UNMASK | Healing in Transparency | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory charts podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart if you are guests we welcome you if you're watching online youtube television phone wherever you are we welcome you to our family welcome you to victory welcome you to our first gathering our 9:30 gallery welcome everybody to the opening weekend of a very important series call unmask finding healing and transparency I want you to hear me what I'm about to tell you this series is a gateway series by gateway I mean there are other series given to me by the instruction of the Holy Spirit that are connected to this one they are coming behind this one God's word to you to heal you to strengthen you to help you it's not enough to just have vision and be crippled right here at the beginning of the year right here at the beginning of the decade God wants to do more than fix your sight he wants to fix the trauma of your life and you not only run with vision but you run with vision unencumbered by all the things I'm prophetically saying to you it's time to let them come it's time for them to tie at the foot of the cross you got a race to run a mission to accomplish so not only do we need sight we need healing you're gonna get that later not only do you need to site you need healing and there's no good to have good eyes and a bad heart so this series is a gateway series listen to me it's only the beginning of a collection of multiple series that the Holy Spirit has given me to minister to you this year this is just a gateway a foundation what I want to lay for you this morning again is just a foundation and then build on it in the weeks to come two three and four lastly before I get into the proclamation of God work for all the noise that you just connected yourself back to on social media podcasts be careful with all those voices it's okay to listen but you got to remember where God planted you there's a word for your house and you got to be sensitive to the Prophet God gave you because God will give messages to the Prophet for you in the house he planted you praise God for the world in California and praise God for the world in North Carolina God said a word to you here at Victory Church so you need to pay attention to the Prophet that is speaking to you and don't be drowned out by so many preachers and voices we be Odeon on voices we saw nurse T and so desperate and don't listen to the Prophet God gave you God sent a word to this house for you and you got to start paying attention to the words God has given you here in Atlanta and for our family abroad stop being a junkie [Music] that's why you confuse stop being a junkie and listen to the Spirit of God speaking to this house they where Jesus spoke individually to seven churches in the book of Revelation a different message for each church a different message for each house because he knows what every group of people needs so there's a word for this house in this series in this year [Music] amen say men say men our text this morning comes from an obscure passage of Scripture in the Old Testament [Music] second Kings not a popular text but an important text and it's the historical account of a man who had an encounter with a prophet named Elijah the servant of Elijah who because he was faithful Elijah was in the right place to catch a mantle from Elijah and his ministry was twice as powerful because there is blessing and faithfulness when you follow the person God has assigned you to mantels fall on people who are faithful I just said a thing I never get started yet and I don't even have nothing to do with the message but as for somebody Manto's fall on people who are faithful [Music] I will not exegete this text but use it to illuminate principles the Saturn is ancient Syria Texas 2nd Kings chapter 5 and verse 1 listen carefully to what the scripture records listen to the Word of God now a man named naman he was commander of the army of the king Arum which was in Syria watch the text he was a great man great he was a great man a celebrated man a prosperous man [Music] in the sight of his mast and he was highly regarded respected and favored big following because through him the Lord had given victory to Arum he was a valiant soldier but [Music] he had leprosy he had everything going on on the outside but he had leprosy name it went to his master and told him oh no I'm sorry first to now bans from a room had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel I love the Providence of God she served naimans wife and she said to the mistress if only my master would see the prophet who was in Samaria he would cure him of his leprosy watch the Providence of God they capture a slave girl who has knowledge that he needed [Music] watch the Providence of God his army captures a slave girl who ends up in his house who had knowledge of something he needed watch the text [Music] so naman went to his master and told him what the girl from Israel said by all means gold the king of air replied and I will send a letter to the king of Israel so naman left taken with him ten talents silver six thousand shekels of gold and ten sets of clothing the letter that he took to the king of Israel read with this letter I'm sending my servant name it to you so that you may cure him of his leprosy as soon as the king of Israel read the letter he tore his robes and said am i God I don't touch glory can I kill and bring back to life I don't touch glory why does this fellow send me someone to be cured of this leprosy see how he is trying to pick a quarrel with me verse 8 when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had told his robes he sent him this message why have you torn your robes have the man come up to me and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel so naman went with his horses and chariots and he stopped at the door of Elijah's house and Elijah sent a messenger saying to him go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed what name who had attitude when away