No Letting Go | 2015 Drama | Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man they really put talent and talent show let's give it up for dogs are brown so it's been a while since our last stack has graced this stage Tim [Music] sweetie did your buddy said Tim we're here thank you comedy take a leg you're gonna be great are you okay sweetie Tim yeah I feel good I just can't do it that's America I think you just have a little stage fright that's all it's not that it happens sometimes just picture everyone in the audience in their underwear please don't got a lot of people counting on you you don't want to be a quitter just can't do it take me home Oh ridiculous come on look honey listen we just need to get him inside okay he's already late I've got a great idea how about we all go out for ice cream after the show you know what I don't remember your favorite flavor what is it Oreo cookies my fav well then Oreo cookie ice cream it is then but listen all you have to do honey it's get out of the car okay come on buddy let's go Wendy drool mother was telling a story it was about the Prince are you ready it can't be ready for you to go that your cue Tim you need to be on stage right now Tim he missed his cue where is he where is he going find out what's going out are you guys huh watch after your little brother book right back [Applause] [Music] what's wrong okay I understand what you guys have been going through so Tim you're 10 years old right tiny dude quarters oh wow well you are not a kid anymore I'm gonna have to talk to you like a grown-up what do you say sure do you have any idea why mommy brought you here to talk to me today okay I guess it's because sometimes I don't a crate I just can't help it what do you mean well sometimes I get kind of worried okay well I'm a doctor and it's my job to help you understand those worries feelings a little bit better so you're like feeling stuck sort of kind of like a feeling center Tim do you know what the word anxiety means do you have any idea what it means not really well people feel anxiety when they have lots of worry in their brains and it makes them feel bad you know what I call those kind of bad thoughts junk thoughts like junk food mm-hmm kind of like junk food kind of like when you you feel really bad inside like after you've eaten too much junk food and it's my job to help you understand and get rid of those chocolates okay think of your junk thoughts like bullies if you give in to a bully what usually happens though they just keep on me exactly junk thoughts are the same way you have to stand up to them and tell them you're not afraid bread hates her yeah I didn't know Brad had a hard time with her oh she just has a hard time with boys a little spunk that's all Tim's afraid of her I don't know she makes him really anxious your kids feel that way I've got charlie I don't know it goes right over Brad's head really well I don't know sometimes getting tend to school seems Aaron is such a space it takes him forever to get dressed it drives me crazy Lee is ready before I am he like rushes me out the door Wow miss changer close ten times eight school now I just he is so adamant I'll concede school sometimes you know he was doing that for a while you really like that I go back to dance class he's so talented no we tried we tried he just refuses to go I think it's a phase maybe I know he was embarrassed about what happened at the play but the kids have forgotten all about it yeah you need me and just teach him to get right back on that horse show must go on yeah well um what about you Theatre in town the UH herbing ten players oh yeah you know I've tried that actually I can't even get him in the car to get there I don't know you should just drag his butt in the car that's what just tell him you're going put him in the car I see young to know what he wants yeah you know what though ladies I have to tell you nothing works I've tried I just it's been talking well I think he's just being manipulative and stubborn Jimmy doesn't have a manipulative bone in his body he's one of the sweetest boys I've ever met my entire life thanks Lisa listen does anyone want some coffee you know let me hold are you that was very typical Suzanne you know I'm always here right I do thank you I have to go back in there unfortunately Jeff whiskey absolutely buddy at school hates me why do you think that Tim can tell by how they look at me Oh people look at other people for no reason sometimes you're looking at me right now does that mean you hate me no you're okay so learning to take deep breaths [Music] teach your body to relax when your body is relaxed it's hard to feel anxious all right everybody ready for their quiz you're number two pencils [Music] take a deep breath in through your nose and feel the air now very slowly let the air out through your mouth okay let's do it again take a deep breath in hi how'd you do on the quiz not good I didn't get it either hey one have a sleepover tomorrow after the soccer game sure see ya I have some news for you what baby you can fight me but just don't scream no that'd be nowhere reading No [Laughter] hello okay hi ELISA hey what's wrong go away why is he sick really that is so strange okay will you put him on the phone I'll try to talk to him hey Tim baby what's the matter why do you want to come home you love sleeping at Charlie's are you sure remember lisa was gonna make waffles in the morning your favorite no no no don't cry remember your breathing exercises baby that's right yeah like dr. Slater taught you okay honey no no okay daddy's gonna come get you okay I love you honey he wants to come home from Charlie's I know it's so strange please be serious okay he's really upset please go get him you know Jim doesn't seem to be doing any better even with all this therapy I have a feeling something else is going on really one anxiety disorder isn't enough for you what did you say you know he needs to stick things out sometimes I don't feel like picking him up you know what that's not fair to