No One Can Groom My Dog

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okay but mainly her her legs and her calls are more madethe than anything else because I don't like to touch them okay you don't like to touch the that's the worst areas are gonna be her paws in her legs yeah okay it looks like the top of her head and see there did you trim that or it's a short order you've got that already got that okay go ahead and put her up sir what's your boyfriend's name are you coming Manny Manny okay man you're gonna put her or put your pet up here Selena remind me your pet's name princess princess Alisha yes come on I'm gonna put the screw loop on now just princess bite for everything you know yes you can so what you want to do is you want to try to prevent her from biting me okay because we don't want to have any issues with it okay I just sorry good job Selena good job mommy Lauren okay we're gonna do that first stay there for me so I was kind of asking mom you know moms this is Selena here hi hi you guys all right we're gonna focus on the dog here I was asking her you know tell me the tips of where we need to watch out for them for the most part but it sounds like a little bit of everything is she's gonna have a problems a little bit of everything right yeah so you're gonna put this around here like this around her head and we're gonna go see how the velcro goes we're gonna go right into that so it's pretty tight okay and what yep yep ears in the front there you go go all the way in there you go perfect perfect that'll work if I need to come in one more time no no no no so she actually came in the other day to try to avoid some flea charges and got a cap star so hopefully we don't run into any fleas today and because we probably are going to be matted see how this pepper this is awfully poop so you knew that right yeah take them do you want you to do anything we're just kind of touching her she's already like get off so I'm like hey this doesn't look real matted here and she's got some hair loss probably from the fleas so I'm going to take this down with the seven and then go real short on the it's not gonna be that beautiful right because we're trying to get the mats off and then go ten where it's real matted that's this one that's shorter and safer but on the back since we've got some hair left I don't want smooth clothes I don't want to go as short as I can go in the bathroom [Music] [Music] well she bought you yes you're buying she'll buy you this you got two hands here Selena okay and real tight here okay she jumps up pushed down we just react with her okay watch your own face if you know her you don't think she'll bite your face that she'll ended up with this chop down that's one thing I've learned Ellie have an idea an idea so Manny both of you guys up front and may need two hands on the head and watch your own face okay you can either you can either you can even have the head here versus here okay like just like looking at your shoulders Thanks and then you Selena no no two hands right here and you're gonna I'm gonna literally like you're not going anywhere and you may go alright yeah cuz we want to watch the esophagus [Applause] now the second person that's enough man the second person is gonna hold these two feet and then I'm gonna do everything up there so this here okay okay hey you are man okay two hands here two feet here and she's gonna be going wild okay whoa watch your face so first a man if she jumps up you want to keep her down and I'm gonna start working back here watch your face see oh that's great right there [Music] [Music] stay there I'm going to switch out to my 10 this is when we got shorter but it's all down in here where it doesn't really matter anyway they'll all be knocked out be right in here [Laughter] [Music] long looks good nice and paper right over okay [Music] except suddenness of not enough branches routing crazy always want you're sucking thanks Gary [Music] JB ready so Mike this under the right thing [Music] stop that watch yourself yourself she's not on a green loop anymore so just be careful and uh please don't get mad don't give me your okay nobody walks out of you what do you guys think of what are you scared about okay what are we doing here though this is cool yeah how many places that you can turn away I think she's lying everywhere yeah just everywhere do they get started first and then call you back or they'll get started and then they'll calls back that's used to scare them they don't want anything to happen to her or to get hurt most of the time she'll be hot shave and we're gonna get it done today okay and hopefully within an hour or less you're gonna try to load quickly cuz it's not painful [Music] we're good guys good [Music] when I come up here watch your patient [Music] [Music] don't give up on me he said I've got one surprise like oh never thought I did he said she thought she'd gave up she's doing what she just calmed down a little bit then she okay I'm gonna do the pads back here I'm kind of not gonna be too picky about it cuz I