angry and said I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord God wave his hand over me to the spot and cure me of my leprosy are they not out there a fraud these rivers in Damascus are they not better waters than Israel cannot wash in them cannot be cleansed that way so he turned and he went off in a rage he was angry you better know your friends and your company first 13 then naming and all his attendants went back to the man of God or name his sermon said went to him and they said master no your friends if the Prophet had told you to do something great would you not have done it how much more then we need friends that tell us truth like this how much more then when he tells you to do something so simple like wash and be cleansed [Music] so he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times as the man of God had told him and his flesh was restored and he became clean like that of a young boy verse 15 last verse then naming in all his attendants went back gratitude to the man of God he stood before him and said now I know that there was no God in all the world except the one in Israel please now accept this gift from his servant because he lied she did not want to be paid for the miracle he said I won't touch that God alone gets the glory I got a lot to say in a little bit of time want to start this series with just a simple message call unmask unless father help us right now [Music] Minister to ourselves through the French word Christ's name I'm free in my kitchen sitting on a desk there was an old iMac computer that my family and I have had for many years and over the years that iMac computer has progressively began to run slower and slower and slower with each year though the iMac is functioning it is not functioning at the speed it was once function that when we bought it we would learn that that iMac was riddled with a lot of viruses and problems and so my son the little genius he is and my daughter little genius they all sat down and they began to wipe the Mac from all of its viruses then they've restored the Mac back to its original state they even talked about replacing the hard drive on the Mac that's really good for a piece of technology that we was able to wipe it of all of his viruses but what do you do when you get a virus on the human soul that begins to cause us to progressively slow down in our internal progress we're just wiping a soul is not so easy and you can't just redownload a new hard drive of a soul because in this life we want to get one soul and so we can't replace the hard drive on the inside of us we get just one soul to protect one soul to build one soul to God and what do you do when you get a virus on a soul when there is no replacing what do we do when the hidden afflictions the deep wounds the insecurities the frustrations that damages to the human souls are from people and regrets what do you do when all of those viruses come upon a human soul what do we do with all the interior issues the mental and emotional traumas that we are suffering that we can't just wipe the hard drive of everything that we've down with we can't wipe the memory of everything we bet they touched me when it wasn't supposed to they abandon me they did that I'm going through that I feel here what do you do when you get a virus on a soul it was about eight years ago I remember sitting in an airport in Texas when a man of God I loved and I looked at as a father figure sat down with me in a chair and took two minutes to look me in my face and he said to me this plane you got to start a church it's gonna fail men like you never succeed in ministry look at you you're poor you're a she you're ghetto you're from the hood men like you never succeed in ministry your church is gonna fail it's gonna shut down in a year and 12 months from now they're gonna come back you're gonna tell me I was right and I should have never started a church you're gonna be a failure in ministry got up from the table walked away and hopped on his flight do you know what that did to me do you know the depth of how that crushed me in my soul do you know the pain of the scar I took in that moment do you know what it produced in me a rejection so deep and an abandonment so deep it scarred my soul with a virus so deep that I would I did not even realize that for the next five years of ministry I was preaching and leading from a great deficit I was leading all that time with a virus in my soul do you know the pain of rejection the pain of being abandoned by someone you thought would be there for you you know what that produces in a human soul people-pleasing looking to be affirmed you want some father figure to tell you I'm proud of you you've done a good job look at what you're doing with your ministry and so you're preaching and you're leading you're doing meetings and you're doing social media all of the while you're broken on the inside smiling and dying preaching and dying encouraging others and crying on the way home every Sunday does anybody know the pain of that dichotomy you're know the pain of going to work and cry in the hallway home you know what it feels like to be rejected and you feel unloved unwanted and you start searching for that affirmation in attendance they don't want to be real you start searching for the affirmation and DMS and posts on your social media and hoping somebody liked your message when you went home and if nobody said nothing you was crippled and hiding under a couch because you felt like you didn't preach good that day nobody knows the depth and the sting of that rejection and for all those years five years I was leading this church with a virus in my soul until one day a woman of God in the mountains of North Carolina sat down with me and began to dig into the depths of my soul and watch and in a moment of transparency about my past that thing that happened in me for so many years it began to break and it began to weaken because confession robs these things of power that's inside of our soul and the more I begin to talk about it then the more I