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this is Max and he's a two-year-old Cocker Spaniel and poodle mix has had some difficult grooming sessions where he was either turned away or not completed due to behavioral issues his owners traveled two hours today in the hope that I can complete his groom let's see what his triggers are and if I'm able to work through them So Max has not been completed by other groomers he has quite a bit of a hack job going on here his face has never been done to my knowledge they cannot find a groomer in their area in Ontario willing to groom their dog so I'm gonna find out today what exactly the problem is and what it is they need to work on and I'm going to try to do the best job that I can do under the circumstances I'm just gonna put the water on low to start to see how he is oh you're going right for it it's okay it's okay good boy good boy it's okay it's okay it's okay Max it's okay good boy good boy Max good boy Max I want to take his muzzle off to wash his face but if he's going to freak out over grooming he's going to freak out over having his body wash she might not like his face wash so we will see the goal today is to get the groom done so I don't want to stress him out by doing something that might really freak him out like washing his face so if that means that I can't wash it today then so be it it's okay good boy so instead of using my shampoo nozzle today because obviously he's very nervous I'm just going to use some diluted shampoo on his body boy water in here it's okay good boy Max is a Cocker Spaniel and a poodle mix oh you have a very matted tail and honestly this breed is known to be a little difficult in my experience I'm not saying that there aren't wonderful ones because I've groomed lots of wonderful ones but I've also groomed a lot of difficult ones and I find that if you are not in charge in the very beginning when they are puppies they are smart and they will take advantage of that it's okay it's okay relax and it will not be a good situation so you need to show them that you're the boss when they are young that goes for both the owner and the groomer considering his face is something that has not been done at the last appointment I don't know if it was done before that he obviously really doesn't like having his face touched so I don't really necessarily want to wash it and then Force to blow dry it because that might make him sensitive over his face so if I just leave it today and trim it even if it's a little bit dirty maybe he'll let me near it if I don't do the bath and the blow dry on his face so I think that's what I'm gonna do today the boy Max cocker spaniels I find can be really difficult dogs to groom sometimes they have something sometimes they have something that's called copper rage and that's exactly what you think it is it's just aggressive behavior so sometimes when you mix them with other dogs that still comes out poodles are generally easy dogs to broom so I'm blaming the Cocker but he's obviously really really scared you can tell he's very scared thank you oh boy Max it's all right it's okay okay Max I'm not going to put you through a face wash nope okay stay here because you do not like it you are very nervous good boy it's okay it's okay stay there okay we're gonna put a happy hoodie on you for the blow dryer boy good boy why not very good boy boy [Music] foreign [Music] good morning [Applause] [Music] so max is still a little bit wet but because he's going down with my shortest blade today I shouldn't say my shortest but one of my shortest blades today he doesn't have to be totally dry so I'm gonna start his haircut and see how he reacts with the Clipper but I'm Gonna Keep The Happy hoodie on good boy I used to have lots of dogs like this that I would broom throughout the years and unfortunately there's only only so much time that you have to dedicate to them when you have another dog coming in after them so when there's a time limit it's hard to work on dogs like this because sometimes they need extra time right so it's nice now with social media that I am able to dedicate as much time as I want to dogs like this and make the experience a little bit less stressful for them good boy Max good dog [Music] boy he's extremely scared you can see him shaking that's all it is is fear a lot of people will comment on my videos and say this is an aggression this is fear and they're right but because of their fear they react aggressively so it's still aggression it's just called fear aggression it's not just pure aggression dog is not just aggressive it's scary there is a difference good boy Max [Music] good boy can I see your leg good boy Max good boy [Music] I'm just taking him down short today because if the owners are having a hard time finding someone willing to work with him then it might be a while before his next haircut so if I can just take him down really short then they have some time to find someone to work with him and maybe whoever they find to work with him will be somebody that can just start with a bath and blow dry because he won't need a haircut yet so just get used to or get the dog used to the human they can't keep coming to me because they live out of town so this is just a one-time groom to kind of figure out what the dog's problems are and the right way to work with him in my opinion um okay can we see the back end now come on good boy good boy good boy Max nope nope nope so he definitely doesn't like his back end being touched good boy [Applause] foreign just give him some breaks in between forcing him to stand because he doesn't like standing nope really don't like the side of your body being grown performance stay [Applause] good boy [Applause] good boy Max good boy it's okay ax it's okay why are you crying now hmm why are you crying now it's okay okay [Applause] you don't like your groin being touched so I am going to put him in the belly band because it keeps spinning and hopefully that will help me to get his back end completed it's okay it's okay Max it's okay it's okay does not like the groin we touched and that's got to be for some type of a reason okay what is it about your back end that's such a problem the reason why I don't want him doing that is because he is going to take the muzzle off of his face if he keeps doing it so I am going to put him into the Groomer's helper just in case he does take the muzzle off of his face so that he at least cannot spin nope nope nope to bite me because it might end up coming off nope nope nope good boy good boy there's boy Max good boy Max no we're not going to let you win today otherwise you're gonna think you can always win [Music] [Applause] definitely pull any of that matting that can make a dog very fearful to have their groin shaved if they're sensitive he's obviously sensitive so if I use a shorter blade like a 10 it won't cause any pulling and he should be less stressed out so let's see good boy good boy so I can't get it perfectly clean because I have to take the belly band off but that was a little bit okay okay all right we're gonna do the other side good boy good boy [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good boy good boy see this one good boy good boy [Music] good boy Max [Music] okay boy Max I'm still waiting for the shoe to drop because if he's that difficult that three different groomers don't want to work on him there's got to be a reason but I have yet to have figured out that reason yes he's a little antsy with certain things but I wouldn't say he's not doable yet I always like to say yet because you just never know good boy let me see good boy good boy good boy good boy Max okay when I say okay you wag your tail okay so body is totally done everything's completed all I need to do now is remove the muzzle dry his face a little bit more and see if he will let me do his face [Applause] [Music] why okay good boy good boy no you don't like it [Applause] okay no hey [Applause] good boy good boy boy no okay he does not want his face dried whatever let me shave up here good boy good boy good boy Max boy Max his face is really matted and I really don't want to stress him out by um brushing it out I'll try I'll see what he does don't bite okay I see boy good boy Max boy come here boy good boy good boy good boy foreign Max is completed and he was completely fine for grooming I'm not exactly sure what the problem is why several groomers have turned him away they also said that they don't return their calls when they try to book him in for again for another appointment his face was not completed at all he was very choppy I have no idea what the problem was I didn't have any issues maybe he is very stressed in environments that are loud with lots of barking dogs maybe that's why he did better here but we got him completed totally he showed no signs of aggression and I think he is totally fine for grooming hey what's wrong what's wrong oddly enough I just finished this dog's groom and I noticed a hair that was out of place that I wanted to fix so I came over to him with the scissors and he went to snap and bite and that's the first time since his entire groom that I've seen him do anything to try to bite me or bite the equipment I should say not me it's okay it's okay so he definitely does have aggression issues of some kind but it's very odd and sporadic he'll let me pet him good boy but if I try to fix that hair that went out of place good boy it's right here I want to fix it the owners nearly cried at pickup because it was the first time their dog ever had a completed groom I was really happy I could help this dog and hopefully help the next groomer with tools on how to work with him thank you all so much for watching and I will see you again next week
Channel: Girl With The Dogs 2
Views: 2,835,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aL7dxEtScf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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