Not Easily Shaken | Prayer over Anxiety | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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welcome to the victory broadcast this ministry has impacted you in any way please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you now we pray that this message will stir your heart and build your faith you're ready to receive the Word of God we want to welcome all of our victory family from wherever you're watching and your home around the TV on your cell phone want to welcome you all to our new virtual experience victory church online in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm standing in right now what is gonna be our new broadcast facility until God says otherwise and I'm just so thankful that you could join us right now for this live experience although we have entered a season that I'm just calling a new normal because of the spread of the virus the corona virus across our nation I just want to thank God that it won't stop the spread of the gospel [Applause] [Music] and we're just so thankful that we can come into your home come directly to your phone or come directly to our television screen wherever you are though we may not physically be together though we may be in different homes at different places all across the city of Atlanta and even our gas or joining us from cities all around the country was still the people of God even as we gather virtually in the name of Jesus oh right there wherever you are want you good and take a second and just give God praise that the gospel has not changed you alone [Music] when we two of a series call not easily shaken this is a series that was given to me by instruction of the Holy Spirit and although our nation is in troubled times and though many of us are personally dealing with troubled hearts and troubled minds we have this hope and God as an anchor for the Soul I believe that although we live in times on our new challenges for us I do believe that this is also times of great opportunities for the body of Christ for the church at large and I believe that God is doing something in the earth even right now in this season I want to start the second message in Philippians chapter 4 I believe that these verses will be a blessing to us for our time together Philippians chapter 4 the Apostle Paul wrote these words to the church at Philippi and I'll come back and give us some context verse 4 he said rejoice in the Lord when times are good no he didn't say that rejoice in the Lord when everything is going well he said rejoice in the Lord always and I will say it again rejoice let your gentleness be evident to all the Lord Jesus Christ he is near and he's more near today my brothers and sisters than he was when Paul wrote these words do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus and then he finishes this corpus of Scripture by saying finally brothers whatever is true not everything in the media is true he says whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent praiseworthy think about such things whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me he said put it into practice and the God of peace that God we all need right now he will he will he will be with you the God of peace he will he will be with you eternal God and ever wise father we thank you for this opportunity to you given us together virtually with our family all across the city and with people all across the country we thank you lord though we are in a new broadcast facility we thank you Lord that the gospel is not chained to a building is not chained to a place the gospel Lord is chained to the Word of God it is reaching people right now right where they are as we gather together all across the city right now virtually as a family of believers I pray spirit of the Living God you would pour out your spirit on this time we have together you go right through that camera and touch my brother my sister wherever they are right now pray father you would draw us to yourself that you would minister to our hearts as we open your word together in Christ's name I pray amen and amen and amen yeah I was in the office but my staff just a couple days ago and we was kind of talking about the state of our nation everything that's happening right now in our country where people are suffering what people are going through one of our staffers let us know that someone very close to her because of the situation happening right now with the stock market had lost almost $50,000 from his 401k that type of loss is a big hit for a family it's a big hit when you've been saving money for years it's a big hit when you've been planning for your retirement planning for vacation it's a big hit when you don't even know when that money will rebound or how you recover from something like that as a family and what that person felt in that moment is what all of us have felt at different times in our lives is what I felt just last week when I got a phone call on a Friday that we was not gonna be able to gather in our location and what I felt in that moment was anxiety and no matter how long you've been walking with the Lord or how strong we are right now in the faith life has a way of teaching all of us that we're not immune to anxiety that no matter how strong we are or how secure we think we are let me say it again life has a way of teaching us that no one is immune to anxiety anxiety attacks all of us at different times and different seasons and different circumstances now different from fear that