begin to confess and the more I sat down in her chair the more that thing lost its grip on me until one day I looked up and the virus was gone the more I confess what I was dealing with in the right place that thing lost its power over me I refused to hold on to it I refused to make it a badge of identity and then I look up all of a sudden and I'm whole no longer with that father wound no longer dealing with rejection no longer looking for affirmation and I preach go home and sleep but I'm not the only one I'm not the only person in this room that's dealt with that all of us have dealt with things that put viruses on our soul and many of us as I'm talking to you carry and viruses right now what should we do should we go on and keep living and leave all these things in this room on a dress like they don't exist like God don't know like the Holy Spirit don't know like people around us don't know when James the brother of Jesus wrote the very first letter to the Christian Church that we should practice the Christian ethic of confession prayer and healing confession prayer and healing James 5:16 confession grant healing the very first letter written to Christians was the book of James in which the brother of Jesus by the Holy Spirit told us we should practice the ethic of confession prayer and healing confession prayer and healing and my brothers and sisters I find it a personal tragedy to our own detriment that the very subculture that Jesus created to be a safe place of confession prayer and healing the church has morphed into a place of cover-up that if we can't find a safe place in the church then what are we gonna do outside of the body of Christ but this was the place James said we should do confession prayer and healing the modern church puts too much pressure on believers to always act like we okay all the while it does not give a space to have a release of hurts and in a trauma and brokenness through proper transparency and the result of all of this cultural pressure to hide and stay on the low and not talk to nobody and not practice confession pray and healing all of that pressure in the church you know what that creates for us a growing culture of silence suffer us who are imprisoned us by our own fears our own insecurities our own anxieties our own shame and our own positions you couple that with our trust issues our people-pleasing our pressure to perform because if I don't live right my husband won't like me so I need to perform to earn his love you coupled that with our loneliness our fears of being charged if they only know who I was our fear of being misunderstood if I only told somebody the truth our limited safe places don't want us amen to that our limited safe places don't know who to trust and sometimes even I pry all those things working together you know what they create for us all those dynamics working together they create for us all the masks that we are wearing right now in this room and what is a mask let me define it for you a mask they are the varying personas we wear and sometimes feel like we have to wear contingent upon whom I am around that keep people at bay just enough to cover up who we really are or to cover up the treatable issues we are dealing with in secret so our masks are all the different personas we'd be playing on based on hallway around at the time to keep people at bay just long enough so that we can cover up who we really are or cover up all of the treatable issues we have on inside I don't know none about that a masters like when I come to church I put on my church girl mass praise the Lord bless Jesus all of that but then when I get around my Heath and friends I feel the pull of Jesus in my heart the masses when I get around my Heath and Friends man I'm trying to be down with them but then I feel the pull of what I'm supposed to be doing in my heart the masters when I go to work and I act like I'm good around the water cooler but inside my life is falling apart and I'm broken and I feel lonely and I just wish I could go to lunch with someone who was real then we could spend a half an hour talking about real issues that we might be able to help each other of our sandwich and some soup a mass is living in a home that you're next to somebody you lay in bed every night but you're still strangers because you're so afraid to tell them what's going on inside your heart so the mask is man honey everything is okay but right next to you I'm dying on the inside and so based on whoever we around I get around my pastor and I put on the mask because I don't want them to know that I really have issues so based on who we around we'll put on the appropriate mask for the audience that we have at the time and some with my co-workers and I just want to have the truth come on and I got to put on this mask because I'm afraid if I don't put it on I might be judged the mask is our perceived safe places but often the mask is even a crutch to healing and freedom much and so often even the masks we wear listen listen it's all often even the masks we wear is not strong enough to conceal the issues that we are going through because some of us are so broken that even behind the mask our issues seep out from behind the mask it's like you're hurting on the inside and we see it in all of your identity struggles on the outside you're hurting on the inside and we see it in your unbridled promiscuity she's not sleeping with everybody just because she a ho she's sleeping with everybody because she's searching for love that's why we can't be judging everybody and shouldn't be judging sinners especially we don't know what that person dealt with we don't know who touched him when they was young we don't know who abandoned we don't know that she never had a father they tell her she was beautiful without her beat and without her hair so she keep looking for love in the next bed she hop out of not knowing that inner beauty is what gives her Worth and value so although we wear the mask these problems keep sleeping out from behind them as that keeps seeping out like like