Cambodian BREAKFAST BBQ & Traditional FOOD MARKET in Phnom Penh

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this is that this is my happy place right here I want to eat that great thing is it's only 7 o'clock in the morning [Music] Wow a couple different types of meat I got a little bit of steak and some grilled pork belly on top some scallion sauce a little bit of chicharrón a bright pigskin drizzle some chilies on top phrase deep barbeque cards for this I don't even know what I love more to sweep smoky delicious juicy beef or that scrumptious fatty white leek starting a crispy pork belly or justice gloriously better rice that the meat is sitting on top of and we're all that juice is soaked into every single grain or the fact that this is available right now at 7 o'clock in the morning and I'm pretty sure they've been here since about 5:00 or section it just the glorious pork chewy on top of this magnificent meaty breakfast cake the Charla's meat is the best part look at that little fat little crunchy bits a chart from flavor the texture stinks got it all oh my god I could have got a soft-boiled egg down this don't make my mistake if you come here did the egg my neighbor has it nothing looks like the sunrise I needed to see this morning and if all the meat over rice enough for you you get a little cup of blood super yeah nothing like a little blood in the morning like I said it's only seven o'clock in the morning long food day ahead of us but this is my last day here in Cambodia so I'm gonna make the best of it I'm gonna miss how convenient this is by the way just as a tip here in Cambodia you can use American dollars or you can use local money or a combination of both so if I knew that I wouldn't have exchanged anything it's part just much easier if you bring a bunch of small bills especially your writing that took do [Music] all right meeting up with my buddy Ben in it again today there he is hi morning alright big food day still be a lot of food morning that's why I like this guy [Applause] [Music] this is what we're gonna go get coffee [Music] this is called a loan pal it's like a donut as well with sesame and made with rice flour so this could have a little chewy texture I'm assuming and it's brown compared to then yo tell the I'm calling it yo tell but that local fried donut because it's got palm sugar inside I love this I mean this goes with most pastries here in Cambodia it's gonna be chewier because of the added rice flour there's always gonna have that nice subtle sweetness from the palm sugar again there's a really good kind of sweetness and of course awesome sesame aroma and you can zip it inside the coffee I only drink coffee when I have a doughnut this is great because it's a little salty you see good little saltiness and sweetness together and this thing is so much more difficult [Music] most people have doughnuts with their coffee I have coffee with my doughnuts got some ginger cook with pork some beef jerky dried fish you wouldn't think you died much short ginger and one bite it's still like where you're eating the texture it's almost like a bamboo shoot it's got that nice crunchy texture and the ginger flavor is not like overwhelming it's not like you're taking a bite of raw ginger you're like oh my god this thing is killing my tongue not at all it's got the nice ginger aroma it's not trying to murder you like this much ginger typically does well there's a little bits of lop Chunk mixed inside little bits of sausage I guess ah that's great I roll on [Music] Southeast Asia the stroke you really really really well it's not just try like u.s. American turkeys just like just try and salt it but here is chewy a little bits of palm sugar gives it a slightly nice sugary flavor and it's aromatic I've when you're chewing it it's not just your toe that's happy your other senses are lighting up as well right fish anytime I have a chance to eat dry fish I do it because I love the texture there's truly salty for such a nice rich flavor the more are you my happiness level just right [Music] we got a green curry noodle in a red curry at all so this is the green curry but in a flower cucumber the yellow is turmeric and this is ginger that's bloody insane it's a thicker curry so it's grass on sit on you know extremely extremely well I'm not usually a fan of banana flower because I feel like it tastes like a like you fit into up an appeal we're here the crunch of it actually goes pretty well with this curry let's Korea self is amazingly delicious they're so smooth a little creamy I'm gonna add the spice a little citrus on the line [Music] mom this is so aromatic coconut here you can add the chilies in there which already dead but if you want a little extra kick that's not for beginners trust me [Music] the red curry is sweeter sweeter for sure I feel like I think this one better nice crunch from the Sprouse to cucumbers and everything and the curry it's a little less creamy so this was a little more soupy the creek is absorbed by the noodles so well this is such a flavorful noodle dish ten you know texture gonna be a little softer then you will find that out one of the beef noodle places pie left flavor is unbeatable we just come here and get one of each this is one of my favorite things in this country oh my god he's a little coconutty fluffy cupcakes with coconut milk on top this thing if you love anything that's fluffy and sweet and extremely extremely aromatic this is your champ this is just really the fluffiest areas bounciest the coconut cake you can find in the land [Music] biting into that I was really biting into like a sweet fluffy pillow I was so chewy and coconut flavor there's just deliciously overwhelming it's not overly sweet it's just got that goodness I was talking to you about meeting guys it's like the food guys appeared on earth and just give you a kiss on the lips that's how sweet and delicious it is just