The law of ungratefulness

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okay goodnight Facebook I am back with you once again to do a brief teaching on the law of ungratefulness I got just got off the live video feed with my awesome friends they are in Philadelphia Frank and have a Anderson excuse me and we were basically giving a overview of the conference that we have again 26 days New Jersey and I'm really really looking forward to that so before I get into tonight's teaching I just need to know if you guys can hear me clearly all right I just want to know if you guys can hear me clearly but once you would've are okay Charmaine Campbell shaumyan can you hear me clearly I just want to make sure my feet is good and had a little bit of problems today [Music] okay all right but nobody is telling me they can hear me clearly can you hear me clearly yes okay thank you Teresa Moses okay I just wanted to make clear that you guys can hear me fairly we're not gonna be long tonight because I was out at all day today we just get my lighting yeah little Justin I was at it all day today with my regular show at the 103.7 and I want to thank all of you that have been supporting this show you really have you've shown up and on your colors this show the reviews are incredible by the time I ended that show the day my phone was ringing off the hook but that's a good thing everybody loves it they love the teaching and all that other stuff and I look forward to more of that next week we're gonna be going deeper into some spiritual stuff as usual dealing with those things that the church have difficulties speaking about I'm just trying to turn this up because somebody said dealing with those things that the church are kind of running away from and this isn't the time to be running away from anything we need to embrace exactly would we subscribe to when we decide to become Christians and that is we decided to deal with the spiritual world whether you're way up there are not when you decide to take on being a question what you said is that I'm gonna neglect this physical world and I'm not gonna shift my focus on the things that are spiritual so if that wasn't a part of your psyche and when you became a Christian then I think you need to read reevaluate your reason for accepting the Lord Jesus Christ all right now as promised tonight tonight we are going to be dealing with the lure of ungrateful as I was doing some study early this week and the Lord kinda pointed this out to me with a particular scripture and from that I was able to treat retrieve similar scriptures that speak directly to that and everybody everybody in life could recall someone that you did something for and that person rewarded you with a hefty check of ungratefulness okay especially people that owe you money no they came to you they were in such a desperate need and they had no one else to turn to and they really really need you to help them and they say they're gonna pay you back on this certain day and all of a sudden you don't hear from them anymore and one day you're in the supermarket and you buck into them right and you mentioned nothing about the money that they owed you but of course they tried to reverse the role here and take on an attitude with you as if you or them okay 10b go and tell everybody how stinking no good you are and you ain't no real man a woman of God and so on and so forth but the point I'm making here is this when a person decides to engage in that behavior of ungratefulness then what they don't know which we will see tonight is that they are activating a law that is gonna severely work against them and this is why I felt the need to speak on this because we live in a society where people are very very ungrateful there I remember the other day I was I traffic I was putting up next to this corner and the car through the cars through this corner I mean stretch so long so what i did as i stopped and allowed a lady to come because i know otherwise should have never gotten oh and that lady came out never to go home to say thank you never did none of that and and that's what i'm saying now we living in a society where ungratefulness seems to be the norm it's it's in fact it would almost appear as if it is unusual to be grateful and so what I want us to see tonight like I say I want us to look at the spiritual implications that are imposed once we activate this law of ungratefulness now you know why my ministry is based on the rules and the laws and the policies of God as I like to discuss I once thought the table but nothing else but that because that is the basis of all things if we're not addressing things from the root and the root will always be spiritual then we gonna find a problem so let's look at a few scriptures that speaks about what God requires of us as it relates to his law then we gonna get to the scripture that speaks specifically to the laws of one which to loss or even gratefulness so let's look at Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 now I got Melilla I for Nia so I'm able to pull up the scripture speedily alright so Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 says he says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate there and meditate on what on the Word of God which is the book of the law meditate therein day and night that thou may observe to do so what he's saying so far that don't just read the scriptures and meditate on them but read the scriptures and meditate on them to the extent that you observe to do exactly what it's telling you to do all right so let's take that from the top again Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 job to Joshua chapter 1 and verse 8 says the this book of the law shall not shall not depart out of thy mouth okay but thou but should be us shall meditate therein day and night we must meditate on the laws of God which is the Bible and he says don't just do it in the day not just do it in the night he says but you must be consistent in meditating or studying the Word of God on a consistent basis or day and night it says that thou meditate day and night that thou and basically what that thou mean is that if you are consistent in studying the Word of God day and night watch what's going to happen watch what's going to produce it says meditate day and night okay that thou may observe to do according to circle that word all all that is written therein now he's talking about descriptions now alright so when we're talking about the law and I want to make this clear we're not just referring to the five books initial books of the Bible from Genesis to Deuteronomy we are in this text in this teaching speaking specifically to the entire book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is the laws the rules the policies the commandment the precepts of God now I know people tell you all the time well or the Old Testament it isn't Danny not supposed to be well of course then wonder what Testament in any with a record out all right so I write here in narita now yes I would be the first to tell you there are things in the Old Testament that we don't describe subscribe to anymore for example we don't slaughter sheeps and we don't bring us a tight goats and look at these things to the priests of all night okay fine but there's still stuff like you don't sleep with your sister and all these other things that still exist so don't tell me there's something laws of the Old Testament is is irrelevant it's nonsense you will never get me to buy into that so he says the book of the law Joshua what I need this book of the law shall not the power of the Ahmad but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then now you see the protocol here you see a protocol what has gonna happen for then then what after meditating day and night are after observing to do the laws of God then shalt thou showing then thou shalt make thine way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success so this is interesting I love this I love this I love this and every time I love this I'm reading here and I hope you're reading this with me I hope you're following me because this is gonna dispel and dismiss a lot of the things we are coming from those puppets that are erroneous according to what we just read I just read in this entire text of Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 and it make it's clear it is advising me that if I want success if I want to be prosperous in life then there is in fact a protocol to follow and I am now being instructed to follow this spiritual rule all he's asking me to do is to meditate on the Word of God day and night we did I tell you that all the time I tell you by yourself if you don't like to read some audio version of the Bible put it in your car while you're going to work or wherever to pick up someone play it very low very very low at night while you're sleeping why are you watching YouTube put on the Psalms the Proverbs and let it play let it feed your spirit it is imperative excuse me that you do this because not only are you feeding the real you which is your spiritual man but based on this particular scripture this particular spiritual protocol is now going to produce two things that