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what is up because my name is Helen welcome back to blazing beaks it's been a while this game has gotten an update slashed we didn't really play it to completion last time I think maybe we made it through like one loop through let's jump back into it let's see how this goes seated daily runs challenges okay now we're talking various twisted challenges let's just do a normal run right now I think maybe we were using controller last time I don't remember seagull that's a new character with a harpoon killing marked enemies makes them explode penguin might be new as well snowball cannon has a chance to clone killed enemy by exchanging artifacts for every to risk value gets an additional heart drop I mean chicken was maybe our favorite last time and there's a custom line I don't really get how to do the custom one blazing be calm / mods there's mods oh man we're gonna jump in as a penguin so if you don't remember how this game works you can go watch my old videos or I can just kind of give you a what's up right now so basically wow that seems pretty good i clones a fallen enemy does that mean I have to fight the enemy again that seems like that's the case but maybe I'll get more drops that way so like risk reward kind of thing going on art piece obviously at the top you see I'm for two for health keys money artifacts which we will have to get into and there might be bombs I remember is it a guaranteed cloning of an enemy he he kind of killed himself with his own bomb so I don't think I got anything for that but very easy to die in this game I would say it's very difficult there are things that are artifacts which basically hurt us but if we get far enough in the game we can trade them in for good things so we want to potentially collect those to beat the game I'm gonna say that we really want to collect them and tons of enemy types you can to basically watch and find out what all those are Green creep you want to land on that those big boys drop those egg bombs that explode there's traps around the map there's gonna be invisible frog guys coming up soon here this is a key room which we don't have a key for there are secret rooms that can show up I don't remember how to drop a bomb but the door is actually down here again okay cool I think when I take damage I can if there is a secret room it'll show itself these things pop open with these little guys to come out that's our first artifact we do want to collect the money if at all possible as soon as we can cuz it does disappear worth noting there I think that money sack is going to make a sudden you can't collect money again until we get rid of it so like I said this game crazy punishing super hard as another artifact right there you can see the skulls coming from it kind of hinting at the fact that it's bad what is this explosive gold dropped coins explode upon disappearing so it to get a fast this one is you cannot pick up coins so the money is just gonna explode and that puts our artifact meter at point three I believe the penguin said if I'm two or greater I get an extra heart for it once I trade it but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it I think these must be system like really simple artifacts that are easier there's the Frog the invisible frog that shows up and kind of follows footsteps when he's walking around if you really pay attention so hearts are fine per se shoulders appear that's a door to the boss on the top left if I so choose to go up Jesus the Frog I should really just hide in the corner and in map out the invisible frogs first probably well looks like we'll have an option of not going to the boss okay can't pick up the coin and it will explode waiting for it to explode he's gonna explode I think I might explode coin cool all right haven't needed any of the health yet which is a good thing let's not go to the boss I'd like to keep going we haven't even hit the artifact trader guy money is really good because we can buy better weapons that's like one of the best ways of buying maybe even only where you buy new weapons potentially as a frog coming here right there yeah yeah ain't got that money maybe I'll let that explode and kill those enemies up there my problem anymore you know that's a lot of coins over there shoot man because like seriously you can buy some really good stuff and what is this ferry do that do anything Firefly no okay okay next level here I think this is the artifact oh wowzers this is the artifact guy here and then as the boss there I think I might go to the artifact guy immediately because I really want to click some money all right so it's artifact slash shop right you could buy a mystery gun for a three I kinda I'm not I'm not hating on this snowball gun it's fine for the time being that's finding artifacts linked to but not very much this stuff's gonna come out of it probably duplicator the doubles the amount of coins you currently have or gives you 10 if you had none Wow okay so maybe we do want to spend our money to buy something and then we can give ourselves 10 coins immediately right oh it activated it's not an active item it was just once I pick it up so it's too late but I could now buy the double pistol which i think is pretty ok chance that lock doors will be unlocked lockpick set okay those are permanent you don't get rid of those ever to my knowledge we missed our opportunity to buy the small crystal gun let's keep the snow gun let's keep this no gun I think we're gonna be fine let's save up for a better gun later on all right map out the frogs for this one right there oh my god I gotta buy this I can get all this stuff now though and stuff doesn't explode so