is a persecutor of the heart and our emotions anxiety is a persecutor of the mind anxiety causes us to fight battle in that space between our two is that place that we got a guard with all diligence besides for our heart for many of us we battle with anxiety and it is situational it is when circumstance comes or things suddenly change in our lives as a result of that sudden change or that abrupt shift or that a brief interruption and what we call our normal is very easy for us to battle with anxiety and for other people anxiety is not situational it is perpetual that is if we'll be honest and if we're not ashamed anxiety is almost like a hum in the background of our mindset it is the way that we think it is the way that we see it is the way that we perceive we kind of live under this constant state of anxiety it is perpetual not only is our nation right now being gripped by a spirit of fear and paranoia but my brothers and sisters wherever you are right now in the city of Atlanta I'm telling you our nation right now is showing us not what we are only gripped by but it's also exposing the fact that we are also a nation dealing with anxiety that we are a generation if we'll be honest that we are suffering from a great state of anxiety studies show that Americans are the most anxious people on the planet more anxious than people who live in in poverty in other nations more anxious than people living in war-torn nations and there are some nations that people step outside their home and then fear for their life but studies show that Americans are the most anxious people on the planet we have the highest rates of mental stress we got the highest rates of mental sickness we have the highest rate of mental unrest even more than nations that are dealing with far more worse things than we are dealing with right now in this nation the truth of the matter is that we are people stricken by anxiety we always worried about something we always in a mental unrest about something we always in a panic about something something always disrupting the peace that God is trying to give us among the top causes of anxiety in our country the pursuit of financial stability trying to get them bags trying to get my money right and it's how constant pursuit of trying to get those bags it got Americans in a state of anxiety also to in the top reasons for anxiety is our personal security we want to be safe we want to know that we got a good house we got a good car we want to know that everything is okay with our lives it's our pursuit for personal security and in the absence of that it creates for us anxiety in the top three things also true that causes Americans to be dealing with anxiety is I will worry about the future where am I gonna be a year from now five years from now ten years from now it's all of those things that causes us to have anxiety in our heart and much more and now because of the spread of the corona virus man we just see an illumination of anxiety in this nation as many people right now including pastors like myself are grappling with what I call a new normal can't go in the grocery store at a certain time mandatory curfews mandatory gathering limits pastors can meet in their facilities are we going to be able to gather for Easter and it's all these now new unforeseen circumstances created by the ripple effect of our reaction to the spread of this virus has illuminated for us now that we are a panicked people we are people living in a state of anxiety that give the bands on gatherings and all of these executive orders and I'm praying for political leaders because I'm wondering are they're being led by fear are they being led by anxiety or are they being led by wisdom it's the threat of the loss of our jobs if I gotta choose between going to work and taking care of my kid who the school now was closed and her daycare now is closed then I'm running out of sick days and now I gotta choose between do I call my boss and say I can't come in at the threat of losing my job or leave my five-year-old at home by themselves but I gotta pay the bills I gotta put gas in the car I gotta get bread in that fridge but I don't got nobody to watch this five-year-old the daycare shut down I don't have any more sick days and my boss is not lean enough to understand my circumstance and now my mind is in a place of unrest and Americans all across this country maybe people right now watching me wherever you are are dealing with this mental unrest in our mind we are all dealing with or have dealt with or will deal with anxiety anxiety is not my friend anxiety is a thief it robs people of sleep it robs people of rest anxiety is a manufacturer of distress than ants and worry and even sickness in our body and there are people watching me right now and people walking around all around our nation that are actually sick in their body because of mental unrest that we don't need medicine we need sleep that we don't need medicine we need peace and anxieties a thief exactly gives birth to negativity then when we are anxious is very easy to be negative we don't see hope we don't see the bright side we never see things from the positive look when we're dealing with anxiety because it clouds our judgment and our ability to see clearly when people are anxious it gives birth to addictions because we all deal on things to try to give us peace and so I ODI I'd be addicted to different relationships because I think that if I could just get the right boy you're the right girl or the right man or the right woman man