Hutts and Sinvicta Dual Run #4 (Mammon)

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i will we want to do random again or am i or am i just going to pick mammon uh you can pick mammon i'm fine with that for the youtube people so vince and i are jumping into another co-op man but i do not so mike foxtrot sierra tango microsoft le47 microsoft yes uh sure except the s the f and the t are reversed but yeah that's fine um let's see here that's a passive item the passive item hurts you for half a heart and you drop one of those little tiny beggars on the floor item rooms have no items in them it is all uh just money you get in the item rooms and the money you're gonna use on the mammons the little pig beggars to get the items from them yeah also enemies have a chance to drop money you have to pick it up immediately otherwise it goes away it's a little spinny coin i locked a couple coins but not knowing that well i didn't know that you left the original room i was just sitting back there waiting to explain it sorry i know i i thought we i thought we were starting i lost my black card already so active item it's called the meat grinder i think you literally grind your own meat up to spit out a friend and pay him money so this is like the ultimate like rng best then i guess i kind of you know i i don't hate this at all i'm not really doing that well so far enemies within your range enemies within a range of you acquire fear while this item is being held let's see two spades now yeah nice working out now whatever i should have kept the other card then if i keep like a two of spades i never use it properly because i'll forget about it so i just i didn't let it rip whenever i get it burn the hand it's worth two later in the run two in the meat grinder i'm stuck did that spawn out of the poop pile or did that did he throw that whoa got a spinning nickel yo there's the dime okay that must be uh hard-coded then it's yeah it's seated uh did you take this pill uh i did and i didn't take it crazy here huh that's dope yeah sometimes he puts little capsules in the bottom or on the ground rather and uh i do like the idea of the miniscule like stand-ups that you can get i want not very minuscule if you get a whole heart yeah i want i want those i want those in repentance makes it more worth it to use the beggars too because it's pricey wow that's a lot of fire what is going on because i fell into a burning ring of fire i wouldn't call this a ring of fire it's like a freaking like a stream of fire i fell into a burning stream of fire stream of fire you mean like our co-op stream invented taking pills as if one of these days he's gonna take a pill it's gonna be like that meme of that little pink blob saying hmm maybe i will go outside my box and then it gets punched immediately in the face one of these days people will not make fun of me for just having my own style of playing a game how dare you i know the audacity of it all there's that video that i saw on reddit and it was somebody was asking like so do men just have like an empty void in their body where oh mama sita uh where their like the ovaries are in women like what what is there in in men and like the the uterus and all that stuff like men just don't have that do they have a empty hole and then it's just just a void yeah and this this girl has a response and she's like oh like i started this and let me let me fill you in um as you can see here here's a picture of the female anatomy and here's where the female parts are and here's a picture of the male's anatomy and as you can see in this location where the uh female anatomy would be this is where they store the [ __ ] audacity and then it cuts immediately [Laughter] i guess okay i'm not even mad i mean it's just this funny enough for me to love it this is the character from from petscop am i going crazy he said a lot of fire he meant like a lot of bullets no like it was like a stream of fire i shouldn't be doing this on one hp this guy's immune to bombs yeah right what am i supposed to do with this so you just like beat this boss without complaining saying a word oh there goes my uh there goes my devil deal that's cool bro this boss is crazy you just you did fine though i beat the first floor boss yes this is nuts dude i could totally farm money in this though you just keep spawning enemies and they stay the same age am i incorrect in saying is that this is not the character from that game like petscop oh god pets cop i don't know what you mean is microsoft epcot center he's the sac man i don't know game time well the ma'am on is is a reference is that what you're saying no it is the petscop guy okay deal the double chance is not lost upon using your active item i just tested uh yeah but i took damage though yeah it is lost upon taking normal damage of which i'm about to do oh [ __ ] oh wow dropped a spinning nickel in front of the enemy and i had to go for it i should have come in here first chat [Music] yeah the creepypasta game yeah i need to see on you i've i know memes i've been on the computer and it has the internet sometimes fixes bifocals i am wearing my glasses right now oh come on uh ref illegal she'll say blizzard come on blizzard i normally just scream ed i don't say egg [Music] so the mammon the mammon guys disappear when you get them paid out yeah no when you leave the room no they stay there they they definitely they definitely leave oh [ __ ] did they did it leave ravioli thank you for the gifted side they are on my screen they are gone diesel nade thanks to tier one sub um yeah i thought they stayed but no mine paid out you're right mine did not leave mine paid out i think i did that last floor where it stayed i forgot that