Meaning in His Purpose | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to victory Church podcast if this ministry has been a blessing for you please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online in choosing the giving option that works best for you if you have a testimony we'd love to hear it send us the email to share at victory Church ATM or again thank you for tuning in and we hope you enjoy this message this series is gonna end today and what difference is gonna make if if you really haven't grabbed hold to the truth of God's Word like are we gonna walk out of this series and just be worried about a bunch of things that's not guns like it's were you gonna spend the rest of your life doing things that's not gonna matter what a waste like you you can you can get a shot at another marriage you could get a shot at another house you could get a shot at another job you get a shot at another opportunity you know what you're not gonna get another shot at life you're gonna get one shot the right of Hebrews said it's a point the Fonz to live one time and then the judge me not only another shot at this and you know you keep going to church in an hour and running through sermons enough like how many how many conferences is it gonna take right how many sermons isn't gonna take for it to take in your heart that foot to register [Music] and we talked about the search for meaning the global search for meaning and made a case for meaning I told you that you should find meaning and your moments and stop being so busy and stepping over the precious moments that God has given you to connect with him and to lean into the lives of other people we talked about finding meaning in your journey man nothing intangible nothing that you're gonna be robbed of finding meaning and your journey not somebody else's journey we spent so much time on Instagram jealous of somebody else's journey that you need to find meaning in your journey you need to look over the shoulder be thankful for your process that you don't have to have accomplished some grand thing but if you have grown you need to celebrate that right if you a different person today than you was a year ago you need to celebrate that right if you're all christ-like today then you was a year ago you need to celebrate that that may be the life is not about what I put my hands on but it's also about what I am becoming you have to celebrate your journey your process your pouring out this one thing would revolutionize the life you live your life like a ministry on to other people if you see every dance opportunity to give yourself away life takes on more purpose and I wake up every morning thinking that I'm gonna give myself away today we're not gonna live selfishly how can I be a blessing to others and living a life of paths and I can't be jealous of your path I gotta be surrender to the path that God has chosen for me and the more I am confident in my path the less I could be jealous about somebody else's path some of us are so jealous about what other people are doing because you won't yield to your path when I don't like my path but that's the path he chose for you I don't like my upbringing but that's the vehicle through which he brought you into the world some of us instead of despising your scars use them as a ministry unto other people some of the very things that has bruised you could be some of the very things that elevates you as you use them to bless other people you gotta find meaning in your suffering my brothers and sisters i sat in my car yesterday with my wife and talked about the persecuted church and just wept because I'm so man I just want to cuss so angry with the American Church angry and frustrated but the men were so bougie and so complaining and whining and we saw we're so stuck-up and we if we you know we we lose a job we feel like the devil defeated us God God don't give me the the thing that I want and I feel like the devil defeated me and I'm my life isn't a bunch because the genie is not coming through for me this wack fake corrupted toxic Christianity that we buy into an America it's so toxic and some of us have never traveled so we don't know what's going on outside the car we don't read and we're not exposed and I've preached in other countries I know it is to be in a poor place and see people hunger for God they're not trying to get out of a service in 60 minutes thirsty for God they spent six days in the presence of the world and come into God's / hungry for God I'm approaching the conference in Jamaica the people on a concrete slab in a tent with holes and rainfall on this and preach preacher hungry for the word of God no air conditioned no padded pews i watch women sitting on the floor on concrete in the rain because they were that desperate for the Word of God what do you have we're not even hungry for God's Word we're hungry for somebody tell us how blessed we're gonna be that's some prophet to tell you how awesome you gonna bring we're not even hungry for the word of God and we don't even come to church like attentive like how many of us drive to church like God I want you to wreck my world today with the word I'm praying for my pass in a way that the Word of God will come through his mouth that God you would wreck my world with the word today Lord we hungry - why because we - full full of nonsense full of lies full of ourselves full of all the things we want to do is Facebook preachers everybody got a word on periscope I just what tell some people shut up again God's presence why why you've been saved for a day and then you a theologian telling everybody who's a false prophet and you got a word for the nation's really sit down and grow somewhere for a season be planted in a church firmly foreseen why every time something blows left you in another Church seeking for the spectacular instead of being rooted where the brothers and sisters are being rooted with God playing that you want cuz somebody offended you that's how you grow when you stay in your fence [Music] or I don't like that church because they preach truth but that's the path that God has chosen for you and you can run and be miserable someplace else then we gotta endure suffering suffering it's like why we surprised that we going through I can stead of always praying God deliver me and should be God reveal yourself to you to me in this God show me what you're doing in me in this mature believers don't always cry to get out of everything which all believers start crying just God God transformed me in this right because I believe you using it like I taught you for my good boys glory so I want to finish this series with addressing one question that plagues almost every human being on the face of the planet and I want to land this series with a talk around this one question and the question is this what is my purpose what is my purpose because in our minds we have asked this question and in our hearts we have asked this question and with our behavior and our running back and forth secret for some profit to lay hands on me give me a word was seeking for this question now that's why