Street Food in Luang Prabang - WILD GRILLED BEE HONEY COMB! | Morning Market Lao Food Tour!

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good morning I hope you're having an amazing day it's mark means I'm in Luang Prabang Lau this it's a heritage city it's absolutely gorgeous but they're also known for their food here and one of the best places to eat is within the market so today I'm gonna take you on a Luang Prabang Market Street food tour we're gonna eat some some amazing food and I'm gonna share it all with you in this video right now okay we just arrived to the morning market [Applause] [Music] I've never seen it cooked this way but she has beehives she has honey and then she's grilling up the larva which is still within the hive she's drilling it in banana leaves and it's just like a little a little V larva be worm snack at first I thought you could just eat the larvae but she said you can eat the entire hive I've never had the hive before but the larvae is stuffed with in this hive and then just roasted in a banana leaf wow this is this is just very very fascinating that is awesome mmm those larvae they just burst with juice with this slight honey sweetness and then they're all wrapped up in that within that hive the entire thing is like way juicier than I had imagined and you can taste like it does have sort of a that's light like protein e beef flavor to it it's kind of like chewy scrambled eggs with a honey flavor that's just like precious like the pure thing wowthat's that is incredibly delicious I am I'm amazed yush be high-protein just eating the comb but yeah with the larva still in there it was so juicy one of the great things about this market is that people come from this entire region they come from the village they come from this surrounding area and bring what they find so you'll find all sorts of things from the jungle including herbs and vegetables but also fish and meat there's a real just variety of different ingredients and it's it's such a colorful such a vibrant atmosphere and at the same time it's calm and friendly I just noticed after finishing that bee hive I feel my teeth have like a little wax on them it feels like I think it's beeswax [Music] the actual name of this is called Connell job it is a yellow mung bean kind of almost like cupcake almost muffin shape and what he does he takes this little like handheld shape which I I think it's totally custom and then he adds on some sticky rice flour which is made into a batter like a pancake batter that holds it all together drops it in the oil at deep-fries but he keeps that he keeps that like muffin shaped form on it in the oil so that it holds its shape this is another delicious looking morning treat hold the fuel gauge that dude I see all hot oh it's so good oh it feel good mm-hmm part of the reason it's so good is because it's so fresh these are right out of the hot oil but that has like a like a creamy potato textured feeling on the inside but then ultra crispy on the outside and maybe the seasoning on the inside is maybe just a little bit of salt and pepper it's very light on the seasoning but it's just all about that deep frying process and that combination [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's like a flaming hockey puck breathing steam with everybody fantastic [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay ma'am ma'am more okay the next snack and this is this is a type of ma'am which is a it's a fermented pork treat but this is kind of in like a loaf form you can see the texture on that you can see the pieces of skin there's some meat there's fat mixed in and then there's chiles on the side and then she slices you a piece of the cake and see it's just everything is just kind of held together by fat and and gelatin and yeah jelly the gelatin and the collagen everything's known together by collagen okay oh okay this is one of those things that doesn't look all it honestly doesn't look all that attractive it's like translucent fat ends and juices and skin mingled together a lot of skin much flavor goal oh it's so garlicky it's nice and sour you can taste that fermented Becker and then that extra is so soft slightly jelly ish you've got a little bit of gelatinous skin in there but it's all really really tender tabligh that's definitely a little jiggly but it is so flavorful I feel like I've had my full dose of collagen for the day we can continue walking around now as you keep walking around this market you'll just start to notice more and more unique and fascinating ingredients and the people one of one thing that stands out is that the people are so nice and so friendly you'll find all sorts of fish from the mekong you'll find herbs foraged herbs there are all sorts of different mushrooms and fungus there's ant larvas of a variety of ants there's bats there's rats there's chickens there's jungle birds there's jungle meat next up we are trying something it's called cow cheese and this is it's a very very common Street food snack that you will find all over this region of the world it's sticky rice which is molded into a kind of almost popsicle shape dipped in egg and then grilled over coals okay about that gel the flavor is really coming from that that sauce it tastes like a dry smoky fish flavor there's chilies in it it's a little bit spicy and then the the whole rice that kouchi is actually kind of its kind of gluttonous because it's sticky rice you've got that egg coating it's got that smoky egg flavor that's just the carb delicious snack in the morning when a vendor is snacking on his own product in the morning you know it's good yeah yeah hi yeah five years no game how are you why the gal gals happen yeah that's I mean I've had this yeah quite a few times before sometimes it's usually kind of I mean it's usually kind of plain not always my favorite this is amazing and that chili sauce makes it what a friendly bubbly man he was [Music] [Music] this is one of those things that you could just sit here and sit in bathe