15 Illegal Immigrants Arrested In Giant Factory Raid | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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[Music] 25,000 men and women work for the UK Border Agency at home and abroad their job is to seek out the war breakers and imposters who don't have a right to be here they are the UK borders tonight in Lagos a farmer sow seeds of doubt but it's an emergency travel document they're issued within 24 hours that's what I'm surprised in Calais it's good morning Vietnam and a factory in Southampton produces an assembly of illegal workers you're under arrest for feeding his country legally and working illegally all right [Music] five a.m. portsmouth immigration officer Peter Campbell is briefing a joint team of police and immigration staff their target is a plastics factory in South Hampton where they believe foreign nationals are being employed as illegal workers and they say very simple when we get in the premises we've got six interviewing officers they will be conducting the interviews everybody else is there in a cover role so if the interview officers could just remain here and the rest of you go and find your vehicle 30 officers are on this operation sourced from different enforcement teams across southern England it's a big factory the immigration team don't want to take any risks premises has never been visited but it's been on the cards for the last about a year and a half so entails very good for it it's logistics wise it's a big job so it's getting the staff for it really think there's gonna be quite a lot of people to deal with so we've got about six offices they're going to be interviewing then everybody is going to be in a cover role today so they'll be they'll be my role just to be where I'm needed really okay something something something the first stage of the mission is to seal off the escapements [Music] the teams split up one group surrounds the perimeter as another moves inside the factory guys from the great shanky come over everyone is a suspect so all the workers are quickly rounded up with the entire workforce together the team sets up a safe zone where the interviews will take place get everybody who's on the premises into a sterile area so at the moment with this time I cover everybody until we get ourselves set up to interview everybody we didn't lose anybody nobody escaped or anything so it's good for him quite smoothly we just got to the rest of it now okay what's your name join up right for me there so let's set them sing yeah yeah and you're Indian and how long have you been in the UK he'll only give it in the UK Frankie you came in 96 and what's your entitlement to be here what's your entitlement to be here next year yeah I know you came in 96 so did you come in 96 you flew in in 96 did you yeah have you got a visa work permit yeah when did you get there where's your passport now at your house right so how long was your visa call me yeah but are you here legally now I'm really good no are you officer Jones isn't getting any clear answers and neither is officer Jodi Dedmon the man claims to be Greek but says he can speak a little Punjabi for a great power is in Greece yeah II throw its Peter but you're telling me that your you've got a Greece Greek possible why did he send it back to Greece definitely have your new button there okay he sent back for renewal how am I going to believe that your Greek national when you can prove that you can't show me that your great national that you can get a photocopy of the back well no I need it now basically what he stated to me is that he's a Greek national but he which means he's a European national and he doesn't need a visa to just you can measure Lila freely and work freely in the United Kingdom the problem we have is he has no identification to prove that to me yeah what do you want me to do with him then we haven't arrested them don't go down performing yet any other fellow if you're gonna arrest him alright where's your purse where's your documents you speak English need a sub lied to me where are your documents nikka more suspicious okay right okay officer Campbell has ordered the first arrest and with 45 people still to be interviewed there could be many more coming up the pig farmer trying to save his bacon in Nigeria have you been arrested and fingerprinted by the police in the UK oh I'm asking you and officer Pownall questions a pregnant lady at Lagos every when you went for your American visa did you tell the visa officer that you're pregnant the slums in Lagos Nigeria plagued by violence power cuts and poverty the product of a city in the middle of the largest population boom of the 21st century Lagos is one of the largest cities in Africa ties to the UK are close and for many in search of a better life Britain is their number one destination here at the British deputy High Commission 110,000 visa applications are assessed each year and the decisions on who to let into the UK made by 34 UK Border Agency officers I've had a very quick look at this case and the first thing I noticed is that the marriage certificate is not genuine on the basis of that this application is going to be refused this is the man who's just been declined for submitting false documents the Home Office will impose a 10-year ban if he applies for another visa but with almost 10,000 fraudulent documents detected in 2008 alone the police do not have the resources to arrest him not all cases are so straightforward some applicants are asked to go to the deputy High Commission to be interviewed by an entry clearance officer this man has been called in because he was arrested in the UK in spring 2009 yet the stamp it is Nigerian passport says he had already returned to Nigeria he'll be interviewed by Officer Phil Morgan the next case we have is a family and visitor he has come to the attention of the police in the UK in March of this year 2009 and when we look through the entry stamps back into Nigeria the last entry into Nigeria that he has is on the 12th of November 2008 now my guess is he's maybe