people always run into every running to and fro hoping some profit lay hands on you to give you a word side note there is no new thus says the Lord that modern prophecy sure confirms something God has already shown you what is my purpose that question plagues every heart on every continent and every demographic in every socio-economic situation every person on the face of the planet is about every human being has thought about this question what is my purpose millions of dollars are spent every year in search for purpose untold numbers of books are purchased every year in search for purpose in fact the number-two best-selling book of all time behind the Bible is the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren the number-two best-selling book in history as a book called The Purpose Driven Life why because there was a global search around for Humanity search for purpose we have untold numbers of pursuits and religious pursuits and search for purpose endless experiments with different careers and different passions I'm gonna leave this job and go here I'm gonna leave this church and go there I'm gonna move to this city I'm gonna move to this country these endless experiments and search for purpose conferences print material media all these things devoted to helping people find purpose fasting crying wailing agonizing and this legitimist search for like what really is my purpose like what what am I supposed to be doing in our youth we asked that and we sat on a search and when people grow old they start having this fear of did I miss out on my purpose as people in their death I've seen people nearing death I stood over side the bedside of people in a hospital in a jam and they started wondering man did I fulfill my purpose so tragic that some people will come and live and be devoted to drives and passions and pursuits and die and would have missed their purpose because in the absence of that knowledge we know what is true because I know what is true in the absence and that knowledge and you and I know it's true in the absence of that in the absence of a knowledge of purpose our hearts get sick but you're frustrated we get discontented discontented on this job discontented in this church discontented in this relation our hearts just all discontented emptiness longing searching frustration we get discontented we feel unfulfilled we're worried that what time is running out and you know what much of that frustration it's not only caused by the uncertainty of what my purpose is and I'm gonna I'm gonna make an argument and don't send me no emails much of that frustration that we feel around purpose is not only that we some of us are uncertain about our purpose but I will argue on this day in January of 2018 I'm gonna argue whether you like it or not that much of our frustration about our purpose is a result of our over romanticizing purpose like when you have purpose you think lights you think the stage opens up with the curtains and every time we have purpose we saw we over romanticized it so when we have purpose we're floating on clouds and because in our minds when we have purpose we float on clouds we feel frustrated on the earth because we have some glorious feeling about my purpose you know what creates that culture we see people bawling we see people doing stuff we go like this through social media and we see people doing all these grand things and we think man they are walking in purpose but what about me you know what else creates that preaching right eight steps to how to find your purpose and 15 steps to how to find your purpose and all of this preaching right these social and ecclesiastical approaches to discovering purpose that makes purpose so watch mysterious let me ask you a question can purpose unfold there no don't answer back just look can purpose unfold there that's just a broad room in corporate America can purpose unfold there oh how about this place alright can progress unfold there and now they playing football purpose can unfold there how about this place right can purpose unfold there and the context of the church world and purpose unfold there how about this place can purpose unfold there in blue-collar America at chick-fil-a at McDonald's and Wendy's can purpose unfold there about how about how about this place can purpose unfold here at home on the Mac with the baby in your lap spilling milk on you while you doing all you can to graduate from your online class oh but that's not grand can can purpose unfold there with the mother multitasking at the same time who's not out working a job just a stay-at-home mom now how life is boring she's not walking in her purpose yet preaching says and she's not walking her purpose yet you're eight steps to finding purpose says give my back well she gave you she's just home wasting her life she can't possibly work it up now he's just works at chick-fil-a he can't possibly be working in and purpose not he's not fulfilling his purpose hold on no he's not fulfilling his purpose no no that's not his purpose so I have in my hand a cutting board and a knife [Music] now man if you came to my house even that camera shot if you came to my house and you walked into my garage and open the door to my kitchen and my kids were sitting at a table at the bar and you came in you saw me slicing the Apple because my kids was hungry and you saw each one of them sitting there so I cut you know four pieces for my kids you know and I got a virus in my blood so I'm allergic to fruit but we have to suffer anyway so pray for me I have I can't eat fruit but I'm gonna eat this right here right so faith I'm not I'm not supposed to eat fruit so you came to my house and now you see me cutting fruit for my kids and I'm giving each one of them a piece you come my house you know true thing you'll say oh man that's Noble miss Lena out of town you're doing daddy dick here you taking care of your kids that's dope pastor Pete you're not gonna thing not enough that but if you came into my house and you saw my iPad out you saw me cutting apples on my iPad you like your pastor P what you're doing why using your iPad for a cutting board you say pastor Pete that doesn't make any sense for you to use your iPad as a cutting board like why can't I use my iPad as a combo pastor P was the iPad is not for that that's cuz iPad is not for that pastor P that's a computer why using your iPad on the cutting board you were look at me like I'm crazy why because in your mind you're thinking well that's not the purpose of the iPad then what is purpose purpose is the reason for which something exists was created made of which something is done or used that's purpose eight steps to what purpose is the reason for which something exists was created made or for which something is done or use eight steps to what purpose is the reason for which something exists was created made for which something is done or used the purpose of this knife is to cut who determine the purpose of the knife the designer of the knife [Applause] the purpose of this board is to be a surface for cutting who determine the purpose of this board the