INTERACTIVE 360 DEGREE - Exploring a Four Million Dollar Mansion | $4,000,000 Abandoned Mansion

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another freaked ography 360 degree abandoned adventure guys we're gonna get right to it I'm inside a very very large vacant abandoned mansion is it's been empty for a very long time it's pretty smelly not very dusty but I can't tell you but this mansion has been empty for many many many years and there are I there are some plans from what they want to do with it which I'm not quite gonna say right now but it corrupts rust me guys this is a large vacant mansion and you guys are going to love it you guys know the rules 360 video use your finger if you're on a cell phone or on the tablet navigate around while I'm exploring you don't have to look at what I'm showing you and you can look up you can look down and look all around the whole place sometimes they get a little bit dark around the back but that's okay just look at the front that's the only rules guys so no queuing the music no cue in the intro we're just going to get right to it let's go get it okay guys here we go we're gonna start our explore and we're gonna start our score and what looks like the bar this is definitely some kind of an entertaining area right now I'm standing behind the bar it is a got a nice a little sink right here and you've got another sink right here I mean you could call this the kitchen but I think this was possibly a bar but I mean that's likely where they had I mean this is one hell of a kitchen guys so that's obviously where they would have had their their stove and likely their fridge might have been inside here but guys this is massive so if this is the kitchen this is officially the biggest kitchen I've ever been in in my whole life check out this thing here guys this left behind I mean it doesn't look like it's a real antique but it's pretty nice where you put your keys and where you put your mail maybe you put some books up there pretty nice looking stuff guys so we're gonna take a quick look around guys and I'm going to show you how high the ceiling is so just take a look up here and check out this large exposed cathedral style ceiling this is unbelievable guys huge just huge beautiful wood panelling you've got a fireplace right here it's definitely a real fireplace and if you follow it up you'll see that there's a chimney that goes outside so this is definitely a legitimate real fireplace and then take a look outside guys through the window here you can see like it's not a very large piece of property there's nothing around us we are in the middle of nowhere right now guys take a pan around here there's a staircase there that takes you up to all of the bedrooms and the bathrooms so everything basically lives in terms of bedrooms right over here in this corner of the house and then everything else is this way now there is something dead in here guys I definitely smell a dead animal at least I hope it's a dead animal but I could definitely smell it so I'm gonna back up here and we're going to take a look straight ahead and there's your stairs and that's where we're going to go right now we're gonna go upstairs we're gonna see all the bedrooms now you get that out of the way super nice wouldn't work I love these management guys and I just loved it because I just can't imagine living like this in one of these places what the hell do you do with all this space you know so here we are and then you've got a nice little look down here where you can look down at the kitchen wake up in the morning and there's mom down there the kitchen cooking something up or dad making pancakes maybe so obviously we had some kids we got a pink bedroom here and I had to open this door here for a little while because it is hot here guys it's so hot in this house but here's a look around for you in this pink bedroom and like many of the other mansions I've been in the kids have their own bedroom or their own the bathroom and the kids have their own shower and today the kids get what is up guys okay moving along this kid here this kid also gets a walk-in closet not many kids get a walk-in closet right all right another bedroom here I'm gonna guess this is a little boy's bedroom you've got some you got some elephants you got a Noah's Ark theme in this bedroom here just take a look around here wait for the light to arrive there you go green wallpaper and you've got tigers and elephants and giraffes and turtles and then on top you've got a little boat and you got two of each animal walking towards the boat which you know guys that's the story of Noah's Ark this kid's got another bathroom here standard shower toilet and a great big what is up guys we got some damage going on here on the floor guys moving along this is just another random room it's very small and as you can see nothing really to look at but it has a bathroom two very small one it's a really interesting looking toilet right there and you've got a stand-up shower and everybody gets what is up guys so this could possibly be a guest room and now we move on guys to the master bedroom which is huge just huge guys like cameras crooked here Wyrick wicked guys forget fix this okay so into the master bedroom you've got a beautiful fireplace and mantle and some lights up there and we take a look here and there is a beautiful balcony to walk out on I can't tell if they had a fence out there because this is a lock out balcony but there's no fence or anything to protect you from falling off which is not a good idea but you got lots of windows guys lots of windows you got some curtains over there super nice let's head on in to the master ensuite bathroom now which gets huge guys so here you got your walk-in closet just turn the light on here yeah walk-in closet right here and then you also have another closet right here looks like I always say this is probably the man's closet right here and then here's your very fancy bathroom come on into a what is up guys and you've got your toilet and of course your the day having checks to see if the water is running in here no but there's no water guys water and power is cut off and here's your here's your shower pretty fancy shower and then we make a look around here and of course they have a Jacuzzi hot tub with two pillows one for him one for her so you guys can sit and relax two of you and you don't