everybody speaks about which is success and prosperity now I didn't read it here unless that's lesson I thought would be didn't read I didn't read in here that if I meditate day and night sorry I didn't read in here that a vice is so see even I can get it now you boys can jump on that right if I saw a seed I'm gonna become prosperous I didn't read in here if I ordered a miracle clock but it's come on twelve o'clock in the night when I barely between sleep and wake and the fellows trying to sell me Jesus juice I didn't read if I get this miracle clock like he said I will become prosperous I didn't read that I didn't read if I saw a special seed I'm gonna become prosperous and successful I didn't read that either see let's preach let's teach what what is here he says if I meditate on the rules and the laws and the principles of God then then and only then shall I my way become prosperous and then shall I find good success okay now let's now jump over we just trying to build a foundation here let's go over to proverbs chapter 3 verses 1 & 2 proverbs chapter 3 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 2 okay I remember what we just finished reading just now we just got done reading Joshua chapter one and eight where we are instructed we are instructed to meditate the believer should consistently be in his manual for living if he wants to be successful if he wants his way to be made prosperous then he or she must follow the protocol to achieve that particular goal or objective so he must meditate he or she must pick up that word or listen to the word or read the word whatever and getting in them and not only just read it and it says and to observe to do all that it says not pieces of it all of it then he says in doing this the end result or the conclusion of what it will produce is not only video baby made prosperous listen to us now but success will become the inevitable so excited and read and dama let's see what it didn't say it didn't say if I go to college and I get several degrees PhDs and an MSC and plq dollar I didn't read that will guarantee me to say I know many of my friends right now whoa who's sitting on a master's degree and don't have a job and I'm not successful they are my age 47 48 and broke busted disgusted confused about life you know why because I didn't read and Josh for what an eight that if you get a degree then shine your way be made prosperous then shall you get success okay now that's the way let's go to the church now I didn't read in here if I saw into the pastor life and give him all my money and then give all my money to the church I would become a lot of prosperous way and I did not read that what I did read them that if I follow the laws God as I read them and make them practical then God through his servant Moses promises me that prosperity and success now becomes D inevitable alright that's a law so let's shoot over here now to proverbs chapter 3 and we're gonna read from verse 1 to verse 2 and listen to what it says so you know I'm pointing out here is the law let's look at the law now remember our topic is the law of ungratefulness but I'm building a foundation on the law so that when we go to that law of ungratefulness we see exactly would be dealing with so in proverbs chapter 3 verses 1 to 2 it says my son forget not my law I love this Oh gimme two minutes oh yeah oh yeah I love this video I love this he says my son forget not my not nobody said it why would Solomon's safe because there is a possibility and it's very common that people don't forget the law in fact they pay no attention to it when he speaks about the law he's not talking about the city ordinances he's talking about God's Word so Solomon says here in proverbs 3 verse 1 in verse 2 he says my son forget not my law but let thine heart keep my Commandments he said let my heart don't just when you get to church on Sunday and you got holy urns have a knockin all holy now you've been keeping the law all throughout the week no no no no no no he says let your heart keep my Commandments which I were to his laws but listen listen to the results of how important the laws of God the laws of God first toe says as a result of not forgetting my law as a result of keeping my commandments in your heart listen to verse 2 he says as a result of that for length of days I want you to hear us now because the scripture now is saying to us that if we subscribe to the laws of God if we adhere to his rules the scripture is clear verse 2 says length of days and long life and peace shall day add to the circle the word they what date is he talking about the laws the principles rules and the policies of God it's as simple as that the Bible is clear you want to live a long life you want to live a peaceful life writing treatise on over the word to get countries all over the world to get countries to agree with each other never now but it will never happen he's saying if you follow my law if you follow my rules verse 2 of proverbs 3 clearly states it says for length of days and long life and peace shall Day which is the laws which are the commandments of God add and how can I extend my life how can I live in peace by obeying the laws of God is as simple as that there is no tree step plan yet there's no spin around three times there's no speaking into the atmosphere for know you could speak what you want if you are not adhering to the laws of God well and it's clear that the promises in which those who abide by the law will receive you won't get this as simple as that alright let's look at some more okay let's look at about three more and we can jump right into okay I'm just trying to build this little foundation here so let's go down to proverbs chapter 28 let's go to proverbs 28 and let's look at verse 4 pravesh up to 28 and let's look at verse 4 verse 4 says they that forsake the law a lot of it it says that these people praise the wicked they that forsake the law praise the wicked but such as keep the law contend with them they challenge them those who have the laws of God in Commandments in their heart cannot sit back and see injustice and injustice in the sense that the laws of God are being violated that's why when I see a Christian consul or any concern that professed Christianity or any religion allow people of the world to pass laws such as homosexuality or it is okay for children to be married at 12 and stuff like that I look at the scripture I look at proverbs chapter 20 verse 4 and it says David forsake the law praise the wicked only we keep people want to do stuff like that only wicked people will in some countries have a man or a woman it's okay in fact we could just try to blame on her no the scripture says data forsake the law it is these people that trees the wicked but such as keep the Lord they contend with them they will challenge them alright let us look in that same chapter probably so we need unless the number 7 for 7 of Proverbs we need says whoso keepeth the law is a wise some description now cannibalized those that places emphasis on the laws of God as wise people all right so says he who served keeping the laws wise but he that is a companion of riotous men shame at his father so obviously if he's our companion of righteous man he is one that is clearly not obeying the law it is as simple as that but this is the one that I really want us to go clean before we jump on the law ungratefulness and this is gonna be the last one before we get on that let's look at the same chapter problems 28 and verse 9 now this here could make you hear it stand up your here stand up right now proverbs 28 and verse 9 says he that turn it his air from hearing the law by God the Bible says even his prayer shall become an abomination my god boy when I read that that that that that that check me let me tell you why that really checked me I remembered I was much younger in my twenties which was a long ago but I might not when I was in my 20s you know you just live in your life man you're going to the club you partying you having a good time you got up with friends you know there was always one friend always had a car so all y'all pack up in that car and I can remember there many times we even used to have this discussion that boy you know if I was to be short over in a car accident and if I had my last breath and I wasn't a Christian I made sure my soul right or I would say Lord forgive me and that and I actually used to believe that I actually used to say that and father I just encourage people boy if something ever happened you you know you even died you should repent but now when I was introduced to proverbs chapter 28 verse 9 I changed my perspective on that and let me read it again before I explain it any further proverbs 28 verse 9 says he that turn is air from hearing the law so all that time you had health and strength you was rejecting the laws of God so the scripture now saying whoop up somebody shot you you're bleeding to that you know you're gonna die all Lord hear my prince will give me and the scripture saying at that time your even your prayer is an abomination so you definitely get hell now hello it says even your prayer becomes an abomination think about that think about it he says even your