I Will Beat This... (GURZIL) - Afterbirth+ Mod

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hey what's up everybody this is sucked and welcome back to afterbirth plus so in the last episode we played as my boy girdle now a few of you guys were confused as to what was going on there now I will admit that this character is very very very difficult but I did say I did specifically stay I liked it I liked the design and the character I liked how different it was that's probably one of the best things about it so we are going to go back in and I'm going to beat this and of course every single time that you guys play something you learn something new that's how it goes I jump into things blind because I like the raw emotions that come out during so and that also comes with the idea that I might not know what I'm doing right okay you know what let's just go ahead and fix this okay so the space bar item here if I push the space bar then I am able to use under turrets now that I completely and fully understand this concept the under turrets will be able to be put anywhere on the map under the floor and I thought by floor it meant like per floor I could use turrets what it means I can put turrets under the floor we're learning oh my gosh who knew that such a stupid person could learn things that's weird also by tapping on the turret I changed it oh my god by tapping on the turret I changed the shooting style okay that's good I did not know what that meant when the creator of the mod said that to me and now I totally understand that it's very useful although I'm not sure why this one hits the corner and this one does not very interesting interesting indeed and what it puts it there maybe do some dagi as the turrets actually are affected by my tear synergies so if I get a rate of fire up the the turrets will shoot faster and I think damage up the turrets will be doing more damage yadda yadda yadda so forth and so forth so if I use under turrets here this would be the place to do it and then I'm able to put turrets like we said like we just we literally just said this onto the ground I'm gonna put two you know one diagonal and one not diagonal just cover the whole ground right no problem might as well is like I feel like it was okay to use up all of our mana so the top left up there if you guys haven't seen the first episode go check that out kind of worried describe the two things our mana bar 1.25 mana per room unless it's a larger room 2 for an L room 1.5 for a 2x2 one man out for every single of standard turret then there are turrets out of fires interest out of pots that go for 0.5 I think there's different values per turret but just going to kill slobs going to fly by the seat of my pants man that's the way I like to do it like I said if you want to think that that's that makes me an idiot and you might want to you might want to think about what kind of things that you're struggling with and why you're trying to [ __ ] in other people just throwing that out there get some love let's get some love in the chat love mmm nice juicy sticky love this is not going very fast not going very fast at all what happens if I actually make them both diagonal they're both kind of firing the same directions we can't double up and double up and chop through those uh slides it did kind of yeah all he's going right in he's going right the epicenter nice we're learning you guys come on we're learning and you know what Lister extra knock back I don't think that that's actually good but we'll see who knows I always think that this coding style could open up to be something you know you can do tons of stuff with both the keyboard and the mouse active like a while back I heard that there was some hack that you could do in order to I'm not sure what to do here at that once again I feel like the corner always gets chopped off by one of the one of the rocks ah geez we should have done the pot oh I'm gonna do the pot too with those sliders someone's talking about a hack for Ludo that you can go ahead and use your mouse to put where the Ludo tier is that would be something that I would be very interested in if we get for real turn this into a Ludo thing clot so like with the pots I feel like the best idea is to put our pot down we're like you are not right and then hide in the opposite corner but then again your spiders kind of grab it take towards you I just want to be in the opposite side of where the the enemies are and I want the spiders respond where the enemies are so they know where to go but come on spiders and then there can only be two spiders out at a time just like they're going to be two flies have I got a poop turret going to take forever these stupid spiders have so much hell I just hope it has a spell any balls ah Bob I don't appreciate all the ball joke ern get that ball man - shoot the ball down this is nothing it is terrible oh no come on this that things just start spitting out spider - get it right here right here that one no no no that wherever [ __ ] ah [ __ ] Oh get them come on come on spiders you've got to go faster than that you got to be better than that spiders come on this is what are we going to kill me this is literally going to kill me I can do a TNT Church but that just blows up every now and then it would have had to pray that they crawled closer to it come on finish him up right there man Oh definite downside to the spider turret definite downside of the spider turret [ __ ] slow [ __ ] the sheer amount of tected rocks right now keeping me alive oh man glorious target head I haven't seen cricket set in 40 years there we go so I think your turret actually uh besides looking like a penis it's like basically you can walk through it and I think enemies can walk through it - oh jeez oh goodness oh wow okay so I kind of want to drag him through the turret to make sure that he's going to get max damage maybe even quad shot it I don't know I'm not sure exactly where the tiers are spawning but I feel like if there's an enemy in the middle of it he's going to get hit by all four so box bye-bye let's put two turrets down alright that feels good right there so if I'm quick enough I can go ahead and try to switch the aiming of the turret in order to do the maximum amount of damage but that I don't know about that that's going to be tough I think to micromanage each turret a good thing I only have two of them I got