Nick Vujicic | FIRST Conference 2019

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[Applause] love you god bless you thank you love you thank you for the welcome and if there was another four minutes of other video that you wanted to play for the other campuses no joke I think they did you want to play the other video and I can just wait or we just good to go sweet to go hello gateway has to rub it Debbie or the pastoral leader team thank you so much for having me here at gateway everyone watching online at all the other six campuses Happy New Year yeah what an awesome awesome time to be thinking about a year in advance of what God wants to do in us through us for him it is my honor and privilege to be here today to to tell you that I love you and God has a plan for you and this is not a message really for someone who doesn't know Jesus yet this is gonna be more of an encouraging hoora message for those of us who do believe in God who believe that heaven is real I just want to encourage you to to really go all-in and for me to be part of this first conference of Gateway thank you for having me thank you for your support and your love and if you were a Christian and you sometimes take notes this is definitely a time where you can quote some scriptures from me on your just a reference of the scriptures that I'm gonna be quoting from up here on stage real quick though I am so privileged to announce that my amazing most beautiful wife gonna air is front C so all the campuses can see you baby have a wave of that camera right over there her name is Connie is the most incredible wife and mother and if you could at the sound just turn me down a little bit and turn the trips down a little bit I'm a little OCD sorry about that and then we also though have a little bit of a couple photos of family photos here we go this is our family so my wife and I we being married now for seven years and it was love at first sight I looked at her she looked at me I couldn't feel my legs and then Kyoshi on the left is five years old down on the right he's three and our twin baby girls we also have a close-up shot of them this is Olivia and Ali there they just turned one a couple weeks ago and they're ready nearly my height really cool so we have a second home here in Allen we actually met in McKinney so my wife was a resident in Dallas here for ten years and wonderful that you're here my love love you and real quick I know that some of you saw me speak it may be the men's conference or a youth night since seeing you a couple years ago I think it's been that I have a photo of a really cool report just to just fun this is Ukraine this is the 17th of September 2017 800,000 people were there face to face 400,000 gave their life to Jesus Christ that day and the coolest thing was that we had 26 countries watching live without commercial breaks in 20 languages 250 2.7 million people and so the fact that God can use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise is so awesome and God has opened up incredible doors for the Ministry of our ministry called life without limbs from California to just open up those doors that are normally not open and God opens up those doors and I get my little foot in there and kick him over and we were in Iran in August I go to Dublin Ireland tomorrow and I just thank you for your prayers and your love and support and in praying for our country I want to show you a very encouraging photo this is the government of Ukraine this is the Senate the house representatives everyone but the president was there if you notice closely they're actually not sitting on their seats they're on their knees this was in April 2017 when I was able to address the government about faith and God and honoring God as nations and they asked for the forgiveness of sins on national live TV and asked God to heal their land in Ukraine and awesome and awesome [Applause] now if you ever told me as a kid that God's gonna use you to be the hands and feet of him and to stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic I would say you're crazy but he can do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever ask you imagine or attain amen and in my 36 years of life 21 years walking with the Lord I feel like I've kind of finally hit a graduation like a promotion kind of thing and I feel like all the things that have brought us up until this point whether you're ever on a stage whether you ever have a title or not everything that has led up to our life up until this moment if God gives us tomorrow everything that has ever happened can propel us for the things of tomorrow good or bad but what I want to talk about is get out of the bubble there was a bubble because these ways and thoughts are higher than ours my mum and dad were refugees escaping with Yugoslavia in 1960s my dad straddled three jobs while he voluntarily planted a church and when I was born they said what is up with this where is God what kind of plan does God have and I want you to know for those of you who need a reassurance let me say that if you've ever struggled in 2018 even closely to the word of depression I really feel that one of the biggest things to instigate life again is actually putting yourself in a place where you see the purposes of God fulfilled through your life so many people say Nick I'm being praying for God to do something or give me something and I don't know what my purpose is or read the Bible since to love God with all your heart mates own strength and then to love your neighbor as yourself you see we know that the world here as we know it is not going to last forever if the statistics are pretty awesome for every person who is born dies and it's because we're citizens of heaven passing through and in the end the bottom line of bottom lines is that when we go to heaven and we see God face to face we get to see him we live there eternally there is no devil there is no pain there's no sickness and disease no powers the principalities of darkness he is done done done and I can't wait for that and I can't wait to