Tradition Never Graduates

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and we're live good afternoon everybody good morning good evening to some of you no matter where you are in this world the top of the morning to you or wherever you are anyway we are live we are live for another impromptu uh teaching and as you would have seen our topic tonight is tradition never graduate yes this is going to be powerful tonight so i'm just going to wait for people to log on and uh when we get to about 5 600 then we will get started i trust you can hear me very well here but we're in for a treat tonight okay i'm watching everybody good morning to you also pauline silvera all right so while everybody is uh chiming in i would strongly suggest you get a notepad and get some kind of writing uh panel pencil or even your computer device because we are in for a very interesting teaching tonight somebody asked me they said to me they said kevin um your past three videos you're wearing a hat why are you wearing a hat i was surprised you just asked well the truth is i got a real nasty bruise right up there and uh if i didn't wear the hat it'll be very distracting so i want a hat just to keep that so hopefully that should be sorted by next week so you won't see the hat anymore all right so we got 218 i'm gonna wait for it to get to about 500 and then we're gonna get started i love to do these in prom tubes i love it i love it because uh because i love it you know no planning okay when the spirit hits you with a with a piece of revelation you just you just jump up and run you know and that's what i decided to do okay stephen from the philippines hey stephen stephen davis opulent davis okay i got you bro all right all right okay so everyone is coming in we have 256 and climbing i trust you guys had a good day some of you had a good night's rest and what better to tune in too than a good good teaching ginger roll good night ginger ale how you doing yeah yeah so if you have been uh following my posts uh today i have put up some uh controversial posts and i always throw that out there because i know the uh i know who's gonna bite on it in times from a negative perspective so i throw it out there and i was uh discussing a few things today let me just pull it up here i had a post that read today invest in your future sorry invest in your future by investing in the lives of others that are less fortunate give to the poor and why i said that is because we're in a time you know some of you celebrate christmas some of you don't i ain't mad at you you do what you got to do not on you not me anyway and places that we go for comfort such as the building the church you have some people who see the need to fleece you to take advantage of you and they come up with all of these uh hocus pocus garbage okay especially i'll be going into 2021 you know i was thinking that i wonder what the slogan is going to be you know for example he said like in 2009 is your time uh 2008 don't be late you know these are all the church slogans and remember 2020 was a year of 2020 vision right okay all right so i am in anticipation of what 2021 slogan by some of the churches are going to be i know what my slogan is for those who come around me talking fool but give them money all right 2021 is the year of the gun so stay away from me okay stay clear of me how do i hear your rhymes i don't want to hear your riddles i don't want to hear any of that it's not climbing just waiting to get to 500. so kevin slogan kevin slogan 2021 is the year of the gun and if you don't use that on you don't come with no false doctrine foolishness because i do not want to hear it all right now i don't know what they can come up but i don't want to hear it because that's what we're about to talk about tonight how listen we're getting older okay and many of us were blessed to see another birthday this year some of us are getting gray like myself and it would appear as if everything is growing on us except for some of us socially economically financially and what the lord has shown me is that the root of that is tradition your tradition has become your your handcuff you your prison cell and most folks aren't even aware that tradition has programmed them to fail but for some reason they won't let go of it and i'm just going to take it from a biblical perspective tonight to really show you we have 389 to show you tonight to really reveal to you how tradition has literally handcuff us and what is so tragic we see mummy and daddy and grandpa and adi and uncle we see them follow the same traditions we watch their demise we watched them struggle we watched them never enjoyed life we saw this but yet we're committed we're still committed to follow to follow their tradition boy listen i i don't know i probably cut from a different cloth but hey i i just never believed in that i never believed that and that's why again one of the many reasons why i left the church building because i am the church because i couldn't deal with the traditions that planned out nothing other than riddles and rhymes then i put up another post we had 4 10. then 90 more than we'd be starting 4 15. i said beware of the walls in sheep clothing that will insist you sow seed internet seal i hear god say if you want to be prosperous so we'll see forget all the other rules forget living right forget repenting forget uh taking hate out of your heart and and putting aside pride and asking forgiveness of your neighbor brother mummy forget all of that forget it god isn't interested in his rules somehow god is super broke god is broke and therefore in order for him to circumvent his rules he need our couple dollars according to the preacher so the preacher spices he or she spices it up and all who have twenty thousand twenty one dollars for next year god is gonna do something special for you don't you don't have to read your bible you'd have to pray you don't have to do all of that stuff clearly goddess are saying gumo god is a rich doctor you know we got to pay hire the spirit let's hear god we're going to give you a couple dollars because look if you're going into 2020 and you need money god even though we need money from you you seem to be more broke than us so we're going to give you a couple dollars god so 2 20 000 we're going to start off god is running an auction through his servants and god is saying that whoever have twenty thousand twenty one dollars for next year if you plant it this year god is gonna do something special be at 477. okay it's any answer here got a walking fake okay two three four okay come now come bring that now before you change your mind now for those who are going to get mid special blessings you gotta sow 2021 you got to do it tonight or do it before the end of the year and for those of y'all who really really broke okay uh for some reason go have a little provision for you too because god is broke according to these jokers bring in two to twenty one bring in 221 dollars and for your little children the same for the big people for the for the little children only them could get away with this bring twenty one dollars all right so because god kitty is running low and god is saying that forget his rules don't remember you don't don't listen to kevin but these laws and principles and ordinance and precepts and commands forget that forget all that because this is a god according to these jokers that we could pay just finish fornicating lying living in adultery murder somebody commit abortion that don't mean nothing if you you won't clear it up forget confess your sins and he is faithful and just don't worry but none of that according to these jokers you could come and pay god pay him come here mr broke god you have no money even though the cattle on a thousand he'll belong to you even though the sylvan the world belong to you but these people that are representing your lord are telling us fools obviously that in order for you to do something special we have to sow uh xml so i'm i'm confused okay we had 508 so we're gonna get started okay as you would have seen my topic is traditions tradition never graduate and all that simply means is that everything to graduate means to advance means to complete a a level or qualify to leave a particular level in this teaching tradition never graduate meaning that you're going to different levels physically meaning that you're automatically growing you're getting older your hair is getting white uh your your body is fluctuating in size but the only thing that's not graduating from you is the traditions that you're bound to and i'm talking from church to family to whatever so what we're going to do is really from a scriptural perspective looking at what the scripture says as it relates to tradition and how tradition has really uh suspended that's what i want to use suspended the promises of god in our lives and a lot of what are not are not aware of it and for those of us who are not aware of it it's because we're not familiar with the scriptures and we're not we haven't sat on the good teachers and preachers of the scriptures so what we did is that we adhere to their doctrine to their belief through their tradition okay for example [Music] it is often said and i heard a lady say this before she said you know the bible say you know god says if you put one step forward he will take two okay where where could i find that i remember seeing him doing the bible that there's another traditional scripture but not an actual doctrine uh how does it go now uh oh man i just had it prior to me telling you that one dude anyway i'll probably remember it but yeah all of these traditional sayings has no basis in the scripture so let me just give you some definitions first let me just give you some definitions okay now the the the english dictionary says that a tradition tradition is the transmission of customs or the handing down of customs or beliefs from one generation to the next okay that's the the english dictionary the standard uh dictionary so traditions is where we have a certain set of uh either personal beliefs or family beliefs or whatever and we uh adhere to that and then we pass it on from generation to generation but but this is what i want you to hear the the theology definition of tradition we're talking about the bible now and listen what that definition says it says tradition is a doctrine belief to have divine authority though not found in scripture how many heard the bible says that cleanliness is next to godliness that's what i was trying to find you ready before right now show it to me in scripture i'm going to look over there somebody's going to put it up for me right now i want you to google cleanliness is next edna where i've been trying to reach you okay yes so someone could you kindly put for me the traditional scripture that says cleanliness is next to godliness i mean it's a beautiful thing and it makes a lot of sense but is it really a scripture no my mom used to say that deep water all of our moms used to say that everybody right but it's a tradition it's not a it's not a scripture but it sounds good though i mean let's give it let's give them that it really sounds religious all right so what we want to look at tonight is to a show you how tradition has suspended our lives it has kept us back because of certain beliefs that was handed down to us and primarily from our churches and that's why again that's why i walked away i literally i walked away from the building the building where it housed all of the theatrics and all of the pump and pageantry in all of the the the tradition very little of it had to do with god and many of you are in that position now or were in that position and the evidence of that whether you admit to it or not the evidence of that is you've said to yourself whether it's internally or externally that why is it that you following the rules you go to church you pay tithe you do this and so on why am i not succeeding well tonight you have ammunition to really do research now and that is could it be that all along you were subscribing to tradition not the word of god you were subscribed subscribing to tradition so you never graduated from your circumstances and the reason why you never graduated from your circumstances because of the traditional beliefs that you were committed to all right for example for i'll give you a perfect example uh of this uh in my country in the bahamas particularly the caribbean i remember growing up as a young boy i lived for a short while in the turks and kickers with my my grandmother right both of them and it was customary it was traditional that when you go to church especially the men i mean you got like 15 16 pieces of suit on you you know you got to wear a tie and a vest and a shirt and this back in the 70s frills remember the frills froze on your on your sleeve and you know oh listen if that preacher wasn't sweating and and jumping over the pews and some assaulting and swinging on the chandelier and doing the [ __ ] walk man he didn't preach couldn't receive nothing from him tradition if i'm lying tell me if i'm lying okay tell me if i'm lying it was it was normal women had to wear uh skirts all the way down to their ankles and their arms couldn't be shown and to them this was righteousness this was this was religion this you couldn't be saved unless you you know you couldn't show no cleavage in which you shouldn't i would agree with that but none of that you don't even see your neck trying to throw some of your face if we could the point i'm making here is people got more of a fulfillment from that in believing that they were right with god as opposed to really following the rules of god and let me prove it to you because it's still happening today a young lady would come to church who truly loves god she had an epiphany whatever and all she has is her club clothes honestly she has nothing else but she's determined she want to go to church she want to know of god so she goes to church and all of the the ladies in the church you know trying to try not you know this up basically how could you come to church like this well maybe that's what she had but nobody's interested in that because in our mind traditionally you need to look the holy part even if you ain't so when you come in again you're being programmed and you don't even realize it and that's how tradition is they're putting the code of tradition on you and you don't even realize it you've got to look the pot you don't necessarily have to be the pot i mean you can have lust and stuff going on in your heart we can't see that so that really don't matter but you have to look the pattern those heels you wearing young lady you need you need to cut those heels down a little bit okay and that rouge on your mouth lipstick okay you need to you need to get rub that off and you know your eyebrow going all over here you need to trim that down or whatever so this girl who truly came here with a pure heart really want to hear from this guard she's so convicted she's confused now because everything that she thought was supposed to be here is not here because the whole atmosphere