it paid out in the first place so i have yet to get a passive item from that thing huts i i just got one the first play on the second floor maybe you popped your second charge though on the first floor possibly see i i waited to the second floor so like i'll have more money to come back with and oh you know what i went into the the shop on the first floor did you go in the shop no i did not do that there's a pig in here do i shoot it you have to actually okay kidding you murderer that's disgusting it did nothing to you it's their fault for being delicious not touching that one what it stays in the item room any animal that can make bacon is just doomed dnd character is obsessed with bacon oh yeah yeah i do i do love bacon any tips for the ultra hard challenge i lost my devil do you want to read that keep dying and mega satan in the last challenge my pick beggars are stan try to get good defensive upgrades and a lot of hp as much soul hearts as you can muster blankie blanks huh what do you want me to do with it use it i threw it on the ground that's lonely island fancy a piece of his birthday cake what do you want me to do with it eat it threw it on the ground i'm an adult what campaign are you in just a friend's made up campaign thing i'm reba [Music] hater's mother's trying to keep me down but to know we keep on shining two crazy big stars from office of the world about to set this track on fire what the heck lens interesting that's my second passive item that i've picked up from the mammon beggars oh you know what of course when they're watching the dual stream i said this earlier that it would be hard to do that with both of the music's going but of course they have to meet one of us already so i'm an idiot i was letting you figure that one out for yourself i don't ever watch dual streams so it's just not a thing i have to worry about yeah to stop being so anti-social what in the world was that sound was that the game or was that something else there has to be a tinted desk in here somewhere i heard did you pick up the damage upgrade trinket yes yep drop it and pick it back up no it's worth it oh my god lovely music without soul hearts this game is impossible to get double deals well this mod specifically even with soul arts i'm still getting kicked i don't know why i picked up that soul hard here when i already lost the devil deal big dummy big brain i've lost two double deals now no isaac why did you pick it up god they're giving us tough bosses all the new ones are just incredibly hard maybe i can lure them into the part the what do you wait what do you do against that shot speed i was in full sprint strafe and he still sniped my butt that's another good that's crazy full sprint strafe snipe my butt which one take your pick yeah full full sprint strafe i mean i would listen to snipe my butt yeah oh my god that shot was oh my jesus and i missed the nickel that i was trying to go for as i took that damage great oh good yeah i'm not a not a huge fan of mammon anymore you might hear some construction going on at my house by the way oh thanks game thanks for putting it over where i can't possibly reach it what are you getting put in uh i'm getting another desk and shelves in the office because i have no more space to put anything because of all these god dang pokemon cards why the heck do they call them pokemon anyway you don't poke any of them hank it's it's a japanese thing pokemon pokedoll monsters see that that'll get you burned at the stake right there huh bring it i don't see no steak [Music] op did someone say steak what are you kidding me with that hitbox what was that oh all never trying to pick up money ever again just waiting for you to uninstall yeah i went for a nickel lost the nickel ended up getting hit trying to go for it yep that's what i did except i did to the dumbest boss ever and i neither oh the mammon's still here why did the other ones disappear i guess i guess it's because they didn't okay yeah you're right 15 keys like i want to go into my shop but with what four cents so you could get that room that's got the two the double lock pennies the luck be a lady room that's pretty good um i don't know i don't know which which room that is there's a shop that has two lock pennies in it it's pretty dope oh oh oh yeah yeah i know which one you're talking about i almost missed that the two greed heads and then uh yeah yep of course you don't believe that luck is a real thing so luck is a real thing it just doesn't matter in the game it changes your proc chance who does this yeah it does hmm how's it going chad how's it going since this chat you have to read those to me spyro puberty pills now give 0.35 damage dope i'm diminishing drink it okay yeah that's a trinket got it getting drowsy [Music] i said how's it going chat not group of people with lesser wills got him oof [Music] or it might be hut's lp gaming at yahoo at yahoo dot hotmail underscore aol yahoo catchy catchy jingle though back when they were a thing well they were still a real company yo yeah you got moxie said i remember you mentioning that i yes i did get moxie's head that wasn't in the other run oh my bad and i don't want to spoil the surprise that you already missed well that should probably bomb them mocks his head i already got moxie i got mike he's out on this run too you said he did yeah but i got in the last run like you didn't get it now i did just i got on both runs [Music] let's confuse himself in his own attack hurt himself in his own confusion i'm scared to say anything about vicky yelling at me tbh well sucker sack yeah just be careful what you say sucker sack wait does that hurt me if they explode do you have it do you have sucker sack no i