walk around when you see these ladies with like a thousand little cups and their steam room that's what they're cooking get you some so the area that we were in is actually called the Old Market so this is a area where right early in the morning you got little vendors you got meat grilled meats rice everything you could ever want for your dates delicious food they can find it here I mean is this still early in a day and everybody is out and the thing where Cambodians is that it'll do a lot of cooking at home so most of the stuff it's just bought on the street so these vendors get a lot of business but some people just just showing up grabbing something for work for school or you know after work coming home grab something on the way I love that culture I love it cheap and good and fast and you don't have to do the dishes wait this is the this orange brought by the French and it's green but it's actually really sweet yeah from South Africa yeah and this is mainly used for juice and this order juice is very very popular here in Cambodia see what I like about this is that it's brilliant brushing yeah it's not like overly sweet you can actually drink this and feel like oh my thirst is quenched I like if I drink orange juice in the States I'm like yeah I got so much so much sugar in my mouth it's kind of sticky you know it feels like almost there's water here but there's not no it's just so like it's just so bloody refreshing right now going into the oldest side market this market it's it's very much it's super super local you're not gonna find many stores in here for this place is a wholesale you buy things in bulk here this is basically Nam hence Sam's Club or Costco look at this I mean this market really it is like a giant Costco you got rugs and detergent houseware stuff and also a ton of spices and tea coffee and everything is negotiated so you're not gonna see a price tag on anything so you offer a price and this is why I like really only locals come here because you're not a local public eating prick time I'm now like trapped in this random aisle oh sorry so I should make a video game and it is called Cambodian market it's be like like a guy trying to get out and you win if you see daylight only thing missing here is a shopping cart cuz there's so much stuff I don't know how people carry this stuff out with them [Music] [Music] most Asian countries you go to they're gonna have their own version of kanji in China the kanji in the north is sweet country in the south of savory everywhere else in Asia it's all savory man this one has a mix of meats got pork belly cards liver if there's some blood in here oh man this congee is delicious a rice cooked perfectly melts here now I've got the great crunch from the sprouts from the sky eschew chunks of meat a little citrus from the lime again that subtle sweetness that most Cambodian dishes have there's just a well-balanced ball congee I'm eating savory structure.c sweet I just satisfy every craving needs veggies and rice soup whatever you're craving for this thing basically covers that or just love like sitting here look sitting here knows Ali it was lovely lady to cook this magical bowl of congee and I'm just surrounded by locals just enjoying food walking around this is the experience I love having so what I'm visiting a foreign country a place I never been before this is it this is my happy place right here this is the kind of places I think about what I'm trying to golf really well thanks happy gilmore [Music] little fermented rice balls black rice and white rice and alcohol oh that's sweet um let me know if I'm getting the Asian plush okay whoo I'm a lightweight already feeling tipsy oh I like the white rice one does that reminds me about the Chinese fermented rice fermented rice for some reason if you never had it before has this amazingly chewy texture it makes the rice turned into like a little rice II sponge so it's warped so much of whatever you're trying to have soaking him I don't usually and take much alcohol so if you see me running down the street with my underwear on my head after this don't know why this alley has so much good food to you what is it Oh waffles and Bodi and waffle looks like a regular waffle but as with other flour based products in this country rice flours always add it so expecting a chewy texture and it did not disappoint it's gonna be mochi of sugar than a regular waffle again a little simple palm sugar makes everything everything that much better I'm tellin ya MARY POPPINS is right but instead of just medicine spoonful of sugar makes everything go down better oh nice little bits of coconut in there too else was it hidden surprises here so these are same needles I had yesterday at Central Market and this is already like as of yesterday one of my favorite things to eat in Cambodia I love every single aspect of that if this was a girl I'd be popping a question already just the most perfect buttering it off first of all the needle texture is so incredibly chewy and nice to mouth feels out of this world a little bit of palm sugar for the sweetness a little egginess just to make it a little bit more creamy nice chunks a meeting here and you mix it with a little bit of vinegar a little bit of chilies to balance it out it just becomes an overwhelmingly Happiness inducing bite even again what I love most is that char flavor but does that cooking surface is so hot and when that happens when you're stir frying you know so we can change the fire and that flavor and can't get that everywhere because a lot of times when you're stir frying this at home or something the heat is not that good only on extremely hot surfaces you get that great sharp smoky flavor and this plating noodles has so much of that this is probably my favorite noodles here in Cambodia love it just like a good marriage the longer you spend with it the longer you eating it or longer you're chewing it