Every Item is Sissy Longlegs

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what is up you guys my name is Sutton welcome back to after birth plus today we have a very special episode with a very special guest Invicta hello yes hello hi are you whoa we got plans so this episode was completely inspired by sin victim who is known for his love of [ __ ] longlegs every item is [ __ ] longlegs let's do this I think that this is going to be honestly a pretty difficult fight here that we have ahead of us [Music] the way that you you promised me I have not seen in it and I did warn Hut's I've tried this before and even if I had like a million [ __ ] of the only spawned one spider but hutch assures me that it works properly so I'm gonna take his word for it but if it doesn't and we can just play men oh yeah if this is a big failure then we can yeah like I said figure something out but I spawned in like 30 of them and it seemed to work so we start with one we'll find our first our first to see no problem so I'm gonna be playing it just just as an FYI I have never I've never played with the controller ever so that's gonna be an added little benefit and already played modded yeah I've never played modded I mean I have played Isaac mods but I've never like I'm not down the modded rabbit hole like you are I'm so far down the rabbit hole oh man I thought I was came for a second there this is gonna be it's might be a little bit more challenging to figure out which one I am for a moment it's definitely jarring like the first time that you moved out of the first room I had to take a second to really absorb what I was looking at there all right look worm so I'm going to can I can actually get trinkets yep your own items your own trinkets and everything we don't share anything but bombs which I'm gonna go ahead and bomb this - Drock yep yeah we decided that Hut's is gonna be I got you is is gonna be in charge of the bombs just because like I have to use the shoulder buttons for this mmm and and I don't want to accidentally like you know use something important oh man that hurts that hurts a lot we can't take items as the the challenge right it has to be every item a [ __ ] oh we literally cannot take items there's really my bad I mean I didn't really explain it until we got into that room and then you grabbed the item and it was too late and we should have gone through that bedtime I shoulda known look I if I see crickets body I just get excited that's I was like oh gosh that hurts like this is easier we don't even know what we missed so boom right miron [ __ ] she's happy to be here it looks like so any like history on why sissy's just like the top for you you know huts she loves you no matter what even if you don't understand why she's great so at pathetic looking she's just looking out for you she's making sure that you're gonna be okay she locks in the run geez they're for your reassurance that everything's gonna be fine you just look at her she's she's just doing stuff looks like concerned mom yeah you know she's just looking out for you but she does actually smile occasionally which is great does she when she like spits out a spider or something no she makes a different face when she does that but she she occasionally will change your expression I've seen her do it maybe it's just my imagination stem cell that's that's not me I got a good trinket cell let's try it I will take that I mean I seem to remember having whipworm at one point it had been a fever dream I'm not sure the Lord Mantid I I lose myself as soon as you start moving secret rooms research which you already know that but that's gonna be in charge of doing the of doing all the bombing and stuff and I'm just gonna tell him what to do and hopefully he he listens but he probably won't just glad that like a professional is finally playing with me that can write all these wrongs that I've been doing all these years we have shared shared money luckily if you have any questions that's I mean I'd be happy to ask him because as that one tweet said you know I I am I am the master indeed you want this one since Eve we'd a can 3hp you want to wait to the after the boss we definitely have to the boss I mean what do you think I should do master yeah I also do you know what the top sticker going to be right here maybe it could be right there yeah I forgot to ask I'm sorry yeah yeah no that's all right just verify with mom let's do this this is nice actually it would double the firepower you know yeah and like a grow by Lemaitre spider so [ __ ] doesn't do contact damage right it's just the it's yeah it's just literally the the attack spiders which is you know pretty good soon have times you're attacked I keep telling people on a on an on bit serious note the extra DPS that [ __ ] provides is it's not negligible because if those if those spiders expire relatively quickly she can put out a pretty impressive amount right right of course we have no idea what this is but we don't care because it's the best out in the game we don't kits in there go go all right let's go Mon red chest hey that's pretty good now if I do any if I do any weird motions or anything again keep in mind viewers that first