paid somebody to win back the stamp to show him entering Nigeria before the expiry conditions of his last UK visa which expired on the 7th of December 2008 if the man wants a visa you'll have to explain how he got his passport stamped when he was clearly still in the UK morning I need to ask you some questions about your current application ok ok what do you do for a living I'm a woman I'm a farmer you're a farmer yes please a farmer in what importance we are and are you married yeah Bluebonnet and how many children do you have two little boys two sons yes yes okay mine is for boys I noticed from your passport that you last entered the UK on the 28th of October I do like yeah how long did you stay I stay almost five months five months yeah oh so when did you return to Nigeria meit's don't you are sorry much that's all but your these are expired on this the visa expired on the 7th of December 2000 you yeah so you breached your conditions no something terrible tell me what happened yeah the last time I travel of the bartender Sara I thought we did not mine his name is I can let me add it Allah yeah yeah we we have to come back on the 12 of the November but I changed my mind you still fight about this yes what was the terrible thing that happened yeah why he was coming back you came out with my jacket my jacket hmm I'm a passport and citizen my jackets yes when we take them the passport for standing at the immigration officer and you know what applies yes you'll be on the kill two people will be sitting down you give you a password to default spacing is sending to the next person to stomach the next person that's time we'll call you when you want to analyze so by the point of an ANOVA the discover is not even of the passport and I fast forward with him does your cousin look anything like healing morally no really not really so the Nigerian immigration officer didn't look at the bio-data page and compare the photographs with you because I thought delivery dollars Wendy yeah well they've already done this topic that's very good thank you I need to refer to my entry clearance manager okay if you wait outside please yeah I just want to add that why are two state long was because of that issue and it took me three months to uh protect emergency travel certificate that was fun that was so devastating to apply a magnetic reversal in the university to three months while I have a lot of things to be a I also gentlemen today are my business there are so many things right there but it's an emergency travel document surely they're issued within 24 hours that's what I'm surprised you need to see the crowd I need to go to the website to download after downloading you need to be living in thousand eight three months is so disgusting that's my area as I said I need to refer the case to the interference manager so if you'd like to wait outside please thank you well he's attempted to explain why the reentry stamp shows the 21st to November he says that his cousin took his passport back to Nigeria with him and got the Nigerian Immigration Service to stamp them I don't find that very credible myself honestly love to them I don't think I should lie about any questions after them the absolute truth will happen and I don't need in UK I wanna go visit I don't see any reason 2,500 miles away and officer Dave Jones is still attempting to get answers from his interviewing why would you stop working the person that gave you the job you would have to show him something so to say that you was legally here in the United Kingdom and he was entitled to work so what did you shove insurance card yeah where's that okay show me yes where do you get this from your solicitor yeah your sister gave you this why are you entitled to be here and work who gave you permission to be here and work Lord Rayleigh up here index to be everything officer Jones will now check his immigration status on the home office database so it came when sorry trace December is he is he face yeah lovely Cheers now listen you're in the United Kingdom illegally and you're not entitled to work okay you know that though don't you you know that don't you you know you're not in trouble to work and you know you're here illegally don't you actually arrived in the United Kingdom in December 9 th and he was arrested and served as an illegal entrant a document abuse he did absconded and he's been in abscond ever since he did claim asylum he's failed but he's been absconded since 98 so going down a station and they'll be processed from there I've already cautioned you up but you're under arrest for being in this country legally and working illegally all right I'll let you know what's going out to you in a minute it's been a busy morning for the team 46 people have been interviewed and many arrests have been made we've made 12 arrests of which two were one was a failed asylum seeker one was an overseer and the other 10 were arrested on suspicion of illegal entry although the manager doesn't want to appear on camera he is keen to prove he hired the men in good faith and carried out all the necessary checks this is the employers spa where he's keeping all the details of his workforce and it looks like one of my colleagues actually seized it so what we take this back to the office to run his checks it for the people that we've arrested an employer must check and keep copies of a workers documents before hiring them this helps to show they've done everything possible to follow the rules if later found to be employing an illegal worker if however they are knowingly employing illegal workers or can't show that they took these necessary steps they could be fined up to ten thousand pounds per employee what we do know is the police stations the remaining officers here we're all gonna go and do the house searches now for the addresses of the people we have arrested so I've got a small team here and we're going to go down and do two addresses and hope you can find some documents within okay all right what's your headline doing mate okay in order to remove the suspects from the country