had i got guppy's pride how how we diverted so quickly i mean i guess i do have things unlocked that you don't so one of these things that i've gotten might have been one of those which i think completely changes up the entire seed but college has been difficult and not fun not that it will ever be fun in the first place i guess i mean i never liked studying but partying in the bushes you know college will be i tell people this all the time college is just the greatest time of your life that sounds sarcastic it's not i if i could go back to college i would i would do it all over again college what college kicked my butthole well you should have got a cup on my butthole yo okay so pills give me a 0.35 damage boost diminishing and i just got a thing that doubles the the pill it makes in double a is good oh um the witch doctor did you automatically get a bad pill no i'm really happy about my pills oh my god the sucker sack flies though it's like better than guppy what is up with this this can't be real college is not the best right now i mean yeah well online college of course yes i mean certain global uh climate shifts have uh have certainly probably undid a lot of the fun i don't that's just college though i mean it's all school i mean you know like my brother and his kindergartner they're trying to like have her learn things and she's on a computer like she's what four i think she's four yeah you can't learn on a computer when you're four and like have it like pay attention to a t-shirt on the internet i will say that i don't know how kids are gonna be able to learn when at home when they're at home it's like yeah they've got a zoom call but like they're still in their rooms yeah all the toys and stuff are there no one's like can actually like stop them from doing anything yeah there's no way i'm going to retain any information if i'm in my room and teachers like okay now what's this and this dude i don't know in your rum am i rum the kids shouldn't have rum in the first place i think it's probably the the first problem that we're having what i think about my children and my children's children and my children's children's children children but you know when i think about it i think your children are too young to be having children i mean how small are they gonna get that's one of the issues it's too small we all know that we all know that humans procreate by just the russian nesting doll you did that to yourself sir oh i finally got a devil deal let's go hole oh good and there's two whatever these things are what are these shadow mammon guys um you have to give up 50 of your money in order for them to even allow you to see the item that you still have to pay health for i think is how it works i could be wrong though i could be wrong but i'm not but maybe okay get that money oh come on i got stuck in the rock um all right i don't know what those do but chat you seem you're seeing me take new items you have a thing that explains all the items huh you got the mod that explains the items to you yeah i downloaded it in between uh runs on the first run yeah so how do you still not know what they do well it's because like i guess so i got well i don't want to spoil you but wow uh there's a there's an item that's like it's like basically you fire out one of four different things oh the spade yeah oh it's really good i was like man there's too much reading for my brain uh yeah highly recommend that one oh that was really nice all right go ahead i picked it up you're gonna like it you get a lot of money too with the diamond shots it's like basically the eye of the greed shot that doesn't cost money to play thank god that that item is real numb yeah i get the idea behind it but it is trash go ahead can i say that i strongly dislike the toxic sewer like pipes that shoot out just creep on the walls because i can't say that really hate them the watery poops too sometimes spawn a little water bro that'll kick you right in the tank luckily i'm wearing a cup today uh a paint a tank cup and a cup over your butthole yep it's called the the dual dual cup in case you shoot yourself then it you know it's a double got you covered on both ends heart shaped balloon a little heart-shaped box is [Music] mushroom what's your hot take on that it's good if you need the fire rate not good if you have damage it's just not good ever in what run have you at least not gotten down to like seven or six fire right by the end of it [Music] uh this week ever ever ever you you're operating on a different isaac level than i am brother cause this this week's this week's eating runs have been they've been barn burners hum dingers i dare say oh my god that spider just burst into spiders so wait if i take damage this will drop a heart oh yeah what drops it's hard worth fighting hard the uh balloon the heart-shaped balloon yeah yes it's good so i actually wanted i actually want to take damage like if it's a net positive uh yeah you could arm it that way sure it didn't give me a heart that time divorce papers guess who just got the five fire rate this guy without taking skinny odd which i just passed up i would not suggest taking skinny on oh it's trash garbanzo beans chat which one oh i i missed some stuff diesel made it a sub the bearded wingman maybe i did read that beastly with the tear once up i see a lot of people saying middles so we'll go right just take it all i don't have that much money yuck this is good though you take that chunko tofu it's a guppy item so i just maybe should have grabbed it but i didn't tell my guppy's pride yeah i just passed it up i was like yeah whatever you know i don't trust this other southern mammon beggar i'm not going to spawn the other devil deal