off I'm playing via remote play and secondly I've never played with the controller so it does kind of it does kind of goof up a little bit on me every now and then but I can manage cuz I'm of course the greatest Cizek player ever and yeah yeah this doesn't reflect like your actual skill yeah yeah I mean we would have already won by now I mean that hurts bad that hurts do bad you can't just remove our money just set it to zero so we don't have to go through the heartbreak of seeing our steam shield I know I know yep so I almost walked into that but I didn't so yeah I don't know how to remove items on you so yeah cuz it's not it's not like I would like walk up and just immediately take cricket's body or anything else no no what kind of monster would I be yeah three sissies in the first floor that's that's pretty good yeah I mean it's pretty good now I realize that some people may be saying that seek your room is down here by the way some people may be saying that like well this seems pretty easy because you're gonna have all these attacks fires and stuff you have to remember that Hudson I can't get damaged upgrades so what we've got here is or health upgrades it's pretty well we did get the eternal hearts which is you know that's a special case or a health up pill are there huge tears up hills health up hills are gonna be very very low but even even though huh tonight we might be steamrolling they're just early on here I I would not be surprised you start to hear a little bit more despair and keep on going people on my channel definitely they know they know that it gets pretty rough sometimes all right that's our fourth one and I did see two spiders in the ground at one point in time so we know there's that that's a decent trinket at least for the time that being pretty for this yep little baby I'm technically lower than you are so you go ahead you should make it yeah I feel like though we should be aware that you are at a disadvantage with the controller so we start to take a lot of heat just let me know yeah I'm gonna heat doing it straight okay those things are they they bend space and time they make zero sense whatsoever you use code you called by its actual name the trite the Trites it is I I don't know very many names but I do know the fricking trite for a goddamn reason for the longest time and that's obviously to Zelda as a link reference but for the longest time I've always just called them Isaac spiders I mean there's so many different spiders though Johnny but we have we have the best fighters oh yeah I think the game heard me say trite and it's like hmm what if there was a Boston spawn Trice ah bro I'm telling you but if you had a boss that spawns them and not only that but he heals from um huts wow what a great idea Tyrone come on sis give me some spiders so okay so how how Howard devil deal is going to work then so ideally we go in there and be a Krampus fight that'd be a free system plus that would give us the percent chance for angel Blackhearts are free to take I say that we just go in there we don't take whatever it is right because we can't really handle the the health down oh yeah for sure but like I said it could be a campus or it could be a some black arts I mean that's an amazing book how do you feel about the Book of the Dead all right I mean I wouldn't necessarily I don't think it's the best thing since sliced bread but it can I use the d6 just just once that's yeah I mean it doesn't really matter so go for it just you're just gonna hurt yourself though all right I did not use these there all right pop stone would've been great rip health we should do what we can to buff our angel chance when necessary when it makes sense that's gonna be all you because I only know of like maybe one way to do that and that's just all hold on to the Magus danke I say you know if we end up getting a tears down or a health down it is Bad News Bears but I really like the RNG and just how it plays out you know what did I say that we get these pills let's take those give these at the same time at the same time yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let's pray Cheers either one of these are so good neither one of these are tell pills I'm ready one two three now I didn't see what your said I think I got a question mark was it okay your tea rate seems fine your health seems fine my eyeballs are a little messed up but Oh all right that's right you know what I can shoot straight so I got you covered you know this is actually really good as cane because I only have one eyeball so I only shoot at one direction timid rock up there - oh [ __ ] look at all this money I thought there's gonna be a challenge huts I'm just gonna go ahead and take that I'm gonna keep myself lower than you Otto out all times just so that I can help you take damage I'll take two times that's a free sis oh yeah if we just we just getting a bomb though perfect look at another [ __ ] and a tinted rock I was totally gonna say we need a bomb and not just take it this is looking good how many sissies is that no six six sissies summer 6 we have 660 how did you not get hit there okay I don't know about this I'm not gonna lie I the game lag and it was just right