No One Is Paying Attention

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Facebook you're fully aware that I'm just off  of the heels of my dream conference in London   London England and it was a tremendous success  few weeks prior to that I was in Houston Texas   who I was doing the dream Institute conference  with dr. Alexis and the K nation crew over there   in a you know Houston and it was a a success  beyond our wildest imagination I thank God   for the amount of people that have been affected  by this ministry in a positive way particularly   as it relates to giving them the knowledge that  is necessary to advance them into their calling   into their ministries and what God has ordained  for them before the foundation of the world that   they need to accomplish prior to his coming or  even and their death I want to thank God for the   amount of people the people that I've met England  was very special for me because this was the first   conference I've ever had I think we had a total  of probably 10 to 15 countries that that flew in   to this business conference we had folks from  Holland the Netherlands their Germany Tanzania   Africa Iceland would you believe it I would have  that say hello to my friend Tom out there in   Iceland I was so happy to see you travel all the  way from Iceland there too to London to attend the   conference there was a little carry : name now  but she flew and from Dubai for the conference   and there were people from Jersey and don't forget  Jersey my friend of my friends actually Katherine   and Lucille that flew in and for those whose name  I do not recall please don't hold it against me   because of course it was just me and I cannot  recall everyone's name but Switzerland there was   an entourage that came in from Switzerland and  I think one of the ladies named I can remember   was Esther I mean it was just it's just awesome  what would really got me would really got me was   the hunger now mind you all of the conference's  that I do they're very they're great conferences   and exactly what we set out to do for the most  part I would say 99.9% of the time we we exceed   our expectation but this conference in England  was very very special to me and here is why I   was just inundated by the hongo these people  had for the word of God not for Kevin for the   word of God now mind you everywhere I go they  have a hunger but but this in this particular   session this was phenomenal for me you know I've  seen people just begin to cry for the information   that they were receiving and how the information  was unlocking the mysteries to their lives I met   a lady when I was doing the interpretation of the  dream section of the conference there was a lady I   cannot remember name but I do have our information  because I'm supposed to be emailing her very soon   any to speak with her she told me that one night  she stumbled across my videos on YouTube now she   admitted in the entire congregation that she was a  rich okay she practiced sorcery that what she was   doing up until she came across the video and in  watching the videos she renounce her allegiance   to witchcraft confessed Jesus Christ as Lord  and Savior accepted Jesus Christ in her home   and called this head kovin of her the head of  her coven of witchcraft kovin to let her know   she is no longer dealing with anymore listen that  really that really really struck me and here's why   it struck me it has nothing to do with me let me  be clear here what it has to do it is you anyone   who decides to follow the Great Commission take  the gifts that God has given you go oh they don't   merchandise a gift go out there and preach the  gospel do whatever you're called to do and there   will be people in this world who you may never  meet whose lives are not only being affected but   they now become that seed that will now affect  their generations in the future and this is why   I'm so adamant about people fulfilling their  calling going out there and doing what you're   called to do and stop allowing other people to  haul you back with their policies and rules and   which has nothing to do with God so I'm hearing  these testimonies it was just unbelievable during   the consoling sessions you know there there were  some things that were shared with me and I said to   myself man you know the Bahamas really joking  when it comes to spiritual things you know we   have become so accustomed to the United States  merchandising of the gospel that we lose the   basis for why we ought to be doing what we are  called to do so seeing these people who don't   know me outside of the videos you know but about  being affected it reminds me of the Centurion   and Jesus the Centurion captain said one of his  soldiers were sick and Jesus says say you know   what I'll come and he let me said no no you're a  man of authority just like me you speak the word   and I am certain he will be healed and that's  exactly what's happening there people all over   the length and breadth of this world who I've  met who have come into contact with the videos   and the revelations that God has given me that  I've given to them freely through my teachings   has literally altered their lives one lady said to  me I'll never am I'm gonna never in my life again   this she said to me she said Kevin God is gonna  truly bless you but I was in the partner got me   she said your mansion in heaven must be very  beautiful for the work that's his doing your   honor and I really want to thank that I am humbled  to be a part of their lives in terms of assisting   them in seeing the light of the gospel of Jesus  Christ and what Christ has done through his death   burial and resurrection to make things better for  us to break the ancestral and generational curses   you know and even for those or there especially  the leaders who don't believe in generational   curses you know something you need to travel more  you need to go to those parts of the world Africa   and India and these places okay and you see for  yourself you sit there for yourself and then you   come back to me and if you tell me you still don't  believe in generational curses then obviously the   devil got ahold of you so I just want to thank  the London crew Tony Stewart and Cheryl Cheryl   and stern they were the hosts of the conference  the conference I want to thank them publicly for   the great hospitality my wife and I received from  them plus me and our parents over there we figured   we were going so far we decided to take them with  us and they of course enjoyed it and Tony and   Cheryl ID and plus the Gideon 300 ministry group  they were very hospitable they were very kind to   us and for first time them having a conference  it went it just I mean it was it was phenomenal   and before I left they were telling me they were  already planning to have us come back next year   because they have to do next year and the demand  is great all right I met some folks again from   Switzerland who want me to come to Switzerland to  do the teachings they are so overwhelmed by it you   know and I'm just overwhelmed by how the gospel  of Jesus Christ makes all of us want through that   doctrine and and I just thank God for it dr. Lexus  in Houston phenomenal lady and her husband James   listen I love this guy man he was just so I mean  so welcoming he was so he treated my wife and I   I mean like we were precious stones and I thank  God for them the conference there was unbelievably   awesome and I mean to be honest with you when  I go to these these conferences I sometimes I   don't want to come back home well that's what if I  shot true you know because I miss all nevertheless   we are an awesome time and listen we shut that  place that by after we did the teaching and the   interim interpretation and so off you know we just  break for in the spirit of the Lord where the word   of the Lord came for everyone in there that was  a general deliverance going on and that the the   the word from the Lord was the just shall walk by  faith meaning that leave that you'll receive which   you came here for your deliverance and by fate  by the Word of God believe that not only have   you been delivered but you've been permanently set  free from the invisible shackles that has held you   back there are some short clippings that that  I posted some other folks posted where we just   break Odin and main real a spiritual party up  in there it was so so awesome I'm so awesome I   told both our house from London and from Houston  because they were so worried especially Houston   because our flight Wendy and I was going over they  cancelled out for anything twice sorry delayed it   twice cancel the flight they put us on another  airline we we couldn't fly into Houston because   of the bad weather they are they we would divert  it to an San Antonio Texas then we had to take the   hour and a half ride from San Antonio Texas down  into Houston but I told her when I got in the car   I said listen I wasn't worried at all I knew we  were gonna be here I knew everything was gonna   be on time same thing but with London because  this is God's doing so therefore in spite of what   the enemy had as hurdles God who was who knows the  end from the beginning was going to see to it that   his plan would go through of course this is the  first year hearing from me since the hurricanes   also I did a few videos for the first time on the  radio and of course the hurricane was horrific it   was horrific here in Grand Bahama it was I mean  annihilating in the island of Abaco which is not   too far from our island here in a free port and  I remember when the storm was coming my wife was   somewhat nervous because she's saying Kevin this  thing has turned into a category five six me so on   and so forth and I said I said Dean listen to me  carefully I am about to go on anoint these doors   and anoint of a nose I will pray like we always  do and I'm gonna go to my bed okay now what that   mean is like my former boss always said to me  he said Kevin control the controllables and you   manage the rest or you manage that which you  cannot control and that is exactly what I did   I believe in God the storm came I slept through  most of it there were some homes when the homes   at the rear of where we live because we're like  two blocks away from the canal those homes were   literally destroyed and my elated when those  ocean waves of 25 feet plus came in with all   of the debris and whatever was on that ocean  the boats and what-have-you all of that came on   land if you were to see our home from an aerial  view I have a drone that I shoot up an air and   afterwards and you would see it was almost as if  there was an invisible capsule over our home and   the homes around us had a little flooding some  a little more than the rest but the holes like   I said at the rear of us they were basically the  roads were covered you couldn't pass through all   of those pine trees that that strong wind and  waves knocked down excuse me pushed all of that   stuff in the road so God protected his own God  protected his own and I thank God for that I   thank God for all of those who made it safe to  restore I give my condolences for those families   that would have lost their loved ones and even  those are listed in the missing category who no   one has heard from since we praying the best for  them and I just want to thank God overall for us   who I here now and with that said it's gonna  take me into today's teaching and for those of   you but following me again on Facebook I put up  the topic for the day which is no one is paying   attention I'm gonna be very clear with this no one  is paying attention now why did I pick this topic   I picked this topic because there are two specific  ladies okay on Facebook what is our very all who   live here in the Bahamas by the name of Pastor  she was just recently ordained congratulation   pastor Marva Lewis and also a good friend of mine  who hails all the way from Tortola British Virgin   Islands Minister Jacqueline Richardson now these  two ladies and I'm going to go with Jacqueline   Richardson first all right from 2015 all the way  up before the stall I mean just that same when   I guess when Islam came alone the one before  Jacqueline Richardson was literally saturating   Facebook with the warnings for the Bahamas as it  relates to storms I printed everything I had to   send me all of everything she had because she was  presenting it to everyone was on a page and from   2015 all the way to 2019 she was warning other  countries but in particular the Bahamas she was in   Bahamas store up on water store on food she spoke  about the dreams that she had and the things that   the Holy Spirit told her of course most people  dismiss as crazy as annoying blah blah blah past   the mother Louis came on I think it was in July  or June I could be you know corrected in that   area but it was definitely this year where she  gave a specific prophecy as it related to Abaco   and the storm I mean Claire cut all right again  people call her crazy she's a false prophet all   this nonsense she got going on even of the clergy  okay they disdain them and call them foolish and   and then- and all kind of garbage they wrote  on with these people all right now the storm   came Dorian came and to the letter of what they  prophesied came to pass all right now this is the   part which I really want to power on today because  this year again is where my topic erupted from no   one is paying attention even after these ladies  