the visible signs of depression and despondency the glaring insecurities that we have men all the stuff we write on social media that just tell everybody I'm insecure our public displays of anger and volatile emotions up one day down the other day the mass can't conceal all of that our parent struggles with relationships you dope and you got all kind of talents but you got bad relationships you look like intimacy with nobody that's seeping out from behind your fake prophet mask you always got a word on social media but you have poor relationships that's a brokenness seeping out from behind your mask of perfection your mask of I'm all that I need to build a ministry for myself because sometimes the mask can't even conceal what we are dealing with and sometimes it's not even the things we call brokenness that be seeping out from behind the mask sometimes it's those things we don't even think about like like hyper over achievement at the expense of values you're always busy but don't got no time for your kids or you always got to step on somebody to climb the ladder or you're really narcissistic or no one can't correct you and you can never be told you're wrong and you're always right these are common mass of greater insecurities wounds that we hide behind bravado men and then we act like we wasn't broken as the little boys are sitting right now in the chairs behind the mask that we are wearing so we overcompensate and try to act like things we are not and all those things sometimes are signs of deeper insecurity behind the mask of strength that we wear but we're really broken on the inside I'm 34 years old but a boy you're on the inside I'm 29 years old but a little girl on the inside and sometimes not even the mask I hide all that brokenness are the brothers and sisters paying attention to those on a row who need help sitting here right now in this room it's all kind of mental trauma emotional trauma heavy baggage that we still dragging around from some last season marriage and family issues tormenting fears and anxiety deep insecurities and wounds frustrating clouds of shame and regret holding onto stuff from the past feelings of being a failure feelings of rejection and abandonment feelings of confusion distance from God financial struggles silent cries for help silent cries for help silent cries for help silent cries for healing and for a lot of us we'll be honest that mask is heavy we think we suffering alone but we're not some of us want to unmask but we don't know with whom where how we don't know who to trust can't find a safe place don't trust our parents don't trust this person many of us have been dealing with dysfunction so long it become a part of our identity we wear that dysfunction like a badge we refuse to let it go because it makes us feel safe to be dysfunctional we afraid of health we afraid of healing we afraid to walk out of that prison because we find identity in that dysfunction and if somebody can't sit in that prison with us we think something is wrong with them all the while they're trying to pull us out of that dysfunction for a lot of us our journals know was better than spouse friend and preacher our tears are the silent things that we can't give expression to in words but God desires to touch you through this series through everything that's coming this year he refused to leave you in that condition somebody say Amen that's why he gave me this series because he loves you and he refused to leave you in that condition I know these issues are in the room and I know they cannot be fixed with a sermon or series but what I want to do is in this first message I want to use the life of name just one encounter with this man to take a serious look at principles that begin to point us down a road of healing it will not fix the problems in a sermon but it will least begin to turn our gaze towards a pathway towards healing 2nd Kings chapter 5 were introduced to this man called naman he is the commander listen to me of the Syrian army listen to this he is a leader watch he is a leader he is a husband he is a family man yet naman is dealing with the unrelenting personal issue let me say that again he is a leader he is a husband he is a family man but naman is dealing with the unrelenting personal issue let me say this again he is a leader position he is a husband family but he is dealing with a unrelenting personal issue because all that stuff he was doing did not erase his personal issue I'm trying to assist him what I want us to learn from naming listen to me carefully a couple of things I want you to learn I'm gonna pray for you listen to me first and first I want you to think about the fact watch this everybody watch naman had success with a private issue naman was a commander of an army watch so he was high in rank this is gonna help somebody just a second watch he was advancing in his career he was advancing in his job he was building his ministry writing his books singing his songs he was building his social media platform but still dealing with the unrelenting personal issue name it has success and was broken at the same time because success does not eradicate brokenness how about we go deeper than that the scripture says it was the Lord who was working through naman to bless his King I don't get it pastor God could be using you why you still crippled on the inside so not even the power of God working through him they missing us not even the power of God working through him was suffice for that man to deal with his issue it took more than just God working through him to deal with his issue because you could be doing God's work and still broken on the inside it's not enough to just do his work building career advancement in this thing but still dealing with the issue on the inside and what was named in dealing with leprosy you know what that means you got to put the tutor two together in the text if he was dealing with leprosy that means he had to been dealing with insecurities from that leprosy I'm a commander but I got something I can't get rid of on