Immigration Officers Find 3 Trucks Full Of Illegal Immigrants | UK Border Force | Real Responders

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every year over a hundred million people go through passport control to get into britain most of welcome believe many are not for the first time on television we go behind the scenes with the UK Border Agency the men and women on the frontline immigration tonight the chicken factory full of illegal workers rush hour Calais brings human traffic jams in what five ten minutes busy morning here and raising the bar at Heathrow a law student struggles of an immigration test explain to me why you don't have a return ticket did not scout the question I said why do you not have written ticket [Music] 8:00 a.m. the port of Calais France hundreds of lorries are preparing to board ferries bound for Britain but some have unwanted cargo illegal immigrants trying to get into the country an anglo-french deal in 2004 allowed UK immigration seems to be based on French soil for the first time their aim to stop the clandestine as they call the way throat yeah spoil it back and it seems clear this one officer Bridget McCarthy has been stationed here for over four years you got your passport handy she has a special tool adapted from a ski pole that detects breathing this is a cm to pros and in plain English anything in there that's breathing will be picked up and so will get readings what you have to do on it is watch how the readings fluctuate and what levels we know what limits we go to and if we want the vehicle open as we can see to be a high co2 reading we get the driver to open it up they find most clandestine ins here in the search base but there's a report in of a lorry that's not been checked here and it's now just meters away from boarding a ferry going down to the bursts you very cool to say that ETS better find five inside a vehicle the clandestine could be just moments away from boarding oh they'll be destroy yeah that we destroy especially when they think they're so close the team worked closely with the French handing anyone they catch into their custody they think they're hidden deep inside this lorry load of tires get some letters and get out there can you just do a registration check for me please [Music] only one way and by all means you tell him stay one minute what nationality do you think we've got tuck buried amongst the tires the immigration officers have found more than they first thought okay he speaks English this guy speaks English seven words basically Roy they're very possible they've got down there and now they everything they're gonna get out Oh guys okay where'd you get in in Belgium boutique boutique how long you been in how long this morning yeah what time and you haven't got any documents on you guys no passports no papers are on the fringe how can you get to England we don't passports it's not very nicely the loads very young you know uneven they're all over the place and we got you a case these guys we've got getting dead soon as possible just stand there for me cut men sailing by all accounts is offer 8:45 British time so I don't know what the time is now but as you can see that ferries coming in there 150 200 yards away from getting on the boat guys so close but there's little time to hang around how many in the other loads like sticks Indian another report of more clandestine or another lurid is also about to ball sure we're just waiting to confirm on the line number so we're gonna leave this vehicle can hey Daria now and sort this one out as well okay well the Indian men are taken to a holding room the team are going full steam ahead that morning also kicks up for 21st night coming up the chicken factory employing illegal workers is there anybody here that's British officer low-mass get suspicious at Heathrow and the family who risk their lives trying to trick the breathing detectors so they will actually put plastic bags over their heads [Music] it's 8:30 a.m. when it's all go in Calais officer Bridget McCarthy and her team already found seven clandestines meters away from boarding a ferry to Britta [Music] now another close call clandestine cargo that's ready to board we've just been called to another find here with eretrians and we're going to deal with that now they're not great they're not complying at all I won't be like your Indians that's seven this v8 yet more calls come there's been another find we've just been told that there's another positive in lane one so we have to deal with it and we'll move on to the next one very busy morning the team is stretched they won't leave until every inch of the lorry has been searched their persistence pays off [Music] [Applause] the first vehicle over there with the tires he's unstable to move back we're trying to get it tied up as best as possible and we will be taking that back the same thing will happen with this vehicle here we've just been given another call to go to lane 1 three times in what 5 10 minutes busy morning here [Music] in total they found 15 people in the last 15 minutes and outside the port hundreds more ready to take their place in search of work with British employers who were ready to break the law by hiring illegal immigrants companies who flout immigration law can be found all over Britain and they're not confined to the big cities in the Midlands over 70 law enforcement officers are preparing to raid a chicken factory they suspect are employing illegal immigrants it's 10:00 a.m. at the briefing for this massive operation emigration officers have teamed up with the police the human trafficking center and other government agencies they're after illegal workers and their employers and bringing people in / former Soviet Union countries while providing with been false by providing them with false documentation he's offering them new identity they're preparing for tough conditions the chief immigration officer has been on