NULL - The Binding of Isaac ALPHABIRTH Mod Pack

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what does [ __ ] like soy milk monstros long whoo fire rate hey what's up everybody this is Austin welcome back to another episode of at diverse plus today we are playing a mod called alpha birth now alpha birth is the start of a mod pack specifically ads 28 new items two new trinkets one new enemy variants one new transformation one new character and four new challenges we are going to play one of those new characters this new character is called the null and you start off with missingno and some things question mark what is the something I think it's like Eden where you randomly start with a space per item you randomly start with different stats and like I said you start with missingno so every single floor everything that you've gotten is going to be shuffled so we are this like glitched out character right now which is a pretty fitting given what's going on here this is actually probably the worst start I've ever seen although I can fly mamie okay so I can fly that's interesting we start with dad's key three point five damage and 15 fire rates and one black heart one soul art for our health like I said pretty actually awful there's really really bad but so we go flight and dad ski isn't so bad but it could be so much better so if we end up dying here in our first run so be it's my first time playing as the null I did a test run and it was much better than this tell you that much but I only played for like three seconds so I'm you know I don't exactly know what to expect that was nice that's good I think we're dead I think we're just you know what it was depending on what's in this room yeah it's a restart let's just let's just give it another go here cuz that's awful alright we try was host hat now no space for item at 10 fire rate and 2.5 damage yeah once again really really bad but it looks like he's inherently had a flight it looks like it's supposed to be like he is walking and all it seems like it's like trying to simulate the idea that he's just glitched out right he's floating over the rock so so this whole thing is supposed to stimulate some sort of like something gone wrong some error now I hope that we can some of the new items and even if we do find menu items once again a [ __ ] hell of Jesus it if we do find new items I'm not really sure that we're going to know what they're even doing hopefully they're going to be obvious but you never know you know you never know you know you know I was problematic Wow okay first item Rome I can't see a damn thing of course we have missing know we have missing no so if I can survive maybe maybe it'll turn into a damage upgrade petrified poop though that's a really good trinket 404 not so good gives you a random trinket every single room I think I think a little bit of consistency here with the petrified poop is going to be very welcome pin just give me the next floor damn it we can do this we can do this Isaac are with pin not a problem pull hopeful yeah ouch [ __ ] give me a health upgrade because if that gets rear old is missing no I still get the health upgrade I'm still going to keep that [ __ ] hell or to kill me just kill me wooden spoon good health upgrade I'm glad I got that health upgrade no nice good good job game health please no health we did get a finger so me and I was like now being a finger the game literally gave me a finger help me so hard please something Tom Cruise we have flight right like pretty sure all right turn up my a-game right now bloody crown I'm taking the bloody crown it makes the item room happen uh-oh today they're not be attending about some health thank you you know what's [ __ ] on you Navi I I did [ __ ] on you naughty I'm but I'm you know I probably would have found it anyways I love you but you know what were they just talking about oh yeah bloody crown it makes items on the room which is very nice although I'm not sure we're going to make it to the womb so maybe petrified poop would be the right answer because we can get so hearts from poop quite frequently in fact you know it's Abed who saved that's what I'm talking about I feel better so good booger tears sinus infection very good I can just nail them with a booger I owe you so cat off both to do consistent damage Noby even tells me a secret room they did not know that oh okay cool Gigi Nabi Gigi we're gonna get a double D on this floor and I'm not gonna be able to afford it because I don't have any red else what a bummer I stood over the rocks and point my finger at them they will die finger does a little bit of damage over time nice boogers and fingers you know I probably use that finger to get the boogers out so things are kind of making sense doesn't really matter what I take here because it will be rear old so why not take as much things as possible so that we can potentially get more rear old and better items on the next floor makes sense to me also using it my bombs shouldn't really be that big of a worry considering whenever we end up getting bomb upgrades we'll be able to keep those bombs anyways so I figured the top secret rooms there you're helpful Nobby but you're not that helpful all right I could have figured it out you're not that special oh we can see exactly how much damage is not the attracting enemy [Music] seems like you don't think I'm [ __ ] help but look at this [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] no I don't think she was ah we can see just how much damage the finger does it's pretty ok actually nice Nobby thanks for making me use a bomb thanks thanks Nobby ah easiest bathroom ever looks like yeah it looks like okay more I'm the better right Kiki we should you should take something there's a space for items so they get rear old on the next floor because I'm tempted here to take ah the book tempted to take the book also book room transformation if we get that that ain't going anywhere so let's take it I'm DT book of Destiny book of Revelation Satanic Bible satanic be blazed with I meant of course alright next floor we cleared that one real quick thank you finger mom's knife okay oh my god tech mom's knife and ipecac ripped those items because I'm not sure we'll ever be able to see those