designer of the board the purpose of this iPad is to be a mobile computer will determine the purpose of this iPad Apple then the designer of the iPad now I could go to Apple and say man I want to use my iPad as a cutting board never said well that's not the purpose of the iPad and we can argue about it but I can argue all day and be wrong because I am not the designer of the iPad so I don't have the authority to determine its purpose [Applause] but only the company name Apple in California has the right to determine the purpose of the iPad because they designed it so it doesn't matter how much you argue or doesn't matter how much I use it for a different purpose it does not change the purpose of the iPad I can use it as a cutting board but it does not change its purpose I can slice apples on it but it does not change its purpose so I asked people what's your purpose and one of three questions one of three answers always come up the first one is always this I feel like I'm called to I'm supposed to be and then after that something something mysterious or something grand comes out of their mouth oh I say man what's your purpose and if somebody would say this my purpose is to and then some emotional desire or some opinion comes out of their mouth I had somebody what's your purpose and they'll say well you know what um I'm not really sure what my purposes and then uncertainty or fear comes out of their mouth but let me give you this thought if the purpose of this said object is determined by its designer then the purpose of all people must be found in God their creator if the purpose of sent object is determined by its designer then the purpose for all human beings can only be found in God their creator why because only the designer has a right to determine what is your and you can use your life for any other thing but it will not change your purpose I can use that iPad for cutting boards but it will not change its purpose and there's no matter how much fruit I slice on that iPad it will always be a personal computer and there's no matter what you spend your life running after you can't run away from the purpose of God you can spend the rest of your life doing what you want to do but it cannot change the purposes of God because only the designer has a right to determine your purpose so how then do we end our search for purpose how didn't do we allay our fears and anxiety about purpose how do we guide our desires and correct our opinions of our purpose the wise and the fortunate they go to the design manual of God we when I bought my iPhone and came with a manual to tell me how to use it and when you buy a car comes with a manual to tell you how to use it and so God would be so stupid to design the greatest thing ever made and not leave us a manual to know how to use it that manual began with inspiration of his Holy Spirit began with Moses began with the tabal that the tablets of stone and he's been building that manual from the tablets of stone until what I have in my hand so you looking for purpose in what book what what conference what blog what post while we keep stepping over the thing where purpose is already found are you a cutting board being used right on your iPad being misused right cuz you know what this knife can't argue it can only be used for its intended purpose and this board can't argue it can only be used for his intended purpose they don't have a mouth to fight back and they don't have a will to reject except if it fall in the wrong hands now that can be misused although it was designed to cut it can be used to kill if it falls into the wrong hands because the wrong hands can abuse its purpose [Applause] the board was designed to be a surface for cutting but if it falls into the wrong hands I can hit somebody with it and misuse its purpose why because a purpose unknown it's abuse inevitable don't we land in the wrong hands the wrong preaching would abuse your purpose the wrong blogs will cause you to abuse your purpose you landed in the wrong hands you keep putting the wrong hands in your ears and the wrong hands from your eyes and you keep reading the wrong hands causing you to misuse yourself the wrong hands will cause you to misuse yourself right eight steps to what fifteen steps to what you're gonna be this right this year and what all of that is the misuse but if you ain't taking me to the Bible they're misusing you as a tool you can't landed in the world you keep listening to these people you keep listening to stuff that make you feel good you keep having those itching ears you keep playing your heart and your eyes and your hands you keep putting your life in the wrong hands and you'll be misused and because you have a will see the knife don't have a will and the board don't have a will but you got a will and you got a mouth so you can argue and you can run away from your purpose they can't as long as they're in the right hands watch they will always fulfill their purpose watch as long as this is gonna register and somebody's mind as long as they are in the right hands they will always fulfill them as long as they are in the right hands they will always fulfill them this is gonna register on a second as long as they are in the right hands they will always fulfill this so if you're this knife walk hand what you want to be in but I want to be in the hand the false doctrines of men a blog what I want to be in the hand because as long as I'm in the right hand this knife will always fulfill its purpose as long as it's in the right hand I can't get off of this until everybody get as long as this in the right hand and will always fulfill its purpose watch it don't have to be frustrated about it discover what as long as it's in the right hands and will always fulfill its purpose search for what as long as this in the right hands it will always fulfill it the question is whose hands are you in [Applause] whose hands are you in balls teaching hands for profit hands what mama them said hands the devil's hands whose hands are you in because as long as the as long as the knife is in the right hands it will always fulfill his purpose search for what the fight everybody in Christendom with my argument today search for what discover what you want it you want to search let's talk about a man who searched Salomon remember him let's talk about searching set out on a journey to search Melissa for what for meaning and what purpose and spent how long his whole life what searching for what purpose and what meaning old life its whole life old life his whole life its whole life and before I tell you something he wrote let's just consider Genesis chapter one in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and then in verse 26 it says this it says God said let us make man and what our image and what our likeness he was what the designer of men write and then in Isaiah 43 1 God is talking to his people through the prophet Isaiah and he says this to them he says but now this is what the Lord says who created you [Music] searching for what this is what the Lord says who created you evolution the Big Bang Theory huh really