The VOICEOVER Setting You DON’T Know About in DaVinci Resolve for CORRECT Audio Levels!

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do you record directly into DaVinci Resolve if you do and you're making voiceovers there's some settings that you want to make sure you take a look at before you even start recording in resolve and today we are talking about one of those settings that I haven't mentioned on my channel before but it is super important because we want to make sure that we've got good audio levels coming in to resolve as we're recording because if you don't and your levels are too high it's peaking it's no good if your levels are too low then we can't hear it and we don't have enough to work with once we get it into DaVinci Resolve so this setting is super important and it's going to help you set proper levels and see it properly on the meters that is the big thing we want to have an accurate reading on our meters while we're recording an adventure resolve so you know you got good audio levels so before we jump into DaVinci Resolve there's something we need to talk about and it's called pre-fader and post fader metering so what does that mean if you haven't heard those terms before it essentially means that the meter can tell us our audio levels pre-fader so before we adjust any of the faders there in the fairlight tab or it can tell us our levels post fader now generally you're going to be working with a post fader meter so that as you adjust that fader in DaVinci Resolve fairlight or even in the edit tab there the meter is going to reflect the changes you make with the fader but when we are recording directly into DaVinci Resolve we want to know what is our level coming directly from the microphone we don't want it affected by any changes we may make to the fader on our track that we're recording too so might sound a little confusing it's really not as hard as it sounds let's jump into resolve and I'm just going to show you guys how this works and why you want to make sure that you're using pre-fader metering here in DaVinci Resolve when you're trying to make sure you got good levels to record your voiceovers into DaVinci Resolve let's jump and resolve and check this out so one of the most important things that we need to be aware of when we're recording directly into DaVinci Resolve is that we've got good audio levels so I broke out my own Old Blue Yeti here trusty Blue Yeti used this when I first started my YouTube channel but we're individual resolve here and I've got everything already patched in all I have to do is turn on the arm to record button like this and now we can see that the meters are moving there I'm just going to mute this so that you guys can't hear it but you can see my meters moving and these are the levels that are coming into DaVinci Resolve from this microphone now we talked about pre-fader and post fader audio levels right so when we're looking at our meter right now it's set up to give me a Reading Post fader now what does post fader mean or pre-fader so if we look over in the mixer here we've got our faders right for each of our channels we are currently going to record into track one right here now we are set up in a post fader setup here so our meters are showing what our audio levels are post fader so if I take this fader right here and I move it down look what happens my audio levels I'm barely getting anything right we're barely getting any kind of audio levels from our microphone now if I bring that up look at this I crank it way up now we're peaking now it's too much well when we're recording directly into DaVinci Resolve before we get to actually working with our audio in resolve we want to make sure that we've got good audio levels coming into the program and we want that independent of the fader so we want to know what is the Audio Level pre-fader we're looking in resolve here before it gets to this fader right here what are our audio levels are they good enough coming into DaVinci Resolve so I'm going to double click this and just reset it to zero right now let me show you how we can set the meters to tell us a pre-fader audio level on our recording into DaVinci Resolve so what you want to do is come into your project settings the little gear icon at the bottom right of the screen there click on that that's going to bring up your project settings now in Project settings we want to come to the fairlight section here and right over here we have pre-fader metering on tracks now this says tell tell me the metering levels show me on the meter show me the levels before anything goes to the faders don't let the fader affect it I want to know what our raw level is or our gain structure as we call it in the audio world what is my gain of our audio signal coming into DaVinci Resolve so I'm going to go ahead and turn that on go ahead and hit save and now we're back into the fairlight tab here and you can see I still have my microphone patched I'm still armed to record here but now if I take my faders and I drop it all the way down notice on my meters right here it doesn't do anything right because the meter is telling me what my audio signal is coming into DaVinci Resolve and this meter has no effect on the levels of our current Channel because this meter is now showing the pre-fader Audio Level so if I crank it all the way up you see it doesn't change my meter on this particular track what you will notice though is if I adjust this meter it's all the way down on my main bus one out it is affecting that right because this channel is getting sent to our our bus one so when I adjust the fader on it that is going to affect your main output but for recording your voiceover into DaVinci Resolve you want to set it up like this and we can just double click this and and leave it at zero right now our fader here you don't have to worry about it now let's say you need to adjust your audio levels because let's say it's maybe too loud or it's too quiet right we don't have good levels on our meter and our track right here or down in our mixer we need to adjust that how can we do that if we can't use our faders well some of your microphones might have an adjustment on the back like the blue yeti here there's a gain knob so I can turn that up or down so if I turn it all the way down we lose a little bit of our levels if I turn it all the way up you can see those levels are peaking and it's too much but a lot of microphones don't have any kind of adjustment on the microphone itself right depending on what you're using so we do have another tool here in resolve