Lisa okay besides I don't think that being tougher is the answer obviously what all I'm saying is that I agree with you I don't think all this expensive therapy is paying off because I think he thinks he can get away with it and he knows it you know what I've grounded him Henry I've taken away his favorite things and I bribed him and I've used this stupid sticker charts you're never home Henry you don't see how hard I try and I'm exhausted and you know what if I'm such a terrible mother then how come Kyle and Jessi don't act this way too huh I've got a great idea why don't you stay home see if you can do any better fine I don't mind doing that you ready to go back to work pay all the bills the lifestyle around here you want to play that card you're gonna have a good day honey play with your friends Charlie you'll be there right I'm gonna see charlie good morning Timothy thank you so much for meeting us here rough morning again today Tim it took me an hour just to get him in the car Tim why don't you head to my office and we can chat a bit before you go to class okay I don't feel good oh I'm sorry to hear that well if you don't start feeling better we can go to the nurse's office but I think once you get to class you'll be fine yes beats a day you don't wanna miss that Oh pizza day no yeah that sounds like fun come on buddy have a good day sweetie I love you that's good manse my good boy do you know Catherine he's fine once he's here sometimes kids pick up on their parents anxiety maybe she'd consider talking to someone come on buddy hi Catherine hey Suzanne how are you oh my god Michaels just so busy these days with all of his extracurricular activities it's just so stressful this morning he completely forgot his lunch poor thing and he hates the school food so I just made him some homemade chicken noodle soup Catherine call me we really need to get together bye I'm fine thanks for asking let's play another game shall we call this one the distraction name it's gonna help you get rid of all those junk thoughts you ready to play sure games okay so you have to pick a category it could be boys names capital cities whatever you like how about food okay food works that's good as long as it's alphabetical like apples bananas cherries and so on you get it yes but I hate fruit can't read you can't instead yeah you can do anything you like as long as you make it up a better girl okay all right she'll try it okay you start damn it Eddie Frank George honey igloo honey boy's name is that a very cold one [Music] when you put your mind to something you are I'm worn out and I'm hungry now you are an amazing guy all right I'm starving come on Tim your brother's been playing with you all day now come on it's getting dark and mom made a great dinner hey Tim get back here right now and apologize to your brother it's okay Tim honey Timothy okay you know what you're almost 11 now you're too old for this how much longer are we gonna do this huh you already missed 36 days of school I need to get your dress okay where's Tim he won't get out of bed Kyle honey you're gonna miss the bus Kyle you're gonna miss the bus great have a good day listen I have to get Jesse to school okay can you please give it a try I don't know Henry maybe he'll listen to you let's go Jesse I give up it kidís impossible I told him that if you if he wasn't going to school no video TV there's no computer all week and I need you to be on the same page as me because I don't want to give him mixed signals don't you think I've tried that already absolutely nothing works when he gets like this yes for school he asks to go to school he just can't quit all right he has to understand that sometimes in life there are things that he has to do like I know and I agree but maybe this isn't the right school for Tim I mean his teachers don't understand him another than shortly he doesn't really have any friends you know Bob's son he goes to a private school seem to be doing quite well there okay well there you go okay well that means that you're gonna have to find school which might be a blessing in disguise could be less expensive than all this therapy okay I gotta get to work I love you mrs. Spencer we aren't seeing that kind of behavior here I've observed him in class and he's quiet but perfectly fine well I guess he saves it up for me then well sometimes kids act out to get their parents attention is everything okay at home everything is fine mr. Collins I really appreciate everything that you and dr. Maynard have done but Henry and I have decided to send him to a private school really where the Campbell Academy I'm sorry to hear that the Campbell does have a fantastic reputation oh we certainly will miss him well if there's anything I can do to help with the transition to the new school please let me know well thank you both I really appreciate it good luck take care Kyle honey hurry up you're going to miss the bus yeah okay seriously Kyle if I have to drive you then Tim's going to be late all right please hurry all right well I'm sorry the Tim's the one who gets school to a fancy private school without bus okay are we going to do that again can you take Jesse on your way to work Japan thank you by the way the kids are very cool new teachers are nice don't worry about that we're gonna get through it together Jesse knows all the necessaries okay guys all right gonna be late you don't get out of here [Music] good morning light can pass through some types of matter matter that allows light to pass through it so a clear image can be seen is called Christopher transparent yes can you give me an example Windows right what about matter that allows some but not all light to pass through it what does that call david translucent like wax paper yes what about matter that allows no light to pass through it what is that call Jim Jim are you paying attention yes sir so what word do we use for matter that does not allow any light to pass through it ah solid yes Christopher it's called opaque exactly and what happens when you shine