mean she's just doing stress right cuz we got all the match off she's got short haircut but the pads are really bad so I read that and I'm gonna make my way and you found me from YouTube yeah I did learn how to do a lot of people have done that so a lot of equipment to folks say the same thing across the world this is work on when I try to do it mm-hmm like can you do it alone [Music] right right right okay would you try to do her body if it wasn't matted like legs and would you try to do her legs and feet if she wasn't matted no you wouldn't because it cuz of her aggression yeah but would you do her face it looks good at the top her head is not matted right yeah back then I would try to do her head she was more mean and more aggressive but I did it this pass when I took her to get her shots and she was really calm about it which I was surprised about wow these are Brina what happened that tough stuff is kind of over it so what we're gonna do here that tough stuff and we're gonna come do some tough stuff here now what she doesn't like is that she doesn't like to look at me okay so if you could keep her head over there and you are going to the hole I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab this arm you're gonna have one hand and then head that way like so she's not looking at me perfect and then I'm we're gonna go here okay come on here we go I'm grabbing get ready this is going to be kind of painful here [Music] hold on a second so she's peeing and pooping which is high stress high anxiety and we did know food last night nothing no food today no so next time we'll plan more in advance okay in the sense of no food flight at all the yesterday or today okay okay yeah in some search situations it's like surgery yeah how humans getting ready to have surgery and you're going to release all your vows during the surgery itself okay okay so you guys heard that tidbits no food the day up or from 8 p.m. the night before and even though the stress level here she did she was very stressed out with this you guys okay do you want to try using this again do you feel safer do you feel safer yes okay come on flying off so hmm she's not trying to bite him now I have a question for you Annie if David was here okay there's a way David will hold for me where if you don't let go she can't bite you right cuz you're not letting go but if you let go then a dolphin swing back and do whatever right but you can't let go do you want to test that without this I mean yeah okay so um it's a man is being a tough guy here he's gonna have to go through some dangerous moves so the dog seems happy with you so you're gonna go back there behind the dog and come at the dog's head this way this is where you're gonna be since the other dogs on table but the dogs on table right so here you're completely behind the dog maybe yourself we're gonna just try it and you can help keep the dog down okay are you ready okay that's great that's great and you can do a pusher right here push her to sit right there yep there you go watch your face okay nose letter you just kind of rest I'm gonna have you help me put this on her okay you're gonna go like this and it's gonna snap this is just gonna help us it can come off hey I'm ready and you are just right there you go go ahead good quickly quickly okay stay there you can come off and should go bite to it just keep that in mind hold the beat here nice and calm nice and calm how you doing everyone doing okay yeah okay nice and calm here thank you for some lovin here I'm just giving her some love in here okay breathing okay you need to calm down don't look so nice and pink stay there stay right there it's tough stuff huh when I get in there we'll have a look that way cuz I'm gonna really piss her off this is gonna be painful that's right okay and you can kind of do hope the one who does hand holds that arm this camp pushes her head that way like she doesn't look at me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] [Laughter] if that Matt you guys won't be there to see that somebody holy macaroni okay the better the better point [Music] she likes off and his rocks are long and make a note slaying that laying down is better than standing up so long and then we just want to make sure we try to come in before the mats start to happen just keep it short you in two months or just do it again whether it's matters or not maybe even three we might be able to ride it but we'll see okay okay little examples Manny if you're doing great man doing great Tilly enough okay don't move you guys always work around here let's get this stuff cleaned up first [Music] while she's liking out Pacific about holding machine stay there [Music] okay that was painful okay stay there a second I switch it up I'm gonna do this pad here the whole fight you every chance okay yeah yeah I got you I got you here you're all right don't matter usually okay still pooping so she's still pooping you guys [Music] Oh David are you here yeah I need you to come pick up some poop real fast please [Music] well I asked that lady