No Sound in DaVinci Resolve 18 FIXED! 🤷‍♂️ | 22 Tips to Get Your Audio/Sound Working | Podcast EP6

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if you landed on this video it's because you're working in DaVinci Resolve you've got your Clips in there and you have no audio and you want to pull your hair out and that's why I have none no but seriously there are a whole bunch of different reasons why DaVinci Resolve might not be playing any audio for you from things that have to do with the clip your computer DaVinci Resolve settings a whole bunch of things so we are gonna go through them step by step in this video I'm gonna time stamp everything at the bottom so you can jump along the tips find what might work for you hopefully one of these is going to get the job done get that audio work and intervention resolve for you and help you to start creating some awesome videos now some of these might seem like super obvious and you might be like why would you even mention that like turning up your volume but believe me there are some simple basic things that you want to check when we're trying to get our audio to work in resolve here that people just Overlook maybe you just forget uh or whatever I don't know sometimes you just you just forget to look at the obvious right so let's jump on the computer we're gonna check out a whole bunch of different things here this whole video is going to be a podcast too so if you want to listen to this video know while you're trying to figure things out I'm going to explain it the best I can for the podcast listeners out there but let's jump in and resolve on the other working in DaVinci Resolve let's go so before we even jump into DaVinci Resolve which we will be in a minute there's some things that you want to take a look at on your computer and make sure they're set up properly to set you up for Success once you get into DaVinci Resolve if these things on your computer are set up good then you know once you get into resolve the problem is going to be inside of resolve but before that if these settings are correct on your computer you may have issues and it could be either computer or DaVinci Resolve so we're going to start on the computer check these settings and let's get into these couple things here that you want to make sure are set up good before you even open DaVinci Resolve so let's get into that first so the first thing you want to do is make sure your volume is up on your computer you're not muted that volume and audio is good to go on your computer now you might be thinking well who does that right you'd actually be surprised how many people just have a simple error like that where you forget to turn up your volume or maybe it's just muted so you want to check that out the first thing is to check the volume on your computer and make sure that it's turned up the next thing you want to do is try your audio out outside of DaVinci Resolve maybe you have a clip that has video and audio associated with it and you can try that outside of resolve open it up make sure it works with your you know QuickTime Player or whatever it is that's on your computer that plays your default audio or audio and video files make sure it works outside of resolve if it works outside a resolve it should work once we get into resolve but you want to check that just make sure that it works outside a resolve so that's going to be the second thing that I would take a look at so before you even get into resolve the next thing that you want to check is make sure that your audio file is compatible with DaVinci Resolve now most files are compatible with DaVinci Resolve for me I run into very few if any that are not compatible with resolve but I'm going to go ahead and throw a few things on the screen here that shows you the compatible formats for both Mac OS Windows as well as Cuda this all comes from a document that Blackmagic has posted on their website it tells you what is compatible as far as videos Stills and audio so you want to make sure that you've got a compatible format if you don't you could use something like the free program handbrake you can go and convert that audio into something that is compatible you can't just change the file extension on it you know from I don't know for example MP4 to m v a is that windows I don't know I'm a Mac guy I don't know but you can't you don't want to just change the uh the the end of your your file there you actually want to convert it so if you're having problems you may need to convert it but uh I'll link this document in the either in the comments or the description so you can go look at this as well download it and make sure that your audio file is compatible with DaVinci Resolve so that's the next thing I would check another thing that you want to check before you even get into DaVinci Resolve is to check and make sure that you have your correct output device set on your computer for example you're using headphones make sure that is set as the default for your computer output before you open resolve you want to make sure it's set before you open resolve because if you open resolve and then switch it around sometimes you need to change that in DaVinci Resolve it's not going to automatically change it for you so you want to check that if you're using speakers maybe it's your internal speakers on your computer maybe you've got some monitors or external speakers make sure it's set as the default on your computer before you even open Result solve it's just going to save you some headaches and allow resolve to say oh yep that's the one you want I'm going to use that too we're good to go and a quick note when you are setting the default if you're using Bluetooth speakers just don't just don't use Bluetooth with resolve it may cause issues it doesn't always I've had it work okay but a lot of times when people are having issues it's because they're trying to use Bluetooth headphones and maybe it connects to the computer fine but resolve doesn't see it or maybe there's a latency problem or a delay just you're better off just not using Bluetooth headphones when you're working in resolve doesn't matter on the rest of your computer that's fine whatever you want to do but I like the old school wired headphones here because it's going to give you you know just a solid