a light on an object that's okay David you created a shadow yes that's right okay everybody get out a pencil and paper they're going to do an experiment this cake is so good I'm so cute so glad you could make it charlie really misses tim at school no I know I'm sorry listen God don't be silly I didn't mean that at all hey if I could get Darren to transfer Charlie to Campbell I would in a heartbeat you know he was just so miserable I mean we didn't know what else to do so why did you pull him out do you really think the academics at Campbell are so much better you know it's not about the academics Tim just needed a different environment but all of his friends are and he gets to see them every week at soccer besides there's lots of ways to keep in touch with friends you know it's not like we moved we can't go home honey it's Charlie's birthday party okay listen Charlie is your friend and it wouldn't be right to leave his birthday party okay what's going on with you baby listen maybe we need to get dr. Slater a call later okay no well Tim we're not going home okay we're staying okay I'm okay he has a headache he'll be fine I don't know parties are stressful for kids I mean parties are stressful for me especially in this gun right the commission that's why you're my best friend I love you okay I love you more and I have cake okay ready to go one more soccer ball and I think we're good don't forget the start up yeah okay there we go you ready everybody who wants cake are you ready sweet okay Charlie we give a big big big happy birthday Timmy will you lead the happy birthday please come on Tim I took he's just not feeling well it's single days okay okay I love you I'm so proud of you hmm everybody ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right I'm done let me see okay this is your homework okay it looks like you have to read this chapter and then answer the questions so how much of it have you read yeah well do you remember reading it why don't I read it to you and we can work on it together okay but I hate school Tim and all the other kids is so smart honey look we can handle this okay I can talk to your teachers about get it worked out listen you just have to take one day at a time I'm gonna I can't do I need your nothing sale okay no honey you're not going to fail okay we won't let you Tim we're going to get through this no use I'm stupid I hate the school I'm not doing homework Tim you're just having a bad day all right I'm not having a bad day I'm not going to school anymore so there's no point okay we can't go through this again all right we can't keep switching schools every time he gets hard you don't get it I don't need to go to school anymore hey don't be ridiculous Tim you're only 14 of course you need to go to school why can't I be homeschooled we've been through this a million times and we're not talking it's inconvenient for you I need you to crate me that's why I hate you she's not going to school anymore Tim hate you treat you little brat Tim stop it I hate everything what's going on hey let's just go to pizza okay mom again Kyle Tim's just having a bad day he's always having a bad day you should let him get away with acting like that you know round him let me worry about Tim okay I am the mom yeah well clearly that isn't working out very well is it maybe we do better now that Tim is back huh oh he just had some stomach problems lately ah well he looks better now thank God yeah we haven't seen him at practice much either seriously Katherine is he playing for another team hardly he just hasn't been feeling great that's all yeah I bet they keep you really busy at that private school of his [Applause] [Music] I'm not one to gossip but I heard he got kicked out of both of those screens well what happened was he would walk out of the school in the middle of the day just whenever he felt like it yeah you know I'm telling you there was something wrong with that kid who runs off the field in the middle of the game they have no control over him I would never put up with that kind of behavior the kids don't want to hang around him anymore and that's okay by me because I wouldn't let mine go over there anyway yes yes yes no I want to be much too damn bad hey it's your tournament okay they can play my dream you sure I mean you want to do something else we don't have to play video games nope come on we only see anymore should do something board game play cards something oh I have an idea why don't we go outside and kick the ball around a bit it's still usually on the team no I'm done with soccer why ma'am it just wasn't fun anymore you know no I really don't know I don't know what the matter is ma'am it's kids we're [ __ ] you shouldn't let them get to you they had nothing to do with it it's just boring that's all soccer's not boring what the hell do you know you know what I know you used to be fun to hang out with now you're just an [ __ ] so mean yeah I asked you guys to come over oh I know God what is your problem maybe you're my problem charlie you're pathetic you know what your mom begged my mom for us to come over now you've become a real dick just get out of here he's a freak yeah [Music] emotionally to start no I'm not gonna have my son labeled for the rest of his life no no we can't afford any more private schools okay we lost a fortune on the last one aren't there any other options besides special ed okay okay so what do I have to do to set up a meeting and have him classified Tim honey you're late for school again honey I know you're having a bad morning but you know that lying there doesn't help honey please just try moving your legs whoa listen remember what the doctor said sometimes you got to get the blood flowing in your body to wake it up Tim I know it's hard okay sometimes I don't feel like getting out of bed either go away I'm not going to school honey I know you feel terrible okay the only thing you have to do right now is get out of bed just try moving well there are those beautiful eyes see when is the last time you took a