that new relationship would give me peace so I'd be a relationship up and just searching for somebody to love me right with the hopes that I find peace in a relationship we'd be old and on bottles and odine on drugs and odine on all many things and there's so many of us who got public addictions and private addictions because what we're really trying to nurse is our anxiety pornography to nurse our anxiety more money to a nurse anxiety I'm addicted to the likes on social media to nurse my anxiety I'm so worried if they're gonna like me I'm so worried if they're gonna like this dress this post I keep coming back to check the likes because I'm addicted to the approval of people because of anxiety anxiety blinds us from having proper perspective because when we're anxious we're always thinking about what we don't have yeah we can't even pay attention to the blessings that's all around us we all battle with anxiety a study said Americans shouldn't try to cure anxiety this is just a part of life but instead we gotta learn to just manage the tension of anxiety that's what the world has to offer that's not what God has to offer should we just manage anxiety should we just manage trouble in our mind or can it be eradicated I'm gonna say something that's very profound it's actually possible to live an anxiety free life and for some of us I say that and you won't say your men right where you are you ain't even feeling what I just said because we battle with anxiety so enough we don't even think it's possible to get through a month without anxiety we don't even think we could get through next week with and anxiety some of us would even think we could get through tomorrow on Monday morning without anxiety so we just manage the tension of anxiety my brothers and sisters or is it possible to have an eradication of anxiety in our life the Apostle Paul a man who was a murderer of Christians in the 1st century AD and converted to Christianity by Jesus himself he goes on missionary journeys three of them planting churches all around the Mediterranean rim Asia Minor on one of those missionary journeys Paul travels to a place called Philippi and the Roman province and their poor planted a church in the ancient city of Philippi it was the first church planted on the continent of Europe it was this group of people poor loved to spend time with he would eventually leave them and install a pastor named Luke who also wrote a gospel that bears his name a physician and a non Jew who was the pastor of that church and Philip I for six years Paul loved this church that this church was not a wealthy Church there was not bubbling that did not have a big budget maybe there was a portable church like victory I don't know they might have been portable they didn't have a big budget they might have been hopping from room to room to new broadcast facilities but they have fire I said they have fire I said we got fire and no matter where we gather whether in a new place also on the TV we the people of God without fire I know you shot him right where you were but let me see if your shadow makes the next part right here Paul loved that church because they were generous no don't don't turn don't turn off the stream right now now I'm not about to go prosperity gospel on you but Paul loved that church because they were generous but there wasn't generous out of abundance they were actually generous out of poverty that the church at Philippi was a church that was suffering economically a lot of them were struggling to pay their bills but they kept God first they were struggling to pay their notes but they kept God first they were struggling to make ends meet this church but they kept God first and that doll they was not in a lot of crisis like other church there wasn't a crisis economically it was going through hard times but they were constantly supporting Paul sending money directly to him to support the ministry of the spread of the gospel because they saw money not as a god but as a temporary commodity to further the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ [Applause] history tells us that Paul was sitting in a Roman prison this was not the prison he was sitting in that I preached you last week at the end of his life for he had been in prison more than once some of us are in prison in our minds but anxiety and Paul now was sitting in a prison in Rome and he receives a gift from that church a financial blessing from a man named epified itis and that man comes to him sick he overcomes the sickness and then when he was seized that gift from the church in Philippi he sits down and he thinks about their suffering he thinks about their hardship he thinks about their economic difficulty he thinks about their faithfulness he thinks about their love and he sits down and says I will write them a letter of encouragement from this prison and he writes them a four chapter letter about joy from a prison cell you got to have the right perspective on life to write about joy from a prison cell you got to know who your God is to write about joy from a prison cell you got to know who's in you and the person of the Holy Spirit to write about joy from a prison cell you got to know that happiness is cheap and it's just an imitation of the real thing to write about joy from a prison cell sidenote God didn't call us to just be happy he called us to have joy and the difference between joy and happiness happiness is based on happenings if the sky is blue and the clouds is not there and the money is right and the