prophecy came to pass there were pastors there   were apostles they were preachers they were clergy  that came on making videos and ridiculing them and   calling them false and all this nonsense and I  said back home I said did you look at this look   at the foolishness just look at this alright if  it ain't got to do it get in fancy car and a big   house and who you can marry to and money's coming  in you talking nonsense but the day you talk   about the warnings of God and the judgment of God  pending all of a sudden use a nutcase use a false   prophet and all of this foolishness people run  over it and I come here today cuz you know me I   I keep telling you I and attach to no one and when  I mean by that no organization to hold me and all   you can do this is no no no you can't tell me what  to preach Kevin and speak the Word of God now you   take your leave and turn off your radio turn off  your TV of Facebook whatever and move on to some   other preacher who can preach you prosperity but  I'm here not just in defense of these two ladies   who are accurate all right but I'm speaking to  the wider audience who sit under people who only   preach a feel-good happy message to you and  preach prosperity and don't care about your   soul and encourage you to dismiss the warnings of  God that's what I'm here to do today and I will   execute that to the letter today all right now  like I said let me let me let me Gord Malvo Marv   wah and I watched my other video about at least a  hundred times angle on you I watched that over and   over after the storm I didn't watch it as much  before the storm but I'm gonna be honest after   the storm I said this lady was I mean on pinpoint  you don't get clearer than that and the Bible tell   us if you want to know if a prophet is real then  less measure what he or she said and if it come to   pass and in both instances here it did come to  pass Marva talked about how the Lord says he's   gonna take his time and walk through certain  community it MSNBC I mean CNN WSVN zns all   over the world BBC is showing the Bahamas why are  they looking at the the decimation of the Bahamas   you know I see I see pastor Marvo and minister  Richardson prophecy playing out for the world   what is prophecy prophecy is them speaking for  God so the whole world is showing what God said   was going to happen and it actually manifested  but then you got those who come on on board   who got all kind of foolishness to say because I  guess they would didn't give the prophecy or you   aren't under their covering or you ain't in the  organization but you are better wake up and you're   better get it to get up because what is about to  come if you encourage or try to keep people away   from the warnings of God and guiding them on a  fictitious journey to truth which will lead to   Hellfire their blood is gonna be on your hand  all right now Marvin like I said I made a clip   pass them I'm sorry pastor ma voix prophecy was  to the letter couple days after the storm I saw   two pastors in particular okay in the Bahamas all  right who came on made videos that they are sick   and tired of these these dome and gloom prophets  they're sick and tired of God whatever and that   our God isn't a god of destruction our God is a  God of love tell me something these people is read   a Quran what Bible II reading because all through  the Old Testaments we saw a part of God that was   completely opposite from his love so I don't know  they're talking about the point I'm making here is   how these people are taking you off course of what  God have you on by feeding you feel-good nonsense   I don't care what they say this is God's judgment  now whether you believe that or not that or you   okay and I'm going to give you every scripture  to back everything I'm about to say right now   okay and this message isn't limited to those of  us in Freeport and grant and Abaco who would have   experienced the brunt of Hurricane Dorian or no  no this is a message for all over the world that   if God is sending profits or profits or dreams or  visions to you and warning you or wanting a group   or wanting an organization you will face the same  judgment that has happened here in the Bahamas you   will face it for his heart if you dismiss the  Word of God so God isn't gonna pressure you to   believe him just like I'm not gonna pressure you  to accept or to reject the the warnings from God   so right now this a noted all this nonsense you  hear in a church right now but sometimes go out   have to destroy some stuff to bring new stuff  and I get that garbage over here this ain't no   time for no new stuff that is gonna automatically  come this is a turn for you to repent this is a   time for you to stop your wicked and evil ways and  make your election sure while the hurricane might   not I take you taking you out your life could be  taken down your day of appointment with that could   be this evening it could be next week it could  be a month from now it might not have been the   hurricane however judgment is still on in place  you and you need to stop allowing these people   to feed you nonsense and take heed to what is so  clear as it relates to the signs that are being   displayed to tell every human being to get it  together so the four scripture I want us to look   at we're gonna look at the law okay of seasons  which is also the law of temporary so let's look   at Ecclesiastes and we got a read from verse from  Chapter three because yeah she's chapter three   and just put my finger a do you crazy a sneeze  chapter three and you're gonna read from verse   1 to verse 8 alright so I come here to shadow  a lot foolishness now but but look oh look what   see even though your please destroy okay see but  God can give you better he give you double double   double what that double the mean for you if you  die and you don't know Jesus Christ the sign that   is coming to you where your home is destroyed and  you have nothing anymore it wasn't for you to put   that's the reason probably why it happened God is  showing you you are putting things over you you   don't have a spare soul in your pocket that if you  lose this one you could reach in your pocket and   then replace it with another one you have one soul  so if you lose that soul and you stand before God   and God says why did you not accept me why did  you not take the warning with Jesus I didn't do   it because apostasy that was in a judgment what  this was is for you to give us double for our   trouble to give us Sevenfold blessing but you saw  me right why you didn't address that which is the   purpose of why I have him there [ __ ] mess man  fatter than nonsense man get real Ecclesiastes   chapter 3 you get in that voice one and this  here from verse 1 to verse 8 is demonstrating   the law of season or the law of temporary meaning  that nothing lasts forever there is a period or a   season or a time for everything under the Sun  so description starts off in Ecclesiastes 3   verse 1 it says to everything listen carefully to  everything do not pass this do not oppress us do   not prophets try to change the narrative of God  for the particular season he's dealing with this   season is a season of judgment do not attempt to  change the narrative of Jesus Christ or a plan of   God that was instituted before the foundation of  the world the dispensation that is happening now   is a period of judgment not paying see stuff not  no car no house that's automatic after hurricane   insurance gotta pay them that automatically come  of you put things in place we are talking about   the spiritual season that we are in it is a season  of judgment to everything there is a season and a   time listen now there's a season anytime what  does that mean there's an appointment and the   time is the duration for how long that appointment  belies you have an appointment the dentist for 10   o'clock okay the time that you were being there  will be from 10:00 to 11:00 one hour so where   we are now is a season of judgment and there's  a particular time that has been allotted for   this when we are done with this judgment we go  into another season or another appointment and   a duration for whatever that particular point  appointment would be well let nobody talk mess   to you no nobody try to preach you happy tell  them to tell you the truth to everything there   is a season and a time to every purpose under the  heaven now he begins to explain he said there is a   time to be born and a time to die so if a child is  being birthed into the world you cannot call it a   season of death so how could you call this season  of judgment a season of recompense or replenishing   no all of their souls that has lost their lives  throughout the Bahamas some still missing and   you still calling this a time of recuperation  whatever you've been labeling that this is a   time of judgment you know it's unfortunate that  people have lost their lives and again I give   my condolences with everybody else but let's see  it for what it really is if it wasn't a time of   judgment then God would have preserved the church  would get mash up God would have preserved the   pastor's also get mash up God would have preserved  the lives of those that were lost there was a I'm   not saying they did something wrong for this to  happen what I'm saying to you let's recognize the   season that we are in and stop trying to sugarcoat  it when you do that people have no conviction for   why'd God put the season in place to begin with  to convict you to get it right so in verse 2 of   Ecclesiastes 3 says a time to be born and there's  a time to die a time to plant and there's a time   to pluck up that which was planted meaning that  nothing lasts forever we go from season to season   we have an asset asset appointment and a time  for that appointment to be fulfill verse 3 he   said it's a time to kill okay and a time to heal  a time to break down any time to build up a time   to weep and a time to laugh this is a time to weep  and for us to take a recollection and inventory of   our lives so that we can get it together you are  still here even though you've got bad ways even   though you're spiteful and petty and full of hate  and wickedness and deceitful and undermining God   says I am giving you a chance to get it together  again don't let nobody preach nonsense in your   head but this is a time for things yet when you  I have worked it for the warm part time for over   ten years and in my ten year of being there I have  seen nor deceased poison carry anything with them   when we shoved them six foot in the ground verse  three says a time to kill and a time to heal a   time to break down and a time to build up first  for the cliches three a time to weep listen and a   time to laugh a time to mourn and a time to dance  the same the time to dance this ain't the time   to boogie this ain't the time to laugh this is a  time to look at those innocent people who pass why   didn't go and take me I probably was in a waste  position in terms of my physical structure than   them but he saved me but but but but they lost  their minds how come it's God telling me something   it's God saying I'm giving you another chance  or I might listening to somebody saying that God   preserved my life so they could put new Rock sheet  in my place and give me new tiles y'all better   stop talking nonsense I stopped listening to mess  this is a time of judgment verse five a time to   cast away stones a time to go out to gather  stones together a time to embrace and a time   to refrain from embracing for six a time to get in  a time to lose you hear there's a time to get in   there's a time to lose so to meet everything has  its season but what I'm reading here is that we   cannot convolute we cannot change the narrative  of what the season is for now we cannot call if   you lost a loved one okay that is not a time to  laugh that is not a time for joy it is a time to   weep it is a time to mourn but according to the  law of temporary or also the law of seize it it   will not go on forever there's a set time for  that appointment or season my point in all of   what I'm trying to break down to you is do not let  someone with a corn or whatever they are wearing   to convolute to pollute to dilute God's narrative  for this particular season and this is certainly a   season of judgment that God is sending to what  this has executed upon the Bahamas so and you   can read all voice to voice eight is showing you  there's a particular time and a particular season   now when we reject the judgment of God after all  the warnings after all the cautionary signs after   all the dreams and the prophetic words and and  see people get so caught up that if that prophecy   isn't coming from some noted person then we  shouldn't pay no mind to that like God only speak   to one point sent no no the Bible says not Kevin  the scripture says in Joel and the scripture says   in the book of acts God says that in the latter  days I will pour out my spirit only on the Prophet   no only on the past and no only on the Apostle  I did not read that he says and a lot of days   I'm going to pour out of my spirit over listen  to this carefully all men all men is inclusive   or meaning simmer and st. demon-possessed as  well as God possess he says well what is going   what is coming in the future is so grievious so  detrimental that I'm not gonna just limit what I   have to say to just the people of God no I'm even  going to give it to those who even worship me to   say not know the