Nightwatch: Woman Thrown From Car During Traffic Stop | Full Episode – S4, E5 | Part 2 | A&E

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engine 16. we're picking this patient up from a sober  living facility so we have to assume that there's   been some kind of history of alcohol or drug  abuse the rest before i unseen saving life anything else hurting your bothering  you other than your chest hurt   how long you been off anything a long-term meth use can cause a lot of long-term  effects with your health heart issues high blood   pressure a rapid heart rate in turn making it  work too hard all right so tell me about this pain in my back give me a number of the pain right  now 910 okay small poke in your hand okay   we're ready to go guys all right  buttercup get more pressure on you   all right so what were you doing this started on  you sitting in the group just sitting in group   did you get stressed out by  anything i'm not severe anxiety any nausea yeah okay let me explain this to  you this medicine i'm going to give you is   a nitroglycerin underneath your tongue there  you go let it dissolve don't chew it that's   what it does it dilates the vessels in your heart  another side effect of this will lower your blood   pressure she is chest pain so we give her some  nitroglycerin and monitor her the only true way to   figure out if something's going on with her is to  have some blood work done they'll see if there was   actually any kind of heart attack how long did you  use it really that's the only thing you ever used what else did you use you stopped  on your own yeah was it hard that's mad props you stopped four months  on your own then you came and got treatment how old are your kids eight 19 months  eight 19 months doing it well for the kids   for myself good answer good answer yourself should  always be first you can't do it for them very good   i give you good props for learning that  even though it was a hard way you know blood pressure fantastic glorious i know  you're thinking that was some of the best   driving you've ever experienced now  actually she said that was awful god   awful you made her sick yeah she wanted  to throw up it's too late she's smiling   i'm just telling you she was like i wanna he made  me nauseous i'm gonna throw up right looks wise   we're talking to driving actually it was looks and  then driving she said like looking at you made her   feel sick and then your driving made her want to  actually let it go because i can put up with the   looks part but i have good driving skills can you  imagine spending every third day with him a yeah somebody's having a party he had the guilty face you know they won't  look at you and they just look straight ahead   they don't see me that's what my  lab does eyes straight up in the air   with the bread crumbs coming  out of her mouth i can see you this guy's all over the road this car camera   actually that car ran from jake and i two weeks  ago are you sure 99 sure did you see where it went   yeah the reason the car stood  out is because it was a really   old nissan and it had rims that were probably  more expensive than the car can't get the tag   let's just see what would they do when i pull here that's what i thought stay in the car man stay in the car stay in the car ma'am stay in the car oh you all  right are you all right you're okay she's lucky   she did she whacked her head three nine and one  one we need someone to go over there and check   on the female at 49th street he almost ran over a  female that he was letting out of the car when we   tried to pull it we just had a red nissan fleet  from our traffic stop we don't see it any longer   break that car's disappeared we don't see the car  at all he might come back around we put a bolo out   the other officers need to be on the lookout that  we have a dangerous suspect that's running from us   he definitely hangs out in that area so we're  gonna see it again i want to see it tonight come on man have a seat no man  come on get my wheel back let's go   huh all right let's go you driving i'm a passenger i didn't say anything why are you looking at  me i didn't say anything man i'm gonna throw   up on you i'm gonna make sure i throw it right  there right on my right right in my lap yep   so we tried we tried this before where i was  driving and then you're like i can't take it   i can't take it hey man but if you do get pretty  sick let me know i'll switch it i just thought   i'm gonna go check this card here real  quick that tents illegals it's too dark three ninety four five fifty four myself in 383  yeah see look at his tent you can't even see him   i'll be a silver dodge avenger there we go as we're talking to the guy pierre notices a small  bag of wheat and a pipe in the center console of   the vehicle somebody over there for me if we find  drugs in the car we'd search the entire vehicle   because normally when there's drugs in the car  there's almost a guaranteed chance there'd been   a gun in the car it's this weed in the car is  it a lot of weeds a little bit ain't no guys dirty ass cars as i'm searching the car i don't  see anything i'm starting to get upset at myself   because i'm like i know it's in this car i  know it's here because i can smell it it's   so fresh that i can taste it all right so we put  it over because the chance to look kind of dark   we're gonna only give you a warning for the  test man cause we don't find anything else   you've been chewed for the whole time i'll  write you a 75 dollar front i open the trunk   and i can kind of smell it more now and i'll see  a backpack i'm like we might be on something here   a lot of times you get these cars  and you find it's on like five grams   so when we unzip the backpack and i see it's a  large amount i'm like oh crap it's more than i   thought it would be weed scale baggies ended up  finding 100 grams of marijuana in this backpack   we got a whole bunch of wheat out of this car  you think you could drop them off that district   appreciate it one of our petroleums would take the  guy to booking while we handled getting the car   to the station to impound it as good luck with  those roaches in there i saw a little baby one   you scared of roaches yeah are you serious no bro you got a gun a badge a baton and  a taser you scared a damn roach   hey bro i'll do roaches bro i don't do roaches  you're serious where you going man oh you hat appreciate it partner jurgen  spirit don't do no roaches   i'm gonna kick your ass make me drop this  damn car i'm not gonna hear the end of that be safe be strong let's do this get that  stretcher in here you're gonna bleed to death they're not dead i can work with that
Channel: A&E
Views: 558,293
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Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, a&e full episodes, nightwatch, nightwatch season 4, nightwatch full episodes, nightwatch clips, new orleans, new orleans crime, new orleans medical, emergency responders, emergency workers, new orleans police, nightwatch season 04, Nightwatch s4, Watch nightwatch s4, nightwatch se04 e5, Nightwatch s4 e5, nightwatch 4X5, Season 4, Episode 5, nightwatch videos, Nightwatch part 2, Woman Thrown, Traffic Stop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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