Lad: A Yorkshire Story (Award Winning Drama, Full Movie, HD, Entire Feature Film) *free full movies*

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Lad: A Yorkshire Story (2013)

Drama [1 h 36 min]
Mario Demetriou, Oliver Exley, Alex Froom, Alan Gibson
Director: Dan Hartley

IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8.2/10 (51 votes)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MovieGuide 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
Wow let you out the way you can Right Eyes you fflewddur Enrico what you're talking about. You know that volcano in Iceland - ooh Falou Lewis whatever it's called rasuu vyas Krakatoa all of the massive volcanoes in this world this one My friend he's gonna go off It's gonna be the big one All right, not this one he's gonna very real oh, yeah Bloody ugly what's he doing here? I don't know. I tell him Well, how did he find it? You must have told him didn't foot over Looks way get lost. All right Tell him to start off Nick. Yeah, he's right better. Just cool. You promised me What you're talking about promised him what it's no It's not you promised me week the bustling today. What was that before or after you play with your Barbies? Time to go I'm Nick sort some out tomorrow. Yeah, that's not fair Told Dad where you got the gun from you are You ought to tell your dad anything you got that? You're not gonna tell them anything, right? Well, let me watch Tell you what, you can be lookout yeah Wha-wha you'll see then look out Oh You can yell out if you see anyone yeah, yeah What you doing come on now's our chance Oh Dick All right Don't go dragging mood into else normal have a fit. No one do In goes to your brother here dad You have not left him on tops we want with us Nick Oh Oh Scared you Leave your night Tom. What what you still dunno don't you? Remember? I was lookout thought we had someone come in rubbish Yeah, put these on Shawn gone Good You're always wing to me when easier. No not yeah, you are who's trying to get rid of me? We found someone. Well, I Can't tell you it's a secret don't believe you don't bother me. Well, tell me then I Found a secret. I don't well, where did you find it past Cory? I want to see you Can't go now. Why cuz tea's ready. Oh, but you'll take it tomorrow Alright, alright I Thought my cats all right play pool Why you did this? Yeah It was hardly a nap be out. Well, I'm gonna be out well that I'll be in. You know what me? Tom Eat your carrots They don't work Are you talking about you always said they give me 20 20 vision, but they don't I've got 20/20 vision Sure That reminds me Found this wow Did you find it the quarry right good spot. Yeah, so no no my Value next time we could sit shop really Totally awesome Well, we all have a fossil. Hey, don't we dad? All right Not Nick ya know what's on Nick. Thank you Any light that Oh, I've gotta go almost done almost um it now Oh, Get out of me bloody light Does got a deal on with chippy on 3408. Oh you think the kitten a nice? Sweet a crispy Yeah, what you think it's good yeah really good Don't see man you can't do that Braxley surprise You sure this fishing here Garces fish why wouldn't the bay the fishing lake Sounds good just isn't You did a good job Tom come on, give gonna make me late Come on Tom don't mess me about I'll go see the band before work It's not like Nick does so is it not going Tom please? I'm just saying Now if you're not gonna wait that you're gone gray Come on I'm not busy ladies you're dragging your feet. Come on Obviously, we appreciate how difficult things are for Tom at the moment Loss of a loved one naturally throws you off balance And Tom's case, you know logistical work suffered And there have been instances of disruption in class Which is why it's so important that we do everything we can to provide structure and stability Fattah Unfortunately these absences Only serve to increase the sense of isolation Vulnerability that Tama feels Thank you I'm sorry Tom. I know how hard this is for you and your brother. I wish it wasn't believe me I do But you have to help me Tom listen to me I Can't do this without you boys, really I can't Okay, I'll go to school Right I Thought we might watch films together the way they say God I got cadets How about you skip it tonight Nick that's been much time together recently What as a family ya Know The things we need to talk about Poor things how's things? not to discuss What Nick he's not that simple. You can't just shut out the world. You know, I leave off it more What? I Thought we might move closer to town Don't talk rubbish what's wrong with you? It's just too far away Tom and I'm not always gonna get the time of work to fit you up, you know look Nick We're just listening today. It's not about what you want and what you don't want it's about what we have to do then why bother ask I Won't occur then take out So much choice if I might take the house And beyond on the mortgage babies Don't understand. How can they don't take our house of us? He's the lord tom a God Ford the mortgage and the insurance company off a donkey thing You'd act like there were bloody Cory's fault. We were hotter Nantes fault what he's on you just fucking