Bible is littered with this God  came to Nebuchadnezzar who didn't serve him and   gay a dream about the future God came to Pharaoh  didn't serve him and gave him a dream that Joseph   interpreted God came to Cyrus and is 44 in Isaiah  45 who God repeatedly said at least about three   to four times Cyrus who do not know me he came  to and spoke to and caused and did good things   for Cyrus because he wanted Cyrus to take care of  his people the people of Israel so don't come talk   no mess to me let's get to the scripture don't  convolute nuttin don't pollute nuttin let's get   to the scriptures so for those who insists  on rejecting the prophets on making mockery   and making defamatory remarks against the men and  women of God who have been given the assignment to   warn their citizens of this egg as it relates to  pending judgment well let's read with the Lord God   for you let's go into proverbs chapter 29 proverbs  chapter 29 I play with you today published chapter   29 and let's read verse 1 what does proverbs 29  verse 1 says to those who turned their head and   reject the warnings and the judgments of God it  says he that being often reproved or warned but   he hardened his neck this is what the Bible says  it says he shall suddenly be destroyed and that   without remedy you know so God is saying here that  listen you have sent Kevin I'll send our pastor   mother I've sent Minister Jacqueline I've sent TD  jakes penny and I said hey or everyone I sent to   you but you said it all fake you said all I want  is money you say I don't believe in that you say   you know what how could God be such a cruel god  and destroy us the devil that ain't gonna do it   God okay fine God says after all of that I could  have possibly done to get your attention to get   your life together for eternity he says when  you reject all of that he said the destruction   is going to come to you it isn't going to be the  destruction where your leg was broken and then   you in the hospital you have another opportunity  for him to fix that and you could get it right no   no no he says when the time of warning has been  exhausted remember the time and season the log   we just spoke about in Ecclesiastes 3 he says when  the time for your particular life of warning has   been exhausted we're going to go into a nother  time or not a season and what is that it is a   season of judgment and what does he say here he  said in that particular season what is going to   happen to you it's going to be suddenly you ain't  even know when you transition from this world into   the spiritual world unfortunately if you didn't  make an election sure to eternal damnation that   scripture let's read it again preference 29 verse  1 he that being often reproved or the person group   organization whoever that has been God has used  every means possible to get his message to them   in terms of learning them for what's coming and  trying to encourage them to make some adjustment   and tweaks into their lives God says if you  stiffen your neck if you dismiss and ignore my   warning and those whom I've said you've judged the  messenger and you never check the message he says   when I visit you in your next season which is the  season of judgment what I am going to do to you is   going to be suddenly you wouldn't even have the  opportunity to say oh Lord it's gonna be in life   so finish wait and the story boom that scripture  that ain't Kevin let's go to fight Simon cuz I   got a lot of stuff to cover here and i know the  haters can come and when you come and watch you   hate on these same scriptures ready i got time for  you i listen to no mess i'm care of my assignment   take it or leave it bro i hear the put on your  performance are here to convince you that's what   the scripture is responsible for my job is to just  point you to the scriptures and what god is saying   at this particular hour First Samuel Chapter two  I'm gonna read from verse 22 verse 22 to verse 36   just to give you some background on this story  Eli was the prophet in charge at this I'm in   history alright Eli was the one whom God has made  a profit Eli had two sons okay who was having sex   with the church sisters uh-huh he knew he was told  okay but he's buying them on the wrists God warned   them God said morning but they dismiss it you are  about to see everything I've said to you so far in   this story when God I've already finished with his  time of warning the next season that they went to   was a season of judgment where sudden destruction  came where two of his sons died and he fell on his   net and died or threw at him the same day the  brook sudden destruction is a time for judgment   and you talk and mess but it's a time to go get  things from the insurance company and buy a new   car nose and buy news foolishness oh you better  stop talking mess and get your soul right you're   can't take the car with you you can't take the new  times with you you can't take them from Michael   under the the granite corner with you for example  chapter 2 beginning at verse 22 now Eli was very   old he was the prophet of Israel and heard all  that his sons did unto all Israel and how they   lay with the the women that assemble at the door  of the tabernacle of the kernel how he had sex let   me be clear with you how his sons this is what  he was told your sons are fornicating with the   women of the church your boys doing this listen  to verse 23 and he said unto them this is he lie   sing at his son's why do you such things listen  listen I come under them not for I heard of your   evil dealings by all this people see this is what  happens when God bring judgment okay and you you   just spank in a night you better stop in here stop  sleeping those women you're no good sell stop it   huh you're punishing them you ain't showing them  the the the righteous indignation okay that should   have been erupted it in you and you'll in reading  them the riot act No now y'all stop right like   they can stop because you you you pacify them in  some instances you got to reveal the wrath of God   in your speech as you declare the Word of God  so that people will know this is not a time for   joking this is not a time for laughing this is  not a time for playing hopscotch this is a time   where we need to ignore everything else and focus  on what God is saying to his people and begin to   now make applicable what he said to try to miss so  verse 23 says of for Samuel - and he which is Eli   said unto them which are his two sons why do he  such things for I heard of your evil dealings by   all these people Nate my sons for it is no good  report that I heard he make the Lord's people   excuse me to transgress verse 25 if one man sinned  against another the judge shall judge him but if a   man sinned against the Lord be honest it is who  shall it treat for him or who should represent   him notwithstanding they hearkened not the boys  a listening and I don't blame him I didn't listen   huh if my son come to me and someone come to me  say yes sir and just shoot up some people and   as soon as I see my boy not why you shoot their  people now you know you need to behave yourself   come from mine because I'm mad with you how what  is what is the incentive in my approach to his   grand evil to deter him from continuing to do it  none so this is the approach that Eli had with his   children remember now this is a time of judgment  how you handle this time of judgment on the door   garden ago because where are you handle it right  over all we're gonna move from this season of   Jerry this season of judgment to a season of  punishment let somebody says here verse 25 if   one man sinned against another the judge shall  judge him but if a man sinned against the Lord   who shall entreat for him notwithstanding they  hearkened not only didn't listen unto the voice of   their father because the Lord would slay them and  the child Samuel bluster up to verse 27 and there   came a man of God and to Eli listen to this now  because it's the second warning now okay God send   someone to Eli did tell him but his no good boys  was doing Eli's Magnum on the res God still being   merciful why because this is a time of warning  okay so he somebody else not coming listen to   verse 27 and there came a man of God unto Eli and  said unto Him thus said the Lord that I clearly   appear unto the house of thy father when they were  in Egypt in Pharaoh's house and did I choose him   out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priests  to offer upon mine altar to burn incense to wear   an ephod before me he's asking questions now and  did I give unto the house of thy father all the   offerings made by fire of the children of Israel  not a question verse 29 or for Samuel to wear for   kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offerings  which I have commanded in my habitation so what   does that mean now Eli the Prophet which would  be the preacher today right he's dismissing the   warnings of God and not just that he's slapping  his kids on the wrist over this this egregious   are they're doing but more importantly he is so  caught up in and what he warned that he isn't even   fulfilling what he's supposed to be doing as a  prophet of the Living God so in all instances he's   dismissing the warnings of God he's missing the  commandments in the instructions of god and the   holy feasts and for all of these things he has  now polluted but Gordian frightening God still   trying to save this dude he's still trying to get  it right for him verse 29 says wherefore kicky at   my sacrifice and at might offering which I have  commanded in my habitation and honors now sons   above me God is warning you people God is speaking  to the Bahamas people when you honor your posture   your parcel your teachers and we were else above  God because they say don't worry but God is gonna   replenish you or will replenish you but God  is send you are ordering that nonsense they're   telling you as opposed to me saying to you even  in this catastrophic situation that I need you   to get it together God said to Eli says listen  you dismiss me you dismiss me altogether you   sure and [ __ ] you own your children more than  you honor me you've made them idols you'll need   to listen you all need to listen he says in Miami  nation I write you and an onerous thou sons above   me to make yourselves fat with the chiefess of all  the offerings of Israel my people your pillaging   the people you're taking their money you're making  them sow seeds and do all these things and telling   them a bunch of mess that if they saw this and  give that during the season of sacrifice during   the season of sheep offering during this season  of billy goat seed all this garbage you telling   people where this is a time of judgment of wanting  God is judging the Bahamas and he will continue   to do so get it together put aside that pingzhi  mindset prototypes aside that materialistic or   nonsense that you've been programmed to think God  isn't just about prosperity God isn't just about   giving you a new house and a new car and money and  property listen to me carefully even if you get   those things remember time is still ticking away  your tenure to be on this planet is approaching   its end and the things that you are hoarding and  fighting for you cannot take that with you neither   will it represent you on the day of judgment God  is warning his people so the Bible says they you   Eli you you live off the hog okay while the  people of God suffered you never instituted   the rules you never instituted the commandments  and the principles all you were concerned about   was would you and your children was getting  and how all the church members must serve you   you were never directing them to Jesus Christ  the Son of the Living God you were directing   them to you but listen what God said in verse 34  Samuel Chapter two he said wherefore the Lord God   of Israel say it I said indeed that thy house  and the house of thy father should walk before   me for ever but now the Lord said be it far from  me you see this you're listening to this God had   commissioned the lineage of Eli to walk before  him as priests forever but because of the the   the greed and selfishness and the idolatry of Eli  the destiny of his lineage is about to be altered   I am speaking to someone today spoke the voodoo  spoke the witchcraft stop the but stop the evil   that you are doing even after God has judged and  publicly judged the Bahamas the idea was to stop   you in your tracks if you continue to do it you  would be no different and serve this and get the   same judgment as would be about to read would  Eli and his seed is about to get stop it stop   enduring the lives of others true you are magic  stop hindering the lives of others to try to get   ahead and competition by evil demonic spiritual  means the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and   the God of Jacob will judge you like everybody  else in history has been judged because of their   consistency and going against the warnings that  he's given them verse 30 therefore the Lord God   of Israel said I said indeed that thy house and  the house of thy father should walk before me   forever but now the Lord said be it far for me  for them that honor me I will honor and they   that despise me shall be lightly a stair you pass  this you will process you whoever out there that   are misleading the people of God and telling them  this a time of double there's a time of seven four   and all that garbage