is about what's going on externally forget what's in your heart forget what the scripture says we are going by tradition we have to have church at least for five six seven hours anything shorter than that we did not have church and we're gonna see tonight according to the scriptures it says that because of that traditional way of thinking because of again the theology understanding of tradition it's a doctrine believed to have divine authority even though it's not found in scripture just like the covering you come to church you you have to be under a pastor has to be you're covering the church you don't go what church do you go to you don't go to church you well who's your covering but i'm saved i know jesus jesus what was your covering what so somebody's greater than jesus no without tradition and that weighs over everything else my god you're not recovering it's dangerous kevin yeah i'm sure not as dangerous as you who have a covering it ain't going nowhere so you see what i'm taking you now i'm taking i'm showing you you could become engrafted in a tradition and don't realize it and because everybody else is doing it and everybody has subscribed to it and this is why again it makes sense broad is the way that leads to destruction it makes so much sense now because we find we we think it's a firm because a majority is doing it but that doesn't make it right and what are you benefiting what are you benefiting okay so the girl came to church in a little mini outfit she had nothing else you don't know you don't even care she just isn't meeting the expectation of the tradition and the policies of your edifice not god no because first of all you lied to her because you you were telling her prior to her giving a life to god and you would say to her you know come as you are she came as she is and you're more focused on her attire as opposed to her genuine desire to serve god all right so i want us to look at a scripture tonight and that's going to be found in first kings uh first kings chapter 13 a very interesting scripture i'm going to take my time to read this because i want to really go through it and that's going to be first kings we're going to read from uh verse 7 to verse 24 i'm just going to give you a little backdrop on it from verse 1 to verse 7 so you'll have a clearer understanding what we're talking about remember we're dealing with tradition here and how important it is to dismiss the traditions of men and wholly and completely submit to the ordinance of god that is what's going to make you graduate in every level of life that god has assigned for you not the traditions of men okay because and that's the reason why they have to beg for money that's why they have to give you little riddles and rhymes every time you go into another year even though every year you've been there nothing has changed they have to perk you up because nothing of what they're saying is working why because you're subscribing to the traditions of men so the whole year went through none of their prophecies came to pass nothing happened so they say i hear god in my spirit right now i don't know i don't know god is saying that 2021 is going to be a year of the miraculous it's going to be a year of suddenlies it's going to be all this vague stuff what does that mean sudden what could be sudden deaths sudden accidents what are you saying to me no you're not saying this is your prep talk this is your motivation inspirational talk because you know people already pissed off because nothing has happened like you said in years past you nobody everybody's dead on top of all of coroon and everything else now you're telling us all right because clearly god kitty is low god is saying if you want something special in 2021 then you have to sow a special seed of twenty thousand twenty one dollars boy look here you're looking to get paul would rock so let's go at this so anyway in first kings from verse one to verse six there was a man that came he's an actual prophet let me pull it up here he was a prophet okay from judah he went to bethel to prophesy to jeroboam who was the king i believe of israel at that time of course jeroboam wasn't serving the god of abraham he served other gods and then this unnamed prophet came and actually met with jeroboam jeroboam was at an altar making sacrifices to his god and not the god of abraham his demonic gods anyway the prophet uh prophesied to him telling him the demise that's going to take place uh in israel the the king jeroboam became angry pointed his hand up at him and said go and get him but he wasn't speaking to anybody around him he was literally speaking to the spirits at the altar and the bible says when he held his hand up his hand literally got stuck in the air and jeroboam and so fearful said you know man of god please pray to god to you know release my hand and the man of god did do it in the hand released so i want us to take it from verse 7 verse 7 of first kings chapter 13 excuse me okay now after like i said after his hand was restored the king that is here is what the king said to the prophet in verse 7 and the king said unto the man of god come home with me and refresh thyself and i will give thee a reward okay listen to verse 8 very carefully and the man of god which was the prophet and the man of god said unto the king if thou will give me half thine house i will not go in with thee neither will i eat bread nor drink water in this place now that's weird why why why so why wouldn't you do that well let's look at verse nine or first kings 13. for so was it charge me by the word of the lord or these were the commandments that god gave me the prophet that is pride are coming here to you okay and what was those commandments i must not go in with thee verse 8 neither will i eat bread nor drink water in this place this was god's laws to the prophet these were the simple instructions this is god's word this is like the bible to him what the bible is to us in terms of these words will be his words would be the bible to him because these are god's instructions to him so verse 9 again says for so was in charge or commanded by me by the word of the lord saying eat no bread eat no bread nor drink water nor turn again by the same way the doll comes three very simple instructions very very simple the lord said to the prophet i'm sending you on a mission to prophesy to king jeroboam very simple yes give him my prophecy give him my word but my word to you mr prophet you are to eat nothing from them you are to drink nothing from them and the way you originally came in you are not to exit that way that's simply remember what these are this is the laws of god this is god's law his rule his ordinance to this man okay now watch this verse 10 says of 1st kings 13. so he went another way so he's following the instructions the prophet went another way and returned not by the way that he came he did not go out the front door like he came in he came in through the front door but he went through the back door because he's totally cognizant totally aware of the instructions of god and these instructions supersede any other law rule or whoever come to tell him anything he hearing them he sounded like me so listen to verse 11 of first kings 13. now that dwelt an old prophet in bethel and his sons came and told him all the works that the man of god had done that day in bethel the words which he had spoken unto the king them they told also to his father so i want you to see the trend of events here now as long as this brother is following the precise ordinance of god everything god has told him not only will it come to pass the s the miracles the signs the wonders the healing these are automatic for him why because he's following the laws of god he isn't adding to it he isn't taking away from it he isn't allowing somebody else to come and tell him something different to compromise the very the simple instructions that god gave it so what is this telling us as long as we follow the bible not traditions of men as long as we follow the scripture we will graduate in life graduate means that every level god has assigned us from birth to death we will elevate and elevate and elevate and why why why why what is the source we're following the rules the laws the principles the ordinances of god not no gimmicks not no so no see it not spin around none of these instructions the these are traditions and what is the the the theology definition of tradition a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not found in scripture like covering but we're not going to go there right now watch this so first uh 12 says and their father which would have been the evil prophet said unto them which were his sons what way went he meaning the old the young prophet for his sons had seen what way the man of god went which came from judah and he said unto his sons who is he the old washer prophet of israel and he said unto his son verse 13 saddle me a donkey so they saddled him the donkey and he was just the old prophet wrote thereon verse 14 of first kings 13. and went after the man of god and found him sitting under an oak and he said unto him who said unto who the older prophet of israel is now communicating to the young prophet who earlier prophesied to king jeroboam who earlier was working signs and won this effortlessly nothing was stopping him because the he was back by the kingdom of god why because he followed the prerequisite and what prerequisites obey my rules my laws my principles my ordinance do not eat from them do not drink from them do not exit the same way you came in very simple as long as you follow that i will back you in everything that you do kingdom of heaven will be supporting you in everything that you do watch this now i love in this here you just put this up here a little bit more okay good so and he said unto his sorry in verse 14 and went after the man of god and found him sitting under an oak and he said unto him are thou the man of god that came us from judah and he said i am verse 15 then he said unto him who said unto who the older prophet is now talking to the younger prophet and he said sorry and he said and he's sorry verse 15 then he said unto him come home with me and eat bread now let's let's stop right there okay because the minute he said that the young prophet it should ignite in his head right away i don't care who whether he was an all prophet a semi prophet or half a prophet bro i don't care god told me i must not eat from nobody here no one there are no exceptions at all i must have no eating with nobody all right verse nine let's go back to verse nine these are his instructions for so was it charged me by the word of the lord saying eat no bread nor drink water nor turn again by the same way that thou cometh these are the instructions i read no sub clauses here i don't see if an angel came then you could obey the angel i didn't see if a prophet came you could change it i didn't see if a parcel to the total power multiplied by six character eight square root nine i see none of that very clear instructions very very clear let's go back from where we left off all right verse 15 then he said the older prophet unto him the younger prophet come home with me and eat bread verse 16 of first kings 13 and he said i may not return with thee nor go in with thee neither will i eat bread nor drink water with thee in this please sound like eve to me he sound like eve to me in genesis 3 when god sorry when satan approached eve and he said to her shall thou surely die if you read the fruit and she read the write out to him just like how this brother is reading the right act to this all the prophet so they are fully aware they are fully cognizant fully cognizant what i'm showing you is what i started out with i said to you tradition never graduate i said to you i gave an example about the young girl she's convicted she's living in sin and she's tired of this she wants to she accepted the lord or she won't accept the lord so she say you know what this sunday i'm going to church i know i don't have all i have is my club clothes all right i don't care i want to meet jesus i want jesus so she's coming to jesus based on the things that she has heard right but when she comes to the church because she does not meet their traditional uh protocols it's going to be a problem so they're going to now put the code of tradition on oh well you know baby look here sweetie okay now i know you mean well but uh these little hearty outfits you got here these little little thought thing you got going on here jesus ain't into this jesus say for this so imagine how she feel internally because she has a heart she i i i know if i continue living the way that i'm living two things are gonna happen i'm either gonna die without christ or some may somehow be heard in such a way i wouldn't have the full capacity of my being she wants to make it right but tradition met her at the door and everyone else in this in tradition not the word of god tradition their statues their rules their principles producing no miracles no signs no wonders so the old prophet trying to dress home boy in tradition but homeboy met him he said no no no no no he's doing good so far no no no no no listen to me he says he says and he said i will not return verse 16 i will not return with you old prophet get out here nor go in with thee neither will i eat your dairy bread in your old bear water i don't want none of that for 17. for it was said to me by the bible listen listen listen it was said to me by the word of the lord thou shalt eat no bread nor drink water there nor turn again to go by the way the dog came so just like eve she he is reading the riot acted as fellow listen homeboy i don't care what you come with i don't care what you call yourself i don't care what title you are if you are preaching something against the bible you are i want nothing to do with you you are evil and wicked because you are altering the divine word of god who gave you that authority so this started you this guy sounded like me but watch this though this would mean him therefore listen to this listen to verse 18. he said unto him this is the older prophet now just like eve and satan in uh genesis 3 after satan realized that she knew she knew the law she knew the rules so how do i get how do i get her to break god law how do i get her to to submit to me how well i spicy it up for her how do i do that so going back to genesis now after eve read him died the right act satan say well you do know i don't even know if i should tell you this but you know god holding out right you do realize that if you eat up this fruit come over here you know if you eat of this fruit you can be be just like god so he has her attention now and all of a sudden the rules are dissipating from all the laws the principles wow you mean i'm going to be able to create like god i could do all of this yeah yeah and that's what he don't want you to do but don't tell him i tell you fine and this okay and the bible says she ate the fruit now let's watch that same trick being orchestrated right over here watch this so let's go here now to