that I moved in the right direction so okay so I usually just keep passive things that just happen just because it's like oops like oh no like I'm buying this item and now I'm going to remove this item but we can keep the bombs though we get a permit right what like this I don't even know did did we get bombs that's weird Oh see that no we didn't but you need to give us another [ __ ] though oh that's right look at all the sissies man feel so loved right now it's a [ __ ] Palooza there's the title of the episode obviously in tough secret room potentially here there this looks good to me otherwise my second guest probably be right here okay my my first guess would be south of this room here alright let's do that anyways ever was wrong takes a shot okay I have a an empty can of coke zero that's my drink for the evening grasshoppers come the master oh this could be good if we get him to pay out - that's another [ __ ] just fan also if you get the beggars that pay out it increases your angel chance which does not matter for this floor but so you know bombing a demon beggar gives you angel it could be both I'm uncomfortable going decently hard here on this machine okay I'll go too I'll match whatever you go go down to your buds you know it would be like really nice right now a lover's card yeah that would be either to be romantic only we have on those that stuff's weird I thought we didn't have one but it was once again that fever dream that I think we're all having I say it was there anything good to buy in the shop that would be worth our while here maybe like a right number two well there may be a hard there didn't I pop did I accidentally pop the lovers card in this item room on this floor it was in a double room oh yeah it wasn't the devil right I was gonna use the d6 that's right I mean that doesn't sound like something I would not not me not the master of course not Oh for the record for the record I do not consider myself a matter of Isaac now that's [ __ ] right there so maybe we can get it to sissy's in here should we just just go for the dump yeah go for it I say just go we have eight cents we've got plenty of luck and most importantly we got [ __ ] yeah baby you're killing it right now on fire so after two floors now huts and I are sitting at nine [ __ ] [ __ ] please stand still for a second two four six eight nine yeah we got nine sissy's Man's Man's Man's Man's those you think that I'm that I'm being lazy it's a lot easier for us to decide where we're going just in case if I do accidentally lag and go we're like right the spikes or something so yeah my back kind of hurts carrying this run yep hard if you want me to do you want it I mean it would cost us one of our not bombs but go for the heart over the Lucky Penny I you know if it if Luck's that actually had more purpose than just like tough love and whatever the other payout ones are like Apple yeah is it the Apple that yeah I think it's the Apple that also pays out with luck yeah I think there's more than you'd think you have to teach me the ways of the looks dad uh-huh well it's called the wiki you're not streaming yeah especially since you get the you get the option of actually editing these out I mean we could just we just say whatever name it would never show up on YouTube right it gets a little suspicious though when it goes from like 10 minutes to 15 minutes and like a small cut especially when I'm trying to like think of the right pun right and the rest of the time shoots up and I spit out like an amazing pun it's like and know this is what I was this is what I when I ran into when I had the one time I had like multiple sissies she just stopped spotting spiders giggling get off me this is this is what I know [ __ ] for is that she just kind of is there and I don't really notice if she does anything or not you know rarely you catch your spitting out a spider but I haven't seen her do much in the last she's supposed to she's supposed to spawn a spider when her spider expires she's basically like rotten baby except for except for attack spiders Easterners umpires she spawns another one like almost immediately at least you supposed to I thought it was just a random chance if it's random that's that's news to me but I'm not gonna say that that's also incorrect because I don't know for sure if she was a spider form of rotten baby then then she would be very far up there on my lesson and not very far down well in its inactive room she should be spawning something yeah I think that she just does it at a random interval well if what did the wiki page say now let's see when you when you first when you first spawned her in though she's like as the test run we saw all those all those spiders spawn and then I don't recall her spawning any other since spawns the familiar that ones around the Roman occasionally spawns friendly blue spiders she only spawns blue spiders when there are enemies in the room it doesn't say anything more specific than that up to five it says you would think that if we just gave her enough time in an active room it would respond except so what we should do is we should try to find I have no idea where I am right away to hide in a room we should yeah