the team need to verify their identities the best way to do this is to search their homes and find their passports or any other form of identification 200 what is it sweetie they they didn't have keys for us so it's a closeness nothing and leave anybody answers today can be coming you happy first coming yeah inside the house a team encounter two men who are both foreign nationals and immediately admit to being in the UK illegally and how did he enter the UK okay you are now under arrest you didn't have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court anything you do say may be given in evidence the team have found more than they bargained for sir both men are arrested for entering the UK on the back of a lorry now their rooms can be searched to myself my colleagues are going to look around yeah okay what else you questions police on Linden honor if you show us the paperwork we don't need to look here the car dog can leave his son sighs I only love nothing the man claims to have no paperwork so the team will have to search the entire room sometimes these things happen here those are home address and also we've got the pass gun here because we've arrested the person that provided this as their home address their place of residence so when we come back here we've encountered another two working here had a quick chat to them and found they're actually in the country illegally so they've been arrested on suspicion so we're now having a search through their room is this your bag nextdoor the offices of forced entry to one of the bedrooms okay then treatise room this is the room for the guy who was arrested down at the factory I found all his pay slips so we know we're in the right room so hopefully we'll um we've got a passport for you don't all these pull in the third bedroom officer bill has found an asylum registration card which appears to give the owner the right to work in the UK this this particular one it's got employment permitted and for my phone call that my colleague made to the home office earlier on there was no trace of this gentleman on home office records so this card would appear to not not been issued by the by the Home Office mr. Spang I can't fit art card usually they are cards have got an appointment prohibited on them you'll see on this one it's got employment permitted so I always make sure have a second look anyway if it's got permitted on it there's very few of them do that is a particularly bad one and that's not all office of lives also found a fake passport well first of all said he's an Indian national it seems that it's falling apart and as you can see there appears to be something else under underneath that's you know one pages being stuck on to another next door the deception continues another national insurance card is it say it's moody saying supplied by a previous occupant awake for air seeps and sees the paperwork fake passports and forged documents are flooding the UK from factories in Eastern Europe the officers have found plenty of fakes but not the genuine passport they were looking for although the trail took an unexpected twist the team have gathered enough evidence of deception to remove the men these two arrests take the total to 15 the two men are both currently in detention this man is also in detention and is awaiting removal from the UK back to India this man claimed to be from Greece he wasn't he is also waiting to be removed back to India coming up more tales from the Nigerian pig farmer what is your date of birth 1904 1961 is is before [Music] the port of calais northern France for thousands of illegal immigrants travelling without documentation this is known as the Gateway to the UK with over 20 million tonnes of freight being transported by ferry each day the opportunities to hide in one of the thousands of trucks traveling to Britain are plentiful the berths are where the lorries wait to board the ferry it's the last chance for the teams to find stowaways before they reach the UK so huge pace machinery by the looks of it today the team is searching a lorry of sports cars and have had a high reading on the co2 monitors the device used to detect human breath rubber tyres also emit co2 which could explain the high reading therefore such loads as these are a popular choice for people seeking a lorry to Jaime Charlie Dale is clear you've got watch honey toast with God Sam please take this tea bag okay thank you baby are you well done all good yes Vietnamese nationals in plastic bags the co2 probes approved right and ten Vietnamese people have been found beneath the cars okay right you just stand here for me just stand there alright they've attempted to avoid detection by putting plastic bags over their heads we don't know how long they've been in there and they always covered in black bags covering their heads as you could say from the footage you got and then we just wanted them to get some air here they're nice people they're good they're no trouble to us they're gonna be fine here we'll just keep me till we get and the ethical team there they all put bags over their heads to stop the co2 coming out but the moment they've taken them off all that co2 is released into the trailer say ten people do that at the same time it's a lot of co2 it all comes together you get this massive readings some areas of Vietnam are considered to have an unsatisfactory human rights record by the Home Office Vietnamese nationals are being detected in increasing numbers in Calais many have paid agents up to 20,000 pounds hoping to achieve illegal entry to grateful I need everybody's name this time they haven't made it across the channel although they were just five minutes away from boarding the ferry the group were later released by the French authorities and were free to try again the lorry company was fined four thousand pounds the deputy High Commission is the headquarters for the UK Border Agency in Lagos Nigeria inside officer Phil Morgan is speaking to his manager Dan Barker about the visa application of this man he claims he overstayed his last UK visa because