die. Don't take out that know If Emma spent all that time in that pool smoking and drinking If Peter looked after himself bad we won't be alone now it's not fucking fair What a living you saw Help you see Wanna fight to write your all's I wanna help you feel it. I wanna be We Father aren't you you know, what you and but I need you Father I wish you were not gone gone for so so many days I need to feel it. I need to be fun I can be right I can be your son I Believe inside I believe in son Taking a vehicle without consent Criminal damage driving without a license Reckless endangerment breach of the peace. Do you realize how serious this is Tom? The house Did you know about this mr. Proctor, you know, of course I didn't The banker trying to repossess our house look he didn't mean any of them this is potent I Understand you're going for a difficult time right now, I Certainly don't wanna bring any further hardship on you, but these are serious charges. You understand that tom Yeah, what would you don't be thinking right now, where is he I Thought no I do you think I could have a quick word. Good morning. Thank you Come on let's go play for you Account grounded moms are working shit Shit oh Come on don't leave wet So when you coming back to school I'm not going back Stupid y'all want to talk Well, what you gonna do? It's like mmm. You know what? I'm joining the army, huh? I did him a physical last weekend, but that means you'll be moving away Not for long how long? About 12 weeks for basic training 12 weeks. I can't stay here, Tom But why are you Lee all I've got left? I don't see what else I can do stay And do what? I don't know just a get a job Brown Deer. I don't know just stay I've made my decision to me. It doesn't matter what you say. How long? What do we go a week? It wasn't anything like they said and he didn't steal tractor he borrowed it Anything else No This is Prancer Today I love it it I've got some news about Tom Okay. Yeah, there's nothing more about that screaming We've got the assessment back from the fire Tom get down yet You must be dumb my name's al You haven't used a soul before Lud maybe all right come over here not sure yeah See how he owes me some to guide it cut me some rough no, you won't now listen all You're doing is establishing the cooked once you've got a Grove you move your thumb out the way And then that's when you start to sort Brockway. All right, you got that Well, then you'll do it Listen lad Ten weeks me and they have got together and I'll not have y'all standing about idle whilst I do all the work You're here to help you're not here for an already. Do you understand that? Well, you only use gold that won't anytime didn't when I Booya You're not gonna come see me off don't know Don't go Tom we've already been through this know me now stay for a bit. Let's go fishing our summit. I've got to go pack What's going on at school No You better keep what we studies Y'all want to talk but you're different. Yeah You've always been good at that like all that stuff, you know about rocks. I never did that don't mean nothing. He does Tom I'm sure dad are doing it to where daddy will need you to join the army No, wouldn't it would wanted you to stay with me Tom, please? What just come see us off. All right Just tell me said goodbye, right Yeah, these are fully messy, all right on it You don't expect me to clear all this look me yeah. No, I don't I expect we both will What come on get on with each Now coming up there for blasting then Foreman's overseeing it. I'll take a look tomorrow David used to say mr. Day is a dynamite and fuse wire. You asked us never used to lay the charges It was a PA stunt digger Right There's a good driver your husband Did you manage to get any more shifts at supermarket wanted to but it's ty even we are nick not about well Maybe you could come and work at quarry. Kiss me looking for someone at mormon relay I'm at a cleaner for a month or so, and it would be clean Oh, yeah, you think I'm gonna come and work down the quarry as a cleaner Yeah What about working on trucks What driving? Yeah You won't want that. Why not? well it's dirty work and physical physical the most energetic thing that I saw David do we play pooling staffroom a Meaning if I could get a job working down at quarry. I could pay off me mortgage. Come off it Sarah I don't mean to be funny, but it's man's work bollocks. Come on, Sarah. Don't patronize me Christopher you haven't got a license you'd have to be trained up and I Suppose you're right Well, I Mean, I'm keeping the job book. All right, then if I get me a TV license, you'll give me a job at quarrei Oh Thank You Christopher, thank you Right, I'm enough to borrow one it trucks to practice way. So how about next Wednesday Is the Ranger Do me now. No, it's not 20 min. Why where's it gone? He's out, but it's supposed to be here Sorry, I can't help that You must be tom. I'm his granddaughter Lucy. Why isn't he here? Where's he gone? He just popped out. I Feel high maintenance on you. So what he told you I don't need to be done what I can save myself So will the outlaw be short, aren't you? Coming then Don't you have You think it's old are you then 13? Yeah 