prayer be you had all your healthy hours all your healthy days to cry out to God to say God forgive me God come into my heart would you say you know what man I got plenty time to live man you know things going good and you just live in and all your going on as this deception that the enemy put in your head that no boy if if worse come to worse and you bleed into that and there's no ambulance there's nobody to help you but crying to God now I say according yeah you know but based on this law it says that if you rejected the laws of God if you're rejected the invitations to give your life to Christ you blatantly say I ready for that yet answer that Christian world I can't wait till I get a little older and something happened where now you in a life-threatening situation and by all accounts and look like you gonna die so you're saying to yourself okay you know what well I don't know you make this so father God forgive me and put me in heaven with the rest of them but what I'm reading here in proverbs 28 and verse 9 I'm going to read it again it says he that turn it away his heir for hearing the law yeah it says even his prayer shall be an abominable nation is something that is detestable something that is taboo so it says that this the mere fact that you gods in the mere fact that you come into me now now you want me save you from Hellfire when you had full health and straighten I want you to reach out to the younger people and I wanted to do these things and now you see in fact you will cheat your way to heaven now no one scripture says that I think is in proverbs chapter one when it says that in your day of calamity the Lord will laugh at you when I said I remember I read that that put chills in me see I could take anybody laughing at meekness they're human just like me but when the creator of all things laughing at you I think that's something to really think about I mean that's really something that should be marinating to your cerebral cortex really so here it is the Bible says and so much word don't wait for trouble day to come where you know you about to leave this earth and now you want to make a decision to get right with God now it's Kevin saying that Gordon you here you know I didn't say that it's Kevin saying that guarding alive but I haven't know Kevin is saying what the scripture says he who turns his way his err sorry from hearing the laws of God the rules now shalt not fornicate thou shalt not lie thou shalt not commit adultery thou shall not say violence love people do not walk around with envy and hate and all that sort of stuff he says if you rejected that and you talkin fool but you coming to pray to him he says even your prayer shall become an abomination all right now after building that foundation in revealing to you how the laws of God operate and how intense they are I want us to now transition into the law of ungratefulness and I started out by saying there are many many many ungrateful especially in churches many mean ungrateful people no matter how much you do for them no matter how much you help them they are ungrateful they will come and borrow and beg and you could give them your heart and there are nicest people once they can get from you and the minute you put a stop to it or the minute you check them on it all of a sudden you're a demon you're a snake you're not real you're a false prophet now what these people don't realize is through their behavior in such an ungrateful manner because this person has done for them and now they're rewarding them with evil truce land and so on and so on then the scripture speaks about something that will come upon them so let's look at this law of ungratefulness so let's go to proverbs let's go to proverbs chapter 17 and let's focus on verse 13 and this here my friend is the law of ungratefulness and here that again the law of ungratefulness you're ungrateful and you don't know how to treat people after they would have bent backwards for you when they would have helped you and assisted you and you now decide to go and slammed it in him you now make the decision because you can't get from them no more and you're gonna call them a dog a thief a liar a fake Christian or whatever you call it you call American with a giant God that's let's hear what the scripture have in store for you once you would have activated that law through you vision and being ungrateful and listen to what the scriptures say proverbs 17 I want you to remember this proverb 17 and verse 13 and listen to what it says whosoever I love this because whosoever now means that this isn't just reserved for the Christian whosoever mean whoever participates in this whoever is ungrateful can get the same licks this about the issue right now so proverbs 17 verse 13 says whosoever rewards evil for good I have done good to you but you decide to reward me with evil that's what it means whosoever reward evil for good listen to the penalty because once the person would have done that act this is what they don't know because remember these are the laws of God they now would have spiritually activated a law so it says whosoever reward evil for good listen carefully evil shall not might shall not depart from his house oh my god we could preach some good flowers or he'd ever let us open a little bit did you hear it says whosoever rewards evil for good anyone that was good to you anyone that helps you anyone that assisted you and you made the decision to do them in to be ungrateful to slander whatever it is you choose to do that's it listen would have it started by saying whosoever so don't think because you are a proposal you are a minister you i preacher you are a samus you have the gift of prophecy dad don't exempt you because i didn't see no sub clauses in this whosoever rewards evil for good according to that particular law no matter who you are it says evil shall not depart for now you're gonna believe me you were really you can read it for yourself so what does this mean now remember let's go back to the scriptures now because we're gonna break this baby down and let's talk about the Christian let's put the center side because this involves them all so we'll be talking about those who call themselves believers of Jesus Christ I always use the scripture my for one of my favorite passages of Scripture as the book of Deuteronomy verse 28 and like I always take my time to explain the scripture the scripture speaks about three parties the first party is God the second party is Moses the third party is the children of Israel they are not outside as here there's no Philistines and Syrians and in Egyptians you know these are the people of God that serve God Almighty who are headed or led by the pasta pasta Moses pastor Moses reports to God Almighty so God Almighty now has entrusted the rules and the laws of God to him to give to the children of Israel so that they will now live successful lives if they follow these laws this that said he starts off by saying to them once again he's in fact you know what let's turn you I don't want to I don't want to learn from the paraphrasing let's go there Deuteronomy chapter 28 and we're gonna read from verse 1 and this is Moses not a prophet Moses who's now executing the commandments of God to the children of Israel he says Israel and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments that word has also synonymous with laws principles and rules if you were observed to observe to do all his commandments which I command thee this thing that the LORD thy God watch because you know there's always a reward he said if you do that the LORD thy God will send thee on high above all nations of the earth you want to be on top on your job you follow the LORD thy God and observe to do all his commandments and he will put you on top of the job so the laws and this here correlates with Joshua 1:8 Joshua 1:8 says that if we manage it on the word day and night and observe to do those rules regulations and principles then shall our way be made prosperous then shall we have good success so so true success true prosperity as it related to Joshua 1:8 comes as a result of following the protocol of not only meditating on the word but doing what that word says we come back here again the same children of Israel but only this time it was the prophet or pastor Moses telling them basically the same thing that Joshua would tell them leader and he says listen and it shall come to pass to order between eighteen one if thou shalt hearken diligently on the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command it as day then the LORD thy God will set thee and I above all nations of the earth and verse two says and all these blessings shall come on thee so that means the blessings that he is about to repeat or reiterate could not come on you even though you are child of God if you are not following the rules of God so he says these are the blessings that are gonna come when you observe to do the laws of God verse two says and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee speaks of generational blessings if you follow if thou shalt hearken of the voice of the LORD thy God and verse three says blessed shalt thou be in the city bless your Lobby in the field