The Orphanage (Milwood) | Full Movie Mystery Horror

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[Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] so i'll be right back buddy all right hi how are you doing aaron santos that's correct good mr clements yes so is this him that's him he's a guy huh okay nathan hi i'm mr clemens okay i'm going to be your team all right bud no would welcome sure okay okay okay let's um let's get him inside okay nathan you're all set now mr clements will take it from here he's got my card so call me for anything okay okay all right buddy be good mr clemons i thank you for everything you've done nonsense really it's a part of who i am these children they're top priority at millwood glad to hear that yeah remember what i told you all right have a good day drive safe nathan all right let's go come on okay okay okay it's just up here come on all right here we are this is your room nathan okay i'll take your things you can give me that jacket that's it you actually are not gonna need this anymore okay so now it's gone this is where you can actually keep all your personals in here nathan you can keep all your personals in here let me sit down okay latrine is actually down the hall and to the right if you need to use the bathroom okay buddy so here's the deal big guy right now the children are in class but i'm going to give you the remainder of the day you can sit down settle in okay breathe okay just get your head on straight for us and tomorrow a woman named judy's gonna come by she's gonna say hi so is there anything else you need right now okay good okay oh by the way this see this stuff right here this is your millwood uniform you will wear it every day except for today we're going to give you that pass all right so if you get hungry you can actually take the elevator to the bottom floor or you can actually just walk right across to the main building either way you get to the cabin nathan either way you'll get to the cafeteria okay you understand okay mom can we get a dog nathan there comes a huge responsibility with getting a dog i'll feed him and walk in i know look when your dad and i get back from our trip we'll talk about it hey big guy hi dad listen we need you to be a really good guy for the next couple of days okay you're gonna be the man of the house without technically being the man of the house and if everything goes okay when we get back talk more about getting that four-legged furry canine thing that you want from the house okay i love you dad good night honey mom can i call her for a while just a little while [Music] even hi i'm judy i'm going to be your guidance here at millwood can i sit yes how are you doing hanging in there what do you mean you're my guidance oh well that just means that i'm here to help you so whatever you need if you want to talk or go outside whatever you want to do i'm here for you okay i have to go to a new school unfortunately yes but you are going to meet so many new friends here i already have friends i'm sure you do but isn't it always fun to meet new ones hey are you hungry yeah all right good i know just the place to go come on where is everyone where [Music] [Music] [Applause] special treatment you know and today you know today's your special day do you know why because today i'm going to let you into my kitchen and you're going to see all the demo secrets but you got to do me a favor you can't tell anybody what you see because if you don't want to be in trouble you're going to keep it a secret okay okay now tell everyone and you know what i mean i made the world's famous swatch on here yeah and my mother's world's famous macaroni and cheese wait and my father's real famous pizza how do you like that everything's world famous yeah yeah you know yeah yeah everything's real famous you know and that's why you can't tell anybody though you got to keep it secret because the picture ever get out that all of dino's food is world's famous i would be demanding all over the world and then i would have to ah i would piss out from cooking so much said we got a deal yep all right good all right so what would you have told me what do you like macaroni and cheese good choice hey how about you julie i'll have the same same thing as i'm going to get two macaroni and cheese right you sit there and enjoy the right kid and you remember the world's famous with my dishes good huh so nathan what do you like to do you don't know come on there's got to be something you like to do like games yeah i like to play games and stuff what kind of games video games games outside like hide-and-go-seek i love hide-and-go-seek no i'm serious i was actually really good at how to go seek when i was your age of course i'm good at those things why not because you're a girl girls don't like to get into creepy areas where no one would find them okay you might have a point there but i was really good at it no yeah all right so this is the deal we're gonna finish up your mac and cheese i'm gonna take you to your new classroom you're gonna meet your new teacher and all the classmates okay and then we're gonna meet back up tomorrow at two o'clock okay can i just skip class today no you can't just skip class today come on you're gonna meet your new classmates don't you want to make new friends i guess i'll tell you what i'm not very hungry and you know gave me this so that i can give you my macaroni and cheese for later how does that sound thanks you're welcome boys today we are discussing abraham lincoln who was the 16th president of the united states he was the first republican president yes hi miss churchill this is nathan perry your new student welcome nathan i'll see you tomorrow okay and don't forget about that smack in your back i won't okay thanks miss churchill introduce yourself i'm nathan nathan what nathan perry boys let's show nathan perry the millwood