16, but I look older Honestly, you're cut out for the physical work. What's that supposed to me? That could lift more than you got a girlfriend do you mind I've got a boyfriend he's called Jax who's in Paris tweet blaming I see you met Lucy then Y. All right. Um Right, did we get on with you then right? Well actually I'm ablaze That also old it's All we need now is a cup of coffee. Thanks lo sick flashed in the front love Bio back I don't Don't just show off He's not a show-off Lucy You've done little boy who's lost his dad. I mustn't jump to conclusions law No, I told you it will your spurned they set up the account Well, I was I supposed to speak to you he's dead Look, can you please just use some common a bloody sense? Let me speak to my branch Of course I've got bloody phone number don't be ridiculous, uh Is Sarah Proctor? No No P AR o CT. Oh, uh No, no Haven't got time to fill in any forms. I've already been down to the bank. We'd been over all this Look this needs to be sorted today By we know why it's bloody not good enough Right, come on get your caught Break up or Come on so I'm gonna go all day He likes to be called Pilate it window You can't drive this Bollocks This is my son Todd, you know him he's the one that called you banking crap Do you know how old he is? 13 13 and he's just lost his dad. That's just got to do with me. He's the one that's been labeled the criminal Not you. This is outrageous I'm gonna call the police 12. Yes Ma'am yours Ben never missed a mortgage payment not once and now without any Thor regard from circumstances You just want to take our house offers now marked its best in my book Look, I can't discuss this here. If you've got an issue with a bank you'll have to make an appointment How did he find out where I live? This is Yorkshire We know where everyone lives here, but you're not you won't know anything about that. Do you look at your arm? Look, how you live. How could you? Sit there in your fancy offices making decisions that ruin people's lives and you're anonymous My husband died Do you know what that means apart from the obvious? Devastation, er lost. My family's feeling it means I've lost his wage And what do you do? You've told me you're gonna take our outs ah, hold an auction it off for a loss when I need it the most Just because you don't see the people your work doesn't mean today leader. Our body won't feel late listen One more month that's all I need one more month and then I can pass me testing I can go in I Refer to the committee committee a what bloody committee you stopped by opposite me Anya How many more people does it take to make a decision look? One more month. Can I happy or not? I'm sorry There's a process we have to go through the receipt. I well You know what you can do you trip your fuckin process off your arse until the committee. That's where they can find it Come on tumblr Just do you remember my brothers in the army? And you can add that to the booty bill at all Not being there since dad died, huh? Did you know my dad Well, that's seeming black hoss from time to time Do you think your own fit knock on say hey Tom What about m3 pay Tracy's Eostre doe they were all right. Well, they guess sir Sanya mind tunnel Well Nick reckons, it was dad's fault he had a heart attack When someone dies need to find a reason cause That's because we're upset and we can't handle the pain but sometimes they just aim to reason That's what happened. We my Jane Was Jane your wife hi What happened She developed a blood clots Well, I'm something we could say or that we knew about is that them? She went in a sleep Do you believe in afterlife I Think we live on in all sorts of ways And we die as bodies break down and the molecules go back to the earth kind of recycled by Nature I've come to sell my rocks Sara the school's on the phone You're grounded but your word get inside Oh Morning good day for it Scott give you this. I didn't know you were learning to drive trucks Sisson I don't understand the saint of pay for an intensive training course, but I haven't You love those rocks who's you to get the job I'm so sorry tom. I'm so sorry Oh go on lad out with eat what's bothering you It's nothing So me must be up not as chipper as you normally are I Just get lonely Yeah, miss your dad all the time I'll bet you do only a young lad miss. I'm not the carry on your shoulders. I Just don't think it's fair No observer fair note But you have to get used to it Your life goes on Tom and you have to learn and do what you can to make sure that happens It's okay What today just feel empty? What did you like to do with your dad you? Go looking for rocks Looking for wrongs For the poor in him. Oh We just look for special ones And what made a rock special to you and you dad The fact that it been there for thousands of years Unnoticed there me and my dad picked them up me was That was our thing yours to keep Think about my dad every day he died 25 years since Still brings along to me throat you know, I Get something sleazy at as time goes on What we'll do when you ready need to be now Me and they will go up in these hills and we'll find that rock And you can take it to him you can give you doing