car is right and the girl is tied in the weave is banging I'm happy but those things are movable they shake just like the building we was in was movable it's shake but they dad didn't steal my joy that is steal my joy we may not be in our facility but I still got joy because we can't attach I would join the things that are movable the difference from joy the happiness is joy is a quiet assurance that I belong to somebody who loves me that he has my days written before was even born I know who I am I know who's I am I know where I'm going to know where I belong to who I belong to it is the quiet assurance that God has for me and not against me so Paul writes them a love letter from prison about joy and verse 4 he says to them I know you're going through I know you have a hard times I know you're dealing with economic challenges I know that you might be going through with anxiety because your job isn't threatened right now in this season I know you're not sure about some things that you got to do tomorrow morning on Monday I know you worried about the business that might shut down in the middle of this economic downturn I know you're worried about the stocks that you just lost I know that you were dealing with many things and he says to them in verse 4 he says in all of that rejoice but not just rejoice in anything or rejoicing a sermon he says rejoice in the Lord and I like he puts his word at the end of the verse he says rejoice in the Lord always not when things are just good but even right now while my mind is dealing with the anxiety of everything that's happening right now in a country he says rejoice in the Lord always not when things are just good always that is when things are bad when things are difficult when the virus is spreading when I find out that a teacher at my son's school tested positive for coronavirus true story rejoice in the Lord always when my body is sick when my heart is wounded when I've been betrayed when I'm going through when I lost my stocks when I lost my bomb when they walked out of my life when I went through the divorce when I went through the loss when I got the Duncans the point he said rejoice in the Lord always and I like the word read in front of Joy's that is do it again and again and again he didn't say just Joy's he said rejoice somebody rejoice right now come on right but you are just given a seven second play of rejoice right now somebody rejoice in the Lord right now right where you are come on you could be in the room you could be around the TV you could be your car bathroom just take seven seconds right where you are and rejoice in the Lord who has given you strength he's the Geezer of God our Savior I'm a rock our deliverer a wave maker our healer you may be in a room right now by yourself you don't need nobody else with you you can rejoice for just you and the Holy Spirit so Paul says to them rejoice in the Lord he says always and the case you didn't hear me the first time he says and I will say it again rejoice in the Lord he says and then he says let your gentleness be evident to all people that is listen let your attitude be calm have a wholesome disposition and then he says to them the Lord I like this part watch the Lord is near my brothers and sisters we don't know the day nor the hour in which Jesus will return but what I could say to you with confidence is that the Lord is near his hand is probably on the doorknob just waiting for the father to say go now for almost every Biblical prophecy needed to be fulfilled for Jesus to return has already come to pass we just riding on grace right now and we're running out of time and I say to you what Paul said to that church almost 2,000 years ago that the Lord is near he's close from everything we see happening right now in society man we might be living in the last days I don't know but what I do know is that we don't have the time that they did his hand right now was on a doorknob of eternity he said the Lord is near and then I like what he says in verse 6 he says because the Lord is near watch this because when the scriptures were first written it was not written with chapters and verses we added that in the 1500s so when we read the scriptures when we read the letter when they would have received this letter in their hands it would have been one continual thought all the way to the end so he says to them rejoice in the Lord always and again I will say rejoice then he says to them the Lord is near watch now because the Lord is near he says do not be anxious about anything did you get that what I just said to you he said rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice he says the Lord is near and because the Lord is near he says do not be anxious about anything because the Lord is near he says do not be anxious about anything now keep the imperative in the text that's not a suggestion right there is an imperative in the Greek that this is not a suggestion this is a commandment he says do not be anxious about anything so this is what an imperative in the Greek it is a commandment to you it is a commandment to me my brother my sister do not be anxious about anything the Holy Spirit riding through Paul says to you right where you are says to me right where I am do not be anxious about anything why would he give it to us so forceful in the English we miss that in the Greek we get a clue the word anxious in the Greek are two words that I'm not going to pronounce it is a compound word like unveiled unmasked the first word means to tear in Greek the second