spirit nathan you can take the empty seat in the middle abraham lincoln was the 16th president of the united states can anyone tell me who shot abraham lincoln trevor john wilkes booth and what was john luke's booth's occupation he was an actor can anyone tell me what currency has abraham lincoln's face on all right so two days and we'll be back okay big guy hi mr perry hey kyle how's your parents they're good good don't worry mr perry nathan's safe with me all right thanks kyle and when i get back we'll see if you're any stronger here on all right i'll be good how many times can you tell me to be good not enough come on kyle gonna be late for school come on let's go [Music] [Music] right now i want your kids to treat this like it's a game all right a real game i want you to try to do it at speed nathan why did you jump okay settle down everyone vanessa could you please read paragraph one of chapter four the life cycle of a butterfly is in four stages the egg lava pupa and adult it's actually pronounced larva vanessa what is the lava miss faulconer the lava is the caterpillar stage that stage lasts about two weeks to a month and it leaves the flowers too right yes nathan could you come with us please take your things hey nathan i'm detective connor but you can call me mark though okay detective mark has a couple of questions for you nathan do you know where your parents are going today my mom said she was going to get us a bigger house so i could have a dog can i see my mom and dad i'm sorry but there's been an accident mr perry i do not tolerate tardiness laziness jokers under achievers or anyone else who isn't paying attention in my class if you fall under one of those categories again you will be heading straight to the dean do i make myself clear yes good she forgot losers now referring back to the text who is the democratic candidate in the election between abraham lincoln [Music] all right come on kids let's move it up there there we go yeah there you go kid enjoy your lunch there hey guys you all right there there you go hi i'm tommy this is trevor and jason hi hey nathan you want to sit with us how come you're not eating not hungry i guess you're not hungry you don't eat right you can have my jello if you want i don't like the way it feels between my teeth i saw you come into class today miss churchill's class yeah i'm in that class kind of in the front this churchill says i have a hearing problem so i gotta be closer to her and surely gave it to you today she really mean just do what i do don't say a word you okay i'm sorry i think i have a piece of bread over here oh there it is hey i'm gonna throw my foot around like it's a little trouble making it nathan [Music] okay nathan do you um do you know why you're sitting in that chair right now because i threw gel on mousse's face yeah throwing jello starting a fight and not paying attention in class but bruce do a piece of jello you took a bowl of jello and you shoved it in someone's face that could be put down for assault oh you know nathan now look i know your situation okay it's it's hard it's hard i understand but life goes on i'm gonna talk to judy tomorrow but until then you you have lost all outside privileges dinner will be brought to you so you can escort yourself back to your quarters now and uh please shut my door on your way out so hello um please don't do this sam you can't do this and why not judy he's broken rules he's abuse students broken rules abused you've got to be kidding me all right here on paper mr clements please this little harmless boy needs someone he just lost both of his parents the worst thing you can do to someone in this state is isolate them he needs fresh air he needs to be able to socialize he needs to be a kid judy you've been you've been working for us what about four months now and i like having you at mill what i do you see you you fit in war day working with the newly admitted i don't think nathan fits in just stop it right there nathan has been nothing but an angel since the minute that i met him i'm the one that's hired to evaluate these students to make sure that they're properly treated and ready for public housing i'm the one that is to evaluate them and here you are telling me that you're the one that evaluated him and made your decision to send him to ward b i've had one day with nathan one day that's hardly enough time for evaluation from me or you or anyone okay you are correct judy you were hired to evaluate children war day okay so i want the recorded sessions to start immediately and i want a full evaluation report on my desk when when you are finished oh and judy if nathan doesn't improve by the end of the week i will have to finish my evaluation early thank you nathan i need to record these sessions okay that's okay okay great you'll be a movie star someday i need you to state your full name and your age for me nathan perry 11 and a half and what's your favorite color orange i like orange it's a fun color why is that your it's favorite first color i saw in my first box of crayons well that's some memory that you have do you think about things from the past a lot do you have a dog i do have a dog do you like dogs yeah is it a he or she it's a girl what's her name jesse nathan did you have a dog i was i was going to okay nathan i want you to know that your parents are always with you always every step you take every day they're there and they're watching over you my mom used to tell me that she's right honey okay she's always there with you nathan what are you feeling are you sad or angry at anyone at your parents or you can tell me i'm done talking okay okay i'm just gonna shut this off and why don't we go outside does that sound good yeah yeah great let's go nathan okay go ahead i'll see you soon [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] did you just see that see what it's