verse 17 verse 17 no verse 18 verse 18 of first kings 13 he said unto him the older prophet who tried to entice him to come earlier now comes back again now that the fella resisted him and rejected his offer so in verse 18 the older prophet is coming with another strategy so listen what he says he said unto him or the older prophet said to the younger prophet i am a prophet um not at everything else for you let me try titles you are getting this right let me try now now that you reject me let me tell you do you do you realize you're rejecting prophet kevin to the power hello excuse me this isn't any regular person speaking to you this is super califragi expialidocious ewing to the third dimension of the galaxy of mars that's what he's saying he realized that this guy this guy is obedient to god so what does he do he do what they do today i'm gonna use my title as leverage the scripture says i love this man listen to this verse 18 he said the all the prophet said to the younger prophet i am a prophet also as thou art and an angel listeners liar and an angel spoke unto me by the word of the lord let me hear it today i hear god say 2021 a seed of 2021 if i be a man of god so you see where they're using title to convince you that god is truly speaking to me honor the man of god honor the woman of god once we tell you we forget what god tell you god didn't we talk about you listen to us god take construction from us listen to because that's what you're being told he said unto him i am a prophet also as thou art and an angel spoke unto me by the word of the lord this is nothing new they do it today god say you must sow 220 god says that if if you want to break the back of poverty uh so 20th god said if you want your whole family to be free he says make the sacrifice and so 20 thousand 21 dollars isn't a guy doing the same thing he's using his title he's saying that an angel then he's saying it's the word of the lord to him so what the younger prophet should have done the same way god could have come to me where is in the dream however god came to them originally read his instructions well the same god should have come to me and changed him see listen i'm not promoting disrespecting leaders and elders god put these fivefold ministries prophet evangelist teaching and so on not to dictate over you he put them listen carefully as gifts to the body this is god's gift to you kevin here this teacher this is a gift and this gift if they realize that they're a gift and not a dictator they will understand their position in my kingdom i didn't put them here to rule you i put them here and struck you with my rules not their laws whenever they're instituting their rules principles and laws and traditions then they're not a gift to you anymore they're not a gift anymore you see a gift is supposed to do what it's supposed to do if i bought my wifey some jewelry she wears the gift the gift won't dictate to her the gift is to make her look better that's the whole purpose of getting it he said i gave them prophets apostles it's a gift your pastor is a gift to you your apostle your teacher kevin is god's gift to you but the gift is to make you shine to make you look better but how by directing you to the laws of god listen to this he said unto him i am a prophet also as thou art and an angel spoke unto me by the word of the lord saying bring him back with thee into thine house that he may eat bread and drink water but he lied unto him i see a couple errors here the voice error and this is why i say to you i don't care how much you appreciate me i don't care how much you love me i don't care that you love my teachings i am not above god i am not your god i am not your papa i am not your spiritual father i am i will never ever respond to you if you ever dress me that way because my job is not to bring you to me my job is to that i'm the gift to you to direct you to the one who gave me the gift to teach you the first thing here at the ending statement but he lied to him what happened see whenever we dismiss god's laws to us right guess what simultaneously happens we also dismiss our ability to discern let me say that again whenever we dismiss the laws the rules the principles the ordinance of god or god's personal word of prophecy to us we also dismiss our ability to discern see when the guy said he hey hey i'm old i'm a prophet i used to be a prophet here too and not only that an angel spoke to me and ironically strange enough that everything that this angel is telling me is opposite to what god told you he how could he not discern it how could he say now whoa whoa whoa this didn't make sense why am i not reading he said you know what sir i don't want to disrespect you but let me go before the lord to confirm what you're saying none of that there is no resistance after he mentioned his title after he said an angel said this after he said it was a word from god clearly this guy dismissed everything his ability to discern he he dismissed every common sense spiritual sense every other sense he dismissed and now he's being reeled in to the soul now he's in rebellion he is in rebellion but listen who is getting this console from he's getting it from one who was a prophet and that was true but no angel came to him he was a prophet the bible states that this guy the older prophet was in fact a prophet for israel but now he's lying to the sky so the new prophet foolishly is going to take the tradition tradition because the words of this old prophet has no authority remember what i told you the theological definition of tradition is it says a doctrine believed to have divine authority but not found in scripture and not found the scripture simply means it's not the word of god so what is it here god gave this guy divine authority through his word don't eat don't drink don't go there and this guy came with the tradition saying hey i used to be all the prophet and i hear god right now and god let me right now you but i gotta meet some of this uh uh wendy's and right after i'll be going down by papa john's now what you can do huh so you you see what i'm saying to you this is what i tell you stop making these people your god this is not to throw [ __ ] this is not to degrade this is not to uh whatever you think it is against some leader this got what i'm saying to you god word should be priority and whenever they are going against that whenever they are adding to that whenever they are bringing their own doctrine this is now tradition and it's going to panel for something that you never intended it to all right watch this verse 19 says so he went back with him the younger prophet went along with the older prophet and did eat bread in his house and drank water now i'm going to take this before we go to the next scripture i believe in my heart and i'm going to show you why later in a little bit i believe in my heart the young prophet knew this wasn't right but there was a battle going on in his mind but that's this this prophet tim back too i mean he's he's known the world over how could i tell him no but i shouldn't go i know what god told me but he said angel told him so this war is going on in his mind and i believe in his spirit he was not settled and i can tell you why right now verse 20 says and it came to pass as they sat at the table watch this now that the word of the lord came unto the prophet that brought him back so god is now truly descending on the very prophet that originally deceived him now isn't that interesting so verse 21 says and he cried unto the man of god that came from judah saying so the true prophet of god sorry the older prophet of god who is now being the holy spirit is upon him now using him even though he deceived the younger prophet and he says and he cried unto the man of god that came from judah saying thus said the lord so think about this they're sitting at the table eating the the all the prophets at the head of the table and let's say the younger prophet is at the other end of the table right and they're eating and you know he he's the older prophet is fully aware and cognizant that i lied to this dude he actually believed he came here so they're actually eating their food eating their rib eyes take all this other stuff and all of a sudden okay though the prophetess the spirit of the lord is upon him and he's now prophesying to the young prophet and he cried unto the man of god or the older prophet cried to the younger prophet that came from judah saying thus said the lord for as much as thou has disobeyed the mouth of the lord and has not kept the commandments the commandment which the lord thy god commanded thee but came back and did us eat bread and drink water in this place of the which the lord did say to thee eat no bread and drink no water thy carcass shall not come unto the sepulcher of thy fathers now this is interesting because in this story there is no expression from the young prophet there's no nothing here where he was like i can't believe i did this oh my god i knew so because this the the story is not showing a response from the prophet whom judgment is being levied on i am convinced that he knew what he did wasn't right so when the judgment came he was like you know what i deserve this because i should have known better so verse 23 says and it came to pass after he had eaten the bread and that's interesting i couldn't eat no more after that but this would fail yeah you know and thank you this last piece of pizza any lag and live after this let me have my last meal so verse 23 says and it came to pass after he had eaten bread and after he had drunk that he saddled for him the donkey for to with for the prophet whom he had brought back and when he was gone a lion met him by the way and slew him or kill him and his carcass was chaos in the way and the donkey stood by it the lion was the lion also stood by the carcass and behold men passed by and saw the carcass casting the way and the lion standing by the carcass and they came and told it and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt now before i move from this point before i move from this i'll make a point here all right now listen to this revelation even though the older prophet lied to him isn't it interesting that god never punished the old prophet you ever thought about that the full punishment came to the younger prophet who was given the instructions now why am i bringing this because remember now these stories are just revealing the bible is a book of laws rules principles and these stories are just revealing god's rules and principles embedded in these stories watch this revelation many of you went to churches where the preacher lied to you god said so this and god says sow your car to me and he's gonna bless you with two more cars so your home all this foolishness and come to find out none of that happened you lost everything because of this preacher this fake prophet prophetess you lose but god never punished them you were the one that was punished in fact they still profit lying and making more money now that they are going to come don't get me wrong but what i'm saying to you let's let's take your situation and let's bring it right here because you're seeing a principle now see god this is why you need to acquaint yourself with the word this is why you need to find yourself in places of worship or churches that are teaching you preaching the just like i'm doing to you right now walking you through the scriptures showing you the rules showing you and comparing them see you need something to negotiate with when you're faced with these things but the reality is here the prophet who lied the prophet who misled this guy was never punished at least not in this story there was no evidence here where god dealt with him now i'm sure he was dealt with somewhere down the line but for the sake of the story there is nothing in here where he was punished why because god didn't give him no instructions god gave you the instructions god sent you to a particular church to learn something instead when you get there you caught up in covering you caught up in apostolic cult all this stuff would have nothing to do with why you originally sent him so everything that god had for you to learn there only to move you to the next place you tradition got you stuck apostles say i can't go this place because if i go there those people over there they are of the devil and only the true gospel is taught here and and passed into everything about me because he's my covering i have to make him aware of everything that i do and and what and where in god's word is this it's not there you know why because according to the meaning of the word theology sorry of tradition in theology listen carefully a doc a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not found in the scriptures covering is not found in the scriptures the way that they say it's supposed to be done in fact it's found in the scriptures but it's totally opposite to what they say covering is not there so why why when god sent you here to learn god sent you here to develop you because he's training you to where he wants you to be but instead you let the doctrine you led this guy who said that he is the great bishop of the apostolic galaxy of the third dimension you let all of that and he said he heard from god and god said that there's some people who want to leave and god says if you leave you're covering your curse glory be to god that isn't why you came there tradition you will never graduate you will never excel you will live why because you have allowed their doctrine their principle their tradition their church policy you've allowed that to superse you didn't even know that happened they rest that code of tradition you came and they're fiery for god you came and you said man listen up and listen to brother kevin and so many other people say man look here our gifts will make room for us god please train me train me jesus because i will move in the things of you i i i don't want to be left wanting when it's time for me to depart from time until eternity father i want to be ready to give a good report you are on fire then as a young prophet as a young evangelist as a young teacher but superstar mickey mouse preacher over here who's so full of themselves convince you that in order to hear from god you gotta come to me okay and if you don't have the apostolic oil you got to get oily glory be to god if you ain't oily then you can't be apostolic mickey monster dirt you cannot you cannot be that and and if i were you i would change my attitude because you will not be making most apostolic get it together all right okay because i could yank this covering from you don't tell me you covered no blood of jesus either because in this church my church in south familia so tradition never graduate everything else is graduating you're getting older you're getting gray you're getting all kind of stuff going on physically or in terms of your body that you have no control over but you as a believer of jesus christ economically uh re spiritually uh find every other area since you come to this place and you succumb to their