item because he's going to put it right in front of the door and i'm going to hit it and i'm going to die [Music] do you play gunzen at all i do not know did you ever try i did i was not a not a huge fan of gungeon when i when i played there it was at the very beginning release and it just didn't have it just didn't have a lot of variety for me in terms of like like isaac levels of synergies well it has synergies now but regardless there's an item there called spice where if you pick up spice there's like a certain percentage chance that any item in the future is replaced by spice so you just keep getting more and more and more spice oh god um this is the same thing here with chunk of tofu so i don't know if you took the chunk of tofu i did not okay i did i didn't even see it one of the deals with the devil was with those weird looking beggar dudes um so i found out that i guess the black hearts from the balloon are cursed and because like that second that's two times now where i purposely taken half heart of damage expecting to get a full black heart of the of hp back and it just gave me nothing nothing so yeah it gave me nothing it looked like a normal black heart yeah the balloon was was totally black thank you toxic panda for the resub gungeon was just pain for me this is autocorrect i like and i liked and liked gungeon bucho was it wasn't my jam i gave it i gave it a shot but now they have synergies and there's full modding support there's tons of mods coming out for it right controller yeah controller was really the defining factor there on my gungeon play because mouse and keyboard just was not going to you can't the balloons can't give black hearts by the way that's the empty form well now you tell me it got yup i got got effigy 15 chance for all enemies in a room to be replaced by burning effigies uh sure [Music] question it's just like you walk in and like the room is empty basically oh god isaac's face what happened oh it's a reference to us to pyro i got it unusual methods of acquisition i don't know what that means but i'm going to take it wow okay can you tell us invicta to hydrate i probably should yeah it's the freaking tapeworm again dude it's the third time today that i fought him only played twice as he did uh recording earlier oh yeah i mean this is only the second time i've i fought him today you were training you made up this big story about like let me reinstall those mods because i didn't just play a game with them yep and then you gave me the c the exact same c that you just played yep this entire show's like point is for me to one-up huts on everything yeah and he's like it's not a race just so that i don't get discouraged so he can bring me back and kick my butt again it's not a race though chugga tofu it's a cuban meat style familiar once you own a chunk of all collectible tofu do you want chunk of tofu or no i mean do you like cuba meat i do like orbitals would you like a lot of cuba meats no i only want level one well then you probably wouldn't want chunk of tofu okay but your fifth cuba meat though pretty good you're right you're back you're back in business come on get out of here we call that being back in business goodness sloth's toe okay so whenever you move it's just gone you got it i want a red heart here oh there was a red heart i didn't see it because there's a double because i have humbling grundle because i'm boss at this game [Music] because i went to the shop on the first floor humble my grundle i got this i got the item that like that has a 15 chance to do aoe damage to everything and it's really really good which one's that i don't know but it's really good you picked it up i picked it up i'm like 4-1 see you later shanks victor [Music] the guys take that cursed line rip speed i know point eight speed i'm just like trudging along here [Music] what floor are you on uh depths two [Music] that gun on dubstep it just says two yeah it just says two last time we thought it was dabs two we were wrong well i mean i i played the mod a little bit since then a chunk of tofu damage oh another one oh piece of candy oh he's candy he's candy unidentified pill how can i say no hey i'm getting damaged upgrades takes away your what the freaking the mammon thing takes away uh it takes away the eternal hearts when you use it when you spawn the mammon tiger i would assumed it did as such welting sack yo very good let's see back right here i'm gonna humble your grundle with my welding sack oh now that's a band name introducing the humble grundles oh wait no one think that's one now so the number two was not dang dab stewie's you're on depths too and i'm i just got depth one or maybe i am on catacombs too he played this game before you babe baby sucker sack blue flies exploding to poison gas is that good you know it was good because like a ton of flies came out of nowhere but maybe i just had them already and now i'm not getting flies so if i were to generate flies which i probably should have gone for that guppy's pride oh well i have hydrated to the person who asked me you know this is pretty good gonna probably rip my bone by doing this but it will be worth it watch me just flat out die super hard right now are we taking polaroid or um let's go negative this time okay maybe we'll make up for it with our ability to spawn our own items and up right there i got smacked right in the face bye bye boneheart so if you if you're in the womb then and you use the uh whatever the active item is does it take away one full heart now he gonna be honest with you mate yeah it takes away one full heart i just just tried it right so you are in womb uh i am in the womb yes what the heck was that when the coin disappears right if