hundreds of enforcement raids some more dangerous than others it'll actually be me that answers the production floor and basically instructs all the workers to put their knives down we've seen approximately 58 employees enter the premises this morning for every illegal work of the employer could face a fine of up to ten thousand pounds [Music] [Music] [Music] the first job is to make the factory safe each worker has a razor sharp knife a necessary tool of the trade but a potential hazard on an operation like this yeah just so the men are secure and the premise is to make sure all the officers are safe and that means getting rid of all the knives and putting all the subjects - left and right of the building and nothing can happen inspire at the moment basically okay is there anybody here that's British if you put your hand in the air nobody raises the immigration team has a lot to search they have to be fast and careful you know I came to board I didn't say officer Carl Mason secures the top floor to seal off possible escape routes excellent fantastic Payne take these a seat for me well you're gonna have to stay in here for the time being [Music] basically what's happening now is the outer cordon is on stopping anybody rolling away who's creeping downstairs it's gonna be the hardest bit because you've got all the workers down there and we just sweep in these office rust you implicitly on the ground floor the chief immigration officer and his team are trying to establish the workers nationalities thanks very much you stopped outfit in there for me okay it would appear that every single worker bar one is a foreign national so the next thing that we'll be looking to do is try and identify which ones have those come from an EU country because again they'll be not be subject to immigration control what country what country are you from what country are you from Afghanistan the right nationality Romanian the chief has his own method of finding information and did you all move up from London together then that's good play the nice guy what sort of jobs did you do in London all right so totally different then yeah at the end of the day we don't come across too forceful then more often than not though he'll just have a chat with us and we can get a lot more information that way what made you come and work for a chicken company then you didn't know what what we told you were going to come and do I'll say you thought you'll be feeding them I think they're a bit past feed-in now [Laughter] it was promised a job up here that is quite some important to us in that there are several allegations that maybe people are employed by this company some are given to believe that they'll be doing different types of work to what they actually end up doing back upstairs Carl Mason's team have found rooms which you wouldn't expect to find in the chicken factory they would have been chilled freezing you need to chili units been used as accommodation for obviously people are working on-site and just look at the room so that they find four small rooms each with two beds personal items and other materials we saw counterfeit pornographic DVDs depictions of best reality so I mean the clearly illegal so on police advise ago me seized and disposed of so far the operation is posing more questions and answers sixty nine people turned up to work here this morning many of them suspected of being illegal workers back at Calais and the morning rush hour shows no sign of slowing up so we vet Indians eretrians what do you think we got here this time a more unusual find hiding in the car go an entire Vietnamese family family in this particular we've got five Vietnamese three or female so when the escort team come we'll get them out soon as possible to get them into detention where they're safe the family that obviously heard about the breathing detectors they had a plan to try and deceive them a dangerous plan so they will actually put plastic bags over their heads risk their own life you know in order to get to the UK it's tragic really and it really it happens and you can see it here day in day out with it else is gonna last very long don't I just jump down for me oh that's fine sir wait there with no problems the humanoid nowhere I wasn't at all I just follow their I mean this lady obviously that's quite drained and tired looking - she's obviously suffered effects of not having much oxygen by being wrapped in one of those well I think they actually bought this Laurie was just too please go on that's where they go on if you can see you've got one just going down there now so that they were so close so so close to getting on and another call comes through people have been found on a boat not a ferry the smaller and faster in the search body is a truck carrying expensive yachts and the stowaways the chief immigration officer sends his crew inside you can clearly see they've actually got into this they're just basically slit the back she got inside the main body of the boat [Music] there's four in there at the moment but there could be more and obviously we could have to search the ones on the back of this trailer as well okay around fifty fairies leave the port of calais every day each one an opportunity to reach British soil take your team in our team there were 31 clandestines found in two hours they were handed over to the French police their whereabouts now is unknown [Music] it's time to process the workers at the chicken factory [Music] 69 employees 68 will be questioned about their nationality and their rights to work here last last one I also go with counted about 30 people have emetic not be near nationals however were a lot subjects the Romanian Bulgarian and when they joined the service strictures were gone their employments they couldn't just come and walk like a Spanish person can they have to have registration cards to work so what be interesting now on the question and upstairs will be