in the steam and watch her making it all day long she puts on a batter on to its this is just like a steamed cheesecloth she flattens it out into me and it steams until until it turns into a noodle then she takes it off she she puts it on to her her chopping board there she adds in a mixture of minced meat there are some green onions in there and probably just some mild spices then she rolls them up into the fresh so they're fresh noodle rolls a lot of people are just ordering it to go but if you order to eat he or she will sprinkle on some crispy shallots and served it with a sauce that I think is mostly fish sauce with a sprinkle of lime in it [Music] tap-tap all them oh that's fantastic yeah you really noticed the freshness of the the fresh noodle that she makes hmm and it's so soft and so like silky smooth that that noodle batter you've got the just a little bit of minced meat in there with the onions salty the freshness of it and the softness silkiness of it is what stands out that's one of those things that just goes down so easily cuz it's so soft and supple [Music] for our final meal this morning we're stopping at a stall here it's in the back of the fish stall and we're gonna eat some copy X n copy X n is a popular Lau noodle dish the noodles a combination of rice and tapioca starch are thick and hearty the noodles are first blanched in hot water the pork sliced right off the bone and in goes a handful of raw herbs followed by boiled watercress [Music] there's just nothing quite like the satisfaction of having a hot bowl of noodles in the morning for breakfast this just looks spectacular and you always do want to taste the broth before you do anything before you add any seasoning yourself well the broth is almost kind of like it's not like a like a pure liquid it's kind of a little bit thickened oh yeah come to think of it she did cook the noodles in the soup and then normal normally often they would cook separately so that you get that the starch so that the starch is separate but she cooks it within this so you get that starch that's probably what thickens the the broth but that's that's on purpose oh yeah that's a meaty pork stock but yeah it is slightly thickened so it's more like a gravy so it coats all of the ingredients and this roasted chili oil looks absolutely amazing I'm gonna add a little bit of this and maybe a little bit more for good measure swirl that around and there also some fresh chilies here too but I will I think I'll chase with the fresh chilies can't get my chopsticks going you can see the thickness of the broth now that's a and it just sort of glistens and coats the noodles but these are fresh noodles [Music] that vegetable tastes like water crash and then okay with that that that chili oil all that that enhances it a next-level oh it's so good that broth no broth is fantastic it's so soothing these little green chilies are one of the joys of allow eating in Lao there I'm gonna get if you keep on eating them they do get spicy but they're so flavorful that crunch they're like explosive green beans we just experienced just snack after snack Bowl after bowl of extreme delicious fresh cooked food vendor after vendor they're so nice here they're so friendly yeah this is a place especially if you love local culture street food snacks this is a place here you need to come [Applause] it's the middle of the morning now and to continue this Lao Street food tour of the markets of Luang Prabang we are walking over to a lot possi which is it's the biggest fresh market in Luang Prabang I'm not sure what we're gonna discover there but we're gonna walk around and find out you're greeted at the entrance with a parking lot of two cooks were on the hunt we're gonna walk around and try to find food that you would eat with sticky rice so some of the stews some of the jail's some of those dips because we've already eaten noodles we've already quite a few snacks this morning so we're on the hunt for sticky rice now and if you step onto the inside of the market immediately it turns to utensils - clothes - shoes and so I think I think this is just a market where you can buy in anything you're possibly looking for from kids toys to mops to dolls to sandals to eggs and the latest in backpacker fashion we're just walking just outside of the market where and there's a place that we could not walk past without buying one she's serving sight war which is the Luang Prabang style sausage she has the fan blowing onto the grill onto the sausage which is in turn blowing the smoke towards the road and everyone who passes by it's impossible not to stop you will not pass by her sausage stall and if their light Negro who come out with me it's a mechanic motorbike shop but she just sells Oh everybody what is definitely homemade site wah right in front of the mechanic shop okay I can't wait to try it look at that sausage of beauty it's just loaded with you can see green onions I think you can see some dill in there some cilantro then the meat lemongrass oh oh that's hands down the best sidewalk I think I've ever had all the herb content will blow you away the lemongrass in there oh wow you can taste just the faint hint of chilies it's salty it's meaty it doesn't taste that fatty oh that's good maybe some dill in there the greasy awesomeness of the meat but then the herbal content what a recipe that is just blowing us away not only is this one of those sausages that was impossible to pass by this is one of those sausages that after you eat one it's impossible not to order another one so I did just ask she makes it fresh herself [Music] yeah that's some of the best sausage I've ever had anywhere in the world ever [Music] under an umbrella across the street from a gas station just down the road from the market we found the lunch we were searching for a point and choose haven of louse twos and sticky rice ah [Music] yeah oh hello careful it feels like it's gonna break I can't know Moya I walk sugar cane juice oh well that is really good sweet but really