the better it gets like a little Cambodian freshly made ice-cream call or a wafer wafer call this will be amazing when it's wrapped around a creamy scoop of ice cream cambodians soy milk so a lot of the Chinese people actually live in Cambodia and of course this is a very Chinese influence drink that's from fresh soy beans for sure you can taste it it's very smooth but at the same time it's taste like your tree on a soybean oh my god this green bean thing is crazy it's very thick super thick just almost be scooping this thing up with a spoon they're very grainy so this is a little less refreshing the green being and the ripping are like soos oh my god this is just tastes like a crash drink not a super fan of this cuz I'm usually not a super fan of anything that's ridiculously healthy which I'm sure this is because this tastes like it could extend my life and that's not usually the things I put in my body I probably should but I don't this is called a pig feet cake this is what this lady's been frying and on top peanuts you got jicama if this is a doughy food item it's made with rice flour - oh there's some other beans in here as well this is not at all what I expect you for some reason I thought it's gonna be like really sweet the jicama is a little crunchy and for some reason reminds me of a turn up the show is very very crispy outside inside extremely tender and starchy because of the beans I mean it's good I almost feel like this is something you gotta dip it in some chilli sauce almost because there's a bit oily I feel like some chili sauce maybe a bit of vinegar we're completely off said that that makes us more balanced and more delicious on his own dog texture is nice as this really wasn't expecting it to be savory there's so crazy eating and he's a little Alice because it's actually a really sunny day because he's just like this sliver of sunshine but in as a letís almost like a whole different world it's like I'm on an underground food journey right now I like it [Music] fried banana you know about it rolling it comes to bananas if you go to any country if it's fried work grilled on a food stand you have to get it searched national law Manus bananas huge looks like a massive fried piece of fish so this is the fried banana oh my god like seriously it is just massive very very very crispy on the outside eating a fried banana imma took two does it get more local than this Oh mom you hear that crunch I mean this loud here on the streets with cars everywhere construction well you should have still heard that crush this is a great fried paneer is so Airy it's like a bunny in a cave they planted a banana so inside just a nice and airy so it's kind of a superb crunch this is crazy that's a gray forever now it's probably the crunchiest fried banana I've ever happened [Music] what a local wet market now and it's really cool to go to a particular city and see where the locals shop in the kind of produce that they get in this market it's got look at this towers of sugar king which I love you can tell this is where the locals come this is where they gather their ingredients for the kitchen this is like - a typical Asian grocery store is what this is got produce vegetables fish seafood chicken pork and this might be a little overwhelming to people who's never seen something like this before like I grew up in a household where my mom literally butchered things right in front of my face so yeah so I'm a little traumatized but that's what we were used to seeing where you live in Asia is markets like this where everything is laid out in front of you few things are refrigerated it just all out in the open that's because they are that fresh Wow some mochi donut super crispy on the outside this is palm sugar it's a little sticky but I think if there's gonna be a little crunch with this as well this will definitely be a Homer Simpson approve if you never had a mochi donut before go get one when the dough has a little rice flour the chewy texture in the mouth feel it's just so much superior to a regular doughnut if you love Donuts gotta give this a try you just want to stop with mom being [Music] the mumping is a little starchy I feel like I still like to fling donut much better because the starchy bean paste doesn't distract you from just the great texture of the donut yourself it's still good though just like when it comes to regular Donuts I like a regular glazed donut instead of a stuffed donut we're in a local restaurant that serves beef stew and one thing to notice when you're in the restaurant in Cambodia if you look on the ground you see like all these paper napkins everywhere even though there are trash bins basically what this means is that it's kind of like burping in France like it's a sign of the food is good and people are just wiping them out than throwing on the ground and apparently that's like widely accepted even though there's trash guys everywhere so yeah I guess if you drop a napkin on the ground it's a good thing here Oh each - huh oh man that's the best piece of meat right there this is the meat that's right on the ball man that's gonna have a little cartilage in there as well this is a beef stew but I like the beef stew up I've had in the US where you notice a lot of potatoes a lot of carrots this thing is just 99% beef I mean it is just super loaded with meat almost dare I say too overloaded if there is such a thing like that's like affirmative action of vegetables just is this here for statistics but the beef looks amazingly tender both this is crazy dude oh wow couple of observations the beef there's not gonna be the most tender you ever had wait a minute there's different cuts of beef in here all right this chunk is gonna have a lot of lean meat Intendant oh my god nothing is softer to my thumping plushy room I don't plain plushie is soft there's a couple of pieces that beep in here that's a little bit chewy and it's really