shower okay let's get you in the shower well how about a bubble bath you used to love taking bubble baths no I'm not going to school I don't think I said anything about school now did I yeah are you okay in there yeah if you don't have to me I'm coming in Tim honey you have to turn the water off are you all right okay listen I I'm gonna be downstairs if you need me I've got to grab this [Music] [Music] let me did you tell you have been in there forever oh I bet your complete brood by now huh you know what just look at your fingers you're right look at that what do you think that happened huh you know I read somewhere it's like a survival mechanism from the Stone Age you know our fingers wrinkled up do I give us a better grip something like that I don't know I guess like Tom Trent on a tire I don't think the attire is doing this to an HMO I guess they didn't I can't even get him out of a house anymore well I rarely recommend medication but Tim is severely depressed and therapy alone just isn't enough I really don't understand why this is happening look anxiety and depression are often co-occurring one can often exacerbate the other sometimes medications can help I just hate to get my kids even ibuprofen unless it's absolutely necessary what would you prescribe actually medications have to be managed to a psychiatrist who were you working with before we'll start him on a very small dose at first see how he does increase it gradually I'll need to see him every two weeks to monitor him common side effects can include drowsiness dizziness insomnia nausea weight gain weight loss morning Kyle see you later Kyle okay boys we seem to be running a bit late I'll be taking you to school let's get something to eat on the way shall we [Music] [Music] hey what are you guys up to writing a song mom it's incredible it just came to me like wow do you wanna hear sure I'm not done yet do you want to read it anyway mmm-hmm never mind I I'm working it's more I I need to finish the lyrics okay and I need to work on the music mm-hmm you know what might help keyboarding my room that's what I need these are initiatives we have a keyboard uh we used to a long time ago honey I don't know yeah you know my work GarageBand is our kavita of GarageBand mmm I think so I'm not quite sure hundreds today use the computer Tim computers for schoolwork remember mom this is more important than schoolwork this is my life we're talking about well I think it sounds like a good idea great so can I use the computer please okay just this once how long has Tim been sitting in front of that computer maybe time to pull a plug I'm just happy he's not depressed it's 11 o'clock sweetheart so how was your day my day was kind of rotten I think I have to fly to Dallas wait when probably Wednesday I'll know in a little while bye loses the camera I could lose my job I should only be gone a couple of days I know honey I'm just exhausted you know it's like a roller coaster with Tim every day and he's afraid to leave the house and I can't leave him just I thought things were getting easier with the meds yeah but the side effects are really scary yeah I know it's not supposed to be this hard you know teenagers are a handful in the best of circumstances maybe it's just a phase well if that's the case it's the longest freaking phase ever you know what I think you could use just a little timeout with your dream date yeah well where is he I can call him anytime he sounds beat that honey I can't leave Tim you know that what do you do leave him with Kyle no I'm not gonna put him through that hi Bob yeah no I know yeah I've had to deal with him many times and since it's difficult all right I'll smooth it out when I get there I'll call you when I arrive all right thanks it's unbelievable how much this book describes Tim I really wish you would read at least a few chapters it's helpful to learn about this information I would love to sweetheart I just didn't swap with work if you could highlight some of the important parts they appreciate it sure my stomach is growling do you have enabled bed too many leftovers no how did I not know that kids could have anxiety in our depression for no reason well they didn't have that kind of stuff when we were growing up well didn't you say that kid who lived down the street from you committed suicide when he was 17 Henry did you hear what I said I mean I you know whatever you need to get your head and fun I'm going to bed good night so dad how was your trip good I hope we'll know in a few weeks Jessie would you please put your napkin in your lap Tim really I think it's time for a haircut no I get the whole rebel without a cause but you don't have to get your hair cut because you're starting to look like your mother all right who's got homework tonight I've got a test tomorrow but it's no big deal what subject calculus it's okay ouais it hate math why it's easy it's useless I hate it don't be an idiot you're an idiot you idiots like math what are you looking at Jessie this whole family sucks you're the one he sucks you'll never even graduate from high school okay sure you going you have nothing excuse chyme did you have to say that so now it's my fault I didn't do anything dad are you gonna let him get away with that please sit down Kyle Kyle and I watch TV yes yes yeah yeah yeah go ahead sport Hey yeah thank you clear your plate please he's been like this all week while you've been gone he was fine when I left this is unacceptable I'm going upstairs talking I think you should wait until he comes I think you should calm down right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't take it anymore okay look he eventually calms down if you just leave him alone Henry just leave him alone this must be advice coming from the therapist just ignore it right look she says there's no use in trying to talk to him when he's irrational like this okay it'll just escalate the situation it'll just escalate right just if we ignore it don't do anything there's got to be something we can do I'm going crazy