Nine Arrested After Raid On Cannabis Factory | Police Suspect No 1 | Real Responders

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i don't have to say i don't have to say anything did you shoot that gun where did you shoot it when a crime has been committed did he hit her in the face there could be a gun up here anywhere detectives must first identify a suspect it's covering his face as he goes past it got this girl here still looking back if she walks away yeah that is bang in the middle of the crime time next they must search for rock solid evidence the offenders were wearing balaclavas the gun is crucial isn't it juries are told you must be sure but it's so difficult to hit that test then they must put their case to the test face to face with the suspects in the interview room we often sit in a small room no more than two or three feet between you and the person who has raped murdered burglars stolen here's a little bit of a game i guess chess poker if you move one piece they move another one will the evidence stand or fall will the suspect tell the truth or will they manage to hide it they will do anything say anything we are lied to frequently they can muddy the waters in any way they want [Music] this time detectives confront suspects in a major drugs operation are the plants at the building you were found in yours how many crops have you harvested since you set it up who do you work for and the suspect in a vicious street robbery that really is a desperate act isn't it in the middle of the day university drive it's really reckless [Music] all right we've got one padlock on the gate norfolk police have a tip-off about a possible drugs operation at an out-of-town industrial estate [Music] yeah i think they won alfred we've opened the day they've sent a team of officers to force their way into the building and take the operation down an armed organized crime group or ocg could be waiting for them inside [Music] please stay where you are don't touch anything don't wait around please inside they discover cannabis plants hundreds of them filling room after room the street value of the crop is half a million pounds members of the drugs gang could be hiding out inside the building hoping to evade capture clear pull it back it's a drying room drying room is clear yeah that's clear there's another thing down where you here lay on the floor do not move do not move do not move hey please stay where you are stay where you are show me your hands hand out hand out come here come a total of nine men are arrested on scene the detectives will go on to investigate the people behind this operation but right now the priority is the suspects they have caught here are they willing members of the criminal operation or victims working as slaves under threat of violence i think it's really important we treat something like this seriously it's organized money it's people that are earning lots and lots of money from a criminal activity and that in turn feeds more criminality which is why we have to be on top of it and while we have to deal with it some people involved in this organization may be coerced into doing it but also a good number of them know exactly what they're getting involved in they know exactly what they're doing their part and password in that and they'll be rewarded for that and it may well be that they move on to another factory and another farm if they're not quarter this one they know what they're doing they're not feels and they're getting criminal money out of it so it needs to be stopped allowing extra time to find translators they have 36 hours to interview all nine suspects before each one is either charged or released while interviews get underway detectives lee mariner and pete williams nicknamed swede will search for clues at the cannabis factory it's about how they got here how they've been treated have they been paid is any of what's happening what's going on with them lawful so it's not just about canada's factory it's about truth and lies now all those people that are involved in that will know they will have guilty knowledge of what's going on there and it's about how we're going to get the truth out of them are they going to lie to us that is seriously organized crime wow nine suspects must soon be interviewed on suspicion of cannabis cultivation and could face sentences of five years but are they all members of the crime gang or victims who've been forced to work here [Music] all right buddy how's it going detectives lee and pete will look for evidence at the scene [Music] cool smell it already that's potent wow because there's white everywhere yeah all right they're like drying their own clothes in here okay this is one of the main rooms through here it was all working when we got here so in total there's the drawing room there's four main growing rooms there's a total of 1057 give or take wow i've never seen anything like this before no it's bigger now this is amazing this is the final grow room that is unbelievable seriously organized crime it's probably the biggest the north i've ever had isn't it i've never known one as big as this i just want to make sure we're tight in terms of the seizures and stuff before we do too much more we're not seizing everything we haven't got the room consumption on the room store this there's one exhibit are they [Music] finding nine suspects is a surprise it would usually take far fewer to run even a large cannabis factory like this where are this um this cannabis grow um feeling was that the reason we've got so many in there they're all mature [Music] yeah that's all going to come out in the interview i'm sure bye bye as i understand it this gate was locked yeah the lock for the gates over there wasn't locked but the doors were all locked um are the people that were arrested in their victims and therefore are they actually locked in here yeah or is that are the gates locked for the