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yo you all right all right just laying on his back here you okay [Music] [Music] attacked [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I am Matt Benton I've been investigating paranormal phenomena for a Whole Decade of my life it all started with my experience at the old Washoe Club I was only 16 years old I got my first interaction with a possible entity after asking a question in the Crypt inside yeah there's a little girl here please move something touch me [Music] make some kind of noise Make a tapping noise [Music] a piece of brick was thrown that day I discovered you can get a response back from your questions and I was hooked having that interaction literally changed my life [Music] since then I've been traveling the country looking for the most active paranormal locations documenting my findings [Music] and presenting them on my YouTube channel Devil's hour Productions every Paranormal Investigator is looking for that next level of paranormal activity that Holy Grail location and I blocked out that window that was a big one July 19th 2013 the Hollywood film The Conjuring took the World by storm it critically acclaimed horror film based on the haunting of the Harrisville Farmhouse through the perspectives of the parent family including Ed and Lorraine Warren every investigator has heard about the warrants they are pioneers of the Paranormal that's probably the worst thing we have in this whole museum that Raggedy Ann doll was given to a nurse in 1970 by her mother of the Christmas present I have researched some of their cases and one of them was the Harrisville Farmhouse the kind of activity they reported having there is what I would call Next Level so that we would then leave the house evaluate our findings and decide what it is we can't do to help the family if indeed there was anything that we could do to help them in this case I do not believe that any exorcism any ritual of a religious nature or anyone could ever clear that home of the very negative Spirits which are involved in it we have both human and human Spirits in this home which are bringing about these destructive acts the destructive acts of Acts this Farmhouse piqued my interest is this house truly that next level location I really want to investigate the extraordinary claims of levitation possession apparitions and physical attacks at the time however the Harrisville Farmhouse owner was not allowing investigations at the house it wasn't until October 2019 I discovered that paranormal investigators Corey and Jennifer heisen had purchased the property thank you this gave me hope of getting access to film a documentary at the infamous Harrisville farmhouse I then told my friend Joe Vitale who has over 20 years of experience investigating the Paranormal and runs his own YouTube channel and he entity 7 paranormal he was wanting to investigate the property just as much as I did so we agreed to film there together as soon as possible I got in contact with the heisens and they gave us permission and the dates we could film there we were all set except my team could not make it due to personal reasons so we decided to gather a team of four paranormal YouTubers Joe and I Billy cook from Paranormal Pursuit Eric Connor from epic paranormals the four of us have very different styles of investigating Joe is very old school in the ways of paranormal investigating Billy is the more grounded one in the group Eric is very energetic and spiritual the 100 believer others say I'm the more scientific minded investigator of the team and willing to put myself in dangerous situations March 16 2020. [Music] [Music] I'm in Massachusetts for the first time in my life I'm in Massachusetts and I'm on the way to our location to the The Conjuring house the real Conjuring house this is the house where the events of The Conjuring movie one took place this is the place where Ed and Lorraine Warren investigated so I'm on my way to meet up with Matt Joe and Billy they're already at the location to my knowledge so I'll be arriving there shortly I'm very excited I've like I said I've never even been in the state I've never been this far north and I've never been to this location and I've also never investigated with Matt or with Billy we've all talked online you know plenty but this will be our first time investigating a location together and we've got two days we've got two days and two nights we got it all it's gonna be it's gonna be lit so let's go let's get it my heart's beating a little bit a little bit racing here I uh I did my homework on this location so I know the potential of what we might be walking into the left the day has finally come where we set foot on the Harrisville Farmhouse property for the very first time [Music] we wanted to uncover the real history and experiences of the house so we interviewed Keith and Carl Johnson the first paranormal investigators and demonologists to ever investigate the house next we interviewed Corey heisen the current owner of The Farmhouse as well as John Huntington also a Paranormal Investigator he investigated the house the longest and lived there for nine months with the heisens As a caretaker lastly Andrea Perrin was interviewed she experienced this Infamous haunting firsthand for 10 years on the property her story is the reason why we are here that kind of LED you on a path that you finally were able to come to this house what brought you to this house it was in the early 1970s 1973 actually and I was part of an organization my brother and I my brother Carl were members of pyro based at Rhode Island College parapsychological investigation and research organization and as I said there was no internet back then so how do I get the word out that we do investigations free of charge so I just Illustrated a little ad myself put it in a local newspaper and it was three weeks later to the to the day actually that it was answered by Mrs Carolyn Perrin in Harrisville Rhode Island and she said she had moved in a couple of years ago to a house that was built in 1736 and things were happening that were becoming very terrifying downright terrifying and she was wondering if we could come and check out her situation logic tells you that something that is immaterial that there's a shadow there's a mess that's a wind that passes by it lifts your hair cannot really hurt you I still feel threatened I feel as soon as we arrived on the property we felt almost like a barrier it was like a barrier when we stepped out of the car the atmosphere was was very different I mean a nice family the parent family very nice people all American Family yet the property in the house itself you really felt that something was kind of wrong it was a like a very very negative energy we sensed and I believed it to not be a human spirit I believed it to be an inhuman Spirit a demon if you will Carol and Perrin was most affected by this whatever the house had she would awaken with scratches on her arms and torso and she was visibly shrinking she was losing weight rapidly so it was affecting her profoundly [Music] near it I was bending over at the time came down off the rack and started pounding me on the head six or eight times foreign we had seen things we had seen my mother under attack in the closet downstairs off the bathroom um beaten inexplicably with a wooden coat hanger uh after stepping out of the shower and she started screaming and we all ran in to see what was wrong with Mom including