we should we should try to find a room that has a host in it and see if she actually does anything then you can do a sweet Hut's time-lapse montage of how long it takes her to do something good you look how slow I'm moving that's what I'm saying like that I feel like there's an enormous benefit with the controller because of the fact that you can not have to go you know it's not binary walking speed there should be you know would you buy that if there was like a pressure-sensitive WASD key that maybe you could swap out for like a like to turn the pressure is rising for sure that would be that would be incredible if you're a professional then you just use that little red nipple that's in the middle of some laptops God the other trackball prefer calling a little red nipple yep mine see as a as a former IT tech Hutt's I wouldn't necessarily wouldn't Committee points with customers saying yeah could you make sure that the little red nipple is working correctly more points than you think I think that once we get down to one one bomb fly we should see if she does anything everyone goes first all right okay there we go 24:17 is when we started waiting for [ __ ] to do something and montage Aaron and at the daridiridara du Dan and this man it was may been a horrible or possibly greatest mistake ever hey we're just gonna have to be to run with just a crowd of yeah but they're cheering us on you know what she's all of them love you equally huh even if you don't know why I don't know about this one though that'd be funny she's she's more concerned about you than you are her do you think that she's broken them I'm pretty sure that having multiple sissy's Bork's it to the point where she just doesn't do anything anymore hmm we did get the secret room by the way that we did I say we just keep on with it until we expire and we'll just keep giving ourselves to these no matter what you know I mean it's it's you know there's still hope there's still hope I don't even see that [ __ ] hiding in the sea of [ __ ] she's working against us I think there's there's literally no way I can clean that I'm happening also I just lag right there oh man you walked right into the middle of the room you head-butted that's why I mean whenever whenever I get hit squib lag oh yeah or it was just a pure power play you know you're like headbutt and I said yeah I mean as I as the creator in and or streamer I am I am blameless and everything I do is sacred and proper and anyone who says otherwise just a hater now what happens gonna get two of them together though and what oh man then you then you get a run where you think that sissies are gonna be swatting spiders even though one of them told you that that doesn't happen test run and they spawn like 12 spiders is because you spawn them in at the same time hey can you can you remove all the sissies and then stand back i'm ebonne this firstly so no one gets four nine of them on nine of them back in at the same time all right don't worry [ __ ] we'll see you in a second okay got him back in let's go to a room and I bet you there'll be nine spiders in the floor I I bet you that there probably won't be alright here goes that is not how it works when we did our little tests um okay we literally just did this right where I spawned in a bunch and we walked into a room and it they they just filled the room with spiders and I we just did it again with nothing yours do you hear this year this man is denial there's no denial on this is just scientific method I'm laying out what we do know what has happened previously was delusional who's no man over here know that did it did work I mean it worked the first time that we did it but now she's doing she's she's doing what what happened to me the last time that I was like hey wouldn't it wouldn't this be fun let's look let's let the viewers decide what items we get everyone's like Susie and I'm like hey that's gonna be great and she worked one time and then for the rest of the run she didn't spawn anything I I'm trying to look online to see if there's anything about it it's it's a little precarious though looking up [ __ ] on the Internet I mean research risk that I'm willing to let you take yeah the image search would just be a big grab sack I mean big grab bag of different pictures remove Susie and just give us one [ __ ] just uh just to test it out all sissy's have merged into one [ __ ] we could not do this as one [ __ ] there's no way all right do you think that she's going to start spying spiders yes we'll see maybe she doesn't like the water look at her okay she's she's determined she's a spider on the mission she looks just as apathetic as she did the day I met her he's ready to perform yeah maybe she doesn't want to drown her babies in the water that's my guess all right well we clearly killed the room too fast well I mean we killed the we killed the room too fast all right well let's find a better room that doesn't have something that's it ah oh we surprised her with our with our DPS sure with the DPS yeah it's amazing I even survived that long without getting it in this room it's amazing that Cissy hasn't done [ __ ] the real winners here are the viewers yeah because of this pain