how do you find meaning in that who created you is that those people or Jacob who formed you or Israel fear not for I have redeemed you I have purchased you I have what bought you you belong to me you're in my hands he said what I read you know what redeem is you go to the pawn shop to see something you lost because you had to pay bills as you walk into the pawn shop and you're staring at something that belonged to you and you say you know what that's mine so I paid the price to watch buy it back like we were we belong to God in Genesis 1 2 and they're up in the pawn shop in Genesis 3 and then Jesus came one and purchased us back with the blood I created you fear not for I've redeemed you I've summoned you by my name you are mine and in verse six and seven he says this to them I will say to the north give them up this is when they were in captivity right and I would say to the south do not hold them back bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth everyone somebody say that were shout the word shout the word everyone who is what call by my name not your name my name not your head my name who I would created for what purpose my my glory you were created for my glory says the Lord I'm searching for searching for what trying to discover what as long as you in the right hands you will always fulfill your purpose God said to his people you were created for Michael you are created that through your life I can be displayed but every time people look at your life they shouldn't see your empire and your dreams and your ideas and your opinions and your longings and your words every time they look at you Danielle they should see me because I created you for what my glory I designed you for my glory even my glory or misuse your life for a different purpose whom I formed and I made watch and he says in Isaiah 14:24 the Lord Almighty has watch this word what's the next word sworn surely as I have what planned so it will be and as I have what purpose so it will what does that mean that what I designed you for I'm not changing my mind you could try to be like somebody else I'm not gonna change my mind I'm only gonna bless the authentic you the authentic you you can't you try to be like somebody else but I'm not going to change my mind about your purpose no no I'm not oh god why I gotta be a stay-at-home mom and this I'm not changing my mind about your purpose you could try to be everybody else and you'll never succeed you know why he said well god I don't like the fact I was born with these parents I was born in this country or I was born with this limp I got a limp I like the fact I was born with this handicap but my parents wasn't rich you could argue all you want his purpose is not gonna change you can fight all you want his purpose is not gonna change you can run from here all the way to Australia and he will find you there and him purpose purpose is not gonna change I ran from God for four years and is purposed in a change so Solomon right set out on his lifelong journey searching I'm gonna destroy all this cultural nonsense searching for purpose trying to discover purpose going to the conference for this eight steps to discover his purpose and it spent decades its whole life doing that a thousand women gosh buildings mansions Harris slaves oxen cattle Gardens wealth prestige riches and fame of tragic you did all of that and now he's at the end of his life old man watch and he's miserable Jesus help us he's miserable Lawrence he has all of that you slept with all of that you accomplished all of that you attained all of that and now layna your palace and your auntie and you're miserable and he's laying there upset like man I got everything I thought I would need to discover meaning and purpose in my life it's still empty I missed it I searched for decades and I still missed it oh my god I'm nearing death and I missed it but what was it I don't understand God well you gave me wisdom I built houses so I ran after a house I got that I slept with mad women okay so I fulfilled all my erotic desire huh I had slaves I have people doing everything I want to do that people came from all over the world to hear my wisdom my Instagram was blowing up my facebook was blowing up my Twitter was but I got sane I like the biggest Church in America I got everything huh and and now I'm bankrupt in my soul something that's wrong something's wrong something is wrong something that's wrong something that's wrong something is wrong something is wrong God I know our bankrupt everything you gave me I got a little bit of wisdom less revealed to me like what is what is what is my purpose what is meaning and he he comes down to the end of his life and at the end of his memoir includes that he says you know what was my frustration of my emptiness he says for like 12 chapters everything is meaningless meaningless meaningless meaningless everything under the Sun is meaningless meaningless same meaningless meaningless pain Mila and if you get to chalk the love you like met I am depressed I'm the press Solomon but you get to chapter 11 he like damn my mods we just commit suicide and the Solomon is old and he says he gets to chapter 12 he says you know what after I've done all here is what I discovered what is my purpose chapter 12 verse 13 now all has been heard here is the conclusion of the matter what matter the search for your purpose your eight steps to purpose your conference the Prophet that laid hands on you now that all has been heard that had you been to 15 conferences searching let me end your search today with one message now that all has been heard and all has been obtained now that you've got every job that you want every degree that you want just slept with everybody that you want you got as much money as you want and you're still empty now that all has been heard and all has been done here is the conclusion of the matter fair god and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man stop right here you know the word duty is the word duty is function what's another word for function [Music] so let's let's let's translate the tongues now that all has been heard and he's writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God you keep searching now that all has been heard here is the conclusion of the matter say it the Lord through Solomon here's what the Holy Spirit said to Solomon now that this man has done everything I used his life make it a waste so that you can gain wisdom after him now that all has been done here's what the Spirit of the Lord says here is the end of the whole matter fair God keep his Commandments this is the whole purpose of man eight steps to what you're trying to discover what you're searching for who who needs to lay hands are you to give you what word your purpose is right here in Ecclesiastes but pastor that's not sexy enough that's not grand enough now don't say nothing about the platform that I want hey dad don't say nothing about the massive church that I what that'll say none about the husband that are what or the wife that I want that'll sit about the job that I want or how many degrees do you