blessed shalt thou be in the food of that body and the food of the ground and the fruit of thy cattle and it goes on and on and on and on and on but we read just now and this what I'm gonna get to the law of ungratefulness in proverbs 17 and 13 and it says whosoever reward evil for good I didn't do you anything wrong in fact I did everything to help you but you decide to reward me with evil by doing something bad by poisoning someone about me and telling them something wicked or setting traps for me or I help you by loaning you some money that I really had to pay another bill with but you told me how desperate your situation was and I said to you I would need this money by X amount of time and I and you promised me that I would have would be before that that time has come and gone and every time I call you your phone you don't answer it whenever I buck you in the street you have an attitude with me as if I owe you so according to the scripture you have now activated the law of ungratefulness in proverbs 17 and 13 because it says whosoever rewards evil for those that have done them good it says the result is evil shall not depart from that house so sometimes you see some people questions I talk about now you know they've been saying for X amount of years they're in church they're very active they're very obedient to their pastors and so on but life isn't going anywhere for them they cannot get ahead they always got a sad story and you wonder why and you found out on your own that they were in a jam and they came to you and you help them and they never paid you back have an attitude you don't want to speak to you and now you see all this hell breaking loose in their lives well guess what when they did that to you they activated a law that is gonna work against them that is working against them so being safe don't exempt you from this protec in the law okay so until they pay you back until they come and apologize for the wickedness they did after you looked out for them after you assisted them after you went out of your way and made a sacrifice to meet their need and they turn around and reward you with evil the Word of God the laws of God God word which cannot return unto Him void god word he said his places word which is his commandment which is his law above his name that's how important it is so he's saying here that because you married because you lied to Susie who helped you in a situation and you promised you were gonna pay her back or do whatever you're supposed to do and you didn't do it but that's not the bad part the bad part is you now ran around in poison people's mind about it because you know the evil you did too but what you're trying to do now is get to these people first who know that you guys have mutual friends and try to alter their thoughts about her so that they can have a negative view so when she now begin to tell them you oh ha they will have heard your story first and they're more compelled to believe you well the Bible says whosoever reward evil for good whosoever decided to reward some body with wickedness when that person would have done good for them then the scripture is clear it says now evil shall not depart from your house now let's take this baby let's break it down some more let's forensically strip it apart to make more sense what does it mean when the scripture says evil will not depart from my house all right I want to break this down because what's happening now because this law this law is now opening up a spiritual door or portal to allow evil now what is this evil let's go back to Deuteronomy 28 again but this time let's read from verse 15 so we can bring more clarity and I love this yeah I love breaking down the school because I want to leave it an understanding this is why I can't take open and all right and people screaming and jumping on over the bench and Karen or knockin fool and by the time I come on an area more confusing when I'm in it I need to understand what you say Umberto okay tell me but the law you doing the Watusi and swinging on the chandelier me all right like a serious issues and I need them to be dress a dress spiritually so in Deuteronomy 28 the silligans verse 15 but it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken who the three parties are still involved God passed the Moses I'm the the church which would be the children of Israel he says but it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his commandments which is inclusive inclusive of the law of ungratefulness it says all his Commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day that all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake me so the scripture just told us here that even though I'm a Christian even I'm a child of God even though I'm the church prophet even though I'm the Evangelist even though I'm the Pope it says if I go contrary to the laws of God I'm not exempted the curses will how did the curses come upon me when I decide to go contrary to the Word of God when I went contrary my christendom have no value at this point as it relates to the penalties of going contrary to the Word of God I must now suffer the same consequences as the sin of man who's out there doing the same thing I'm doing or different me and him sitting together I meet him get the same thing nothing to change him so the scripture is saying now the only way curses could come to the believer that's what I'm reading here is when he or she dis sir would jet or dismiss the Word of God ignore it I'm not gonna do your law God I'm gonna do what I want to do there's also a scripture for that the law says I love it proverbs 16:25 there is a way that may appear right meaning my set of rules God would but God promised that the end of my way I am guaranteed destruction and some version says and even death so my way and my way only mean that I'm good contrary to the law it says I am guaranteed destruction as a result of it so back to Deuteronomy 28 now it says that if I choose now or the believer to go against the rules he says then shall the cruse go so that man the curse could start around me the curse can point fingers at me the curse you're trying to get me intimidated the curse to do all that but I am protected as long as I adhere to the laws to rules the principles the policies of God there's nothing that they could send of Uruk Isis the devil could stand in my face and huff and puff he can't blow this house down because Kevin is sticking to the rules so God is telling his people now if you even though you're my children and you decide to go against my rose watch what he says he says then shall these curses come upon thee and overtake thee what that mean is that what I'm doing now not only when the curses affect me but to overtake means to go ahead which now speaks to my future generation but watch what he says in verse 16 of Deuteronomy 28 as it relates was coming Khurshid I'll be in the city and Khurshid I'll be in the field cursed shall be thy basket and my store coz shall be the food of thy body and the fruit how could the devil have all this leverage over me because I resist the laws of God this is why I am saying to you and every message that I ever bring to you some of you hate me for it especially the preachers if you are in a church and they are not preaching the Word of God which is the laws the rules the principles instead their preaching on people from the pulpit they're using the pulpit as a tool to punish people that embarrass them they use in the foot joe chiodo to replace why you know when I am reading here if I'm not abiding by the rules then either of held to pay in the future I don't need to be there so therefore but Dad said and Deuteronomy chapter 15 verses sorry Deuteronomy 28 verses 15 and going downward it says now that these curses is going to come as a result of the violation so when a person is ungrateful towards another person that was that was good to them then they have activated the law of proverbs 17 and verse 13 and that law is clear it says whosoever I love that because there is no filtering here everybody is subject to this whosoever rewards someone with evil when that person they're rewarding the evil to has done them good then my Bible the book that I live by makes it unequivocally clear it says evil shall not depart from that poison sauce mm-hmm I didn't make it up I didn't make that up read it give me the Word of God I don't want to hear nothing else I don't hear your theory I don't hear your riddles I don't want to hear your hypothesis I don't hear none of that what I want to hear is what does that law say what does it say what when I read that and I love the way God deal with me a lot of times when I read into these laws it's like he takes me on a journey of my past and begin to pilot areas in which the law actually was taking place and I hadn't even realize it I didn't realize it at all I remember there was a particular friend and I had very friend and this person used to always borrow money from me but I never had a problem with it because she was always going through a difficult time but she was always a good friend you know and and she would pay back he's most of the time but it wasn't a big deal because I know she