Sometimes life just works out

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happy day i'm glad sometimes life just works out sometimes everything just comes perfectly together i breathe jerky in my teeth that didn't work out but we're gonna look at times that did work out for example don't do it no stella don't no no stella [Music] you're not being done how could you not let this bird steal your food i would be like you know what somebody up there loves me and i have this bird who understands english who i go listen don't do that and he does this adorable little dance and he waits until i let him do it like the stars aligned everything is perfect everything is working out currently we are at odds with each other but oh we're just gonna be the best of friends you're so bad that's too much i can't handle that this is a boyfriend deciding to chop all of his hair off so this is the hair that he's been growing throughout quarantine it's pretty long terry's is actually way longer like terry's hair is down to here now it's really long really long pretty long it's just a hair flip it's whatever i'll never be able to do this again after i cut it like it's never ever going to be this long again yeah enjoy it just enjoy it enjoy it while it lasts look how good this haircut looks he looks like a completely different person completely different like he goes from like kind of surfer boy skater kind of aesthetic to definitely like turns into more of like uh preppy this guy looks like he likes soccer this guy looks like he goes to the barber every two weeks me expecting to have a baby boy oh dear but instead you ended up having like the cutest family like instead you end up having like really cute girls a bunch of them i feel like this is me if i were to have kids like i really want i would really want like my eldest to be a boy but then if i had a bunch of girls that like look like they all get along and they all want to film a tick tock with me and they're all super cute like that works out good for her kind of jealous but good for her one of our hands laid a 150 gram egg oma look how big that is duh wait are they took her all afternoon to lay they're gonna crack it okay first of all what do you think is gonna be in there is there gonna be like eight yolks in there i was gonna say like what if there's like an actual like developed chicken in there but i don't think that's how any of this works just because it's bigger like eggs don't get bigger the more they're developed this is our reaction it looks very thin oh my god there's a regular raw egg in here and then there's a hole how is that even possible i feel like if this could happen for a chicken couldn't it happen for anybody like what if you had a baby inside a baby that's what this guy did what would happen if you fully incubated this thing and let it hatch these are like twins who share a room but they have a nice wall that separates it okay they're screamed when their faces are i mean what if this hen does that regularly what if life just works out and you're like hey you wanna you wanna check chicken egg you want a double egg i wonder if you could sell it for more i wouldn't want it personally sometimes the house scenario is perfect sometimes the genetic scenario is perfect these dogs are perfect okay the baby the older version the baby the older version oh my god though i want it oh my goodness i want the black one auntie needs a brother those are adorable they're wolf dogs oh i don't know if i could ever get a wolf dog but they're just absolutely stunning are those eyes photoshopped there's something about these silver eyes that are just like very wolfy there's something about wolves like i just think they're so pretty speaking of perfect genetics let's look at the human version the walk is perfect the body chain is perfect she's just she's killing it she's she's killing how is she doing that how is she walking in one is she on a treadmill but if she was on a treadmill how would she be able to do the rotation i don't know i just think that everything's working out for her i want the body chain just bravo fantastic she looks so cool imagine looking that cool in sunglasses couldn't be me i'm a little bit um uh conflicted with this one because this looks really uncomfortable but also at the same time like look how beautiful of a water hole this is like all that greenery in there like this looks like heaven how is it that when these influencers go to places like this it's completely empty i feel like if i went to this watering hole there'd be like 5 000 people in it there'd be kids peeing in the water there would be like just like screaming carrots like get out of the way i need to get a picture in front of a zipline like i feel like that's how it would work out for me these guys are just having a really good day really glad it worked out for them so some of these trick shots i feel would only wouldn't work out like ever for me and it's not working out for these guys either but look at this one oh that is so good that second one was better than the first this one i feel like i could never do that in a million years like these trick shot videos they they kind of make me anxious because i just think about like how long these guys would have done this like you need guys who are like really coordinated to begin with and i'm not one of those guys i i we would be there for like three days before the oliver would ever hit the fork okay i just think this is the sweetest thing ever the way that these guys are dancing together in the way that they just kind of look like they're from the times oh that is just the sweetest that's just the sweetest thing i really really liked uh jiving when they taught it to us in class and like i just kind of always wanted to like meet someone who really liked it so that i could like get better at it it's just really sweet when two people who are obviously really passionate about something like meet each other and do it enthusiastically on a foggy day on the beach and she looks fantastic in that dress god you have blessed others bless me too i was at the park and a man in his 70s flipped off the swing he'd been doing gymnastics for years and he still has it oh that is so cute this guy oh that's like a really big risk and he just went ahead and took it i think it was like a comedy routine or something that i saw with someone who said like one time i was on a cruise and there were like old people who could like do a lot and they were dancing they were partying they were like enjoying each other's stuff and then there were old people who like couldn't do a lot and the reason why i take care of myself as somebody who's young is because i want the chances of me being one of like the fun old people to be higher and i think about that a lot sometimes you just kind of want to be sedentary and just like lay there and not do anything and just you know eat poutine and i still do that but you know guys like this make me realize like i wanna i wanna be like this i wanna be able to do stuff that's really cool look at the way this chimp be drankin he knows exactly what's going on he's like i love this power aid wait are you gonna stop yet are you going to stop yet there is so okay boy can you see how full it's getting uh oh my goodness i mean it worked out that he really