before she leaves what kind of pet it is though she came in and asked questions bare with me she might be pooping on you bare with me here but we're gonna go this way anyway we're gonna switch it and do that alarm so we're gonna let her fold okay okay watch them ugly Mandy's got the head cleaners got the arm here okay because she did so good in that hole okay you doing okay yeah okay okay all right yeah here we go you use your waist right here if you need you to kind of do if you need to if you need to watch your face on the nails okay okay [Music] I'm not mad that she came and David or anything like that I'm just saying she had no idea our Rachel Husky that she wouldn't got vaccinations and in she sound like she's still interested even on the rate but she was like this is why I came in to ask questions and I was like I really they can't talk to him in a private appointment she called and talked wanted to talk and as she handed over to the vet tech okay I wish we'd have told her the pretty only in that situation at the house because it's so expensive so do the Shih Tzu man I don't know the deal man a rescue ship soon Kenny Paul yeah yes that was a husky a rescue hustling right you guys we're all listening cause they all in rescue me beside the road situation they didn't feed her last night or today and she Foote she's been pooping all over the place right like what we've been holding on to it a while back right you know she was she's not gonna she's not gonna poop you guys [Music] came to see the screen right there easier to cut it hmm got some headway look at that yeah got happy yeah look at that we got it all we got that baby stupid that no you got it all you're not gonna like me getting in here girl okay let me do this pad first actually if I do that pad do the nails let this cool second and then come in back to the neck and we're almost done are you guys hot you sweaty man oh that's pretty good let's check the air for us because I'm sweating [Music] and you get it all out okay all right I know exert a little bit more a little bit more girl a little bit more all right princess you got it man you got it man what times you be the cat star is about after work right yeah so eight Sun no it's like five six I mean my mom gives it to her when she got cool so you saw all the poops so far we hadn't seen a flea yet right can handsome yes she came in two days ago got cats are in preparation for the grooming so I applaud her for that look how young she is you guys to be that smart and I mean we got to work on the matting situation but I think she the dog has been turned away so many times that she has she had no hope you know and then you two made it happen this one's ripped off its sharp but it was already ripped off that dewclaw she's doing good up there you're doing good princess doing good princess down that up all right for being here [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm just a mover foot here come on move your foot I don't even want your foot anymore I'm just gonna move it out of the way here [Music] all right we're gonna let her stand up you see the movement might clicker in here okay okay ready [Music] [Music] good I'll just write it ready they're going yeah yeah yeah so gonna work that's right yeah you don't have to look at me man you don't have to look at this [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] your ear [Music] [Music] so you could tell you to beat the taller when you told me the other day you've had your you have our nine years and okay so since you were Carly you know shoot at nine years old so cool man [Music] switching out 10 blaze here [Music] [Music] oh did you see that yes sir did you see this the teeth all right I looked through the malls up for a second and oh my gosh it really like scary man I thought we're getting along take your muzzle off I was about to take the puzzle on girl not on trust in a warm yet hmm that's the face girl no no no your face mr. preysing your mouth acting like that you must be crazy no no no [Laughter] do you know how she'll do it I will take off for the paper most of them um off of the bat she's she's pretty good with that yeah yeah I'm gonna have you assist with that I'm almost done here I kind of wanted to I kind of don't want to get her back on the table out there come down [Music] at least not this time next time no map we have you know we have we could play around one that my son yes we got the maps off this time guitar at high stress attacking and all that kind of stuff whooping PD tells you how stressed she is so let's do that or go to the bathroom here okay to unclick this and we will resolve that and then we're gonna go to the back this way so come on yeah alright we did the bath she did great for the bath didn't try to show a mean bone in her body right you guys seem really happy all right so she did pretty good she okay with the towel yeah I think so I think it's just blow-drying that she's gonna skip the blow-dry okay well just a to blow dry and I'll put that on your file since she got the cap star the other