tradition is nothing happening for you let's let's put some more meat on this board because we can look at the law to tradition now so let's go to mark chapter seven this this is powerful let's go to mark chapter seven and we're going to read from verse one to verse 13. see what i'm being funny here but i mean i'm serious i would never be who i am today if i had fit in to the truth in mind you i was a part of it i was traditional i i did all of that and tradition you you say all kind of stuff you that's how it is no spirit for the most part there's no spirit of god speaking to anybody this is what you do you you you moan that stage and and you say stuff you say the regular stuff like i could basically animate it right now on a sunday morning i could go in there right now and i could say the spirit of the lord is here and where the spirit is that is i don't know but i'm hearing i'm hearing liberty i don't know who you are huh i hear it from god but i'm saying it i can tell you that you because you said this minister kevin you know what are you talking about and on the way here today i don't know the two angels i just saw two big stop in front of my vehicle i held my face because it was so bright these two angels and i heard freedom freedom freedom freedom free dumb free dumb freedom uh uh the hebrew to free is to let go and and and see all that garbage all that mess that's what i'm telling you tradition there's no substance there's no root that there is nothing to to deposit in your spirit positively to make you want to do the will of god no no so what it becomes now it becomes a a competitive contest who could get the most doctorate degree so you could call me dr rev an apostle to deter city down by the big rock on the yellow house that's that's what it's about now and when we get on that stage it's about being educated and looking smart and in astute but never ever coming with the unadulterated word of god wow wow wow so you sit under that for years you sit in intimidation you sit in fear you don't want to offend pastor you don't want one of the members to to rat you out because nobody is loyal to nobody everybody is loyal to the to to the king here the bishop the pastor but no one is committed to god wow wow and you're wondering why you're not getting ahead but we can see some more on this we can see some more yes i love this here so let's go to mark chapter seven beginning at verse one then came then came together unto him the pharisees and certain of the scribes so you know the pharisees were like the the priests and so on they were the temple rulers and so they would church people they were the pastors and so on you could in terms of today that's what you could label them as right excuse me then came together unto him the pharisees and certain of the scribes which came from jerusalem okay verse 2 of mark 7. and when they saw some of the disciples what's tradition now watch tradition very well you see when it comes to tradition it has nothing to do with god you have one of the god cosmetics all of the god surface but deep down it has nothing to do with god nothing so verse 2 says of mark 7 and when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defile that is to say with unwashed hands they found a fault in them you hear this not if they were lying which was the ten commandments not if they committed adultery fornication covered their butts because these were the commandments but it has nothing to do with that what it had to do is we as we subscribe as a group to some traditions that we've made divine authority this is our divine this have nothing to do with scripture but we're imposing them on you so much to say if you're doing this you're sinning in fact we hold this over the word of god listen to this this is so powerful so verse 3 of mark 7 says for the pharisees and all the jews except they wash their hands often they eat not holding the traditions of the elders let's look at what the word tradition and theology mean a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not found in scripture verse 4 of mark 7 and when they come on from the market except they wash they eat not and many other things there be which they have received to hold as the washing of cups and pots brazen vessels and of tablets all of this is their tradition verse 5 of mark 7. then the pharisees and scribes asked him ask who jesus why walk not thy disciples according to the traditions of the elders instead you eat bread without washing your hands see for them this is equivalent to to to fornication or murder this is sin but this is not scripture i i want you to follow me see they god sent them there as priests to lead his people based on his laws his rules his principles but you're going to find in many cases like the previous one that you would find more the conor against that follow their rules suffer more than they that issue the rules by talking to somebody every end of year so this so that i hear god say this i hear god say that but wrap it with a seed your best seed and deposit it and god is gonna turn that thing around god could tell you exactly how much i must sow but he isn't all knowing to know specifically what thing that is i was going to give you money but you ain't getting that it's a liar you you see what i'm saying to you the guy who's the religious leader is getting rich the guy who's the religious leader he he is dominating by his tradition not by the word of god the word of god is just cosmetics the word of god is just you know when you come in yes the spirit of the lord is here and i feel the holy spirit and and i feel god in this place how does god feel what does it feel like to feel god it is a tingling time i want to know because maybe i was feeling him all along and didn't realize it no scripture no scripture i hear god says that the envelopes god says whoever walking feeding come up in grab an envelope and put your best seat i don't want to tell you i don't want to tell you how much to put in there but what i will say though is 2021 is around the corner glory be to god a doctrine believed to have divine authority but not found in scripture i hear god say come with there's someone in here tonight you i i you're red i see your red i see a mortgage okay and you scrapped up to get it but i hear god says if if you if you if you trust me it tests me show that mortgage and watch god there are myriads of scriptures to test god and the majority of them you will find is investing in the lives of other people primarily those that are less fortunate than you why every time we have to trust god or test god we have to give you money tradition never graduate so listen to this now the bible says here in verse 5 then the pharisees and scribes ask him why walk not thy disciples according to the traditions of the elders why are they breaking the laws the traditions of the elders instead they eat bread and on with one or with unwashed hands verse 6 of mark 7. he which is jesus answered and said unto them well have isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites somebody called him now as it is written listen what he says the people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me verse 7 how be it in vain do they worship me listen listen carefully teaching for doctrines the commandments of men now that's powerful so what is jesus saying jesus is saying is that y'all are just using me for a head lineup you all are just using you you you pass this not as those who do these things you pass this on apostles and prophets and super prophet and boss prophet and and whatever prophet you all y'all that do this you jesus is just a headliner come as you are jesus love you you only got one soul what does it uh uh uh prophet a man to to gain the whole world and loses one so this is just to re but jesus says really that's just cosmetics because when you get here that's just to pull you in but when you get here all the rules change that bible stuff in fact you could put that down right now because people wrote our own bible so that's why jesus said here jesus said isaiah prophesied this a long time ago and he labeled these these leaders as hypocrites okay hypocrites are people who will tell you one thing and do something totally opposite yeah on the streets jesus love you yeah we can do all of that safer stuff so you could look at us we gotta wear the long gowns okay we can be coverable on our cleavage and we're gonna show none of our arms and others we're going to look the part we're going to we're going to wear all white on sunday and when people come to the church and they're not appropriately dressed we don't care if that's all you had we need to throw a sheet or something on you some kind of comfort or some broken box up on you because we have a standard in here even though it's not found in scripture but it's a doctrine here see what they're saying just jesus said jesus says listen listen to verse 7 however in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrine the commandments of men not of god associates sow seeds sow seeds where could we find in scripture be it all or new how can we abraham moses jacob isaac ezekiel hosea malachi jesus matthew where can we find in scripture which prophet which teacher which bishop whomever god has called where could we find just show me where could we find that they said so we'll see it so was seen so we see seed but it isn't scripture but the seed they referred to was the word of god so what i'm saying to you all of this seed sowing falls right here in mark 7 verse 4. he says how be it in vain do they worship me give god your best seed come on now god don't give you his best now you give god your best how be it in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrine the doctrine of seed sowing the doctrine of covering the all of these things the bible says teaching for doctrine the commandments of men it have absolutely nothing to do with god they are living a form of godliness and if you don't see this through the scriptures when you come in there they put the code of tradition on you and cause you to conform to their doctrines of men not kevin ewing kevin you can get rid of that garbage eight years ago no and that's why that's what now you know why i'm adamant about the scriptures and everything i teach is scripture related because i wasn't getting that i was hearing the doctrines of men no way in the description no show it to me you watch tbn you watch the void network 1-800-555 so we'll see it right now and when you sow this 5 million dollar scene we can send you a shoe lacing with jesus love you on it and on on the flip side uh uh the gospel according to uh reverend ike and for 88 million more dollars we'll send you an additional shoe string and we're gonna uh spit on it for you and you dummies just gonna have it we don't need voodoo that's all we put on you you put a choice on you don't care just send them money remember one eight hundred five five five so every preacher that comes on and that's why i took it i stopped listening to them they come to preach for seed they start screaming and shouting blah blah blah blah blah blah come on now i hear the glory now now now is the strategical time to sow into this dispensation god is saying if you're so so so now call right now if the lines are busy call right now one eight hundred so we'll see dummy one eight hundred so see dummy come on they call you dumb you don't realize it and you you get waking the children up come get get your credit card get some come let me a credit card i will send something so and so how be it in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrine the commandments of men people listen to me yeah so when this voodoo seed before and the vietnam go into next year for god to bless you is is beyond witchcraft i think satan don't want nothing to do with that satan say that's beyond my pay great there are you know you're all too wicked no think about this man let's think about this for a second the entire year you neglected the word of god the entire year you dismissed the principles of god the entire year you listen to kevin and listen to other people you you you all follow none of the principles to the rules and you feel based on this hypocrite charlatan fake preacher pastor whatever an enemy of the cross he could come here and provide you with a solution okay kevin and everybody else who fasted and prayed throughout the year and really seek god and i know you feel left out i know you feel like you could have done better but listen god is a loving god and he knows your heart he knows you would have done this but i hear god says that he is willing to forgive you glory to god i don't know i just feel this he is willing to forgive you if you could sow a seed of 88 000. i'm not saying this like i said i feel a spirit on me but i hear god say he will take increments incremental payments yeah okay let's look at what the the theology the theology definition of tradition is again a doctrine believed to have divine authority i hear god i hear an angel say a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not found in scripture i could live how i want to live i can have sex with the church sisters i could go up on the pulpit and concoct a fake testimony i can play like i have the holy spirit and start talking in tongues rant at a panther a panther the panther around to the panther angels from africa angel the caribbean i can do all of that and at the end of the day all i can do is sow seed god is going to expunge all that from me not repent none of that i'm talking to somebody tonight i talking to someone tonight i talking to somebody tonight someone hear me that seed listen to me you really want to see god work hold on to that seat for some for a moment and repent to god repent repent of god for disobeying god just like the young prophet he disobeyed god he went contrary to what god specifically told him you read your bible you know the prerequisite you know the requirements you notice he said first john 1 9 if meaning you don't have to do it but if you confess your sins he which is god is faithful and just to forgive you of them and to do what and to cleanse you of all unrighteousness did that preacher tell you that before you brought your money no did the preacher say now you could bring this money here but i can tell you now if you ain't living the right life if you if you obey god's law this anger worked for you no did he ever tell you that no he never told you that he never told you but i can tell you one thing if you come back to him and say preacher man this didn't work you can say well maybe you got sin in your life well why didn't you give me this disclaimer when i was handing my or walking over my money to you no boy those days are over and kevin you income to set you free i come to set you free from tradition tradition has caused you not to graduate in life tradition has caused you not to go forward and move according to the plan of god like you ought to have been moving why because you have succumbed to the doctrine and the traditions of men that's what you will never go forward anyway because i don't