my own people look at me funny when I go out in public people talk about me in my own military garrison so this man although he had rank position money and status he was still dealing with brokenness probably dealing with insecurity probably dealing with shame that listen he was a leader a husband a father advancing being used of the Lord but still insecure still broken watch this still dealing with something that brought him shame watch the second thing is that we see not only did listen naman had he had this leprosy he was dealing with the shame from the thing that he was deal with imagine imagine how helpless he felt everyday strapping up his clothes going out to battle you our leader you killin you leading you advancing but when you go home you still dealing with this brokenness on the inside I imagine how that made him felt watch watch this and so naman this is so powerful everybody watch because he was a commander watch he had to wear helmet breastplate all kind of pants long skirts high boots long sleeves bracelets Govs what was all of that a covering for the thing that kept him in shame they missed that he had to watch every time he went outside down stair to put on a wardrobe to cover up the very thing that he could not deal with in his personal life so he will go out in public and cover up the thing that was breaking him in private watch but then when he came home he had to still take those clothes off so in public he would cover up but in private he had to take it off you missing that in public he had to cover up but when he came home he still had to take it off because even when we get home we got to deal with the person we can never get rid of and that's ourselves because when we go home in private we still got to deal with the things that make us feel shame the things that make us feel broken the insecurities the struggles the family issues the drama the depression the suicide we can cover it up when we leave the house but when we go home we still gotta take off that wardrobe we still gotta look in the mirror we still got to deal with the fact that we got leprosy I can cover this up when I go outside and I could cover it up when I go to work when I go home and I take off this clothes and I stand in front the mirror I still got a look at my own leprosy we know different than naming we cover up well in public but then we go home and then we cry when we look at our own leprosy and public he covered up a mask in private he took it off watches watching and all the while he was leading living and prospering with an issue even with God working through him until a small voice spoke truth to him a little girl this is powerful said my master will go and see the Prophet he might cure him of his leprosy who was talking with a little girl watch a small voice missing this not a small voice just like we all got a small voice that be talking to us all the time if only you would obey me if only you would listen if only you were fast if only you would come out of that and votive you will put that if only you would obey the last thing I told you you might be cured of that thing you keep battling with a smaller voice melanie was as a small voice but it was also an elephant a seemingly insignificant voice because she was just a slave this is powerful because sometimes we think the voices are that are insignificant because the very voices God be talking to to heal us so we don't want to listen to wife we don't want to listen to husband we don't want to listen to friend we think this person unimportant the Instagram following is not big enough they're not famous enough so I'm gonna keep podcasting the giant Instagram I won't listen to the preacher on the backside of the mountain who's preaching that victory Church it has an anointing from God I don't want to hear that prophet because sometimes is the voice we think is insignificant be the very voice certain answer is wrapped up in [Applause] so a still small voice spoke to him his wife watch this naming goes for help to go see a live show almost done and the first thing he got a check when he gets to the door it's his ego when his pride this is about this blew my mind he gets there the first thing you gotta check at the door as his ego in his prime now watch you want me to go dip in this filthy water you you want me going you want me to go dip in that filthy well don't we got better rivers in my hometown washes you know what naming was trying to do he was trying to control the pathway to his own healing and don't we do the same thing we try to control the pathway to our own healing God says counselor you say no God says pastor you say no God says spouse you say no you trying to control the pathway to your own healing if it don't happen my way then you keep your leprosy and we need to learn that we cannot control the pathway to our own healing yeah you don't want to be healing that way but this is the way God chose counselor pastor being church every Sunday serve give be faithful what you submit to the man of God we always want to control our own pathway to healing no you can't dip in your river you get one option you dip in this river you do it the way I told you you do it seven times or you keep your leprosy so named it had to make but we all got to make with our dysfunction a decision keep your dysfunction keep making it a badge or take the pathway of healing I have chosen for you and I understand why he didn't want to dip I've been to Jerusalem I'm baptized 12 people in the Jordan the Jordan is green slimy and murky watching and unless Jesus was baptized in there nobody would because it wouldn't be significant and so nasty you would not want to go in their name and didn't have Jesus He know so it makes sense why he didn't want to go in there I'm almost done but but but I think about it why why would you want me to baptize in a filthy River anybody's ever took in a bath and clean water you wash off in clean water you get out the tub you look back you know what you seen the tub residue and dirt what happens if you took a bath in