Non-Canadians, What Have You Always Wanted To Ask A Canadian ? (r/AskReddit)

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non-canadians of Reddit what questions have you always wanted to ask a Canadian are Canadian geese as vicious as I've been led to believe they are demon spawn how is it with the lag which border in your country are there many people that speak French and English I grew up in Vancouver and pretty much no one spoke French unless they were from Quebec or France the French taught in school was super basic and if the student didn't make an effort they forget these people from a lot of different provinces I speak French because I was interested in learning and took lessons outside of school what is the most dangerous creature in Canada I asked an Alaskan if it was polar bears and they got real serious and quiet and said moose moose 100% they can murder you viscously and so many ways let's say you hit a moose with your car you will knock its feet out but they're huge heavy meat sack bodies will fall onto your windshield and you will die from impact do the Mounties always get their man how often do you see a Mountie they only really wear the red uniform with the Stetson on parade or special occasions when they're just being police officers they look like regular cops you see them all the time just as police offices but where I am on the East Coast we only see them in the dress uniform on special occasions like Canada Day or Remembrance Day I've heard that all the evil in Canada was removed from people and took the form of geese that's why Canadians are so nice and geese are pure evil is this true this makes a lot of sense actually is it cold air in Edmonton it is freezing right now like minus 40 to see what are the insulting stereotypes of people in each of the provinces only one I ever heard was that allegedly everyone in Newfoundland was conceived on a fishing boat it would be a lot to name each province territory so I'll name a few Ontarians are the center of the universe and stuck-up Albertans rednecks Quebecers are racist more holier than thou then Ontarians Newfoundlanders are so nice but hard to understand how often do you actually see a moose and what's the actual plural of moose nice does your money really smell like maple syrup the hundred dollar bills do but only if they're fresh from the mint if they've been in circulation then they just smell like pockets is everyone as nice as the legends say we've got our fair share of buttholes Canadians can be more polite than Americans but that doesn't make them nicer do you French kiss or just kiss depends if it's my wife of my pet moose is it popular to photoshop a marijuana leaf into your flag instead of the maple leaf yup and in stores everywhere they sell Canadian ganja flags what are Canadian s opinions of people from England UK love the accent hate the exchange rate sorry that this isn't a question but rather a tribute to Canadians we have travelled many times to Toronto for long weekend stays from Cleveland to see shows visit museums and in Belgium bit in the huge cultural mix we always felt welcomed and are impressed with the entertainment restaurants and the people of this city and beyond we always feel safe once when we taken public transportation to the vicinity of Casa Loma we stood at an intersection trying to figure out what direction to go to the castle and a bus driver got off his bus to ask if he could help us I was so floored by the kind gesture I wrote the transportation company to give my appreciation for what I felt was going above and beyond ordinary behavior on another occasion we had gone by rail to the Ford Center to see showboat either coming or going we weren't sure which direction train we should take and were just talking among ourselves some citizens noticed and asked if they could help which they did these experiences were so positively different from what I personally experienced in New York City just last fall we drove from Fort Frances to Banff jazbaa Vancouver and Victoria again we were impressed by the helpful and friendly safe experience we had while travelling by all those we encountered in the cities as well in rural areas we chatted with men who weren't tourists along the way and felt an immediate connection despite what difficulties each country is having with unsavory politics thank you for being interesting kind and concerned citizens Canadian here in Toronto I'm naturally drawn to wayfinding for people if I see they look directionless not sure if others feel the same do you see many smoke marijuana yep tons of folks smoke weed here ok so once I went on vacation to Canada and we went to this big indoor farmers market thing in Vancouver and there was a store handing out samples of cuts of maple syrup and everyone we saw was just straight-up taking shots of syrup what a freak was up with that when we say we like maple syrup we are not exaggerating how many times on average do you apologize a day not very often sorry do you miss go [ __ ] I do he was so important to Canada that the CBC preempted the Olympics to show the final concert what is your relationship to the First Nations tricky they face huge amounts of discrimination and racism do you ever just stick a straw in a tree and start drinking number we pour the processed syrup in the snow then roll it up onto a stick yummy Twiggy sugary goodness do you guys really say who'sa someone told me that was a Minnesota thing not Canadian but I think he's wrong if you want to know more about Canadian dialects watch some Letterkenny it pretty much nails the accent from the area I grew up rural Ontario which I hear is also