word means mind so when you put those two words together in the Greek the word anxiety they're anxious means to tear the mind [Music] so if I was to put this in the Philip Anthony Mitchell transition he would says do not let your mind be torn over anything why cuz you need your whole mind for everything you got to deal with in this life you cannot afford for your mind to be torn all the time if somebody came at you with a knife at your head you will protect yourself why cuz you don't want your head to be split open why don't we do that with our thoughts [Music] so he said do not be anxious about anything don't let your mind be torn about anything don't let your mind beat wanna buy a donut he look anything and the Greek means anything and he brought it means anything in English it means anything in Spanish it means anything he says don't be anxious about anything don't be anxious about your finances don't be anxious about getting married don't be anxious about being single don't be anxious about getting a boyfriend don't be anxious about getting a girlfriend don't be anxious about a house Yallah want to talk to me don't be anxious about a car go me anxious about a job don't be anxious about the stock market don't be anxious about your money don't be anxious about your crazy kids my kids not crazy don't be anxious about anything he says he says don't be anxious about anything don't even be anxious about this virus he said don't be anxious about your business don't be anxious about ministry don't be anxious about the future I like how Jesus said don't even worry about tomorrow so don't be anxious about anything he said don't let your mind be torn over anything the problem is anxiety and in the back half of the verse he gives us the medicine but in everything no he didn't say in some things you choose some things you think he said but everything wants she said watch this pray but in everything pray he said pray how with petitions that is crying and moaning unto God pouring out your heart unto God he said do that with Thanksgiving because when we don't have gratitude we get entitled when we don't have gratitude we turn into idolaters we feel like God owes us something he says don't be anxious about anything but in everything watch pray he said but in everything pray anxious person is app realist person he said don't be anxious pray has to put that in another language for me turn every worry into a prayer turn every anxiety to prep watch anything that troubles your mind my sister my brother he says convert that into a prayer what she said listen if it's troubling your mind he says give that to me he says pray he says pray and some of us men we make prayer our last resort instead of our first defense we'd be just waiting for God to move to do things that I'll be half not knowing his hand moves when we move his hand he said pray if we would have less anxiety we must have a greater prayer life the greater the prayer life the less the anxiety that is every time my mind loses sleep I pray every time I start thinking about something that's troubling me I pray every time I start getting worried about something I pray he says to convert every anxiety into a prayer that we gotta have a prayer life prayer for the believer has to be like breathing my brother and sister it gotta be the air that we breathe I'm worried about my job I got anxiety of my job I pray about my job I got anxiety about the kids I pray about the kids are they anxiety about my bank account I pray about my bank account if anything causes my mind to have an arrest he says pray about that thing even if you're the problem pray about you God I'm tired of me today I'm tired of what I did yesterday he said anything that causes your mind to have anxiety he says give it to me in a prayer I like what Peter wrote to Christians that were being persecuted under Nero he said to them he said my brothers and sisters he said humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and due season he will lift you up casting all your cares upon him because he cares for you so he says watch pray about everything pray about everything not now I lay me down to sleep cry out to God about everything we do it with Thanksgiving like it's already done you cry out your heart to him in petitions and you make your requests known why not talk to the person already knows was trouble in your mug we don't sanitize we just poured it out before God there is a very important revelation in the text that no material object will cure you of anxiety no relationship we'll cure you of anxiety there is nothing you were doing this earth that you can put your hands on that will cure your anxiety the scripture tells us the only cure for anxiety is prayer prayer for the believer is our cure to anxiety notice the text we enter in on one side anxious we come out on the other side different so he says pray about everything no matter no material thing can fix anxiety no more money he's not gonna fix anxiety different issue it's not gonna fix it the only thing that has power over anxiety is prayer so he says pray about everything and what does that do when we pray about everything my brothers and sisters it demonstrates trust in God it demonstrates dependency in God and so watch and when I pray about every in faith and I have dependency and trust in God if I do that over and over and over and over again I get the promise of verse seven and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus notice he didn't say peace with God he said the peace of God