want you to go forward is because that you are doing everything correct not to go for it and primarily dismissing the word of god and replacing it with the consul the the doctrine the tradition of men somebody i haven't seen it as yet where can we find in the bible did moses do it when moses went to pharaoh to say god says let my people go did he handle him over soccer money no did he do it no did did abraham do it at any point no did isaac did jacob did joseph did joshua who show me okay show me who who did it hezekiah zephaniah zechariah who where could we find matthew luke john where can we find from genesis to revelation where could we find this doctrine of seed sowing where could we find it where could we are to patent our ministries after the great rabbi which is jesus where could we find in the gospels where jesus went to capernaum jesus went to current or whatever okay or even paul where could we find and they said to the congregants all right we're going into the next century and you need to sow a seed of x y could could we find that anywhere in the scripture anywhere no what did they do then they believed in god no not in all yes they believed in god and because they followed god principle god always provided for them every they never had to beg they never had to borrow in fact in in in some cases they'd have to turn down stuff why because you see god is automatically obligated to meet your needs when you follow his laws that's why i pointed out to you when the young prophet was doing exactly what the lord told them you don't eat their food don't drink their water don't go the way you came in he was able to win jeroboam come at it make his hand freeze and with her right in the sky he could have performed miracle signs and wonders why because he was being backed by heaven but what was the pre-qualifier for having to back him follow my laws my rules my my ordinance my commandments but these jokers are telling you the opposite but in such a pious religious way well you don't really have to do all of that man don't listen to kevin mann listen i'm screaming all the time making a bunch of noise man listen listen you're the first person i'm telling this to but god spoke to me and uh he said to me there's something special about you and god said that this is where they get educated god said he's going to reveal you to you mighty god i feel the apostolic uh mortal oil on me right now i feel that michelin tire all over me hallelujah i i i i hear god say if you if you if you test me and try me the devil that's what it is show do you know what you should say you know what you want to press me show it to me in scripture now use a bible man you could put at least one scripture and show me show me in scripture support what you're saying to me by the scriptures no and that's why people are being turned off from church because they they turn off because all of the things you've been promising them for years under the guise of sow and seed not believing the word of god not not not assimilating the word in the understanding not making it practical but causing them to put their faith in money that if i give kevin this god if i help the man of god i know god can turn i could still phone a cape oh i could still have a ball on my wife and sleep with other women but all i got to do is break off past some people and i know god can overlook this even though it is scripture they're holding your hand and guiding you to hell fire but i want you to watch the trend now god can deal with him but i want you to see the trend oh the trend is god can deal with you first because you're no better and ignorance is no excuse to the law you should have been making the word of god priority but you won't defend you will defend pastor you want defend what are you defending them for are they defending you when they robbing you are they defending you and they're lying and say the holy spirit say give this and give that again i'm waiting for someone to show me where any apostle any teacher of the gospel according to the word of god any one of them moses suck please someone someone show me where can i find in the bible that paul and silas and the rest of them on their way to corinth and antioch that they had a revival and a part of that they were saying so see it so see it so see it where could i find that i i have read the bible inside out and i have failed miserably in discovering any of that which i was in search of i don't see any of it so where did the seed doctrine come from because clearly it didn't come from the scripture and if it didn't come from the scripture the scripture or the it is labeled as a tradition and what is a tradition again a doctrine believed to have divine authority though not found in scripture nowhere people you will be a world renowned fool after hearing what you're hearing tonight and you go new year's excuse me earlier this night going into new year's talking nonsense but you sow and see it let me tell you what you should do what you should do is repent voice deal with that here is why see i don't care how much seed you sow you know i don't care which stage you so cause that ain't gonna change nothing in terms of god fixing it for you here is why you can be so unseed for god to change things for you instead of how you want to live you know why the bible is clear proverbs 28 verse 13. in fact let me tell you now because i will read this for you proverbs 28 and verse 13. it says he that covered his sins uh-huh shall not prosper so why the preacher didn't tell you that why the preacher didn't say come here now this is a thousand dollar line i hear god says something special is going to happen in the thousand dollar line now let me be clear let me lay my disclaimer down okay let me lay the fine print okay now if you're living in sin and you got sin in your life and i want you to look at the description now before you put that thousand dollars here before you rest that there now look at proverbs 28 and 13 he that covered his sin shall not prosper you will never hear that you will never in this life fear that you ain't here no when it's time for that money to get collect you ain't gonna hear no rules that could discourage you from bringing it so what i'm saying to you because they're not telling you the rules this is what tradition does now they make you comfortable in your sin to bring them money living a form of godliness he that covered his sin shall not prosper that's what i'm reading that's what i'm reading why didn't the preacher tell you that when the preacher tell you saw your mortgage money when the preacher was training you to be financially irresponsible why didn't he tell you that didn't the bible tell you to be good shorts over the things that god has given you and the preacher who's supposed to be leading you according to the laws the principles the rules of god but he is the one leading the charge and making you irresponsible you think he's gonna go and pay the balance on the arrest that you owe when the bank comes yank your house from you no no so again i can't blame the preacher no more i gotta blame you because you're watching him live a a lifestyle of lavish or whatever and i don't have nothing wrong with that if he's doing the will of god but why is it that every time you got to sow seed every time you got to do this do that but the only people benefit of those who collected it i saw i love to make this comment i when i did my teaching on uh on the tide right and of course you know i put up a lot of posts after i do the teaching and i saw one preacher commented on it and said that he don't know about uh other people but the tithe him paying the tithe has he seen plenty blessings so i i sat back in my chair let me see if i get this right let me see because maybe it's me maybe maybe i'm too critical you know i got to repent but i am too critical so let's look at it logically you're the only one collecting the time nobody else in the church everybody gonna give the title to you and your testimony is you have seen god done wonders by you paying the time but let me get this straight their tithe including what you claim to put in tight all leads to you and your testimony is you've seen god done great stuff for you okay all right okay obviously margaret bought a fool here you're collecting it how could it not benefit you explain it to me you're the only one no okay so just preach a man could when they're collecting time could anyone of the audit order the congregation come up there and take what they want no no so who does it go to does it go to spiritual jesus and invisible god no take out to you and where there's a gold preacher it goes in the account right richard and who signs off and who has access to that account let me guess i'm going to prophesy here you you cannot hear that garbage didn't talk about but that's just it they think they are smarter than you because they were a title just like the old prophet hey i hear what you say what god said but what i'm saying to you is i i i am a prophet also and an angel spoke to me by the word of the lord so my title is supposed to just make me the super human now no man people wake up wake up wake up i'm saying to you listen to me carefully you really want to see change for next year we'll deal with the sins in your life now of course you know we're doing a teaching now and fasting and we're going to bring more revelation to it come saturday go before god god i know i'm living right i know i'm not living right lord i have evil thoughts in my heart i watch pornography i i i lie i cheat i under my god this is what i do this is how you come to god this is what i do i don't want to live this way in fact i want to inherit these benefits but i know someone see it ain't gonna do it teach me how to obey your laws teach me how to engraft your laws in my heart and with that expunge the things out of me that is causing me not to do your will did the preacher tell you to do that before you brought the money no he didn't tell you that because if he tell you that you ain't gonna bring the money you know why because it's gonna lead you to god and god is gonna make you give that to somebody who's in less position yeah so why would he say stuff to you to discourage you from bringing money to him he's not going to do that he's not going to do that so let's go back to mark chapter 7. let's wrap this up so in verse 7 of mark 7 says how beat in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men verse eight for laying aside listen the commandments of god you hold the tradition of men that's that's to me i don't know about you guys but let me tell you i look at that let's say i own multiple companies all right a franchise and i hired you i say you know what i want to send you to my uh european office and i want you to be in charge dear and this is the manual you're going to be training everything and these are the rules and regulations and policies and this is what i want you to convey to the staff there so that all of the franchises could be on on the court so i sent you to europe right so i decided to come to europe a year later and i realized that you're going contrary to everything that what my company stands for but i look here you put your own stuff in here you have your own rules your own regulations in fact when the employees do what is required of in my manual you chastise them and tell them no no no no you need to do it the way you say to do it and based on your policies so imagine god in heaven god sent kevin to teach the people his word which is what i do for you no opinions on this i give you the word of god imagine kevin say you know what i had a revelation we're going to put this book down for about a year i'm just going to let the spirit flow so you can come on see in order to to really throw their doctrine and tradition on you they have to you see god becomes the like i said a cosmetic or the makeup all right but deep down is their will their purposes so when they say we're going to put the bible aside not that we're putting aside forever but we just want to let the spirit flow but why is it when the spirit is flowing is always going against the very book you said to put aside make me understand that so that's what i'm saying to you if you just came there forgetting that i came here to serve god i came here to know about god i didn't come here to be dictated to i didn't come here for someone to tell me they have to cover me after the blood of jesus because i don't need that what i need is to know about jesus his principles as laws because everything is governed by a law and if he's the creator of all things then i need to know what he requires so that i will be in compliance with his rules i didn't come here for you to tell me how i must live in and that's the holy spirit job to convict me you teach the world you don't teach and then tell me i must be convicted because you say so no you you know if the lady came here with a short mini that may be all she have okay let the holy spirit deal with her yes advise her but don't tell her she can't come in no more she dressed like that you don't you know nothing of all i mean your tradition is just pushing people out of the house of god and you think you're right because you're wearing this this long white outfit with white gloves and everything white on you and you can't wait to get home for your husband to go on a business trip to go cheat on him but as long as you're wearing a white and you back in church and you raise holy house because nobody knows your internal parts you don't care and your tradition has become so uh intoxicating that you are totally unaware that the god of all creation was watching you from day one wow wow this is incredible your tradition has literally twisted you to make you believe your man of god is god because as far as you concerned pastor didn't see me cheating on my husband pastor didn't see me with my side peace so as long as pasta don't sense it in the spirit i could continue with my theatrics i could continue raising holy hands and shedding tears and and saying holy holy lamb of god and i could do all of that but while i'm doing this i'm thinking the next act i'm going to commit with this person or even replaying the filth we did before but he passed they can't see it so i'm okay and for the moment discovered which is greater than the blood of jesus according to them but they didn't say that but based on how they presented because i don't see why anyway that's a different story so what i'm saying here is that you listening to me right now yeah we could say boy those pastors are no good date they bunch of thieves and they you may be you are right with some of them not all of them and we all would agree with that but this is what i'm saying to you according to what we're reading tonight especially the first chapter that i use you you are not equally as guilty you know that isn't what i read what i read is that god punished the one who we gave the instructions to even though he went to a church that was preaching otherwise god didn't punish the one who was preaching something false who lied which was the