our neighbor that had stopped by with a cake and she saw it too and never came back to the house um but you know my mother was attacked physically a number of times have you met the parents yes we've been able to meet all the parents except for Carol and Carolyn refuses to come back up here and there was a sister that passed away a few years ago unfortunately that we weren't able to meet yeah they had them all up here a few months ago and that was you could tell like you can tell when somebody's been through something and they had certainly been through something Mr mckeachern who was a historian in his 90s uh when we moved there he came and introduced himself to my mother and our family the spirit that was Haunting my mother clearly had a broken neck hanging literally off the side of her dress and Mr mckeachern told my mother that it was Mrs Arnold in their farmhand took her body down and moved her into the house so that she would be able to be buried in uh in the family plot in the cemetery rather than being excluded because she had taken her own life Carol and Perrin did have a very disturbing experience in her bedroom where one morning it was shortly after our first visit it was about 5 15 in the morning she woke up and there was something in her room she smelled the scent of a sulfur and Decay mingled there was something even fizzling for a moment on her dresser some kind of light but then she looked over and there's this it's very difficult to describe what she saw some kind of monstrosity and vaguely in the shape of a female Apparition wearing a long gray dress but the head was cocked one side on the shoulders if the neck had been broken and it began chanting to her I'll drive you mad with fiery brooms I'll drive you mad with death and Gloom I'll drive you out but it will be too late you'll be dead and then it just layered at her and vanished a myth surrounds the Harrisville Farmhouse involving Bathsheba Sherman people claim she was a witch and a Satanist who murdered a baby with a sewing needle through research however this appears to be far from the truth Bathsheba Thayer Sherman green was a actual historical person she was a resident of Harrisville she was a member of the Harrisville Baptist Church at the time of her life she married Judson Sherman they had a rather prosperous farm and somehow somehow we don't know how rumors started up about her years ago quite a long time ago she was accused of being a satanic witch and supposedly had killed a baby here sacrificed and made her look like an accident by impaling it with a sewing needle and there's been a lot of research done on that and there's been no no actual historic evidence that that ever happened we contacted Kenny Biddle a researcher and writer who has spent a year researching the history of The Farmhouse he will give us the facts on the authentic history of the property if Toshiba was an evil witch that killed a baby it would be in her obituary that's what they put in those obituaries back then they told your they condensed your life story with the highlights in that obituary [Music] so I guarantee without a doubt if she had murdered a baby it would be in that obituary on top of that it's like back then they took that seriously if they you're considered a witch you would have been shamed for it and even killed for it um definitely won't be buried in a Baptist uh be in the newspapers we should be able to find newspaper articles about this but there's nothing but unfortunately between the movie and the books that were written about it and then the hundreds of YouTube channels that just repeat [ __ ] Ad nauseam this is the story that's out there this is what people know it's the common knowledge now [Music] battle for people like me and and documentaries like this to present the real history the only the only uh death that was on the property was Jarvis Smith was a man that he was he was walking along and he actually uh it was winter time it sounds like he was drunk and he took shelter in one of their sheds a shed that's no longer there that that's been gone for decades but he was there and he died overnight he froze to death on the property no unusual history of deaths from The Farmhouse however before the Harrisville Farmhouse was built King Phillips war took place throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island from 1675 through 1678 the Narragansett and Wampanoag tribes fought a brutal war with colonists thousands were left dead Villages were torched women and children murdered and improved alive leaving The Farmhouse land it was actually Pyro who contacted the Warrens about the situation here and we were here first and investigated and of course experienced quite a bit of activity here and we sat down at our next meeting and said I really you know we were talking about how we should call in and Lorraine Warren just to see what their take was uh actually Lorraine Warren arranged something I personally would not recommend she recommended that they arrange a seance which took place right in this room right where we're sitting now and of course Carol and Perrin was going to be the conduit she was the one that was going to communicate since the spirit was oppressing her um Lorraine thought perhaps this Spirit if they hold the Seance and they had another psychic medium here as well that was actually conducting the Seance and they hope that the spirit would communicate through Carolyn Perrin and say what it wanted my father didn't want to have anything to do with that he uh strenuously objected to the ritual going forward it took Ed Warren and the priest quite a while to convince him that it was necessary and then the medium started Conjuring the spirits that's where the name of the film came from and in the process of doing that she collapsed unconscious on the table the table rose up it came back down on the floor my mother started howling like a banshee started speaking in a language that does not exist on this Earth the chair that she was in raised up off the floor and in a split second she ended the chair were tossed from the middle of the dining room into the middle of the Parlor literally thrown off the chair halfway across the room wound up crumpled on the floor to all uh appearances she she was dead she wasn't showing any uh life signs at all and of course Roger ran over to revive her and she did start breathing again meanwhile Ed Warren advised him you really shouldn't touch the possessive at this point and that's where Roger lost it he uh dismissed the Warrens very very uh adamantly he actually literally threw it out of the house and that's how it culminated their their involvement in this case and everyone present in the house heard my mother's soul hit that floor and everyone present in that house and he thought she had died it was it was a nightmare it was the worst moments of my life that shouldn't have even happened have you had anybody scared to investigate after coming here we've had a few teams leave in the middle of the night uh just because you know it gets too real too soon some people just aren't ready for it you know they just think it's just going to be one of those run-of-the-mill you know hauntings and it's pretty much up in your face hear you out there a little bit oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] scary [Music] okay John tell us a little bit about some of the experiences you've had in this house the scariest thing is I had a voice um yell hello at me I came out here and I