purposes of keeping the police out yeah so because you know we we don't know which way it's going to go or it might be a combination of both he's had the lock away we'll exhibit that and then we'll just be relying on the account statements from um from the officers at gained entry back at hq detective sergeant ali claiborne is piecing the jigsaw together lee and swede are still out there they've not been back they've been out there all day the plants have been cut sort of suggested nothing's been harvested yet lives are in quite advanced so whether or not they've all gone there to do harvesting they might be just trying to fill it up ready to harvest might know yeah well that's where we're at i think these interviews are really significant what were their roles what were they all doing there we've got people of different nationalities all together so who plays what role how did they all come to be together if you've got younger or older people then you might think well are the younger ones going to be the ones that are going to be the more hard workers are the older ones going to be the ones organizers telling the younger ones what to do there will be a hierarchy there will be some need for somebody within that group to leave the premises to get food or water or somebody that needs to have contact with the next rung up the ladder and really difficult for us to determine who sits where in that hierarchy when the suspects are interviewed the detectives know they could face well-rehearsed lies designed to get the suspects off the hook we are lied to frequently but i think we have to sometimes consider the reason for that lie is somebody trying to belittle their part in the crime is someone lying to us because they're scared if they tell us the truth differentiating the truth from the lies is crucial or instead of giving a false account members of the group might already have agreed to maintain a wall of silence to make it as hard as possible to build a case against them the fact that three suspects come from a single country turkey raises suspicions about their role so the three turkish are they're slightly older so you know have they got more of a senior role are they the ones that are organizing who's going to do what where and when in terms of the harvesting questions are the plants at the building you were found in yours i don't want to talk that's fine yeah mom sorry okay anything let me go and lie down what should i do how many crops have you harvested since you set it up i don't want to give an answer so i don't want to talk would it be more helpful if you just stayed silent what was being grown at the property nebuchadnezzar no answer who takes cuttings to develop the next crop no [Music] one suspect is from bulgaria who do you work for what is the plant being grown at the property another is from albania what is the plant being grown at the property you were founded what do you do within that property i think your list of prisoners you look at your prisoners turkish turkish turkish all three have gone no comment so the bulgarian again no comment is it coincidence or not none of these have explained what they've been doing but not all the suspects refused to talk there are two vietnamese males among the nine and their role is one of the detectives biggest puzzles previous experience suggests they may have willingly taken on specialist roles at the factory we've often had vietnamese that have set up the gardening of big scale groves they'd be the ones tending to the plants to make them grow and and flower but one vietnamese male says he is only 15 years old and a victim of trafficking so you've been arrested on suspicion of cultivating cannabis so growing cannabis plants how did you get to the uk you must say a lorry or a car or a airplane a lorry what sort of in the back of a lorry yeah and in vietnam who were you living with i'm something does your mom know where you are now man [Music] okay who arranged for you to leave vietnam to come to the uk did you not know where you were heading yeah where did the minibus take you to them and since you went into that building have you [Music] been out yeah i am good at that what did they say that they would do if you did go out not nowhere the detectives must soon decide whether the evidence says some of the nine really are innocent victims in a few hours time they must all be charged or released even when major investigations are underway detectives must react to urgent new cases especially when there's a danger that a suspect might strike again two vicious attacks carried out in the streets in broad daylight have just been reported two robberies at the the uae campus which is a university campus just outside the city two students have been targeted and female students so the mayor will come cycling along here come along next to her and make a grab for her bag she holds on she doesn't let go of it she's not letting go of it loving them on her another punch or a push something to try and get her away that really is a desperate act isn't it in the middle of the day university drive a passerby stops the robber [Music] and he cycles off with nothing the cctv doesn't identify the suspect's face but another person nearby had the presence of mind to take a photo the suspect has been photographed by a member of the public i've been told it's not the clearest of photos so which one's the suspect that one there and then there's his bike so he's at the victim's bike no that's the suspect's bike he's he's quite skinny with the hand you can see the veins can you drug user probably sort of explain they they're skinny jeans aren't they with that track suit their tracksuit looks like a police track suit he's got the um quite simple pumps is that custody bombs could be is that the only footage we got we've got cctv but it is a distance and you just you see the event happening and you see him cycle up to a grab a