screaming that's word b it's worth b it's for bad kids we're not supposed to talk about what it be why not we're just not it's haunted no it isn't it is before my dad went away he told me it's just something nobody talks about you'll go there and you won't come back hey hello teacher i do the first thing talking to you why'd you do that didn't do anything she did you told on me you're the most scared little rat you scared loser would you call me [Music] well i'm really not sure what to do with you nathan i'm really not this bad not this bad oh okay is is that what this is nathan are you bad is is that this is about no right look i just i have so many emotions i i just don't think it's the proper time for your punishment okay but it will tell you this much see as of right now you are confined to your room meals will be brought to you you will have to ask to use the latrine any movement you make you need permission clear yes sir you're dismissed you can leave nathan perry due to the fact that there are no siblings nor parents of the deceased and zero arrangements in the will i have no other option but to assign full custody of yourself to the millwood treatment facility for young adults uh [Music] tommy [Music] tommy [Music] know [Music] [Music] [Music] even what happened last night i almost died how how did you almost die i i can't swim what do you mean you can't swim were you in water i thought you were calling me why would you think that i was calling you i heard your voice calling me and then i saw tommy about last night what else happened i fell in and they were all trying to get me who the kids nathan you just had a bad dream no it was real i talked to mr clemens you did i did and he feels the same way that i do what's that your happiness is what matters most i have a surprise for you okay wait right here and don't peek okay i'll be one minute jessie well we can't keep her here but i can bring her to visit you all the time how does that sound awesome come on jess come on oh my god someone's asking a lot of questions today can you answer no oh let me take her hey carl hey judy how are you i'm good how are you i'm doing all right thank you i'd like for you to meet my friend nathan it's a pleasure to meet you nathan hi carl takes care of all the landscape around here so all the trees and the flowers that's all called you take care of all of it every bit of it all by myself there's the the lawns that i have to manicure and i'm weeding all of the flower beds and and i i trim those shrubberies on the main driveway coming into this place pretty cool huh so carl we're gonna go but i have a whole basket of apples from for you oh very sweet of you judy thank you no problem i went apple picking so they're the good kind yeah all right we'll see you later okay all right let's go nice meeting you nathan yeah good laugh she's a good job she is and she likes you a lot strong dog very strong okay listen i'm gonna bring jesse back again to see you i promise okay and i'll see you later today okay all right bye bye i'll see you soon [Music] so so what are you doing nathan hmm what did i tell you about roaming the building i was looking for the pool the pool oh yeah okay let's go let's find it huh somebody let's find it you lead so what do you think it was i'm not sure maybe i was i was wrong hmm what do you think oh nothing uh i knew it i've got to go ahead no no no it's it we're here it's right here you you haven't been so good have you nathan have you tell me what's what's your next class answer me judy i'm meeting her at lunch and then we're going to her office after well you better you better get to lunch go ahead why are you late today i got lost have you been sleeping okay not really i don't like this place i know you don't but you're gonna get through this you're strong nathan can you help me yeah that's why i'm here i want to help you what do you need me to help you with nathan i want to run away what happened i don't like some of the people here you want to know a secret neither do i but that's why we've got each other you can get through this i promise it's getting late yeah it's okay it's okay i'm gonna help you okay you're right yeah i'm gonna see you tomorrow so charles do you happen to have nathan's physical evaluation on you mr clemons on time as usual as a matter of fact they do have great busy today nothing out of the ordinary right let's see what you got making a decision today are we well that actually depends what is your opinion on the matter my opinion on the matter is whatever you decide is probably the right way to go where's all my stuff where's my stuff well we've actually decided to move you to a bigger room i like it here we have a much better place for you nathan you'll be all right come with us come on let's go okay okay i want to go back it's too late for that you're confused and you need help okay doc where's all my stuff i told you you don't need your things here i want them your things are safe until you are ready for the outside world this is where you'll stay okay we've assigned you a private tutor someone will take you quickly tomorrow to meet her before you physical with dr charles tomorrow nathan tomorrow everything will be much better you'll see okay okay we have those for now on good night what the hell gives you the right i'm sorry the right i have full authority in this establishment oh so that's it see you later you're not needed anymore judy is that how this is going judy you are here to evaluate the newly acquired that's all get it once i feel the evaluation on your behalf is complete i will take it into consideration and i will make my final decision why are you doing this i've already received dr charles physical evaluation and his mental dr charles oh wonderful so in other words my opinions never mattered as of right now catherine rizzo will be taking care of nathan's