I should soak it all up what is this chance to lose one coin or or and or one key every time you enter the next level not the best does it tell me how much the artifact stuff that gives me point three I guess I guess I really don't wanna lose money nice level it's gonna be boss time soon here yeah right after this level you boss many frogs yes okay a lot of money I want to get to it excuse me we're getting loads of money loads of money now I'm glad that we went to trade that artifact away everything's cleared boss time let's go a 13 cents we're gonna buy something real sexy next shop nooch she turned me into a news but I go feza alright so we want him to lick the yeah that thing and then we can shoot him once his tongue is out or his mouth is open rather otherwise he's invincible spits on any of these two that we got to deal with [Music] and some enemies in your condom not so much damage honest not so much damage on this mother tongue attack alright alright we're cleaning up this is good this is good that's a lot of babies he spit on his mouth so you're giving birth through your mouth got him okay Coco Coco whole we swept up we swept up get the stuff before it disappears this is a good thing duct tape twenty percent chance of getting point one risk value for each artifact you have by entering next level sweet it's extra stuff ability to lace spawners egg cool down seven seconds that's like the bomb egg right now I totally forgot I have an active item it's the feather which that gives me a little like quick slide I don't believe you get iframes there'll be no weapons to buy in the shop empty box one dot oh you could get somebody good passives I guess I was talking about buying a better weapon we're at two though which being this little penguin guy is a good thing extra health I don't want the spawner egg cuz I'm probably gonna hurt myself with it so let's just go I'm not even using the - I probably won't even use the - I know myself and what when I will hurt myself and when I won't that's a rock turn a fact rock alright next level by the way this is like a graveyard thing these guys get real pissed off and charge at you we're actually doing a really good job of killing them and that guy got clones I'm not mine in the cloning it hasn't really gotten me in trouble yet visit their projectile speed is reduced by 50% right 3 though a range is not affected this is great that's totally fine with me and another one what is that on taking damage max HP is removed - oh my god a 1.5 that has got to be like the top artifact I got a go for it that's gonna be to max health maybe if I understood it correctly the penguin if we can make it to the artifact guy we better just never take damage ever ever ever it's so important that we just do not take damage and we should focus this warm-up here first because he's a huge douche he just uh he shoots you down predictive shot he's got put it to shot I have a girl there we go he's number one enemy for sure all right no damage there's no damage run right here high-risk guess that seems to be the way you gotta play the game like period if that guy before even knows we exist oh my god get tossed might get tossed my that guy explodes once he hits a wall all right who next explode a guy we don't have to get in trouble I am perfect char G boys coming at me already this gun is like neutering him he can't do anything he can't get past it and the artists our shop is right there so that's gonna be perfect I say we hear it up immediately I don't care if we forego the ability to go there later I say that now until I get like a really really bad artifact later but I don't know if there's like one per floor or what right we should just hit it up all right before I'm not completely sure if I understood what this guy did but it said plus one heart whenever you get to two artifact on March 4 tell me do a thing or is it just like red hearts maybe it's just red hearts that they have shoot it's all excited for nothing but we did well though sparkly mas plus 3 seconds for secret door indicator visibility time okay it's like a little like glint in the wall stethoscope doubles the chance to loot more hearts okay minus 1 max HP but restores all HP and 20% weapon damage by y refills your HP and if you already have full HP adds 1 max that's perfect this is one of the minus 1 and this only plus one okay and there's no guns for sale we already know that penguin I'm your brother can you give me something can you hook me up can you do something for me all right all right 17 cents the longer you wait I think the better weapons they have in the shop I think maybe let her rip just let her rip let's go there's a coin in there I don't know how I'm gonna get that that suicide guy the kamikaze guy duplicates himself that's gonna be tricky I'm gonna try to go okay okay okay don't run into the blob on the on the ground that'll hurt you okay okay okay we're doing it we're doing it bull Cole Cole Cole Cole Cole even if I knew where the secret one was I don't even have a bomb I don't even know how to get bumped keep a lookout for worms I don't see any worms I think we're safe aside that's a ghostie ghost sprinty guy down to the guy down bro we're doing it we're doing it all right what are you what do you spooky boy I'm afraid to get too close to that guy each pocket' ghost you will be chased by a deadly ghost in every level no way let's do it that's gonna be terrible that's gonna be so awful you guys it's also 1.5 there's another artifact shop let's get there quickly quickly y'all this is not good this is not good I'm a little worried about that guy he's chasing me down I'm not ready for this oh gosh oh gosh I got hit first three four three