was going through I know her struggles but I remember the same lady got in company with another lady that couldn't stand dirty Walker now me miss lady never had no relations nothing I I just noticed lady from a distance but for some reason she couldn't stand me anyway she got to my friend or my former friend now and I noticed that the friend used to act so strange towards me you know some one day Paula listen she's been pulled on a sign I said tell me something man I've been watching your behavior why do you treat me why you sometimes I gotta beg you to say hi in in just to be careful what's wrong with you obviously the lady has infected with nonsense but see the lady who infected and meant nothing to me I don't know I don't care at all but this person was with my friend you know you know me you you know have assisted you what is the qualification of your now behavior anyway this lady and my mind really rather no when I first read this law this lady has suffered a lot children is some of the most major trustees of parent can ever suffer and as I speak to you right now it's ongoing I mean this person has basically lost at all the children away with all hell breaking loose so when I read the scripture while I wasn't even thinking on those terms my mind ran straight there all I assisted you will you allow someone to come and infiltrate your world and put I don't know they did it but put this person everything a name for you you allowed them to to change your thoughts to a negative way towards me okay that's fine you could think you want a thing but when you play that out you activating something against you so my mind run oh no I'm red right now as I speak to you this woman and her family is inconsistent problems and adversities why do because there's always a spiritual root hello and I just read it to you proverbs 17 verse 13 whosoever reward someone who did them good with Eva excuse me evil shall not depart from that house even all along was standing around that woman and her children couldn't do nothing she thought it was a three or someone prayed for them and all of that they even wanted to get in there but nothing could happen but the day she exercised the law of ungratefulness evil had the green light to go in and shut everyone in that house down now you may say Kevin Kevin okay I hear you what the norm I was gonna say gravity I hear what the law of ungratefulness right and I get that that makes sense but what you mean why should not show that or whoever loves have anything to do with that Kevin I mean no I care you know I can need subscription about that of course I don't if she do wrong I don't see if she was ungrateful to you I don't see where Oh kids should be punished as a result of that okay now Cara you've got to come with something you know more convincing I have no problem with that to justify because remember the scripture says whosoever rewarded evil for good it didn't say evil wouldn't depart from that poison life you know no the house me the or him and everyone that come from them alright let's look at proverbs chapter 3 and let's look at verse 33 all right problem chapter 3 and this is to support the same scripture I just tell you the the penalty is the penalty said that when you reward someone even when they have done you good it says evil shall not depart from their house so they house me in the household inclusive of them who brought it in there originally proverbs chapter 3 verse 33 it says the curse of the Lord will serve us now is in the house of the wicked this this correlate exactly what I'm telling you now so don't turn your house discuss the wicked one is the one who reported evil for good and wherever they are dwelling us and did that come from them that live on every body under the cursed everybody is gonna be visited by evil everybody's gonna face some type of hardship do you see my laws became that feel I gotta obey them just like you and I could disobey them if I want to there are penalties that are attached to them it says that the curse of the Lord is in it it's in the house of the Blessed no in fact if I finish read that scripture it says the curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked but he blesses the habitation of the just hello now can someone repent of these things of course that's what grace is about that's what repentance God knew that mankind would violate his law God knew that my be rebellious man would be defiant but he is such a loving God that he always makes these sub-clauses for us to get it right all right now before we get to the subclause listen nobody says as long as you stick to being ungrateful and difficult with the laws of God I quote these scriptures all the time the first one being Psalms chapter 66 verse 8 and it says that every regarding Nicotiana ha you know you aren't grateful you know you didn't pay the person but you never apologize you never read and fix the slander that you did with them their name you know good and well what you were doing was wrong the scripture says if you regard iniquity in your heart write it down proverbs 66 and 18 and says God will not hear you hearing you in fact being an Agora far let's go over school to me just for this reading proverbs 28 verse 9 it says that he who turned his ear from hearing the law it says even his prayer shall become an abomination read the scripture further goes on to say and proverbs 28 and verse 13 it says whoso high didn't say you don't tell in my body the evil you do that a person who did you well in fact all you telling them is Dane of God don't listen to them they make it when they will make it vanilla and you all the money you were on you running me down for this lousy 5000 was a lousy when you needed it see you let's get real yeah a lot of us who call ourselves Christians are dishonest in our dealings we gotta put on a performance in church you all everybody you don't know pain your body and you have the audacity to come to the person who you already and asking you for more and promised them you can pay or Nimba you you when you know good and well in your heart you don't intend not to ever pain but never ever you are evil and that's why I love God law as it relate to you and it says that who so ever rewarded evil for good evil shall not depart from you also the wickedness which you did to Tom to Mary to whomever not only that Christ come your children your children now I'm gonna pay you see what is more said it says your house whole now not just you even isn't just going to visit you the evil is going to visit all of those in your household your children your husband so when he loses job and the children can get no job and the crazy accident in the car insurance going up and they cut your health insurance think about the ungratefulness that you did when you invited this law to run its course in your life so don't work like no victim run yeah no let's look at let's break the laws down let's strip it let's forensically look at it and see and analytically measured up to our lives to see you know what I know victory you know I remember I do so you know what dead times if I take a bag remember I remember I was younger and you know I thought I was a lover boy so you know it's to talk to several girls and a keen on hotshot it I'd look good and from there trying to plead and then love a boy on the side now now when that came back to me when I decided to have a relationship with someone she told me oh I wanted the victim now I would say well she no good okay she's all Hannah no she no Holly no would you so my brother you can read don't come round you go go to everybody telling me a side of the story all I do for her and she gonna be at Peter she should've been with Peter John told on them for the wickedness you do now it coming full circle and all of a sudden you would a victim you're no victim right no no no no no no no no you're a victim stop readin a view thank you serious then you better get serious you are not a victim so when I decided and I just I took my son that's now whenever I talk to my said I can't listen to me carefully now you know daddy always tell you what you saw and it's like you can read if you have a girlfriend you be faithful to her you do the right thing I wish I had someone to tell me those things do the right thing ever do it yes you could have many opportunities that would be convenient for you to do something and would appear as if you get away because the partner don't know but you see God who's always recording he knows and his law must come to pass you have to be repaired for what you do it so later on a new mess up with this don't be surprised when you find someone you really love and all of a sudden she step foot on you don't don't don't come to me and say what daddy may I taught this was the one and I can say to you son have you done this stuff or not even though have you done this in the past because I daddy gotta be real what you know and daddy gotta tell you son you know different from no other human being you are subject to the laws whether you believe it or not where do you believe God or not if you step it on somebody then more than likely it's gonna happen to you so quit that victim role man that ain't go white that