you do like full sprint towards it yep just not sure i'm gonna ever recover from this pain dude this room is masked this room is super mess i hate i do not like these splitting guys like the the guts that like split and they're in they're invincible invincible yeah like the big like they're like the big like pile of guts in the womb they split and they like they act as like they just block your way you you can only kill them by uh you can only kill them by like hitting the buttons in the room oh yeah sure yeah whatever yep yeah oh they're brave oh goodness gracious oh yeah the brains sorry they look like guts to me are guts specific to your abdomen yeah where else would you have guts what is the strict definition of guts right because it's like oh god his guts are everywhere but what if like his brains are in there nuts what's up how much rum did you have today a little bit in the room okay it's a nice room that's my health that i'm talking about and there's that eternal heart that i'm gonna wait on thanks to some victor for the heads up and a higher fan card you're welcome damn preemptively pop this sucker down [Music] trembling bat four months all right so i'm gonna full sprint over here to this guy did i uh you're gonna finish like an hour before me i'm a min maxer here and i gotta i gotta go back and play every beggar that i popped oh wait where is he i'm i'm trying to i just they they pay out in like two nine months not a reptile nine month celebration time hell yeah welcome back maybe i didn't have a guy on the floor welcome back to the butts gang what's that but it's just all fart sound effects oh sorry thanks yep right in the old year i am not getting that penny there's no way i'm gonna be able to get that [Music] old fart step you don't have an unpaid one now huds thanks chat wait till after i explore the entire floor to tell me that huh oh i gotta get that nickel i gotta go oh no i missed it god sucks to have a point eight speed what's your speed at uh 1.00 so you never got small rock then missed that tinted rock eh i did get small rock so you got small rock huh i got small rock yes you know what best case scenario there being greed in the shop i did get a payout from a mammon with a speed up i have not think i'm missing tinted rocks they just walked by one this this coming from the guy who's like mid-max i'm gonna take every beggar over here i'm gonna play every single one i mean i did play them all so i don't know if you're cheating probably that yep what command folks have their maximum charge reduced by two it's dope but oh my god sloth's toe is incredible 68 deal with a double chance by the way he's in the toes guys no sloth's toe is incredible rewards the binding of isaac retribution you know you can do whatever you want to do with whoever's who's ever toes invite i'm not gonna judge i'm not in a you know i'm just not not in defeat no not specifically but toes for every full red heart of damage taken in a room half a heart is refunded upon room clear vanilla wafer sounds delicious doing your best corey heart impression the ae jerry seinfeld ow oh i'm at 99 cents what am i doing picking up money big dope yo 0.1 speed capsule i'm at 1.00 oh yeah and i got the coil imagine what hudson knew if he didn't have his buddies invictus spoiling everything uh everything for him oh god like i was just playing the entire game knowing that that point one speed upgrade was coming i was like man there was so many things i could have done that i didn't you can make it now huds i believe you really have the technology really steered the run there steer the rum run broom vodka flight here is going to be nice slots and beggars pay out faster spawn three pickup items oh let's not call people that word here what the first one what slots and beggars easy it's it's slots and beggars just like your mom it's a beggar this d oh uh mimics a stock market pattern with your coins over the first seven four room floors ambitious crossover of all time sorry for being late just moved into my new flat and john thanks for the 100 bits good one i know i will i will never forget that person wait we didn't get a deal with the devil there right it's actually just joker card right uh yes wrong i believe that is accurate ooh my money is gone though oh my god are you kidding me wow see you later i cannot believe that we just spent all of our money on that you guys that was the biggest waste i've ever wasted my waste of a life yep that was horrible ugh that hurt at 99 cents ooh sword capsule what mod is the teeth retribution and fiendfolio oh it gave me a they gave me a tears of oh oh oh oh my gertie like when the coins drop over gaps they slowly float to a non-gap area they they ran they were going away from me hmm they hope our man for the nine month reset the mod is working got him everybody yep rusted pipe i better clean that pipe yeah especially before you lay it oh danny boy the pipes the pipes are rusted see what i did there veggie mojo 429 and ssj salmon they took the word calling and then put the word frosted in there yeah coins don't likes invicta so milk teeth is pretty good hymerism what's that chimeras milk teeth is that the one that split shots yeah that's that's what i've got rocking right now and it's uh pretty good mark of shame i don't know what that does either mark of cane it said actually milk teeth is okay i just think that it your fire rate rip it's not worth it right not a huge fan of tears down but at the same time it is nice having a shot that just kind of shot guns off after i've already fired it it works well with like tammy's head and stuff like you can really really rip it plus two hearts plus two damage oh wow great was commerism slots and