that we can use to help us adjust our gain or our input levels for our audio so if you come on up in your mixer right here in our track we have input and I want to click on that input it's going to give give us a little drop down and we want to go to the path settings section here so go ahead and click on that now in here it's going to open up a few different options here for us and there are a few things that we can change in here that are going to help adjust the level of our audio coming into DaVinci Resolve or our gain levels for our microphone so the first one we have here is record level so if I drop this guy back look at my meters now my meters are going way down right we are way down low on the meters and that's not going to give us a good audio signal likewise if I crank it way up now we're peaking and it's going to the top of the meters no good there either we don't want that either so you can make adjustments here to the record level as necessary so that your audio is getting a good signal now I recommend that you set your audio incoming levels somewhere between you know minus 10 and minus 18 DB maybe around -15 gives you plenty of Headroom right so we can boost up our levels if we need to and it gives you enough signal so that it's not too low so you've got good audio to work with right the main thing is we don't want to be peaking and we don't want to be too quiet either either so you want to adjust This Record level there to a a reasonable level for the input settings of your microphone and you want to watch the meters to make sure you're hitting those levels pretty good so you want to make sure you look at that record level first you can look at the trim too but they work a little bit differently right so the record level is going to set the level of your microphone as it's being recorded onto your disk right on your hard drive that recording is going to be affected by that record level now if you're adjusting the trim the trim affects how the signal enters the mixer right so it doesn't affect the actual recording level of it it just affects how it reacts as it goes into the mixer so it's kind of like adjusting it in the mixer itself it's kind of how you could kind of think about it a little bit so for setting your levels recording into DaVinci Resolve you want to make sure you use that record level knob not the trim knob even though when you're just listening to it you might be like oh they're kind of doing the same thing but they're really not right you want to make sure that you've got good levels recording into DaVinci Resolve and recording on the software not just adjusting the trim level so you want to keep that in mind so if you need to adjust your audio levels for your microphone coming into resolve you want to make sure that you open up these path settings adjust that record level and you should be good to go and by making sure that you're monitoring your audio pre-fader you're going to ensure that you're getting a good signal into resolve it's not too loud you're not peaking you're not too quiet you've got good audio to work with and you should be all set with your voiceover or you're recording into DaVinci Resolve then you can go ahead and work with that audio make it sound the best that you can so now that you've got your recording all done the last thing you need to do is go and turn off that pre-fader metering because if you don't once you get into resolve you start messing with your faders a little bit trying to set your audio levels you're not going to see the results on the meter based on how you're changing that fader so here's how you turn that off once you're done recording into DaVinci Resolve so in DaVinci Resolve here come on over to your project settings a little gear icon at the bottom that'll open up your project settings you want to come back to fairlight and right here pre-fader metering on tracks make sure that is not checked you do not want that turned on after you record your voice over or your audio into DaVinci Resolve you want to turn it off once you're all done so once you uncheck it just go ahead and hit save boom you're good to go now your audio meters will be showing post fader changes so now just looking in fairlight here you can do it in the mixer in fairlight or in the edit tab but if I play through here you can see if I change my fader here it's going to show the changes on the meter and now we're going to be able to mix and adjust our audio levels as necessary for our project so really important to make sure that you turn off that option once you're done recording into resolve because once your audio is already in there now we want the meters to show us exactly what our project is doing and the audio levels for our project and we want any changes we make with the fader or anything else to be reflected on the those meters so we can make sure we're getting good audio levels and everything is sitting where it should be so be sure to uncheck that option once you are done recording into DaVinci Resolve free fader and post fader metering guys it's a big concept here in the audio world and it's something that you need to be aware of if you're making voiceovers here in DaVinci Resolve or recording any audio into DaVinci Resolve you need good levels as that audio comes in to resolve so you've got something good to work with so if you knew about pre-fader and post fader or you knew about the setting in DaVinci Resolve already drop a comment down below because I'm really curious to see who knew about that and if you didn't drop a comment anyway and let me know that you learned a little something in this video maybe even smash that like button for me that would be pretty sweet that is it for this one get back to recording some voiceovers there in DaVinci Resolve by the way Blue Yeti here this guy's old but still sounds good all right we will see you in the next video guys peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 3,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to record voiceover in davinci resolve 18, VoiceOver, Record directly into DaVinci Resolve, how to record voice over davinci resolve, how to record great audio, davinci resolve voice over, narration in davinci resolve, recording voice over davinci resolve, how to record a voice over for a video, davinci resolve audio recording, fairlight, Pre Fader, Pre-Fader, Post Fader, Post-Fader, Metering, Voiceover Levels, Recording levels in DaVinci Resolve
Id: 0XjBAQmfD70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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