and suffering that we're going through no because they get 9 Susie's I mean we get the 962 though but they're not non-functional I think maybe they were you know we got him as a rescue then they were maybe neutered or spayed rather was her source down the shop they're too bad there's no Nisour that we could buy Hut I asked and said was there one here the screen freezes on me like every like 10 seconds all right is your memory freezing every 10 seconds - that does happen after you get past like 70 years old 70 Wow yeah they know I was playing with the ancient pun I was young when the time of the world was old or something so the most successful voids I've ever seen in my entire life my god it is so laggy you dropped your item oh I think you know what there's a there's rooms that's fun that like I can bring you back I think maybe possibly I could be making this up I'm not sure Cissy will you help me this entire room was just a was just a PowerPoint presentation I think I see a Power Move I also can't fire so no no you're like dead dead I got to bring you back that was ridiculous I've never seen Boyd spawn that many things in my life oh this is a bad room Kemosabe you got this I died there's no [ __ ] way we got absolutely squashed all right so let's let's try this here let's let's go with [ __ ] times what do we have to like I was like 13 yeah I say we do 13 right away let's see how much this doesn't work that's 14 technically for the d.v.d 100 it always look one of one of one of you all gonna have to come out here eventually I get to set a bomb in and get that tented rock with it boom that's what uh it's called making a big-time play I don't know if you've ever heard that expression before but I've never heard that before what what how does it work well let me let me teach you it so when you're a master of things and you really want to get [ __ ] done in a timely matter and efficiently you do it it's why cause it's it's yeah it's called a big-time play it's a when do I tie my shoe dick second fan the instructions are kind of unclear all right we are we are note we have no more attack fighters I'm waiting for [ __ ] right here here it comes that you can look you can see it in their faces she's getting muddy she's totally great ready okay so are you saying that if we started with just one [ __ ] and we just kept going the entire thing that we would that she would continually spawn spiders yes she spawns the spiders as soon as her attack spider is gone I I disagree that restart this run and give us dippy there's our one Jesse you know what I'm not even gonna join now I want you to see this in action I mean I'm willing to watch you guys oh I mean I got quite a kite one of these there you go all right so she should be done she should already have spawned another one that you know yeah yeah see she did but that was not like a rotten baby and she looked she got another one go how embarrassing me to be so to be so wrong that's all the time I just yeah I don't know how it could like work for me at one point in time and it not work for me it's like that thing you're like you want somebody to watch what you're doing like hey watch and then you like totally [ __ ] it up yep kind of like you saying that [ __ ] doesn't spawn spiders over and over again when I told you that she does she continually spawn spiders but it's not exactly when the other one dies it's once one dies right she or when she's under under five she has the ability to spawn another one I think it's how it works right but it's not it's not occasionally though like you were originally saying it's as soon as as soon as that one's gone she'll go over there and spawn another one that was decently fast she's gonna clear this room for you and you're gonna feel really silly is he got this look at that look at the big time plays happening look at that look at the DPS it's off the charts she says she's a natural rotten baby like you said putting herself in primetime just dams damn damn give it up for [ __ ] give it up [ __ ] you did great phenomenal job so maybe okay maybe let's just I'm gonna roll a three and see what happens okay very interesting maybe it's your maybe it's your fault maybe a problem of you this is a great room for this by the way going in maybe it's a co-op problem maybe she loves me a little bit more all right well now you're now you're just let's show them let's show em who's boss here so I bet she's gonna be done it could be the confusion between you know like like maybe you being in maybe this mod works in such a way that it has to take away that like enemies are in the room he knows that she has to protect the weaker player remember that note is yeah she's more worried about you because she knows that I'm gonna be fine well does that still mean though that I get more of her love I think I'll take it yeah you need it more all right let's mix salting the salt pants they're doing her look I'm trying to stay out of your way and I'm watching [ __ ] to make sure she's actually spawning stuff right sister done this is not spawning okay they're not doing their thing anymore it's it's got to be a co-op mod problem okay so here's another thing we could do we could uninstall