heard a bunch of wrestling around and stuff and banging and sound like something was going through something so I just kind of went quietly walk back at my phone started recording and then I heard a girl say hello out loud which kind of startled me had some knocking banging guns I'm gonna walk through the moon okay I'll just grab my camera there's a car going by [Music] hello and I was had like a toy car come off from the chairs and the library book came off the shelf I just gotten up in the morning and noticed it on the floor and I came her back and asked Bill if you know did you see was there a book on the floor yesterday you know we reviewed the tape and sure enough it just came right off the shelf all right what kind of tools the investigator wise have you had success with we had a dr16 here a few weeks ago and got some pretty crazy stuff all right I'm just gonna ask who was here with us because it's crazy all right you ready guys that's cool can we delete that one okay recording now who is here with us [Music] did you say did I just hear what I what I think I heard I'm having slow that's what sounds funny oh something's not happy guys something is not happy oh my god dude oh my God that was a little alarming guys to be honest I almost wanted to say it was commonplace to see things move on their own [Music] [Music] oh my god um taking nothing Unholy or unnatural to us only that God tonight entertainment kept saving as they explore the wonders of creation praise before the investigation our friend Jason Emmert an investigator and medium had given Joe a warning that I was not told about for experimental purposes and he's gonna see if he can communicate with the spirits from here at his place gotcha and right now I'm not going to say what he's telling me right now just yet here do you want to film it though go ahead and film it but it was interesting so that way they can see what time it's at you know before and everything [Music] foreign PM we commenced our investigation in the basement Eric was live on his YouTube channel during the first hour this is what was captured on night one in the house immediately that same feeling again I just got the same exact feeling I got when I walked in here the first time there is energy in this room that's it though that's the world yeah there's a clear concise energy in here that I can that I can just feel as soon as we get here and there's obviously like a change in temperature like it's cooler in this room the air is crisper in this room but there's something else too there's almost like a static energy on top of the air whoa looked in the air it's clear too here I'm gonna research ready do you get any energy from this whale from this water source I can feel the energy in here like clearly it feels like just Natural Energy I'm not feeling any kind of like presence but I'm feeling just like a whole bunch of energy I have yeah we could be very careful I have face tracking on my cameras and my phones and stuff and in my basement it'll what are you doing you just stepped right into the well actually what if I go down there you ain't getting back up okay let's do this I'll help you are you really doing it sure oh my goodness dude you're gonna lose some equipment in that well so I'm gonna fall off are you gonna hang like hang it's not worth it [Music] he's an extreme investigator for a reason y'all that's not gonna work be very very careful yeah if he follows you and we are picking them up out of there so get ready me and you just want to push a put a flashlight down here no yeah hold on let me see what I'm doing here [Music] at this moment we capture a possible disembodied voice [Music] this voice is so clear and has human tone to it we start to think that it could have been one of us when reviewing all the video we don't see any of our lips move but Billy and I are both facing away from the cameras during this moment the thing that is odd about this though is that as Americans we do not typically call flashlights torches so it doesn't seem like our characteristics and none of us remember saying this so we are leaving this up to you to decide like I wonder if there if they've got a camera or something here do you need any help out of there you got it okay so guys Matt series when he says extreme paranormal investigations he goes for it all of us were like well no no no but he did let's do one more rip okay all right here we go we're gonna be here for a while do you have any messages or warnings for us that's weird all right so if the doorway is open will you say doorway please you all right how are you feeling now I'm feeling okay now that was weird when you said that yeah that whole session was weird dude I was getting weird but when you said that though I had like I just like felt like my like my eyes just roll back and then I got really dizzy for a second that was weird that's scary when I said what the doorway thing yeah what's up now maybe it was that street is that a tree no what the hell was that then I thought that was a Christmas tree I thought there was a Christmas tree right here I saw a shadow yeah it looked like a Christmas tree was right here and then all of a sudden it moved and then I thought it was the lighting but no it was their camera security camera someone here oh yes yes whatever I thought I saw this one uh but it was the craziest thing because I thought there's one at the very end I thought it was a Christmas from your lighting when you were messing with the lighting it it looked like maybe it was you know how when you know that brighten the light it would make the Shadows kind of move a little bit that's what I thought was happening and I was like oh no it's just a Christmas tree and then I noticed that there's not a Christmas tree here it was that's what it looked like to me that's pretty wild a little Mass oh it's blocked off now they're locked up about 22 minutes later we head up to the second floor and we experience something absolutely fascinating um hello oh [Music] is that mad Ness oh I can unlock it bro yeah you want some solo time yep all right he's all right we're just doing some solo work [Music] foreign in here with me can you move something can you move this stuff right now can you show yourself right now crooked neck lady crooked neck lady come forth we restarted she said that's good in the park [Music] I feel dizzy again that was interesting trying to gain contact with you we are giving you permission to make your presence known [Music] [Music] foreign guys you sure it was above it was in a black circle oh my God Matt why you do this what's up wait wait how did this how's this work what's good my man what's good check this out we're on the way buddy all right so we just got walking in over here what's going down look how coincidental this is oh my god look at you look I just thought that was moving I was and you recorded when you came in here so we'll be able to see that you came straight in actually I even recorded walking towards it too and so there I'm not no cuts no Cuts look at that okay bro is that not crazy that's crazy so I just noticed that when I was walking down there that is that's wild dude that's wild okay [Music] [Music] seven a possible demonic entity that Joe Eric and myself have experienced in past investigations it seems to follow us to different locations with Jason's warning to Joe about seven Could It Be The Entity or is it referencing the Seven Soldiers said to be buried behind the wall and they're all saying