you in a moment you are liars  this is a time of judgment this is a time God is   trying to get the engine of his people to serve  him tell them but all very wicked tell them but   the deceitfulness and the nasty attitude they  have towards other people tell them about the   unforgiveness tell them about the pride tell them  about the homosexual race tell the people stop   sugarcoating the Word of God and trying to preach  a happy gospel that is only going to lead them to   Hellfire for eternity to mess with me no this is a  time for judgment this is a time for you to crawl   from underneath your rock and make your election  Shore with Jesus Christ people who have died this   he had nobody planned in January of 2019 that the  day that they died that no one said you know what   and on February night I know I'm gonna leave this  planet on September are the 22nd I know I won't be   here anymore nobody knew but let's hope they had  the election show that's because we can't pray   for them no more we cannot pray them in heaven no  more the Bible say it is appointed unto man once   to die and after that debt there is a judgement  time for no joy there's a time that you have to   stand before your makeup and give an account for  what he has a sign for you to do in the earth   don't let these people change the narrative that  God has assigned for your life that's Scripture   you could read the rest of it go all of it under  226 all right let's look at another one second   Chronicles second chronicles chapter 36 second  chronicles chapter 36 okay and we're gonna read   from verse 14 to verse 20 second chronicles 36  verse 14 to verse 20 moreover beginning at verse   14 of 2nd chronicles 36 it says moreover all the  chief of the priests and the people transgress   very much after all the abominations of the hidden  and polluted the house of the Lord which he had   hallowed in Jerusalem and the Lord God of their  fathers sent to them by his men singes rising   up bedtimes or many times and sending because he  had compassion in so much words even though all of   the the the priests and the hype alone of of the  people of God was polluting the house of God God   didn't strike them down right away no God didn't  uh stop the heart or give them an attack no you   know why because it was a time of warning it was  eight before this hurricane durian came into the   Bahamas there was a time of warning that's why I  introduced pastor Marvin Lewis prophesy that she   had and I think in July or June I started be  corrected but from 2015 all the way into 2019   Minister Jacqueline Richardson has been giving a  series of warning like I said to other countries   but in particular the Bahamas so just like what  they did is the same thing we read in here God   didn't kill him up you know time you know why cuz  this was a time to warn you get it together fix   it make it right because after this season of  warning which is temporary we're going to now   transition into a season of judgment and in that  season according to proverbs 29 verse 1 he says   the judgment that is coming it is going to be  sudden you know you like this message because I   ain't prophesy no carros to you there's a season  for that and this ain't the season today alright   so the scripture goes on to say in verse 15 of  second chronicles 36 and the Lord God of their   fathers sent to them by his messengers rising  up bedtimes and sending meaning that over and   over he's sending messages to his people because  he had compassion on his people the season of   compassion and warning and on his dwelling places  416 but listen listen to this but they mock the   messengers of God they mock minister Richardson  they mock apasa Lewis they're made curry of them   who racing they are whoever they're covering who  are covering where was the covering window the   store mahjong said where was the where was your  past Oriole or Church covering when your home was   great obliterated that's why I keep telling you  and I would say till the day I die you're only   covering is the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  who was the only human that has shed his blood for   you so if your pastor couldn't save his own house  under the covering how he could cover you but I   am gonna do today I got it business to deal with  today so I'm saying to you God is sending you the   warning God is doing everything in his power  to show you that you need to get it right why   because the scripture says in Isaiah that he is  a God who knows the end from the beginning he is   the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end  if someone knows the end from the beginning that   means they also know all points in between so God  is sending the messengers to you or the warning to   you because he know what the end is bringing he  know what is pending and he's saying to people   stop listening to these people telling you mess  stop listening these people trying to preach you   happy stop listen he's people talking mess but  prosperity all of that Kevin Young is telling you   it is garbage you know why because of you follow  the laws of God if you do His commandments if you   observe to do his will according to Deuteronomy  28 from verse 1 to verse 6 he says damned shall   the blessing come to you you don't have to spin  around you don't have to sort o seed follow the   laws of God and you were automatically cross more  dead for mommy talking food so give that garbage   over here this is a time of warning because a  judgment is coming after this he goes on to say   yeah in verse 16 but they mocked the messengers  of God and despised his word yet it didn't say   they despised the messenger word because the  writer saying here then despised past the Marvel   when you despised pastor Jacqueline Richardson and  whoever else had the now word before the judgement   you were not despising their words that was in  their words it was the word of the Living God it   is no different when the men and women of God and  the enemies came up against him in the scripture   and they would cry out to God and says God they  are not coming against me they are coming against   you why because this is not my word Lord this is  your word yes they are they are ignorantly or even   knowingly fighting God those two ladies dropped  the word and moved on and would they say it came   to pass in master Anya 4/16 but they mocked  the messengers of God and despised his word   and listen to this now and misused his prophets  listen pastor marvel and sister Jacqueline listen   don't mind what they say about you don't let  that listen it's no different from the days of   Noah when god told noah at age 508 in the desert  to build a art because the flood is coming then   people a so I read in that desert for hundreds  of years you know they did the same thing they   did to y'all they laugh for them look at these two  donkeys look at these two fools I my lord you in   this hot Sun this Brian and Sun you've been on a  boat and you can't see one drop would not even do   Rania y'all donkeys belén boat yeah the scripture  says at its 600 meaning a hundred years later cuz   it always good man again again never happen every  time you hear Jesus come it's already coming when   he comin no wonder when he come you need to be  ready when he come 600 years later the Bible says   God gave are no instructions on how to arrange  the animals and so on and who also to bring in   the app but this the part I love the Bible said  once they were all in there listen now the time   of warning is over now watches was can happen now  the Bible say not Kevin the scripture says and God   crossed the door of the app here not Noah not a  son-in-law not his daughter not his wife you know   why because God knew if they closed it and they  heard them people how to know they're screaming   and and breaking their fingernails on that door  nor they would had compassion and open it God says   I even give you another opportunity because now  we have transitioned into a time of judgment so   Bible says God shut that door let me see you open  miss you let me see you open it now so while they   were screaming for their lives and according  to the scripture it says that the word I think   was like 10 feet above the highest mountain of the  ight let me hear you laugh now we're a joke on now   and that's just I was going to be when we don't  get it together don't let these people preach   you happy listen to the Word of God why every  time you turn on YouTube why every time you turn   on TBN or the word network you hear and something  that's dealing with you but you refuse to release   it or let it go this is a time of warning listen  carefully it is inevitable that from this time of   warning it will transition into a time of judgment  it is the Bahamas time today but you listening and   watching me right now all over the world through  social media it will be your time one day also   so that's what I'm saying to you this message is  not restricted or even limited to the devastation   that has happened in the Bahamas God is speaking  to you also but they Mock the messages of God   they mob the messengers of the message of God and  despised his words and misused the prophets until   the wrath of the Lord arose against his people  tell there was no listeners what again no remedy   sound familiar proverbs 29 verse 1 he that has  often reproved chastise and warn but he stiffens   his neck that speaks of disobedience and said he  shall be destroyed but of remedy what does that   mean Kevin nobody could pray for you nobody can  intercede God is not hearing that anymore you've   had the opportunity while you were in your right  mind everything was working on your body your   area i everything you've made the decision while  you want good health god I don't want nothing to   do with you I don't hear your warning excuse  me I don't want nothing get away from me now   that judgment is which all Jesus helped me Lord  or God said may repent our Lord repent repent   listen no remedy repair all your world nuttin  happenin because he had the opportunity to get   it right that's what the scriptures say that in  Kevin Phelan that in Kevin opinion 4:17 therefore   he brought upon them the king of the Chaldees who  slew their young men with the sword in the house   of the sanctuary and ass back up here please back  up back up who who brought Israel's enemies the   king of the Chaldees to kill their young children  and mother and whatever God did it but yet I see   pass this on Facebook talking about all they got  is a bunch of doom and gloom prophets I've got   us a loving God God wouldn't do that what what  is this I'm reading right here then you see why   you need to read the Bible for yourself you see  why you need to know God for yourself because   you cannot say on the day of judgment well God  pastor evangelist doctor so-and-so say that you   are loving God and you don't kill her people no  did you ever take the time to read my word no why   you met somebody else who living better than you  and [ __ ] your funding their lifestyle you had   the bucket the bottom of the bucket you've been  in the church for sixty six thousand years nothing   happened in your life and you still follow them  well you deserve good health no you deserve to go   do so here we see empirical evidence that when  we go against the laws of God and his warnings   judgment becomes the inevitable so those of  you even also on Facebook I don't know what   kind of God John seven I don't believe in no God I  don't believe in no Jesus what God will cause the   children and Africa to suffer what God will allow  might happen see that's people who don't respect   or who understand rules everything like I've been  teaching you forever is governed laws and rules   and an ordinances and there are inherent meaning  that if you do them you will be rewarded if you go   against them there is punishment so when we look  at the hungry people be ready in Africa or Haiti   or the Bahamas don't just look right there let's  look at the history and how they get there who   violated the laws of God that because of it the  laws of God was activated that says when you are   served other gods or go against my laws God says  listen to the law I will visit the iniquity of   your ancestors upon the third and all the way down  to the fourth generation so we'll come to hope no   mess to me but I can't see York economy loving God  and look at this lady over here being raped look   at this man give me the history because in the  history you would see where laws were violated and   this became the result of that violation Oh Joe  don't you judge my god foolishly talking master   Anja no no so let's look at the roots here he said  to to to Eli he said Eli those that honor me what   I wanted me mean those had respect my law I would  respect them but he says those that despise or   take lightly my word I will dismiss them so don't  come but not one-sided story here give me the book   show me the scripture bring the full entirety  of the story because you're going to see that   everything is not only controlled by a law but  the laws aren't here it is no different from the   laws in your country don't tell me no mess the  police lock him up for nothing oh you mean lock   him up nothing let's look at the history oh we  discover he killed someone well what is the law   on the book saying if you are convicted of murder  this is what happens to you so what I'm saying to   you the laws are inherent this is the punishment  