lean but it has an intense beefy flavor then there are other pieces in here put a little bit of fat a little bit of tendon that will just completely melt on your tongue like a snowflake it's almost like too much good beef flavor in here oh this is definitely something you should use with some noodles with a little bit of carbs a little bit of starch dare I say it's just a little too flavorful it's just a massive bowl of beef that's all right oh this is definitely a place I would want to come when I lose all my teeth in the future there is hope for me when I'm 90 I have no teeth but I still crave meat this is where I'll be wait this is a root you're telling me this this is a snack yeah dude you guys you guys are intense I love these people seriously like this in any culture would be like once you eat this it's nap time but here you eat this and then you go out for dinner amen thanks so much for showing me around thanks so much for coming great this guy knows a lot about about about the local food scene so but ya know I'm worried so much from you and thanks for all the great places III gotta go eat some more so you're full right before I leave this country I gotta go have one more fish amok and apparently this is one of the best restaurants that have it in although uh this is a very touristy place my first option was close like I think permanently so this will have to do there it is my second attempt by eating fish amok here in Cambodia this looks more traditional served on a banana leaf big chunks of fish coconut milk on top and this is actually not a a super local food because this was actually the food of royalty back in the day this is way different than the first amok I had a few days ago the chunks of the fish as much bigger I feel like the sauce is thicker less watery than that first time I had this station very very aromatic that familiar sweetness of the palm sugar shines through pieces of fish is nice and tender we definitely taste the lemongrass the chilies of that great aroma and spices of the curry for some reason though I don't really understand this dish is supposed to be steamed the traditional way making is supposed to be steamed but the two places I went to the last place in this place I'm pretty sure this is fried too I feel like just push the curry is much nicer can actually taste a big chunks of fish in this particular version is credibly medium fragrant I think this is definitely better than the last one I had but I still haven't had words like a traditionally steamed where the curry is supposed to be that's why I rent the curry is supposed to almost be like a paste like consistency and the first one I had was more watery this room is less watery is more thick but it's still not what I thought it would be like I mean it's a good dish but I feel like it's still missing something at least for me that pushed us into legendary status I mean to me it just tastes like a really good dish of fish curry I mean it's for sure way more aromatic and complexed and regular fish curry but it's really not all that mind-blowing for me so I don't know whether I'm just not eating the correct version of this work or maybe this just isn't my thing I mean it's a good dish don't get me wrong it's a dish I feel like everybody should try coming to this country but that's kind of it for me it's just a really good dish all right I gotta finish up and go pack I just want to say this has been an incredible three days in this country didn't really know what to expect coming into Cambodia but as soon as I landed I remember going through the visa process like it was like midnight but people were still smiling and being courteous and nice and and that was a pretty good first impression in this country and having been here for three days I can't really give you a deep assessment of Cambodia or Phnom Penh but but I'll sum up my impression in four words great food better people the food actually shocked me the amount and variety of street food there's morning markets day markets night markets Russian market central markets some markets everywhere and you're always able to find something interesting to eat no matter what time it is and the people I met from the - to drivers to the cooks to the stand owners I love it when I'm filming in a country where they see a camera instead of shine away they actually smile and they're happy to be on you know how rare that is in the Asian countries bottom line great first trip here in Cambodia I wish there was more time like I explained before I didn't just come for three days because I only want to spend three days here I've been traveling for the last three months I need to go home I got another big trip coming up I can only spend three days here so this was a short first trip in Cambodia definitely would not be the last time there's so much history and culture and amazing things to see here and I really can't wait till the next time I'm back so now it's back to Seattle for about ten days to take care of some errands and personal stuff and then each of them Pakistan all right guys I'm gonna put as much information as possible of the places I went to today down below because honestly we just went to a bunch of different markets and I'll probably have trouble telling you exactly what stalls I went to but I'll do my best as always thank you all so much for watching and until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,553,547
Rating: 4.9074845 out of 5
Keywords: bbq, bbq pork, bbq pork rice, cambodian food, cambodia, phnom penh, breakfast foods, cambodian breakfast, cambodian street food tour, cambodian food market, traditional food market, food market phnom penh, cambodian street food, street foods, noodles, noodle soup, cambodian noodle soup, beef soup, travel cambodia, cambodia food tour
Id: Pv6G0vv8Uks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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