What do you say? Thanks Hello everyone this is above that I play rugby with and I've been to the national finals twice and it's also The BIOS and the match where her broke two people's likes by accident. I did apologize to them afterwards and Unfortunately, we've got some national finals but we lost Okay Tom let's see what you got ma'am Can't be right Tom. You must have bought in your rocks Just come up and talk to us then about him Muin whetstone is a very special rock and it's only found one place in the entire and that's by my house It's got blinds Tom wavy lines that come to through nobody knows why Oh, that's about Perfect shot Asin do you think you've got what it takes to get through basic training sir? Yes, sir Balls of steel that's what I'm talking about They may be heavy and awkward to walk with but you won't regret it when you stand on a landmine Say yes said I give you permission to speak say no sir. You've got 60 seconds to get round this car go It's a bloody joke al Sodding Walker's record again room where of the bloody wealthy like it and doesn't blue be matters at my walls in the way Oh, no, I mean look at it look at it. It's a fast a fiasco I Don't know our part things were supposed to make a living My bloody prized pedigree blue Lester's mingling with Swale Dale's It's a bloody travesty I'm not up. I'll tell you that now I am NOT happy. Do you think we all start getting them separated then? Fold them up a safe. We need to have a meeting about this roaming business, but will they beat me? you're always bloody wouldn't - bloody busy driving around in the Black Sea You think you can pull that ruddy shape dog to some sorta yose No point. She's as deaf as a post In that right Beyonce death is a post ain't ya? Find your son's a bit more use Snow dog Where are you? Well, I Didn't know you what a dry stone were all at all my dad taught me I Shouldn't really out first though. That's good. You should be proud Now you're pickled black tea. Oh Yeah, see you nearly doesn't win All right. What is the Mon bro Oh Lovely, not much left to do. We'll let you all get on with your hair Tom Come on lad Well bugger it What you doing here But maybe you'd like to try. Hello. Hey Al's got an appointment so he told me to come and tell you oh That's why I'm here so Hello Who's this son, Tom? Hey, I'm Al's granddaughter Lucy. Oh, well, come on in your doors open She seems nice. Mm-hmm Helps busy today, so he just told me to come back Tom now. Well, that's the same He said that Tom I like to show you around a bit last times now I saw about it Tom. There's no see We could go for a wander. Can we I think that's a great idea. Tom doesn't get many visitors. Do you love? Tom Then went under that Let me change it to that Here come to me and Lisa for novels massive. Yep, living area Find a private to you Butler is Topsail Bad tools meant for a bad job. Oh I'm not as young as I used to be My dad's guide was rightness, Jim and Nikol always in it them tinkering with stuff all the time Most blokes like to spend some time in their workshops, you know gives them an excuse to get away from the wife Didn't you like being machine I Trade a million days in this workshop, but one more day with my gene I Wish I'd met her I actually don't like to larger Is least she liked it Lucy sure let's say She's forthright Headstrong what if stubborn? She's more like their mom or your daughter How come she never comes of pian So busy Oh Y'all dumb down for a philosophy lesson If a tree falls in a forest and there's no one there to hear it does he still make a ratty Right Faith will coupling relies on which connecting device Oh, come on I'm trying we did this one earlier It's not good, I don't know wait a king pin kingpin I'm never gonna pass Evil mom, I know you will Hey off to barracks, yep promise you'll email me right? Yeah So, uh, who's the lady? Thanks coming frisbee. Where are you based? Cambridge that's right it ok I'll buy then not sixty Speed didn't kill us. I'm sure the embarrassment would see you cradle snatcher Over there That's what dry stone wall in competition number. They're very tense buoy number they're Show jumping up a bit back Took the world in little And there's gonna be cake baking Falconer Punch and Judy vintage tractors machinery, so If that wants to pitch your tent there's only one spot that can really No Apple don't fall, and he don't need to be out be All right, then don't Know should be a wooden this year Unless it rains man little bit cut up The weather never hurt anybody tell me now these dry stone walling competition Tommy Well Will be some big lads they're both If al says that was enough That'll do for me now then About this comes with the ocean It's better than Elvis blowing a bloody gale out. Yeah, I Need results. All right. Okay. Yo, just give him told me over the phone No doctors gotta see me cell All right, love yeah, thanks. I'll be there bye How's this So got bread ham Thomas and cheese What so nice? Thomas you must have had it Does it have meat till it? No? Probably won't oh I have got some sure it so Will you sit down you think I was gonna beat you Why are you acting all weird I'm not acting all weird now that Also