because I got on the tail end of that attack this worm needs to go this seems like that maybe it's stunning them as well okay okay kick it kick it two to four health good for health artifact shop I'm dumping that off and we get an extra health because we're - right give me that RP yep - our pieces in fact we're back at the full you have 1 hp left your weapon deals double damage awesome drop bosses drop more looted player does not lose any HP that should just be a thing always when you purchase a weapon in the shop that slot will be refilled cool what do we got medium crystal gun shotgun I think the shotguns really good in a random six cost weapon let's do the medium crystal done medium crystal gun Oh ice gun I think I could steal it is that what that little penguin symbol is it's probably what that penguin symbol is I'm not gonna do that game is very cute guys probably the number one thing about this game so quaint you know just likes nice okay what does this medium crystal okay it's the one that shocks them and I think it has a chance to arc to other enemies okay it was like I'm instantaneous hit which is probably the best part about it there's a worm over there that's yeah there we go it the worm this area of effect damage is great is it a haunted donut I asked that but I can see it's a haunted donut what do you got for me a haunted donut oh he's not even dead boom baby - point to risk value on taking damage oh okay so it goes up one point - but every time I take damage it keeps going down not the best we do have a key so I can go to the key room which is kind of a big deal sometimes there a bus though first one what we got it's it's the one where you pay money and potentially get health and I don't really need that so yay maybe I could have bombed it or something I don't our bombs even a thing do bombs exist our nail bombs exists I think I'm making that up maybe you just shoot the spot that's supposed to have it is that a haunted cookie we're gonna hit all the desserts there's a key right there very interesting I can get to it before it goes away there's another key oh mama oh wow that would have been it right there probably okey what he got for me no loot from enemies well we could take that and then immediately go into the boss but I'm not gonna do that cuz I'm a risk taker we know this what you got like I'm gonna take damage okay look at that that's so good for crowd control the little guy's gotta watch out for the worms shooting here worms are number one enemy besides this guy - smell my grill okay this medium crystal guns working out really well pretty darn-tootin good oh yeah look at that Wow no loot from enemies I was wondering yeah yeah kind of forgot already full let's definitely hit up that key room give me something better please pretty please shoot there is a treasure chest here though let's take a smooth let's not remove all those a [ __ ] worm on the other side kidding me right now everybody's getting duplicated - hurry hurry kill I'll burn nothing in the ground been hurt before okay in this case it's bad that everyone's duplicating an entire chance to get loose but we have no loot from enemies currently what a snipe snipe snipe give me some awesome money I wish there was something to do with the extra help that you got like he could like recycle darts or something alright another chance to go to the boss and we might take it I would like to get maybe another artifact room if that was at all possible though oh man that's too close you two closer sir you got got you got got I'm gonna try to keep going try to find an artifact room Wow oh my goodness nope just boss hahaha wowzers you guys we're definitely gonna take damage in the boss I probably shouldn't know I should have not taken that thing because then we could have gotten a lot more artifacts than the no drop 1 all right foggy he's gonna like try to dodge his little flop around and he comes up may start shooting bones of which at the dodge and shoot him seems like it's a very low damage gun it's glow it's kind of underwhelming not gonna lie alright we can you know predict this everything will be just fine okay he speaks yeah there definitely has some heat seeking not the most fun I'll be in the middle boggy don't do that he should thought one extra bone I think per turn her little phase dodge Dodge I'm a little like quick quick move and I'm gonna use that a lot more I try to cut me off make your funny buggy you think you're funny it's kind of funny okay we're doing really well then really well one more and we should have them oh wow God I'm got him got him got him got him got him we freakin nailed that you guys ability to deal 5 damage 2 for each nearby enemy and one to yourself no I'm not gonna do that triples acid or toxic fumes Amager you so if we jump on any that will just die and what's this what a 1 second to invincibility time after you take damage now we have options to go to the red or the yellow and I honestly don't remember which is which so let's just go to the red oh I remember this one now it's very tough like that rolls out you in shoots mad stuff happens like that Wow okay [Applause] just oh gosh what was that shot oh the guy arcs the crystal guy arcs to you okay this is a tough tough level the beginner narvik oh we did right here artifact room perfect need to dump that off now immediately please a 17 cost gun spear bomb I've never even seen that weapon deals 0.5% damage for every coin you have golden bullet that sounds amazing the enemy who dealt deals damage sees then freezes so it was worded weirdly double the chance to loot more keys and +1 max HP and now my heart's disappeared and it wasn't felt great Azur I don't know that is random 9 