connection right into your computer and resolve is going to play better with that versus using Bluetooth so you can use Bluetooth I'm not saying you can't I'm just saying there's a chance it might not work so good and in my experience I don't like using Bluetooth headphones I've got a few different pairs I've tried them I just prefer going with wired headphones or I've got monitor speakers that I'll use so that's a word of caution about Bluetooth there it may be a little wonky for you when you try to use those Bluetooth speakers or headphones in resolve so keep that in mind so the next thing that you want to check and again this is all before we get in resolve we want to check our sample rate for our headphones and our speakers now you can change that on your computer you got to jump into your computer settings there and what I would recommend is going with 48 kilohertz or 48 Hertz Hertz kilohertz kilohertz 48 kilohertz because when you get into resolve and you're working with video and audio generally you want that sample rate to be at 48k and we need our speakers or our headphones to match the settings we have in DaVinci Resolve super important otherwise your audio may come out but it may sound all garbled up and you know just choppy and just not not work properly so the sample rate you want to check it for the device that you're using whether it's headphones or speakers check that and make sure that it's going to match whatever your project is going to be again I would recommend 4 48 000 48 kilohertz make sure that's what it said as on your computer uh before you even jump into DaVinci Resolve now for example I am on a Mac here if you're on a PC it's going to be a little bit different obviously but on a Mac here I'm in my uh my midi setup and I can see my EVO 4 right here and format I've got four channel 24 bit integer 48 kilohertz so that's what I want my speaker to be set at and I'd recommend that you use the 48k as well for your output you can see it's set up as my output this is my default if you're on a PC just double check that your sample rate or your settings there your format for your microphone or your speakers uh or your your output device is is that 40 AK I think it's going to make it things easier for you once you jump into DaVinci Resolve the next thing is something that is Windows only and you want to go into let me see I got it written down here because I'm a Mac guy but people have left comments on this being an issue for them on the Windows system you want to go to system sound volume mixer and then take a look at the apps that are in there and make sure the DaVinci Resolve app is not muted I guess for some reason on some Windows systems that app has the volume muted for it um I don't know if that's true or not for everybody I'm not really sure I don't know why that was for you know some people who left that comment but that's one thing that you can check jump in there make sure that that app is not muted into uh in your computer settings right because otherwise you're not going to hear anything regardless how to DaVinci Resolve so make sure that app is good to go in your Windows PC settings now again on Windows one other thing you may need to check is your advanced audio settings and here's the things that you should take a look at in there so take a look at my PC desktop here say hello to Mr Yoda you want to come over to your sound settings right here and go ahead and right click on it and come on up to sounds once you're in the sound window here come on over to playback and you're going to see all the different options that you have here for playing back now currently I'm using this one right here because it's my audio interface my audience evo4 but you can see you've got other options in here I've got some Wireless uh headsets my headphones and then you've also got your speakers down here so you may need to select the one that you have active right now so I'm going to come back to this main output you want to come to your properties and then inside properties here come on over to Advanced now under this default format right here it says select the sample rate and bit depth to be used when running in shared mode so you want to click on this guy now mine's already on studio quality the highest one that you can have but a lot of times I think people are down here at something below DVD quality and from what I've seen from what some people have said is that if you come into here and for your headphones or your speakers if you go ahead and select the two channel 16 bit 48 000 Hertz DVD quality now the number of channels might be different on your machine I don't know you got to take a look and see what you got but make sure you have it set for DVD quality or better so if I just cancel out of this and let's say I come down and take a look at my speakers here my normal speakers I'm going to I'm going to come to properties let's go to Advanced and right here you can see it's still on studio quality here but for example some people may have this right here you know CD quality you want it to be 48 000 Hertz DVD quality so once you change these settings go ahead and save it close it down and if you got the Venture resolve open you want to go ahead and restart that so that way all these changes will definitely take effect once you open up DaVinci Resolve all right so I think we are finally ready to jump into DaVinci Resolve here but if you don't have that other stuff set up properly before you even open resolve them before you even get in there you're going to have problems and everything you do in resolve is not going to work for you so check all these things first now we are going to jump into DaVinci Resolve and let's start taking a look at some things here in resolve that we can just see if they're working and set up properly to make sure that we're getting some audio in our videos here so right now I'm in the edit tab right here and I'd recommend just jump in here starting the edit tab with me and I am going to actually come and reset my UI layout so we are all looking at the same thing here and hopefully we should be able to match up your interface with my interface so I'm going to go workspace and come on down to reset UI layout and click on that so now we are reset here again I am in the edit tab so