have you got the relevant documentation to what legally in the UK on big operations like this the officers confiscate personal items like mobile phones [Music] yeah basically about incidences where people have used it we've allowed people to use a mobile phone in a factory or a house and what they've done they've called the friends or protest groups and they've come round basically it's caused an a major incident where we've got protesters outside the house preventing us get anybody out we've arrested all the foreign workers are kept under close guard in the canteen we're gonna have 10 Italian one ways to need some more need some more da me in the corridor next door they set up a makeshift office to interview the workforce with their mobile fingerprint machines are some interpreters the detective work begins illegal immigrants will be arrested and face being removed from Britain but who will stay and who will be leaving and coming up the heat is on at Heathrow it's not looking good all right I won't light him suspect students and damning Diaries he's not even mentioned his studies once as far as I can see it's all about money and burning money but who's telling the truth the terminal 3 an identity crisis at the chicken factory as dialog breaks down so we'll start again we'll start slowly this is your one and only chance for you to tell me the truth in the Midlands immigration officers are onto something big [Music] they've raided a chicken factory and apprehended 68 foreign nationals all being closely watched in the canteen the next phase is to check names an ID against the Home Office database to see who is working here legally or otherwise so far they've found 14 different nationalities and interpreters are in short supply Illya there's no point in trying to tell untruths about your situation there's nothing to be frightened about what basis have you asked to stay in the UK the stakes are high illegal workers face being removed from Britney's immigration status in the UK why early came to the UK officer Andy walked questions a Romanian to understand him she has an interpreter for national insurance card Romania is new to the EU and has restrictions on it she's allowed to be here that requires a registration card in order to work next question is how many hours do you work here every week how much are you paid here she says she's been earning between 200 and 250 pounds a week and working 50 to 60 hours this is less than the legal minimum wage but if she hasn't got a registration card she faces a hefty penalty are you are you paying the debts off to anybody for coming to the UK No okay as your employer here ever threatened you in any way upstairs in the factory's makeshift bedrooms officers are searching the workers belongings okay buddy got one they've already found fake ID cards and arrests have been made [Music] they discover the woman being paid below the minimum wage is Romanian but she doesn't have a workers registration card in Romania okay Sam restrictions are filled remaining nationals working in the UK okay and as such you should have a work permit our registration cards to be in the UK okay now there's a penalty notice where you work in illegally in the UK okay in the penalty amount that you will be finds is opposing the fixed penalty will go on you name them you disembark the new nationality that will be you okay so you give many wrong details on your post or address it doesn't matter to me okay the penalty goes on your name and it will follow you about until you sort that penalty oh she's free to go and we'll be able to work legally as long as she gets the right papers the canteen is full of people waiting to be interviewed some less worried than others Heathrow Airport the main gateway into Britain [Music] officer Steve Hassler has the job of sorting out the genuine tourists from those who want a permanent holiday this woman is claiming to be a visitor she's been flagged up on the database as having being refused entry to Britain in the past we you understand why we have to do this because you've had that previous refusal and it's always going to cause problems unfortunately she's no stranger to Britain she went to school here for four years until her father's work permit was cancelled and her family were removed anything to declare to customs nothing nor like thousand cigarettes or nothing like that okay all right she's been refused entry or she was refused entry back in August of 2007 her father was here on a work permit it's a bit sketchy but it was curtailed back in February of 2007 she claims now she's come here to pick up some certificates GCSE certificates from the examining board she claims that she had sent for them paid for them they were sent the post but they were never received the only thing is she doesn't have a return ticket why would somebody come on a two two week visit without a return ticket that's a little bit strange does it Lahori you from there what do you do that studying law that's good immigration law that's my universe people excellent I'll just boil that as well you get that back your cash what about credit card no credit card so you got nothing at all so you're gonna survive for initially your family friends who claim to be picking up certificates to take back to Pakistan doesn't quite add up well it's just this fact I've got a single ticket she's got no money and she hasn't actually arranged for this certificates yet you see I don't get this part because she and her entire family had been repeating okay they've previously been living here about four years yeah further to that they appealed and went down the human right right line as well so they're kind of well aware about having so then to send a family member alone on a single ticket with no money yeah doesn't stack up a closer look at her luggage doesn't improve her chances at the back have just discovered some old peer statements and I've just meant you I