watch because if you're saved you got peace with God you're no longer an object of rice so we have peace with God but you can have peace with God and not have the peace of God preached Philip you have peace with God and not the peace of God for all of us watching right now who are safe we have peace with God but my question for you right where you are do you have the peace of God right because that's a divine peace jesus said the peace I leave you is not like the peace the world gives the peace of God is a divine peace right it transcends all understanding why because the peace of God is not predicated on the change of my circumstance so what my circumstance doesn't have to change for me to have the peace of God I don't have to recover the job to have the peace of God I don't even have to rebound from the loss to have the peace of God I can still be at the bottom of what I'm dealing with and still have the peace of God I could be staring at any picture notice who got to shut down the business and they say how come you ain't falling apart because I got the peace of God but somebody else would be going crazy but it transcends all understanding what you can't understand it how is it you got that notice and you still holding it together how is that you got that phone call and you still holding it together how is it they told you that tomorrow might be a last day on Monday but you're still holding it together because I got the peace of God and what we need is the peace of God it transcends all understanding it transcends all knowledge why is that important because sometimes 90 knowledge is suffice to give us peace because sometimes we don't have an explanation for everything that we're dealing with and I need peace even when I don't have the explanation as I'm preaching to you right now there was something happen in my body it makes me crippled up in pain I'm praying for God to take that out of my body whatever that is and I'm preaching right now in pain but I got peace and even if you don't take it away right now I still got peace right because sometimes it has to transcend knowledge because sometimes knowledge is not enough like I don't have the knowledge why this happening and I don't even have an explanation for why the preacher right now was suffering in his body I don't have an explanation for why I was crippled up on the floor last night in pain and had to get up to preach I don't even have explanation for that but I got peace I don't got an explanation by God peace but because it transcends even my own understanding it's a divine peace a new job can't give you that peace a new house can't give you that peace a new relationship can't give you that peace the stock market can rebound and it still won't give you that peace because all those things are false peace they move there shake if they move I want a type of peace that leaves me not easily shaken [Music] [Applause] and I like what he says about that piece he says washes it guards you know that where God is it's a military term for what it stands in front of there's your mind you've prayed and now the peace of God says to that trouble mind let me take that for stress from you and then it just stands in front of your mind like come come through here pull up the peace of God says come on pull up Matt but no no that's my daughter my son you pull up this is what the peace of God does it stands in front of your mind and it says pull up devil pull up problem pull up circumstance pull up virus and just it's tears to put your mind and it says pull up and says you know what that it is it guards two things your mind the seat of anxiety and a guards your heart from which all issues of life flows let's minister to these people Frank the peace of God stands in front of your mind and it says nah you ain't getting through here the peace of God stands in front of your heart and it says you ain't getting through here so my question to you is where's your bodyguard if you're not praying you don't have one if you don't trust God you don't have one if you be selective about what you're talking to him about you don't have one but when you're talking to him about everything and you're trusting him and everything and you're giving him everything you will have a bodyguard around your mind and around your heart and I like how he closes the text he says after you got my piece you got some work to do my job is to guard your heart in your mind your job is to create a new environment in your house that is you need to decorate your house pull down the drapes of worry pull down the drapes of anxiety pull down the drapes of fear because you live in a house of thoughts every person watching me right now you live in a house of thoughts and so he says you need to decorate your house you pull down all those nasty drapes that don't match worry don't match the Christian anxiety don't match the Christian being terrified to death don't match the Christian being in panic all the time though master Christian so we need some better drapes to match so what do we put up in the house what should we decorate the house of our mind with he says my brother's finally whatever is truth whatever is noble you choose that whatever is right and not wrong whatever is pure whatever is lovely or brings about love whatever is admirable like I like my pastor because he's admire a book you can say amen to that right where you are whatever is excellent whatever is praiseworthy like Jesus is praiseworthy Jesus is praiseworthy he says those things right there you decorate