likes powerade and he got more than he can almost more than he can handle that's a lot though you wouldn't do that to a human that's just oh my goodness look at this is primate symbolism the way that he's raising his arm like this sometimes when you're happy you just oh yeah when you get like a good stretch in while you're enjoying something in life and then you kind of use it to get away this guy he's smooth he's got the smooth moves he looks like he's dancing good for him that is the sweetest thing ever i love chimps i bought a house and the old owner said a raccoon knocks at the door every night for dinner i didn't fully believe them until now i still put food out every night oh it's been a little over a week i've gained her trust and go out every day to hand feed her she only has one ear but i love her so much and can't wait till she lets me hold her okay i don't know if she's gonna let you hold her ever but that's the cutest thing i would love to move into a new house and for the old owner to be like oh there's a raccoon who likes to come here there's a deer that always comes to the window there's a blue jay that'll that'll come on your windowsill like sing for you oh she just got the raccoon part of the package but like this is like the starter kit to be a princess okay this is the sweetest thing i've ever seen they're walking having a good time she trips loses her shoe and the way that he covers for her is the sweetest thing i've ever seen of course there's this girl underneath here just kind of which is exactly what i'm doing so no hate but the way he covers for her like i wouldn't even be embarrassed anymore like why she's still embarrassed this is the sweetest thing ever this is what all boyfriends should do the bar has suddenly gotten so much higher if i ever lose my shoe of course you have to come and block everybody's vision so i can get my shoe on like that just would make me feel so covered so protected like oh i just think it's the sweetest thing ever like life really worked out for her being with somebody who like helps save face for you i feel like that's really rare a lot of people like don't help you save face when you're obviously embarrassed and i just appreciate these little things okay so i think that this really worked out for these guys because they're throwing a themed party the girls look so cute look at the boys i think that life worked out for these people because who has this many friends willing to all dress up to this level and organize to this level i went to vegas with like six friends once and even getting us to all wake up at the same time so we could go and eat like was impossible forget about it how are these guys just so so lucky good for them i just i can't get over how cool the guys look that's the sweetest thing good for these guys i'm really jealous good for you that sounded passive-aggressive it's because i it's because i still can't leave my house ontario it's really been a trip for me mom reveal everybody likes a good mom reveal [Music] huh girl that's your mom well that just really worked out for both of you didn't it like that she's so cute you guys look like your best friends and i love seeing mother daughter combos that look like their best friends that look like they get their nails done together that like look like they're hanging out all the time me and my mom are really close and it's just like really cute to see okay so this one scared me at first so this guy's becoming eminem he's shaving his head i don't trust it he's bleaching his hair i don't trust it like i just can't see this looking good but low-key it actually looks good like it's actually working it actually worked out for this guy maybe it's like the fisheye lens or something but like i was like there's no way that this is going to look good like this is such a mistake hopefully he can dye it back but then like i feel like the end product like it really suits him especially if he dresses like that every day it's a look it's actually a look i don't know what it is about raccoons but this one like look at him look at the way he holds her hand wait why is he why is he laughing like that the way he holds her hand so cute why are they so cute why do they make noises like that why is he trying to hold her hand why are their little hands so cute why do they have just these little bandit things like they're about to rob a bank why are raccoons so perfect i need one i think this is really sweet because a stupid hater on tick tock was like telling this person that they can't use the girl's bathroom and i just like how this girl comes up behind and is just like yeah hype me up on comfy wear of course you're welcome i will always make sure that the girls bathroom is a comfortable and inclusive place and i've been in a lot of like i've been in a lot of like girls bathrooms and it's always a very accepting warm wonderful place if you ever like need help with anything the place you want to go is to a girl's bathroom they'll help you with your hair they'll help you when you know you're kind of disheveled or like you party too hard and you're looking a little bit messy like they'll help you out they'll let you know if you ask they will help and i just thought this was very sweet i just feel like it really worked out for these students to get a teacher who actually cares about what she's doing i've never seen a grade school teacher do anything this awesome and i just think that it's really cool that these students got to be taught by a teacher with such passion the thing that made university palatable for me was the passion that the professors had and i feel like in grade school a lot of that passion was lacking and it's hard for me to be interested in something if the person teaching it isn't interested so not only is this teacher doing a really beautiful piece of art like you can tell that she's thought about it she's practiced this before she's run this drill before and i just think that's really sweet how people think we get ready for a party in the castle um life really worked out for us yes should i wear the green dress we all got the corset wow okay what we actually do oh they get oh they're just like us that's just great i mean it really worked out for them that they are living in a castle in italy and that they're partying in this day and age i'm so jealous in every single way well guys those are examples of life just working out sometimes it just works out for some people and you know what we got to be happy for them because sometimes things work out good for us too it's good to have perspective it's good to be grateful i hope you guys enjoyed this video please check out the creators that were featured in this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,338,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, oddly satisfying, oddly satisfying work, oddly satisfying video, satisfying video, the most satisfying, oddly satisfying videos, people are awesome, oddly satisfying compilation, best oddly satisfying, stress relief, people are awesome 2021, most oddly satisfying video, amazing moments, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok oddly satisfying, tiktok oddly satisfying, happy, funny, moments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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