his cousin accidentally took his passport back to Nigeria I put it to him there was no reason why his passport should have instant it shouldn't because Colin's passport instead threats so I believe there's an attempt at deception here to show that he returned before his visa conditions expired now if we were to believe that his passport was brought back to Nigeria by mistake his reason for staying the extra three to four months was that he applied for an emergency travel document from the Nigerian High Commission in London and it took three months now I believe those documents are issued within 24-48 hours okay so I just don't find that credible either and has he got a copy of that emergency travel document with him I didn't actually ask that so I can ask him a few more into question as if you wish yeah yeah thank you both Phil and Dan have their doubts so this time Phil will confront the man about his police record do you still have your emergency travel document not the colour and I understand five five of us because identically my passport back and I was really evidence to show I'm do not impossible what did you do for the three months while you were waiting for this emergency travel document to the issue barely now was what you ate for 24 hours a day they're monitoring my business yeah okay have you been arrested and fingerprinted by the police in the UK myself hmm about what I'm asking you ah yeah except for typing with my financial no license yeah so you have me yes when was this I can't even ride it's been a long time I kind of have I should be for four years when you were arrested by the police what name did you give them my name Adebayor well I have evidence that you gave a different name can and only then they told me and they said I gave yes yes please it's paddy Whaley Adil bhai oh no patty wailing the missed calls it then no I have the police record and that's the name you gave them and also you what is your date of birth 1904 1960-1961 is before well again I have evidence that you gave the police in the UK your date of birth is the 25th of September 1975 no that's not me That's not me well they're your fingerprints that the police took and that's the name you gave them I'm so I did that my name I did biomed call it they thought that if that's never changed okay and what was this white edenia police arrest you well I was I used the extra small tire of merchants Italian the emergency tire and I was arrested that's fine thank you very much you just like to wait outside again thank you it's the end of the interview and the man has failed to explain his deception so and obviously to refuse for use of deception for obtaining a stamp by deception which appears genuine I believe it is genuine and obviously refused him and refer him to the police indeed [Music] but I've referred your applications of the entry clearance manager and your visa application has been refused the reason it's been refused is that at the time you were arrested by the police you gave a different name and date of birth from in your passport also you overstayed in the United Kingdom by more than 28 days that was the intention is that you should have attempted to regulate your position your status in the UK not having I realized that your visa had expired and that you were in the UK illegally yeah that's a copy for you with your appeal papers okay they will give you back the documents and your passport okay thank you the gentleman holding his passport is inspector Lowell of the Lagos fraud unit he was taken away for further questioning but released without charge the same afternoon the farmer has failed to get his UK visa but each year around 60,000 genuine visitors make it to the UK from Lagos the post of UK Border Agency officer in Lagos can be a dangerous one expatriates and Western based companies have been the targets of kidnapping Sarah Pownall is an immigration liaison manager unlike her colleagues in Lagos Sarah travels to work in a bulletproof armor-plated car it can be a bit sore living in a bit of a pressure cooking at times when you just want some some independence and freedom but most of the time everybody gets on and if you accept all the security measures that are in place to look after you unfortunately about 18 months ago one of our drivers was shot and killed on on duty on his way on they mainland so we do take security very strongly at the High Commission Sarah is based at the deputy High Commission but spends most of her week traveling to and from Matala Mohammed Airport Sarah doesn't have any legal powers at the airport it's her job to advise airline staff on how to spot people trying to enter the UK illegally we provide the training to the airlines so that they can do the job on their own we don't have to stand here and do the job for them we're here just as an adviser to the airlines to explain maybe some of these technical difficulties and form them of any current trends with the dark different types of forgeries different types of counterfeit documents but anyone who does arrive in the UK who doesn't have the correct visa doesn't have the correct paperwork in whatever shape or form the airline will be fine 2,000 pounds which is a hefty load for the airline to face so it's in their interest obviously to work with us and ensuring that everybody's got the right documentation over five million people travel through motala Mohammed Airport every year at the boarding gate the passengers are given a final check this is the last chance to spot imposters before they reach the UK these pieces I'll show you boarding pass a league guys we're not taking Arsenal supporters today all right this is a Liverpool zone okay so no no Sarah has been asked by the airline staff to look at a woman's visa the woman does not want to be identified today moving to the US before approximately 1:00 [Music] 1975 okay when you went for your American visa did you tell the DS referee so that you're pregnant is there any reason why you didn't tell the Vayner opposite your perfect the woman is only seven weeks away from giving birth