victim role and I realized that and you know what I say when my luck start to come to me I just bend down and take my licks cuz I know I was paying for stuff what I did so Kevin wasn't playing the victim role Kevin wasn't trying to say how God could allowed us know see people like to become self righteous no iron in the wallet mess I do fool and fool is what I think it's the bottom line so if you are out there violating the laws of God then make no mistake there is a price to pay now I want us to look at two more scriptures before I wrap this up alright that's look at Isaiah Isaiah chapter 5 Isaiah chapter 5 and let's go to verse 20 some people say Isaiah some people say eyes fish frying fry fish tomato tomato potato potato makes no difference so let's go to Isaiah chapter 5 and we're gonna go to verse 20 okay he say it chapter 5 this one says first 20 woe unto them the word war here means sorrow grief pain I didn't mean nothing positive about that word sorrow woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter see these people confuse mine and I don't play me people like that a person could sit down write and point out the flaws and other people cheering now that's tough it was chillin over there just I'm talking about now you didn't shaky on discipline that chap my god man so many children can't be no better now the same person who saying this right their child come to your house open up your chair put in your figurine stand all over the place how yet to say Johnny stop it in fact they would say that Johnny and Johnny laughing at them and just breaking up your place and they doing nothing this scripture says woe unto them you could call you could see the evil and other people children you could see the wickedness then they doing but when it come to you all of a sudden the evil your children doing you coordinate good but guess what the Bible say woe unto you you know I believe this because a lot of parents especially women women who fall in love with their sons and treating them like little but anyway like I said but treating them like well they'll never become a man that child is gonna disappoint you cuz every wrong ting the child come on Johnny shoot the majority no listen to what the scriptures say proverbs sorry I say at 20 sorry 5 verse 20 it says woe sorrow will come to these people in so much words he says woe unto them that call evil good you can see the evil when they children doing it but their journey doing the same thing you want is going down that journey into distance that's not goodness I'm sure enough Johnny stop showing off Johnny Biden and the people of woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter then it goes on to say woe and some other things right but listen let's just drop drop straight to voice 24 because we want the results of this let's put a voice 20 again and we could drop straight to 24 of Isaiah 5 woe unto them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter clearly they have confused verse 24 says aside from the sorrow that's going to come as a result with it of this verse 24 says therefore as the fire devoured the stubble and the flame consumed the shaft so their root shall be as rottenness and their blossom shall go up as dust because they have cares Oh waiter who know what I didn't you know the law because they have cast away the law of the Lord God of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel Mannlicher you can't make this stuff up you can't make this stuff up Isaiah 5 read verse 25 skip to on the other ones because they all saying the same things what whoa if you do whatever but verse 24 will now give you the result so it's almost as if there's a punishment punishment because it starts off by saying woe woe me and sorrow sorrow to the person who call good evil and evil good and it says aside from that sorrow we drop down to verse 24 it now speaks of the punishment that is about to take place as a result of defying the laws of God which is the Holy One of Israel that's what I read I that's what I saw them alright so those of you you won't on here tonight by accident cause it's turn off the 11 o'clock you owe people money you can't pay them corner say listen I calling you because I know I borrow money from you don't promise them no more cuz you know you don't care of Peter but tell them you can't pay them now and you apologize for lying to them to tell them being you is gonna pay them back you never call you never said you run into some problems you never did any of that so tell them you repent for a lion you repent for misleading them and you notice not Christian like yeah so know that pride cuz you created this little monster and you explain your case enough so you don't go to God God says go fix it with your neighbor face and then you come to him leave those orphans that did that alter those gifts and I was sorted all but those who you'd be honest stop jive and stop playing games alright cuz you gotta answer the Gordon that answer them you know you gotta answer to God so you go and you tell them listen I I was wrong and I should have done XYZ but I didn't do it and I wanna apologize and you know what you wanna do the right thing okay you were $100 from four years ago okay I don't have the hundred dollars but to be in good faith I have for five or ten on me right now let me give you this right now and every time I get paid I promise you I'd minimum I can give you five or $10 see you you let them now begin to build for you let them say you know I think they've been rehabilitated you know let them say you know what saying that you being real you keep it don't worry about it but don't walk around I would attitude with them like they oh you don't come with that don't use the reverse psychology around you be really will Christian mind you should be setting an example to stop it and never get around the real reason why you should do it forget your integrity with them don't worry about that cuz they could despise you only what they are not the ones setting the laws but remember what the law would greet from the same if you reward that twice in good evil after they will done good for you you and your family don't pay yeah Johnny didn't graduate from college and can't get a job because this mob don't like payback nobody there's mass ungrateful to speak to people any kind of a after didn't help coach them out and call him Walker and a dirty dog and that's why you mr. Johnny you ain't going nowhere in life because your mom your mother your mommy mom wherever your corner tell her repent stop being wicked and what child life will take off you she got you logged on as long as you under her roof then you can pay for the evil she do it and that's what the scriptures say whosoever reward evil for good evil shall not depart from the Bible and say why didn't God say even wouldn't depart from the person didn't say that no now you made this a collective even when you did that it says evil shall not depart from your house so all of them in down under that roof don't peek proverbs 333 the curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked who was the wicked the water was defying his rules so if you Krishnan think you are exempted but you got another thing comin you got an articling coming so joining them to bake so while Johnny pay any little PlayStation in the Nintendo he better make that a career but seeing that no further you know why because as mummy or daddy or death deceiving and and treating people like dogs all right and this is normally found on jobs because you're the supervisor because you got promoted so in people you don't like so what you do is you oppress them the poison doing their job their person being productive in their various job assignments but because you don't like them you are rewarding them with evil you writing up their valuation and giving them poor scores and you know that it's not right you are rewarding evil for good you about that position law and not only that your children the pain no listen carefully who so this is the law of ungratefulness whosoever rewards evil for good evil shall not depart from his house whoso meaning it is at sundry whosoever reward evil for good if see people believe they can live for everyone and especially of these jobs man I got some teachers coming up on jobs too and they believe that because they sitting in the powerful chair now they supervise a boss they just figure they could talk to any people and if you can make it do anything they won't do to you I'm telling you if that person is doing their job and that person is meeting all the key key performance indicators why are you being difficult then a a job give them what's due them because of you don't and you decide to reward their good performance with evil I'm gonna say it again the law says in proverbs 17 and 31 evil shall not depart from your house no this is the last scription I'm going for the night I'm finished it's the last scripture and you said like the saturate with you with scriptures because I want to get you back to the Bible man these preachers been putting on too far from God boy let's go back to the scriptures we going back to the scrabbling here and what you think when I see my I don't save