again still have y'all my [ __ ] what was it what was it what they supposed to be on the dodge bed we did keep our space for items so that's very good but yeah wow yeah Wow okay it also we do a strange attractor so they are attracted to my knife which probably made those things go faster but it was a no it was a no to dodge ability what do we have poison damage from right now what's oh it's a cat Kapoor's if a cat gives me a poison [ __ ] so if I can get something that gives me black arts from poison like virus that'd be great oh my god I got a health upgrade Wow okay so there is a health upgrade pill I don't think missingno has the ability to re-roll of pill pools that is the right word it sounded funny in like nope no pill pool yeah that's right job piece of cake piece of cake alright we need something to kind of change the scales here to tip the scales in my favor that's that's not going to be that's not going to be it although having another book touching the books is good getting rid of my health may be less so I don't even know what books count for bookworm seems like any book does so let's go for it let's go for that transformation I think Satanic Bible here is going to be better probably maybe wish me luck come on please big money no whammies two shots that's pretty good four point five nine damage dirty fire rates not so good but that's probably due to the fact that we got triple shot make it a health upgrade all the health is coming back at some point I think our house is going to be out of control so just got to survive the initial start of trying to get health upgrades um what one item turned into three items do I have a special item from the mod doesn't look like it I'm not sure why that happened and then one of them disappeared strange things are happening strange things are happening hmm just tank it just take it did not want to fight mega fatty in a small room please alright this is basically like which one we want to see later which one we want to get rid of now ah geez I like I'm both honestly I could take them both and risk it yeah it man Libra Libra 2020 serpents kiss three point eight nine damage nine fire rate gets a little stony what the hell does he do look at him he's falling me erotic stuff I wonder if he blocks things from trying to follow me all he runs out to them and he pushes him around like a little [ __ ] it makes things a little bit - love that look at them looks like something straight out of Mario a little stony for the win hell yeah bully um get in there I mean bullying is not nice and people shouldn't do that kind of thing unless you're a little stone man then it's okay then it's just downright cute but I'm a little stone man so I pick on shut up shut up Tim oh you're not you're not a stone man you're a [ __ ] poser you'll never be a stone man so stop bullying kids Tim dude those don't look at him push him into coal areas like [ __ ] you give me your lunch money give me a [ __ ] lunch money damn I feel good to be against a real game dad mega play your cards right oh my god he's destroying that guy well done well done stoned breath stone do my stone homie cursed i hell yeah going to be rear old taken out so never shows up again just don't get teleported I got popcorn buddy and a little stone man there all kinds of confused as to what they're supposed to be doing he shoved another way into the corner he shoved another one into the corner he is lush money stony the tactics that stone man that little stone he is using it's not even fair it's not even fair what he's doing I almost feel bad for the enemies he's like all up in their grill blow time blow time with curse I what have I done what have I done made a genius decision that's what I've done whoo perfect it's time to say goodbye a little stone man I named him curly because of how close he likes to cuddle up to my crotchal region also we forgot to mention that he still dances when he stands still and it's super [ __ ] adorable this is the end curly I'm so sorry but daddy's got to go I hope we meet again someday spun Bob's brain and see grat what the [ __ ] sort of antigrav that's not really auntie grab because it they're not sitting still oh it's like slingshotting them what the hell is going on here got the bane mask that's pretty good slash tractor-beam you know I mean tears upgrade I can appreciate that Bob's brain I don't really give a [ __ ] about Bob's brain at this point I'm got it also though that we're not going to get curse eye again hopefully oh this again this again I'll take my dry baby for sure and then I'll take the passes since the passes you know I mean we could take this item it has a chance to break the game for us dude renard daddy's working this is daddy work time [Music] let's go for it crooked penny or bust so what the crooked penny does is has a chance to double everything in the room or omakase doubles trinkets - did not know that or it gives you all one penny and destroys everything else so like if there's a bunch of items say like there's a deal with the devil that we don't want to pay for we have a chance to double it all to get the doubles ones for free much like a deposit of ploop we also have a chance to [ __ ] everything up and destroy everything why am i tear still going why are my tears still flying I'm trying to bomb this room here thank you what is causing us to just keep firing I don't understand when I walk into the room I fire a couple shots no oh okay I think this is an item I think this is an item from the mod pack you shoot when you move you shoot when you move and I don't understand the idea of why when I let go of the trigger things also fire out of my face I'm like I said I don't know we also the marshmallow oh my gosh I forgot that marshmallow mod was even on what the marshmallow mod does is it gives you a marshmallow that gets extinguished if any enemy shoots at it but you can light it on fire on fires and the more rare the fire the better it is like blue fires are better than red fires are better than yellow fires okay so he just got so he just got put out but he does contact damage I'm like I said if I get like a blue or purple fire he's gonna be doing way more damage I do believe that's how it works of these shocked I'm double it all oh no no