have arms legs and I can't wait to yes sure see my wife and throw her up in the air with my new arms yeah but the first thing that I'm gonna hold is the pious hand of my Savior and I'm gonna hug him and then it says in the Bible that there are going to be treasure stored in heaven and if you don't know this for every person that you encourage is the Evangelist in me just letting you know but this is what I live for when you understand that you take nothing with you God will have very little questions you think you will have a lot of them but trust me it's way beyond what we could ever think or imagine in a split second I'm sure every question will be answered without anyone talking and when we get to heaven though there is one thing that I'm looking forward to - hugging people who said thank you for being a neighbor to me in Frisco in Allen in Dallas thank you for not being too busy be you as why being under Satan's yoke and so busy with busyness that you took time MSA took time took time to tell me about Jesus you would be surprised how many people I meet who are aged forty to sixty who have best friends who would not go to church and you don't though think well maybe you should share your testimony anyway when we're at the cashier check the cashier of your grocery store when that 17 year old girl is getting your starfish cup what are we doing we're on our phones and we don't take time to look up and say hi you want to practice that with me everyone say hi and you can say hey can I pray for you what's the worst thing that could ever happen she says no oh my gosh and so what do you do you say okay I understand but when I go to my car I'm gonna pray for you anyway so why don't you just tell me what you want me to pray for since I'm going to the throne what's the worst thing that could ever happen if you ever invite someone to your church they say no what's the worst thing if you never invite them to church think of your five best friends do they know how Jesus grabbed ahold of you have you even written your testimony down because the only treasures in heaven we will ever have is us when we live outside of our bubble to know that we ain't here trying to set up our bubble we're here on a mission trip for 90 years this is a mission strip this is war and when you know that spiritual powers are against you that's why we pray we go back to the simplicity things as the brother said 2019 going back to simple things you know I've struggled on a daily basis to pray for more than two three minutes I guess what I've done I've written out my prayer I now pray eleven minutes a day every single day I pray but something I've got aligned for wisdom I need discernment I need health I need protection when was the last time we ever prayed for our relative who doesn't know Jesus it's interesting when we go to American Church and you're hi brother how are you going god bless you how's everything fine hey I'm praying for you no you're not the power of prayer when you really believe you when you pray God sends angels now can God give me arms legs whether or not I asked for them yes he can do anything he wants he's gone but when we pray for the Lost we mean it it's easier to write a check at Christmas but take time and pray for those you cannot see understanding that we can't change hearts but God can and when we are a part of someone knowing that Jesus is Lord we get in heaven jewels in our crown so far we've seen a million souls give their life to Jesus Christ face to face and when you have a crown what do we do with our crowns we lay them at the feet of Jesus why because I do not long to live for me but Christ that lives in me I am here - yes love him but listen up the pinnacle of my relationship with Jesus Christ is not when he blesses me the pinnacle of my relationship with Jesus Christ is despite what I see despite what I feel I would trust him and I want to fulfill the will of God in my life arms the legs are not cancer or not rich or poor I know that God has a plan for me Jeremiah 29 verse 11 for I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future you don't know the planes of God yet then read on verse 12 then you will call upon me come pray to me and I will listen to you you will seek me and find me when you search me with all your ha I will be found by you declares the Lord when we click over a year from 2018 to 2019 we're thinking about me me I challenge you to write down 10 people that you know that are not saved and I ask and Commission you to pray for them every single day how much do you want to see them in heaven then the first thing is pray amen write down the five close friends of yours that you've never shared your Testament how can I say my testimony to my work colleagues oh my gosh it's easy you know what you do say hey do you want to go out and have lunch a coffee sure lunch break you know you do on the first lunch break say hey so tell me your story okay where's that hot then you listen to their story and guess what happens after they stop talking anyone guess what's your story I thought you'd never ask if God can use a man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet then God can use any willing heart do not be afraid of what to say for it's not you who speak him but God through you he's not looking for anything else than you saying Here I am whatever I am send me I am yours [Applause] money drugs sex alcohol pornography fame and fortune this happiness or that this world can ever give him will never satisfy you some of your 55 year old brothers all you want to do is pay off your house and get a couple print rental properties in in Frisco it's not gonna thin it that's not the end of your race little did I know that I would find something not just to live for but to die for that's purpose I had joy because I knew the truth and the truth has set me free I'm not just a kid without arms and legs I'm an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords I will never forget in Indonesia there was a guy who told me if I ever came back to that country he emailed us said he