Medical Emergency On Flight From Jamaica | Customs | Real Responders

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[Music] in our ports and in our airports the uk border agency is fighting a constant battle against smugglers i'm arresting you coming up in calais no one can hold a candle to sniffer dog waxes people finding prowess we've got at least one clandestine on top in gatwick a man of faith hopes for a bit of charity said he's a charity worker but he has no actual charity i do he said he had a lot of stuff on the computer which relates to the charity but he now can't find it and paramedics are called to a flight from jamaica after a passenger is taken ill she says she's been vomiting the whole flight and she told the crew she'd been given something to swallow to bring back to the uk [Music] the port of dover on the southeast coast of england is just 21 miles from calais in france the gateway into europe over 6 000 lorries cross the english channel every day and with 18 million passengers making the journey each year it's the busiest stretch of water in the world but not all of the passengers crossing the channel are welcome round the clock the uk border agency has a presence at the port of calais in france good boy okay with the aid of sniffer dogs officers operate in force to protect the uk borders from clandestines immigrants who attempt to enter the uk illegally dog is trained trained to search for human scent um so the primary primary role at northern ports of france is to search for illegal immigrants who smuggle themselves in lorries uh and you know other other vehicles in order to get to the uk and the dog is is body detection dog is one of the best technologies that we have in the past 12 months officers searched more than one million freight vehicles and found over 29 000 immigrants attempting to come into the uk tonight sniffer dog fergus and officer matt are searching a lorry bound for dover fergus is starting to show signs he can smell human presence this is an indication final it's more of a disturbance indication which means either the driver or one of our staff has checked the vehicle and there's some form of human scent still around there weights which i'm gonna find this time nobody is found it wasn't an overly strong indication but it was worth love officer alex has continued the search of freight vehicles using sniffer dog wax and it doesn't take long before wax makes one of his trademark indications we're gonna get the camera in here because he's indicating wax's highly sensitive nose appears to have made a positive indication for human presence just above the lorry's wheel arches [Music] at gatwick airport a flight has just arrived from portugal officers are monitoring passengers disembarking the flight and looking out for any signs of suspicious behavior thank you one lone male passenger is of particular interest as it's been noticed from his luggage tags that he started his journey outside of the eu as far as i'm aware he's a gentleman that's come up from venezuela by a portugal he's just been away for a week i think he's got a sort of last-minute ticket i only put the day before the man says he's a minister who also works and raises funds for an american charity with a base in venezuela they've got projects and they need funding and things like that you know i used to be a professional bike rider [Music] his short visit to south america causes concern with venezuela known as a country with links to the international drugs trade so when are you next going to be in contact with these people as officer tori continues to search the man's possessions her colleague gary comes across to swap test his suitcase for any traces of class a drugs and gary's face says it all the swab shows a positive reading for cocaine that's gone right [Music] he relays the information to tory there was a search at crackers just wait there i'm just gonna x-ray this one gary says that he's got a slight hit of coats i've took a rub down see if i can get one done the x-ray of the suitcase is clear but with traces for cocaine tory wants to take her investigation to the next level i want to start putting things in there i'm just gonna go and speak to my boss i'll be back in a second he's got no work id on him at all he's got a bit of a an earmarked bible but other than that so i'd find it weird if you're registered like working for a registered charity you wouldn't have any sort of charitable id if you've been on trip tons of stuff on his um laptop the news is broken to the passenger when we were doing a i was doing the baggage search early one of my colleagues you may have saw him rub a small piece of that's what we call an iron track machine and it's giving us um a small trace or a small hit of cocaine from the inside of your bag so i spoke to my boss and she's authorized like a security search it's just like a rub down like a pat down [Music] okay so if you follow me the man is led away to find out if he's hiding any packages back in calais officer alex and sniffer dog wax have found something of interest within the wheel arches of a lorry bound for the uk wax indicates to alex to investigate further good boy good lad good boy yeah we've got at least one uh clandestine on top of the pan so you've got a box that holds pallets wooden pallets uh for loading um and there's a gap in between the top of the metal box that holds the pallets and the actual trailer itself uh so they're just just laying on top of the on top of the pannier good boy and what i'll do now is i'll get the dog out of the way and the guys can take a look alex is delighted with wax's find the driver of the lorry less so okay driver you stay there okay yeah for every clandestine found in his lorry the driver and his company face a fine of up to two thousand pounds one two three count four pairs of shoes here okay right we've called for assistance from the office and we'll have someone come down to help us get them off the vehicle and we'll keep them contained until the french police come down five people are eventually found hiding underneath the lorry it's a significant find but for wax it's all a big game dog's happy he's got his tennis ball which is uh what he does it for the clandestines are lined up as they wait for the french authorities to come and process them but some of them this was their third attempt at getting