here all right the psychiatrist did give me another medication to use all right when he gets out of control like this that's good news another medication mm-hmm have you tried it yet no I have not still it might be a damn good time to try it okay I will Henry I recommend that we take him off the Esso Taliban and put them on a mood stabilizer and that's basically on what you're describing I would have to say that your son has bipolar disorder bipolar that sounds pretty extreme it isn't that a condition that requires heavy medication doesn't that connote serious highs and lows I mean Tim is never happy I know I never liked that doctor ever what is Slater say well she says he's really complicated she's not sure about bipolar though well maybe it's time for another opinion it's funny you should say that because I've been trying to get an appointment with another psychiatrist but it's three months three months you got to be kidding me yeah apparently there's more taxidermists in the country than there are child psychiatrists cheery future for our children here take a look at this she's highly recommended she's supposed to be top in her field she's really expensive though I'm gonna do whatever we need to do thank you thank you thanks Tim for being so honest anything else you want to talk about no I'm good all right do you mind if I speak to your parents alone for just a moment sure whatever okay would you ask them to come in I will see you next week Thanks you're welcome hi so how did it go it went um how are you well we just don't know what to do anymore at this rate he's gonna have a difficult time finishing high school you know what there are worse things they're not going to school so can you describe what it looks like when Tim gets upset okay um his eyes change like it becomes a different person mm-hmm he's irrational and he misinterprets everything that that we say sometimes he can get violent but he doesn't know I've never heard anyone and I don't think he he would but he threatens to and he breaks a lot of things that's hard and how long do these episodes last how often do they come and when they do color varies yeah it can happen several times a day and last for hours just depends hmm I think the hardest part for me is when the rage is over mm-hmm and he says he feels so terrible and he talks about dying you know he's he's not a bad kid he is he's the sweetest kindest boy well he still is Katherine he's a great boy and I mean he doesn't want to misbehave he's in pain I mean I just noticed in my sessions with him his moods change rapidly he has a very high anxiety level and he knows that he can't predict it he can't control it so he doesn't want to go anyways I want to leave the house and that's gotta be scary especially for a teenager I don't understand doctor this poor child is taking up to 30 pills a day and he seems to be getting worse and worse now there's got to be some medication out there that can fix all this you would think you would think that there is no magic pill and everyone reacts differently to every different medication so you don't know especially with children and teenagers because they're always growing and changing I understand that but there's got to be something more Timothy has an illness do you really understand that I think that he would thrive in a highly structured environment what do you mean well I mean you've said yourself like the slightest change in schedule or disappointment can throw him off but I'm trying so hard to do everything right I hope I give a structure I work nothing it's humanly impossible for you to provide the kind of structure in your home that he needs he needs a therapeutic environment he needs to be surrounded by professionals who can help him 24 hours a day so what is it that you're suggesting doctor I know a wonderful residential treatment center in Maine I know people who have gone there they specialize in fragile boys just like Tim okay excuse me I'm not sending my son away okay he's already in a therapeutic Day program through the school district isn't that enough listen I know it's upsetting to hear about this but there was just no way that you are capable of providing the kind of structure that he needs okay but we have come to you for help and now you're telling me that your solution is to send him away that's not acceptable with justice I can do better I miss mother no one knows him like I do and I am the one who's supposed to help him I've been doing it for years just okay I'm sorry stay for a second please Katherine I can explain to you could we please it's a lot to think about yeah you ask you something if this was your son what would you do it's our yeah but I think if if Tim were my son without a doubt I would I put him into the residential treatment center and how long are we talking about and what are the costs if it's about a year and it's expensive it's in the six figures it's not nothing [Music] [Music] here we are honey wait here and I'll go get two okay stay right here excellent my name is Catherine Spencer nice to meet you Tim your mom's here for you so what do you think I think maybe it's their time to play maybe dr. Harris is right about what I don't know Henry but I'm scared he's not getting better he struggles every day and this school is worse I'm trying to help him but I think dr. Harris is right what are you saying if we do this I know it's gonna be expensive okay but but maybe we borrow money from my parents or I'll I'll get a job we didn't sell the house but we have to do something we don't have another choice how in the world are we gonna tell him I don't know you sure about this No what do you think so yeah Kyle come here you didn't say goodbye I love you mom I'll be gone for the weekend it's a debate tournament not boot camp I know listen good luck you're gonna be great all right thanks mom bye god you're so annoying maybe forget what I was writing you throw a date how did you do that it was horrible just the team over mess me up it's okay just calm down there's no