beggars pay out faster that's probably better here the bindle please watch your language huts bindle oh sorry thank you very much animal denied as well for the resub didn't see that mark of cane was i didn't notice a stat change but i guess i wasn't paying attention that hard you're just you're not observing enough huds that's not arcane makes the doors open and active rooms after 10 seconds welting sack immunity from bomb explode from explosion damage that seems pretty good yeah it's pretty good seems pretty good why did it take so long for these two to collab oh they pay off faster as in like they just move faster no it means that they pay out like sooner i don't think so he's just rushing it like like you're like staring him down at the aisle and you're like dude pack my groceries fast you dick bag so he he literally just the animation is just sped up yeah you know you don't get any more groceries i thought it would reduce the interval which they pay out nope that's silly he's just he's just doing it real quick oh nice and speedy lag [Music] paralysis this town ain't big enough for the two of us you will go on and get all mass and speed like jake lonergan in that one nope i believe that was the uh cowboys versus aliens hey there's a game that we should play freaking red dead online i've never played it not even the first one i well i didn't i didn't play uh i didn't play red dead one but i played the heck out of two and man oh man um we've we've got we've got some uh we got some shot speed uh i don't think i've ever seen shot speed this high i didn't know it could actually get this high in this game is the one where they constantly accelerate or is that another one i don't know it was called photon and boy howdy do i wish that i had spectral tears right now speed of light zazel's horn yep i got that [Music] got a wrap around here on the trinkets seeing old ones your old news hematomasis look at that chemothemesis i like how they had to put the guy that announces the actual name because northern lion kept saying i'm wrong thank god i remember him saying hematomisis yep i always used to say that too i'm not gonna lie who arrange up actually range is probably counterintuitive for milk teeth mustard seed for every floor on the total number of collectibles owned does not change there's too much that's too much reading thanks to the guests lucidborn alexander nice welcome very nice joyful boring you feel nothing it's true on earth blood machine huts too late was that on this floor we had the iv bag or is there a blood machine you took a polaroid yeah yeah no i took negative you totally take negative oops i did it was last time i i had the negative i have the negative chat i officially have the negative chat will never lie to me chat did huts take the polaroid or the negative okay well my chat would never well what do i have is let's you know ease up on the the language there which which item do i currently have is the negative you know it's hard to argue that one he removed the pole no i don't know i have the negative i have the negative i don't have the polaroid sunken fly he took the polaroid but also has the negative okay now i don't have the polaroid a lie effigy l f your g this is i i actually think i'm capped on shot speed i didn't know there was a cap on shot speed you have to you have to see this run on my screen before i end it oh way to poach i'm talking to you i'm not talking to your viewers i'm talking to you oh my god everyone leave hutz's channel and come over to my channel instead that's what i was that was that's what i was suggesting all right you know what chat we'll all do it on on my stream together you got me so you don't have to leave yep i'm just waiting for you uh i'm here i'm just waiting okay well here you go uh i'm here okay well here you go watch this i'm not even gonna be no that's you know impressive i don't know if that's capped i mean i've had it where like literally you can't it doesn't show up on the screen because it's off the screen pretty good though pretty good this is this is just madness i'm here like one one [Music] dude mid max away i i ain't gonna hate on you i'm not even trying to go slow it's just probably the backtracking i would never ever hate on huts except for how he says in public the kane's eyes is opening up all my doors i don't have to like do [ __ ] hopefully i'm going the right direction look at me speeding this is fiend folio and retribution baptismal balls more like got him yeah i did you're right you are correct sir can all mammon uh runs be like this please man it's a good time just because you get like all those new wacky items and there's a lot of good ones i do i do like the idea of mammon out oh my god you just full clearing now yep i'm just having fun let's be nice i feel like i shouldn't be taking that so i'm not going to what's this eyeball doing following me like what did i do to deserve this friend it's probably like hudson you need a real friend you get away from this invicta guy all he does is try to trash talk you and belittle you you're better than him you don't need someone like that you need someone like me yeah didn't make fun of my beard so i just got beetles above from a pill what the heck uh was a pretty fly pretty fly comes for us to be baseball no but i think yes and yes at least on this mod does it feel like i'm going slow chat i'm like not even picking up bombs look at me you got to get rid of your of the the slow mentality complex huts you're not under any rush i'm not i'm not under any time yeah but i i am you are under a time constraint i wanted to get a deep rock episode in that's why i'm that's what i'm focused on you said you had a hard cut off that's