have to get that that headache that you get from laying in the bathtub and then you guys get a what is up guys number one what is up guys number two in a three then there's another carries room over here which is again a walk-in closet and a bathroom there's your toilet right there and there's your your sink with a quick wet is up guys but yeah there's a collossal on this side and a walk-in closet on that side so pants are falling down and given guys so that pretty much does it for this upstairs let's take a stop here for a second and just take a look and put this light on here so you can see a little bit better but there's this top of this beautiful staircase to come over here and we'll take a look down and check it out beautiful woodwork gorgeous house really no idea what they would do here I mean there is a plan of what to do with it but I guess it makes sense what they're gonna do but it's a shame that somebody doesn't live in this beautiful house anymore okay guys we're gonna move on for the rest of the house now we've just checked out the what I'm guessing is the kitchen dining room area upstairs bedrooms right here guys you've got likely where they would have sat and had their meals probably had a table there to eat breakfast every day and here you got really really nice tall windows if you look up all the way up and then we're gonna turn around check out this ceiling here guys and then we're gonna pan down and get a nice look at this room what a beautiful room guys Wow and this is just one wing guys there's a little two more so where we have here this is your main front door it's nice and big huge actually there's your light fixture and as you come in the front door and you take a look straight ahead this is your view straight ahead guys really nice I'm guessing this is marble floors and a head straight down here they would've had some beautiful artwork check out this curved ceiling guys super nice here you've got a pretty fancy bathroom put my light on here there you go you just got a sink with some with some cupboard or stores it toilet pretty nice bathroom guys here you've got this wallpaper two crown molding which I prefer the real stuff speaking of check out the crown molding here and then we head to the back door here guys to the left takes you into the bedrooms as you can see we are going to go to the right but quickly we will take and look back the way we just came from so you can see here's what this looks like from this perspective right here at the other end of the hallway okay guys continuing on down here we're going to continue to the end of this hallway here and if you look to the right-hand side you can see where you go towards the kitchen and the bedroom area and to the right-hand side you go into the other side of the house but really quick we're gonna take a look at the backyard quickly I had to open this door here as well just a lesson Aaron because it is so hot in this house guys we're gonna take a quick walk outside and I'll show you guys the backyard here beautiful beautiful piece of property guys check this out you've got another you have a three-car garage and the front of the house and then coming around the back you've got a single car garage right there so this is your backyard and then we head right back inside here guys again like I said you guys not anything really to write home about in terms of stuff in this house but it makes up come back in size and just interesting features so we're gonna take a walk back here into this room and they've got a beautiful wood-burning stove right there in the corner in this sunroom solarium whatever you want to call it there's still would actually it plugs in so it's probably not a little bit burning so never mind what was like thinking anyways back inside check out this ceiling guys again look at that beautiful right look at that would work they got lights on the left and on the right to light this room up really nice and you head straight on through love to see what this would look like when it was when it was uh lived in guys I've got a library up here or an office that's a very front of the house straight on in come on in and take a look at this there's your library no books guys no books today carpeted floor and then we come on back into this room and we go to the right likely they would have had some couches in here maybe a TV here you got a two sided fireplace nice sorry I didn't show you that first off this is a nice scene actually to start with but if you can see it there's a fireplace right there which goes into the pool which I'm going to show you guys in a minute but as you can see the sun's going down so it's letting in a real nice bit of light coming through these windows here take a walk right around guys take a look the whole room and let's go check out the pool oh here's something really weird guys there's there's a secret room okay so right here you see this drywall patch right here okay look up there's a hole right there and then check it out guys there's a door there's a freaking secret room guys that I can't get to because they took away the staircase and I got nothing I can climb one to get up in there and it's driving me nuts I want to go in there anyways here's the pool guys this is probably one of the nicer parts of the house is indoor pool no water not very deep so there's no diving board but check it out though again with this with this ceiling and this roof here same as through the rest of the house all exposed just a small pool for do it laughs since we're chilling out we'll take a walk around the whole room and we'll take a look and see super nice isn't it you go yeah there you go guys so this is your pool indoor pool and then straight ahead here we've got a sauna every mansion I've ever been in pretty much guys has a sauna and indoor pool bidets and a jacuzzi get a view from this corner here so what we're gonna do now guys is we're gonna head down to the basement there's not much to see in the basement but we're gonna go anyways and I'm also gonna show you guys the garage because some of you guys get really mad at me even though the garages are empty and I don't show them to you guys getting mad for not showing you the garage so let's just move on through take a look around enjoy the place while we're walking through there's another view down this main hallway here you're 28 and then here we are