cost gun I think maybe we'll just say about back in this so we should be doing a lot more damage with the because we have a lot of money this is risky this is getting riskier I'm liking the range on this weapon though shooting hide shooting hide that little rock guy will pop up and he's quick here's a quick little [ __ ] yeah come on Julie that's right funny thoughts got it got it got it got it we're handling this you gotta watch out for the jumper though stir up some trouble [Music] get away jumper go flee dude baby any better oh my cover but he got minus 30% weapon damage ouch and the donut - risk value on taking damage damage I don't even know what that is I've never heard of that before something I'm not gonna be taking any of it that's for stupid people all time lucky nose itches hang on hang on stop jumping at me stop it been really liking the Crystal gun I'll say it again oh man these levels are getting a little intense oh man I can't let the guys shock me we're in trouble one health one health it's health up in there grab it it's health right there oh wow it's called being a master more health aqui run that opened itself looks like let's do it what do you got the old bagpipe owl oh thanks I thought those rooms should be a little bit more special because it's kinda hard to get a key back at the full age Phaedo gonna take a lot to get me to feel down about that oh we lost the risk value too though by getting shot I think maybe three let's go in and dump it off at the shop you can afford that twelve gun when is it compressor I think that's like a very short-range thing spool I don't know what the spool is lot of new weapons I kind of feel like we should save up for a 17 or a 17 cost we're at 16 right now could you give me some money any of that money the key increase chance a little more items plus one coin for each artifact that you pick up and this is an artifact chance to get more loot that should be a coin right so artifact are the negative ones on the negative ones okay shoot we missed it maybe we should just buy you the spool I don't know why it's a stri it's what is it and they're gonna shoot it not in here yeah what do you got spool throwing me right into it oh that's weird okay the range is phenomenal it's almost like antigrav right it's a little hard to the shocks forgot I forgot I forgot hard to aim what we can figure it out we can figure it out yeah we're doing it the range is phenomenal look at that look at that get that money stop it that's so many artifacts that just dropped right there that's nuts what do we got you died instantly by touching an enemy 1.8 there's a boss coming up the boss is next great minus 2% chance to loot hearts fine when an enemy is killed by your shot a bomb is thrown at you to a point O two point O bit 2% chance that your weapon will jam oh okay we're screwed we're screwed we're screwed crux what you got bud okay stand away from that what's your secret what's your secret crux we got heat-seeking things might ought to worry about those looks like they're electrified at the shoot'em I shoot them and get rid of that way maybe I'll focus on those first while I'm running around so I don't run into them Oh [Music] I wonder if I touches his arms if that counts okay we're doing it we're almost the consent which isn't so bad all wild up close isn't so bad but it's really annoying oh wow hello both call focus fire focus fire focus fire focus fire focus fire not stressed out or anything focus he's going oh my god he's going fast we got him gosh that was easy oh we still have all of our artifacts by the way just by the way what do we got decreases coin fade but increases coin loot chance got it no locks or secret rooms effective from next level okay plus one coin every time you end to the next level that's nice The Crow does not accept artifacts from anyone till the next area I'm at six I'm not gonna take that one ability to push enemies away from you cool down five seconds as my is my my special ability I'm probably not gonna be smart enough to handle using that right now at my skill level I'm gonna stick with the the slide oh you know what I'm actually not ready let me get a little sip in first I've never been to this level this is brand new which means we were definitely gonna die I don't even know that rock existed [Applause] that's a bomb those in the bombs okay this is oh my god I forgot I already forgot about the bones that come back at me these enemies they just keep cloning themselves oh man those are like very accurate bombs - oh mama I missed a coin over there I can't even see it it's health I don't need it this is a balloon after taking damage about all of HP above one will be dropped as hearts well yeah okay what kind of in trouble if we take damage immediately send bombs directly into my anus cavity that was the most impossible thing you can't do a short-range battle because those bombs hit like a [ __ ] train oh my god I will never take that again I will never take that artifact again until I take it again for the next time but until then I won't we didn't see much new content but there are newer levels it goes further than it did before thank you guys so much for watching let me know what you guys thought about this and I will see you in the next one see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 83,141
Rating: 4.9757848 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Blazing beaks, bird, game, indie, roguelike, rogue like, rogue-like, dungeon crawler, top down, shooter, guns, unlocks, secrets, boss, music, let's play, walkthrough, character, best
Id: 48JAH_ydhes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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