bag she sort of stumbles backwards and he's ripping the bag at the handles on the floor and as he's doing it he's sort of windmilling into her really so he's not just pulling the bag he's proper punching and trying to get off her did you get away with much he got away with nothing because remember the public stepped in the other one he got away with some property uh a cash card i think yeah the face is there more interesting is the bike might be there i don't even make it it's quite an old one isn't it yeah they look like a quite old dirty shoes on there i'll circulate that now since the suspect grabbed the victim's bag it will be submitted for dna but if that comes up with nothing a new cctv image could be their only hope the two robberies happened within 200 meters of each other so a camera might have caught him moving between them and where again was the first or one of the other robberies yeah so you've got here and then down here so here's just a circle this green line is that cut through i want to have a look at the um the incident locations when the witnesses and the victims give an account of a suspect that is pale skinny those sort of descriptions with somebody that's committing robberies during daylight in an area which is quite well populated and busy because it's so close to the uea screams desperation it screams potentially drug abuse this person needs to be taken off the streets and we're actually still out there there is there is that risk and there is that concern that at what point is he going to reoffend it's just a cat and mouse gain until until he's found but we're buggers we don't give up [Music] detectives have queased nearly all the suspects from the cannabis factory and more clues are emerging at the scene of the crime we've got eyes i've been about three of the rooms there are keys which we think are padlock keys obviously on that gate over there there's a padlock on the inside so we think potentially some of the nine have been arrested are gonna say we were locked in against our wheel we couldn't get out however they looks like they could go out because the key was the padlock was locked this side there was keys three keys distributed about just left about so anyone could leave for their free will so they're not being essentially held captive that's what we suspect this was the door where we thought it was locked from the outside but we found the keys on the inside if they were claiming that they'd if they wanted to claim that they were locked in you know the keys are on the inside of the door as the evidence builds the suspects have more and more explaining to do in the interview room suspect potters brazil is an albanian man age 31 you keep saying you're going to tell me everything okay so what do you want to tell me we teach painting them [Music] we've been there for three days and haven't done get that feet could you leave at any point okay because when the officers have attended today they've said yes there is a padlock door the officers that attended there have said that the keys were in a in a place right by the door you could reach round to unlock that padlock and leave the premises [Music] just finding it there's quite quite a few things that don't really add up with what you've said so far and i'm just finding it a bit difficult believing everything you're saying i guess so i'm just queering it forward the deadline for either charging or releasing all the nine suspects is up got to the point where we put a case file through to the crown prosecution service so that resulted in all nine of the suspects being charged with production of cannabis got people saying actually you know we're we're victims here we've been brought here and forced to work and if that's the case we'll do everything we can to safeguard them and make sure they're giving all the support however we've got balance that will actually you know is that are they telling us the truth the detectives will go on looking for new evidence that proves their innocence or guilt two days after the attacks the street robber who tried to rob two female students is still at large but the detectives have found some new cctv images from near the street where the second woman was attacked the other guys have been out and they've got um cctv from wycliffe let me know when you're ready and i'll come over and have a look a man is seen riding around on the same red bicycle seen at the robbery but there's still no image that shows the suspect's face he comes back suspect with the jacket off that's not a different camera angle it's just no it's just later on in time about 10 minutes later what after the robbery after the robbery what's he doing back you think that you'd just get away as far as possible there he is and he's cruising he's changed he's changed he's just took it off he's holding the jacket he's looking for something he is you're right he's really lucky that no one has turned up so soon afterwards if the robber dropped anything at the second robbery when he grabbed the victim's purse it could have his dna or a fingerprint it all happens on the road here and this is where he comes back to afterwards to collect something he's probably come along here and she's just timed it wrong and walked out of this little cul-de-sac which is what i think has happened she lives just around here she's come along here he's come cycling along spotted her casually on her phone got up quite close followed her around and then just grabbed her probably around where that tree is on the corner just past the silver birch tree and that's where she's then run after him because he's got her phone and that's where they've ended up stopping further up unfortunately not gonna find anything laying around on the floor so so late in the day the fact that he's done one straight after the other so close to each other knowing that the police will probably be on their way it's really reckless