that was not so bad not so bad I got a health upgrade module today look at that wow you guys have a learning learning dark I remember last time I remember when also familiars are pointless I don't have the ability to like shoot with my arrow keys I think I can actually use my arrow keys I probably could use sister Maggie maybe uh but I'd have to take my hand off of my mouse pointer which I guess you know could be pretty okay if I go ahead and place the turret and then I could switch back over to my W did or my arrow keys I don't know let's take one step at a time here baby step I don't want to push it too hard oh oh that's going to be weird oh I'm going to break it aren't I fire rate increase no we're good we're good that's excellent that's excellent some more fire rate and that's all the church in it it's a turret shot towards my ex as well oh god up I can't I cannot if I activated this I wouldn't have anywhere to put the turf oh the wall turrets the wall turns I completely forgot about the wall turrets like I said one thing at a time but you know what I've got a lot of mana so why not just go for it why not just do it how about I want to top in a side wall that's going to be really weird let's see what happens so this is basically like marked already right like they're they're shooting towards the X and you know this is pretty doable pretty doable the more I bring them towards this [ __ ] corner though the better for me hey yeah it's working it is it's really hard though to keep track of three things that wants four things you know it's like both your turrets your character and then the X really I should just be wearing about the X I I shouldn't be staring at the turret so I should just be looking at the ax just put the X on the enemies and they'll die you know shoot here real simple real simple instructions I can't imagine this with really low range like if I got number one or something and they're just like dribbling tears in front of their face oh my god what the hell happened oh wow okay yeah that's good help help help this is that no that's not good this is not a good room that's not a girl friendly room right there no no it is not no it is not wow that hurt me deep that was painful man what's a mushroom all mushroom turret no it's terrible I regret my decisions I wonder if that hurts me too though if it doesn't hurt me that it's slightly better actually well okay no that's great I'm happy for it it's actually doing it do I even want to test it to see if it hurts me off for science it doesn't hurt me okay that's actually really good information I test these things that you don't have to you're welcome can I make a turret out of a turret oh and that'd be cool if I could like control the turret for free or something I'm the one with turret powers not to you all right going for a couple poops we have so much mana and these are only 0.5% say let's get three can't get three it's too max I would like to see there not being a match you know if I want to be able to use up all my man in one room why not let me why not just let me if I have one overpowered room that's not that big of a deal it's going to be fun for me you know we spinning out fighters faster than I can kill them there we go there we go that's better one more one more foam city nine volt five room recharge I suppose that's pretty good all right what do we do how much is that point five persona it it's go cheap you know I'm going sheep it's all about resource management and by that I mean mana management mana dementia what's the biggest thing that can help me out here um I don't know Taurus hahaha oddly enough safe tears tell me we're going to have nice turrets death has arrived please all the way to here what do I doing here I'm panicking help we do a sight ears hallelujah okay I got to put two turrets down that was expensive we got some health too not not terribly proud of it but uh I do what I got to do a guess and now we play the waiting game at least the size increases the hitbox for the tier very significantly okay you know how do I handle this situation I got to go with a Waller gotta just go the Waller run run run run run fly you fools boss time it's a soft time it's a [ __ ] terrible boss holy [ __ ] we're gonna die why don't I keep one in the wall I don't know I should I should just keep both them on the wall because at least you can aim them then at least you can aim them but instead of aiming I guess is it smarter to focus on dodging you know it's right about the indictment I don't know maybe this maybe this smarter look at that oh oh sides yeah ok yeah we're really hurting for health oh there's a tinted rock back here but I got spend like all my bombs to get to it yeah jeez if it comes with a free penny oh wow oh no hide hide that is the worst part about this is the helplessness the absolute helplessness that you feel because you can't really do anything to enemies can't really do anything with your body at least it's just such a weird feeling well that's not very good I mean I guess it's a venom II touched me I part that that's okay I mean now I can actually do something with my body right ah not like this Oh No please just stop with this room stop with this room no more no more of this but ain't broke don't fix it yeah dad oh no angel rooms oh no oh hey that's actually pretty okay you know what let's do this let's do this right here right now oh are they going to spawn spider wipe is flying fighter why are they spicy fires it's not working it's not working it's not working it doesn't work it's not spitting out the spiders no oh jeez why why why though what why though but like could we maybe if possibly you could think about letting me I can't get out all right bring it on [ __ ] and the Angels apparently full heart of damage when you touch them okay we're learning at least we learned something you know sacrificial dagger okay we're already off to a decent start here wow wow too close men I think that this would be a moment where this is inherently flawed alright so okay it's not it's not that bad I guess because I can just go ahead and make a turret here and get by so that's not that bad we're good no we're fine it helps give this pill to infested all those the other infested that gave me spiders per poop oh come on not too bad not too bad could be worse not too shabby I think it would be super cool if I could use my mana to make a