I thought I was cool, but it's childhood regrets

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happy day i'm good and if i'm being honest the most regretful part of being a child childhood was the delusions the delusions that were so vivid that you would act them out for example your dad walks into your room you're a kid and you're acting out a music video the teddy bear's the guy and you're like i miss you it's girl you're teasing me and then your parent walks in i wasn't doing anything i wasn't doing anything at all there's just there's so much that's so regrettable and i feel like all of it is rooted to thinking you're a lot cooler than you are so today we're gonna enjoy these regrets together oh no no no no the concealer lips oh i feel like you can kind of guess like around how old somebody is by their concealer like i feel like they graduated high school like maybe five to seven years ago like concealer lips really big thing that was before my time i didn't know a few girls who did it but it wasn't like the pink it was like actually concealer lips before i became emo i had this phase where i was trying to figure out how to get this edge out and so i had like this black lipstick and then i wore like a playboy tank top even though i was like 12. and it wasn't cute i didn't know what i was doing it's pretty cringy do you guys remember pizza parties at school so for the students that paid for the pizza party you guys will be in here with me we're going to put on the movie and we're going to have our pizza for the rest of you listen listen up you guys will be going to room 207 that is so sad i hope that like did this actually happen i went to a public school it wasn't in the best area of town and like when we had pizza parties it was like on the school imagine a pizza party that you have to pay into like this is just shaming the kids who don't have parents that want to pay for a pizza party so you guys can actually get up and go there now okay this has 3.1 million likes so this must be something that actually happens and i can't believe it what was the point of pizza parties anyway i just remember there being like a lot of different hawaiian pizzas and i couldn't eat that at the time and pepperoni pizzas i couldn't eat that at the time so i was just like a plain cheese girl but plain cheese when you're a kid like everyone likes plain cheese my biggest flex is making a normal snap name when i was 12. okay what's yours i see i mean hey like i said it's this grandeur you know that's what makes childhood fun don't be ashamed mine were just kind of bad it was like coco chick and then it was like flamingo too actually flamingo came like way before but it was like flamingo 2000. it wasn't the best but it also wasn't the worst my friends theirs were like kinky baby and i'm really glad i didn't go there i don't mean to brag but i was pretty good at basketball in high school how so oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh this girl high-fives the referee even though he's like making a call oh oh i would die i don't know what to do these were back in the days like before you could just be like hilarious and like laugh it off with everybody like this how do you laugh off falling down though because one time i fell down in front of a rugby assembly a bunch of kids were like moving from one side to the other and i fell really really hard and a lot of people saw it and there was no like isn't that funny it was terrible and nobody helped me up oh presentations i just found a presentation that i did in high school for health class and i just think it's really important for everyone to see well thank you for showing us [Laughter] that not embarrassing funny 10 out of 10. i really enjoyed that making music videos this is what i don't want to see because i did this so many times and it makes me like like i can't stand it why did we all make music videos to tick-tock thank goodness tick-tock didn't exist when i was 11. what did you do wait wake up in the morning feeling like pee diddy's glasses on the floor i'm gonna hit this city okay i don't really know the words oh my god i'm guessing that they didn't have the kesha song like why wouldn't why would you oh no when you're kidding you don't realize that you choose the song and apply it either before or after you film it but not in the background it's the background music it's brushed my teeth with a bottle of jack i used to make music videos with my stuffed animals and sometimes me my friends would like dress up as a guy and like pretend we were guys together oh my goodness it was just i don't even know when i first got facebook i didn't know how to search so i repeatedly posted my crush's name over and over on my timeline i can't that is so bad that is so bad thankfully my paranoia has always been so high i've never made a mistake like this but facebook came out when i was in high school so i wonder how much this happened to people that's traumatizing just remember the first thing i did when i was 18 was facebook message my high school chemistry teacher to let him know hey i'm 18 in 27 minutes what's up i'm 18 now hello oh congratulations happy birthday so what's up how are you thank you for that a i saw you're creeping on the t i saw you creeping on me but now it's legal oh wait she said i'm so sorry please disregard what did he say as a response i need to know i'm not really sure how to respond to that seems like you had a good birthday though oh no oh geez oh geez oh okay kids these days are maturing a little faster when i was 18 i would have never dreamed of saying this to a teacher like even at one of those like younger like 22 to 24 year old teachers like no no no i can't in the ninth grade i asked my hairdresser for this what did you get girl and this is what i got i feel this on a genuine level in my hometown okay i wasn't the only asian but i was one of very few and every time i said like hey can i get some blonde highlights they'd be like how like what do you mean like you are you sure and then every time they did it it was always this stinky yellow i feel like they've never heard of tone i mean they've probably heard of it now because it's like a bigger city now and it's a lot more multicultural but like back in those days i had yellow hair yellow no one had ever heard of toner before it was a disaster and one time i asked for my hair to be