the drama for your mama you'll give me no scrip just shut up I don't wanna hear you alright our last scripture tonight is found in Proverbs 17 and verse 15 probably 17 verse 15 says he that justified a wicked boy look yeah now you know plenty jobs right because that's the supervisor friend not a supervisor no she no good the supervisor no she on her cell phone all all day the supervisor no she's talked to the customers like dog but because that's how friend it says he that justify the wicked or your promotes an you know because you know Sally is my friend even though she don't do her work but watch what it says he that justified the wicked I need that condemned the just I could condemn the world on the right thing are you forget it goes right back to the scripture again whosoever rewarded evil for good evil shall not depart from his house listen this is a rule this is a lawyer for some reason if I'm like sinners my mind Rebecca I see him lady that lady I was very good to her I was very kind and considerate to her whenever she needed help I helped her I never questioned when she said Kevin can you lend me this because I need to buy this for my Dryden I said you don't have to tell me what you wanted for if I got it you could have it Kevin I can pay and she she did it but she allowed someone to infiltrate our life who got a poison whatever vendetta against me for whatever reason I don't know and allowed a poison to pallulah mine to the extent she was influenced to not operate against me and say all kind of dirty things about me and I'm watching her house and don't tell me the laws of God ain't real don't tell me God don't exist don't tell me these biblical laws are not spiritually backed just waiting on someone to activate or deactivate you if you try to tell me that you speak in Spanish to someone who only understand English that mean I'm hearing you okay proverbs 17:15 he that justified the wicked and he that condemned the just even they both are an abomination unto the Lord you are detestable you are in taboo you are disgusting God sees you as filth God sees you as a dirty piece of rag whenever you just to find a wicked and you condemning those who are rightfully deserving of what they supposed to get it says that all y'all who involved in this nonsense you are an abomination to God Almighty and I'm telling you people on in the workplace they act like these places let me take that back I say they acted inactive they believe that these places are their lives they have made their job that's why they they cotton the more they have the graveyard they by the time they leave that job or they fire them they got high blood diamonds all these stresses they take on not because the job is difficult no the difficulty came when they trying to spite people undermine people working every dirty trick in the book to make life difficult for others and as a result of that their body is suffering the price why because the law is running its course what does the law say it says whosoever rewarded evil for good evil shall not depart from his house high blood pressure is evil sudden death is evil heart attack is evil mental problems is evil evil Parkinson's fatigue Oh the Bible says evil shall not depart from your house when you decide to be ungrateful where you decide to reward evil to those who have done good to you you are saying okay let me just get this door open wide enough because I need as much evil as possible to saturate my room to to overcome an overwhelm me and my family remember this teaching tonight and for those of you who are guilty of this go and repent not only cheek but before you go to God and repent will repent or we fix it with those who you did evil to you know you are the one who caused them to be fired when you lied on them after all the good they did feel you know that this person helps you through thick and thin on that job and all of a sudden a new crew came in who turn you against that person and you treated that person as they think that something wrong - you are wicked you are evil I don't care how much titles of Christianity do you want on how much whatever if you don't get it right with God then that would now explain why even as a Christian after 20 years you cannot go forward in life you will never go forward and tell you fixed up go get it right come around here you carry it for Sunday to go up and then people were talking mess would you really leave in praise and worship but if I know you as I will drag you by your here and there no no go fix it don't you don't pollute your house now don't come in the house of God to do it go and fix it go and fix it take this last example before I go here I remember when I became a Christian back in in 1996 he put 17 and the Lord said to me and I was out of one of this is the not of 11th all gonna be actually I remember I said I can my several eighth month and at that time you know I and I tell my his testimony all the time I was very I cut out television and everything I just spent every day and night when I left work reading studying the Word of God I started off with one Bible my ex-girlfriend at the time I bought for me for Father's Day actually and I just went into a reading we reading starting off it he came to set the captives free by Rebecca brown I read all of her books I read study read study read study when I done with a brook I would come and take the bag gets up lead and go reading really I was deep into it and one day the Lord said to me go back to all of those girls you jive around and lied to and you go and apologize to them me yeah you go tell them on the move you slob and jive boat ten eyes - but you love them honest nonsense just to get your selfish way and I Golani that was the hardest thing that was the hardest thing in the world to do I tell some of my friends this and they look at me like boy I know who I can tell you that but I know I can do that and I didn't know I did it and I remember going through several of those ladies and I said to him I said why was my voice was so shaky because you know back then I thought I was the man you know you don't know apologize and then you say Jesus tell you boy you just don't do that so I remember one of the ladies I went to and she's what a job option you know when she had a special kind of hate for me and I said you know I really I only here to be to tell you that you know I gave my life that alone I shouldn't say that though I didn't actually just run a hard because she probably thinking about you should be punished a window Norden this so I said listen I know I did a lot of wrong things and I named them I told her what I did I said these are the things that I did and maybe you would know of more than I don't recall but I just want to apologize for the lies for the deceit for the cheating and all those things that I did to you look at that woman called me she said getcha you was a blah blah blah she she I have never I've never seen a person went from zero straight to 1 million and she Christ me man so I I stood there very very hard and I listened to her another crisis and you know the devil telling me you so stupid but you have an ear for but it didn't matter to me and I said I said you have a right you have a real right I don't I don't there's no need for you to be apologetic you have a right to say what you're saying to me because if someone had done to me what I did to you I would more than likely do probably something worse so I don't hold it against you I just want you to know that I I've gotten over myself with my ego and I'm here to tell you what I did was wrong and I walk from there and I felt nasty the reason why I felt masters because a piece of cussing she put on me man listen Ajax couldn't dig that office I just chalk it up but guess what we're good friends today real good friends today else we were able to be even laugh about it and I thank God that I guess she's a Christian now also and I would like to believe that one day if she haven't done already she would use as a reference that there are true men and women of God out there who are able to not take on Christianity as a cover-up to saying a word but even they did in the past no now I won't say God is telling everybody but he told me to do it on a bird and I do it and every one of them that about in my immediate vicinity I made some of them accepted it some didn't but it didn't matter my job was to follow what God told me to do and it took a wait and I never expected this it took a weight off of me because when I became a Christian most of you in my circle didn't buy internet because they know the kind of person that I was I wasn't an evil person I just had a woman problem and being the way that I was was really a generational curse stemmed from my father and I think what I was broken and I was a thing God that I was able to rectify and I'm telling you this story enough to speak about my own personal life because I don't want you to believe that because I do what I do love what I do I'm not a perfect person I was horrible but I am also big enough to not hide behind Christianity and explain my flaws to you but the only reason why I'm doing it is because I want you to know that I'm more different from you just