I could uninstall a true co-op and then you can just come in as a mini baby and see if that makes it work yes let's try it when you said when you said I'm going to install I thought you're going to uninstall Isaac what if we just throw this game boy just give up I'm gonna be Kane still because he's the best can I ask why why had a mod named dick man ah so like there's a room here look at this table okay I won't I won't come in yet because I know it takes away from your from your HP no we're fine do it rip it sure yeah rip it hard like the green one oh man only out all my health all right no Dino dying I said no dying if you put me against a little watched row at two there are starving children in Africa that are playing with one mat PS right now I can't I can't even pick up this penny huh you can look at though all right our first [ __ ] let's see if this works hopefully it does wait we're we getting those errors already I think that's from the last log I think that's let's hope all right sis work with me she's doing it she's doing it I'm just gonna sit here and read pirate poetry chapter one chapter two yarr after three the mist rolls in nice and softly yeah well we have two spiders now dizzy you're doing great great we'll see if it's a multi-city problem or a multi uh or mod is just a multi [ __ ] problem we'll see we'll see cuz remember I had like three happen and they were working and then you joined in and they stopped and I I seem to remember also telling you that I had thirty at one point and they all stopped doing stuff as the guest Here I am just here for your support yeah flippin supported right now emotionally at least each if you loved right now though I do nope we got one I saw watch your phone one it's a mod problem it's definitely a mod problems its Invicta problem when they look at you they just they just you know yep they tighten up they're there they're nervous so nervous around you I'm a piss a bomb here you can be like my little hey listen look at that Wow look at his go what are you alright though once we get past five that's when she'll stop doing stuff I died we need to keep the amount of sissies we can take is MIT maximum five I'm not a spider she can spawn is five we're gonna have multiple cities they'll just be ready to go I mean you say that but we've already proved it in Malta times on this video that is it like I said though I think it's a mod problem we don't have the modern war all right look I'm hopeful here all right you're you're raining on my parade currently I'm just trying to keep the hope alive all right assist me oh my god my left key just came off we need you now more than ever that's operating with oh she's spotted spiders it's working no it's like it's we're good we're good I guarantee you we will get to a point where she will stop working I will I will bet you I will bet you gifted subs on Twitch deal how many okay ten thank if that subs meatball all right so this is your breaking point that you think that since I spawned this one in there done for that doesn't work if we're talking about every time out of the bed I'm saying that we were going to get to the point where she will stop spawning spiders I'm not if it's going if we're going off the bet if it's a valid bet I'm removing the five-factor out of it cuz I don't know that was just that was arbitrary yeah okay but I'm saying regardless of whether she's gonna stop working or not besides the bet you think currently that five is probably what's breaking it I would reasonably assume so when theory holds true and by the way yes I did hear your meatball sub joke no double deal so you know who lost the first record I guess I don't even think it counted against my devil deal until I died I'm not sure no I did as soon as like idea that was going okay I just said he said it I didn't have to say it he felt right for it don't you still spotted I'm telling you I'm feeling it I'm feeling it also her expression has changed a little bit you can see it in her eyes she does look happier busy please help me learn how to pick up stuff alright yeah I don't think I think goddess of your prayer I'm taking your freaking whatever all right nipple head use me I'm a shark baby okay at that okay I think you actually are a shark baby and I think that's really awesome I know I'm a shark baby baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo baby circle okay oh it's the house [ __ ] looking by the way butters I feel me that we will get we will get to a point where she will stop of course of course has a Z must yep otherwise you just a flip-flopper yeah I've got 50 bucks riding on it so a captain goes down with the ship does he still spawning spiders she's on it and he's on it yep 10 get the tubs are looking good here huh how many spiders - is that even more than five yeah because like I said once - four six once it's under five and you you a random amount of them could be ready to go because it is a random time that they get ready uh-huh the prophecy foretold this that looks like a crime to me does that look like I see gonna be you this coming from the same man who said [ __ ] doesn't spawn spiders hi girlie it's only occasionally it's it's not rotten baby okay