again guys in this beautiful kitchen area I can't get enough of this piece of this of this beautiful piece it's a part of the house well yeah there's something also over here that I forgot about we go through here and if we head back here this here is just a closet space that's a bathroom right there just another I wonder how many bathrooms I've been in so far what's up guys and then we've got a another solarium back here this is your laundry room obviously there's your laundry sink and where your washing and drying would be and then this here says man cave enter at your own risk but when I come in it just doesn't feel much like a man came to me what I don't know but it's really nice so guys check it out you've got a really nice window so let this light in here super nice get a look from back here want a nice light coming in here guys okay we're going to go downstairs not watch soap sir I'm gonna take up the garage first so you guys going to yell out of me here's your garage guys you got a riding lawnmower you've got a compressor and you've got a couple of snow blowers over there and you got a trailer so here it is guys your three-car garage alright you happy now I showed you the garage now we're gonna go downstairs but here now if you're watching on the 360 video guys it's going to be dark at the back but it'll be just fine in the front now the basement is pretty much the same size as at the top of the house okay guys going in through the basement here just a nice big room here and I'll show you the the bottom level garage so this is your single car garage let you drive it to it from around the back here it is right here guys alright now I wouldn't say it's a single car garage two-car garage just one big door here's your furnace room pump room water room I don't know head back here this just goes back into the garage this here is just another another room we will continue on let's in here this rooms locked guys can't get in that room I don't know what's in there rec room hey there you go wall paper windows boat it guys straight ahead we've got another furnace room this is a storage room to the right and we've got your furnace and you've got water pumps water tanks and what-have-you nothing really much so I'm just going to blow through here and another bathroom there's a what is up guys you got two sinks here double sinks and then you've got a private toilet and shower guys got a water damaged down here a little bit of black mold and here's another another room no clue what would have been in here probably a kid's flavour and the stars on the ceiling so this is probably where the little keys would played so there's mold on the door you can see it not much more alumni on the walls but there's a lot of mold on the doors okay so then we come on in here guys and here's just another room and this is likely where they had a rec room this was probably when they had a pool table and my guest here is that this would have been the booze room to store booze and a nice view of the room here and check out the nice stone wall and arch top doorway there and finally another storage room with furnace furnace and this here guys is underneath the swimming pool and we've actually got some furniture here got some chairs and then on this side we have some couches I wish that these couches were still upstairs it would have made for a really nice scene to actually have furniture put up somewhere ok guys that wraps up this part of the house we're gonna go take a look outside now so I'm just going to stop the video and I'll see you guys we get outside ok guys I don't do this often but this is a really beautiful house that we have to see for itself for ourselves outside here is your outside view of the house over there you've got your three-car garage and then straight ahead your long you're very tall windows and then off to the right there's your library so just take a look around here guys and just enjoy this it's a very very beautiful house from the outside hey guys we're gonna check out around the backyard now show you the back of the house as we walk as you can see the sun's starting to set so we're getting a nice bit of light the green is really bright coming there you go that looks really nice I just feel just property in this house is too nice and I'll show you guys the outside check out the property so much land what do you do with all this land and then here we go guys around the back and we're gonna take these little stone steps down trees over there is back of the house guys guys come on in here this will be nice come on here with my camera asking me a nice shot once again check out the backyard all the land there's your solarium right there and then there's the lower level of the garage I don't think I've ever seen the two-level garage before so what you're looking at here guys this is your back garage and then where these windows are that's the that's the main garage from the front you can see they haven't really been taking good very good care of the property from the land here everything is all overgrown here so let's just keep going back in the front door then I'm gonna lock it behind me I'm gonna wrap this video up nice dory okay guys that wraps this video up I hope you guys can see me it's getting a little bit dark thanks a lot for watching guys I'm super appreciating you guys watching my 360 videos hope you guys like it it's interactive it's fun and it gives you guys the opportunity to actually look around and see other than what I'm showing you in front of the camera so thanks a lot guys do me a favor like this video drop me a comment share the video subscribe thanks for watching guys I'll see you guys in the next adventure
Channel: Freaktographys Abandoned Exploring
Views: 10,159
Rating: 4.8203592 out of 5
Keywords: freaktography, urban exploring videos, urban exploring, Urban Exploration, abandoned videos, abandoned places, urbex, abandoned, exploring, freaktography youtube, freaktography abandoned, freaktography abandoned house, exploring with, urban exploring with freaktography, exploring with freaktography, Four Million Dollar Mansion, Million Dollar Mansion, 4000000 million dollar mansion, 4 million, INTERACTIVE 360 DEGREE, 360 videos, interactive videos, 360, 360 degree videos
Id: 9aV0ecTlmXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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