refreshing because it's hot all the dishes are up at the front over there you choose you pick and choose whatever you want there's a couple of different dishes a couple dishes that I wanted to try and then a couple dishes that were kind of low at the bottom of the pan so you know they're good you know they're the top choices it looks fantastic we've got a mound of sticky rice we've got some gel and chili dip this dish is called off ball and there's pork in here some big chunks of pork fat and then that's whoa that thing is hard that's something hard in there oh that's like an olive seeding oh is that Lau all up in there McCormick aw yeah yes okay and there's pork in here and then that's like a look it's it's like a very green green looking student as you pick up a spoon of this you can smell the sourness which i think is coming from that lao olive [Music] oh that's like a disintegrating garden in your mouth there's dill in there and I think as well it has this wonderful acidic component to it that tastes more like a more like a pickle almost rather than like lime juice Bowen no that's really really remarkably good it's a little bit spicy they're chilies in there for sure the next dish is called pop valine and this is definitely a MEK Hong River fish our freshwater fish kind of look you can see that like blubber on the outside catfish eat up a fish there are some innards in you all those innards are sprouting but again this is like a fish stew you can see the fish oil on top of there and then the herbs the cilantro comes in the yeah this looks this looks delicious and look we got some belly here [Music] yeah that's that's like really good like it looks I think they've done a great job to sort of mask the fishiness of the freshwater fish it doesn't it doesn't really taste muddy at all when it's wrapped up in those herbs they do fish soup well here this is this is but more than a soup it's like a stew like a fish student bone when she said it's called jail num Park which is it's there's some type of vegetable that's like roasted down in there along with the roasted chilies you can see a little bit of herbs in there this is this is this was made for sticky rice pieces sticky rice just fell out of my mouth oh that's tall that's wonderful the dried chili flavor there's like it's exaggerated in there but then it has this really extreme saltiness that's just awesomely awesomely good yeah that goes so well with sticky rice the next dish is called soup Hawk and it's a mix of vegetables you can see the the peas like like they look like snow peas in here you can see that they look like sesame seeds as well it looks kind of tangley and tangly and delicious argument in each suit is okay another amazing dish I think those are sesame seeds and the mix of vegetables here is also very key because you've got those peas which are a little bit slimy you've got that that green vegetable which has a crunch to it and then yet it's just all completely wrapped up in that really smoky nutty roasted flavor which is that dressing that is impressively delicious it's so good that's so good and unlike anything else I've had in Southeast Asia we had to try this because this is a very well-known Kabong style dish it's called hot lap oh there's pork innards - mm-hmm excellent this is just like all things pig pig + herb and kind of a does look a little bit slimy I'll take that morsel right there hmm actually to be honest out of all the dishes that one is the most mellow it's wrapped up in a slightly slightly slimy gravy but that that's not off-putting it all the texture is really good what comes in nicely to me is first of the lemongrass paired with the dill and with the texture of that gravy that makes it perfect for scooping up with sticky rice all the dishes we've tried here they're they're all incredibly good they're all so different in flavor and herb composition but I think the all boney that might be my favorite the green flavor of that is undeniable but that lemongrass shines as we were sitting here eating they they they were selling a lot of pick away so three out of the six dishes are gone now you can see the empty places where they're sitting over tuckle they're gone we got here just in time to experience this food and it was sensationally delicious and everything we ordered it per dish it's only 5,000 cubed so our entire meal and they gave us like three kilos of sticky rice for two just a cup - just just complimentary to go with the food so they're really nice this is right along where are we here we are right along the side of the road there's a a petrol ow across the street and about I'd say about one and a half kilometers down that way is the main historical centre of Lanka bong I'm I'm so happy so satisfied we need to take a rest now this afternoon on our way back to the Heritage Center back to the hotel we're gonna take a little rest this afternoon and also wait out the hot Sun and we will do some more eating later on this evening are you available I'm a little bit Spacey right now I'm just gliding around of O'Neill we had a fantastic rest this afternoon and managed to stay away from most of the blazing hot Sun this afternoon we're on our way back to the market now and we're going to the night market there's a food market right right in the very close to the center Heritage old town of Luang Prabang and we're gonna go search out some more street food for dinner tonight and as soon as you enter into this narrow alley this passageway you can just smell the smoke wafting through the through this place there they you get grilled sausage you get grilled chicken there's grilled fish she is cooking something amazing looking over there right now it's a little bit quiet because we wanted to show up early to get the the first selection of the food they have tables where you can sit there's quite quite a lot of food packed within this alley we're gonna get a fish and then we're gonna go down the alley and sit at the the curry stall because there are a couple more dishes