just went out with control and spoke to us as well why have you got these certificates with you you know if you're just coming to get it just say oh well it's just all my documentation that I had when I was in the UK but this this P forty fives as well these are documents yeah but not necessary at all relevancy comes out in the hall exactly it's question time for the law student officer Hassler wants answers it's not looking good all right I won't lie to you because I can't understand why you've not brought any money where your tickets will have to come through this way all right and the fact the matter you've got to to pound on you you've got no credit cards you've got no return ticket you've bought other documentation which to be quite frank you shouldn't brought with you I can't understand why you brought it with you this interview will decide whether or not Officer hassle the returns are on the next flight home so why did they just buy you a single ticket you know I can't fathom this out because why would they buy you a single ticket and also send you their daughter halfway across the world which is to pump coins in the person didn't ask out the question I said why do you know hover return ticket because I don't know what date exactly I'll go back she said she didn't know how long she was gonna be here was gonna be two or three weeks and I said well why didn't you get an open ticket I says we have many times people come here and she says oh yeah I found about that on the aircraft I hadn't heard of what the tickets she didn't know about open tickets didn't know about open tickets as a young lady who's lived in the UK and it's clearly problems before but didn't know about didn't know about all the tickets we get people coming here all the time who are coming as visitors and if they don't have return tickets they don't have money they just be refused it's not credible you're coming here as a visitor but yet you know there's no you've got no evidence of support whatsoever you said that you're gonna come here and get these GCSE certificates but yet you've come with all this documentation and it you would need that sort of stuff if you want to settle here you've even got you're not well you know you're shooting ahead but in your wallet you had your National Insurance card with you had your nurse and she's numbering why would you bring that to Yuki well then we start going into things like her previous bank statements here mobile phone accounts in previous interviews with Jobcentre Plus certainly with record or a documentation she is literally packed up everything put into a for this as if she's picked up a life brought here and I think we've got to remember this I mean the family had lived in the UK since 2002 the father had been working here she's had most of an informative years here like I said she's been a student here she's got a job she'd taken their exams and then all of a sudden for no fault of her own the rugs pulled up from under her feet and she's forced back to her country that she's probably hasn't lived it for a number of years and all of a sudden she's she was left you know thinking well why is it all gone right the decision is that you're going to be refused entry okay you're coming in as a visitor but you've got all this documentation which pertains nothing to why you want to come here we garden your education now if you want to come back to UK you can but what I would advise you to do is get an engine clearance a visa okay you can still go and ask for a visit visa or a student fees or whatever you want to do but rather than you having to come here and go through all this it means you go at the Embassy you put all the evidence in front of them and you allow them to make the decision I feel sympathy for her because I know what it's what the impact and on her is going to be but at the end of the day we've got to look at what we're doing with regard to you know the border control and making sure people come in here I've come here for a genuine reason and not ended up doing something else for this time I'm afraid you're not going Barnardo she's accepting this notification at the chicken factory the investigation is in full swing so we'll start again we'll start slowly this is your one and only chance for you to tell ministry they're finding more fake documents this is Parker for a joke and more resistance to the immigration officers questions I'm gonna say it in English this lady's gonna certain Romanian okay either way you'll understand it you don't show it times from the questions I'll arrest you the pattern is emerging a lot of workers claiming to be from Romania the immigration team isn't convinced it's definitely a trend here in the an awful lots of what we believe our Pakistani nationals have produced Romanian identity documents are more remaining than you what will be seeking to identify is where they got those documents from perhaps their link to the employer and perhaps they're not but at the end of the day that's a lot of interviews that we've got to do to establish whether that's a fact or not this man says he's from Romania and his work papers are up to date are you more mother and father Romanian they were born in Romania yeah officer Mason gives the Romanian a simple geography test tell me which countries are next to there are five countries that border Romania I won't give any more details to [Music] and no records of this man's right to work you are not Romanians I know you're not yes I know so what's your nationality where were you from what country [Music] is just brilliant when we started do you speak Romanian you wait there I got a Romanian intent I will get a Romanian into the next test can he speak Romanian to an interpreter on the phone Marion that gentleman speaks Romanian you say you wrote Romanian you've only been here one week from from Romania please speak to him oh hello say okay say I'm very sorry to have wasted your