into the uk the french police have taken them away um to to the station in the port here they will process them and then they'll they'll possibly interview them to ascertain whether they can be removed from france back to their country of origin it's been another successful night all round due in no small part to sniff a dog wax in gatwick the british minister whose suitcase has given a positive swab reading for cocaine has been taken for a body rub down [Music] well he's saying that uh the charity works for paid for his trip but he didn't like it there really it's very vague about what he's actually doing it's just charity no drugs are found on his body so his shoes are taken away for further swab tests and with another positive reading for cocaine the plot thickens it's basically a few inconsistencies with what's happened here and that is the fact that he's obviously said he's a charity worker he's worked for charity for a long time but he has no actual charity id also he said he had a lot of stuff on the computer which is related to the charity but he now can't find it the man who bought his ticket he had said was arranged by the charity we now discover that the man who bought the ticket is his friend who's meeting him outside it's nothing to do with the charity at all with all of this in mind officers decide to put the passenger through an x-ray the positive drug hit from his shoes may suggest he's smuggling packages inside his body [Music] however his calm demeanor and full cooperation belies that of a drug smuggler passengers who swallowed drugs will be arrested and detained for their own safety until all the packages safely come out [Music] if you just follow the officer again you can take a bit instead this time however it looks like the man has not swallowed any drugs i think this is all a bit too dense [Music] i mean all this with the last roll of the dice officer kerry sends a team outside the airport to try and locate the person waiting to collect the passenger yeah we've sent officers out to look for the guy that is supposed to be meeting mr kerry but as yet no one has shown themselves they've not turned up to a call for his name or even the call for the the meter's name so we've just been giving it a couple of minutes if we hear nothing from it i think at this stage because of what we have or rather what we don't have we're probably going to have to we're going to have to let him go and and just always be wandering perhaps just down the end there thanks for your time no one is found outside the airport after a thorough search the man is free to go the hits for drugs are put down to contamination coming up paramedics are called to attend a suspected drug swallower she says she's been vomiting the whole flight she told because she'd been given something to swallow to bring back to the uk [Music] coming up an x-ray on a female passenger lend support to officers suspicions there's a possibility that she might have a package inside her bra [Music] at gatwick airport passengers have just arrived from kingston in jamaica the uk border agency has just been alerted to a medical emergency on board the flight and officer chris is sent to investigate we're just rushing up to gate 59 now we've received a call from the inbound kingston flight that the lady on the flight has been vomiting has collapsed i've already spoken to the crew and she's traveling with three children and she says she's been vomiting the whole flight so they said they were going to call the paramedics and she told because she was very worried because she'd been given something to swallow to bring back to the uk with a suspected drug swallower on their hands paramedics are dispatched to the aircraft along with border agency officers who process the woman's arrival depending on the woman's condition she logos straight to hospital if that's the case officers will go with her in the ambulance if not she'll be processed here locally by as the sick woman is attended to by paramedics provisions are made for her children children have just been taken through the controls through passport controls and classes controls and they'll be reunited or united with their grandmother the lady the mother she'll surely be taken to east surrey hospital along with two detection officers as well they'll stay with her for the time being the woman's health continues to deteriorate so paramedics must rush her to hospital to assess whether or not she has packages inside her if she has swallowed drugs one burst package would take just minutes to cause almost certain death the lady's just been loaded into the ambulance she'll be taken to local hospital one of our female officers will go with her and other officers will join her as well at the hospital when she gets there she'll be examined by the doctors to see what if anything she's got inside her she's saying that she's a couple of months pregnant which is it's not an unfamiliar thing we see pregnant women on occasion do swallow packages of drugs or have drugs inside them as well and they they think if they say they're pregnant will stop stop us looking further she's been vomiting for the several hours now and it's again it's not an uncommon reaction with people with swallow packages it's just their stomach is having an adverse reaction to anything up to a kilo of foreign packages inside their body the woman is escorted to hospital by border agency officers who monitor whether she passes any packages across at gatwick's north terminal officers are busy processing passengers entering the country a flight has just arrived from trinidad and tobago and passengers disembarking the flight are being assessed by drugs detection dog lottie an officer claire documents are checked at immigration and passengers are questioned about the purpose of their visit to the uk one passenger's story in particular has caused concern a lone female has given a number of suspicious reasons for entering the uk right okay we're going to go in here now okay have a look at your luggage okay first of all i have to ask you if you've got anything to declare to customs no any alcohol tobacco cigarettes and do you understand it's illegal to bring some things here like controlled drugs offensive weapons do you understand that yeah got nothing like that okay the woman told immigration she's planning to visit her fiance before traveling to