chest turret - and a benefit of that maybe a kid even cost you know 1.5 man I like it can be like extra expensive but the the added benefit here would be that it opens up the chest for you you get all the contents of the chest and perhaps it turns into like a you know dark soul style mimic and comes after people or something maybe grabs them with a tongue and chews on them if they come too close to it or something I think that'd be cool that'd be a cool idea for a turd I think because right now I'm just kind of struggling with the idea of like I don't have any keys and I don't want to keep exploring through the entire floor because the more rooms I do the more I get hurt but here I am grinding away for keys and I'm not getting any I wish I could just spend some mana and open up some chests what the hell is this room I have never seen this before in my life era and such a was a bunch of black poop lovers card Oh lovers card lovers card lovers card aha it's like a free view of the dental item okay should I arrow everything to try to well I will I don't know man could yellow all the lovers cards to get more lovers cards but I don't think we'll need two it should be enough especially with the Virgo shield hell yeah give it to me baby oh yeah that's what I'm talking aboot ah euthanasia that's a needle shot triple damage in the needle shot and if it lands and kills an enemy it spreads out more euthanasia shot Oh get your [ __ ] Rock oh I am recovering you guys I am recovering after losing death touch we're getting there you know things are happening for me the crew alright get cooked frail who was that what's the skull turret we'll never know okay no we still we do know he doesn't change up his thing but that's really good skull turret for the wind man skulls hurts yeah I spotted skull - hahaha there can only be one WPS might Oh car battery that can't do anything I don't think Carol Kloss is going to double the effectiveness of my year up that's good let's do this mom fight me fight me now it's like the perfect spots the turret hahaha oh it's good we already know it's a shovel in there not not good not so good we're going Polaroid you guys we're going to chest because I have a yera I'm not going to be dumb about this but we do need to get more keys we're going to need eight keys by the time we get down there so we better kick it in gear but like I said you know we have mom's key if we had sack head along with it mom's key sack head it's just like consumable heaven I'm going to see a character made oh that was a black now that even see him I want to see a character made that uses consumables as weapons and starts with soymilk and has to go to the hush fight was head of the keeper and sack head so consumables are just coming out and you just got to pick them up with your skirt starts throwing them at the enemies and that'd be hilarious Oh nubs oh my god is a nub turret and it's amazing Paulette turret whatever you want to call it that was really good although that was less good you knocked my bomb away could you not please standard method the to spread turrets I like them I like it it works works very well and there we go ah do we have any guppy items I don't think we do have any guppy items yet not to my knowledge at least so that one's pretty okay that one's less okay and we're out of here oh all excited to get down to the chest you guys so excited you know I'm singing about hiding it but I don't think I'm gonna be able to yes that was a reference to its song yeah I'm old I know that's what's up mom oh my god this is working out really really well I seriously doubted my ability to get any further on this character and here we are today how do you lack me now now that I'm on Maru yeah uh-oh I gotta try it right it's not going to do anything I guarantee it's not going to do anything I guarantee it's not going to do anything I absolutely guarantee that that's not going to do a damn thing at all try it it's got a little knife on it though oh my god honey that puppies got a knife I had no idea that is funny that's just funny just like I got a knife I'm a little rock guy that's just funny well can i I thought maybe with my arrow keys I can make them shoot the knife that would have been sweet but of course not all right just got to survive the boss all right boy get them at those nine yeah oh is it to think about I didn't think about the fact that they're gonna have knives that are just shoved up his bottle oh my god that was real quick okay we made it we made it with 20 keys yera taro cloth chest me yes yes yes uh Wow please turrets and hide okay I'm feeling I'm you know I'm feeling really good about this sack tag Gemini demon baby nod leap like that alone is just like there how did you lose or what else we got egghead egghead big fan ah that's just me a Cheers upgrade I think I don't that should not affect my turret please God little Hoshi fine a lot of us say oh that's really good too a lot of little do Akers guys have following me around which is excellent if I wanted to sit there and hang out and not do anything what could Secrets gives you the map that was just perfect okay all right then okeydoke okay let's see here can I hide and then place the turret I can place the turret while I'm it does not it does not take me out of my invincibility oh my god he's got to back up again to the wall with a knife right in his back it does not disturb my invincibility by placing a turret oh good that's real good I was real good oh that's real good there pretty good rag man came in for a hug because it means no worries for the rest of the oldies it's my problem free philosophy oh we did it we did it girdle down check it off the list thank you guys so much for watching I implore you I implore you to go get this mod download it and try it yourself let me know how it goes it takes some getting used to there's still a couple rooms in there that aren't exactly balanced like the ones that you need to be able to shoot through like the poop the angel thing now it's pretty screwy but now you know about it so but anyways like I said before I do like this mod hope you enjoyed watching it and I will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 495,053
Rating: 4.9223967 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: wdQSUOsi4IM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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