valuable time yet together well thank you very much for your help okay say cheers thank you bye okay that's the Romanian interpretive he says you're not speaking Romanian says you're speaking well nothing really Marion I know in Marion's not your real name but let's just stop or I stop all the lies now okay I'll give you this one opportunity to start telling me the truth where are you from I'm not about your identity card you've told me you're Romanian you can't tell me the capital you can't tell me what monetary units are used over there okay at the moment all you're doing is getting yourself into trouble okay so what nationality are you don't insult me insult you Romanian okay I believe you've entered the UK illegally what's going to happen now as my colleagues going to arrest you you'll be taken to a police station where we interviewed clearly I'm thinking you're Restless guys of the 69 employees 19 were arrested four have been removed a further ten are expected to follow once the paperwork is ready the employer is fine 60,000 pounds five were charged with possession of force documents and the man who claimed to be Romanian 'since absconded coming up two passengers but only one will be allowed into Britain so you're gonna stop telling me the truth now we're gonna keep going around the houses [Music] Heathrow Terminal three immigration officer Kahlo masters on the desks screaming passengers where are you traveling from today and what do you do here tell me the whole title of the course yes sorry good musician right well there's a difference between a postgraduate certificate in business administration and a master's in business administration which one is it is that a master's course master schools it can't be yes I am quite wary of some students in the UK as we know it's very expensive to be a student in the United Kingdom the fact that he was a bit mixed up about what he was studying whether it was a masters or a postgraduate certificate I don't understand why that would be an issue so take your photograph what to look into this camera here for me please officer Neal Newberry is questioning another student whose story doesn't add up the immigration officer Oishi some questions about your course and you didn't aartsen sufficiently well friend be convinced it you're studying in the UK he's already carried out the bag search he found a diary with some revealing entries he's talked an awful lot about work and he's not once mentioned his modules his studying any of his tutors he's not mentioned any of them which is quite strange if you're here to study signs bridges going down every day he's doing only two or three days in Sainsbury's and though he's having to find a second job two men both claiming to be students of business administration to find out if they're genuine officers low-mass a new brewery will have to do their homework can you tell me what you've learnt in human resource management what are you study and what you've studied there is a two part one is employee and another one is in player yes okay and if something wrong with the employee and employers they need to advise the like they on HR - our son is a consultant to get the sorted out these things what does the HR manager day what is that role what is the role mm-hmm and why do you study all century England Oh [Music] you know that I didn't sleep last night it so you said you can't remember where you see each other's means for a company the managing food is stuff mm-hmm tell me about financial reporting a good result for this student not so good for this one okay to show you something from your book in your bag dated 18 for February 2009 so no you wrote it down yeah and see what underlined 18 30 2009 I'm doing only two and three days in Sainsbury's now I'm finding a second job so you gonna start telling me the truth now we're gonna keep going around the houses were you working in Sainsbury's two or three days a week first day slowly he started to open up to me and then explain what he's done his family are in financial difficulty back in India that their house was being repossessed by by the bank and I do have some sympathy with him in that situation it's it's mainly the enforcement of the rules that we're concerned about unfortunately and in this case you have broken the rules the immigration rules and so for that reason your visa is going to be cancelled today I'm going to return you back to India on the next available flight which is this evening at 9:00 925 officer Newbery's passenger has failed to get into Britain it's a different story for Officer low-mass oh yes sir he's a student we are go happy to readmit you to the United Kingdom today thank you right okay so that's okay good luck with the rest of your studies and your job yeah thank you it's nice when you've done you inquiry reason at the end of it you're satisfied with the result and you know that the right thing has been done he is a genuine student and I'm happy that you know that I've done my inquiries and I'm satisfied with that and he can come in as this case closes more flights arrived and hundreds more pattern does fill the arrivals will it's back to the desks of the immigration officers and back to work
Channel: Real Responders
Views: 1,196,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: police, uk police, uk border force, 999, imagration, british, uk border force season 1, airport, Heathrow Airport, uk border force Heathrow Airport, nothing to declare, border, patrol, security, trafficking, documentary, smuggler, caught, locked up, arrested, international, caught smuggling, border patrol, airport patrol, border arrest, drug smugglers caught, caught at border, border security, front line, customs border, locked up abroad, border agency, united kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 13sec (2653 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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