the poison is getting because they'd refused to   follow the law the poison of the who moving both  freely he didn't kill nobody so what the law is   rewarding in so come with the whole story no talk  no master Anya come talking sense so the Bible is   very clear here there's no confusion this is  why I'm giving you I pretend you happy today   I'm giving you the scriptures though you know I am  NOT here to perform I am NOT here to convince you   I am here to give you the gospel I am here to give  you the mind of God which is his word the Spirit   of God which is him this is what he is saying  I had nothing to do this I never wrote a pie   but I am no co-author of the Bible I am here as a  teacher to teach you the Word of the Living God so   for 7:17 of 2nd chronicles 36 said therefore he  brought upon them who's he God brought upon who   the children of Israel is people yes God brought  upon him the king of the Chaldees this is the   enemy God has bring God is bringing him to judge  his people the king of the Chaldees who slew their   young who's there the children of Israel he slew  the children of Israel young men with the sword in   the house why didn't God stop them why why didn't  God stopped the hurricane from coming to the   Bahamas why didn't he stop the homes and then why  why we listen to me carefully listen oh let's get   personal yeah let's be real because it's a time  of judgment and God says those who order my times   I will honor them so if a preacher is preaching  that this is not a time of judgment that preachers   against the will of God and he is not honoring  the season in which God is dealing but at this   time you need to get from and iam quick therefore  he brought upon them this king of Charlie's who   slew their young men with the sword in the house  of the sanctuary and had no compassion upon young   man young the young man or a maiden old men or him  that stood for age meaning of all people the king   and his entourage was coming and stopping them and  shooting killing them God bringing a set of people   who had no compassion over the children of Asia so  don't tell me no mess what a loving God wouldn't   do this you are sick you know your scriptures  read the scriptures stop misleading people   the scripture is clear here that because Israel  refused to heed the warnings of God it says not   the devil God himself he was the one that inspired  the king of the Chaldees and his entourage to come   and a half 0 mercy on his people that scripture  let me see the pastor refute then let me see the   Evangelist or whoever you call yourself let me  see you refute the Word of God let me hear you   now let me hear you tell well he's a loving God  me wouldn't run but then there's another Gordon   I said this this group of people had no compassion  on the aged men and women and fact they gave some   detail yeah it says or him that stroked for AIDS  that me knows all people who were bent over from   osteoporosis they have no mercy on them nah man  you they may have been made a little bit of God   but because all of their leaders was defiling the  order under the ordinance of God God judge Israel   collectively as a result of it they said and had  no compassion upon young men or maiden old man or   him that stooped for age he gave them all in his  land and all the vessels of the house of God great   and small and the treasures of the house of the  Lord and the treasure the treasures of the king   and of his princess all these he brought - excuse  me Babylon so every all the things that they   were T&Z and again all I take from them so was it  weighted was it way too hard things and lose your   soul and lose your life no no let's go to proverbs  proverbs chapter 1 I given you scripture today so   these are oh and preach off me tomorrow bring  the scripture don't don't twist you like twist   and lie on me that time God for these recordings  catch a lot of them in lies what the things that I   say that I did not say proverbs chapter 20 chapter  1 verse 24 of verse 33 but I'm gonna read all of   he's gonna give you the gist of it so proverbs  chapter 1 we're gonna begin at verse 24 and you   could read all the way to verse 33 listen what it  says he says because I have called and ye refused   he called men in a time of warning in a time of  chastising he's showing you his love he showing   you it he couldn't deal with you long time but he  says no because I have called verse 24 of proverbs   chapter 1 because I have called and he refused  I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded   but he have set at nought my concept meaning you  dismiss it and would none of my reproof all of my   warnings you dismiss verse 26 of Proverbs 1 I also  will laugh at your calamity hello I will mock when   your fear cometh when the kill let me break this  baby down to you to see it Abraham talking this   this end brother Kevin seeing this this in your  parcel see when trouble coming a laugh at you   I would be fine with that this is the creator of  all creation telling us mere mortals that because   you dismiss his word because you reject him the  creator there's no one above whom you're going   to go to if the creator's say he will laugh and  mock you in your time of distress are you going   to go to who so this scripture is showing you  the gravity or the weight of the warning of God   meaning when come today is gonna be without remedy  there is nothing because God says you only stand   up now because you're in a jam you only said it  now because your fears are come upon you what ie   hearing you people I'm trying to break this down  as simple as possible because I'm trying to create   an image in your mind of the level of evil that  you are producing by resisting this season of   warning the seizing of a season of judgment first  26s I also will laugh at your calamity here I will   laugh at your calamity didn't say I'll laugh if  your calamity come no the collaborators coming   is the inevitable that coming whether you want to  come or not he says but in that day the creator of   the entire universe it's going to take that moment  he's gonna put everything else on pause and make a   joke out of you when you try to ask him to fix it  now that's what I'm reading first 26 again I also   also mean aside for me reading as I already tell  you I also will laugh at your calamity I will mock   you when your fear cometh you let me break that  down for you so when you said no Jesus please   help me notice a large Jesus please help me yes  mocking you yeah because you had the opportunity   in the time of wanting to get it right verse 37 he  says when your fear not if what meaning it is the   inevitable it got to come when your fear coming  as desolation and your destruction cometh as a   one win listen to this now because this sound  like hurricane no get to me when distress and   anguish coming upon you listen I've been watching  the the the stories of the people who went through   the storms and man listen just some of them  almost brought tears to my eyes said listen to   what they went through and as I was reading this  scripture and my mind ran on that you know this is   the serious people would I look at the magnitude  of that storm I look at I saw some videos where   the houses were literally under water meaning  that even of you up in the roof even if you go   on top of the roof you still a safe boy verse 28 7  says when your fear cometh as desolation and your   destruction coming as a whirlwind when distress  and anguish coming upon you first 28 then shall   they call upon me uh-huh but I will not answer  they shall seek me early but they shall not find   me God in heaven kick back relaxing yes okay why  are you discriminatory Minh in the fire screaming   in that flood screaming in that car accident God  say I hear you all wrong please forgive me over   there I'm not hearing you well God God I'm not  hearing you because I gave you the opportunity you   turn your head you dismiss me you mock me that's  my time it's called Perry no elite listeners if   none of this here was in the Bible that I would  say Lord I know kind of cornices this stuff didn't   just come to bed when I started reading it this  was always here meaning that you like everybody   else have the opportunity to read it and take  it to heart you probably read it you probably   heard somebody preach it but you dismiss it and  these are the boobies talking to you dismiss   it but I'm gonna dismiss you don't waste your  time call me you're wasting your breath in at   nap Renier then shall they call upon me verse 28  of Proverbs 1 then shall they call upon me but I   will not answer they shall seek me early but they  shall not find me for that they hated knowledge   they didn't want to hear what my servant Kevin  had to say they didn't want to hear myself and   Jacqueline Richardson had to say did anybody here  with pasta mama had to say no they want to hear   get-rich-quick they will hear God is going to give  you property and house and Carlon and promote you   they don't want to hear but repentance didn't want  to hear but forgiveness they don't want to hear   but none of that he said for they hated knowledge  and did not choose the fear of the Lord verse 30   they would none of my console they despised all  of my reproof or correction or warnings verse 31   therefore shall they eat of the fruit listeners  of their own ways or that is so powerful reader   that is so powerful the scripture says because  they rejected God they will not eat up the food   of their own race now I like this because it takes  me back to one of my favorite scriptures proverbs   16 and 25 there is a way unto us that seem right  it seem right to just run behind the prosperity   gospel it seems right to worship your leaders  it seemed right to be in church every every   time the church door open but you ain't getting  nothing out of it you ain't changing your nasty   dirty ways you're filthy hot it seemed right to  follow the Sabbath pay the tide follow all of   those traditional stuff yeah okay you do it all  of that but deep within you you don't speak to   your mother you hate your wife you don't have  no relationship bruh you put on one face the   church but when you whom you treat them like dog  custom therefore it all day or I tell them but   they underneath all this other stuff but as soon  as you get to church you lift up Allianz God says   you have sent warnings to you you may be fooling  them but you're not fooling me but I'm having my   sea and compassion but when this season is over  it's time for judgment that's Scripture now let's   go a little deeper let's go to numbers chapter 16  numbers chapter 16 because again I'm taking you   deeper so far I've shown you I mean repeatedly  that when we dismiss the seasons that we are in   and allow some leader to change that narrative  of what God has assigned that season to be for   you look here you playing with the more you you  tweak in something that is gonna be detrimental   to everybody involved there if it's a season of  love then let it remain a season of love and it's   a season of hate or sorry if there's a season of  debt or season of whatever the season is respect   the season don't try to to to change the narrative  of that season okay to satisfy your pockets or   bank accounts or whatever reason you're doing it  for who aren't God listen what he totally like I   will honor those that honor me that scripture but  those who don't take me serious well I can show   them but not taking me serious is honourable that  scripture so let's go here now the numbers chapter   16 and in this one year you can go from verse one  straight to voice fifty but I'm going to read all   I'm going to read the important parts and they're  gonna summarize the parts that we didn't read to   give you the fullness of everything that I've  said so far is in this particular scripture all   right where you have leaders prophets or pastors  or apostles speaking against the messengers of God   telling people hey that's a false prophet there  even though this is what I'm referring to even   though the prophecy have come to pass now there's  a different scenario you know the Bible says in   Deuteronomy 13 that if a sign or Wonder prophecy  of a prophet come to pass but afterwards they say   let's go serve another Gordy's they don't believe  the prophecy even though it come to pass that   didn't happen in this case okay the two ladies  and I just told you about they still say with   Jesus with all your heart mind and soul from what  I see they lead nobody to know or be a man - no   witchcraft no Buddha no Confucius no nuttin they  stood on cause to Jesus Christ so therefore they   are fulfill the mandate for me to call them true  prophets of God alright in numbers chapter 16 okay   numbers chapter 16 beginning at verse 1 now what  you hear is especially the two first verses very   carefully now mush up to 16 beginning at verse  1 now Cora the son of is ha the son of Kohath   the son of Levi so so far Cora we realize has come  from the tribe of Levi and this was the tribe when   the priests came from which was Aaron which is the  brother of Moses the whole priestly hood came to   them now Cora son of is ha the son of Kohath the  son of Levi and Dathan and abiram the son of Elia   and on the son of peel if the son of reuben okay  so you have the tribe of reuben and then you have   the tribe of levi these are the two descendants  represented here now why is this important this is   important because the forefathers which is