need doesn't say anything about your fleshly desires man so I got a choice I can either stay in my hands or the hands of my opinions yes I can stay in the hands of my emotions I can stay in the hands of false doctrine and be misused or I can yield to the designer and get in his hands and be properly used because the designer says your purpose is not fill in the blank your purpose is to fear God and to obey His commandments note warfare is to have reverential respect honor and all your purpose in this life watch you were created to honor God to have fellowship with him and to obey all his Commandments that you just live your whole life watch just obeying God and honoring him there is and as you do that you know what God gets out of you what he wants see the Bible is not about you Bob was actually about God see we be always oh that's me in the scriptures okay fine but the scriptures are not really about you the Scriptures is all about God and God is for God and you were only created to bring him glory that's why I said let us make man what an our image what is image the imago day that every time I see you I'm supposed to see my reflection watch this is the only Rick look at me Malachi and look at me Israel 13 and 11 this is the only reason you exist you're born dead with no heartbeat stillborn and God resurrected you in the hospital room Israel for what purpose that you would fear Him and obey His commandments all of your life Malachi I'm waiting to you're 18 to tell you how you almost died you're not old enough yet to handle that story and when I tell you that story when you turn eighteen is gonna shock you how you almost was not here and the only reason God spared you is for you to fear Him and obey his command daddy am I supposed to be a businessman you're supposed to fear Him and obey his coming how am I supposed to be wealthy is supposed to fear Him and obey daddy what's my purpose fear God this is what I tell my children all the time every time we talk about purpose my house I tell my children fear God or bears coming fits all I tell them I don't put no blank I don't fill in the blank for them I tell them all beg God and see how much I respect him love him honor him I make them read the word every morning and I say y'all do this that's it every time they talk about purpose that's it notice how nobody say Amen and threw a towel at me you know why cuz that's not sexy enough for you because you have purpose you see lights and stage action God has purpose he says you live from my glory and respect me along the journey that's it discover what search for what conference for what eight steps to what and to do this put the scripture back up there watch listen to me carefully almost done to do this watch to actually honor God we know his honors respect I honor him with my mind on them with my body on him with my resources I respect him and I obey I live to follow his Commandments this look this I wrote this down this is the deepest expression of what it means to be a human being in this life there is no deeper expression of being a human being than to fear down obey his commandments this is your purpose this is my purpose this is what he created you for God created you to be in fellowship with him to honor him right watch and wherever this happens watch wherever watch wherever this happens what purpose is unfolding so for example right almost done when I graduated from college in December of 2001 two months after 9/11 with a degree in criminal justice before I went to Bible College and I got this degree in criminal justice I'm not saved the world is in turmoil so I go to work for the newly-formed TSA I was in the first class I was sworn in by the federal government for the TSA we hate them now because they make you take off your shoes when you fly through the airport I was in a very first class sworn and by the federal government right hand lifted sworn in by the federal guys in a very first class coming out of college working for the federal government and there was his brother there I'll never forget him can I put the knife down and uh my wife said can you put the knife down right and and and and I'm working there and for the TSA and there was his brother day I'll never forget his name his name was Larry McLean and Larry Larry for about the first six months would just be following me around and watching me and he start having conversation me fill away from and from Queens yeah tell me something about yourself and for the next six months you just talk to me about me and he showed me all this interests and then one day Larry not was alone it was like four o'clock in the morning it was the early shift and we sat in the parking lot Jaedong and Larry walked away he jabbed me up in the parking decking said to me he said Philip when you gonna stop playing around with your life flying around my dude look I got I got a banging girlfriend I got like y'all I worked for the government like I Drive her Infiniti q45 I got my own apartment like we didn't even playing around with my life I'm doing good he said he said do you know who God is you know you got a purpose for your life Philip how long you'll keep running from his burning when he wants surrender we're gonna surrender your life to Jesus and he saw talking my head off about Jesus and this went on for months it just kept talking to me about Jesus what was he doing is fulfilling his purpose what was i doing running from mine he started planting the seeds in me that God will come behind later and water but if he never said anything to me man when that water came in it would be no seed an effort to connect and Larry just kept talking to me about God Larry wasn't famous Larry didn't have some big ministry some big name Larry have some big house he wasn't robbed some fancy car could even write the books he wasn't to know conferences he was just sharing the gospel peace fulfilling his and I'm outside of mine and you don't even know him but God knows him you ain't going to his conference but God knows him all of this is a credit to his heavenly bank account the fruit that's come out of my life he was the first person that confronted me I haven't spoken to Larry and 20 years I wish that Larry could see me now again I was a knucklehead Larry that work with your TSA that seed you planted in me [Music] God made GU nut seed Larry [Music] I haven't seen it for 20 years well I could just hold him I said Larry God make good honest II don't even know where I am or what I'm doing breathe isn't matter because it's in assembly pick s it is heavily bank account oh god I see the fruit of the seed that I sown I just gotta keep sowing the seed I know a wealthy businessman he's rich I know a man person he's a wealthy businessman he doesn't have a church he doesn't preach it with PS servants he lives in North Carolina he's over a multi-billion dollar corporation no I've never asked him for no money and he's a believer no book no stage no microphone no I'm searching for my purpose you know what he does with his life he goes into the boardroom he conducts his meetings and he pulls business leaders from all