dirty water you will get out that water and you could not see the dirt that came off for you you wouldn't even know where the dirt went because it was swallowed up by the water you was then maybe symbolic did God and want to see he want him see what our leprosy went so you go dip in this filthy River so when the leprosy comes off for you you won't even see where I went that God can heal you so completely that you won't even look like you came from what you came from when you follow him I just said a thing that God can heal you so completely that you won't even look like where you came from if you follow the path he chose for your healing and you know what that path was for me for naming it was humility it was unmasking of his pride take that mask off that mask of pride take it off naman and obey what i'm telling you to do now you have able to be transparent naman watch this get real and then I could get real with you take that mask off so we can deal with the real issues you keep hiding behind everything else naman are you willing to hear God talking to you through this series are you willing to obey reach try are you willing to dip seven times in this series I only need you to dip four times a day in the next three weeks I just need you to take four dips are you willing to do that are you willing to hear everything I'm gonna preach to you in this series are you willing to hear that name and had to make a decision some of us we dealing with so hurt that we don't even want to get rid of it anymore we need to be transparent let me just say this transparency it's a courageous step towards help and healing listen to me listen transparency is a doorway to strength and freedom it glorifies God it crushes the stronghold of sin it creates accountability and it invites other people to carry our burdens with us and it's meant to deliver us from the heaviness of unaddressed burdens in the soul transparency helps us to relate to the problems of other people transparency is not telling everybody a business and is not posting all of your emotions on social media that's childish it is not vomiting everywhere to have a pity party you need people to feel sorry for you it is not airing people out and trying to put them out on social media under the guise of transparency you are liya or you're trying to do is tune in people to gossip and lies and slander and it's not any of these fleshly things there is wisdom and transparency I'm gonna dress it in this series because biblical transparency is meant to empower us towards honesty with ourselves honesty with God and honesty with select people transparencies powerful when it's done with wisdom and channel in the right direction to unmask is to bless your soul with freedom that comes through transparency yes transparency is a risk you do risk when you're vulnerable you do risky and hurt you do risky and disappointed but I want to read you one last text and I'm afraid to you tell me what you think about this proverbs 15:13 a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken which one do you want when I hold on to your leprosy when unmasked define strength healing and freedom it's time carrying that stuff long enough heard of a woman came to a church friend my soul broke and you could see it on her face she was suicidal so broken how old mother told her I don't even know why you alive you should just take your own life how does a mother say that to our daughter she walked around that church for months heavy broken all kind of issues until one day she sat down in a safe place with a powerful woman of God in that church they began to have conversations and over a period of time through transparency she was able to release and find freedom and hear the word of God and now when you see as she's smiling she's serving she's giving she's a productive member of the kingdom she found freedom through transparency so where do I take you from here how do we begin to walk down this path towards healing and freedom what are we gonna do with the rest of this series I'm gonna be talking to you about transparency with yourself Transparency with God I'm going to talk to you about transparency with select individuals because there's wisdom and transparency this is not about airing all of your laundry to everybody that's foolish hopefully transparency leads us to the ongoing ethic of confession prayer and healing and it must begin with the Christian Church and God's Word this series is only the beginning of the mighty work that God is about to do in your heart and in your life not only have vision but you will have freedom not only have vision but you would have healing you were not only run which would run mine in comfort in the name of Jesus through healthy transparency on masks Father in the name of Jesus I thank you [Music] from the guidance of your Holy Spirit it gave us this series gave us all the other series coming behind us to help you people father you know the extent of the brokenness in this room the extent that the broken is watching me right now online this bird would you minister to us where there is need and even we're just a whisper and I'm a soul right now will you help us to feel that you're coming to rescue us from where we've been stuck I pray God a sense of hope and expectation of good would settle on the hearts of your people right now Jesus you love us refused to leave us the way that you found this thank you for vision we thank you in advance for the healing that's coming to Amma soul drawers to yourself and the series be a game-changer for your people I thank you God for what you've done and what you're about to do in these next three weeks and in the year 2020 we will never be the same and Jesus name put your hands together to receive that we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 3,366
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Id: Gb95qfeORIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 10sec (2950 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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