yet has decided to visit her sister in America claiming she will return three weeks before the baby's born in the UK don't automatically qualify for a British passport for babies born in the US do automatically qualify for American passport so it's quite common for pregnant ladies to travel overseas so that they can have the baby in whichever country to automatically get that passport Sarah is suspicious of the woman's motive for traveling to the US via the UK but she could also be in breach of airline regulations for travelling whilst pregnant 16th of May so she's got three weeks between her return dates due dates which makes a 37 week program which is own for every airline limit the whole policy on how advanced you can be but travel it's different on each airline I remember what your I think it's about 33 or 30 32 well her letter says 33 so she's already know when she's coming back again on your airline she'll be 30 salary with the woman is in breach of the airline's policy but as she has a valid US visa Sarah must now contact the US Embassy hi it's Sarah I'm at the airport at the moment I just wanted to if you could give a call to the American Embassy so that they can check an American visa for me she's at the airport today and she's an advanced state of pregnancy so if you can just give them a call and find out if they're happy with that and if so then we can let her travel Sarah now has to wait for a reply from the US Embassy but the flight leaves in ten minutes the decision to question the woman in the first place came from the airline but Sarah's presence has become the focus of the woman's frustration because your flight here is going directly to the UK you didn't choose Delta to go directly to the States and this is why I'm on duty here to see the people who are traveling through the UK it's minutes before the flight leaves but whether or not the pregnant woman will be on board is up to the u.s. embassy right okay okay all right I'll do that then okay thanks very much all right Thank You Bev I that was the American Embassy and they want to speak to her today the flight will be leaving without the pregnant woman now Sarah must tell her the news so why I've done is I've contacted the visa man and explained your situation what he'd like to do is if you can you go back to the embassy here in Lagos show him all this paperwork and he'll want to speak to you I'm sorry I know it's frustrating but if we can go back to him because if I'm an Amber madam no please don't back me he's nice don't like me no but I'm the pregnant woman did not make it to the USA when she failed to turn up at the American Embassy a visa was cancelled coming up a massive find at Calais I've got at least another six so we're gonna be upwards of 20 back in Calais Bridget and the response team have received a call from a crew on the other side of the port requiring urgent assistance returned Bridget work alongside the newly formed Cali Response Team what we're going to is laying one southernfry then at the birth area where one of our teams has radioed up to say that they have a lorry down here that is full of illegals so we're going to be responding to at least 25 baked beans entires that's big tires big big tires they've no idea how many people are inside and judging by the size of the load it's not going to be an easy search it's two offices inside so if we go up this side help with the center of the tires and the front was still going to be searched as well as a scene on that one there was a scene on the back the drivers on there wasn't steel entered the vehicle in the rain unable to visually check the vehicle but there was a smell there was a possible entrance of illegals side curtain or they looked on these two sets of tires found a group of ten in the first group second set of tires another nine or ten P plate in their soybean jerrycan five never be tired check the rest yet there was a freelancer the lorry is carrying large tires for agricultural vehicles it's a dangerous load to hide in and the first priority is to get the people out okay okay yeah you can put in there oh yeah we need to find method of entry there was no security till the seal was in oh it wasn't it okay the stairways are all Vietnamese they are the third most encountered nationality at Cali behind eretrians and Afghans no one minute one minute one minute good man one minute where's your shoes are down there I don't know why they took the shoes off but they did they were all in here ten of them they might have been on top of each other's head so that may be why they took the shoes off it's only a guess sorry so the last one of the eighties and it's us sixteen yeah so far we've got at least another six so we're going to be upwards of twenty they're all carrying the plastic bags and this is what they put over their heads the Vietnamese are so desperate to come to Britain that they cover their heads with plastic bags to evade the detection of the co2 monitors I'll make it 24 twenty four including five females age how old are you age none of them are carrying documents these men and women are anonymous and completely untraceable all the crew can do is ask them for their name date of birth and where they boarded the lorry in Vietnamese together the gentleman always the mother of the lady so again they'll be very protective of him and we had one English speaking which was great so before all the details of unique great fine though you see are a great five in total 24 Vietnamese people were found hiding in the lorry and handed over to the French authorities the driver was eventually fined 2,400 pounds [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 861,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: illegal immigrants, united kingdom, customs uk, truck stowaways, customs, border control, border crossing, undocumented, customs agents, border patrol, border agents, uk border force, border force, uk customs, border force uk, uk border agency
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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