This is the most aggressive dog I've ever touched ๐Ÿ˜

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foreign Pippin has been turned down by every groomer that he's been to I have been warned that he is highly aggressive the owner brought him in wearing a muzzle and just exchanging him outside was a challenge he is a rescued stray and we have no idea what he may have experienced that led him to this Behavior he is very fearful and I will do my best to work with him due to his matting he desperately needs to be groomed so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit nervous because this dog is definitely highly highly aggressive has been turned away by four groomers in the last year and desperately needs to get groomed so so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put the towel over his head because in order to get him out of his owner's arms without getting potentially bit even though he has a muzzle on I put the towel over his head and he couldn't see me and it was a lot easier for me to grab him so I'm going to do that again he's probably going to freak out well maybe not good boy now he can't see what I'm doing he can't see me coming and we are going to try so I'm going to take all right well that didn't work I'm just gonna wait till he stops because he's gonna learn that no matter what he does it's not going to stop so oh you are feisty how am I going to get this around your belly because you are crazy [Applause] you know what I might just have to grab you by your tail which is something I really don't want to do but I don't think I have much of an option you stay there what you're insane you're nuts buddy Pippin calm down calm down why are you so scared why are you so scared no no no no [Applause] [Music] keep backing yourself so you won't let me touch you yet you will let me put a cone on your head okay you were one of those dogs that unfortunately I don't foresee being able to get done without anesthesia I'm sorry we are trying but you are literally insane so we still have to be careful okay Pippin the amount of tools I just used Jesus what happened to you who hurt you you're fine good boy good boy you're okay did you poop no [Applause] well that was bound to happen I would just like to point out that this dog is sedated I just like to point that out this is his harness that I could not get off of him so I'm just leaving it on and I'm hoping that he just gives up which right now that's exactly what's happening and that's what we want good boy Pippin good boy okay you are terrified absolutely terrified it's okay it's okay why are you crying I think she's obviously being tortured okay wait wait he got the muzzle off of his head no this muzzle was obviously not tight enough great hey you're okay I wonder what he'll do if he's not in the muzzle nope Peel's still be insane okay you're obviously a Jack Russell of some kind and Jack Russells are strong-willed very strong hyper dogs okay are you gonna bite this if I try to put it back on you that's exactly what I don't want good boy good boy and don't foresee me being able to put this back on him yep that is definitely a real bite okay I'm gonna have the owner come back and put the muzzle back on him and then leave again and then hopefully I can try again I definitely cannot work on him unless he has a muzzle on and I don't think I can put the muzzle on safely without getting bit okay the owner came back and put this back on him let's try this again it's okay buddy no no no again that muzzle doesn't want to stay on I'm gonna do what I can until I can hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey you're fine you're fine no no no no no no okay it's okay it's okay good boy it's Mama yeah yeah that's great yeah yeah I'm gonna try to shave his butt this is gonna be interesting yes [Music] [Applause] um okay so I mean this side is mostly done yeah if we can obviously we're not doing the nails and Paws I don't know thank you this quick is really long because no one ever did them and so he we live in a city so he gets it on the face okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna turn him he's like Mama you're into this too now mom you betrayed me so good chicken nuggets in your future they all have the words okay yeah snackles and you think Brian will be there it's like do not touch my friends okay so this front legs is gonna be interesting I know I'm like oh this muscle is different interesting weird yep funny how little things like that makes a little difference I'm gonna grab his leg though he's not gonna like that thank you oh you're gonna feel so good okay hopefully I can get you to stay back this is pulling and I don't think he's gonna like it it's no it's just very compacted this is not a breed that's meant to be shaved they're meant to be hand stripped obviously we're not going to be hand stripping him okay we're gonna turn him again it's interesting how he calmed down with that muzzle on really really pretty safe good boy good boy at least the body is done let me do his nails or am I going to be pushing my look I wouldn't do it okay fine I don't want to stress him out because he's doing good we're going to take the cone off we're going to take him off this keep the purple and the muzzle on and I'm going to try to do his face attack anyway good boy [Music] he's like no I'm gonna go for it yeah you can hold it don't hurt yourself okay would you do the same thing with scissors sis what's that he's gonna bite yes he was a great boy is this going to be chicken nuggets all over the place maybe I'll get you a hamburger a hamburger without onions I think he deserves a hamburger after this look at you calm good boy go closer to his skin oh well you got that okay good and if he moves just be like aware so the way you're shaving you're shaving down you want to shave you want to hold it more like this and shape like this because that way if he does move it's not facing down like that it's facing this way that won't pinch his skin but it could go in his eye that's what I'm concerned about okay yeah you can go a little bit more on an angle down oh there he goes yes that one you're so good maybe just hold him towards you yeah like that you're so good yeah yes that was the worst one good boy no it's okay chicken nuggets he's I know when he's gonna go yeah you can tell he just like it's really still and quiet I'm hoping with some Hands-On training the owner will be able to learn enough to groom him on her own because he only trusts her the only other option would be grooming under anesthesia I would not accept a dog like this back for safety reasons for now we did the best we could for his health and comfort thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you again in a few days
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 545,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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