gonna happen oh yeah fragmented card a bit yeah i know wow you know what i asked for your opinion but i didn't actually want it banned wow who hit me at the end there oh well i can't i can't wait to see your your unbanned requests the heck uh negative right a lot of cool enemies down below yeah cool sound effects really they listen to better music down in the negative then they uh i didn't give them more metal i mean i would assume so yeah i bought these get the bombs deal double damage to bosses i should have tried that out the uh oh the wait the are you talking about the what was it called the i don't even know it looks like an onion or some [ __ ] sack bombs not welting sack no it was a different one there's i did get some bombs it drops like double yeah bomb it also gives you explosion immunity welding sack doesn't drop double bombs i don't think okay i'm not going to use emotions at zero hp all red heart containers are replaced with empty bonehearts oh no not my proudest pop up i'm gonna fop you up flop you buddy popping off the top of this esophagus i'm not a water dwelling mammal that's moving the metropolis it's been taught to break dance who told you that preposterous hypothesis uh steve rob didn't it was rob all right pumping the beats we got to play faster go go go go [Music] louder music equals faster play it's scientifically proven you're gonna you're gonna convince everyone that i'm trying can't hear you you have to speak louder than that [Music] you gotta convince everyone that i'm trying to rush you i'm not rushing huts he's not rushing me he's just rushing to play along with subsequently rushes me by passive [Music] passivity [Music] have a great run though it is a great run my game is not able to keep up with this uh shot speed [Music] sun card bye-bye i chose every wrong direction too which doesn't help gotta go got a blast like jimmy neutron yep [Music] so i'm just face planting into enemies i don't even care about my life anymore you should care about your life i worry i worry about your life sometimes i got plenty of it snap bangs whatever those do it's kind of weird how the mom music plays after you killed mom plays after you kill mom yeah is that a bug are you already on your second uh playthrough and you're you're on mom already no i'm in one one oh man falsetto's so bad i'm liking the effigy deck two [ __ ] it i'm gonna take it it's an okay run yeah it's all right it's all right this this freaking this tear delay is just it's just bonkers you know what's really underrated if a tech 2 runs yeah because you don't fire the uh you don't fire the ipecac tier unlike when you do a brimstone hey with tech two you still do no when you have tech two and if a cat you don't you don't fire the epic here do you i believe you do but uh it's you know few and far between but but the laser does so much damage doesn't matter you just melt them instantly because you get that 40 damage upgrade but if you had tech and you took epic hack no bombs but not the 40 damage upgrade oh i don't know what boss that is but it's like a giant pot with like brown sticks coming out of it a pot with brown sticks yeah are you actually playing another one uh yes i'm on the victory lap that makes more sense oh why are the there's so many buttons the button rooms can just go away no that wasn't the tapeworm boss we've already seen that i should take that speed ball hallelujah hallelujah again check out the squad stream link everybody if you uh if you have not already you can watch both perspectives as we get ready to oh wow we got joyful that's uh that's a lisa reference isn't it no idea thank you eliminating zero yeah watch both perspectives we're about to switch over to deep rock galactic here in a little bit fruitcake i don't even want to open up chests oh parasite nice oh my god have you seen anything like this chat and full well annoying that people on mobile can't oh well i mean you know adam oh lord milk this proct are you holding the fire button down or tapping uh no i cannot tap this fast holy crap you guys have you ever seen anything like this on any stream ever this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened on my stream specifically easy whoa crazy wow my goodness and mobile you can are you on my side chat or not you can you can switch on mobile i didn't know that oh what the heck is that though this actually is kind of weird it's spitting snakes out of my face i have velour has appeared in the basement did you unlock that i might have yes this is this is just absolute madness i got bottled fairy i'm totally on squad stream on mobile oh i didn't i learned something new today why do you lie so much i'm not lying i'm talking about the viewer that's just chock full of lies let's see you can send complaints to hutzgaming uh make sure you title the email uh huts is butts send complaints to bella delphine i'm in such a rush i just stopped using my pigs use your pigs literally crying that's the whole point of mammon what is hitting me same drink has called me a liar he may have called you a liar chad you know i said you're full of lies but i suppose if you you know you're splitting hairs one that everyone that everyone loves me am i the good cop i hate me yeah i'm i'm the bad cop thank you big smear for the resub guess who just got a sixth chunk of tofu chunk of tofu shut up yeah he said the word wrong i bet this guy doesn't even have a beard yeah i bet that huts guy didn't have a beard but he used to have one they shaved it probably because he's a dumb dumb what a lame not man he is toxic masculinity can jump off of a building that's located on the side of a cliff that's the cliff bottom is also on fire that's pretty metal i would do