around the world outside and corners he shares with them the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ nobody sees that and he travels all around the world Jam and business leaders up and corners millionaires all around the world and just keep dropping the seed of Jesus in their lives eight steps to what before I was pastoring a church I worked at Federal Express [Music] and if you think that I think I'm imperfect because I'm pastoring that you're wrong I wasn't purposed when I worked at Federal Express my wife will tell you I would get up every day and I'll go to work at 12:00 midnight kiss my wife and leave her in bed I'll go to work your twelve men I beat it to the morning and I'll beat it in a dark dark dismal place and I'll be in the can unpacking boxes because I sorted mail that people be working next to me early in the morning and I'll be talking to them about their lives and where you're from and what are you passionate about Dada da da da doo what do you know about God do you have any religious beliefs and little by little I'm walking up the Samaritan woman's and saying give me a drink of water and just having conversations with various people all around FedEx and I want to go there every morning with a sense like man every time I walk in here this is my mission field wait I had a stage y'all think because I'm a pastor Oh pastor Phillip is in he's walking in his purpose why because I'm passing the church know I was walking in my preference says November 2003 when Jesus saved me and I just started sharing the gospel with anybody who would listen don't gotta be in full-time ministry to do ministry don't have to be on staff to walk in purpose don't need a stage don't need a microphone I don't need this platform if God took it all the way from me I was still Jesus what I will still be walking in my purpose I don't need this platform to be in purpose y'all think I love this node this is not a crown for me pastoral ministry is a thorn for me it's not a crown for me this is a cross for me yeah I think I just love this all the time you know the weight associated was passed in a church and being in meetings all weekend talking to leaders and cast and vision we're gonna do this and let's do you know the weight and then deal with my own humanity my own weakness and wife and kid this is got crushing weight for me every night in my bed it's not it's not crowned for me I'm running around trying to build a name for myself it's not a crown for me this is a cross for me this one I carry with scars it's not what I wanted to do I want to be a lawyer and God slammed that door on me I was in purpose because I'm the past of victory Church I was in purpose when I was sharing Jesus it's November 2003 [Music] let me put something on the board your purpose is not is to bring glory to God by fearing him obeying him being a witness of Jesus in whatever environment or state he wills for you to be in now watch let me answer this question before I close this message but pastor what if God has something specific for me to do but this is the conversation people like to have because we saw bulgy and ethereal okay yeah fare God obey His commandments like what the Prophet said I was gonna be a prophet to the nation's so what if what if God has something something big for me to do Shappi try search for it no well why pastor I'm gonna tell us don't search for it well why would I tell you no don't search for it I will tell you I'm gonna argue don't fuss straight yourself trying to discover the big specific thing that Oh God has something specific for me to do I'm the woman of God I'm a man of God no he has something specific for me to do well I'll tell you don't first stretch yourselves looking forward watch if you fear Him and obey His commandments it will come to you there's a pastor I don't believe that oh really oh let's just consider some names how about this name Noah what does the scripture say about him a righteous man and watch and God comes to him build an ark of safety so his specific purpose he didn't search for or discover God what revealed to him I see what was a righteous man how about this name Abraham Abraham go away from your father's house from all of this and go to a land that I will show you I will make you into a great nation you're gonna be the father of the Jewish nation he didn't search for that God revealed it to him because the God we serve is a God of Revelation and it's his will for you to know his will how about this name Joseph how did Joseph discover his purpose watch living life having dreams run off the Mafia dreams but watch not looking for no profit to confirm nothing just living life and watch through the course of life he ended up in the palace he that had to manipulate we'd have to kick it open no doors he was just living life and following God and he what stumbled into his quote unquote purpose just watch living life how about this name Moses what did he have to discover nothing just wandering in the desert and God watch and countered him why cuz he's a God of watch revelation how about this name Joshua oh he was a mighty general how did he discover his quote-unquote purpose watch serving another man I don't want to be under nobody I want to do my own thing oh really Joshua discovered his purpose watch serving another man until that man died watch he just stayed faithful and when God removed the first general the mantle fell on him and you running to and fro I don't want to be on the nobody because I'm the woman of God I'm the man of God I'm gonna do my own conferences I'm gonna do my own books serving another man's vision he discovered his purpose haha how about how about this name how about this name Deborah what just a faithful Jewish woman who God wash this raised up to lead his people [Music] she didn't climb up he watch she didn't climb up she didn't fight her way up she wasn't trying to manipulate to get he just raised her up how about this name Samuel man God is calling me at night why because he's a God of Revelation search for what how how about this name how about David I'm just watch taking care of the Sheep I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do watch in my house watch I'm just going to work and taking care of the sheep and a prophet shows up at the door next you know I'm oily and my future is set and I didn't have to do nothing but just be faithful and my father's [Applause] the prophets divine callings Paul divine encounter the apostles define choosing search for what Mary the mother of Jesus I like what this group is over for her a teenager just watch watch just living life and the angel what comes to us a woman you have one highly favored now watch this watch she's highly favored but what was Mary doing all that time well we don't know much about except that she was a virgin so she was living righteous so she just living righteous as a virgin as a teenage virgin just as at Israel as the teenaged virgin cheetahs live in righteous just keep on her legs closed and just being a good Jewish woman and just loving the galway and just being a virgin on all you have found