common throughout the other provinces is your healthcare really as good as Democrats in the US advertised itis wait times for non urgent specialist appointments or MRI scans are pretty long but if I break my arm I can go to the hospital and not have to worry about paying a cent or even just basic things like going to the doctor for a funky toe or to refill my birth-control prescription did Trailer Park Boys die for you when Netflix took over like it did for me yes the later seasons are awful but they will always hold a place in my heart as the first few seasons are comedy golden were made in my home province TPB is pretty much our primary cultural export can you please explain to me what the Frick pattern is what is it supposed to be pout eNOS flies with cheese curds covered in gravy and it is a goddamn delicacy it has to be cheese curds they must be squeaky as for what it's supposed to be a snack a meal depends what you wanted to be why do you put your milk in bags that isn't even all of Canada just an Ontario maybe Quebec and maybe the Maritimes I moved to BC and no bag milk we have back milked because it is the cheapest way to package it you have a jug at home that the bag slips into and then you cut a corner of the bag off to pour it out some people cut off both top corners to vent but most don't why is maple syrup so famous maple syrup is so important to us because it is a huge thing of pride for our country Canada produces 85% of the world maple syrup and the First Nations here were the first to discover it is Canada only considered friendly and sensible because it's only got America as comparison that is the most accurate thing I've ever heard is Letterkenny an accurate representation of small-town Canada represent small-town Ontario check out corner gas for small-town prairies I was always curious if Canadians are as polite as rumors says 90% of people here are really nice and would be considered way more polite than people in America for example but every now and then you will meet some pretty trash people our baby Canadians actually called puck Ling's number but female hockey groupies are called puck bunnies will you marry me so I can become a Canadian too sorry you want apologetic enough for me maybe some Canadian who have visited both know if they think Canada's culture are more you propene like or American Canadian culture is very complex you have Canadians who descend from Europe Britain Africa etc there are also natives who descend from well natives there are also the Metis people who are from mixed backgrounds Canadian culture is so wide and complex that it ain't really comparable to other countries do you worship John Candy like a good y yes can you guys hear if someone is American depends we can pretty much tell immediately if you are from Jersey Florida the South et Cie just from voice but if you have a more normal whatever that means voice then it would be way harder to tell ya like syrup yes we shoot it up like H we bathe the net we marry it we become it do you guys like those maple leaf cream filled cookies heck yet those are delicious have you had better maple syrup somewhere else number there's no such thing the Queen is head of state of candor so unlike many other countries on paper nobility is obviously still a thing but his nobility still a thing in Canada like for example in England is there a count of Alberta or a Lord Mayor of Toronto etc we don't care about the monarchy here because they do nothing and have political power but just don't use it I don't think we have lords and stuff but we do have barons what is the most friendly town Fredericton the capital of NBD once got awarded the friendliest town in canada that was a few years back so i am not sure if it still counts what are canadians thoughts on the canadian clothing store routes have several shirts from there and it reminds me of american eagle only canadian west coast canadian here i personally don't own a single item from roots except a backpack and honestly i wouldn't consider it a canadian American Eagle but that's just one Canadians opinion do y'all apologize as much as memes sure you guys do yes sorry about that headed to the Winter Carnival in February what should I expect best layers for the weather my huge tip about Carnaval is to dress very warmly quibec gets the coldest in January to February do you wear your shoes indoors no but in elementary school we have indoor and outdoor shoes how did you manage to buy all the weed within 24 hours since the wheat legalization I know that I just wanted to be able to say I bought weed from the government on day one haven't bought it from them ever since black market got a lot more competitive so it became easier to stick to that are you even real descoth said I think therefore I am so really you cannot prove the existence of anyone but yourself French Canadians what makes your accent different from metropolitan French French Canadians have different and older pronunciations than European French fighting lizard upvote or experience bad internet foreign markets thanks for watching whether you have been visited by the romantic dog err comment love is magic so you never fall in the friendzone if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video order either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 53,809
Rating: 4.9162045 out of 5
Keywords: ask canadian, canada, canada facts, everything you need to know, about canada, canada country, canadian, canadian accent, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: gt6eQ2hB-aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2020
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