it i mean we've been talking about a lot of metal stuff today on accident and we have the names for it you need to listen to more metal i think i just explained our first music video us jumping into a off of a cliff into a ocean of fire yeah right off of a building and then it pans out as you're falling and it's actually on a cliff exactly yeah i'm down which is on fire but the chat will have to have to fund the project because that sounds very expensive carapace has appeared in the basement harapus karapus that's right there were a couple words that i looked up i think cara pass i think you don't even say cara pass how do you say it how do you pronounce cara pass therapist like p-i-s-s therapist therapist yeah or um you never what i've never i've never said kara kara pass they like i wouldn't blame anybody if they did corbin thanks to the prime sub appreciate that um what was the other word um oh it was a a queer ass a a form of like the armor c-u-i-r-a-s-s here it's curious it's queer ass it's not queer ass it's curious queer we need it we need a no no no no no no listen listen listen everybody tune into my stream right now okay listen what does it say queer ass 100 queer ass queer ass type it in google right now type it in in google clearance tell me tell me that doesn't exactly sound it's even like the phonetical it's right here queer ass like it's kwi that's a qui it's not cure it's it's curious it's not i'm looking at the qwi right now and i'm listening to it it's queer ass i i didn't make this up okay i i'm going to google right now tune in to we can hear this here yo all right you just wrote queer ass in google no i didn't no i chat's messing with me oh here you go it says curious no it didn't chat listen one two three i'm telling you no hold on not a queer ass hang on i'll be there in a minute okay i'm listening oh you're you're on pause screen oh you're you're on pause screen queer ass crass crass crass what kind of website are you on right now on google translate why would you use google translate not just the regular okay listen to it on my stream listen to it on my screen all right fine i'm listening all yeah queer ass q-w-i right there queer ass learn to pronounce queers okay she's she's drunk what's up what about this one what about this one next tie breaker tie breaker right here queer ass boom yo okay that's two thirds for me show the screen huts uh it was just a spot screen there was nothing to show i want to see i want to see what you're typing in your translate uh c-u-i-r-a-s-s core ass no it's not all right are we doing deep rock are you doing out of time oh we're going we're doing deep rock now how deep is your rock i do need to go to the restroom real quick though prove it uh i will be right back to go use the restroom and uh during my absence hutz is going to take over and sing you all a dmca free copyright free non-royalty song i'll be back in a minute all right guys this one's called queer ass it's about armor oh man keeping these on for most of the stream by the way those of you don't know why am i wearing sunglasses fifty dollars i wear sunglasses hundred dollars i put on a hat you guys i got some new hats by the way i was in the middle of a sentence and we were going somewhere i don't remember yeah i took those off and it's like i'm born again not christian but hot single wonder wall you know if i had my guitar down here i actually don't know the chords to wonder wall those rocks be deep blast some music up with that [Music] dick [ __ ] you testing me milkshake did he send you over here to try to get banned in my chat so you can go back and be like yo i got banned some bob wubb shark bait brouhaha what's up four months welcome back minnie man i think i forgot to announce your 14 month as well sing rocket man i didn't mean it isaac face you guys i have some hats i don't want to give away i don't want to give away what these hats are but at the same time you know they're so cool and they're just sitting there waiting to be to be worn here's a hint on this one you guys ready see that there's your hints that and that i understand how awkward that looked and how wrong that probably probably shouldn't have shown that part of the hat it looked like i was doing something else oops dark skater jakey five months what's up just noticed someone donate 100 i don't want to beg for a hundred dollars either it's just this is what we've been doing here for i don't know five six years so the new brim horns will go to my twitter next time i gotta get brim i don't know though when am i gonna wear glow-in-the-dark brim horns someone needs to make like a a modded item holy brim i guess fry saigon is kind of like that on the dark stream why does your face look so clean did you shave i did but not like all the way i sh i fully shaved on my neck cleaned it up i i like it and it looks good trimmed it up you can actually see my jawline it's already the first time in over a year that i shaved welcome back everybody what did hutz do while i was away don't lie to me now we sang the song of queer ass were you just pressing it over and over again or something no remix that [ __ ] remix you know i'm gonna put this all up on youtube in one in one vaude right that's fine are you suggesting that i do the same no i'm just saying if you're lying people will know huds i don't even know what that word means uh i am loading into deep rock galactic lying i hardly know her he didn't sing anything's invicta
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 39,929
Rating: 4.9442167 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: ttUsR1XWnCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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