education catherine rizzo it's real great i think catherine rizzo is more than qualified okay we will contact you when you're needed for another evaluation so you can actually leave now this isn't over i said you can actually leave this isn't over nathan perry um you are nathan perry right yes my name is ms rizzo that's ms not mrs how many chapters did you read last night nathan none none you know you have an entire essay due on that book by next week i suggest you get started you think this is a summer camp huh answer me oh math history these are subjects that we're starting with bringing with you to class every week will i still see judy you're not gonna see judy anymore in here sweetheart this is word b if you have any questions pertaining to work you come to me do you understand come in are you ready for him put your head up take your books have pride in your work well you're dismissed [Music] so nathan how you holding up everybody i'm gonna have to do this again well we want to make sure everything is okay and there are no changes how long have you been a doctor well you see my family has been in medicine for generations now i'm going to do you a major favor the kids hate these because they get so cold now watch what i do for you now why don't you lift your shirt up for me lift it up don't be afraid okay take some deep breaths in and out in and out [Music] [Music] [Music] you my friend are all set i want you to come with me i have a seat would you like one yeah okay why don't you wait here but i go get someone to take you back to your room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on please open [Music] close where were you what are you doing i got lost i thought i was supposed to go to my room you don't go anywhere without supervision do you understand come on it's time for some daylight judy everything okay no it's really not what happened i gotta go i'll talk to you soon okay judy nathan excuse me you can't talk to these kids excuse me i am a child therapist here i need a minute thanks you were a child therapist i need a where are minute going it's okay i just had to grab some things i'm gonna work on getting you out of here okay okay nathan i need you to take this and i need you to hide it you need to keep that somewhere safe where no one will find it and you call me if you need me for anything okay i'm gonna get you out of here nathan i promise you're gonna be okay you okay yeah something's wrong here is it haunted i think so wait here take this where did you get this i took it from the kitchens you never know what can happen what's going on over here hmm tommy you know the rules between both words don't you yes i'll speak to you later you're dismissed go all right let's get these kids in line let's get them back in not what's behind your back nothing nothing what is this nothing is this nothing why the [ __ ] do you have a knife i don't know you just gave it to me we will talk inside we will let's go hello nathan i wanted to personally bring you your lunch are you gonna make things difficult nathan hmm because you can make this easy or you can choose the wrong road your story is your choice remember that i want to go back i want to see judy that's not possible right now why why because if you want to keep your privileges like going outside you will cooperate that's why so shut up somebody would be buying 20 minutes to bring you to mrs rizzo's classroom you understand so be ready how much more do i have to read right to the end of the third chapter then take the practice quiz okay you will always come prepared to my class say it i will always come prepared to your classmates result start with the first chapter and then do the 10 practice questions it's not brain surgery i'm not good at math so now's the perfect time to focus on it isn't it well i see judy after sweetheart you could but judy doesn't want to help you anymore i'm not doing this i need to get out of here sit down nathan no i'm going to see judy sit down now listen to me you act up in my class again you'll have a lot more to worry about than a goddamn math quiz do you understand that yes what good now study mr clemens how are you i'm good i'm good things are actually unfolding nicely today and how is our friend nathan kids will be kids right kids right so nathan has hygiene next i have a nurse coming up to get him okay great great he'll be ready oh and katherine make sure you come to my office once you're done good day hurry up it's your family it's a cute dog unfortunately we don't do art in ward b stop crying and focus on your work so [Music] um who are you where did you come from hey uh where did you come from last night you appeared in my room what happened to you i'm gonna kill you oh help me [Applause] not only did you disobey orders about contact between both wards but you hid a deadly weapon from the millwood faculty you understand that good so as of right now you're admitted into ward b no yes dr charles will be giving you a psychological and physical evaluation i i wasn't thinking you're right tommy you weren't thinking you don't think that's the problem with you so we're going to fix it we're going to fix it one way or the other we're going to fix it [Music] nathan daryl suffers from extreme delusional symptoms do you know what that means huh he sometimes sees things that he can't control where did he come from well sometimes we have to put people in separate rooms for further testing and then we keep a watchful eye on them to make sure the treatment is working meaning sometimes he doesn't think correctly and we have to help him out i don't want him in my room we've already moved him out i'm i'm okay you know i'm fine oh we know that nathan can i go the bathroom i feel kind of sick so i don't learn nathan you look good yeah oh nathan would you like some help no you sure okay thanks [Music] there's tracy dr