old prophet god punished the one who he gave the instructions to a lot of you are supposed to be way further than where you are a lot of you your guilt your gift sorry should have made you wealthy should have made you debt free not that you're merchandising it but god has given you that gift where people will just bless you because of it what happened is when you went to these edifices of whatever you allowed them to put the code of tradition on you so as a result of that there was a law that was produced which you're about to read right now all right so go back into verse 8 it says for laying aside the commandments of god ye hold the traditions of men as the washing of pots and cups and many other such like things okay and he said unto them full well you reject listen carefully you reject the commandments of god that you may keep your own tradition see it sowing again covering again verse 10 for moses said honor thy father and thy mother and who so cursed the father and mother let him be let him die to death so this is moses is telling the meaning that this is god's principle this is god's rule so god told moses now tell the children of israel this is my commandment and my law okay that you should honor your father and your mother and if you don't and if you're question you will be put to death but the pharisees came excuse me and change it listen what they said verse 11 but you say if a man shall say to his father or mother it is carbon that is to say a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me he shall be free so in so many ways you could case your mind back it's wrong but if you hook us up the pharisees and the temple people if you shallow a couple dollars we will have to overlook this but that isn't what god said so they held so so listen now they have made that their tradition you pay you you pay for us to expunge your evil now listen to this the traditions of men watch what it goes on to say next verse 12 and ye suffer or allow him no more to do or to his father or his mother listen listen now because he's about to to to summarize the entire act here of when we put uh the traditions of men above the word of god he's about to release a law whenever you participate in that seed sowing devilish garbage whenever you do that whenever someone is on a pulpit god says give this and give that and all this other foolishness whenever you participate in that you are putting the traditions of god above the commandments of men he said to give as you purpose in your heart not grudgingly okay not in that's necessity for the lord lover the cheerful giver so he gave you his rules i think it's in first corinthians uh nine verse seven so so what you're doing is oh i want that i passed this my god so pastor say pastor is making a demand give to 221 for next year that's what god tell him but anymore god tell you god told you give according to you so if if god says give ten dollars to this church and you went and you gave pastor a million dollars that's not like a noble thing hey but you're in disobedience you are no different from the prophet who went against listen the prophet intentions might have been right but he was defying the laws of god he might have been saying okay well this is an older prophet i should show some kind of respect for him no no you ain't gonna show them no respect if the respect requires you going against the laws of god and this is what people fail to see you see and why because they've been indoctrinated oh that's bishop gee that's bishop and so let's be nice no more f words we're going to use no more saying the s word none of that bishop is passing but you was firing those efforts for the past 20 minutes and god was watching you all along i want you to see how mesmerized you are in tradition and don't even realize it kevin what is the greatest evidence of tradition when you put your religious leader above god when you reverence your religious leaders more than you reverence god when you could commit every sin under the heavens and feel no wake only until your religious leader appears i'm talking to somebody i'm talking to someone tonight god is not pleased with you my sisters and brothers he is not pleased with your hypocrisy with your commitment to man and dear twisted way of instituting the laws and the rules of god to benefit them and to destroy you i want you to watch this sequence god let them go on he can deal with them but who's suffering in the interim you you're gonna be broke you're gonna get the divorce why all of these things are happening when i go to church why all of these things happen happening i'm sowing seed seed seed why all of these things happen and i'm paying thai cause that is not of god it's tradition and you've placed your tradition above god very clear very very clear won't you have this sunday boy we got to go to church let me tell you something mommy say i don't care where you is on sunday find yourself in church don't get safe don't repent of your sins you could still drink fornicate have babies with different people and just do what you want to do but find yourself in church on sunday because for some reason god does expunge everything even though you don't ask him he's going to expunge everything out of your life as long as you drop to show up to church on sunday be in church because you need a covering you need you need pastor to cover you cover me from what pastor tell me pastor when all the tragedies was happening in your life pastor how come you couldn't cover yourself i'm lost here huh how come you could if the covering was so super but you could cover all of your congregants how come you couldn't cover yourself and you too have to be covered under the blood of jesus sir no man those days are over man those pastors who ever believe in that foolishness now y'all the only people who will fall for that now is people who i don't know they must see fix that's all i can say because i you you cannot if you cannot cover you people please i mean let's just forget spiritual sense let's just use common sense this dude saying that he could cover you by being under his covering right whatever that garbage is okay so you've lost children you've lost wealth you've you i mean you broke like the ten commandments preacher so how is it you claim i have to give you an itinerary of my life so that you can ensure that the devil and the vultures isn't gonna attack me but discovering somehow seemed to be faulty my suggestion to you saw i think you need to go back to the manufacturers and have them upgrade this cover because clearly it is limited it is by far useless so discovering again uh you had some members that passed away at your church you have members that lost their homes you've had faithful members that got divorced so where was your covering where was your apostolic covering that you claim which the bible don't say your apostolic covering the anointing on you somehow you could put it on me and protect me but if i don't comply with you or if i choose to leave your church you could you you advil could snatch the covering back from me where could i find this in the scripture let's go again from genesis to revelation please somebody type in there for me please well jesus said sorry matthew or moses or any one of them said that they were some covering they were the leaders they never control them they never said if you leave you're going to be cursed i i've never read that so people why why why are you unlocked you allow it because like the secular understanding of tradition also it is a belief or or or or culture and stuff that's passed on from one generation to the next meaning you don't question it you just take it this is what the ancestors did so you just take it it work for them or we believe it away from them so you take it too no no and that's what i told you 2012 that was it for me i couldn't i was tormented and i knew i knew listen for me even before i started those churches i was always an avid reader of the bible when i accepted jesus christ on may 17 1996 like i told you i hated reading i couldn't stand reading i hated it but i had the anointing to read i was obsessed with reading but the scriptures my girlfriend at the time bought me this bible and i was an avid reader of this book and i bought supplementary book and that never stopped to this day so nobody could tell me nothing man you don't just come but no you hear in the third realm where the angels was uh prepping and no i don't come with that garbage wear the scripture for it so so i was always different in the sense that even though i never verbally communicate this to my leaders i found a lot of errors in their teaching and the errors were what they're saying because i studied the bible wasn't lining up with the scriptures but of course you don't tell them that no you you're the devil if you tried so to me when i left in 2012 i left the tide there that teaching which i never when i i challenged it when i was there i complied with it because i was in that tradition but when i read the bible i wouldn't even go through that watch the video so tidying sowing seeds covering all of that i left there back in 2012. right i left that now watch this we can wrap this up right now while i was there i was doing everything i was i was ministering i was all of this stuff i was paying the time i was sowing the seed and everything sowing so i was doing it and listen my life never took off never prospered never did any of that none of that happened when i left i told you i did my 40 day fast and things just shoot from there when i left there and left all of that tradition behind and i really got into what i believe what the bible said not what they said and i followed the protocols of fasting just like i teach it to you and i watch my life prospered more than ever then when i was sitting under the tradition when i was sitting under the tradition let me tell you i can just give you some examples right now right i used to secretly say in my head lord why why don't you send somebody to bless me today i need some money so bad i need to pay this bill i'm gonna rest over here i got this coming up and struggling as a as a father you know all right and nothing would happen i would pray i was always a good prayer i got it from my grandmother he said listen i'll pray nobody just prayed on the heavens i would pray but of course i never used to add scripture and stuff to it because all of that i was introduced to after i left these places and and then i looked back the people who were in there some of them were still there their life never went nowhere they just satisfied that hey this sunday be in church or not you know i don't care what you do all this week you gotta find yourself on that i was in the house of god okay you gotta be here my life never took off when i left that place and when i said that place i'm talking about the church system the organized system i left listen when i tell you doors open for me sometimes i have to really scratch my head to see if this is real i was getting invitations all over the world hold on but i just was doing this thing on internet where i just was teaching because this is my gift of what i'd like to do hey we want you to come here we want you to come to philly we want you to come here to florida we want you to come here to the turks and caicos the caribbean we want you to come to europe but now this was happening while i was there but i was paying the time i stopped paying the tithe over eight years ago when i left there and and just like the bible said when as you begin to invest in that that's why i keep promoting it when i begin to now channel my monies into the poor people the people who needed it and as the lord give me to bless whatever ministry you want me to bless then i do that i watch this thing like a cycle just money's coming and money's coming i couldn't believe i couldn't believe this was actually happening and i'm like lost but while i was paying the tithe it never happened while i was sowing the seed it never happened why because you were following the traditions of men but kevin the bible says that uh bringing you all the tides and the offering into the storehouse did he tell you that or did the preacher fail to tell you he was telling the levitical priesthood who the only one sanctioned by law to receive of the tithe from the 11 brothers are you a levitical priest the truth heights you know because you see with tradition it's difficult to abandon it especially as a leader because you hid behind it all these years even though you knew a lot of it was not true but you hid behind it and it's difficult to come back now and say hey that all that seven billion dollars for the time they take from y'all the truth is that wasn't about shawn i was an agreement between the levitical priesthood and the the other 11 tribes of israel the trade-off was that because the levitical uh tribe was not getting a piece of the inherited promised land then god made this rule that their 11 sister tribes will have to tie to them and god made it a law so that was an agreement between them have nothing to do with the new testament church but they're not going to tell you that so you will continue to pay the tithe and and i i have one evidence for that you know because you may sit at me with kevin i love your teaching but you're wrong here and i listen to you but don't listen to me but let me test you though in the malachi thing that is always used during collecting the tide it made some very very extravagant promises there and it says bringing all the tide and the offering in the storehouse and prove me see if i wouldn't open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing you've been paying tithe all your life that there wouldn't even be room enough for you to receive of it so if if i am wrong then why you broke why because when i think about you wouldn't have room enough to receive i'm not a genius here but that speaks of overflow so why are you crying promote why you could barely make ends meet but you've been paying the tithe so how long you spend that time again now are you still broke no man that's why i love to read that's why i encourage my followers to read i hide nothing from you there's no revelation that god has given me that i've kept and put it in the book to sell to you why because i know the importance of knowledge to free you and that's why i'm always readily available and as soon as god gave it to me i either writing it on some social media or posting it in the teaching uh audibly or video wise why because i under the bible says my favorite scripture prophecy 11 verse 9b through knowledge shall the just be delivered not through sowing seed not through paying tithe you will never read that in the scriptures through knowledge and the knowledge god gave me to break poverty yes fast and pray but now you got to put some practical aspects to it you got to give to the poor you got to help them he says if you consider the poor it will help you in your time of trouble proverbs 41 verses 1 to 3. he that considered the poor he says i will he says he'd consider the poor uh he will help you in the