together at once there are seven dead soldiers buried in the wall there are seven dead soldiers buried in the wall and is the block a coincidence or a sign I think you would have noticed that though I would have made a big deal about it if I noticed it but I'm saying like what if I like filmed it wasn't looking you know what I mean like it was most likely not mood like like since we've been here but I just thought it was a weird-ass coincidence oh yeah 100 and I think that's pretty strange literally the number and you often hear about yourself and saw it no wonder you radioed does that make sense no I just wanted you to see what was up and I'm like whoa this is kind of cool it seems like a sign it seems like a sign especially we're going to show you some stuff later I don't know when but Joe may have to show you at some point and it it'll it'll all come together it'll it'll all be very uh very informative should you be sharing the your what your session also first or or Jason MX first any relations to it I feel like I feel like I should do I should do all tarot reading the rocking chair it's moving it's moving [Music] Okay jump around Jump Around we're trying to Bunk after this at first well I'm trying to get the that's right I want to try and get the phenomena first then we'll try and debunk okay okay because this just happened so if we could do it again let's see if it can if you're here but I did say when I was in here I have it on video when I was in here I said if you're in here can you please make something move but you know I was getting ready to just hit it to sit in it that's freaky what happened my camera's cold here I have another one for you that's crazy I saw that rocking chair moving I put my camera on it too I caught a little bit of it I didn't capture it initiating is the issue and no one's gonna believe it I thought it was an optical illusion at first because of the way that the rails are yeah why didn't we give Bill the other as33 or the uh 53 I know Hook em up with him right now it's downstairs all right I'll grab it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's right we have cameras all over what time is it around 10 o'clock [Music] at 10 12 p.m the heisen family's DVR system captured the rocking chair move on its own [Music] before we reviewed the footage we tried every method we could think of to debunk the chair moving on its own stomped on the ground near the chair and it didn't budge okay Jump Around Jump Around okay yes everything was moving it was [ __ ] moving I caught a little bit hold on I got it I caught a little bit of it the boards don't go all the way through there okay back up guys but let's back up give us some space for a bit we'll try the bunk after this at first oil on I'm trying to get the that's right I want to try and get the phenomena first then we'll try the debunk okay okay all right because this just happened so if it could do it again let's see if it can this should not move now I want to do a debunking process because I was trying to get density to do again around the back right uh that's why I didn't want to do it again but now let's try and do another debunking process so here jump around guys Billy was where you are and we were over here so yeah okay nothing nothing moving there's a stop but we weren't doing that though I'm just trying to over dramatize it right because they even show even more that it's not us and that's crazy um it's not moving at all no it's not so this move by itself we captured it we then recreated a door vacuum and that also did not make it budge seriously said can you move something actually hold on I think I might know how to debunk this open that door close it open it suction effect can now open it how you did before open to Big too so if there's any yeah it's still not doing it after reviewing the footage we know exactly where Bill stepped when the chair moved [Music] steps in between the fourth and fifth wooden plank right when the rocking chair initiates [Music] which is about a foot away from the chair [Music] we also checked if this cord had been wrapped around the chair prior to it moving upon review of the video eight minutes before the chair moved the cord was in the same spot not touching the rocking chair when we headed downstairs our walkie-talkies had an electrical interference you guys press the button you guys pressing guys are you pressing this guys are you doing this camera's on when I walked into this room and started doing this yeah the whole time this is weird oh this is weird when you cross over this restaurant [Applause] what the heck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way to turn back like that turn back like that right there stay right there look can you say hello yeah turn this one off because that one's not doing it it's all mine and the other ones upstairs it's literally only years yeah that's weird oh my God whoa okay something like this happened to me in college and similar but not like this it's no Direct [Applause] that's so crazy look as soon as he crosses that threshold all right walk forward yeah walk closer to the door because that's where it originally is huh [Music] that's upstairs [Applause] maybe look up some tech forms yeah different walkie-talkies do this every now yeah because I've never seen this before this is weird but [Applause] and then it stops like entirely right there yeah [Music] it's not going on at all moving around erratically doesn't do anything right bro that's crazy that's weird [Applause] [Music] you got it on three all night two [Music] so it's just on three that's free because the one upstairs is on three mocking of the Trinity too oh my God that's [ __ ] weird it's only doing it on three hey now that was good it was on three yeah only on three how are you it's something enormous it's gonna be EMF switch it to two I think I'm on two [Music] doesn't make sense they should still be doing it you know it's just the frequency maybe it's so power close that you know it's picking up a signal numbers in between there is causing a interference it seemed to be a natural phenomenon because we could recreate it on every walkie-talkie while on Channel 3. another source of EMF could be the cause while on break Joe went outside to retrieve some items from the car then as he entered the house he had his own experience what the [ __ ] was in here dude I swear to God I thought one of you guys were in here no no I looked over I thought I thought it was you mad that was in here you see someone in there then I thought I looked over I'd seen man I thought maybe it was you Eric yeah I saw somebody in here yeah like standing right over here right there just now but it makes the tripods but it was right here dude I'm not a Deja Vu right now it's weird because I remember you in this situation right now well here let's uh if you're in here with us can you give us another sign Joe just saw you we ended our first night with a seance and Ouija board session this is when I had another personal experience [Music] [Music] I [ __ ] felt something that's weird I literally have tears right now what happened houses I don't know but what what were you feeling so for a second uh when I close my eyes I just felt like like something from above just went straight through my body through my spine and um I don't know how to explain it it was familiar yeah my meditation I saw something come from above the house into the house oh into the floor and then it came up out of the floor it's