jump into the edit tab the first thing is an easy thing that we want to check and we want to come into our area just above our timeline and over here we've got several buttons we have a mute button right you want to make sure that that is not checked on we have a volume button or a volume slider I should say so make sure that that is all the way up and then you've got this dim button which if I click that we notice that our volume slider turns yellow and this essentially drops our volume back to about 50 percent or so somewhere around there I think it's around 50 either way it drops that volume back so you don't have to play with the volume slider and it's automatically just going to cut that volume back for you so make sure that the dim is turned off your volume is up and you are not muted right here that's the first thing you want to check play through your clip and see if you hear any audio now if you don't hear any audio after checking this little part right here what you want to do is jump into your preferences and we want to make sure that DaVinci Resolve is set up to send our audio out to whatever our devices in my case it's headphones maybe it's speakers for you whatever it is you want to make sure resolve is sending it out to the right spot now sometimes it's gonna just pick the wrong default it does it for me sometimes I don't know why but here's how you fix it let's go on up to DaVinci Resolve at the top left come down to preferences and this is going to be the same on PC or Mac just so you guys know in our preferences here you want to click on system and then we have video and audio I slash o in slash out and right here we've got audio in and out now you want to take a look at this section here and where we are looking right now is output device now right now right now mine says telestream audio capture because that's my screen recording software but you can click on this drop down and there's going to be different things in here so typically mine is going to be set for evo4 which is my audio interface but I do have other like combination of speakers and setups and things so for example this black hole 16 channel for some reason that gets selected randomly sometimes and when that's selected I get no audio add a resolve nothing zilch NADA so you want to make sure that you've got the correct output device set here and then you go ahead and save your settings give it a try see if you hear any of your audio now if you don't come back into this window again in preferences and right here we've got automatic speaker configuration now that is probably going to be checked on automatic speaker configurations probably going to be checked on by default I believe but you can uncheck this and then we got monitor speaker configuration and down in here we've got different options we can just change the output to be whatever our output device is headphones speakers whatever it might be for you in my case again it's telestream audio capture because I'm recording my screen right right now so that's how resolve gets the audio recorded from my screen recording program but if I click the drop down you can see right now all I have is the telestream audio capture but if I was not recording the screen then you would see other options there and you'd probably see either your speakers your headphones whatever it might be so check that out make sure you are you know have the correct outputs there as well for your speakers and monitor setup here you can leave as main that should be fine you shouldn't have to worry about that format and you could leave that as stereo as well so I'm just going to go ahead and cancel out here since uh mine is okay right now once we make sure we've got our speaker configuration is good and we told resolve hey this is where I want you to send my audio out to we can start looking at other things here in resolve so in my timeline here I've got a sample and right now mine plays but let's say I still wasn't here in any audio here's the next thing that I could check that's fairly easy I would want to select my clip and I want to open my inspector and in my inspector I want to come to the audio tab right here and I want to make sure that my volume is not not all the way down for some reason it might be all the way down and if you don't see waveforms here that could be one indication that oh my volume's all the way down if you want to make sure it's at zero zero or if your waveforms look pretty small you can always boost that up to get a little more gain out of your clip there and then see if you can hear it then so I'm going to reset my volume here now if you don't see your waveforms here's how you can make sure that they are showing if resolve is able to see them come on to your timeline view options right here and come down to this option right here and this is going to be our waveforms if I have it turned off notice we don't see any waveforms if I go ahead and turn it on now we do see our waveforms and then these couple of audio view options down here just different options for how you can see your waveform so you can adjust those if you need to you can also make your audio track a little bit bigger there too so by having this top one checked on you're making sure that you can see the audio waveforms if they're available and resolve can read them so the next thing that I want to check is in my mixer I want to make sure my faders are up so I know the volume is okay in my clip I see the waveforms let's check the mixer so come on up to the top of the screen go ahead and click on the mixer and down in our mixer here I currently only have two tracks I have bus one which is my main output coming out of resolve and I have my mkr supposed to be MKE 600 audio track now I want to make sure that these sliders right here which are called the faders we want to make sure that that's zeroed out so you can just double click on it and it's going to be at zero zero but if that fader was all the way down for some reason either one of them then we're not going to get any audio and if I play through my clip you can see right now we're getting nothing nothing's happening if I double click it it's going to reset them to zero it can be super frustrating but there's a whole and now I can see my levels the meters are moving and I hear my