lighter and the person accidentally dyed it black like i just don't i don't know it was very very stressful when you're young and you're on a budget you go to you know the penny barber try to get like a really expensive job done and um end up with the worst ombre you've ever seen i've been there a lot it's a growing pain for sure y'all remember the tab on instagram that showed what other people were doing i do remember that thankfully wasn't in grade school during this and uh didn't really like experience how badly you could creep on people i'm really glad that it's gone now though because we don't need to know we don't need to know especially on a platform like instagram like come on how many young love breakups have happened because your boyfriend who's like 14 liked some girl's picture and you're how many times does that happen to high school kids i don't know 12 year old me making a powerpoint for school oh transitions girl once you start you just can't stop this is like pringles this is so cool so cool so high quality so gorgeous how i reacted after i got in a fight with my mom as a kid oh the tangerine's always packing up he's leaving i don't know it's funny because i feel like this type of reaction where like the gears are like getting stuck and you start shaking i feel like for me it definitely comes from having parents that you respect so much that you want to like freak out and throw a tantrum but you don't want them to hear you having a tantrum because then it'll get way worse so you just do this silent thing and you want them to hear you but you're scared that they're gonna hear you when you're saying all these things that you would never say much louder than this tone stressful back in the day when you fell asleep and left the dvd on and it restarts when you left a vhs like a tape on if it got to the very very very like post credits end then it would be like it would fast rewind as fast as possible and that noise always scared me so badly so that would be the noise that woke me up when i was a kid here's me revealing to my mom that she actually raised a psychopath you could choose your own topic and everyone was like ice cream dogs cooking i did serial killers i mean that's interesting girl what do you want because i have to talk about it the only thing i know oh someone said gekko and she was like oh their tails fall off that's gross i have to talk about how this man okay here's the thing i feel like if you execute this well it's gonna go over well it completely depends on how you feel about it if your nerves stay this high you are going to bomb it and everybody's gonna think you're creepy but if you come in front of the class you go hey guys like kind of a weird topic but i'm leaving no no if you're like hey guys like weird topic but i don't even know what i do i'm like i thought i thought that i'd be able to play it smooth but yeah that's awkward godspeed young woman we want an update when i was told i wouldn't have any gaps after braces for three years oh my gosh i feel like braces can only do so much and invisalign can only do so much and it sucks how you can only really get braces under coverage when you're in grade school because i skipped it had to get invisalign paper it myself my sister got braces and she had the most beautiful teeth after and me for so many years i was just like hey guys like how's it going i had to fix it myself everyone thinks my gap is a poppy seed oh i knew a guy like that it was really unfortunate and every time we eat lunch together i'd be like there's something in your face and you'd be like no it's just me for some reason it like looked really dark because you could like see through it so well that it was like black behind it really unfortunate was still cute though regardless how i would handle the girl best friend's situation i feel like more often than not when you're in grade school it's often the case that your boyfriend has a girl best friend because they sit together in class you know like they have art class together and then they talk about you in art class and then she goes have you kissed him yet and you're like it's this format here we go babe my girl best friend said to add her okay there she is ellie hey joshie joshie why is she calling him joshie yeah i call him that all the time isn't that right joshie wanna watch a horror movie at mine today josh girl what k the fact that you're doing that in front of her it's a bit much if she says you call him joshie that's her saying don't ever do that again like ellie should respect that me and joshie are going cinema but joshy ryan broke up with me today i need you girl this is how she would handle it right so let's see what she would do because i would lose my mind just go with someone else ellie needs me tonight i thought he was saying like to ellie like go with somebody else but no he was saying go to the movies with someone else to his girlfriend ellie just got dumped she needs me she's my best friend so she invites ryan oh we are going cinema today isn't that right ryan okay that's just spiteful how would i handle it if there was a girl that was always saying oh terry kim how's it going terry kim's oh that's just what i call him it doesn't mean anything but i just got broken up i need terry kins i'd be like um i'm an adult now right so i can't do it the kid way because the kid weighs this i'd put it on terry to do the right thing and if he didn't do the right thing end up in the end wouldn't dump him now we're engaged but like you know when we refresh this guy's just trying to see the snow don't you love it oh no don't you hate it when you're just like too young to realize that snow is slippery although that could happen at any age those are some adorable little kid regrets childhood regrets school regrets i don't know i just love reminiscing and i love doing this kind of video i hope you enjoyed it too if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications and i'll see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,343,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomykassie, kassie, gloomgames, 2021, childhood regrets, tiktok, tik tok, regrets from childhood, regrets, childhood, funny, story, stories, tiktok compilation, compilation, react, trying, story time
Id: Xcc-cnXg3Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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