france but alarm bells started ringing when it emerged she had just 60 dollars to fund her entire trip and this is all of your luggage yeah did you pack it all yourself my mom your mum yeah help me were you there when she packed it i was in the bedroom i was in bedroom already do you fully understand what's in the suitcases yeah okay has anybody in trinidad giving you anything to bring here for them um no and your friend is meeting you here yes yeah okay when did you meet him okay he um asked me the woman seems surprised to have been stopped and although she's cooperating fully officers will conduct a thorough check of all of her bags to ensure she's carrying nothing illegal when did you get the ticket i got a ticket um yeah why did you only get the ticket last week oh because he said more cash he's paid for the trip for you yeah okay a swap test is conducted on the woman's belongings as the search continues through her cases [Music] and a trace reading for cocaine deepens the intrigue with nothing else found hidden in the woman's luggage officer kevin wants to conduct an x-ray to see if she's carrying drugs inside her body what we've got is a body scanner okay yeah sure you don't mind going through that i don't mind at all no if we do that and hopefully you'll be able to get on your holiday gavin approaches his superior to get approval for the body scan i'm just going to body scan right she's um i've put i've run it past it and she's quite happy to do it just to make sure yeah so she's gonna do it as a volunteer yeah in just a few moments officers will find out if they were right to be suspicious back at gatwick's south terminal an investigation is underway into a woman who became seriously ill on a flight from kingston after claiming to have swallowed something to bring into the uk the woman was immediately taken to hospital in the terminal team leader chris goes through the contents of the woman's suitcase so we had a message from the gatwick airport uh the airport operators got a control room that's man 24 hours the message we got was that she's admitted to swallowing packages she's now saying that she's not swallowed packages so it may just be chinese whispers but also it needs to be investigated with nothing suspicious found in her suitcase an ion track swap test is conducted for any traces of drugs and that's come up as a a positive hit for cocaine she's not saying she has come into contact with cocaine it's just an indication she may have the woman's circumstances are now even more alarming chris conducts an x-ray of her suitcase for any hidden concealment there's nothing in the bags from a customer's point of view other than the on track indications which does give her something else to think about the next step now is to concentrate on the lady officers head down to the local hospital to check on the progress of their suspected drug swallower when someone complains of stomach pains or anything like this you know medical uh assistance is the first priority and if a medic dictates they go to the hospital then they go to the hospital um from our point of view we still have a a responsibility to aid towards the passion to make sure there's no harm going to come to end but b we've got a safeguard any sort of little material maybe carrying three uk border agency officers have been monitoring the woman's health at the hospital when chris arrives for an update they're positive she hasn't swallowed any drugs but nurses have made a shocking discovery having spoken briefly to the the nursing staff it sounds like she may have been forced by her boyfriend to drink a liquid to try and induce a miscarriage because she's slightly pregnant um again it's only a vague story we've got but nevertheless because she's in our you know okay she's been detained by us we'll need to explore that with her the woman was later discharged from hospital and was of no further interest to the border agency in the airport's north terminal the female passenger from trinidad is about to be body scanned to see if she has any drugs hidden inside her so what you need to do you need to stand on here like this okay with your hands by your side all right and then when the officer says take a deep breath and hold it and then this will move and it will go through and then stop do you understand okay yeah just go in there like that yeah all right go very slowly you won't bang into the wall are you ready to go now yeah that's great here we go [Music] [Music] i can't see any regular shapes kevin to be honest in the areas we're looking at no i don't think so we're happy that she doesn't have anything inside her um which is the main reason for using the body scan there's a possibility that she might have a package inside her bra which has been known in the past the definitive thing is to actually do a search which wasn't done before this body scan so we'll do that and then we'll find out exactly if there isn't in there if there isn't the woman is led back to a private interview room where the search will take place just take a seat over there okay yeah okay so what's gonna happen is okay because we can't tell what it is female officer is going to search you all right okay but it doesn't take long to find the cause of the abnormality on the scan you need to get a new brow don't you yeah yeah this needs needs to be bigger that's what what the picture was see yeah okay that's what the picture shows you see thank you very much again once again the cause of the alarm is put down to the woman's bra all right i'm sure you had to go through that all right having completed both customs and immigration checks she's free to continue her travels in the following few weeks alex and the team at calais continued their good run of form by discovering a further 34 clandestines bound for the uk [Music] you
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 28,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real responders, customs uk, gatwick airport, bristol airport, sniffer dog, cocaine, class a drugs, smuggling, crime, police, police uk, bag search, airports, border patrol forces, border patrol uk, uk border, crime documentary, border patrol, custom officers, sniffer dogs, class c drugs, tobacco, patrol, dover, truck, smugglers
Id: rEW8DdI8Xpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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