audio so if you see the meters moving that means resolves reading your audio you should be able to hear that audio coming out of DaVinci Resolve but let's say the meters aren't moving at all you're still not getting any audio so far you've checked all these things everything looks good what's the next thing that we can check well if we click on our clip here and if you have audio that's associated with a video clip which I'm assuming that you do because we're working in resolve here with our video you know what I'm saying what we can do is Select our clip we can right click on our clip come to clip attributes open that up and it's going to bring up our little attributes window we want to go to the audio section right here and under the audio section we have Source Channel now sometimes for whatever the reason when we bring our audio clips in the source Channel there is set to mute so if I click on the little drop down here you can see I've got mute embedded one embedded two and linked one so if this is muted for example I'm going to go ahead and mute those I'm going to hit OK you notice my waveform disappears I don't see my waveform I can't raise or lower the volume I don't know what's going on and if I play through my clip I don't hear anything there's no audio there well we need to change that so that the clip is using the proper audio output that's embedded in that clip I hope that makes sense so I'm going to right click again click clip attributes audio section now the embedded audio is what I recorded when I use the microphone on my camera so that's going to be my embedded channel one and channel two that's my right and left channels linked one is because I recorded a mono track with an external microphone directly into my computer which gives me better audio so I sync them up in post but you want to make sure that you don't have mute selected on either one of the channels if you're in Stereo if you're in mono you're only going to have one option there and and that should be just fine so you want to make sure linked audio or Link channel one in my case Link channel one which is essentially working out to be like a mono track but make sure that your audio is not muted for any of your channels if you only hear it coming out of one side your speaker could be that this is muted in either your right or left Channel if it's a stereo track so check these out they can cause problems sometimes and it's a quick easy fix just to change the source channel to the correct thing hit okay boom there's my waveforms we're back and we're good to go so for the next couple tips here we're going to jump over into fairlight where we can have a little more control over what's going on with the audio and a couple more things that we can check so we are going to jump into fairlight little musical notes at the bottom here jump into fairlight it's going to make our track a little bigger here so the first thing that we can check is to make sure that our audio track is getting sent to our bus one which is our main output from DaVinci Resolve essentially by default resolve sends all of our tracks to bus one and then bus one sends everything out of DaVinci Resolve so taking a look look in fairlight here you want to have your mixer open and in our mixer we want to scroll down and take a look for bus outputs right here now if you don't see the bus outputs you can click on these three little dots and then make sure that bus outputs where are you bus outputs right there is checked on if that's checked on you should see it in your mixer here and you can use your middle Mouse wheel to scroll up and down in the mixer now under that bus output section sometimes for whatever reason that bus one that we see here right now is not there so I'm going to get rid of it now if I play through my uh video here we can see the meter moving on the track one but we don't see anything moving on that bus one and if nothing's moving on bus one nothing is actually getting sent out of DaVinci Resolve so we need to make sure that all of our audio tracks are getting sent to our main out or our bus one and DaVinci Resolve calls your main output bus one by default you can change the name of it if you want but by default it's called bus one in order to do that again that bus output section in your mixer there's a couple different ways you can do it but this is the quickest and easiest way bus outputs in your mixer click on that plus and then click bus one so now our channel that we have now our audio channel one track one is getting sent to that main bus output so now if I come back and I play through my clip we should hear our audio what we're talking about in this video and this is the sample that I've got and we can see that both meters are moving down here both are bus one as well as our audio track one now sometimes you may not see that bus one in your mixer so you can get this little icon here and drag it over if you have a lot of tracks you know you can pull this out expand it and then look for that bus one it should be there but if you don't see it for some reason sometimes it's turned off so you just can't see it still there but you just can't see it so in order to turn on that bus one uh bus so we can see it come on up to your index at the top and inside your index you've got several categories at the top here we have edit index tracks and markers go to tracks and under tracks we see see all of our available tracks in this case I just have one audio track and I have one bus one so if this eyeball right here is checked off boom bus one's gone I can't see it I don't know where it is you're texting me or not texting me you're dropping comments saying Jay I don't have bus one don't know what you're talking about you're wrong hold up hold up just come in here in the index tracks and then turn on that bus one and make sure that it's it's the eyeballs lit there so that way you can see that bus one or any of the other buses you might be sending things to that way they're turned on and same for your track if you don't see your track you can't find it where is it you're blowing me up in the comments saying you know I don't know what I'm talking about make sure that you've got that track one turned on so that way you're seeing all of your audio buses and tracks and everything