time of trouble he will not turn you over to the will of your enemies seven promises he gives you proverbs is littered with the benefits of when you give to the poor it says you will never lack or god will pay you back on all kind of stuff show me one scripture just one where it says that if you pay tight you will never lock if you pay tithe god will pay you back if you pay tithe god will keep the enemies from you show me where anything in the bible that relates to you the new testament church as it relates to tithing show me where it promises you what god will do for you if you pay the tithe now i could tell you would promise the levitical priests and malachi 3 so let's move that out of the way now you show me show me other than tradition other than what was handed down to you without you studying it yourself you show me and if i'm a liar then you're a liar because why haven't you don't tell me that oh i pay a tie for 900 years and the other day i was in the store glory be to god this hand of god i was 20 short and brother brother guilford came in there and guilford said i will pay that 20 cents for you ain't got good all the time all the time after paying six billion dollars worth of tired over the years and you could tell me the only testimony you have is brother gilbert wherever his name is make the 20 cents difference well i will be on this thing all night telling you the many miracles and and blessings and favor and all of that god has done for me as a result of following the principles of investing in the lives of people that are less fortunate so don't come to me with that foolishness that ain't gonna work so i don't have to win the same thing i told you when i do my my traveling and do my teachings all over the world what is the honorary i have no honorarium i don't pray for sorry i don't give invoices for the gospel of jesus christ if you want to bless kevin that's fine if you don't i don't care you can pay for a room and board you can pay for bringing me over because you invite me but that's totally up to you after why see because when you're doing god's work on the back end way before these people call you become minister i don't have to worry because god is going to make up for it some way somehow why because i understand the rules i understand the principles so i don't have to wait till december to come right and spend all of my money foolishly and say oh lord let me take out 221 dollars and sold it for next year no no no no people that do that or succumb to that are people who do not know the laws the rules the principles and the ordinances of god i could give you testimony after testimony financial testimonies and none of them i beg for none of them are harassed people none of them i send them an email or a note no one here could say kevin say sold this into his ministry and the anointing you could tap into this anointing what kind of voodoo that is no i am super confident i am super confident that the law of first corinthians 9 verse 7 as it has purpose everyone that has ever sowed in this ministry god purpose in your heart i i have faith to believe that that scripture that scripture is going to come alive i don't have to tell you listen we rolling up and fasting now and like i teach you got to help somebody now give to the one who's teaching you no i'll never why would i do that and it's not scripture no i will direct you to someone that's your neighbor your whoever wherever god leads you i don't that's what you call faint i left my job making extremely good money to do this where i don't have a set salary so that's fate not the one up there begging you and hustling you what's what god is going to do next here and all of those who hustle you last year in 2019 who tell you so the seed of uh 220 dollars two thousand twenty dollars and god is gonna all your family members and who get the march down from corona all these things happen why you see it didn't protect you okay but if the seed didn't do it why his covering didn't do it no no no no no no no this is why i'm teaching you to put your trust in the word of god that's why i teach i walk you through the scriptures follow the revelation follow the rules the principle the ordinance and then i compare them with back then and today now make it practical as you can see the testimonies all of the stuff on youtube all of the stuff on listen to the comments they don't know me i followed these principles which came from the scriptures and just how you said it worked out so if you choose to go into mexia continue to pay your tide continue to sow your seed continue to buy your pasta suits and uh jericho juice you can do all that and you will do just the same thing what happened to last year what happened to you next year and what is insanity again doing the same thing the same way all the time and somehow expecting something different to happen no and that's why this ministry we stick to the word of god okay and that is what we we in internal personality we need to know titles what did the word say and that is what we're going to go by and that's how i want you to live you you tied yourself up financially by investing it in these synagogue of devils god god told you who to give your money to and again i'm not promoting not giving to the church what i'm saying to you when you do it god where you will have more than enough to give to them he said give us your heart this is what the scripture says not me as your whatever god places on your heart you do it some of you who saw in this ministry one day god said to you no more for kevin i need you to take this elsewhere ain't nothing personal here i understand principles i understand seasons only those who are money hogs oh no uh brother tyrone i noticed that i don't see that little chain anymore i change i notice you know you're offering us dwindle you're tired and i'm not seeing it you know god loves the chair forgiving you know if you don't give the tide your curse you are aware of that you know one day you could just fall out buckle up and [ __ ] your legs just fall from underneath you not that i want it to happen but you know they said you know these choices go you know and as the generations go they improve you know they got like a super uh zx6 case now i know you don't want to be a part of that so pay that tithe no no give according to how you have purpose in your heart do not give under pressure do not give by extortion no you give if god tell you right now that person on the corner who you see every day i want you to put something in their hand trust me he's setting you up for a blessing why because in order for him to give you what you was asking for you got to participate in this law what would it say give and it shall be given unto you but you've been traditionally programmed that the only place you give to is this place this church and year after year you broke broke broke broke broke so no no sorry i can't blame the preachers no more i blame you now because you know better i blame you i don't blame them i blame you remember with the prophet the old prophet lied to him the old prophet deceived him but who took the licks in the end the one who listened to him there was no evidence of nothing happening to the prophet that's not to say nothing didn't happen but based on the records nothing happened to him god didn't strike him down to the table god didn't do nothing to him you know why because god didn't give him no instructions he gave the man instructions just like you just like what i'm giving you right now now if you choose to go against this you you have a choice now what does those choices pan out well let's go to deuteronomy deuteronomy 28 beginning at verse one if you observe to do and to obey all my commandments i will set you on high and then shall these blessings come upon you so if i do what god asks me to do not what careful opinion is not what bishop so and so say what the scripture says god says as him who's going to elevate you it's him who's going to infuse the blessings on you and then he tell you how i will bless you and you're going out bless you and you're coming in i will bless the food of your body i will bless you in the field i will bless you in your storehouses verse 12 i will open up my treasures of heaven and paul you'll answer more blessings your enemies will come in one way but they got them they got to run seven ways from you as long as you obey me you are entitled to all of these promises but then when we drop to verse 15 of deuteronomy 20 he says but again you have a choice if you choose not to obey me in fact last time though if you choose not to obey me deuteronomy 28 beginning at verse 15. listen what he says here he's still talking to his people but it shall come to pass if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the lord thy god like the prophet to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which i command thee this day that all these cultures shall come upon thee and overtake the the revelation here is is he isn't speaking to the philistines philistines he isn't speaking to the zonian knights or or the egyptians or the syrians no he's talking to the israelites his people and he's telling them listen you got a choice in the matter you don't have to listen to me you know but i told you the benefits of listening to me so if you choose to go listen to your pastor who's going against me and ordaining women as bishops and making same-sex illegal and doing all of it and accepting it sorry and accepting it and and all of this so this is what he says he says if you choose not sorry but it shall come to pass if thou will not happen unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe to do all his commandments and his statues which i command thee this day that all these christians shall come upon thee and overtake the christian believer child of god kershaw thou be in the city kershaw thou be in the field kershaw i'll be in thy basket in nice storehouses kershaw i'll be in the foot of you all listen to this y'all listen to this all right so these aren't my laws these if you say to me kevin i'm a christian but i see no problem with two men having a relationship and being married i reminded you because i didn't make the laws you see you're not defying me you could say this is sexist this is being by you you can change the narrative all you want all i'm saying to you look at the rules that govern the decision that you're making that's it you know we could still talk we can submit friends but when life break down on the back and feel don't blame nobody except you you just like the prophet you made the decision to go contrary to the rules now the consequence is coming now no man so don't don't don't don't don't try that so let's wrap this back up let's go back to mark 7 and we can finish this right now all right so dropping down here to verse 12 it says and you suffer him excuse me and you suffer him no more to do art for his father for his mother now what jesus is saying now because you replace the commandments of men with the word of god or you allow the commandments of men to supersede the word of god verse 12 says this verse 13 says in doing that you're making the word of god listen this is the principle now you're making the word of god of non-effect through your traditions which you have delivered and many such like these things so what he's saying here is that there is a principle there is a law that is activated when you put tradition above the commandments of god and what that law is is that whatever institution that claim to be an institution of god but the institution is primarily more concerned about their rules their policies god says let me be clear to you right now don't expect to see miracles in there don't expect to be see signs and wonders don't expect my revelation and my wisdom and not don't expect none of that there because he's made it very clear here he said because of your tradition you have none of the it is not the word of god is less powerful than the tradition you know no god says my law is i will see to it that my word never works in that place now you could go ahead and go to bible college you could get the the the uh divinity degree and the the defeat you could be doctor apostolic reverend you could i'm not stopping that you could get that you could be fully arrayed uh uh theology wise but let me leave this with you as far as what my word promises to you in there it will never happen and if you're a part of that and you're just sitting there and says i ain't one but pastor god can judge him you're a liar yes god can judge him but you are going to be equally judged or even worse than him why because you support it you're present supported you use you know better just like the the young prophet when the guy said that listen i'm an older prophet an angel spoke to me by the word of the lord he says come god me and to meet some kentucky he didn't question he gone but i'm sure while he was walking they were saying boy i know to say right because i know what god told me well maybe god sent angel he didn't come himself and that's why he's ruffling so when the judgment sentence was passed on him when god spoke to the false prophet for true sorry the truth the older prophet were true he he didn't say a word that's just how you're gonna be you and some of you could relate right now kevin what you say makes sense because i know this place saying right but i refuse to leave and i find every excuse not to leave and guess what my life was never the same i can't save a dollar my car keep breaking down i from job to job and i would have never thought that this place was the source of it but now that you're breaking down the scripture from me and showing me the principle that's governing this place where you said that if if they're going against the laws of god but all this time i was just so captivated by bishop so and so and all of the nice robes that they wear and the churches be so full and all of that to me make me feel that god was here but i didn't see this law that says if they are putting their tradition above the word of god it says that the word of god will never be affected so what that means is that god is not there anymore god is not there anymore very simple god is not there anymore very simple so let's run through these last scriptures let's look at colossians chapter 2 and verse colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 i think it is colossians chapter 2 and verse 8. and listen to what it says beware least any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the traditions of men after the rudiments of the world are not after christ now don't get clearer than that right that's some that summarize everything i've taught you in the past two hours let's read that again be well the apostle paul is warning the colossian church he says now be careful be alert least any man spoil you through their philosophy and their vain deceit they know they deceiving you they know they are adding to the word of god they know they are taking from the word of god they know what they're saying to you is not true that's why it's called the vain