your mind with those things he says think on those things Jesus is praiseworthy and I love the Bible because this word think in the original language doesn't mean just thoughts this word think in the original language it means pursue after liking the way that you live so it's the way that I think and the way that I live I discipline those with these things then I I put on my mind and then Paul says whatever you have learned or received from me to put those things into practice and he said if you do those things the God of peace he will be with you the God of peace he will be with you my brothers and my sisters we got to be anchored by faith over fear every time our mind is tormented we got to be anchored by prayer over anxiety prayer is the anchor that will keep your mind from going crazy it's the anchor that will keep your mind from being tormented it's the anchor that I keep your mind from being on that treadmill it's the anchor that I'll give your mind watch this if some of y'all need rest you can't fix it anyway you can't change it anyway money can't buy you that kind of peace a new house can't give you that kind of peace and I'm gonna tell you something I'm learning is priceless and my wife Lena Mitchell your first lady has taught me this she said child I ain't gonna let you these kids or nothing take my peace cuz she's learned to guard that thing by keeping her heart and I mind decorated with all those things God told us we need to think about so my brother and my sister right will you walk watching me right now on television on your phone on your computer screen yes there are a lot of things happening right now - cause our mind to be tormented yes some of us we're living in uncertainty our jobs finances marriage our relationships I'm living in uncertainty I'm in a broadcast facility reaching you right here where you are I don't even know if we'll ever gather again large where we left any time soon there's a lot of things happening right now that we can't control but there is one thing you can't control prayers to the one person who has all control God Almighty and when we learn to keep turning all of our anxiety into prayers we trust him have total dependency upon him he exchanges that anxiety for peace we got to learn especially in these times and my brothers and my sisters wherever you are these times we got to learn to be anchored by prayer over anxiety we're gonna need it for the times that we're in listen to me we need peace for the times are you that your ability to sleep and not worry about Monday morning tomorrow we have this hope the scripture says as an anchor for the soul the Lord Jesus Christ who said to you and I don't even worry about tomorrow I'm making a decision and I'm asking you to join me in making a decision family are we gonna be anchored in faith over fear where we're gonna be anchored in prayer over anxiety do you receive that [Applause] don't turn me off yet let me pray for you and then I want to share something with you after I pray don't turn me off eternal God and ever wise father I thank you Father Lord for the opportunity you've given us to gather as a church through technology though we are in different rooms and different spaces all across the city right now we are still one in the spirit the Church of victory the gathering of conquerors father we thank you that your Holy Spirit gave us this series in the middle of the trouble that our nation is in many of us right now are navigating uncertain times even the person with the microphone father we thank you for the truth of your word may the truth of your word be greater than our emotions I pray God for all of my brothers and sisters my victory family and our family abroad that not only would we be anchored by faith over fear will not live in paranoia even in the middle of these time but will be anchored by prayer over anxiety we would not allow our minds to drift away in the media and constant text messages are worried about who just tested positive we have tested positive with faith hey we have tested positive with prayer [Music] and I think you we have these things as an anchor for our soul that we've tested positive with the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and while this virus is spreading across this nation I prayed the gospel was spread even faster that the church would rise up in this dark hour and be a beacon of light in this hour of uncertainty and darkness I pray for every passed across this nation who had to adjust because of gathering bands I thank you Lord that now we have shown our creativity of the church that the gospel will not be chained to buildings but right here through live streams God we will continue to minister to our people wherever they are and we thank you that the Holy Spirit is not chained to buildings we feel your presence and you feel his presence right where you are God we give you thanks and praise for all you're doing right now we love you we honor you in the mighty name of Jesus we pray right where you are come on thank you for listening to the bacon broadcast we prayed that message was a blessing to you if you have a story or a testimony to share we want to hear all about it citizen emails to share at victory Church ATO org or visit us online under share thanks for listening go in peace
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 2,298
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: a_SNu-_I6WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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