like you have flaws I do is how we deal with those things and how we treat people we could preach the gospel to be preached to the heavens down but if you're not living a life that is conducive of what you claim to be in your Christianity then there are some things that has to be adjusted and that adjustment must begin with us so I did that and I don't regret the decision and those people respect me today a lot of them know whenever I'm teaching here in Grand Bahama they they make it their business to come and hear me now the one who cussed me out so bad and I see her come here they gotta go know to see that you know if she can come listen in any event I think God for allowing me to get over me and to get over me means to suppress my ego what I had my self-centeredness my pride all of those things were shackles of the enemy on my life causing me not to be Who I am today and not as a free person articulating the wisdom of God to his children to not only advance them into what they're supposed to be but to also encourage them through the articulation of the word of God so that's what I'm about and I want you to to see it from that perspective and now look at your life remember the scripture whosoever we wanted evil for good evil shall not depart missiles I please let that sink in you let that sink in because that could be the answer right now as to why as a Christian you are not getting ahead you as a Christian Oh somebody some is so money you as a Christian someone did some work for you you never paid them you as a Christian someone did something good and you decide to reward them with evil by either not living up to the promise that you made them prior to the act they did for you or you lie to them and the bottom line is they did good they did nothing wrong to deserve what you do then so as a result of it when you decided to reward them with evil for the good that they did you activated a spiritual law unfortunately the lure that you activated is now working not only against you but also against your family and that law is the law of ungratefulness then that law clearly states according to proverbs 17 and 13 it says whosoever rewarded equips our evil for good and whosoever whosoever decide to do wickedness or evil to someone who has done good to them then the second portion of that scripture makes the law clear as it releasing a penalty that would be levied not just when that person who did the evil but those that come from a household that they live in whosoever reward evil for good evil shall not shall not depart from their house Heavenly Father we thank you once again for allowing your Holy Spirit so to work in me through the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of understanding to articulate your word in such a way that even a child can understand that I believe God that your people heard you tonight through me via your word I believe that many of them never knew of this law are never knew or understood the extent of this law it is my prayer along with your word Lord that you would invigorate them to develop the courage to go and make those wrongs right that they have committed against those that I've done that for them I pray Lord even now that you would touch their heart and strip them of any impediment that will prevent them from doing what they know they need to do if they want to be in good standing with you and to also to unlock the destiny of their children which they have brought to a halt as a result of rewarding evil for those that have done them good I believe it all my heart Lord that you are in God of your law and your word cannot return unto you void and no Christian is exempted from your laws your word says whosoever whosoever turn it is heir from hearing the law proverbs 22 9 it says that even his prayer shall become an abomination so for those of us that have participated in the law of ungratefulness and thought there was no big deal but still decided to come and pray to you you have made it clear that I pressed were nothing but an abomination to you because we turned our air from your law so the ones that we owe the ones that we did evil to the ones that we've made promises to but never fulfill those promises even though they did good to us we have participated we have activated the law of ungratefulness as us as such you said in your word that because we turn away from that law our prayers have become an abomination but I thank you for your Clause for us to rectify this and you've said in your word in first John 109 that if we confess our sins that you O Lord are faithful and just to forgive us of those cents and to throw a bonus by cleansing us of all unrighteousness so father God we ask your forgiveness for all of the people that we have done wrong to particularly in the area of being very much unfaithful very much dishonest very much displaying such intense a gratefulness we repent to you with the sole intent to go and make those wrongs right because you said in your word then you cannot forgive us if we have not forgive others so let me bless you not be only you lovely praise you and we ask these things in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen I trust you guys had a wonderful session tonight with me and I want to thank you once again for tuning in I'm gonna thank you also for supporting my show man I'm sloppy with my show thank you for putting the minister Kevin Laue spiritual insights show that broadcasts every Saturday live from the radio station studio of Dove 103.7 here in Freeport Grand Bahama which they also broadcast the bimini and also Abaco for those of you who cannot reach that station or hear that station in other parts of the world or even in the Bahamas I also broadcast live via Facebook so you get a bonus not only do you get to hear me but you actually get to see me now we have concluded for now our teaching on the mysteries behind our dreams which he did in an inaugural session last week Saturday and we concluded that with the symbols of the mystery behind our dreams which was today now next week not to tell you what my topic is going to be but I'm still gonna tell you but it's gonna be something that you is dealing with the spiritual world and we're gonna go from a different angle which will take us very much deeper in the understanding of spiritual things so I want to thank you once again for your support how to thank you for those who have supported me with the the radio show is very costly as you know I spend two hours per show so it's very very costly but I thank you for men who have helped me a lot of you have donated to my paypal and I have all that information on my web page please make use of my web page all of my information is there which is Kevin Laue ministries comm and you will see where you want to donate you will click to donate button I have my blog site you could click there and take you straight to the blog site which are over 600 articles you can also go to my youtube channel from you my YouTube channel where I have over forty four thousand subscribers and growing okay so obviously I'm doing something good you can read the comments the comments are quite a blip thing where the Word of God that I administer to them is making massive changes in their lives careless and making the changes in their lives people say all the time and I understand it coming from they say well you have really changed my life no I didn't I was just a conduit providing you but my spiritual gift that led you to the Word of God and as a result of that it was the word of god to change your life i'm very my model for my ministry which keeps me on the cutting edge is consistency and humility I'm very humble as you would know as it relates a lot of people praise me and I take it with a when I would say a Greenwich song cuz that gonna be some brutal time but anyway I am very careful with that because I have seen many people that praise me and many others and many of them turn on those people like I don't know what so I am very cautious and when they say what they say but I don't let that get to my head because people will always be people I'm always cognizant of that I'm asking you to please as I always do make time for God and making time for God means to get into his word you want to be successful when we read the prescription for that tonight Joshua chapter 1 verse 8 and it clearly says that you must matter if you don't know Word of God day and night okay and then shall you make your way prosperous by following the laws of course and then shall you gain good success I love you I appreciate you continue to support me as I bring the revelatory insight to unlock the spiritual mysteries of your life god bless you you have a wonderful time a church of my extension of marvelous weekend in the matchless name of Jesus Christ amen amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 28,170
Rating: 4.7579756 out of 5
Keywords: The law of ungratefulness, Ungrateful, Disonest, spiritual laws, Spiritual insight, Kevin L A Ewing, Minister Kevin EWING
Id: UAd1Wcsc4sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 34sec (5314 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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