deceit or their arrogant deceit they're doing it and they're proud of it listen somebody says now beware listen to man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of this world are not after christ now i can't get no it don't get more plain than that right there ask yourself right now you're going think about the church you're in right now yes you may love apostle yes you may love bishop yes but that's how when it comes to your soul when it comes to fulfilling your destiny on the side it has nothing to do with kevin of your bishop we are the gift to you not god's to you we are the gift and god has blessed you with a gift to teach you and if we're not doing what we are called to do they need to ask god to point you to a place where they are doing that because you need the spiritual education to fulfill your destiny many of you are way up in age many of you in your 60s now still you've been in church for 20 30 40 years and still don't know your gift still don't know why you're here never want a soul to christ all you did was follow the rudiments of this world the philosophy and the tradition of church and men that's it all you know is about is palm sunday easter christmas all these other things when i'm done dude god and still at the end of the day you feel justified because at least i go to church kevin now you don't go to church now watch it kevin remember we're two or more of us i don't go to church i am far more successful than you i know far more than the word and you have won thousands of souls of jesus christ constantly on the crusade educating people about the word of god what have you done other than you going to church with your dirty heart what have you done if jesus christ were to come right now right now do you think you qualify for heaven okay and i'm not talking about whether you sin or not where'd he run that video take that dvd and says this is what i called you to do i in my plan for your life you were supposed to go to brazil use brazil or europe argentina america i have called you to teach and to preach my word but i'm looking at what you have done and none of it you have done none so you still think that going to church is a justification for heaven but you all better wake up you all better wake up wake up wake up stop letting these people lead you to a christless hell stop making these people put money and seed over accepting jesus christ repentance and living a christian life according to the word of god let's go to first peter 1 and 18. first peter chapter 1 verse 18. now what is it says here for as much as we know that ye were not redeemed with corruptable things a silver and gold from your vain conversations received how do you receive it by tradition from your father's you know what again right now again right there i can read i i i i don't think it could get any clearer than that right now here's what i'm going to say to you i'm going to end with this right here let me close my book yeah i'm going to speak to you from my heart right now you have been in ministry for years you've been a church boy a church girl a church man a church woman for years where could you direct me to see the fruit of your labor tell me many criticize me many say he does he that but i could show i could show you right now i could direct you to many of my venues and you could see for yourself the fruit of my label you could i could i could direct you to testimony after testing i i didn't change their lives i was their gift the gift in terms of god gave them a teacher to teach them the word which is what i did i didn't co-host them i didn't force money out of them i didn't extort them i didn't tell them get this miracle water from timbuktu and pour it in their washing machine and the children will be safe none of it i simply taught the word of god as god has granted me the grace in terms of the gift to do it and the results of it is all over the world now i don't go to church like you i'm not traditional like you okay so you go to church prior to corona every sunday every bible study now direct me to your fruits direct me where people could say after listen to sister cheryl it made me turn my life around and i was able to share the gospel without her after listening to sister cheryl it ignite my gift from me now i know what i'm called to do so sister cheryl us brother tom and those that criticize others who doing the work of god where could we find your fruit because this is what will be required of you on the day of judgment when god shows this benchmark this is what i wanted you to do but i'm looking at your dashboard here but none of what i've asked you to do you've done i see you jumping up and down in church over here i see that i see you were good at swinging on the chandelier you were awesome though i see you were oh you were just excellent at doing the prep and the moon walk i wouldn't even talk about the crep walk you were you were you were awesome there you you know how to do the church dance i see that now if i was grading that you'd have gotten an eight but seeing that i wasn't grading that and i was greeting because i'm looking here under you 20 000 souls should have been one under you but i'm looking over here and i see absolutely none i see where i had where your commitment should have been to me i i showed you in the word i'm seeing where you've read that my son died and you are covered under his blood but i see where you dismiss that and you preferred the covering of the pastor heavenly father thank you for your word thank you for your people thank you for another episode of your unadulterated truth not my truth not my opinion not my rules your rules lord i pray the night lord that some way somehow someone would have been convicted to the point that it would ignite them to want to do what you have called them to do because a day of reckoning is coming excuse me and there's no one to blame no pastor no preacher no teacher whether or not they've done their job we are responsible in fact you said that we must work on our own salvation these are your words these are your rules these are your principles it is my prayer tonight that these people that are listening and watching me and even those that will listen and watching watch me in the future that their greatest concern will be their true relationship with jesus christ and asking you lord am i on on the right track lord lord am i fulfilling what you sent me here to do because based on tonight's teaching that is what's going to be required of me did i fulfill did i do your will did i do your plan your purpose did i follow the divine plan of my creator father i i re i cannot blame kevin i cannot blame pastor i cannot blame bishop i made the decision to follow their tradition when i knew better just like the young prophet he knew better so much so that he told the old prophet this is no i cannot go back with you but eventually father god i accepted the the code of tradition where lord your word declares that wherever there is life there is hope so now that i understand that jurisdiction to my father first of all i repent i repent for the times where i honored my leaders more than i honored you yes lord that is me i did do that and how did i do it i did it when i felt free to deceive to lie to cheat to do everything evil and felt no wait but when i saw my leader's car my bishop my first lady car whatever but i was the most righteous person ever father i'm a hypocrite father i'm a hypocrite i'm a deceiver father i am an idol worshiper why because i worship man more than i i worship the creation more than i worship the creator and i realize that tonight see that's how you have to come before god father you said in your word that he that hide in his sin shall not prosper so now i understand lord that if i was foolish enough to sow seeds come this month to some ministry because they say so but my sins aren't dealt with you already guarantee me even though i paid whatever they asked for that i shall not prosper in the future because my sins are still an issue and the seed cannot expunge my sin only the blood of jesus can father hear me tonight hear me tonight father god because i do not not only will i leave this world and not fulfill your will but there's a piece of your word that really stood out to me in deuteronomy 28 and you said you said in your word that if i obey and do your will and observe your commandments you said not only will you set me on high but you will not only unleash the blessings on me but they will go ahead of me so that's telling me that even when i'm not here anymore because of me doing your will the blessings will now be bestowed on my future generation even though they didn't work to get it but what got me is when i drop to verse 15 it says the same thing but in the opposite way in that if i choose not to obey if i insist on following tradition if i insist in going behind some foolish doctrine of covering and see it sowing you said then shall the curses come upon me then you said it again and overtake me so my future scene will have to deal with this evil even when i'm off the scene father i can't let that happen i cannot leave as an inheritance from my seed a curse but i know better so lord forgive me forgive me for the times i've defied your law forgive me for the times when you have clearly spoken to me in your word and i allow some preacher some whomever spiritual leader through their arrogance through their education through their title to cause me to dismiss your word and to replace it with their philosophy their theory their conjecture their reasoning father i repented about i repent of it right now i am guilty i am wrong there are no excuses forgive me lord now father god give me a heart that will be receptive to you expunge the iniquity the transgression and the sin of my life father i repent you've promised me in your word first john 1 9 that if i confess my sins what i'm doing right now that you are faithful and just to not only forgive me of the sins that have confessed but you promised to do something that i didn't even ask for and that is to cleanse me of all unrighteousness father empty me of all unrighteousness i do not want to enter into 2021 with the same burden of rebellion against your word of the same burden of putting mere mortals above you of the same burden of dismissing the things of you father i know noah motor seed someone could expunge it this is a personal thing i gotta do with you so i'm asking you lord to expunge my record to remove the filth and the stain because my my ultimate desire not just for me but also for my family is that our names are secured in the lamb's book of life and i know by living this way in opposition to your law and making the creation uh superior to the creator i know i know it will only cause my name to be erased from the alarm's book of life and i cannot afford that so i'm asking you father help me to help myself help my unbelief deprogram me of the traditional way and which has been indoctrinated into me which is not of you and teach me bring me before teachers and preachers and ministers of the gospel who's going to teach me your truth and help me not to rebel your truth but to receive your truth father open my spiritual eyes let me see unclog my spiritual ass and i may hear you your word declared father god that your sheep know your voice and a stranger they would not listen to father i knew there were strangers from the time they started talking but i was so committed to them and not to you that i insist on staying there even though i know it was wrong forgive me lord forgive me lord i repent tonight i repent i earnestly repent your word declares very clearly it says that a contrite spirit and a broken heart you will not despise father i i realized that i was skating on ten ice at any moment you could have removed your oxygen from me and that caused me to be hurled to a christless hell many others who have died who probably haven't done as as bad as what i did but you allowed me to exist still and i believe lord you're giving me another chance and not i want to take advantage of this chance father god corona didn't take me out no sick nothing take i am here today and i believe it's only because of your grace i thank you for this message tonight that you have now opened up my spiritual understanding and spiritual comprehension father god and i realized where i was i realized that that i was in a place of danger so i thank you for pulling me out of the clutches and the snares of the enemy and bringing me into your truth lord so i pray once again lord forgive me forgive me for my rebellion forgive me for my disobedience forgive me for my procrastination forgive me for finding every excuse not to fulfill your will or to stay on the people that are not of you i notice i knew i know this but i've allowed that code of tradition to to to suppress me but no longer lord i have one soul your bible declares that it's appointed unto men wants to die and after that we have to face a judgment not purgatory not happy hour we have to now reconcile with you so it's my prayer lord that everyone listening to me tonight everyone will begin to see the danger the danger the thin ice they were skating on when they sat on the people that were going contrary to the word of god and made it acceptable to suppress the word and to fulfill their prophecies or to obey their commandments and tradition and you've made it clear in your law very clear and it says excuse me the doors that follow tradition when they activated following the tradition the word of god is no more effective in that place so father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you and we ask these things in jesus name amen and amen so that is it for me tonight folks i want to thank everyone that donated on the super chat thank you very very much and i prayed that this teaching was a blessing to you do not just take it as a good teaching per se but actually making it practical and even in your prayers tonight tomorrow whenever uh lay your cards out to god because he knows it already and put things in perspective making god priority making him putting but putting him back on top again and that no spiritual leader is above the laws the rules the regulations and the ordinances precepts and commandments of god so may the peace of god be with you until next time amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 25,343
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Keywords: bible, bible study, bible study for women, bible study with me, christian advice, christian vlog, christian youtube channels, church tradition, ewing kevin, false prophets, how to read the bible, how to study the bible for beginners, in-depth bible study, jesus christ, kevin ewing, kevin ewing 2020, kevin l a ewing, kevin la ewing, knowledge is power, minister kevin ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, minister kevin la ewing, spiritual warfare, tradition
Id: M7Yss9IB1UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 18sec (8898 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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