reason to get up I hate you you ruined yeah hey listen you do want to right you were right yeah listen he didn't mean to distract why do you always take his side you're shot just gently okay Jesse you need to go upstairs okay honey okay remember what we talked about listen Jesse did not mean to distract you and you know listen to me the south [Music] [Music] [Music] no no you're not [Music] [Music] [Music] sleeping off do you remember when you said that you needed help honey okay so you could feel better I've had and I found a place that will help you no mum I'm doing better now honey you're gonna be home before you know it what do you mean it's only until you feel better okay no mom please you said you'd always be there for me and I am always here for you okay you got to trust me please me okay I'm begging you don't do this to me okay dad please don't simply let him your mom and I love you more than anything this is such a hard decisions best thing for you you care about what's best for me you just want to get rid of me that's all stop do you hate me pretend that's not true [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mom are you okay what happened yeah I'm fine what happened did Tim do something your father will be down in a minute mom what happened what did he do he needs help he just needs help we didn't know what to do mom where's Tim where is he mom baby what the hell have you done to my brother we had no choice your brother needs help what he needs our parents in order to handle him why didn't you try harder where's my brother he's in me he's in Maine he wasn't going to school okay because you didn't make him go what kind of mother lets her kid get away with [ __ ] like that Kyle Kyle Kyle that is not fair your brother has bipolar disorder okay we're gonna get through this okay I promise honey we're good [ __ ] hey buddy you okay want to come in are you mad at mom and dad I don't know you I don't know Tim didn't like me anyway hey that's not true don't say that hey guys I join you yes I know this has all been really difficult for you guys and I just want you to know that your mom and I love you more than anything all three your brother has an illness and it's nobody's fault is it contagious no it's not contagious buddy no Tim has a chemical imbalance in the brain that makes it harder and you know for him to do things that are easy for the rest of us what's it called again bipolar disorder [Music] hey James here's Tim hey Tim come on in thanks Sasha we're good no don't worry Roget is very friendly dogs understand people better than we do sit down so Tim tell me how'd you get here by force is that so being punished my parents hate me really why do you think that why don't you have all the answers wouldn't that be easy you sound angry don't belong here well since you are here let's see if we can make the best of things okay whatever you know being here will help you if you let it there's nothing wrong with me you're not here because there's something wrong with you because your parents age yet let me show you around okay we only have three rules and they designed to keep everyone safe you can't feel good if you don't feel safe so the first rule is that someone needs to know where you are at all times that means if you need to go anywhere even in the bathroom you gotta ask an adult for permission got it seriously this is Jail it can't keep you safe if we don't know where you are the second rule is hands off don't touch another student's wrestling hey who's that is it that's my hat just joking he's just joking Westco toss it to me there he is nice a lot of kids misinterpret joking around his aggression so it's third room until you reach the level of Independence you cannot go beyond the property line without an adult where is everywhere on the way back from school don't worry we don't let anybody go to school for the first couple of weeks you won't go - you asked for it I think that's gonna happen oh it will trust me have to hang out here for a couple weeks with nothing to do my bet is you'll be back into Gaul you like it the classes are small teachers are pretty cool so your friends will be their friends I'm how many friends that'll change and this is a common room but you guys will hang out play games write letters to your family write letters and I just email we don't have computers here just as school for schoolwork and no cell phones what do you have to be kidding me anyway I don't write letters it's like a text but without the phone you'll get the hang of it hey Frank come on over here I want introduce you to someone Tim this is Frank Frank she's gonna be your roommate yeah cool hair man what you hiding under there no I'm sorry I'm just messing with you come on so how you doing no stupid question first day sucks but actually the first week of socks yeah come to think of it your bird here and you know what okay love might be a bit of a stretch but it's not so bad you'll get used to it come on let me introduce it to some of the guys Dexter right [Music] so good to see your friendly face Catherine Catherine come downstairs Lisa's here this is so good to see you how are you saying huh as long as she needs me you're a good woman she's lucky to have you how's she doing that's been rough on everybody it's gonna really cheer her up to see you though she hasn't seen anyone in weeks Catherine so he come on down Lisa's here fill out a I'm gonna check my laundry hi I love your mom I know right she is amazing I just don't know how I'd cope without her it's how you doing okay how's Tim he's good you know it's beautiful up there yeah you don't have to pretend with me I've never told me any pockets before tim has bipolar disorder we tried everything we we did therapy and doctors and meds and um he just I just couldn't help him it takes so much courage to do what you did when you get to see him every three or four weeks I can't really do my sister is bipolar she has been most of her lay oh my god I mean I didn't I didn't have any idea I never told anyone