that you have for your audio you're going to see it here in resolve the next thing we can take a look at is our patch settings and our patch settings help us say hey DaVinci Resolve take our bus one which is our main output for all of our audio in this case by default unless you changed it we take that bus one and send it out of resolve I want to send it on out so I can hear my audio so here's how we do that come on up to the fairlight menu at the top and we want to come down to patch input output now when you open the patch input output you're going to notice at the top we have Source on the left and we have destination on the right so for Destination we want to make sure we have audio output selected under Source hit that little drop down and we want to come to monitor out and now you notice that mine were already patched here we can see my control room is patch 2 my telestream which is the screen recording software like we talked about earlier and that's right and left channels control room light right and left channels are getting sent out and over here my receiving device or my destination is that telestream audio capture right and left channels so right now they're patched if I click on all these guys they're patched and I can unpatch them if I wanted to I'm not going to because I don't want to mess up my screen recording here but you want to make sure that your control room is patched to whatever your audio output is for example when I'm not screen recording here this is going to say something a little different maybe I'll throw a screenshot on the screen here of what it actually says it should say my audio interface and my control room should be patched to my audio interface so that's up on the screen and that's what that looks like you want to make sure that the control room here is getting sent to whatever your output device is so definitely check that and make sure that you've got some good patching here and things are going where they're supposed to go now there are times when you're going to do all this and your audio is still not working you see the waveforms it looks like the meters are moving you think you got the bus outputs patch right you think your patching is good and it's still not working and you don't know why a really easy thing to try is just to take your audio clip and bring it onto a new track right because for whatever reason sometimes I've had this before where tracks just are a little wonky and I don't know what's going on but when I drag it into a new track voila everything works out perfectly so I'm just going to go ahead and right click say add a new track stereo track and all I'm going to do is take my audio clip and drag it down into a new track and for me sometimes that'll fix the problem whatever the problem might be I don't know but that's an easy thing that you can try to see if your audio starts working and then either mute or delete your original uh track or clip if you copied it just see if it works and if it works then just delete that first track go ahead bloop delete where you're at remove nope delete delete track there we go and now we're good to go let's see if we hear our audio can't hear audio in DaVinci Resort okay so I can hear my audio now so that's a simple easy trick that sometimes works to get your audio working for your clip and your tracks now we did already talk about Bluetooth headphones a little bit I would not recommend using them in DaVinci Resolve for some reason resolve a lot of times just doesn't play nice with Bluetooth headphones and especially ones that people have where I don't know if it's gaming headphones I'm not really sure but where it's headphones that have the microphone and it's like a one piece unit kind of thing people have issues with that both recording into resolve as well as hearing from resolve if it's Bluetooth and even if it's wired with those kind of headsets I think people might have some issues but I ideally go with a wired Headphone set um the Bluetooth can work but for me I've noticed there's a little bit of latency issues there when I'm trying to edit you know things aren't on it's a little delayed in my headphones again that could just be me I don't know but for your Bluetooth headphones you want to make sure it's connected before you even open resolve so that way resolve sees them once it's open um sometimes you need to close resolve and reopen it with any of these audio things but with Bluetooth in particular it's it's real finicky I don't know why um but if you are using the Bluetooth you probably need to check those audio input output settings and preferences that we talked about earlier um you can you could take a look at that make sure your Bluetooth headphones are set in there but Bluetooth seems to cause a lot of issues I don't know why um I would steer away from Bluetooth headphones when working in resolve if possible but um yeah that's that's just a little little word of advice a little bit of a warning there on uh on the Bluetooth sometimes you get some troubles with it in resolve and and I would go wired headphones if you can now let's say you've done all this and it's still not working another quick easy thing to try is just give your computer a restart restart resolve as well as restart your computer give everything a fresh restart again make sure your audio outputs are set to what you want them to be before you open DaVinci Resolve it's going to make your job a whole lot easier when you jump into resolve resolve should see whatever your output is um but restarting a lot of times you know fixes problems I don't know a lot of times just give it a restart man it's not working just give it a little restart there so give that a try for sure and see if that helps now the last thing that I want to show you here is the sample rate for your project in DaVinci Resolve now this is going to be an issue when you're recording like this directly into resolve or if you're just listening on you know speakers and headphones or whatever it might be you need your sample rate for your device whether it's a microphone for your input or whether it's speakers that you're listening to from resolve you want them to match so like I said in the beginning of this video set your speakers or your output or your microphone to 48 kilohertz that's