got some cider do you drink about beer before Is it like hard we list no no, I Mean is it hard when it goes away Suppose sir I'm in around girls much. Have you done course AB are good to a coed. Have you ever had a girlfriend? Well sort of could you kiss their hey, did you kiss her found if He's a bit daunting at first Somebody's to show you how I've seen it. I'm telling I Can show you no. Thank you Come here, I mean if I don't want to it's for your own good no come here Now kiss me See so that part is it maybe you need to welcome you technique a little bit other than that Sure, it's ER So I've got everything prepared these five days worth of food Breakfast lunch and tea and have written the down each once you can't get confused Karen said she'll give you a lift if you want to go anywhere and have left a number over on the fridge Oh mom stop Fussing I'll be right. Well, I'm only a couple of hours away so I can come straight back Oh mom just go make sure you pass. All right and will I know what can do it? mom, yeah, fifth wheel coupling component should be checked monthly or every 10,000 kilometres. Love you mum So I happy with the work we're doing man of course, ah I'm done. All right, don't worry Yeah, but there's still loads more to do like that path that needs finishing and all the songs that need updating What'd you say? Rangers work is never done. Oh, you're right. Never do You know the name of the Ranger that what are you before me? No? Name what are you in back? We? Know how long ago that was? No 17 years Don't ever say I 17 years dane doubt wind rain snow shine And you know there'll be someone here after I go Jimmy where are you going? Go on see me daughter Tillman went always seen eye to eye and I think each time I patch things up with her She lived in Cambridge That's miles away That's a bit of a way Because I'm going down there then you're sending the new feller up to take my place I'm retiring Tom. I'm retiring from the job. I thought you loved this job Thought you loved it more than anything else. I do The whole man now Dolman I'm not getting any younger But we're a team If I don't like the new Ranger, it won't be the same Nobody's ever the same as anybody else, but we've all got good points Besides you've served your Tim woods, ain't you ready enough, you know? Oh Look I Want you to make me a promise What promise a promise? You'll give them your father a fair chance Tom Why sugar? Everyone's always telling me to promise it and do that. I don't know summer I Need anything. Oh Did you Scully I? Told him what did you say? I told him I'm moving away Mister selling wise I'll deal with it Lucy Are you alright and it's Ali now he's not here yet. Sorry, can I help too? You're Tom clock tonight. Yeah, you will never go out this good look a Letter you've no lease You're leaving ah I couldn't find you the show You're on rope got something You're wrong tom is everything I'm proud of you Been proud of you from the moment you took that tractor Took guts to stick all for your family like that door Closes lighter Not very well I Haven't been well for some time Failure times up some time You remember I said We'd go and look for that rock when the time were right you remember? Yeah Of y'all that rock tell Now the Warner's kept your family together I didn't come to taesung because you needed to understand that Whatever happens in your life - you'll have the strength to go forward. Thunk of it Miss you I've done. Yeah, I know Why does everyone have to leave We still the two of us and I'm not going anywhere Did you pass Of course they did What night did you get 98% top of my class? It's not bad for a short are say Don't put class Yeah top of their class Does this mean you'll get their job get the job? I'm gonna be running that place in a few years And we get to keep the house, yeah. Yeah we do And all things have been really hard I promise you we're gonna get a lot better Come here Come on let's get a Souls. Oh, man. I was celebration. So way your mom In the truck Yeah on the road. Yeah, come on. I'm a professional now I want to live in love you song. I wanna help you. See hidden What a fat to ride you dolls wanna help I want to be there Father I want you in my sleep or what you win But I need you when a we I need you when I'm bleeding father. I wish you were not dog God for so so many days You must be pizza, my name is Tom Proctor I've heard a lot about you Being enough alone lead days crying Been enough it damage weights been enough to driving been enough of all the thoughts All the thoughts. I know I know I Need to feel it I need to be far I can be wrong. I can be right I can be your son at your side I'm believing son, I believe inside I'm the leave answer I need to feel it. I need to be I Can be right I can be your son let you Live inside. Oh, I believe in time believe inside. Oh Yeah Son Be enough below it a use been enough Been enough the damaged ways in another day
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Id: p5OafA72SGY
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Length: 97min 21sec (5841 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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