Reuben  and Levi were curse by their father Jacob I could   give you a quick summary and Steve would leave I  remember Levi and Simeon okay this was the second   and third son of Jacob the first one was Reuben  Levi and Simeon they are responsible were killing   I think some of the hittite so whoever they were  because a guy from their raid their sister Dana   Jacob on his dying bed summons them to him and  he said Levi and Simeon you are instruments of   Cruelty what should he says next he says curse  be your anger all right so we see the cursor on   the Levi tribe this is where Cora came from okay  David and AB Abram which came from Reuben remember   Reuben was the eldest son of Jacob he never got  the blessing and [ __ ] he was curse so in Genesis   49 I think reverse to reverse 3 when in this dying  bare Jacob called Reuben he says Reuben you are a   excellency of power you are a excellency of my  study he was big in him it up and [ __ ] he was   confirming who he supposed to be in the earth  but because he slept with his father sweetheart   Jacob show him something on his deathbed he says  you he says you are as unstable as water and you   will never Excel so you have to lineage here under  generational curses and it's gonna manifest itself   see I gotta give it a history so he got rid of  full context that would be able to read so these   two these three people come from to construct  Christ's family lineage bloodlines our boat to   rise up against the man of God which is Moses all  right so that's dropped in verse 2 and they rose   up before Moses or against him now who are these  people call okay why did he come from he came from   the tribe of Levi in fact he was directly related  to Moses because Moses came from the tribe of Levi   all right so call him then you have Nathan in a  barrel Dathan and abiram came from the tribe of   Reuben so Karl who came from the tribe of who  came from the tribe of Levi and the other two   guys came from the tribe prove these are to Christ  what is now Christ operating in life first to size   they rise up against Moses with certain of the  children of Israel 250 princes of the assembly   famous in the congregation men of renown so they  brought a whole group ooh-hoo-hoo they convinced   let's go up against this Moses to talk and mess  like God only to speak to him around he'll lean   into him so listen to verse 3 and they gathered  themselves together against Moses and against   Aaron now remember what I keep telling you that's  what I'm taking my time with this when you come   up against true men and women of God you are not  coming up against them or so you think while you   may physically think you are coming up against  them the truth is you are coming up against the   Word of God that is in them so you ain't say you  may think you fighting them you may think you make   a mockery of the two prophets who prophesy and it  came to pass but according to this Bible according   to the rules of this book you are coming against  God himself verse 3 and they gathered themselves   together against Moses and Aaron and said unto  them you take too much upon you remember Gordon /   arrogance and in place now you know said the rules  but these clowns will come you're not talking miss   they say they said he you take too much upon you  seeing all the congregation are holy every one of   them and the Lord is among them wherefore then  lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of   the Lord and verse 4 and when Moses heard it he  fell upon his face now hold on why would Moses   fall upon his face when these men coming well  Moses understood that these dumb fools don't   realize that you are coming against the ordinance  of God you looking at Kevin you looking at whoever   else and you figure I could say what I feel like  saying about Kevin I could say what I feel like   saying about posture Marva I could say what I  say about whatever true prophet our preference   or parcel or true pastors of God but I am here to  warn you today you are not coming again and guess   what Moses didn't say touch not my anointed and  do my prophet Noah that was automatic if he was a   true man a woman of God he don't have to announce  that he don't have to proclaim that if you like   old man and woman of God that law is automatically  activated when any human being come against you   so you have to try to Tretton them or put fear in  them now you better watch out knock us I am there   not enough God and touch he not he's anointed  that telling me you ain't no annoyed it if you   got our notice that no so here it is Moses saying  Lord these people know what they do it so verse 4   says and Moses heard it and he fell upon his face  verse 5 of number 16 and he he soozee Moses spoke   unto Cora now Cora is his distant cousin you know  this is cousin cuz all of them come from the same   for father which was Levi all right and he spoke  unto Korah and unto all his company or the men   that were with him saying even tomorrow the Lord  will show who are his and who is who and who is   holy and will cause him to come near unto him even  him whom he had chosen will he cause to come near   unto him for 6 this do this Moses still speaking  now take your senses Korah and all his company   and put fire therein and put incense in them  before the Lord tomorrow and it shall be that   the man whom the Lord thus shows he shall be holy  ye take too much upon you ye sons of Levi verse 8   and Moses said to Cora here I pray you the sons of  Levi semen it but a small thing unto you that the   God of Israel had separated you excuse me from  the congregation of Israel meaning they taking   it lightly to bring you near to himself to do the  service of the tabernacle of the Lord and to stand   before the congregation to minister unto them and  he we had verse 10 now of number 16 and he has   brought thee near to him and all the brethren the  sons of Levi 15 and see and seek ye the priesthood   also so distance these guys now remember they are  ready in the lineage of Levi okay you're already   entitled to priests said no notice but they now  coming against the the one who gone had a sign   for that time okay they say no lightning because  when you come up against a true men and women of   God who have to fulfill destiny and assignments  for their appointed season and time you are coming   against the order of God and that ain't nothing to  play with first and and he had brought thee near   to him and all the breads of the sons of Levi 50  and Sikhi the priesthood also verse 11 for which   cause both you and all the company are gathered  together against the Lord and what is honored   that you murmur Kings him you know why he went  on would Aaron Aaron is two priests order him why   are you coming against the ordinance of God Conner  in your company listen to verse 12 and Moses sent   to call Dathan and abiram he done chastise and  then read the right up to Korah who was a part   of his lineage Levi now he's sending for these two  jokers from the lineage of a Reuben and Moses sent   to call Nathan and abiram the sons of Elah Eliab  which said we will not come in coming to you more   so they're gonna give us you see there first 13 it  is a small thing that now has brought us up out of   a land that floor would milk and honey to kill  us in the wilderness except thou make it thyself   altogether a prince over us who you think you are  Moses you don't make yourself no Prince Rania I   remember even though they are talking to Moses  physically in this condescending way the truth   is God is gonna honor his authority in the earth  and its authority at this time is Moses okay no   man could change no rules you can't come to bring  no policies over the ordinance of God verse 14   more what thou has not brought us into a land that  flows with milk and honey or given us inheritance   of fields and vineyards without put out the eyes  of them of these men we will not come up maybe   in the fight now and Moses was very much rough or  angry respect not thou their offering I have not   taken one donkey from them neither have I heard  one of them and Moses said unto Korah be thou   and all thy company before the Lord thou and they  and Aaron tomorrow or 17 and take every man his   censer and put incense in them and bring ye before  the Lord every mine his sense of 250 senses thou   also an air in each of you meaning now Aaron is  the priest now so you fill your sensor let Aaron   come and he let him fill his sensor so call and  250 men who were backing him Moses tell him now   all y'all coming tomorrow cuz go on to sort all  on his own verse 18 and they took every man his   censer and put fire in them and laid incense upon  and since they're on and stood in the door of the   tabernacle of the congregation with Moses and  Aaron verse 19 of number 16 and Cora gathered   all the congregation against them unto the door of  the tabernacle of the congregation and the glory   of the Lord appeared unto all the congregation  listen to this now verse 20 of number 16 and the   Lord spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron these eyes  people he has duly put in charge he got in the   cell car cuz he put no car no charge and the Lord  spoke unto Moses and unto Aaron saying separate   yourself from among this congregation that I may  consume them in a moment yah now is the time of   judgment how was this church was gonna come Kevin  or what I could sit on a log it's going to be   sudden nobody expected it nobody thought about a  turn over this way nobody had an inkling that it   would have resulted in this but the warnings were  there before so God says Moses look here you and   your people get all the way because I'm about to  shut this baby down altogether listen to verse 22   and they fell upon their faces and said O God the  God of the spirits of all flesh shall one man's   sin and will thou the Roth or anger with all the  congregation listen to verse 23 and the Lord spoke   unto Moses saying speak unto the congregation  saying get you up from among the tabernacle of   Korah Dathan and a buyer he says more from these  so-called preachers and people who lead you to   Hellfire under the guise of Christianity get away  from them he says and verse 25 and Moses rose up   and went unto death inand abarim and the elders  of Israel followed him for 26 and he spoke who   was he Moses spoke unto the congregation saying  depart I pray you from the tents of these listen   how he labeled them depart from the tents of  these wicked men why is he calling them wicked   because they are trying to overthrow the order  of God that he have in place they're trying to   pollute they're trying to tweak what go already  have in place they're trying to make themselves   ruler over the set man that God how presently  in charged them that they're calling him and   telling him what he should and what he shouldn't  be but I'm telling the truth men and women of God   today don't listen to them don't mind them you  don't have to tell him touch not God's anointed   and do his prophets no harm that is automatically  activated when they come against you if you are a   true representative of the kingdom of the Living  God and time will reveal that so the Bible says   in verse 26 and he spoke unto the congregation  saying depart I pray you from the tents of these   wicked men and listen carefully and touch nothing  of this leacy be consumed in all their sins listen   when you leave it don't take their card or take  their chain don't take them leave everything as   far as God is concerned because they're coming up  against the order of God everything that they own   is defiled don't touch it that's what he said  then verse 27 so they got up from the table   knockin of Korah Dathan and abiram and one every  side and Dathan and abiram came out and stood in   the doors of their tents and their wives and their  sons and their little children you're here unless   everybody could pay first 28 and Moses said  hereby ye shall know that the Lord had sent   me to do all this work for I have not done them  of my own mind verse 29 if these men died listen   to this carefully this Moses speaking if these  men die the carpet or a regular dead of all men   or if they be visited after the visitation of all  men then the Lord had not sent me for study but if   the Lord make a new thing and the earth opened  her mouth and swallowed them up with all that a   pickup that all that I pretended unto them and  they go down quickly into the pit then ye shall   understand that these men have provoked the Lord  verse 31 and it came to pass as he had made an end   of speaking all these words listen carefully  the ground opened up 432 and the earth opened   her mouth and swallowed them up and their houses  and the men who was all a part of Korah and their   goods donkey cart everything verse 33 they and all  that appertain it to them went down alive into the   pit meaning on the earth like an earthquake open  up the earth and swallowed all of them 250,000   dead children all of that so you see here it just  being connected to these wicked evil people who   coming up against the people of God you're  putting yourself in danger by following they   eat it and then the foolishness of these people  and the riddles and the rhymes and have nothing   to do with Jesus Christ and aside from that being  in direct opposition against those who are giving   you the scriptures those who are giving you the  word precept upon precept you dismissed them to   follow those whose tickling