can't believe that what an elaborate joke that would probably make the kid feel like just a little sprinkle Winkle of fairy dust this kid's The Last Airbender check him out oh water nice is so cute oh it's adorable okay that is so cute and I like how his family's helping out look at that the adult hand get that firing quick this girl is putting temporary tattoos on her brother's head that's so funny maybe she's used so much Tick Tock so far in her life that she's realized that like everybody's getting tattoos on their faces now I need to see the after of this I need to know what it looks like and what tattoo she chose she does not look like the type that would put a tattoo there and be like this is very becoming you know what I like where this new generation is going okay this is a true story why does this seem like a scary movie my one-year-old hid for me this morning okay okay are they all looking no I actually had a serious panic attack I was so scared the baby ran out of the door oh my goodness foreign that looks like there was something about the way she was moving I was like she's stressed like the mom is in distress here there was one time where my sister like went missing and we called the police and like like our neighborhood was super tightly knit and we were like all looking for her and it was crazy it turned out that she just fell asleep at a really cozy stroller in the garage so that was a lot of panic but it turned out okay [Music] oh no [Music] she's having the equivalent of a frustration brain freeze like she's trying to say Shamrocks and the dad is just not hearing it girl I wish you were old enough to spell it I'm so frustrated for you okay good no she can't do it poor thing isn't a shamrock like a plant though like how do you make a shamrock oh maybe they just drew one all right so you're just doing a science experiment right besides you had to put them hold on hold it's not girl you're you're doing it well you're doing it all oh foreign [Laughter] didn't even do anything this is what happens when you help a little too much oh my gosh oh no he's crying what's wrong with you okay that is enough kids being weird for one night that last one was like a mom being weird I hope that you guys enjoyed this video though if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications make sure you check out the tech talk Creator scooping featured in this video and I will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 5,218,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok compilation, tiktok reaction, tiktok compilation funniest, tiktok compilation popular 2021, compilation, tiktok accident, tiktok on purpose, kids being dumb, dumb kids, funny kids, cute kids, funny videos, kids are dumb, kids being stupid
Id: ocTy9hn76KE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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