I want to try there and then use it all together honey Buster loves she has a selection of different fish including there's some catfish there there's some tilapia but I was really more interested in trying some of the the river Mekong fish so he has a little selection of River mecklen fish we got we got one of them those are definitely some of the fish that we saw this morning at the market we're gonna take that fish go down to the end of the bell Lane and there's a stall that I want to order a few more dishes from they don't normally serve food at this stall for you to eat here everyone that's coming here is all taking away but they've been really nice to us they they went into their house because they actually this is their house right here this is where they cook the food and then they serve it right outside of their house they went into their house they got bowls they served it to the food to us the order of the dishes that we ordered in bowls and they brought it across the lane here to this table that's kind of randomly sitting here within the alley and next to the convenience shop and they have yeah they've graciously hooked us up and their food looks look stunning one more very nice gesture is that since they don't actually cater they don't actually have a record that you don't actually sit down at this stall they went into their house and they brought us out there their own personal sticky rice basket this is just out of their home so this is what they use and they're letting us use it that's yet enough yet again another genuine gesture of welcome and kindness this one is called lop pie and this is a this is a green algae that comes from the river or some kind of seaweed but it's it when she scooped it into the bowl you could just see it kind of like how sticky the texture isn't even in the bullet kind of just sloshes sloshes around Jo that's like a you can't tell if it's a puree or or a gravy I bet though you will get that texture I mean it's like whoa whoa it'll slice it just slid right off my spoon okay but you can also see it's not just that there is some coriander mixed in there is some maybe some eggplant particles yeah I have no idea even what to expect very first part of another awesome meal okay the texture is a little unique it is both slimy it has some kind of a like like some kind of a dimension of crispness to it kind of like an oniony in flavor maybe garlicky you taste I do see some sesame seeds in there you can taste the smoky knotty sesame seed flavor it sort of has a spinachy-- component to it in the mouth it's amazing don't be put off by the look of this it's it deserves an order for sure I think I think it's coconut milk there's shreds of chicken in here there looks like there's some minced meat in there too and then kind of a red chili oil sauce so get a little bit of everything in one bite and lightener oh oh that's that is again delicious food the onions in there it tastes like tomato stewed minced pork with shreds of chicken in it then wrapped up in a very light coconut milk sauce almost soupy soupy coconut milk that is that is insanely good the next one is called multi care and this is it was it was seemed in a banana leaf and then she they they emptied it onto a plate when we ordered it but there should be some egg in here [Music] oh the dill it's kind of like a hmm like a dry scrambled egg but juicy at the same time and then just loaded with bill this one is jail macaque which includes the lao olive in it oh well that tastes like bacon almost mm-hmm it's not as like sour or acidic as I thought it was gonna be from that all over that's nicely greased yeah good move bacon flavor coming from possibly pork fat lard within that number okay the next dish is challah and the like the different textures and chunky things going on in this dish easy not to impress you and we saw it up there we had to order it you can see lemongrass in there you can there's like a copious amount of chilies floating around in there cake [Music] now one's a winner oh that's one of those like entire mouth full like maximizing every single taste but in your mouth kind of dishes we have been so enthralled in the dishes that we haven't even we almost forgot about the fish but no we haven't forgotten about the fish it's time to dig into the fish now one thing that's worth mentioning is that Lau is a landlocked country so all fish that you get which are local our freshwater the texture of it is kind of like it is a little mushy but in a good kind of way that's delicious it would be good with some of the some of the jails to go on top but that's good on its own that was another outstanding meal I'm blown away by those the variety of those dishes and the different ingredients involved and even the textures and and the herb compounds of all those dishes and today has been an absolute outstanding day of food in the lung problem and Luang Prabang is known for its history it's known as being a heritage city and I think the best reason to come here is for the food ok so that's it for this video I want to say a huge thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up leave a comment below and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click that little bell icon that way you'll get notified of the future videos that I published thanks again for watching I will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 3,176,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Luang Prabang, Luang Prabang food, Luang Prabang street food, Lao street food, Lao food, Laos street food, laos food tour, Lao food tour, Mark Wiens, morning market Luang Prabang, eating bee hive, honey comb, night market Luang Prabang, things to do in Luang Prabang, things to do in Laos, Lao cuisine, street food, travel, travel guide, Luang Prabang travel guide, restaurants Luang Prabang
Id: 41jPlL9pUAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 43sec (2023 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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