day we didn't see any fleas thank goodness so what we did was did a flea shampoo bath anyway that'll give her like 24 hours at home on top of yester you know the cap star pill and then if your ended up needing fleece did you oh you didn't get my you out yeah did you know yeah I need a double check your email because it kicked back and I was I don't know if I asked you again I think I asked it again yeah okay come on baby are you doing man lady doing she's like I'm out of here I am ready to go he's stayed here I'm just gonna dry yeah okay save our second right good okay right here I don't know she's gonna get mad about it but this stuff in the I see if you can put pull that all this stuff out right here I'll get it to where pull it out I'm going to try to trim it out punky right do you have a flea comb like that no we will work on it we'll work on it like that all right we're gonna come back in it so I don't know how she's gonna behave with it too sure now no no no no okay I don't know that I want to try this but I'm going to just try okay okay what are you thinking david poeppel - okay well we're gonna have to vocal tips some vocal tips we put this on okay regroup so Manny you're gonna take her and we're gonna do it the way down that kind of leg how things are good okay [Music] get a good grip and mom will hold the feet there okay you treat a Muslim I'm getting me no yep there's no no go fast top first tell you say no no no quick quick here you go all right let's do the lay side waist down remember okay here we go yep there you go perfect that's perfect Manny there you go stay there the old reason us is this this area here was it more all these mats off because everything else is good right it's not a big deal face would be better if I get some office not a big deal [Music] huh nope nope nope nope princess princess princess no no princess no no get the mats out that's that Mike you being here no no you're good you're good good girl good girl still got fight in you thought you were happy with me okay stay as you are okay Manny I'm gonna get that muzzle off you keep the herd head down for me okay it's gonna be struggle a little bit I'm just gonna click first okay and then you keep keep the head like really push it down okay you ready you kind of move your arm so it goes straight to the table here just keep it down watch your face and Selena you can go no no big manly voice no be ready to push it hold this hold right here you can do it home for me and I want grandma or mom to come over here and do this with a tool okay we want to get her used to just there's no pain here be ready she might bite here no no are you still pooping girl yep don't poop man oh no no no okay nope be ready Manny No so these would be scissors or I don't know if it's worth trying to do I'm trying to see what I can do right you feel me yeah does it worth it all this to trim that isn't worth it everything except I don't think it's worth it can you trim this at home yeah without all this right right okay so what we're gonna do is Manny she doesn't want to bite you so when she when you go up lifter and I'm gonna make sure the food comes down okay so doesn't she don't get in it already okay go there you go perfect okay guys we'll do a recap in a second are you guys I know this was difficult right one easy one what you expected mom kind of knew right right so thank you both for your struggle and for finding me are you happy don't let go until we go are you happy are you happy yes the reason I say are you happy is like is this further than you've been able to get before or yes okay so we're we're in a better place there's no mats now right so we want to make sure we keep on top of that come in sooner or me and you we're gonna talk about getting some tools because she does a lot better at home right so you're gonna get that hair so one worse at all that all right one worth it to get all that right now you can trim that at home this hair is hanging stuff this is not worth it but I think in the long run if we work together we'll look at her if we work together I think she'll come to a different place and be able to just get better at it so just more coming in and not having to any pain associated to it well will really help okay all right thanks for watching TV for with my favorite rumor on YouTube I appreciate you guys and we'll be back happy princess
Channel: My Favorite Groomer
Views: 4,428,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matted dog, dede croy, my favorite groomer, Dog Haircut, dog grooming, pet groomer, clipping a dog, aggressive dog expert, Air Force Veteran, disabled pet groomer, fast grooming, petsmart, petco best groomer, Dog grooming supplies, Dog grooming equipment, paw trimming, fort worth groomer, Dog grooming tool, how to groom a dog, safest way to groom, Dog grooming stand, how to groom, dogup stand, no one can groom, mean dog, dog, pet, aggressive, shihtzu, mean shihtzu
Id: p2Zo7jcS0sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 12 2018
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