your fancy who was  preaching a prosperity gospel whose telling you   to do everything except the word of the Living God  now those fools who follow them will now become   party to them being consumed in the earth firster  who said then they and all that are pertinent to   them went down alive into the pit and the earth  closed upon them and they perish from among the   congregation and all issues that were run about  them fled and the cry of them for they say at   least the earth swallow also so they're running  now I want to point this one before I go any   further everyone was there watching what happened  they watch the supernaturally watch the invisible   hand of God pry this open and consume Korah and  250,000 of the well renowned people of Israel who   took his foolish side they are witnessing this so  we see a stage here they were once worn by Moses   they were told who God and charged they dismissed  that and they went off their own accord and go   the next move for the next season was judgment  now the scripture says that the people begin to   fled they run after they heard all of the screams  of the people down in there who couldn't come up   no more that was it for them that was the final  judgment for them they are now running we are now   about to go into a second part of this story where  the payment of letters still come up against Moses   even though they saw what happened to those who  went down in the ground why am I telling you this   I'm only using this as a mole for today there  are people living today who have seen the the   depth that has happened in the Baja and Grand  Bahama and an Abaco they have seen how God has   crushed the stretch structures and decimated them  they have seen how mother-child old people young   people have lost their lives lost their homes lost  their Dave service but then preachers gonna come   and tell them some I rocked me to sleep nonsense  God is not a God of anger he's not a God of hate   he's not a God to destroy you know not tension  and repentance not telling them to take heed so   you know what's happening now listen listen what  these preachers are doing they're now hardening   the hearts of these people because if they figure  for coming from the preacher man he must be a man   of God so he must nobody talk about now let's  take that scenario and let's continue in this   story watch this now okay verse 35 and there came  out a fire sorry first 34 yeah and all issue that   were round about them fled and the cry of them for  they said least the earth swallow us up we need to   get from around here verse 35 and there came on  a fire from the Lord and consumed the two hundred   and fifty men that offered incense and the Lord  spake unto Moses saying speak unto Eleazar the son   of Aaron the priests that he take up the census  out of the burning and scattered out the fire   yonder for they are hallowed the census of these  sinners against their own Souls let them make them   broad plates for a covering of the author for they  offered them before the Lord therefore they are   and they shall be a sign unto the children of  Israel and Eleazar the priest took the brazen   census wherewith they had where was they that  were Bert had offered and they were made broad   broad plates for a covering of the altar verse 40  of number 16 to be a memorial unto the children of   Israel that no stranger which is not of the seed  of Aaron come near to offer incense before the   Lord meaning stick with the order I put in place  that he be not as Korah and as his company as the   Lord said to him by the hand of Moses so so far we  read that Korah and his children and his cousin's   all of them aside from the 250 men they were  all destroyed by this mere fact that they came   against the assigned order of God but remember  their people watching this listen to verse 41 but   on tomorrow or the next day but the next day all  the congregation of the children of Israel moment   against Moses less than 24 hours these fools  saw what God did to doors who came up against   the divine order of God those who were preaching  another gospel those who were telling you what God   said but he didn't say those who came up against  those who was speaking the Word of God less than   24 hours later they begin to murmur against Moses  now what's gonna happen to him mind you it was   judgment for those who perish but it was also a  warning for those who lived and these fools who   live decide now to take the warning and say God  get from behind I sudden come up against your   manservant verse 41 listen carefully of number 16  it says but on the morrow or the next day all the   congregation of the children of Israel murmured  against Moses and against Aaron saying you have   killed the people of the Lord he had his faults  when Moses get the strength to tell Brittany I can   throw people in their killer but it's all stupid  they are so ignorant they are the the heart of   God is clear the supernatural power of the Living  God is evident among all of them and this is the   foolish conclusion they came up with verse 42 and  it came to pass when the congregation was gathered   against Moses and against Aaron that they not  look towards the tabernacle of the congregation   and behold the cloud covered it and the glory  of the Lord appeared and Moses and Aaron came   before the tabernacle of the congregation and the  Lord spoke unto Moses saying get you up from among   these congregation that I may consume them as in a  moment or suddenly and they fell upon their faces   verse 46 and Moses Aaron - Aaron take a censer  and put fire therein from off the altar and put   on incense and go quickly upon the congregation  and make an atonement for them for for there is   wrath going forth out from the Lord the plague has  begun an errand took as Moses commanded and run   into the midst of the congregation and behold the  plague was begun among the people and he put on   incense and made an atonement for the people God  and play with him verse 48 and he stood between   the dead and the living they just diet business  now he stood before the dead and the living and   the plague was stayed or came to an end this is  because of the atonement that he made all right   verse 49 now they that died in the plague were  14,700 beside them that died about the matter   with Cora I can't stop reading over this radio so  you see here those first set of fools who came up   against God just like those preachers now coming  against the true men and women of God listen to   me what has happened was a time of judgment for  those who are not here and I say judgment God   wasn't playing no more he did what he had to do he  crushed homes he moved things out of the way this   is nothing personal against anybody but those  who are living it is a warning to you it was a   season of judgment for them but those are living  is a warning for you if you continue to work your   bill if you continue to work your witchcraft you  will suffer the same fate as everybody that's   before you those preachers are devil preach in  a time of joy and this is a time of partying and   having fun and sit back and watch them put the  tin on your roof and under filmmaker the granite   in your kitchen or on his garbage you they said  that coming automatically if you got insurance   I'm going to send someone to bless you my point is  this season isn't about that this season is about   taking into account if I am alive even though I  haven't made my election Shore this is God warning   me and brother Kevin Ewing gave me scripture upon  scripture about a myriad of different people in   the Bible who experienced the same scenario and  might not have been a darien but it was equivalent   to but it was the judgment of god after a warning  of god i'm gonna give you my last scripture this   is the last rupture and gonna end with this  let's go now to leviticus Leviticus chapter 1   and again you can put from one from verse 1 to  verse 46 you could read it in your spare time   but i'm going to show you Leviticus chapter 26  that's sort of a little bit after 26 beginning you are going to see when we refused to heed  God word you're going to see that God is going   to multiply the judgment or pun that people  that organization that nation every time when   he bring that judgment like Dorian and you  refuse to repent and get it right then what   coming next is going to be worse if you refuse  to heat that I was he says gonna come worse and   we're gonna read here where the scriptural rule  is gonna show you that the magnitude and which   is gonna come there's gonna be seven times worse  than the one before it began with this radio so   let's go to new verticals twenty six beginning  at verse one verse twenty-six beginning at verse   one listen what it says and listen how we start  off now you shall make no idols no graven image   neither ah rare or raise up you any images neither  shall ye set up any form of stones or bow down to   any table well you know be that's what you say  cuz that's what it mean stop working witchcraft   stop it before I go into this I have had a grand  opportunity after the storm in fact I have some   more meetings next week but I've met with people  I've met with people who do contractual work okay   and I don't even know them they came looking for  me Kevin listen III listen youyou know some time   but I just run over that stuff but guess what  I come in to you to tell you so what you say in   is true there's some contractors who want to do  work on some people house okay not to say that   the people house who they find in name of the  people might have been houses that they would   have bored and the people before them was doing  this nonsense excuse me when they're to take that   that she threw up that drywall to replace it and  they find an all kind of witchcraft paraphernalia   sin it locks big padlocks with chains people  pictures and bottles all kind of watches tie   with black strings the skeletal remains of snakes  these are the things they are fighting in people   the homes ready and when Baba will play with  me okay not to mention not to mention that the   stuff that came up when Hurricane door durian sat  on Grand Bahama hobbico and you dig up the earth   and the bottles many people will release from the  spiritual cages that others had them in to play   with me I'll try to hold up for the last wooden  take it no more and I'm telling you stop waking   witchcraft stop your bear stop your wickedness  stop putting curses on people and hindering the   lives of dead their children and so on you know  wickedness has come to an end the judgment of God   has arrived so you could run all your board you  could talk the mess all you want I am giving you   the Scriptures and God says if you continue to do  it he will continue to let his judgment flow many   people who died and more unlikely it had nothing  to do with what they did the judgment of God that   he has promised that he says when you do your fall  I will visit the the iniquity or the punishment or   a penalty of your ancestors it is what they did  it is the lies that they have tied up now I have   come to judge and unfortunately you are in that  lineage and now you've got to pay even though   you had nothing to do with it don't get mad at me  get mad at the scriptures Exodus chapter 20 verses   2 to 5 okay God says my judgment has arrived do  not let them fool you or change the narrative for   this season it is a season for the judgment and  it is a season for a warning after this it will   be worse if you don't take heed let's go back to  Leviticus verse 3 if you walk in my statutes and   keep my Commandments and do them then I will give  you rain and Dew season you here so we were doing   His commandments and keeping his judgment rotted  in this bigger I can't tear up everything and kill   up everybody we should have C blessings coming  like never before so why are these process and   preachers and so on talking mess but this is  a time of a new season a new garbage get that   over here this is a time where you need to take  inventory of your wicked ways your daily life   and the foolishness you got hiding get rid of it  repent of God verse 5 and forswore sorry then I   will give you rate and due season and the launcher  Lila increase and the trees of the field shall   yield their fruit you know why is all of this  happening let's go back to verse 3 if you walk   in my statues as Commandments ordinance principles  rules laws if you walk in my statues and keep my   Commandments then he say these blessings these are  the things that won't happen to you verse 5 and   your thrashing shall reach unto the vintage and  the venture shall reach unto the sowing time and   you shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in  your lot of safety that's what he said so he said   if you obey me if you obey me inherent in your  obedience in this rule of you obey it he says   you will be able to sustain yourself you will  have more than enough to take care of you and   yours but not anyone I see it what I see and now  is people after come from America and all over   the world to feed the Bohemians is particularly  Nabokov and in freeport that is contrary to what   I'm reading so don't tell me me under blessing  hear me might be blessed that God said favor us   and have help there for us but it didn't have to  come to that if we were doing the right thing if   the preacher was preaching against the witchcraft  this is members I'm working in that church and   the nonsense