hopes of identifying the suspect now rest on whether a fragment of his dna can be found on the back he tried to grab [Music] since the nine cannabis factory suspects were charged new evidence is emerging about which was telling the truth about their roles so the biggest update that we've got is with mr tran so mr tran is the chap that claims to be a juvenile he says he's uh i think 15 years old yeah his account um again a very detailed account in interview what did they say that they would do we had a situation where a dentist comes to do some work on his teeth and it showed he had wisdom teeth so his appear he'd be a bit older clearly he can't put an exact age on someone from that but he can give an age range and at this stage we haven't got the report through it yet but it looks like he is aging him at somewhere between 20 and 25. therefore when you consider the account that he's given if you bear in mind he's lied about his age it would then yeah tend to undermine the rest of his account the lies he's told about his age is really gonna hinder his defense [Music] the next biggest development is he has now decided to go guilty so that's interesting because his interview account was almost the slavery defense um he'd been in the uk for a month his phone was taken off of him they've been forced into taking part in the whole cannabis production did you try and call the police [Music] [Music] so clearly what he was telling us wasn't quite true all i can think is leading up to the trial you get discount for the earlier you plea so it might be that you thought well as a result of the police inquiries they're conducting [Music] it might be that they're going to find something which shows that i'm actually not not a slave i'm not the victim of monday slavery and therefore it's better to plead guilty now and try and get some credit you just don't know exactly who is telling the truth some of these people might be victims [Music] a few have gone guilty so the more that that happens the more you're tending to think okay well if that person wasn't telling the truth and is now going guilty and that person is now dropped off and isn't claiming that it's more than likely that the rest are probably going to follow suit it's now been three days since the street robberies and still no suspect has been identified but forensic tests on the back that he tried to grab have been fast-tracked yep so i've got some forensic reporting um so dna hit for simon garrett there is a there's a simon luke garrett on an athena with a different date of birth who looks like what would be a good match what is his bag what is his thing so this is his photo from may this year i mean if you look at the way his the path is life's taken from so this is him in 2016. so yeah so how he is now oh crap it's remarkable someone's life's gone a little bit downhill simon garrett is now suspect number one the detectives just have to track him down when the detectives arrive at garrett's address he's out on the streets he's got the shot probably a local shot so he's close by on the bike i'm gonna jump in the car before he sees all this he went half an hour ago though on a bike so [Music] he might have locked up my car go ahead caller hey he's been nick does he okay super job on my way back he's come back to the house simon garrett is a close fit for the suspect seen on cctv at the robbery scene even his red bicycle is a match the detectives now have 24 hours to confront the suspect in the interview room before he's either charged or released first his clothes are searched to see if they match the cctv evidence too you have a chat with your sister and then we'll go before the interview detectives carly and tom must disclose to simon garrett's solicitor the essentials of their case but they can choose to hold back their trump cards written disclosure yeah i know oh god my cup running though let me have a little breed yeah we've got an attempted robbery in a robbery both from wednesday uncomfortable for him so the moment he's the only suspect yep so you say that the suspect is forensically linked to the first events yes but if i read correctly not the second there is still some work on going with the victim in that second um belongings but we haven't had a result on that yet so what are we proposing this evening presumably we're not going to bottom it out this evening and now we're going to put a frank concession we'd like to interview him yeah if we get a fulham confession then we'll um assess from there right but bring him in the detectives aim to present such strong evidence that the suspect has no real option but to talk what we can say is we've got the dna that links him to the first incident we've got the clothing and the bike that links him to both incidents you're right about the customs there right yeah so i think with the cuff there that's why i put the photo like that as you can see the clear cuff and the strings yeah you can see the strings that's clearly the top the belt is at the top but they are clearly jogging bottoms that they're the jogging bottoms yeah that went over the top of of that and then these shoes are clearly the same shoes but every time the detectives face a suspect in the interview room truth and lies can be hard to separate people do lie a lot but we also have to be careful when we talk about vulnerable people and people under duress there may be elements of the truth that they tell us so it's not only differentiating between truth and lies it's what part of this is truth which part of it is a lie is it correct that some people try and muddy the water without giving us a full online just trying to confuse matters yes it is detectives are about to confront simon garrett suspected of a street robbery and another attempted robbery carried out with violence hello you've been arrested on suspicion of an attempted robbery in a robbery if you do have anything to say in your