like six or seven different things it was it was very strange but that same kind of experience with it coming down into the building yeah it was just like white energy like a white string energy was massive at first yeah I felt that pulse of uh like but it came from above for me it came from good and strained to me through my spine to the ground like through my body straight to the ground that's weird we've had a lot of correlating stuff happen all right keep focusing y'all keep focusing Focus Joe and Eric are the only ones that knew of Jason's warning I had no prior knowledge and seemed to be the only one affected at this location it is very rare for this to happen to me in the morning of our second day at The Farmhouse I talked to Corey about reviewing the footage from the DVR cameras last night we did capture some interesting things but the two biggest moments would be the rocking chair moving by itself we even try to debunk that and we have it on DVR because you have a camera pointing straight at it and we want to review that with you if that's possible oh of course yep and then another thing is that Joe said he saw an apparition right here and you have a DVR pointing this direction so if we want to review that we have the times marked down around that time period so we can easily find it easy enough do what foreign no way no way all right I'm coming I'm coming holy crap no way yes that is awesome so we captured it is what you're saying yes we captured it we captured it I want your guys's reaction to this yeah I haven't seen this yet all right ready yeah ready let's see holy crap oh my God and so we tried to recreate that for like 30 minutes trying to jump around pounding on the floor there there was that's crazy huge movement can we can we see it again yep just because that was just so incredible it was incredible we used I mean I just I jumped back I was like I was wondering because you said you're walking up to it and I didn't have any idea of how close you were to it but this is this is amazing this is fantastic and watch you're gonna see him away from it when it starts he didn't step on he didn't step on it in order for him to step on it like he would have to be at an awkward angle yeah he'll like to reach out and step with his foot yeah so if anybody thinks he's stretched in front of me and he would have been way closer and it starts rocking before he's even halfway through this board and then he takes like another step after it's already started rocking yeah because you said I didn't notice it yet and then that's my first reaction was I thought it was the lighting from everybody's cameras yeah and I thought that the shadow was moving on the wall from the lighting but it was the actual rocking chair it was the chair you can see that clears down camera we just caught an amazing piece of evidence right here upon trying to review the footage of the possible shadow figure seen by Joe we found that the camera had unexplainably stopped during the night give me a second what's going on here oh is there no footage here look at the time code is it fast forwarding yeah that's weird I'm sorry okay that's what I'm saying um holy crap you're on 17 right now but if you just press the play button to see what happens that's what you did initially and it started fast forwarding like to see what the hell look at that it's jumping wildly well come on no way man what the hell where we are right now here okay it shows movement though right those are the green spots yeah it should be but it should be playing at this point because you're right right here 1300 9 15 16 17 18. the silver over here now around there is when it was captured well ain't that [ __ ] convenient while we were outside filming b-roll I went back inside to grab my camera and jacket and while I came back Eric told me something interesting we're outside about to do some drone shots and I thought Matt had came out in his T-shirt and then went back in to I guess get a jacket or something he said he hadn't come out at all right no uh I the only time it came out was when I just he just now saw me come up I saw him for this camera I saw him 100 come around that corner it was him to a t his shirt his hat everything it was it was 100 you yeah dude that's crazy I saw a doppelganger of Matt here could it have been My Doppelganger Eric saw this is only one of many encounters we have had of possible mimicking or why are you coming out I was still in the bathroom I was getting ready to come out and I heard a little girl say daddy did it come from like in the bathroom or out here what do you think this is no it definitely came from out here got you so I don't know it's just weird stuff like that it's it's bizarre well I was gonna say that Daddy thing I guarantee you that's not a little girl calling out for a daddy that is so like yeah that's so it's too typical you know what I mean that's two like that is that is definitely something like mimicking or something right check this out though so Bill had his daughter on the phone remember on speakerphone that's right maybe that helped me or something maybe also what I found interesting is when you mentioned the mimicking thing remember what you saw earlier so that's a good point I saw him walk around the corner of the house when we were getting ready to do a drone shot I saw him walk out in his T-shirt and then he walked back and and then he came back out with the jacket and I was like did you walk you know walk out and then walk back and he said no not at all it was him I saw him exactly but there was no one there I saw the doppelganger of Matt walked on the side of this building let's see well that was last night when I come in I thought Matt was in there that was your initial thought as you thought it was Matt right and I looked in here and at first I only seen you and Billy so I thought Matt was in there and I looked in there again they didn't see anybody and then when I turned to look again there there were there was Matt I'm like whoa wait a minute and that damn camera yeah the camera that would have captured that completely no no footage at all on camera five all the rest of the cameras recorded just fine throughout the entire night the entire investigation camera five for some reason doesn't have any footage on it that's just strange that's just strange what we know now is that this thing is mimicking yeah uh completely mimicking in multiple different ways and that's very strange and we all know that what that possibly leads to so [Music] before we arrived at the Harrisville Farmhouse Eric conducted a tarot card reading and now he is revealing their meaning some of what he mentions foreshadows what is to come the card visible at the center of the Cross represents the obstacle that stands in your way it may even be something that sounds good but is not actually good to your benefit drink courage fortitude conviction energy determination Defiance action awareness of Temptations and the mental and physical abilities to overcome them hidden forces at work are challenged heroism virility strength to endure in spite of obstacles we got the seven of Cups reversed uh there's that number yep and it's also reverse which means desire determination strong willpower a goal attained intelligent Choice desire will resolution the card at the right of the Cross represents an approaching influence or something to be embraced all right here's the capability of perceiving Temptation and avoiding evil so again that's good now