Live Rescue: Top 6 Most Heartwarming Rescues: Part 1 | A&E

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so looks like we have a 9 year old male who was on a dirt bike when they hit a wall something gets him bleeding from the mouth right now we got reduced co2 so maybe less of a critical call but he'll get him checked out he was instead of putting his hands on the actual the front of the bike he actually could gassed it okay they were sitting on the corner from the corner they actually crossed across the street and hit the wall okay no loss of consciousness he's got scrapes on his hands knees you see some little bit of scrapes on his face multi kid not taking any meds no allergies it's got little gashes on his lips but his teeth are all intact cool that's really how's it going bud yeah we're gonna sit right here okay here we go what's in the airway oh sorry buddy they hit a wall going about it sounds like low speeds not weren't any helmets he sounds like instead of grabbing the brake and grab the throttle and a pit in the wall he's got some facial abrasions no loss of consciousness so he's doing pretty good all things considered any like dizziness blurred vision anything like that no and you remember the whole thing yeah okay and your head just hurting all right here nothing here nothing back here still there's still nothing here okay good he was probably going about 10 to 15 miles an hour that's what that would be our guest when we saw a good thing is he said he remembers whole thing didn't get knocked out there's no neck pain there's no back yeah of course he has a headache but you can see where there's still some swelling on this on his forehead in this lip but I know it's scary accidents happen but yeah things are looking pretty good right now his vitals are phenomenal so it's just a scary one right now you comfortable buddy you want a blanket no I just have more stickers to give you but I'm out so you play soccer you ride dirt bikes you're a superhero what else you do yeah who's your favorite team the kings all right so Louie we're gonna be pulling up in just a minute kind of like what I told you before you know we're gonna go in and we're gonna tell the nurses and the doctors what happened and I'll take care of you might do some x-rays and they're just gonna get you all all good okay awesome we are here hey you know this is it's basically water so when he opens the door just squirt let's go to school although he's gonna get cap reports of a 70 year old male that bent over and then slumped down to the ground he's purple and does not appear to be breathing if this is an arrest us get a Lukas on him really quick and try to get him in the truck he's awake he's sitting up it's purple he's normally this color how are you how do you feel the bed's not too good kind of hard isn't it okay your wife said you've been working outside today yeah thank you mighta overdid it a little bit oh my baby do you do that yeah do you think we can set you up ready have you been drinking any okay I could smell a little bit on you a pitcher of beer been outside working all day then had a pitcher of beer okay put that on I think we may be up maybe working out what happened to you Oh how do you feel sitting up sweetie little busy color came the color came back didn't it one two three get them feet untangle there we go and you sit right straight back we got here he was awake color wasn't very good he's very sweaty and his vital signs weren't all that great see something going with his heart we're gonna check it out little bit better wink when I get inside getting right it for the hospital game checked out I'm kind of a little bit worried about your heart you've got an irregular heart rhythm have you ever had what they call bradycardia before okay I'm gonna take this arm frame won't start an IV on you and catch something to give you any medicine your model for us you feisty too aren't you me you got a sense of humor for sure so you've never been told you have a bundle branch block okay so you've got some hard stuff going on it's a delay in the electrical conduction in your heart which makes me wonder if you might have had a heart attack you didn't know about and again that's why we want you to go get checked out it's when we got so you didn't look very good you look a lot better now though pulling into the hospital now never been in an ambulance well you've done something right in 82 years then haven't you so we got him up here to the hospital to get him checked out but overall he's just a really cool dude real down-to-earth had a great sense of humor I wish I could pick up ten more him every day last night but it just do you have a medical card for him I fucking borrow real quick please what's it sound like yeah it's your arm you're doing amazing can I show you how to do it oh I'll show you how to do it you just breathe it in and that's it it's fine I saw her there's nothing wrong with there you go breathe it in and then blow it out okay big breath there you go dude there you go there you go breasts good breasts big deep ones not so fast Oh slow it down okay Jase you ready to go to the hospital mom will be with us the whole time okay you don't want me to carry you out to that yeah Jesus can I put this on you're like this and then put this drop over so I don't have to hold it can we do that that's really boring thank you there