favor with the Lord and so what was Mary's purpose so she bought the Son of God oh oh she was the mother of God they mean so she praying to her [Applause] well she was the mother of Jesus we're not commanded to praetor but then watch now after Jesus appointed what was her purpose after that to just be a mother what is the Bible said Mary did after Jesus was born raise him feed him wipe him discipline him correct him take him to the temple bring him back she was just being a mom she was fulfilling a purpose just being mom raising a righteous seed and raising another righteous see cuz he had a brother named James who wrote a book and raising another righteous seed had a brother named Jude who wrote a book she just raising her purpose she's just raising righteous seeds writing New Testament letters and changing the world and all she was doing was just being a mom just being a mom [Music] don't despise where God has placed you and don't despise small grain stop searching for this grand purpose your purpose is to respect God honor him and obey His commandments all of them and as you do that you give Him glory and that is your purpose for the New Testament believer like what you want more searching Ephesians 2:10 watch look for we are God's workmanship watch created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance Sasa said before you was born God said I already fixed your life I already fixed your life so I think about what am I supposed to be doing I think about John like John 15 Jesus says you know I'm the vine you're the branch stay in me and I being your you'll bear much fruit that's purpose I think about acts 1 be my witness wherever I send you I think about Matthew 28 all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me therefore go make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit teaching them to do all I've command and I am with you to the very end of the age where but I'm doing it as purpose like at the brow I got the broom that we just in fellowship right watch what so Danielle and I my Vick my big groups leader we sit down one day my officer let's design something for people to gather every month so we designed for brew from Hebrews 10 and we said we go that she and I to sign that and now yesterday everybody's at the brew right Oh Friday night just enjoying themselves having a good time Jordan is rocking the mic this person is doing this and before the night is over people again baptized [Applause] no conference people get just fulfilling purpose we are because we won't stop until all I have heard we don't need to be on some stage and we don't need some mic book I could be in a Katherine and hear a man lost lead them to Jesus and said what hinder you from PFS there's a pool right there let's do this now and look at my leaders Danielle out there and Tiana and Kenny [Applause] this kind of stuff is happening around us all the time Nadine and I was in pawns and Nobles and let a woman to Jesus did anybody know about that did that happen on the stage they would need a microphone no we wasn't in Barnes and Noble and let a woman to Jesus who are suicidal and Barnes and Nobles what was we doing just fulfilling purpose some of us are so consumed with something so grand that you're stepping over purpose you're so desperate for something so grand it's just stepping over people are dying around you and go to hell this purpose on your campus there's purpose of your job there's purpose in your house raising those little disciples there's purpose in the car there's purpose on the street corner this purpose although you waiting for what trying to discover what trying to fill out what searching for what this purpose all around you purpose is wherever you are being a witness for Jesus honoring God and bringing him glory whatever you're doing that that is purpose and anything beyond that watch God will reveal to you as you watch journey with him what I'm doing now God revealed to me as I watch just journeyed with him I was in purpose when I was just being a husband and a father and a schoolteacher and serving my local church faithfully years before any of you knew my name I was just being a husband I'm just being a father disciple of my kids being a schoolteacher dropping seeds in the classroom on little knuckleheads I had to be d-class to behaviorally challenged kids and I will sit then they will fight me and they will cussed me out somewhere spell their name and they will leave school I will sit at my desk and I will cry and I will just pray for them and for four years I was just in the school middle school just teaching and dropsies and while I was there I was in my purpose and I had to be on staff to be all my purpose ministry ministries wherever you are let me close this message give me that first image again Danielle can purpose unfold in corporate America the answer now is yes just being a witness for Jesus can purpose unfold and sports and entertainment yes that number 11 is Carson Wentz a sold-out vocal Christian radical for Jesus you should go check his facebook page radical for Jesus the team is going to the Superbowl without him he got hurt he led them all the way to the playoffs get hurt the next day he's making a post at this I'm hurt for God's glory he not he not stress him he was a frustrated go check his facebook page the next day after he got hurt that man you lead a team to the playoffs another man takes them into the Promised Land and you're talking about all for God's glory Moses can purpose be fulfilled in church well yeah if you get involved instead of coming and then bouncing every week if you serve at least once a month if you give tithes and offerings if you share with other believers if you pray for other people if you're giving serving praying loving then you can fulfill purpose in Christendom in the church world if you're not doing any of that then you're not involving purpose it's just a taker missing purpose giving money its purpose serving its purpose praying its purpose loving is bright and if you're not doing any of that you just will you coming in here wasting your time you missing purpose can i fulfill purpose at chick-fil-a at mcdonald's in the blue collar world yeah if I'm then I'm a witness if I'm there not everybody my shift our buck Wow heathens then me being a witness for Jesus then yeah I could fulfill my purpose at chick-fil-a my kids love to eat there you're trying to I hate my job because while I'm here I can't fulfill my purpose but one day one day when I leave this job I'm gonna walk in my purpose lies where'd you get that from wrong preaching wrong hands purpose is wherever you are for the glory of God [Music] let me close with this last one the mother [Music] my man dad's wife Kayla a daughter and the faith watch a stay-at-home mom we looking down on her because how come she working a job how come she came fulfilling our purpose she wants she's just a stay-at-home mom so was the mother of Jesus she at home with a little disciple on her lap going to school online does she have to be somewhere to fulfill her purpose no she fulfills her purpose just by loving her