here's the last one the card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course we got the Knight of Cups reversed subtlety artifice trickery deception fraud a Sly and cunning person a person capable of swindling so basically this thing's thinking this is going to be a battle an absolute battle and it's going to be battles of Despair battles of hidden forces battles of evil and good and this house with the spirits and with us Matt this is leading up to what you and I know about the message from uh Emrick oh yeah do you want me to talk about that now yeah I'll talk about that now and then I'll go ahead and reveal okay we're talking about the Jason nimrich thing okay this Billy and I don't know anything about it so this is new seven will be there Matt needs to be careful I don't know what to say really to what was coming through I know they're all gonna be all over his energy they said his name more than once within minutes sounds are within minutes seconds the door is open everything he said came true now he said inside the mirror the Black Mirror Ouija board please tell Matt would you please take extra precautions about an hour after being informed about Jason's warning we started gearing up for our 30-minute individual isolation experiment so right now we're about to do our solo sessions and this is going to be your setup it's a very similar setup to what I use for Man versus paranormal so you got everything you need it's a 4K night vision camera a good audio Zoom h4m Pro Deadlight the best IR light in the business and then we have a face cam for your reactions because we want those reactions also it's good for EVPs if uh we so you know that he's not whispering or something like that he's in the building by himself so if there's any voice and it shows him not whispering that's going to be interesting and especially for this and body voices this will capture the disembly voices because of how clear this audio is so here it is this is going to be our solo setup and uh it's it worked really well for me for Man versus paranormal so this is a beast this is a freaking Beast dude this is awesome they call you Matt Tactical for a reason [Applause] oh my goodness there is something up here like one hundo [Music] like no joke like one hundo Eric says there's someone up there hello [Music] all right I gotta bust out some equipment here because I know you're here there's just a noise in the corner I think look if uh if you're familiar with me and the equipment will you make a noise in here so that way I know [Music] so that way I know all right I'm gonna I'm gonna walk into the center room here everything every fiber of my being is telling me to turn on the flashlight is there someone over here [Music] if so can you please say something [Music] here I'm gonna bust out a recorder that you haven't seen yet it's called the Sony saint the Sony st25 [Music] I'm hitting record so when I hit record you can talk and I'll hear you William are you here [Music] what was that fellas are you all talking to Joe just say something real loud none of us said anything no one said anything okay I gotta get into this other room oh my God that voice was clear as day it sounded like Joe talking [Music] it was that type of voice I swear that sounded like Joe talking that's crazy I only hit player on the Sony Sound remember the name the king oh that's right the mimicking oh my God I forgot about that holy crap and it sounded just like Joe oh man [Music] I'm gonna listen back because I think I was recording when it happened hey wait I'm gonna turn the compressor on [Music] whoa I think that was it [Applause] I caught it I caught it I caught it on the Sony saying right there [Applause] yeah those are just possibly desertifications we'll set this down for a second [Music] fellas what's my time like am I at 15 minutes 16 minutes and 48 seconds gotcha all right it's time to go downstairs all right let's get re-situated [Music] oh goodness gracious the door's like partially cracked open [Music] seller if you will [Music] all right that was me [Music] are you kidding I just felt a gust of wind from my right side here we go oh that's a big First Step geez the Gateway is Radio silence you know what is the Gateway is going to be silent well here I'll switch to am at some point not right now yeah all right first steps in the basement oh no is there anyone down here [Music] Spirits can you tell me is there anything down here [Music] there's something walking around man I'm feeling stuff all over me on my head and my hand who's there I have to go upstairs after this but this is Eric from epic what do you want to tell us for tonight oh goodness the freaking heat or something just turned on okay time is up time is up all right hitting stop [Music] button this up too good luck thanks [Music] you got this man you got this [Music] foreign style is kind of in between all of ours well Matt's far more scientific but I've been telling them you need to be open to more things he's been real open on this trip Goosebumps [Music] okay just you and I right now [Music] I'm really feeling you so you better do something good I feel you all over okay there's an entity here let's get you going here let's actually have a conversation and let's make something happen [Music] it's me sighing okay come on where are you hiding at huh if you're a demon you're calling yourself a demon you're not showing your strength your so-called strength you affected a family a whole family terrified of you but you can't do a single thing to terrify me you want to really scare me physically hurt me physically geez give you Commission the Paranormal drives every fiber of my being I am riveted by it when I invite an entity to physically hurt me I mean it especially if it helps paranormal phenomena to manifest I give you permission are you lift beds move beds I hear you attacking people with it I'm standing here offering it literally an offering all this talk [Music] and affecting a family so horribly and then when someone stands up to you you back off what most people would say is this is stupid of what I'm doing right now but I'm really here for evidence I'm an investigator and want evidence okay and that's why I made an offering right now I'm giving you that offering okay 16 minutes okay after our isolations we split up into two groups Eric and I did another Seance session on the second floor because of what I experienced in our first Seance meanwhile Joe and Billy were in the basement conducting EVP sessions rolling all right we're about to head upstairs Matt and me are gonna do a little Seance action me and him had some good results with it last night now it's going to be Justin and me and we're going to focus for however long it takes because we know something's up there we know they're trying to come through you ready for this yes I guess me too almost already I like this kind of thing because like like you were saying like we can feel it like I really I was really feeling it last night it was building up yeah judging from the experiences we had Eric and I weren't the most active part of the house so I decided to do something different and completely open myself up to the entity there I wanted no barriers between me and whatever is in the house hoping the house would speak to me I'm letting it affect me in any way it likes this is something I don't usually do but Jason's warning made me want to all right so we're focusing on you we're focusing our energy our passion our Drive our