you go you got it yeah bud yeah all right what are you sending out a fever yeah yeah holder last beer job the last temperature was like 102 but it went up to like one of he's feeling better we're taking down the hospital you ate it Cruz did a good job here without having a child he was actually really calm which is the good thing to start with but we all have kids we all know how it is and so crews really good at keeping the child and the family reassured keeping them calm this is a big deal but we're not gonna get everybody amped up over it and he's gonna be he feel a lot better soon responding to a motor vehicle or rapport with a motor vehicle accident agent Kings Highway over there bokmal opportunity to comment you're good how you feeling so if I put this seat back can you slide over nothing in here just in here okay you ain't paralyzed because you just felt from your head feels to players told you just felt it and you can feel it from your head so hey go to the hospital you can check down Brooke and then it's gonna be with a zombie bro but you can feel it for life you can get your hands up but you're too hurt so don't get your way we had a two vehicle accident tbonz situation not at a real high of - speed two of them will be refusing treatment two of them are getting transported and one had shoulder pain and the other had some back pain all right move the cars off the street this one back give me a push come on come on come on down for real it's great burning buildings why the roof collapsing y'all go in there so it is pretty common that we get people that hang out in the area here to come out and help the nice thing about firefighting is people love us because we don't arrest anybody we're only there to help we don't care what you're doing no matter doesn't matter to us I appreciate you out man I promise hey man have a good night man yes sir one and a half year old chef some Cheerios up snow up in there Frank yesterday was it his nose his butt that was pretty cool you've got the peds bag just in case Thanks hey buddy he is the happiest said you guys know how much he shoved up there it was cereal well cereal okay all right has he started choking or anything when did you notice you just look over and see him okay dad what's what's obviously we don't want to leave that in there we don't really have the ability to take it out ourselves we can call an ambulance to give you guys a ride over there so right okay I've got a little one and a half-year-old that shoves some cereal up is nostril oh he did yeah hopefully that was all that was he got it out those sneezes are pretty powerful sometimes all right have a good night so as a parent myself little ones get into some crazy stuff you never know what they're gonna do you always have to keep an eye on them and you kind of chuckle when you come on a call like this especially once you know that the little guys okay he's sitting there just smiling and we all get a kick out of it cuz we know what kids do but luckily for him and for the parents we don't have to take him to the hospital tonight and everything's all as well so we'll carry on all righty we got a 72 year old female near syncope diabetic BS normal history blood sugar that's blood glucose history cardiac well this could just be a plethora of things you are correct you bunch of as well it is way too low good news is we can fix that we're gonna give you some sugar through your vein right better right now we're just gonna hang some dextrose d-10 it's just pretty much sugar water we're gonna give it to her IV hopefully I'll bring up for sugar pretty quick and if she wants to stay here hopefully we'll be able to let you stay at home that's okay we don't blame you but one half because what we give you is only gonna last for shorter suppose I should sandwich a meal you have anything do we have anything that we could heat up for you real quick as well I I think as a chief intersect in America should I learn about like some bread and some peanut butter yeah okay good I have no idea where their self-awareness we got a sandwich for you it's just a peanut butter sandwich she's gonna be glass water next time think okay okay Bernice you wanna force you to go to hospital okay we've pretty much fixed the problem you see the promise me to check your sugar a couple times tonight yeah and that you okay all righty all right Brittany I would call sparkly news you're welcome have a wonderful night I could not find our selves or door so are you a crunchy or a smooth I'm probably see I'm more of a jam so I like a smooth peanut butter to go with that otherwise it's just it's too many different textures yeah it's crunchy all the way already like the thinnest layer of jam but then what are you a psychopath crunchy all day you you
Channel: A&E
Views: 4,989,469
Rating: 4.9468441 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, live rescue, cops, live firefighters, live firefighter show, live EMT, Live EMT Show, live Paramedics, live paramedics show, law enforcement, ride along, ridealong, fire, fire truck, fire engine, ladder, rescue, live, save lives, emergency, 911, live pd, live rescue compilation, live rescue heart warming rescue, heart warming rescues, heart warming rescues in Live rescue, accident on a dirt bike
Id: s8hViORnTVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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