ever come back and we see another 60,000 people give their life to Jesus we will kill you we were in back three years later not because we're stupid or testing God but there's no safer place to be then when God has you right when I'm back there we're gonna email later another 60,000 gave their life to Jesus we got an email saying I came there to kill you but I gave my life to Jesus Christ instead yeah the main six reasons why people do not come to Jesus Christ is they don't believe that God is real because science explains things God allows pain so he's unfair how can good people not go to heaven some people think that because I've been hurt by a church and a Christian that we're all bad and that's their excuse for things about why they don't become a Christian but a Christian is actually a follower of Jesus that's what a definition is some people have problems with unanswered prayer some people feel like it's just too simple to believe some people believe that God can't ever forgive me of what I've done wrong but I want you to know if you don't know Jesus is your soul well first of all I want to give you an acronym before I give you the verse up here bubble be you be BL II ready being under biblical beliefs lacking evidence being under biblical beliefs lacking evidence the first evidence that God talks about is love because God is love amen first John chapter 4 verse 17 oh wow I need glasses to read that love has been perfected among us in this that we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out all fear you know what stuck out to me when I read this yesterday because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been sorry but he who fears has not been made perfect in love we love him because he first loved us I look disabled when you spell the word D is a be led when you walk by faith and not by sight our pinnacle of our relationship with God is not when we're blessed but when we trust in him no matter what when we still serve Him despite what we see despite what we feel and we still go I feel inadequate says Moses I'm just a boy I'm young Jeremiah don't say that you're young we feel inadequate but when we go we put a G over in front of the word disabled it spells God is able and how amazing it is that when you leave the chains of torment of need and want and a soul that is heavy and you become free all you want to do is help someone else be free and I have prayed for arms or legs and I have a pair of shoes in my closet just in case he says yes but I'll tell you there is going to be one person in heaven waiting for me that I can't wait to meet him he's still alive on earth Daniel Martinez was born in California no arms no legs just like me a little foot like me and my parents were able to encourage his parents to not give up I was able to go to his school because he was being bullied and teased so I went to his school in my wheelchair and I ran them all over in the end indeed no that's not what Jesus would do okay I did not do that but all of a sudden Daniel who has no arms and legs realizes if God had a plan for uncle Nick then God has a plan for me did you have an alcoholic father I'm sorry if you did I'm sorry if your father walked out on you I'm sorry if you were sexually abused I'm sorry if you've been verbally abused I'm sorry if you've been through the foster care system and home to home to home I am sorry for the things that you've gone through and I will never tell anybody that I understand what you've gone through but God tells us that not only is grace sufficient but that he will never waste pain that if we allow him to take our broken pieces he can make something amazing for instance if you have an alcoholic father now you know what alcohol can do in some families now if there is you who has an alcoholic father in their childhood and there is a child over here whose father today is an alcoholic and you felt like giving up and you had thoughts of suicide at age 13 but now you're 30 years old and you press through and you could see that God still is God and he has a plan and he can give you strength and a life of peace joy love you can encourage that child more than I are you with me not one preacher is more undaunted or powerful than another if if the Bible had the ability to do this if God really wanted to we could have you know how we all have angels above our head writing everything down what happens what we say what we did what other thing pop up up up up up that's your your history your history is his story and in the end my eyes are fixed on Jesus in the end until that day where I can see my Savior face-to-face and I can live forevermore until then for as God enables me I want to see others see Jesus you are commissioned to be an evangelist we are not here to get comfortable we have a bubble the foolish man built his house upon the sand the foolish then the wise man built his house upon the rock the 20-18 church builds the house on the rock and surrounded themselves with a bubble what do i what am I talking about well if I can just have this and I can just have this and God's gonna bless me yes God I praise you because I know that one day you're gonna give me a wife what if he doesn't lorelei know that one day you're gonna give me a big house what if he does it god I know that one day you're gonna give me children what if he doesn't are you all in and not just your first but everything come back to your first love Jesus died on the cross for my sins Who am I that he should send His Son Jesus to die on the cross resurrect from the dead I have a cue of everlasting life yes God gave me arms legs yes God give me children yes god bless my home yes God give me a wife but I love Shadrach Meshach and Abednego where they said to the king that said bow down to the idol because we're gonna burn you up in the fire and what did they say do it cuz if you don't God will save us and even if he does that's faith that's joy that's confidence that's pee when you don't have torment in your soul I'm not living for me anymore I'm done this is this is flesh I can't wait to