I said as soon as that spider expires she spawns another one and you were like that doesn't that's not how it works it is it isn't though because it's she can respond to five okay that was just a random time it took for her to get another one in I'm really glad this is working out honestly at least so far because this is gonna be a good run I think this is gonna get real challenging on lighter floors a subdued best time to use that I think is in a room where you have like a bunch of chest shells so you can turn those chest shells into stuff before you leave or Bills Bills ever take bills never in this game I was asking if you were an on pill taking you're like I'm not going to say now the real prejudices come out all right let's get back in here would you alright Oh Daisy oh I'm Daisy beat now run back and this is real metaphor you my dog's name is Daisy and this is very weird Oh pick this up for me here you go continue on I don't think that I do i inherit the trinket effects um I don't know if you do I don't think that you did in co-op mod which was my bad when I was trustees okay my entire game just crashed oh yeah and I'm back in my uh and my friends list now it's like the world knows that things were going well and it's like oh [ __ ] like who who is who left hearts alone he's having fun okay who drop the ball here we need to be smiting Hut's at all times hey buddy I hope you enjoyed this co-op experience testing out a true co-op mode it is all 400 of those mods that you have that are not even stalled I'm gonna [ __ ] cry when [ __ ] is no longer spawn spiders now this is like a weird case I don't know about that controllers vibrating whatever you're doing is making the controller vibrate you like that no I don't it works what the hell kind of babies that alright we're back in then we're doing I'm gonna go back to random baby oh that's a good one so I don't know when huts is picking back picking this vibe back up but you missed an hour all most of us trying to struggle get everything to work for some reason we went through a lot to get my controller stopped working and then but my keyboard worked and so I was like hey huts you know I guess you'll just have to go to controller but then his controller wasn't working nor was this keyboard and you see sissies one at one of the sissies spawned a spider so good good that was another thing that I was worried about losing the bet because this hold oh my goodness okay well it's only one of the sissies that's actually spawning anything I'll see what happens a birthday just all stop working now well I guess I get myself ten healthy subs on Twitch I write when they walked into the room they should have started spawning something and they are not spawning anything we could send those twitch subs over to twitch.tv slash like though whoa everything was working perfectly everything was working perfectly until that error that whatever happens until your game crashed and now your game is not working correctly just so we so we're clear who the blame is on they're definitely not spawning anything I'll give you your half heart back all right well one [ __ ] challenge I think we're we're doomed but maybe we did that big that's the end point there I think there's too many there's too many outside factors that that effectively nullify the bet here all right I mean I I don't know man it was working so well it was working well but then it wasn't though hopefully when you when you edit this down you'll use the we'll be right back burn em down bro yeah that one mm-hmm yes and you know it's rough [Music] man straight to me great to be able to fly in this room I found the spawner [ __ ] killed one it was just sitting right here damn damn damn it seems like there's only one spot or still how how would it work differently the same exact game rip ow Mayday captain Mayday Mayday this has been the worst thing we should just start all the way over scrap all the footage just laughing over there at my misfortune you're just like everybody else in chat ok this is just a time thing like it's just that's the only time until I just die maybe I should just maybe oh my [ __ ] god when they change directions you've been getting some really active portal don't know why bob and weave Bob there's no way this is no way man we we tried we did so much today mostly troubleshooting I think we spent more time time troubleshooting than we did actually playing the game it was a lot of fun hopefully we can get a working version of this been running and I think it'd be better next time if Hutt's ever talks to me again everything another day I guess I'm just doing this on my own just to prove it just to prove that it works man okie report back to me let me know how that works for you well thank you guys for watching thank you soon victor for joining me for this epic failure and I will see you guys the next episode [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 220,426
Rating: 4.9631381 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, every item is, sissy, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: 0Xl73HbP2GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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