you know I didn't even know you had a sister how is that possible was that okay now are you ready for the tough love what you look like [ __ ] I love you oh my god thanks for cheering me up no I'm just tired I know I know but you can't take care of anyone unless you take care of yourself first it's like rule number one a parenting well this last time you had a checkup I don't know okay okay okay I promise I promise I promise just start running again or come to yoga with me no I'm not doing well okay me and yoga right no pass and you know there are some great support groups might really help to be with other parents response or the same thing you don't have to do this alone I didn't know I just I didn't know what to do it's a minute but this is actually kind of cool I know right before seriously and my parents always wanted me to go I don't know I just never really wanted to never really wanted to leave the house well I had uh would make camping difficult yeah out here in the woods it's kind of Awesome this is where I decided I really needed to get my [ __ ] together what do you mean he seems so together than me oh that's funny are you doing bigger mess than you and I got here Yeah right no seriously I was hearing voices and [ __ ] you see this yeah yeah I threw myself into a glass door kind of freaked my parents out it's pretty intense yeah but um I'm working hard and and I'm on the right meds now so okay meds syphax suck Hanks are the worse about nausea dizziness weight gain weight loss can't sleep can't wake up constipation diarrhea that might be the food here it's like I just couldn't turn it off you know I'd stare at the computer you know hoping for something good to happen it was like gaming was the only way I could stay calm you know maybe it felt safer to be friends with a computer screen yeah I guess computer can't laugh at you or leave you you know well you've been here for five months now without a computer how do you feel like I missed my freakin computer man no seriously I feel pretty good I'm making s'mores kind of lame but you guys you're all right it's it's cool hanging out with people instead of electronics you're pretty cool Wyatt thanks for sharing I know that wasn't easy okay everybody tonight I'm really proud to share that Frank has earned his independence Frank I'm just I'm so proud of you man you really worked hard at this you really deserve it great job why don't you stand and and share a little bit with everybody congratulations man great job Thanks I'm gonna gonna read from this because you know I'm not good at speeches and it's easier if it's written down okay being here has not been easy for a long time my focus was trying to figure out how to get the hell out of here but then I realized that I needed to understand how I got here in the first place I'm not proud of some of the stuff I did in my past but I forgive myself because I know what happened then isn't about Who I am now or the person I want to be I'm learning to accept and understand my [ __ ] so that I can manage it all a little bit better and I'm learning to accept other people as they are because if I don't you guys are gonna drive me crazy seriously though I I found a quote the other day that I wanted to share life is short live it love is rare grab it anger is bad dump it Vere's awful face it memories are sweet cherish them well I'm glad you're all here I know this is stressful time for all of you Kyle and Jessi do you understand what's happening with Tim yeah Kyle that's what someone's talking like I get it Tim's bipolar actually Tim's not bipolar tim has bipolar disorder what difference does that make well it's kind of important that you separate the illness from Tim that's the difference you seem angry no I know it's not his fault it's true no you can know that and still be angry I'm not angry honey it's okay to be angry you can talk about it I Cap'n you can just let Jesse talk for himself just for today thank you though I'm sad and stuff what but I'm kind of glad he's gone well see Tim took a lot of his anger out on Jesse so it was very very hard on him okay what's up over there she's so typical Jessi only thinks about himself a mom oh nice job center defender ah that's inappropriate and unfair you know it's not fair what it's not better things used to be fine it was fun and happy and he was never afraid now it sucks it sounds like you were really close we used to be used to do you feel do you feel like it's um it's someone's fault my parents I guess mm-hmm why can't they control him do you really think they could have done something no I mean how does this all make you feel that's how does it feel for you to hear Kyle I've tried to keep that family together and I feel helpless sometimes Jessi you said that you were relieved that Tim was gone that's perfectly normal to be relieved that he's not there I mean when you don't know what's gonna happen in your house that's got to be upsetting stuff walking on eggshells all the time my pal well Tim is working on getting better he's gonna come home and keep working and you all need to learn how how to cope really into to take care of yourselves he can't do it alone y'all can't do it alone they'll be there for each other and this is really a family effort yeah there's hope [Music] my fan mail Frank Timothy Spencer [Music] [Music] dear Tim how are you we want you to know how proud of you we are if we just miss you terribly and I can't wait to see you I can't believe that it's already been two weeks since our last visit do your mom and dad I miss home so much and I'm working hard so I can come back soon Frank and I are becoming good friends and he's pretty chill and gets it if you know what I mean we're just seen coming to visit this time I've got some cool new card games and want to teach them tell them I miss them I love you [Music] I think a lot about home but it makes me really sad I'm so sorry for all the pain I've put you guys through it was very difficult to talk about but I'm working on it everyone who has a story