defense please tell us about it and we will investigate that does that make sense are you right there simon yeah okay tell me what you know about about these incidents um that was that was that was me they've done it that night before and some guys come around to you know sort of know yourself a bit of gear and that and then they sorted me then without some some gear and then in the morning they said that they wanted money for it yeah and they can pay them any money and they said they were going to wake my recipient they didn't go out and get anything right we believe that the the incident that happened first was um on university drive yeah can you tell us about that it's just like you know drinking so i just doesn't like that it wasn't bad for me for me okay yeah i'll just tell me what you can remember i got on the bike and rode across the road and then i seen a purse in the girl's bag and i went to bed you could see the purse hanging out the bag tried to snatch the back smash the purse and what did she do she grabbed the bag and then i mean toss it with a bag there she suffered some greys into her hands her knees you didn't mean to hurt them what was your intention some money to page to off payments ago i didn't have nothing so they shut me back out again okay so you've gone back to the shed first you haven't got anything what what happened there what was the exchange that happened there then one of them grabbed the older me [Music] sort it out and the other one sat down on little makeshift bed next to my message so make sure you come back for something this time mm-hmm and please don't come back these people are horrible people okay i just want to cut just a bit you say you only went and did this when you were threatened it's quite important you've gone out and you don't really thought they were gonna write my message in front of me did you make any attempts to sort of alert someone of what was going on back it didn't i couldn't i hadn't didn't know i had no credit to my phone or just but nothing at all nothing so that wasn't a consideration of yours [Music] well he's obviously in a bit of trouble there might be some truth in that to a degree it might be that this is a complete and ball story and and you know there was no threatening drug dealers and that he's just gone out of his own accord to get more money for drugs right done let's go if simon garrett was forced to commit the robberies it could greatly reduce his sentence so the detectives must check out his story with his girlfriend to see if it's true if it is if it is a lie it could be a um a story they'd come up with beforehand you know he said over if i get arrested for what i've done then this is what i want you to say to the police if they come to see um there's always a possibility he's telling the truth uh that he you know he was acting under duress we'll speak to get a statement to really see whether he's telling us the truth or whether it's sort of a pack of lies the difficulty with that will often happen with people who are going to lie is that it's hard to keep it up if i'm going to tell you the truth about something that's quite easy because it happened i know it happened and i remember what happened because it's true i'm going to lie to you about something hasn't happened so the longer i keep talking about it the more i've got to make up and the more i mean you know the more rope you sort of given to hang yourself with really simon garrett's girlfriend proves willing to talk we explained that um in brief the the the details of the offenses which she's been arrested for and she explained that she had no knowledge of that no reason why he would do that she suggested that he might have done it in order to buy some drugs some gear um specifically we asked her if anything had happened to her over the past week or so that might make him want to do something like this and she said no she had no idea and the whole thing's a really sad sorry state of affairs really you know we've got a couple of otherwise normal people whose you know lives have been really um affected and destroyed by by drugs and on the other hand you've got the victims of the crimes who um who have clearly been you know frightened they've been assaulted left with injuries and the whole thing on both sides i think is just really really sad with the girlfriend's testimony now clear simon garrett will be charged with robbery and attempted robbery there's nothing more satisfying than realising that you've just got that final piece of the jigsaw which means the chances are you're very like to get a guilty plea now here let's move these up actually hello simon it's dc john goldston all right and we've got a decision from the cps all right yeah listen we've um we've submitted a report to the cps okay and they've authorized you to be charged with three offenses okay people lied to us all the time we're used to that it's it's part it's what goes to the territory [Music] everyone was going to tell us the truth then to be honest this job will be quite easy [Music] next time no need for is it no it's completely unprovoked detectives hunt for a suspect whose violent assault has caused a grave injury a straightforward one punch and that's what it's done to someone in his opinion it's completely changed his life
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 14,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police documentary, the new detectives, forensic science, investigation, detectives, police investigation, cold cases, criminals, crimes, true detectives, real crimes, real detectives, private detective, police suspect no 1, police, interrogation analysis, interrogation room, real crime, armed robbery, suspects, norwich, norfolk
Id: BeWsmp9lngc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 56sec (2636 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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