what you want to set at on your computer when you jump into different resolve you can check to see what your sample rate is and make sure that they match up here's how you do it so I'm still in fairlight here it doesn't matter where you are in resolve we just want to get into the project settings which in the is the little gear icon at the bottom here click on that it's going to bring up your Project's settings now we can jump into the fairlight section right here and at the top we have timeline sample rate right here forty eight thousand that's what I want it to be when I'm working with video and audio forty eight thousand and you want it to match between your computer settings and DaVinci Resolve settings like I said now the problem with this is that you cannot change this after you start your project and start adding things into your timeline at least I don't think you can I think this needs to be set when you first start your project before you dump any footage in before you create timelines or anything like that you can't change it once you've already started your project now if you did start your project and let's say it doesn't match what's on your computer for whatever reason maybe this is I don't even know what else is under here because mine's always at 48k but if it's something different and it doesn't match and you're like ah bro what am I going to do now what you can do is just create a brand new project set the sample rate here to be forty eight thousand and then you can just jump into your other project copy everything jump into your new project and paste it all in there and you should be good to go but the sample rate is super important again it's a big deal when you're recording into resolve um if your microphone doesn't match the sample rate of resolve so the the microphone sample rate on your computer settings should match what's in resolve could be a big deal when recording in but it's also a big deal when you're listening you want to make sure that the headphones or your speakers or whatever it might be the sample rate matches otherwise it's going to sound glitchy staticky crunchy it's just it's going to sound wonky and it's not going to be what you're looking for it's going to cause you problems when you're trying to listen your audio from DaVinci Resolve so these are the majority of the main issues that I see when people are having no audio issues with DaVinci Resolve it's going to be one of these settings or or uh you know whether it's on your computer side DaVinci Resolve side there's a lot of things to check I know this was a little bit of a long list here but if you go through these step by step see which one is going to work for you it's probably only one of them that's causing the problem it's not going to be all these things giving you issues here in resolve and causing your audio not to work it's going to be one of these things generally I could be wrong could be wrong but most of the time it's going to be one of these things that are are giving you a headache and causing problems for resolve which is why you can't hear any of your audio now if you do find other issues please comment down below people are always looking through the comments on uh similar videos like this where you know there's there's could be other issues especially on the PC side that I don't know I work on a Mac and uh there's there's sometimes PC issues that that cause problems um one problem that used to be old uh that used to be around was that resolve didn't support those asio drivers for Windows um which would be like an audio interface like a Scarlet audio interface things like that that's all cleared up that should be good to go make sure your drivers are up to date um and then as long as your drivers are good then if you're using an audio interface to either listen or record into resolve all that should be fixed up and be good as far as you know the newest current version of DaVinci Resolve 18 is is concerned um as far as I know there's been no issues with with drivers asio drivers and things like that you should be good to go on the Mac side you never had a problem um it always seemed to work okay on a Mac but if you do find other fixes for you or for your your computer or your DaVinci Resolve leave that comment down below for us help out uh you know our fellow DaVinci Resolve users out there and uh hopefully we can you know get everybody's audio working here in DaVinci Resolve and then you can be off to editing your project and you don't got to worry about no audio we're just going to make some sweet audio if you want to make some awesome audio I got a lot of videos on how to tune up your audio make your vocal sound good make your dialogue sound good how to balance things how to set levels all that kind of stuff that's all other fun audio stuff and I've got lots of videos on that on my channel too that can help you out if you're interested in that so now that your audio is working here in DaVinci Resolve issues or things that you got questions about and I've got a ton of videos about commonly asked questions here in DaVinci Resolve just search my channel for whatever you might be having trouble with and there's a good chance I got a video on it or you can check out some playlists over here and those can steer you in the right direction as well thank you guys so much for watching I look forward to seeing you guys in the next video you better come back I want to see you I want to see you guys again all right we'll see you guys peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 94,487
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Keywords: No Sound DaVinci Resolve 18, No Audio in DaVinci Resolve 18, Bus DaVinci Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 18 Audio Tutorial, Audio Not working in DaVinci Resolve 18, Resolve 18, Resolve, No Sound in Resolve, How to Fix no Sound in DaVinci Resolve, No Audio, No Audio Playback, DaVinci Resolve 18 No Sound Headphones not working in Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve 18 Audio Output Selected Device Not found, DaVinci Resolve 18 Audio Issue Solved
Id: UJg0-4DujXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 55sec (1915 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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