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[Music] hey guys good morning today I am at the Mekong Delta going to a river market here in Vietnam look did you hear that yeah that's how I woke up this morning not buy any alarm clock my rooster I think that's the first time that's ever happened okay we're gonna go and there's a lot of great food waiting for us today whoa well that's changed when we got here it wasn't like this look at these like huge bustling market right outside our hotel and it's only 6:00 in the morning right now and everybody's out shopping everything from I mean what I can see vegetables fruits meats also my ring today so I'm prepared we're at the first floating market this is more of a popular floating market people who have been here since 3:00 a.m. selling fruits vegetables everything there's the river right over there [Music] we're going on to the waters this is actually the first floating mark as I I've been to well it's on my second one that I can actually go on to water this orange is so bright like looking down it kind of blinds me it's to finally on the Mekong River and up though there are lot of houses we will live here and it's not like what I thought where people were rowing people like look at this on earth like motor engines oh there's a guy selling he's like a coffee pirate just pulls off a few coffee goes away ain't takes your money please leave some toffee this is by far the coolest thing ever coolest a copy on a bull from a bull seller Joe until my friend wow that's creamy and they're selling breakfast here by mistake ladies watch yeah yeah bamboo stick yep Hank whatever they're selling ah I see I see wait we just got here yeah the whole place for the proper time so whole crocodile we paint the eyes where's the down there are a bit good minds there where's the pocket down there this is why sea monsters got nothing on Asians will eat of all these guys are whole sellers over here and check this out the bigger boat this whole selling to the smaller Bowl and they're selling to us so there's like a community they all have know each other [Music] whoo thank you thank you by far the coolest experience on a floating market ever I mean I wow that was so so much interesting stuff to see and we're not done yet this is the first one we're going to we are gonna go get some food at a floating market at a smaller more intimate floating market I mean just a feeling of buying something from someone who pulls up to you on a river I can't wait for that this thing was so bulky though [Music] we're at the second more local river market now this is what we're gonna get some food and this bull we're going on is much smaller boat than last time thank you all right this is it like I said much smaller bolt completely wooden bolt oh my god that's a fairy a fairy just distress boarded a bunch of motorcycles and bikes over that is how all the local people over there get on the land okay I'm very excited to check out this river market there's food right you told me this yes you promised yes that's mr. vu he's gonna be rolling us around and we're heading over there there there's the floating market over there I don't see a lot of tourists here this is very very local [Music] is that pork skin it's like I don't know what it was okay let's try these sweet potato chips huh long dry really sweet that's some zing Jane there a lot of ginger now it's good for your stomach I thought was pork skin because it kind of look like bacon you know where my mind's eye right now oh this is delicious let's make some friends on the river would you like some put sweet potato chip we're trying to lean over without falling yeah she made it to make five minutes then hellos Royd chicken this is what woke me up this morning so if we're having this for lunch I'm gonna get my revenge thank you this is beautiful [Applause] this is a monkey bridge iconic monkey bridge is when you try to walk through it yeah you look like a monkey I think you literally meant like monkeys use this bridge where do they do don't stand up grandpa don't sit up there's my father cloisters I've ever had in all my travels what a coolest thing Oh [Music] that our eatery here in Vietnam so unbelievably excited best in Vietnam alright this is really cool they're gonna actually let us into the kitchen we're gonna see them making our breakfasts this is the this is the rice hammock that looks literally like like a hammock that I would happily sleep in how reading this okay so first I give you some of these sauce okay sauce cold fish sauce fish sauce thank you we take a leaf uh-huh so the lettuce here yeah you get chopped steak mm-hmm just one layer of the right hand right hammock and the reason why it's being called a rice hammock as you guys take a look at this it literally looks like you could sleep on this if you tie this between two trees not easy to take this delicate process oh oh oh I think I'm succeeding yes so this is the rice hammock look at that don't you want to just just like oh you just want to snuggle in you wake up you eat your way up I mean you get your resin you get a nutritious meal look at that that's so pretty yeah alright so we take this and put it onto the lettuce leaf and just lay the hammock down gently because it is very delicate all right now and you take the pork with the port inside and then you pick the other kinds of green live here mm-hmm like the first mint mm-hmm that cucumber this is what I love about being these meals is always got like a selection of beautiful herbs have fresh herbs and you make a rope okay like a fing spring roll there's my pork wrap in the rice hammock zip it into the fish sauce and we're not beat it [Music] right oh yeah the rice hammock and so mellow there's so mild and just like that little slight gelatinous flavor the rice is soft at the pork is shocked think of that nice crunch from the herbs and the veggies that is a balancing that you know verts my friend yeah being young pork Raj and British alright I got to do this again one layer that's two layers no so originally I like three layers pork