husband pouring into this little disciple and creating an atmosphere for her husband to flourish at home like where where does Kayla have to go to fulfill her purpose what conference what eight steps does she need to fulfill her purpose she fulfill and God obeying His commandments as a stay-at-home mom de cycling that little disciple on her lap and create an environment for her husband's heart to flourish then in her house with no job she's fulfilling what her purpose and as she walks with God our purpose would watch evolve and to other things as she just walks with the Lord so how was the stay on home at mom she's mad at her purpose because she's not she don't have a book and she's not preaching what hands are you in who's in your ear life tomorrow morning attack your job like it's a mission field I'm closing don't get up tomorrow and read where you work man go in that place and attack that place like a submission feel walk in purpose right where you are some of you when you go home today go love your spouse play with your children love on them go to your home and fulfill purpose in your home some of you before this is over you should repent on the way home that's how you honor gonna fulfill purpose in the car on the way home repenting their purpose is all around you wherever you are fearing God obeying His commandments being a witness for Jesus wherever that happens your in purpose and as you walk with him he will reveal anything beyond that he will reveal it to you search for what [Music] I gotta end with this one scripture I'm sorry IIIi was gonna walk away but I can't I gotta leave this with you proverbs 19:21 can I leave you with this verse many are the plans in a man's heart let me leave you with this verse but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails you know what this sets up for you a decision yes elder Milton you could be frustrated all your life trying to obtain and go after and build or you could yield and walk in purpose because all this sets up for you is a decision but notice notice the end of this it doesn't matter what you do notice who still wins god still wins what does that mean let me tell what that means and I'm finishing with this you're headed towards judgment so it doesn't matter what you do now you could do it after you want to do now and I could do whatever I want to do now but judgment is coming and no matter what I could say god I don't want nothing to do with you but his purpose and the earth is still gonna be fulfilled I don't have a choice I've even be down with the right team or I could be down with a different team I could either be in God's hands or I could be in my hands it's just a choice but doesn't matter what I choose God is still gonna win in the end so I'm also just be on the winning team I'll just be on the winning team [Music] because we will give an account to God in the judgment we must find meaning and his purpose [Music] because we're gonna give an account to God we must find meaning in his purpose [Music] because every human being will give an account to God Almighty it would just be who view to find meaning and his purpose for you his purpose for you is to honor him and to obey his commandments to be a witness of his son and just bring him glory whenever you do that you're in his purpose it could be a blue-collar corporate America entertainers sports Platt doesn't matter and it will be will behoove us to just do that because we will give an account so instead of trying to find purpose in your thing it'll behoove us to find purpose in God's thing what am I saying purpose is less of something that you discover and more of something you live purpose is less of something you discover and more of something you live anybody want a piece Apple I maintenance my faithful now I have a virus in my blood that anytime I touch fruit I get nauseous immediately I can't eat fruit it's been that way for like two years I'm just eating this right now by faith I have been able to enjoy fruit for a long time your purpose or his [Music] your glory or his nothing escape judgment loves you created you design you your best life now is in God whether that's on the hill or in the valley whether that things are gonna go - things are not going good searching for what want to discover what so busy trying to do what live for him every day right where you are as you do that your purpose [Music] I promise you [Music] take what I haven't hit a whole Apple I promise you [Music] your life faith Cheers [Music] by faith I promise you listen to me as your brother in the faith and as your past I promise you your life now you can have a lot of sermons and read a lot of books listen to me carefully your life will be permanently and indelibly marked change and transformed if you find meaning in your moments like Jesus did moments with God moments with people moments alone if you find meaning in your journey like Jesus did his growth his serving his past even unto death if you find meaning in your suffering because it's inevitable we're gonna suffer and you won't suffer imagine suffer for righteousness instead of wretchedness and on suffer for suffer for what's right my meaning in your suffering God what are you doing in me in this it's not always get out what are you doing in me and find meaning and his purpose and not yours whatever your thing is she wants you got to put that on a shelf god I heal I'm gonna go to work tomorrow that is my mission Phil I feel sick [Music] I'm going to work tomorrow like his mom mission feel and I'm just gonna yield I'm gonna go to work tomorrow and I'm attack Monday purpose wherever I am I'm gonna be a life for Jesus I'm gonna find meaning in my moments thank y'all for this jacket Shawna's V group like this jacket is dope I appreciate it right don't duplicate my coat I don't want nobody else to have this no I'm dead serious don't duplicate my coat that's fine you don't duplicate mine's this one-of-a-kind only time ever made all right I'm putting your notice in front everybody well then your group made this Tom don't duplicate it for no one I'm not laughing find meaning in your moments I'm meaning in your journey and find meaning in your suffering [Music] I'm meaning in his purposes nothing I taught you was tangible if you do that you'll be an unstoppable force and your life were just ooze booze with purposeth men each day would have us you want to be dreading your days that's what Jesus did Jesus found meaning his moments his journey is suffering and if God's purpose for him even a cross if you do that your life will radically explode every day [Music] bill that has purpose the spur we hope this message was a blessing for you if you have a testimony please email us at share at victory Church ATL org again thank you for tuning in we look forward to seeing you next
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 1,019
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Mf5UiHg69MM
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Length: 78min 12sec (4692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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