No more Snags with this Float Fishing Rig!

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what's going on guys today we are in sunny Florida and it's a great day out and it's an awesome time to do some fishing right now in the winter time a few different species of fish run through here we've got some black drum red drum flounder sheep head all sorts of different fish today I want to talk to you about some of the rigs that I've been using here then I've really found some success on the first one is a float rig this thing rocks stay tuned I want to show you how to use it so oftentimes the high low rate gets snagged on the bottom because of the nature of this rig sinker is at the bottom the hooks are at the top now the sinker if there's a lot of rocks and a lot of structure down there the sinker sometimes gets stuck in there and it's kind of a pain to deal with a rocky bottom or a bottom full of snags so that's when the float work really excels by using the float rig it floats over top of all that while still keeping your bait in the strike zone and the awesome part about the float rate is that there is an adjustable bobber stopper so you can have it lower or higher depending on where you want to fish so here's my leader line right here and here's the bobber stopper that comes with the bobber okay bobber stopper then a bead okay this bead cannot go past the bobber stopper and then comes the bobber the bobber cannot go past the B then we got some split shots an egg sinker will work just fine and then we've got the hook with a piece of bait and the way I fish this it's know which way the current is going half upstream and let and watch it drift while keeping a tight line let me show you um water is moving to my right I'm gonna cast to my left and just watch as this thing starts moving to my right I'm just gonna reel it in a tiny bit just to capture that slack and I'm waiting for something to bump it down with the bobber oh it's there hmm oh my god what it's just sometimes I'm looking away and then I look back and I'm like where the heck is the bobber we'll have a fish but it's just right there just right now the float rig is really good for live bait especially with a live shrimp or alive I did get bit enough got bidding up so the flu trick is really good for like live bait such as live shrimp live minnows live just live fish life live bait works great this works alright for live bait but it's kind of limiting for it whereas this is a lot more of a natural presentation for live bait house on a flow rig nice first read trouble today on the ring it's a red drum no but it took my live shrimp you know look at my rig alright alright I'm gonna keep you on the phone alright so that float where he works pretty darn well I used a big old live shrimp for that good catch Aaron you saw that go down right what did it look like it disappeared just disappeared huh he just really quickly yeah nothing just messing around with it good to know if I had taken my eyes off of it I just would have thought that I just like I think that's what happened earlier that's how we lost the fish so the float rig is one of my favorite you rigged so the float rig is one of my favorite rigs to use here but so has the high-low rig and I'm gonna show you how I set that up I tied this rig myself and I encourage anyone who doesn't know how to tie this rig to learn how to tie this rig it's very simple and once you learn it you don't forget how to do it seems a lot of money you know four dollars a pack you buy you can buy this at the bait shop or we can just tie your own and save a lot of money doing that also you can tie it the way you want it that's another great thing we offer tutorials on Santos skipper comm if anyone wants to learn how for my high-low rig I'm putting a shrimp on a little - art circle hook right here because I'm fishing inshore I'm not expecting any kind of monsters to come out I think that's gonna be a pretty fishing spot sheephead like to sit around their red drum left to sit there an ambush bait that are coming by I'm gonna pass it there I think it's a pretty sure pet No now this can sit and wait I think there's a lot of Sheepshead over there and honestly I think the best thing to do for that right now is to target them with either some fiddler crabs or clams some some dead shrimp maybe give them a buffet of all three doesn't seem like the Reds are really too heavy in here right now I've been missing a lot of the Sheepshead bites on the high-low rig so I use the high-low rate for different things that I would use this trip string high-low rate I find works in a lot more places low break I find works better on like flats or like places you want a drift fish I also find that I catch different species on each the flow rig is more for ambush predators then that's just for me in my experience here so far so the primary difference is one rig is moving and one rig is not it's a matter of where you're fishing and what kind of conditions are there you're gonna have to judge for yourself all right that's a head shaker oh yes yes delicious sheepshead nice I hooked it right there perfect awesome so that's one for there we go hi-low rig that's dinner let's eat him up to anyone who hasn't tried the sheep's head before and you like fish this is one of my favorite fishes to eat right alongside with the blackfish tog it's a really tasty fish they eat shrimps and crustaceans and clams all sorts of delicious things so when fish have a diet of that their meat tends to be similar to that so it tastes really good I just noticed it's kind of belly full of eggs I don't like keeping the fish with the eggs in a stomach because those are the breeders those are the ones you want to keep out there because those are the ones that are making more of the fish that we can catch so if you can help it let them go let them grow let them produce more babies just means more fish for you in the future the float rig works also the high-low rig works it all depends on what situation you're in and when you actually use it I think on a high outgoing tide a float barber could be very effective because the high tide is pulling your bobber out so you don't have to cast it too far because it'll keep the current will keep pulling it out I hope you guys learn something and you're able to apply this to your own fishing and wherever you may be fishing this technique works all over the world you just have to find the right kind of water anyways thank you guys for watching if you need any more help any more tutorials if you want to learn how to tie my favorite kinds of fishing knots the kinds of lures I like to use I've got all sorts of different kinds of tutorials on saenko skipper comm we've written about six or seven different ebooks on on different topics around surf fishing pier fishing and jetty fishing check it out if you need any more help see you guys next week [Music] you you
Channel: Hey Skipper
Views: 2,078,610
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Keywords: fishing, pier fishing, pier, jetty fishing, bridge fishing, river fishing, float fishing, float rig fishing, bait, bait rig, rig, fishing rig, float fishing rig, bobber, bobber fishing, Hey Skipper
Id: XNwiI8ybvI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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