nestled on top some veggies herbs roll that up I forgot everything I loved the hammock is weird together rather like rice so we have that the couple say we have to get our mitts also kind of representative of my relationship with food we're always moving together this is so perfect like this setting you don't hear anything right like Saigon it's always constant noises and sounds but here I hear nothing except for a rooster crowing this is it this environment really asked to the deliciousness of the meal now we reach hard to the dessert Hut there's like a highway we just ate and now there's a high war we you know this is all the food that we brought on the boat we got some mangoes pineapples mango gopher my friend there's a little tarp hello sour the pineapples you said we really sweep strut that is handpicked by our captains yeah yeah the boat captain yeah so he seems he drives a bowl and he picks pineapples yes what doesn't this guy do hmm right yeah oh heck yeah you know when you did that nice pineapple taste it just feels all your senses it kind of transport you to a beach on a tropical island that's kind of what feels I mean you buy this one a nation look at this it's a little purple on the inside do you see that my spoon is like going in so easily yeah wow that's delicate flesh this this thing it tastes like a combination of fruits and it's so Nokia like this this is why they call it like nope Apple right yeah it looks like milky yeah this thing is just pure sweet so how much can I eat before I like start running into like the peel that's fine right there it's fine it's over right yeah it's over we we ate the rice hammock now they're gonna show us how to make the rice hand yes the master gotta show it and learn I shall so second-generation rice hammock master Oh what is come here look at this look how she's moving there's like a comb dude you can get yeah right there it may look simple that's paper dust because she's like a master at it this is not simple alright it's my turn I'm gonna be so stupid at this all right here we go there we go oh this one came out worse like it always I got this on my gloves here we go that's my worst one oh that's not the worst thing is it this is it it's my masterpiece wait did you do better than this after your 30th time okay that's it for a day at the floating markets at Mekong River that was like some of the fun experience I've had in Vietnam so thank you so much my friend and that's it for this video thank you guys so much for watching and until we it again I'll see you later hey guys what's up as you can see I'm back at the Mekong River at the first floating market we visited the last time we were here we did feel a little rush because we're kind of on a tight schedule we didn't get to eat anything on a boat which is just a travesty this is the floating market revisited [Music] these are literally the most bulky life jackets ever I don't know why it is that I really want to try noodles while sitting on a boat it's trying to get a better experience this is in case you fall into the river I see a bull selling Bobby Bobby lady all the Bobby lady she's only on on a wooden Laura she's not catching up to me we're gonna make our way to the bottom me lady oh oh let's get a drink yeah we go that's awesome although if you guys can hear me so loud they're selling hotel which is a did I add on a street vendor one it's noodles the soup is port-based the river waters like splashing into my beautiful I gotta protect it alright let me let me try some of this before he gets too contaminated with river water nice good porky brah can I get some spice in here yeah Thank You auntie oh yeah the noodle she uses here these are just like glasses these look like just rice noodles gonna class get off and this is like just a big piece of bone delicious breakfast six o'clock in the morning on a bolt in the Mekong River you can't get more splendid than this I just really wish that the bomb you later comes to us because I'm balmy dipped in the soup will have been awesome look at this she really do this and it's some good football take a drink on my massive neck massive coconut delicious bowl of noodles this is what I wanted to experience when I came to the floating market right here this is what I wanted our entire Bowl it's on the lookout for the balmy lady right the Soraa to find her because she's on this little ol roll Bowl and we're surrounded by these like really big boats all right we didn't plan to bomb you later yet but we did find a way to eat pineapples because I've been just craving pineapples cherries I guess I have to wear this if I'm gonna hop aboard the Pineapple Express we are officially climbing aboard the pineapple Bowl there this captain with a pineapple ball just a passenger just a consumer oh this is also a great vantage point to look for the balmy later work of pineapple arts look at that it's like a pineapple lollipop I've never seen a pineapple drumstick before come on I love the Bible here well where's that real quick the search for the balmy lady will continue we are not giving up because you know why my vote goes great with BA me I think we're almost back to land and I think I just given up hope but it's okay this has been a fulfilling River expedition filled with noodles and pineapples but there will just always be one thing missing do you know what it is that was awesome but let's all not forget there's someone missing out there so if you've seen her tell her that somebody somebody's thinking about it right now [Music]
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,490,715
Rating: 4.8962216 out of 5
Keywords: vietnam floating market, floating market vietnam, vietnamese floating market, floating market, vietnam floating markets, floating markets, floating, market, boat noodle, wet market, vietnam, vietnam mekong river, vietnam mekong delta, mekong river, mekong delta, mekong river vietnam, mekong delta vietnam, mekong, mekong river floating market, mekong river food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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