and nobody judges especially rocket that he's a dog hey can we get a dog when I come home I can't wait to see you next week I miss you it's so peaceful here do you guys get out here to hike a lot sometimes oh weekend's damn are you okay can we go back to the hotel Tim we're only halfway through our hike I'm really tired can you go I think if you just keep walking well you know we'll probably feel better no I can't do it well either way you look at it we've got a half an hour back or forward I don't care I can't do what I'm done okay listen maybe we just need a little break okay honey listen remember what Jane said okay I don't give a crap about what James said you are my parents what do you listen to everything that he says that place sucks I don't belong there no Tim I need to come up honey coach I don't know what happened James I mean everything was fine until it wasn't he was doing so well and I we haven't had an episode like this in quite some time this is actually progress guys sometimes it's one step forward and five steps back if he doesn't let it out we can't help him so it's actually progress that he has a meltdown in the middle of the woods and we practically have to airlift him out yes yes sometimes it is trust me now we got something to work with oh my god Lisa no seriously I didn't think we're gonna get him back here uh-oh oh I have another call coming in can you hold on okay thanks hello yes it's Catherine uh-huh okay Thursday works no problem thank you Hey sorry about that no it was just the doctor's office no I feel good I do in fact I want to go on a run before Jesse gets home from school okay all right I'll talk to you later bye Catherine oh you your husband couldn't make it no no it's not necessary you know dr. Lee my mother has had so many biopsies it's always the same thing I guess I take after her we laugh that we're just lumpy Catherine I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated than that you have five small tumors in your left breast and the pathology report indicates that each tumor tested positive for invasive cancer how serious is it I'm recommending you have both breasts removed if I haven't mastectomy will it get rid of the cancer well we won't know for sure until after surgery depends how far the cats are spread well I need chemotherapy it's hard to tell but I think it's likely Kathryn I'm I'm very sorry mm-hmm I can't remember having a meal this good it was our son just like a tarragon in this dressing it's amazing honey I need to tell you something I have breast cancer I'm so sorry your mom and I have something that we've wanted to talk to you about and there's really no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna come right out and say it your mom has cancer breast cancer but it's okay guys okay I've met with the top doctors and I do need surgery breast cancer don't people die from that not necessarily not a few catching in time and did we well we won't know until mom has her surgery will you need chemotherapy probably sweetie it's when the doctors give you medicine to help the cancer go away but sometimes it can make you a little sick but that's okay honey it'll be okay cuz then the cancer will all be gone well you lose your hair your hair more than likely but I don't want you to lose your hair come here it's only hair I promise you it will grow back the most important thing is that we all pitch in together as a family and help Mom get through this so she can get better quickly who's gonna tell Tim [Music] simply talk to you in private for few minutes yeah sure Rebecca [Music] you [Music] [Music] no one's come and talked to the Senate but done sure mom's doing just fine they said it could take up to four or five hours just take care of Jessie would you please and and try not to worry Oh Kyle doctors coming let me call you back a little bit all right she's in the recovery room how'd the surgery go it went very well we removed the sentinel lymph nodes and from what we saw they were all clean so the cancer hasn't spread well we won't be 100% sure until get the pathology reports back and how long will that take it usually takes about seven to ten days I will call you personally okay thanks very much doctor it's my pleasure we tell your wife is a very strong woman whatever happens I'm sure she'll be okay [Music] [Music] hey you doing nothing there you go again nice hi kids are really cute appreciated that is there any chance that you have a cell phone I could borrow mine died Thanks [Music] [Music] oh boy there is enough food here to last till Christmas where was all of this when Tim was so ill and he couldn't leave the house for months did your friends even know what was going on with him not really mom I don't know I guess I just felt like I couldn't tell him hello oh yeah yeah of course hold on hey doctor lady's office is calling hello hi dr. Lee yes I'm feeling pretty good um have the results come back yet that's what I wanted to hear thank you um well I need to have any chemotherapy or radiation okay then that's what we'll do thank you so much [Music] you're up in the common room and just know I'm there psych for the night [Music] first days always the worst yeah let's go get Frank [Music] anybody [Music] so there's something I'd like to do this weekend okay what is it I I think it's time for a haircut really seriously how are you sure yeah I went to the surprise no worries let's do it before you change your mind yeah when I have one more surprise for you guys but I think that can wait until tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] man they really put the towns in Township let's give another round of applause for it dogs are proud so it's been a while since our last sack has graced the stage however he is now going to make a return give it up for Timothy Spencer Tim are you ready [Music] [Music] you
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Length: 103min 52sec (6232 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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