desires and our will to communicate we're focusing it all on you so that we can come through and talk to us [Music] we had the rim pod here if you touch that people know that you're here what do you think of Matt I know Matt was intense earlier but he was just trying to look out for you I was just trying to protect people from being affected again and stand up from what's evil all the good ones that they open in and accept you dude hello you don't have to hide back there do you walk over here yeah completely open and accept you dude except you dude what do you think of me what do you think of math um I just had his name Matt can you hear it sometimes right there yeah sounds like Matt something I mean it sounds like Matt but it does we should probably put together with them and do our last push hurray yeah we're going to refocus our energy on you and the spirits here look at those math saying that's me again I keep seeing the woods but with like a tombstone I keep seeing a shadow we're at I mean in my mind in your mind and behind me all right let me try and look behind you as well okay all right there's 100 something behind you I tried looking at it like meditation wise like Pastor wise and it was immediately this gigantic like dark grayish like energy one second I'm seeing little magnets from the rib bottom see like little red dots like little red specks flashing whoa that's enough that's it has to be [Music] [Music] foreign were those both correct I mean those noises are Billy downstairs moving object you know when I was doing the sounds part was envisioning what did you see is that what you saw is that what you said I saw a shadow behind me and getting dragged into that room back there that's for you the middle room the rocking chair Spirits did you see something similar to that Matt getting dragged into the room okay now no proof that was so clear defensive lead now so clear why should we leave please elaborate taking camera yeah [Music] my old days [Music] thank you foreign thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] are you recording what's up all right what up big dog wait here too just laying on this back here I have to watch that camera because his was sitting in there right yeah I'm sitting on the floor he was laying right flat on his back oh my God [Music] oh [Music] [ __ ] there's no [Music] [Music] foreign what happened to Matt [Music] did you do something to Matt you smell that smells like wood burning yeah yeah I definitely smoke it's for anyone got stream since we haven't smelled that since we've been here right [Music] you okay [Music] they're not in here foreign thank you [Music] [Music] zoned out like I felt the Terror from parents or one of them I think it was one of them I was really feeling and I felt like suffering from someone else not me at that time and completely zoned out I was following to certain areas of the top floor and was completely losing like completely losing my equilibrium and I almost cried at one point from feeling her emotions and that's weird because they're alive you know they're alive they're not dead or anything but I felt like I was feeling somewhat someone from a family that was here or something which makes no sense they're most dude that makes perfect if their emotions are probably still here imagine all they went through you know and we were focusing and then you got up and just walked off you felt something oh my God and that was also the vision of being dragged in there yep and then you go in there and then you get dragged into a trance you get dragged deep into those emotions I'd never had that in my whole life I have never had that ever in my whole entire life felt that way a location it took you deep into that emotion that's wild dude so you do feel it was external it was I felt like I was being guided into there and then I felt person I don't know which one it was I just felt that their emotions and I and I almost uh it was I can't explain it to be honest it's hard to explain in words what the [ __ ] you throw so from where we were it sounded like you fell I fell twice yeah and we so we got up and we're like what the hell the thing is like how I didn't block out I was just in the trance I was gonna say when you first said something it sounded like you were in it it was spaced out like in a way deep trance the moment you said something I knew like you were you'd just come from somewhere else is what it sounded like I felt like I was in a completely different time period like different situation like you guys are away from me like not even it's hard to explain in words to be honest I this is something that's never happened to me before I've been oppressed before like a couple times but but that was just feeling their emotions but this was a trance I've never been in trance like this before I never been like drawn and and losing my complete balance and falling how do you feel now I feel better like being out of the house fresh air dude well hey that's crazy now that I know you're okay fist bump because that was badass you just experienced something way deep [Music] I've had oppression before like feeling someone's emotions but I've never been in a trance like that and I felt like time Stood Still one of one of the things though I need you to understand is that you know when you push like you did earlier with the provocation and such you know it also kind of puts us in a little bit of danger too but at the same time just because nothing happens here doesn't mean it won't happen at your home I knew that yeah that could also affect us as well I'm by I specifically said the invitations for me and I got what I wanted that's what I wanted it's not all physical it's most of this is psychological and we have to be careful and it's spiritual but to be honest I kind of liked it like I want that more my goal from challenging The Entity was to invoke a reaction whatever is necessary as an investigator I want evidence but at the same time I do not like when an entity is taking advantage of someone why can't I take the blows when I ask for it instead of people like the parent family and he told her after that he would never put her through anything like that again and he believed her and I think besides from I love you I think the most the most powerful words in this or any language are I believe you oh Dad if you would and I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up on this but I thought this was a really important story to share with people I do and I want you to be deal with it because okay I got lucky and I got an interaction back which doesn't always happen judging from all the correlations I was a Target since the beginning I am glad I was I wish this would happen to me at all locations I investigate I wouldn't mind them following me home either I want paranormal phenomena to manifest as much as possible in my life this is what I signed up for [Music] when we arrived back home Joe and I spent hours reviewing our findings after reviewing the footage we still did not know what was causing the walkie-talkie interference and we wanted to try one more time to recreate the chair movement with our new knowledge of where Billy stepped when the rocking chair initiates from When We examined the DVR footage frame by frame foreign [Music] house all right so this has been one hell of a drive the weather is bad the roads are bad insane [Music] thank you foreign trying to debunk the walkie-talkie interference with Corey we discovered no interference