charles and who do we have here this is tommy hello thomas welcome to ward b you're gonna love it here i want to take good care of you come with me [Music] oh come on [Music] hello it's me nathan oh thank god are you okay i don't know something things are happening here what's going on there tell me what is going on there yeah i think they keep people in the basement in the basement nathan look i have to go i have to go nathan wait i need proof okay are you all set nathan let me go get someone to bring you back to your room okay nathan come with me [Music] me [Music] catherine whose car is that it's hers morning mr clemons good morning mr clemons kim what are you doing here uh just helping judy with her stuff where is she where did she go hmm i don't know she just left a few minutes ago right this way that way forget something actually yes catherine i did now you must have also forgotten that you're no longer employed here thank you catherine for being the one to remind me of that well we're all going to miss that smart mouth of yours judy just remember this the next time we see you on this property it will be considered trespassing catherine i don't like you i don't want you so let me make myself perfectly clear if anything happens to nathan or any of those other kids i will personally kick your [ __ ] ass excuse me but you might tell me what the hell you were doing i was just trying to find that out well since everyone must know i'm picking up my things these are my things i do have an office here you have no right being here i have all the right these are my things i clearly stated we will call you when you were needed did i not did i not i heard it oh clearly you heard it let me tell you something you people need all the help in the world i've seen these kids i've seen the ones in the next building over and something is seriously wrong here thank you for that assessment let's keep it in mind you can smirk at me all you want but i will find out what's going on and when i do purple's done that's that's it that's you know what as of right now you are terminated you're done enjoy this give me a batch give me a badge your badge badge i will drop it off enjoy your time together you [ __ ] psychos badge please get away from my [ __ ] badge so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so what is this in your hand what are you playing with put your hands on your knees keep them like that yeah that's right you belong here nowhere else no one else wants you what are you looking at look down eyes on the ground uncross your hands you're like don't tuck your head in look up like a man what are you i said look down you don't look up you do it what do you have let me check you what is this you're a mess how do you come out you're a mess [Music] so hurry up oh you look down formation line up single file stop on the line face forward you what are you doing formation let's go move let's go nathan make sure you wash your hands let's go hustle you so [Music] what's wrong someone's in there it's a bathroom of course there'd be people in there let's go aaron santos mr clemens and what's william just came to see how things are going with nathan perry you have a second um sure so how's he doing um he's doing quite well he's actually in class right now hanging in there oh well good and the rest of the kids fine everyone here at millwood is doing fine good i'm glad to hear everything's going well here mr santos is there something i can help you with no not at all you know how it is it's protocol right someone like nathan goes through a recent tragedy like this i want to make sure everything's going fine for him sure i i agree we could just continue this way carl carl this is aaron santos with dcf department of child and family oh a pleasure to meet you pleasure's all mine how are things that's never-ending tell me about it so mr santos came to see how nathan and the other children were doing oh he's he's doing great it's great kid they all are a real real sorrow what happened to his family i mean well i'm sure with everyone's help you can help them through these tough times of course well i don't want to keep you so it's great meeting you take care we'll go this way so if there's anything you guys need you let me know i will definitely have you on mine drive safe [Applause] so oh uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did this happen what did you do what is this nathan huh what is this what did you do i fell you you felt don't give me that [ __ ] you fell why was your door unlocked huh tell me that one why was your door unlocked i don't know what you mean i bet you don't know what i mean you screwed up major [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] uh [Applause] it's working good come on we don't have much time let's get him out of here it's time he's waking up good mr clemons i believe we can take this from here oh i want to be here for this song [Music] now now now now nathan do you hear me it's no use okay it's too late clemons i think it might be better if you just stepped to the side okay there's tracy okay [Music] [Music] judy judy told me i needed proof she she said that was the only way to help me she she wrote me a letter it it said that a camera was hidden near the playground it was under a pile of leaves near the tree over the bridge i knew that breaking the window would get me into trouble but but i had no choice and that's when i that's when i saw him he he had this kid [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] um you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 238,420
Rating: 4.6194053 out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie, The Orphanage, Milwood
Id: uE3U2GDgP_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 57sec (5457 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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