go home amen but we're real-estate brokers in heaven and every time someone gives their life to Jesus you get a commission love this real quick scripture of what are we got James chapter 2 verse 14 to 20 yeah sorry my eyes oh I didn't even write it down I'll have to do this what does it profit my brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works can faith save him if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them depart in peace god bless you be warm and filled but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body what does it profit thus also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead but someone will say I don't worry about that we got that so I know I read it again and we don't need the other verses but let me tell you faith without works is dead do you know there are 425 thousand children in America waiting for a foster home do you know there one hundred eleven thousand children in America that are waiting for a home to be adopted in did you know that the highest rate of suicide is in Hawaii do you know that the greatest rate of homelessness is in Hawaii did you know that the greatest rate of veterans homelessness is in Dallas did you know that still 22 veterans commit suicide every single day did you know that one in five children in Zambia despite all the corruption the 50 billion dollars of aid going to Africa by the age of five seventeen percent of kids still die just because of not having clean water I'm not trying to put a downer but let me just say America as a US citizen I am all for prayer I am all for coming to this church in fact if you are not a member of a home Church yet get into this church today God blesses our membership if it's not this church find your home Church not as a consumer well I didn't like how that and that was and how many times are we gonna sing that song I didn't care what you think you are not here just to be fed yes get fed just get fed but you plugged in get plugged in and serve I am all for a million people praying for America and in the end my questions that I asked myself how many homeless people did I get a home - how many kalus people did I give a car - how many meals did I give a hungry child me and my wife we're not bragging but we now have 15 children sponsor 13 of them through a lady Holly who helps 15,000 orphans there is much to do it's wonderful to get an education it's wonderful to find a church but if your teenagers are depressed and you are having problems connecting with your teenagers here's the new year's resolution ready take them on a missions trip not alone not alone not alone you go with them baby you go with them taking his ambien taking the Kenya taking the Billy and don't just fill the house I'm all for building homes that's great that's wonderful yes it's easy just build on but you know I'm saying I can't wait to take my son to show him what an orphanage is cuz my dad taught me never forget the poor the widow's the orphans cuz my dad sometimes only had bread to eat and his dad was jailed multiple times for his faith it is time to get out of our bubble nothing wrong with making money wonderful make money but you ain't taking anything with you ready ready ready ready ready and whether you leave your son with a hundred G or a million G a million $100 he ain't gonna remember that on his deathbed he is gonna remember your son on his deathbed will remember and he showed me how to be a good husband to my wife how to be a good father and how to burst out of that bubble and be courageous do you know Jesus then if you do tell the world that's a command from God your left neighbor your right neighbor then neighbor across the street here's a tip for a guy with a thousand unread text messages on his phone if it ain't on the calendar ain't ain't happening planet three neighbors five neighbors one neighbor planar put it in your calendar do it have dinner with them break bread with them and tell him about what you found because when you see that God can use you you realize it's got nothing to do with us it's through him in him for him through him in him for him don't ever be afraid enough with the chains of torment they're just a little lie hallelujah a man let's give God a shout of glory you're not saved by works but faith without works is dead so let's come alive some of you need to recommit your life to Jesus Christ can we have holy and play some keys back there I play keys but I'm not warmed up yet I have to finish with this when you look at the world we say that person or me I'm helpless do you understand I'm an evangelist who tried to commit suicide at age 10 I felt help less but the truth was people were praying for me the truth was my parents stood by me the truth was God's grace were sufficient and if it wasn't for my parents who loved me if it wasn't for the people who prayed for me ready put up your hand if you came to Jesus because of a friend in your life put your hand up you can do Jesus because of a friend in your life also put your hand up if you came Jesus because of a family member in your life look at her put your hand down it's family and France community and when help is offered you're no longer help less see um limbless because I have no limbs but helpless isn't a status of a conclusion of your life God ain't done with you and God ain't done with America and man we're living in some exciting days but be a part you can sit on the rock in your nice lounge and your bubble that's great you'll still be saved oh man woe is me when I ask myself how much selfishness do I have really how much time do I pray with my wife talk about God at home God I'm ready
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 465,392
Rating: 4.8825388 out of 5
Keywords: gatewaypeople, Gateway, Gateway Church, Savior, Dallas, Southlake, Texas, Jesus, Sermon, salvation, christ, Love, Get Out of the Bubble, First Conference, Conference, 2019, nick vujicic, nick vujicic inspirational video
Id: 1Im54C4AfDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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