they're doing we wouldn't have been  in this state today for success and I will give   peace in the land God are you going to give peace  randomly know why you want to give peace let's go   back to verse 3 again if you walk in my statues  and keep my Commandments and do them that's what   I can give you peace and I will give thee peace  in the land verse 6 and you shall lie down and   none shall make you afraid that I will rid evil  beasts out of the land neither shall the sword   go through your learning and be no murders there  can be none of that because back to verse 3 again   you're following my rules so if you read all of  the way to verse 13 you will see that in following   the laws of God and respecting His divine order  then God says I'm going to take care of you you   have to worry about nothing I will make sure not  only will you be sustained but you will live in   abundance so from from Leviticus 26 from verse 1  to verse 13 now listen to verse 14 because this   now apply to us but if you will not hearken unto  me and will not do all these Commandments verse 15   and if you shall despise my statues if you dismiss  my word if you reject my prophets if you tell them   get former me you fake probe Ryan listening to you  because this is a time of prosperity and this is   a time of getting takes he say okay this was a gap  in it verse 15 and if you shall despise my statues   or if your soul a bore or dismiss my judgments  so that you will not do all my Commandments but   that you break my covenant I also will do this  unto you I will even appoint over you terror   consumption and the burning a gale whatever it  is that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow   of heart and you shall sow your seed and then you  you for your enemies shall eat it and I will set   my face against you and you shall be slain before  your enemies they that hate you shall reign over   you and you shall flee from from and you shall  flee when no one is even pursuing you I mean   you're full of fear panic attack anxiety attack  depression but why is this happening go back to   verse 14 it is happening because you reject the  word of the Living God verse 18 and if you will   not yet for all this hearken unto me then I will  punish you someone please in the name of Jesus   highlight verse 18 for me cause from verse 14 to  avoid 17 he give you the punishment what's going   to happen but now he's verse 18 if you still  refuse all that would have been putting on you   grand bahama Abaco and radio line and social media  listening to me if you still refuse that listen   to verse 18 and if you will not yet for all this  hearken unto me then I will punish you seven times   more for your sins so what you saw Dorian did  last month will be a joke compared to what will   happen in the future and the future by my dad if  you refuse to stop doing fool if you refuse to to   to not adhere to the laws of God and stop serving  other gods first 19 and I will break the pride of   your power and I will make your heaven as iron  and your earth as brass I mean nothing coming   up and nothing going down for sweetie and your  strength shall be spent in vain for your labor   shall not yield increase neither shall the trees  of the land yield their fruit why is the whole of   creation being affected because man refused to  follow the rules of God that's why force 21 and   if you walk contrary unto me and will not hearken  unto me I will bring seven times this is verse 21   this is verse 21 so this is another seven times  more aside from the other 7 times more to eat   you you still dealing with so God's is Iying to  make it easy for you if you are sniffing your net   if you are out that pride and arrogance and up or  not purple and defying my law and telling people   to change the narrative of the season that I have  them in to take heed and get their life together   and those that thought I could deal with you mr.  pahst no you mr. Ponson and anybody else who under   this banner and those that followed it would be  dealt with also not only that the whole land is   suffer let me tell you something here I don't here  who get mad at me I don't care I wrote down in the   eastern end of the island I've seen the videos  and Abaco and I've seen the so-called houses of   God crushed and obliterated why I didn't go and  save ourselves why why didn't God put a hedge   of protection around his sanctuary I'm asking the  question I say why he did it someone tell me why   why I've seen the here in place is safe why did  the Churches of God obliterated why why why did   some people row serve God they also talk but some  pastors house destroyed why am i accused in the   process of nothing no am i saying they're wicked  no what am I saying I want you to answer me why   where is your government and listen it where is  your cupboard you tell the people that if they   won't be a part of the church or they won't  be in line with God they must be under your   path story and a church covering but if you're  pastoring a church covering is so powerful why   your hosts crush down why your church crush down  explain it to me where was the cover and then stop   making up rules eius eius 30 verse 1 it says ye  rebellious children who came together and form   these Allegiance and come talking about covering  and being covered God said it was never of me   whenever you Institute something over the laws of  God these are the end results that you are going   to get I have given you line upon line and precept  upon precept that when you defy and ignore and   dismiss the laws of God it may seem as if you're  getting away but what you don't know is that the   time that you seem that you are getting away you  are in a season of compassion you are in a season   of mercy you are in a season of warning but make  no mistake live like I've made my teaching clear   today after this season of warning and compassion  and mercy you will transition into a season of   judgment if you survive that season then those  who are surviving it is still even though it's   a judgment it is still a merciful season to you  to get it right if you refuse to get it right   I've just given you the scriptures God says I will  multiply it seven times more to break your nasty   filthy dirty white and that's from the preacher to  the parishioner God coming to judge you and I want   him judge you in that I say God go get him Wow it  was up to me and load up my CC on them give them   a chance send a spoon of conviction but he has  done all of that I've read to you and proverbs   chapter one verses 24 reading all the way down he  says because you are refused my warnings because   you have dismissed my reproof he says your pet  your your-your-your calamity will come suddenly   and without any form of remedy chemica pray only  one Enoch Navin you could call on the bishop the   Apostle his grace huh grace remember grace learn  to change it because you have had the opportunity   to get it right but you were decided to order the  policies and rules of men and dismissed the laws   of God and would they go tell Eli his profit  he says you have honored your children and   the things that you were doing on your own more  than you honored me as a result of that sudden   destruction is going to come to you mr. Eli the  Word of God says he got word that or two of the   son had died the pressure was so great on him the  Bible says he followed back in his chair and break   his neck he died also you don't mess with God  because there's a judgment that's going to come   to you stop judging the messenger stop judging  the vessel listen to the message because the   messenger isn't a TD jakes isn't a disorder and I  got nothing against TD jakes it's very familiar to   everybody so I'm just using his name or his status  or personality as to how big he is I got nothing   against Mr. Jakes I'm saying to you because the  one that came to you and gave you the message does   not have such grand personality you figure just  like coal just like Nathan just like a biome you   feel you got the right to talk down to the man or  woman of God but as you will see my brothers and   sisters when you come up against the order of  God you are coming up against God himself and   there is a judgment of spending your life and by  extension that of your scene Carlo - children had   nothing to do with us call our wife four children  there's nowhere in the scriptures when I read that   they cry scarred where I read that they will know  the mere fact that they were connected to him they   suffered the judgment that it didn't end there  even let me go back to Joshua chapter 6 and 7   with a Kurd who took the sports out of of Jericho  when they were told not to and when are the riot   app was read to him he probably felt only him or  her suffered he said no no no God says get a Kurd   get a can right get a kid children can his camp  get the dog and even get the fleas on the dog all   are in the parish God shutting it down got it  play with y'all no more stop running joke and   go on house stop misleading people people stop  being comfortable in your sins and thinking that   God turn his hair name watching you you are being  recorded by God Almighty you will have to give an   account for what you're doing your or dare who  work in or beyond people children got witchcraft   in the government office got witchcraft in the  private sectors to gain favor to mislead people   send them on their mind sending them there or  early grave you have sowed the seeds I've been   telling you this from the time I started this show  and you will live to see your children pay for the   evil that you are doing to other people God is  going to expose your wickedness I was thrown   a burro someone shared with me how during the  storm one particular poison when they came to   rescue or on the bottles floating out of their  house with all people pictures and stuff in it   all of their altars float not God has come to  dig up everything that he did not plant get my   Bridal camp you get my I got a mission and I'm  executing my mission now if you got a mission   from the devil you go ahead and what happened to  moto tuticorin them when you come against Kevin   let why I just read to you about everyone that  I've given you the biblical scriptures on what   they have done it coming against the people of  God you did read their demise right so you can   say there wasn't one you can't I took my time and  I I combed through the scriptures I never get you   to my points in an eloquent way so that it was  ever clear to your cerebral cortex you've got   no excuse stop sweetheart and stop undermining  people stop walking around with hate bitterness   and unforgiveness stop these things like you are  guaranteed tomorrow like you are the one who could   pull the plug on your life here God is the one who  is going to do that God is the one that's going   to judge you I am begging you I am pleading you  by the Lord Jesus Christ get your life together   church people start playing church stop taking  people money stop raising five six seven and eight   offering stop doing everything acceptance speech  and repentance preach repentance tell them they're   wicked tell them stop sweetheart and not because  they worship you you you you don't preach on them   I don't care how much money they give it to your  church I don't care if they support tell them if   they wicked they are wicked you are saving their  life while they may pull the plug on the resources   they've given you and they figure they can have  you under cap if God has called you if God is   for you who or what can be against you Heavenly  Father I thank you for your word I thank you for   the word that you've given me to give to your  people not just here in the Bahamas but everyone   that is under the sound of my voice are watching  me by any form of social media now or even in the   future let this word be a conviction to their  spirit if they are not living right if they are   not walking in your commandments father speak to  their spirit bring the spirit of conviction to   them to break the bonds of wickedness to remove  the scales from their eyes to have caused them   to see the greater picture that whatever they  are doing now will affect the lives of doors   in the future if they insist on doing evil then  evil will be the portion of their seed in the   future so father I pray right now I seal this  right now with the blood of Jesus Christ that   these people will take he - not my word but your  word and depart from their evil ways and march on   to the things that you've assigned them to do  in this earth in the matchless and Ana mighty   name of Jesus Christ amen and amen folks that's  it for me and I will see you next week god spare
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 51,971
Rating: 4.8738937 out of 5
Keywords: God's Judgement, Seasons, Warning, Judgement, God's Anger, God's mercy, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Church Folks, Church, Prosperity Preachers, Greed, Hypocrites in the pulpit, Hypocrites, judgement, bible, prophecy, judgement day, judgment, warning, False prophet, jesus christ, bible study, christianity, salvation, revelation, pastor, kevin l a ewing, prophetic word, false prophets, prophet, preaching, prosperity gospel, false teachers, god's judgment, prophetic, bible teaching, preacher
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 41sec (7421 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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