could be duplicated Hey Joe it's not doing it anymore [Music] yeah there's nothing here okay so channel three is all I'm on right now exactly you didn't change anything with your security cameras or anything like that because that's what we're probably thinking of is do you have any Wireless stuff with your security cameras nope no you don't it's all okay I'm on channel three right now look you three page three same channel it was happening all the time in this area now it's not happening they changed out their DVR system they said they didn't change it out like get a new system we got a new system coming in like ethernet it doesn't make sense it was going crazy on channel three why can't we recreate it now it was going insane so you didn't do any new things electrically it is a haunted house like I was thinking it was going to be easy to recreate again because we were able to recreate it over and over again when we were there but now if you didn't change anything electrically that's kind of weird [Music] since Corey states he has not changed anything electrically in the house a natural explanation couldn't be found for what we experienced that night with the walkie-talkies okay so right now we are back about nine ten months later after the original footage when we captured the chair moving bill after reviewing the footage we notice he stepped exactly at this crack right here and we want to know approximately the distance that he was when he stepped from the chair as you can tell the stubs right here are very short so he obviously did not step on the stub but to accidentally make this go like that and so what we're gonna do is measure about the distance so if he stepped right around here and they'll say his foot's probably was this is my my boots foreign this estimation obviously he probably has a bigger foot or smaller phobia these are 12 so here right where exactly right there is fine so estimation well I was right about a foot a little bit over a foot 13 inches from where he's standing right here and that's when this moved now back up 13 inches away approximately probably the same for Bill and look at this doesn't even move it doesn't budge at all I'm in a little bit so that right there is some amazing evidence I'm pretty excited about this one the cool thing about this is how many angles we have when this happens we have about I think four cameras or so and plus DVR cameras and all that that's a lot of cameras running at the moment and we had a live stream going which was Eric's live stream and when it happened like I have a 4k camera multiple a couple 4K cameras literally pointing at the chair right after it happens it's extremely obvious there's no string and we're literally with lights on you would be able to see that string if there was one so I think this is classified as paranormal without a doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next morning when I was transferring SD cards and packing up our gear to get ready to leave all of a sudden I heard water running in the restroom there was no one in there and I was the only one awake at the time Joe paranormal experience okay so this was not caught on camera [Applause] somebody in here has a lot of force well I'm forced to that to move it it's not loose [Music] the Hollywood film The Conjuring over dramatizes and embellishes what actually happened but the question we wanted answered was is the infamous Harrisville Farmhouse truly that next level haunted location from the evidence we captured including our personal experiences we can conclude the house is definitely more active than most locations we have investigated it was The Conjuring that brought our truth to light and the opportunity to tell the world that yes the truth is Stranger Than Fiction I know what some might think after watching this documentary is the footage we captured truly real it's moving it's moving was it all a hoax for a film psychologist Leon festinger said it best a man with a conviction is a hard man to change tell him you disagree and he turns away show him facts or figures and he questions your sources appeal to logic and he fails to see her Point what he is talking about is a psychological theory called cognitive dissonance psychological conflict resulting from incongruous beliefs and attitudes held simultaneously in other words what we presented in this documentary is 100 real like the lighting because the light you know how like the these things on the right there [ __ ] wow dude that's why I was a ghost [ __ ] look at this that's badass dude yeah and look how fast it stopped yeah but no matter how much evidence we present towards paranormal phenomena Minnie will deny it cognitive dissonance can be a problem among Skeptics and Believers as a Paranormal Investigator I try my best to be unbiased and present our findings through the art of films is there any experiences that you've had or any of your family members um for mimicking like mimicking other people yes oh really yes oh okay let's go in depth with that that sheet that came through um well a few years ago I was doing a Spirit Box session and I was working with my paranormal partner at the time George Lopez and she came through with my voice and he said no no no no no you don't use Andrea's voice you use your own voice or we can't have this conversation and then she came through with that childlike voice that I recognized and I heard a little girl say Daddy uh I was feeling very disoriented yes and I someone being terrified of of something just complete terror is what I felt well there was um an incident that occurred when my sister Cindy was 14 uh where a black mask that she saw hovering above me in bed swept down off of me and grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her down partially down the bedroom stairs uh the bedroom that was my bedroom right directly above the Parlor wow I didn't even know this story that's really intriguing wow so that was my vision of being dragged also by a shadowy mass and right out of her mind that night terrified wow okay I might have felt her I am not making a bold claim that what we encountered here is without a doubt ghosts but objects are being moved on their own here [Music] oh my God yep [Music] and that is truly a paranormal phenomenon something we don't exactly understand yet and defies our known laws of physics science always changes one day we might have some of the answers but until then we will keep searching man every time somebody like you goes into that house with the owner's permission and has their own experiences in there and what you do serves to vindicate and validate my family's story every time you compile more and more evidence of it serves to validate our story [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: DEVIL’S HOUR Productions
Views: 194,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paranormal, Ghost, Ghosts, Demon, Matt Benton, Real, Ghost Hunters, Haunting, horror, haunted house, haunted, horror films, horror movie, horror film, the real conjuring house documentary, Real Conjuring House, Documentary, The Harrisville Haunting, Paranormal Documentary, The Conjuring, The Conjuring 3, The Conjuring The Devil Made Me Do It, The Conjuring The Devil Made me, the conjuring trailer, Harrisville Farmhouse, Sleepless Unrest, Project Fear
Id: 71rSq9VcVtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 8sec (7508 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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