no no fine [ __ ] crooked [ __ ] wow that was quick Wow love the void I'm not even a chance doubling that I'm not going to chance losing it rather I don't even want I just no it's fine I'm fine I'm cool we're cool oh that's right Leary roll it anyways I'll [ __ ] it or do we because we still have marshmallow what the [ __ ] what soymilk monstros long to fire rate okay that's better that's better remember what you did it set to start remember that little green pile of [ __ ] that you spit out this is better this is more like it oh my god that's a fast fire rate we're good no we're fine I'm fine I was that was upset I was but I was three dollar bill messing with my brain apparently we have bleeding effects I'm older razors right the Apple razor the item things as you know you know the operator by Apple remember the old razor phones though those were [ __ ] for a while there they were [ __ ] the [ __ ] but then we fought about oh good oh good I didn't mean that damage upgrade anyways I didn't want to forget penny no you can have it it's fine they were the [ __ ] and then now looking back at it was like even back in the time those were still [ __ ] right there [ __ ] broke all the time and they just there I didn't like mine I didn't like my razor felt cool having one but that's about it yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good that's pretty good okay I like this combination I don't think I've ever had this fast of monstros long monstros long soymilk best item ever bet that in combination here we go 2017 this is the top I'm like a [ __ ] sprinkler decides though the side though oh my god lovely don't forget that we get item rooms in the womb because of bloody crown oh look at that red room still an item room up here this is tears upgrade they did nothing nice good I'm glad about that I got Beelzebub so these got just spitting out things that are attacking itself you guys are idiots you guys are idiots what idiot you brought this upon yourself oh yeah just got the tapeworm drink it and it doubles my range this is much better this is much better metronome double it I don't give a [ __ ] it was an active item I always going to take anyways sister [ __ ] look at the damage is it you would think that some oak just ruins everything some people do think that but I'm a fan I'm a fan of soy milk there's a lot of [ __ ] that can happen that go that that's a good thing with this it's good no it's good it's good oh yeah get [ __ ] by a sprinkler oh yes devil deal from [ __ ] get [ __ ] in the corner doublet ah [ __ ] oh well alright where we got all my goodness that looks good to me three fire rate five point five nine damage we have clearly tech tiny planet oh yeah this is still awesome we still have our marshmallow buddy I just I miss her so anybody I would trade marshmallow buddy for Stoney buddy any day of the week I'm sorry about that but it's true it's true I miss curly little monstro buddy oh I do love him though he is Supes cute man it's little Stoney buddy and little monster all could have a baby together oh I'm going to say the Joker card for the last floor because on that floor we're actually going to be able to take with us whatever item we have to the end whereas if I do it right now it's going to be rear old pretty quickly anyways so what's the point oh yeah pretty good stuff also the trinket works exceptionally well with tiny planets the whole like doubling my range thing paid for has a lot of good uses tapeworm Libra amazing it's just better than what it says in the box that's what I think alright down a chest we go let's do this alright ah okay so marked bananas is what I'm seeing here marked bananas seems like the closer I get to myself - the faster I'm firing the further out I get the more damaged but the less fire rate I have interesting okay and Yelp here little huh she yeah okay that's that's cool I guess okay none of the rest of the stuff I really care about and OH below good choice me good choice me thanks me oh yeah look at that look at a damage and I'm gonna go faster I kind of want to go faster more bullets you're screwed he's going to walk into the room and just sit there and wait till everything to die oh yeah kill it kill it dead kill it dead before get yeah I like the fact that we have conjoined here or triple shot in some sense I'm not sure if it is conjoined probably because of rotten baby I like that though because I don't really have to aim because it is difficult to aim with marks so perfect combination focus Lord oh good lord oh yeah dunce cap Andy's mascara double damage I'll take it fire rates going to be garbage right now but that's fine we'll deal with it okay so how much damage do we get if I go all the way out as far as possible those are pretty big tears those are pretty big bananas I get that a lot let's do this let's end it right here right now tank it put the sub crosshairs on blue baby and just get right up in there turn kick oh yes victory no no we're not done yet we're not done yet we had the void to go reroll everything again looks pretty similar though I got to say although we did get the northern line achievement first run okay such is my luck the first boss when we go into is the Delirium fight we got nothing you ain't got anything you're dead kidney stones go whoo okay we're actually dying a lot faster than he is like gimpy give me a snow heart there thank you oh yeah nice it's like good one though you're going down you're going down this is it I'm ending your reign and it now cool yes who finally okay so for reals this time victory for the null hope you guys enjoyed this character as much as I enjoyed playing it this is fantastic I like that it makes it so that your run is really really interesting wacky every single time it's guaranteed craziness we were actually able to see some of the items that were in this mod but I look forward to seeing more let me know what you guys thoughts are about this mod down below and as always I will see you and the next one see you guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 589,599
Rating: 4.9115152 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: hbr6awvyvWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2017
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